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English communication Knows your limits, but never stop trying to exceed them.

1. What time do you usually get up in the morning?

It takes me a lot of time to get to school so I have to get up
early in the morning mostly ( hầu hết, hầu như) at 6:30 am, do
some exercise, take a shower, and revise ( ôn tập) the study
for that day.
2. What’ your favorite time of day?
I usually spend sometime with my classmates ( bạn cùng lớp)
after the class and return home after 5 pm. I am sure that it
will be good when we can congregate ( tụ tập) and visit the
crowded ( đông đúc) places such as cinemas, shopping centers
or even beautiful landscapes.( phong cảnh)
3. Do you enjoy watching films?
I’m fascinated ( yêu thích, mê) by films, especially Korean
4. How often do you watch films?
I watch films online every day. I also go to a local ( địa
phương) movie theater every month
5. Would you like to be in a film?
No, I’m an introvert ( hướng nội) who doesn’t wish to
perform for a large group of audience ( khán giả). I don’t have
an aptitude (năng khiếu) for acting ( diễn xuất), either.
6. Where is your hometown?
- My hometown is Hue city, which is a beautiful city of
Vietnam. It’s located ( tọa lạc) in the center of the country.
( miền trung của đất nước)
7. Do you think your city is a good place for children to grow
English with Ms.Hương-0702627840
Fb: Hương Thu Nguyễn Thị- Duy Tân Huế
English communication Knows your limits, but never stop trying to exceed them.

Yes, as long as ( miễn là) children are attended closely ( gần

gũi) by their parents so that they can avoid ( tránh) being
victims ( nạn nhân) of social evil.( tệ nạn xhoi)
8. Do you like reading?
Well, besides listening to music, I think reading is also
popular ( phổ biến) with everybody. To be quite honest ( thật
lòng mà nói), I would say that I always glue eyes into ( dán
mắt) a book (I always keen on reading books)
9. How often do you reading?
Usually before sleep or on holidays, I would spend most time
reading. However, there are many books so appealing ( hấp
dẫn) that I have to sneaky ( lén lút) reading to save my time.
10. What do you like to read?
In particular ( đặc biệt) I would probably ( có lẽ) have to
say that I’m really into comics. ( truyện tranh) .In addition
( thêm vào đó) to this I suppose ( cho rằng) I’m also pretty
keen on daily (hằng ngày) newspaper, especially express news
( tin tức hằng ngày) or economic ( kinh tế) analysis.( phân

11. Do you read for pleasure (niềm vui) or to get information?

I read comics to have fun after exhausted work.
Meanwhile( đồng thời), I find newspaper as a way to keep up
with ( bắt kịp) the latest news. Therefore (do đó), I think I
read for both pleasure and getting information.
12. How often do you visit your hometown?

English with Ms.Hương-0702627840

Fb: Hương Thu Nguyễn Thị- Duy Tân Huế
English communication Knows your limits, but never stop trying to exceed them.

Uhmmm... I only get to visit about once a year now to see my

family because I’m really (thực sự) busy with work and it’s
quite (kha khá) far away, but I hope to visit more in the future.
13. Do you care about fashion?
I used to in my younger days, I always looking to see what
my favorite musicians (nhạc sĩ) were wearing and then try to
copy them, but now that I’m older I don’t really care as long
as I look smart.
14. What kind (thể loại) of clothes do you usually wear?
It depends (phụ thuộc) what I’m doing really. If I go to
school, I would choose a dress shirt and trousers (quần tây). If
I’m going out it will be more casual (thông thường) like a
shirt and jeans.
15. Have you ever bought any clothes online?
No, because I don’t trust (tin tưởng) their clothes to always fit
( vừa) me. I think it’ll be better to go into a proper (thích hợp)
shop and try (thử, cố gắng) the clothes on there and make sure
they are proper fit.
16. How important is the Internet to you?
Extremely ( cực kì, vô cùng) important. I depend on it for
work, research, study and entertainment, so without it I’d be
complete (hoàn toàn) lost (mất mát).
17. How often do you use the Internet?
I use it constantly (liên tục) throughout the day, every day. I
check my messenger when I get up in the morning, I use it for
work all day and then I watch videos, read books or listen to
music through it all night.
English with Ms.Hương-0702627840
Fb: Hương Thu Nguyễn Thị- Duy Tân Huế
English communication Knows your limits, but never stop trying to exceed them.

