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Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE

Departamento de Eléctrica, Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones

U3 – Homework 2

Team: Up to 2 students (Each exercise must show the student who resolves it).


1) Given x[n]:
a) x[n]= − 2𝑛 𝑈[-𝑛-2] + 4𝑛 𝑈[𝑛-2]
1 𝑛
b) x[n]= − 4𝑛 𝑈[−𝑛 − 3] − (4) 𝑈[−𝑛 − 4]
Answer the following:
1. Plot x[n]
1. The Z-Transform and its ROC.
2. Plot its ROC.

2) Given the following sequences:

1 𝑛
a) ( ) 𝑛 < 0
1 𝑛
b) ( ) 𝑛 ≥0
1 𝑛
c) (4) 𝑛 ∊ℤ

Answer the following:

1. Plot x[n]
2. The Z-Transform and its ROC.
2. Plot its ROC.

3) Given H(z), a system transfer function, find the following:

𝑧 −3 −0.8𝑧 −2
a) 𝐻(𝑧) =
𝑧 −3 −1.1𝑧 −2 +0.06

b) 𝐻(𝑧) = 𝑧2 −1.4144𝑧+1

3.1 Find the poles, zeros, and draw the pole-zero plot.
3.2 Is the system stable, unstable, or marginally stable?
3.3 Plot the impulse response (hint: use the command impz() from matlab)
3.4 Plot the unit step response (hint: use the command stepz() from matlab


4) Given x(t) = 5 cos (w t + π/4 ) – 5 Sin (w t - π/4), where f = #lista*1000

4.1 Find the Fourier transform of x(t). Plot the magnitude.

4.2 Using LTSPICE, plot x(t) and, plot the spectrum of x(t) (Hint: use the FFT function).
4.2 Why are different the amplitude of 4.1 and 4.2?


5) Given
5.1 x[n] = 𝑎𝑛 𝑈[𝑛 − 𝑘] for |a|<1
5.2 x[n] = -𝑎𝑛 𝑈[−𝑛 − 𝑘] for |a|>1

5.1 Find the DTFT

5.2 Find the magnitude and phase plot. (Hint: you must assume the k value).

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