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Pediatr Radiol (2001) 31: 27±30

Ó Springer-Verlag 2001

Peter G. Nikkels Schneckenbecken dysplasia, radiology,

Rob H. Stigter
Irma E. Knol and histology
Hans J. van der Harten

Received: 7 June 2000

Abstract To our knowledge this is
Accepted: 3 August 2000 the first report of Schneckenbecken
dysplasia with the development of
hydrops early in the second trimes-
P. G. Nikkels ( )
Department of Pathology,
ter. The radiological findings
showed the typical hypoplastic iliac
University Medical Centre Utrecht, bones with medial extension and
P. O. Box 85500, 3508 GA Utrecht, very flattened, on lateral view, oval-
The Netherlands
e-mail: p. g.
shaped vertebral bodies and short
Tel.: + 31-30-2 50 65 67/2 50 65 65 long bones. The histology showed
Fax: + 31-30-2 54 49 90 hypercellular and hypervascular
cartilage with chondrocytes with
R. H. Stigter centrally located nucleus. The ab-
Division of Neonatology and Obstetrics, sence of the lacunar space as de-
University Medical Centre Utrecht,
Utrecht, The Netherlands
scribed before was also observed in
some chondrocytes in our case. This
I. E. Knol male fetus was the product of con-
Division of Medical Genetics, sanguineous parents of Mediterra-
University Medical Centre Utrecht, nean origin compatible with
Utrecht, The Netherlands autosomal recessive inheritance.
H. J. van der Harten
Department of Pathology,
Free University Amsterdam, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands

kenbecken dysplasia that presented with hydrops and

short-limbed skeletal dysplasia early in the second tri-
Several different types of lethal short-limbed skeletal mester.
dysplasia with platyspondylia have been recognized
with a different mode of inheritance. Schneckenbecken
dysplasia, a rare skeletal dysplasia, is one of them, with
Case report
an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance [1]. Some
of the lethal skeletal dysplasias have been reported to We describe the clinical, radiographic, and histological features of
present with hydrops, e. g. achondrogenesis I-A, the a case of Schneckenbecken dysplasia. This was the second child of
consanguineous parents of Mediterranean origin. On ultrasound
Langer-Saldino dysplasia (achondrogenesis type II, the at 20 weeks of gestation, a fetus was seen with severe hydrops, ex-
platyspondylic lethal chondrodysplasia Torrance and tremely short extremities, and a small thorax. Termination of preg-
San Diego type, and some types of the short-rib (poly- nancy was performed at 22 2/7 weeks. The first child had a
dactyly) syndromes [2]. We describe a case of Schnec- congenital fiber-type disproportion, an autosomal recessive disor-

Fig. 1 Frontal and lateral view

of the fetus. The severe hydrops
and extreme shortness of the
extremities are obvious

Fig. 2 Anteroposterior (A) and

lateral radiograph (B). Note
the medial extension on the
right side of the ileum (C)
(snail-like pelvis, Schnecken-
becken), oval shape of the ver-
tebral bodies on lateral X-ray
and the dumbbell-like appear-
ance of the short long bones

der of skeletal muscle. At autopsy, a male fetus was seen with hy- with a dumbbell-like appearance without apparent metaphyseal
drops (Fig. 1), general shortness of the extremities, a central medial abnormalities and a short diaphysis. The vertebral bodies were
palatoschisis of the hard and soft palate and lung hypoplasia. The flattened, hypoplastic, and on the lateral projection somewhat
abdomen was very prominent. Body weight was 360 g, crown- oval. There was marked lordosis in the lumbosacral region. The
rump length was 16 cm, and the crown-heel length was 18 cm. The ribs were short. The scapulae were not abnormal. The medial part
post-mortem radiographs (Fig. 2) showed some enlargement of of the iliac wing on the left side showed a peculiar projection
the biparietal diameter. The long bones were extremely shortened (snail-like pelvis/Schneckenbecken dysplasia; Fig. 2C). There was

