Special Care in Dentistrys Editorial Board 1987

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Special Care in Dentistry's Editorial Board

Sidney Epstein, DDS o f t h e International Association for Dental Re-

search, t h e American Dental Association a n d
affiliates, Sigma X I (Stanford), Alpha Omega
Fraternity, American Society o f Gerontology, and
is on t h e Board of Directors, F r o m m Institute.
D r . Epstein i s a past president, San Francisco
Dental Society; past director, California State
Dental Association; past president, American
Society f o r Geriatric Dentistry; and past ptesi-
dent, Western Association of Hospital D e n -
tists. H e i s on t h e Board o f Directors o f t h e
H o m e w o o d Terrace, Childcare agency, and t h e
Jewish Family Services and Childcare Agency.
H e was also a consultant to t h e 1981 W h i t e
Dr. Esptein is a graduate o f the College of Phy- House Conference on Aging.
sicians 8( Surgeons School o f Dentistry (1937).
H e i s presently associate professor o f clinical
pharmacology at t h e College of Physicians Ct
Surgeons and University o f t h e Pacific; clinical Henry L. Kanar, DDS, MS
professor, Stanford University School of M e d -
icine; chief, department o f dentistry, Mount
Zion Hospital and Medical Center (1955 to 1971),
senior dentist (1971 to present); director o f t h e
dental department at t h e Jewish H o m e f o r t h e
Aged; coordinator o f the geriatric program a n d
curricula at the University of California at Sari
Francisco School o f Dentistry; and clinical pro-
tessor, department of public and health and
hygiene at UCSF School o f Dentistry.
D r . Epstein has been on t h e editorial boards
of the Journal of Dental Anesthesiology, Dental
Abstracts, and the American Association of
HosFital Dental Chiefs. H e i s a book reviewer
and editorial reviewer f o r the Journal of the
American Dental Association. H e was editor for D r . Kanar is associate professor of dentistry,
the geriatric section of Special Care in Dentistry department o f pediatric dentistry, University o f
since its inception. D r . Epstein has written ap- Michigan. H e has clinical appointments with
proximately 70 scientific papers. H e i s a con- t h e department o f hospital dentistry and M o t t s
sultant to Stedman's Medical Dictionary and is Children's Hospital. H e i s also a m e m b e r o f t h e
co-editor of Clinical Geriatric Dentistry. H e is a Cleft Palate Team, consultant to the General
past-president of the American Association of Practice Residency Program, m e m b e r of t h e
Dental Editors. Dental School Admissions Committee, the
D r . Epsrein is a fellow of t h e American As- Emergency a n d Resuscitation Committee, a n d
s o c i a t i o n f o r t h e A d v a n c e m e n t o f Science, chairman o f t h e Special Patient Committee.
American College o f Dentists, and the Inter- D r . Kanar's p r e v i o u s experience i n c l u d e s
national College of Dentists. H e i s a m e m b e r b e i n g on t h e dental staff of Wayne C o u n t y

3 Special Care in Dentistry, lanudry-February 1987

General Hospital; director of the dental de- conducted research and published in the areas
partment of the Plymouth State Home; and of life events and coping behavior, attiiudes,
program director for dentistry at the Institute and Alzheimer’s disease. She has obtained
for the Study of Mental Retardation and Re- grants from the National Institute of Dental Re-
lated Disabilities at the University of Michigan. search, the National institute on Aging, and the
Dr. Kanar received his undergraduate edu- American Fund for Dental Health. She has
cation from the University of Detroit and grad- served on study sections for the National In-
uated from the University of Detroit Dental stitutes of Health and NIDR, as well as review-
School i n 1957. He received a master’s of sci- ing grants for the AFDH and National Institute
ence in pedodontics from the University of of Mental Health.
Michigan in 1971. His master’s thesis won the Dr. Kiyak is currently on the Programs Ad-
Student Thesis Award of the Academy of Pe- visory Committee for NIDR. In addition, she
diatric Dentistry that year. Dr. Kanar i s a mem- serves as a reviewer for the Journal of Ceron-
ber of Omicron Kappa Upsilon and a fellow tology, Journal of Cerodontology, American
and past board member and president of the Journal of Orthodontics, and the Journal of the
Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped. American Dental Association. Her professional
memberships include the American Society for
H. Asuman Kiyak, PhD Geriatric Dentistry, American Psychological As-
sociation, the Gerontological Sotiety of Amer-
ica, I n t e r n a t i o n a l Association f o r Dental
Research, and the Environmental Design Re-
search Association.