18. How is the weather today?

It’s really lovely today. There were a few showers (vòi sen,
mưa rào) this morning and it was a bit chilly ( lạnh lẽo), but it
has brightened up ( sáng hơn) this afternoon and I think it will
stay that way for the rest of the day.
19. Do you like watching TV?
Not really

20. How often do you watch TV?

I’d say maybe only a few times a month when there is a good
football match on. I prefer (thích hơn) watching football on
TV with other people around because it’s great atmosphere
(bầu khis quyển), but if it’s a normal (thông thường) TV show
I will just watch it alone at home on my tablet.
21. Do you play any sports?
I’m really busy with my job these days, so I don’t get the
chance to do as many sports as I would like. I try to play
basketball on Saturdays for a couple ( 2h) or hours and I
occasionally play golf.
22. Do you watch sports on TV?
Football is my favorite sport to watch on TV.
23. Is it important for children to play sports?
Definitely. Sport not only keeps them healthy, but it also
teaches them discipline and keeps them out of trouble.
24. What’s your name? How do you spell ( đánh vần) that?
My name is Khanh, K-H-A-N-H
English with Ms.Hương-0702627840
Fb: Hương Thu Nguyễn Thị- Duy Tân Huế
English communication Knows your limits, but never stop trying to exceed them.

25. What time do you go to bed at evening?

-I typically go to bed around 11:00 pm, and then I read in
bed for 15-20 minutes prior ( trước khi) to falling asleep.
OR -I aim for 11:00 pm, but it usually ends up being
midnight ( giữa đêm) because I get sidetracked doing music-
related things.
26. Where is your hometown?
- My hometown is in Hues city, which is a beautiful city of
Vietnam. It’s located in the center of the country.
27. What kind of food do you like?
-I like to eat homemade foods that include rice, fish, bread,
vegetables, curry, sweetmeats ( mứt), noodles, salads,
Sandwiches and cheeses. Among restaurant and street foods I
mostly like pizza, hamburger, fried fish ( cá chiên) and sushi.
28. When’s your birthday?
It’s on the 5th of October.
29. What’s your favorite color?
- Blue, the color of the ocean, which is often associated with
my feelings of serenity ( thanh bình), so I often able to find
peace and tranquility in places where others do not.
30. How many brothers and sisters have you got? (How many
siblings have you got?)
- I have two brothers and a sister, three siblings in all
31. Tell me something about your house/flat? ( căn hộ)
- . I live in a house, which has got a living room, 2 bed rooms
with attached washroom and a kitchen.
32. Tell me something about your hobbies.
English with Ms.Hương-0702627840
Fb: Hương Thu Nguyễn Thị- Duy Tân Huế
English communication Knows your limits, but never stop trying to exceed them.

- My hobby is travelling. I love travelling with my friends.

Travelling gives me pleasure. Travelling is also a sort of
education. By travelling I saw new things, beautiful objects
and meet new people. It fills our mind with joy. There are
various modes of travelling. Some people want to travel by
train, ships, but I love travelling by motorbikes because I can
capture ( bắt giữ, chiếm được) good moments on road.
Whenever I am free TIME I make plan with my friends and
try to travel as many places as I can. I am saving money
everyday for travelling.
OR: - I have many hobbies, but I like reading most. Books are
always a good friend to me. It is a good way to improve my
vocabularies by exposing ( tiếp xúc) many new words. By
reading, I get better at concentration ( tập trung) because it
requires ( yêu cầu) me to focus on what I am reading for long
periods. It also opens up the knowledge door for me. Reading
books tell me about the world's history, let me see the
structure of the brain, or bring me a story of Shakespeare. I
think reading is one of the most interesting indoors activity.

33. What did you do last weekend?

- Well, I went out to the cinema with my best friends and we
ate hamburger and soda. I walked( đi dạo) with my friends for
a long time, I’m so happy about that moment (khoảnh khắc)
34. What are you going to do next weekend?

English with Ms.Hương-0702627840

Fb: Hương Thu Nguyễn Thị- Duy Tân Huế
English communication Knows your limits, but never stop trying to exceed them.

- I have nothing special (đặc biệt) planned for next Saturday.

On Sunday my family will get together (cùng nhau)to
celebrate (tổ chức) my sister’s birthday.
35. Do you enjoy learning English?
-I learn English because English is everything nowadays
(ngày nay). I need it at my university because the lectures are
teaching us in English as well as (cũng như) I can get a good
job with good salary (lương bổng). Furthermore, ( hơn thế
nữa) if I speak English, you won't need to rely on (phụ thuộc
vào) translations (dịch) and subtitles (phụ đề) anymore to
enjoy (tận thưởng) my favorite books, songs, films and TV
36. How long have you been learning English?
I have been learning it since I finished (kết thúc) the
kindergarten ( mẫu giáo), I mean when I was 5. I have been
studying British (ANH) English, though I prefer (thích hơn)
the American accent (giọng).
37. Do you think it’s important to be on time?
Yeah, I think it definitely (chắc chắn) is, because it’s basic (cơ
bản) manners (nhân cách, thể cách) to be on time (đúng giờ)
for things. You know, I think you’d agree (đồng ý) it’s pretty (
kha khá) rude (thô lỗ) to keep people waiting (chờ đợi), and
so it kind of leaves a bad impression (ấn tượng xấu) on
38. How do you feel when others are late?

