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C. U.

Shah University
Regular Exam Form Winter 2021

Enrollment No. 21TE203012


Mobile No. 9313329004

Institute : 0 5 C. U. Shah Tech. Institute of Diploma Studies

Branch Computer Engineering Semester/Year:

Subject Code Subject Name Subject Code Subject Name
2TE01BEE2 Basic Electrical Engineering 2TE01BEN2 Basic English
(C) (C)
2TE01BMT3 Basic Mathematics 2TE01ESE1 Environment Science and Energy
(C) (C)
2TE01EWSi Electronics Workshop 2TE01FSM1 Fundamentals of Structure and
Mechanical Engineering
2TE011C12 Introduction to Computer Technology
Note: Compulsory Subject- (C) Elective Subject- Total Exam Fee: 1,000.00
Date 0+lot2022 Signature of Student

Certificate to be signed by the Principal of the college

This is to certiy that TRIVEDI NISARG ARCHIT 21TE203012is not under Unfair Mean case and. the details entered
in this form have been verified and found correct as per student record, He She has paid Rs. 1,000.00 as University
Exam fees.

Note A Student having total num bers of back-logs in more than four subjects shall not be promoled to final year excluding the results of immediate
previous semestePr.

Date 01loLl»22 College seal

Sign & Seal of Principal

For Office Use Only (Institute Copy)

The student TRIVEDI NISARG ARCHIT 21TE203012 has paid sum of Rs. 1,000.00 as Exam fees tor Diploma
Sem./Year- 1 Exam to be held in Winter 2021.
Note: A Student having total numbers of back-logs in more than four subjects shall not be promoted to final vear eeluding the results of immedate

previous semesler.

Date: College seal Sign & Seal of Principal

(Student Copy)
The student TRIVEDI NISARG ARCHIT 21TE203012 has paid sum of Rs. 1,00.00as Exam tees and late tees
for Diploma Sem./Year- 1 Exam to be helcd in Winter 2021.
Nole: A Student ha ing total numbers of back-logs in more than tour subjects shall not be promoted to tinal year eeluding the results of mmediate
previouS semesler,

Date 04lolls22 College seal Sign & Seal of Principal

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