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Morden Way To Find Home

Aman Gupta
BCA 5 Semester
Exam No: 46


I am very thankful to the almighty for giving me the courage

and perseverance in completing the project. This project itself is an
acknowledgement for all those who have giving us their heart-felt
co-operation in making it a grand success.
I am thankful to my Principal Dr. Chintan Chavda for providing
the necessary infrastructure, lab and providing valuable guidance
at every stage of this project work.
It is a pleasure to express my deep and sincere gratitude to
the Project-Guide Miss. Ruchi Patel and are profoundly grateful
towards the unmatched help rendered by her. My special thanks to
her for valuable advice at every stage of this work.
I would like to thanks to all faculties who have favored me
from the learning and processing the knowledge during project
work. Last but not the least I would like to express my deep sense
and earnest and thanks giving to my friends and family members
who have directly or indirectly helped me to complete this work

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No. Topic Name Page No.

1. Project Introduction 4
2. Project Profile 5
3. Scope Of Work 6
4. An Existing System 7
5. Requirement Analysis 8
6. Need of Proposed System 9
7. Feasibility Study 10
8. System Features 11
9. Hardware and Software Requirement 12
10. Introduction to Frontend 13
11. Introduction to Backend 16
12. Data Flow Diagram 19
13. Data Dictionary 29
14. Screen Layout 32
15. Testing Procedures & Implementation 45
16. Limitations 47
17. Feature Enhancement 48
18. Conclusion 49
19. Bibliography
Index 50

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 In this project, a website will be developed that helps people to

find home on rent and if someone want to sell their property
then this platform helps them to find buyer for that property.
 This website name is “RentFinder“.
 First, the user must be registered before having any services.
 This rentfinder was designed to manage the property
dealing information.
 The purpose of this system is to transact and deals with
the buyer and seller directly, through that they don’t
need to pay any brokerage to the middle man and have a
better deal.

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Project Profile

1. Project Title RentFinder

2. Front-End ASP.Net

3. Back-End MySQL

4. Software Requirement Visual Studio 17.5.4, XAMPP 8.1.6-0

5. Operating System Windows 11

6. Documentation Tool Microsoft Word 2019

7. Project Guide Miss. Ruchi Patel

8. Submitted By Aman Rajendra Gupta

9. Submitted To Sardar Patel University

10. College Name St. Stephen Institute of Business

Management & Technology, Anand

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Scope Of Work

 Geographic Scope: The platform will focus on the Center and

East Region Gujarat including Ahmedabad, Anand, Gandhinagar
and Vadodara.
 User Segmentation: Targeted user segments include students,
working personal, families and other relevant demographics.
 Property Type: This platform will cover various property types
such as apartments, house, condos and commercial spaces.

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An Existing System

 The older system is not user-friendly, as one needs to go to the

market physically and find the house. Or if we hire a broker
then we have to pay brokerage , which is not feasible for an
average salary guy.
 Description about the property is less available and are mostly
verbal only.
 For this type of dealing or searching home physically, one
needs to have an ample amount of free-time.
 The existing system only provide text-based interface, which is
not user-friendly as graphical user interface.
 In the existing system all transactions, dealing of
accommodation, purchasing of accommodation were done
manually which is time consuming.
 Reports are prepared manually as and when needed.
Maintaining of reports is very difficult task.
 The transactions are executed in off-line mode, hence on-line
data capture and modification is not possible.
 There is no computer system for handling payments. All
calculations are performed manually which may not be
accurate always. Maintaining the records is really a difficult

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Requirement Analysis

 Requirement Gathering and Analysis: All possible requirement

of the system to be developed are captured in this phase and
documented in a requirement specification document.
 System Design: The requirement specifications from first
phase are studied in this phase and the system design is
prepared. This system design helps in specifying hardware
and system requirements and helps in defining the overall
system architecture.
 Implementation: With inputs from the system design, the
system is first developed in small programs called units,
which are integrated in the next phase. Each unit is
developed and tested for its functionality, which is
referred to as Unit Testing.
 Integration & Testing: All the units developed in the
implementation phase are integrated into a system after
testing of each unit. Post integration the entire system is
tested for any faults and failures.
 Deployment Of System: Once the functional and non-
functional testing is done; the product is deployed in the
customer environment or released into the market.
 Maintenance: There are some issues which come up in
the client environment. To fix those issues, patches are
released. Also to enhance the product some better
versions are released. Maintenance is done to deliver
Need Of Purposed System
these changes in the customer environment.

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 Customer can use this system from anywhere, anytime. It saves

lot time.
 It automatically suggests best accommodation deals which is
nearby user.
 It provides more variety, better prices and easy comparisons
between other deals.
 All transactions are recorded by this system, so it generate
records automatically of accommodation.