English with Ms.Hương-0702627840

Fb: Hương Thu Nguyễn Thị- Duy Tân Huế
English communication Knows your limits, but never stop trying to exceed them.

I suppose (cho rằng, giả sử rằng) I might feel a bit annoyed

(bực mình). If there’s a good reason (lý do)for being late, then
I will not really mind (phiền, bận tâm) that much.
39. Do you wear a watch (đồng hồ)?
YES, I do. You can see it right here.
NO, I don’t. Because I do not think it is necessary (cần thiết)
to wear a watch anymore. You know, if I wanna know the
time, I’ll just look on my mobile.
40. What public (cộng đồng) holiday (kì nghỉ) do you have in
your country?
We celebrate (tổ chức) lots of public festivals in my country. I
am sure you know about the Spring Festival which is the most
important (quan trọng) one. In addition, we get together with
our family for the Mid- Autumn Day ( trung thu) and the
National Day (2/9)
41. What’s your favorite vegetable and fruit?
My top three are broccoli (bông cải xanh), celery (cần tây)
and grape (nho) because all of them are both nutritious (giàu
chất dinh dưỡng) and delicious (ngon). Also, I want to give
mushrooms (nấm) an honorable (đặc ân) mention as they are
one of my favorite things to cook with, although they are a
fungus (nấm).
42. Do/did you wear the same clothes at school and at home?
Oh, yes. The formal (trang trọng)clothes really make me
nervous (căng thẳng, khó chịu) so after I go home late, I’ll
take them off and change my sweatshirts.
43. How many hours do you sleep every day?
English with Ms.Hương-0702627840
Fb: Hương Thu Nguyễn Thị- Duy Tân Huế
English communication Knows your limits, but never stop trying to exceed them.

Usually I sleep for seven to eight hours every day in order to

let my body relax (thư giản). But if I want to do something
very important at night, I could only sleep for less than four
44. Is it necessary to take a nap every day?
Yes, I believe that after having lunch at noon, it’s beneficial
(lợi) for body to take a nap, half of hour would be enough, to
embrace (ôm lấy) for the tasks (nhiệm vụ) in the afternoon.
45. How often do you send text messages?
I almost (hầu như) send text messages on a daily basis. I
always (luôn luôn) text my friends and family to greet (chào
hỏi), chat and make a travelling plan.
46. How often do you like to hang out with friends?
I hang out with my friends to somewhere (1 vài nơi) from
time to time (thỉnh thoảng). Normally (thông thường) if we
have lots of time in the weekends, we will go to the cinema to
watch movies to have a good time
47. Do you like travelling?
You bet! I am a big fan of travelling around. I spend months
all together each year to go somewhere. I feel that it’s not
only an indispensable (thiết yếu) part of my life, but also can
cultivate (khai quật) my mental (tinh thần) development (sự
phát triển).
48. In which seasons (mùa)do you prefer to travel?
I guess the autumn (thu) is the best time to travel. As it is
neither too hot nor too cold, people will feel comfortable
(thoải mái) to go out
English with Ms.Hương-0702627840
Fb: Hương Thu Nguyễn Thị- Duy Tân Huế
English communication Knows your limits, but never stop trying to exceed them.

49. Can you swim?

Yes, I can. I learnt at school when I was about 7 years old.
Swimming lessons (bài học) were compulsory (bắt buộc) at
out school, like most schools I think.
50. Do you think everyone should learn to swim?
Of course, I think it’s very important. You spend much of
your life on holiday (kì nghỉ) by water, for example, when
you go to beach on holiday, so you won’t be able to enjoy
yourself with your friends if you can’t swim.
51. Do you like to take photography?
YES, I am a big fan of photography in my spare time. I
always travel around to the stunning natural scenery (thắng
cảnh tự nhiên) with my camera. I have been in the habit (thói
quen) of it for almost 8 years.
The main factor is that I can capture the precious moment in
my life, such as the graduation ceremony (tốt nghiệp), or the
sweet moment (khoảnh khắc ngọt ngào) with my boyfriend,
and also I believe (tin tưởng) the photography will cultivate
my mental development.
52. Do you often like to listen to music?
YES. I am a big fan of music all these years. I sometimes
listen to music before sleeping at night for an hour and when I
am driving, which will both help me relax (thư giản).

English with Ms.Hương-0702627840

Fb: Hương Thu Nguyễn Thị- Duy Tân Huế

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