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Professional Development Plan

This plan is designed to help you identify those areas of teaching where you want to develop further and come up with practical and effective strategies in
order to achieve this.

Dimension Dimension 1 (Planning & Preparing for Thinking and Learning)

Goal Improve student achievement through assessments.
Foster a positive and inclusive classroom culture.
Enhance students’ mathematical thinking and understanding.

Rationale Student assessments are a critical tool for us as we can uncover in which areas their students need additional support. This information can then be
used to inform what areas of study need to be focused on so students can move the needle on their education.

Fostering a positive and inclusive classroom culture is crucial to creating an environment where all students feel valued and supported. This goal
requires us to actively work towards developing a welcoming atmosphere that celebrates the diversity of their students and promotes inclusivity.

To increase understanding of secondary school students’ mathematical thinking and understanding, we will focus on improving their ability to
specify subject matter involved in a specific mathematics topic and make distinctions among them. We will also improve their understanding of
various teaching strategies and their strengths and weaknesses.

Proposed Worksheets, visual aid(videos), Group discussions, quizzes

Date Action Taken & Evidence Reflection

Reflection at the end of the year:

Dimension Dimension 4 (Assessment and Application of Learning)

Goal Implement effective mathematics teaching practices
Rationale Effective teaching of mathematics establishes clear goals for the mathematics that students are learning, situates goals within learning progressions,
and uses the goals to guide instructional decisions. Implement tasks that promote reasoning and problem solving. Effective teaching of mathematics
engages students in solving and discussing tasks that promote mathematical reasoning and problem solving.
Proposed Pose purposeful questions
actions Use and connect mathematical representations.
Encourage student participation.
Provide feedback
Provide opportunities for practise
Date Action Taken & Evidence Reflection

Reflection at the end of the year:

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