Roseann Mulligan, DDS

Dr. Kiyak received a master’s degree and doc-

tor of philosophy degree in social psychology
from Wayne State University in 1978. Her dis-
sertation focused on person-environment in-
teractions in older adults who move to nursing
homes. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psy-
chology and classics from the University of Dr. Mulligan is currently assistant professor in
Michigan . the School of Dentistry, and chairman of the
In 1977, Dr. Kiyak joined the faculty of the section of geriatric and special patient dentistry
University of Washington, where she i s cur- at the University of Southern California. She
rently associate professor in the department of holds a faculty position with the Pacific Geria-
oral and maxillofacial surgery in the School of tric Center in the University of Southern Cali-
Dentistry, and adjunct associate professor i n fornia School of Medicine and i s a Fellow of
the departments of Psychology and Architec- the U C W U S C Long-term Care Gerontology
ture. She directs the Program i n Geriatric Den- Center.
tistry and serves on the policy boards of the Dr. Mulligan received her dental degree from
Institute on Aging and the Geriatric Education UCLA and her General Practice Residency cer-
Center at the University of Washington. tificate from Rancho Los Amigos Rehabilitation
Dr. Kiyak’s research interests range from Hospital. Before going to USC, Dr. Mulligan
dental behaviors and health service utilization was the General Practice Residency Program
by older persons, to the psychological impact Director at Rancho Los Amigos Rehabilitation
of major dental procedures such as osseoin- Hospital and on the dental faculties of UCLA,
tegrated implants and orthognathic surgery. Cerritos College, and West LA College. She ex-
Within the field of gerontology, Dr. Kiyak has pects to receive her master’s degree in ger-

Special Care in Dentistry, january-february 1987 5

ontology from USC in May. Physicians of Philadelphia, is chairman of the
Dr. Mulligan i s on the executive board of the Board of juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Phila-
Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped as delphia chapter, and i s in private practice, per-
well as being secretary of that organization and iodontics, in Philadelphia.
the editor of its newsletter. She has been a Dr. Rose i s a nationally and internationally
member of the editorial review board of Spe- invited lecturer i n the areas of periodontics,
cial Care in Dentistry since its inception. Other medicine, and dentistry and has published nu-
journalistic experience includes being editor of merous articles and textbooks on these sub-
the American Association of Women Dentists’ jects, including the internationally acclaimed
Chronicle, for which she received two jour- textbook, Internal Medicine for Dentistry.
nalism awards from the International College
of Dentistry.
Stephen T. Sonis, DMD, DMSc
Dr. Mulligan holds memberships i n a num-
ber of other professional organizations inside
and outside of dentistry, including the Ameri-
can Dental Association, the International As-
sociation of Dental Researchers, the American
Society of Geriatric Dentistry, and the Ceron-
tologic Society of America.
She is principal investigator of an NIH grant
examining “Diabetes Risk Assessment in the El-
derly Dental Patient” and has published sci-
entific papers in the fields of special patients
and geriatrics.

Louis F. Rose, DDS, MD Dr. Sonis i s currently the chief of the dental
service at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in
Boston. Dr. Sonis received his DMD from Tufts
University, a DMSc at Harvard University, and
did his postdoctoral training in tumor immu-
nology, from 1976 to 1977 at Oxford University
i n England.
I n addition to his position at Brigham and
Women’s Hospital, Dr. Sonis i s associate pro-
fessor of oral medicine and oral pathology at
the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. He also
holds hospital appointments at the Dana Far-
ber Cancer Institute, Children’s Hospital Med-
ical Center, New England Deaconess Hospital,
and i s a consultant i n dental surgery at Beth
Israel Hospital. Dr. Sonis is a member of nu-
Dr. Rose received his dental degree from Tem- merous dental and research associations, in-
ple University School of Dentistry and his grad- cluding the American Association of Hospital
uate training in periodontics at the University Dentists. His research interests include oral
of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. He medicine, immunology, and hospital-based
received his medical degree from the Medical dental practice. He has written extensively i n
College of Pennsylvania. these areas. He has authored and edited four
Dr. Rose i s professor of medicine and sur- major texts on the fields of oral medicine, hos-
gery, and chief of dental medicine at the Med- pital dental practice, and oral oncology.
ical College of Pennsylvania and professor of
periodontics at the University of Pennsylvania
School of Dental Medicine. He i s also a Diplo-
mate of the American Academy of Periodon-
tology, a Fellow of the American Association of
Hospital Dentists, a member of the College of

6 Special Care in Dentistry, lanuary-February 1987

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