Fig. 3 Histology of the epiphy-

sis (A) and resting cartilage of
the femur (B). Trichrome
stain, ” 30 (A) and ” 420 (B).
The cartilage shows an in-
creased amount of vessels and
is hypercellular. The growth
plate is regular. The chondro-
cytes were large with a centrally
located nucleus

no precocious ossification. Histology of the growth plate of femur The radiographic findings are typical for the Schnec-
and humerus, spine, and trachea examined following routine paraf- kenbecken dysplasia, especially the small ilia with medi-
fin embedding showed striking hypercellular cartilage with an ex-
al snail-like projection. In our case it could only be seen
cess of vascular channels with fibrosis in the cartilage of the long
bones and spine, but not in the cartilage from the trachea (Fig. 3). on the right side of the fetus. This could be due to the
The chondro±osseous transformation zone in long bones appeared way the radiograph was made, not exactly anteroposte-
regular. The chondrocytes were large with centrally located nucle- rior. However, in other reports a similar observation
us and with electron microscopy some chondrocytes had a normal was made, and it could be a feature of this skeletal dys-
lacunar space; in some, this lacunar space was absent. plasia [4]. The other radiographic findings, e. g., platy-
spondylia with oval vertebral bodies on lateral view,
severe lordosis in the lumbosacral region, general short-
ness of long bones with dumbbell-like appearance are
typical for Schneckenbecken dysplasia. The chondro-
Schneckenbecken dysplasia is a very rare, lethal osteo- osseous morphology in this case is compatible with this
chondrodysplasia. The case presented in this report diagnosis. The chondrocytes were large with a round
showed severe hydrops and short-limbed skeletal dys- central nucleus. Hypercellularity and hypervascularity
plasia on ultrasound at 20 weeks of gestation. Develop- of the resting cartilage are known as well [3, 4]. Absence
ment of hydrops early in the second trimester has not of the lacunar space, as mentioned by Borochowitz et al.
been reported in these patients before, although third [4], was also observed in some of the cells in our case. It
trimester polyhydramnios is seen [3, 4]. Some soft tissue was not observed in all cells, and could be due to subop-
edema without mention of hydrops has been observed timal fixation of the post mortem material. It is unlikely
[3, 4]. Other more frequent lethal osteochondrodyspla- that it is an age-related feature since it was observed in
sias are well known to present with hydrops, e. g. achon- an 18-week-old fetus as well [4]. It could be speculated
drogenesis I-A, the Langer-Saldino dysplasia that this histological feature is caused by an abnormal
(achondrogenesis type II), the platyspondylic lethal formation of the chondroid matrix, as was observed in
chondrodysplasia Torrance and San Diego type and another group of skeletal dysplasias with a mutation in
some types of the short-rib (polydactyly) syndromes [2, a sulphate transporter protein, the diastrophic dysplasia
5]. Schneckenbecken dysplasia should be mentioned in group of skeletal dysplasias [1].
the differential diagnosis for severe short-limbed skele-
tal dysplasia and hydrops when detected early in preg-

1. International Working Group on Con- 2. Spranger J, Maroteaux P (1990) The le- 4. Borochowitz Z, Jones KJ, Silbey R,
stitutional Disease of Bone (1998) In- thal osteochondrodysplasias. In: Harris et al (1986) A distinct lethal neonatal
ternational nomenclature and H, Hirschhorn K (eds) Advances in hu- chondrodysplasia with snail-like pelvis:
classification of the osteochondrodys- man genetics, vol 19. Plenum Press, Schneckenbecken dysplasia. Am J Med
plasias (1997). Am J Med Genet 79: New York London, pp 1±103 Genet 25: 47±59
376±382 3. Giedion A, Biedermann K, Briner J, 5. Kaibara N, Yokoyama K, Nakano H
et al (1991) Case report 693, diagnosis (1983) Torrance type of lethal neonatal
Schneckenbecken dysplasia. Skeletal short-limbed platyspondylic dwarfism.
Radiol 20: 534±538 Skeletal Radiol 10: 17±19

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