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Feasibility Study

The feasibility study of the system includes:

 Technical feasibility
 Economic feasibility
 Operational feasibility

 Technical Feasibility:
The proposed system requires Intel i3 Processor, 1 GB Ram,
compatible space of Hard Disk, etc. and other support software,
which are fulfilled by the company. Technical feasibility deals with
the availability of the required technology for implementing the
system. It examines whether the current technical resources or
technology is available in the organization or in the current market
which is capable of handling the user’s requirement. It includes
1. The system is opened by nature and can be easily expanded in
near features.
2. The proposed system has capacity to hold data required. The use
of reliable MySQL server with server design and coding.

 Economic feasibility:
Website fulfils within the cost of proposed manual system given
budget. It examines whether economically the system cost is effective.
That is whether finance is available for implementing the proposed
solution and whether the returns are proportionate with the cost of
the project. It includes these:
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1. The cost of Hardware/Software for the application already exists.

2. The use of existing software developing new application.
3. Using it only increase the gain.

 Operational feasibility:
The employees of the company are going to learn a web-based system,
but software would be very user friendly with GUI (Graphic User
Interface) support and so it is very easy to learn. Proposed project is
beneficial only if it can be turned into information system that will meet
the organization’s operating requirements.

Operational feasibility examines whether the proposed system can fit in

with existing operation and whether the right information at the right
time is provided the users. It includes these:

1. The system is well supported by the service developers with

technical guide and tasking special interest in the development
2. The clear advantage of being core gives better advantages.
3. The services developers always ready to test the functionality
provided system

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System Features

 User-friendly
 Attractive Interface
 A detailed product information
 High resolution photos
 User-Generated reviews
 Special offers

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Hardware & Software Requirement

 Hardware Requirement:
 Monitor
 Keyboard and Mouse
 RAM: 2GB
 Hard Disk: 512GB
 Processor: Intel Core i3 Processor

 Software Requirement:
 Operating System: Windows 10
 XAMPP Control Panel 8.0.12
 Visual Studio 1.62

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Introduction To ASP.NET

 ASP.NET was developed by Microsoft and released on January 5
 ASP stands for ‘Active Server Page’.
 ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, high-performance, open-
source framework for building modern, cloud-enabled, internet-
connected apps.
 The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern helps make your web
APIs and web apps testable.
 At its core, ASP.NET empowers developers to create web
applications with a strong focus on server-side processing. This
means that much of the computation and data manipulation
occur on the web server before delivering the final content to
the user's web browser. This approach enhances security,
performance, and consistency across different devices and
 One of the standout features of ASP.NET development is the
tight integration with Visual Studio, Microsoft's premier
integrated development environment (IDE). Visual Studio
provides a comprehensive suite of tools and features, enabling
developers to design, code, test, and debug ASP.NET applications
 ASP.NET has many syntaxes similar to C, Java, Iron Python has
many unique features and specific functions.
 ASP.NET page is a file with a “.aspx” extension.
 ASP.NET Supports many databases (MySQL and ASP
Combination is widely used.)
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 ASP.NET is an open-source server-side .NET Framework, which

helps us develop dynamic user interface and web-application.
 ASP.NET is one of the most widely used server-side code using
compiled language like C# or Visual Basic .NET. Popular websites
like, Stack Overflow, GoDaddy, etc. are developed
using ASP.Net.

 Features:
 Familiarity: If you have a background in programming, you can
easily grasp the syntax of .NET and write .NET scripts, as much of
the .NET syntax is inherited from other languages like C or
 Simplicity: .NET provides a wide range of predefined functions to
secure your data. It is also compatible with many third-party
applications, and .NET can seamlessly integrate with others.
 Efficiency: .NET introduced resource allocation mechanisms,
robust support for object-oriented programming, and advanced
session management features, all aimed at eliminating
unnecessary memory allocation.
 Security: .NET offers support for various trusted data encryption
options through its predefined function set. It also allows you to
utilize numerous third-party applications to enhance data
security and protect your applications.
 Flexibility: .NET is known for its versatility as it can be embedded
within various environments. With .NET, you can integrate your
scripts with HTML, JavaScript, WML, XML, and more.
Additionally, .NET scripts can run on a wide range of devices,
including mobiles, tablets, laptops, PCs, and others, as they
execute on the server before being sent to the browser of your
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 Object-Oriented: Object-oriented programming features were

introduced in .NET, and they were further enhanced with the
release of .NET 5. These improvements not only increased the
speed but also added more features to the .NET framework.

 Advantages:
 ASP.NET is built on the solid foundation of the .NET framework,
which is known for its reliability and robustness. This makes it
suitable for building mission-critical applications.
 Developers can use various programming languages, such as C# and
Visual Basic .NET, to build ASP.NET applications, allowing teams to
work with languages they are comfortable with.
 ASP.NET offers both Web Forms and MVC frameworks, giving
developers flexibility in choosing the architectural pattern that best
suits their application.
 Being a Microsoft technology, ASP.NET benefits from continuous
updates, bug fixes, and support from Microsoft.
 ASP is built-in database connection modules help in connecting
database easily reduce trouble and time for development of web
applications and content based sites.

 Disadvantages:
 Licensing costs for Windows Server and SQL Server, which are often
used in conjunction with ASP.NET, can be a significant expense for
 It is not suitable for giant content-based web applications.
 It has a weak type, which can cause incorrect data and knowledge to
 ASP.NET Web Forms, in particular, can result in complex and
sometimes hard-to-maintain code due to the extensive use of server
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controls and event-driven programming.

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Introduction To MySQL

 MySQL:
 MySQL is a database system used for developing web-based
software applications.
 MySQL used for both small and large applications.
 MySQL is a Relational Database Management System(RDBMS)..
 MySQL is fast, reliable and flexible and easy to use..
 MySQL supports standard SQL(Structured Query Language).
 MySQL is free to download and use.
 MySQL was developed by Michael Widenius and David Axmark in
 MySQL is presently developed, distributed and supported by
Oracle Corporation.
 MySQL written in C,C++.

 Features:
 MySQL server design is multi-layered with independent modules.
 MySQL is fully multithreaded by using kernel threads. It can
handle multiple CPUs if they are available.
 MySQL provides transactional and non-transactional storage
 MySQL has a high-speed thread-based memory allocation
 MySQL supports in-memory heap table
 MySQL handles large databases.

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 MySQL server works in client/server or embedded systems.

 MySQL works on many different platforms.

 Advantages:
 Reduced Total cost of ownership: MySQL one of the most
popular open-source database management system that allows
you to manage relational database. Since MySQL open source
according to your requirement.
 Portability: MySQL is cross platform database server. It can run
on different platform like Linux, Solaris and Windows etc. It is
good choice for those project that target multiple platforms
particularly web application. In fact, MySQL is a part of the
famous LAMP(Linux Apache MySQL PHP) server stack which is
used worldwide for web application development. MySQL
support many platforms with different languages like C, C++,
ASP, Perl, Java, Python etc.
 Seamless Connectivity: There are various secure and seamless
connection mechanisms are available in order to connect with
MySQL server. These connections include named pipes, TCP/IP
sockets and UNIX sockets.
 Rapid Development and Round-the-Clock Uptime: MySQL comes
with the assurance of 24*7 uptime and offers a wide range of
high-availability solutions, including specialized cluster servers
and master/slave replication configurations. MySQL has a very
large developer community which releases regular patches and
updates for MySQL.
 Data Security: MySQL is globally recognize the most secure and
reliable database management system used in popular web
applications including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Facebook and
Twitter. Data protected via password and good thing about
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these passwords is that they are stored in encrypted form and

cannot break these complex encryption algorithms.
 Disadvantages:
 MySQL lower version (5.0. or less) doesn’t support Role, Commit
and stored procedure.
 MySQL doesn’t support a very large database size as efficiently.
 MySQL doesn’t handle transactions very efficiently and it is
prone to data corruption.
 MySQL doesn’t have a good developing and debugging tool
compared to other databases.
 MySQL doesn’t support SQL check constraints.

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Data Flow Diagram

 DFD: “Data Flow Diagram”

 A Data-Flow Diagram is a way of representing a flow of data
through a process or a system. The DFD also provides information
about the outputs and inputs of each entity and the process
itself. A data-flow diagram has no control flow. There are no
decision rules and no loops. Specific operations based on the data
can be represented by a flowchart.

 Rules for DFD:

 Data cannot flow between two entities.
 Data cannot flow between two data stores.
 Data cannot flow directly from an entity to data store.
 A process must have at least one input data flow and one output
data flow.
 A data store must have at least one input data flow and one
output data flow.

 Advantages:
 It helps us to understand the functioning and the limits of a system.
 It is a graphical representation which is very easy to understand as it
helps visualize contents.
 Data Flow Diagram represent detailed and well explained diagram of
system components.
 It is used as the part of system documentation file.
 Data Flow Diagrams can be understood by both technical or non-
technical person because they are very easy to understand.

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 Disadvantages:
 At times DFD can confuse the programmers regarding the system.
 Data Flow Diagram takes long time to be generated and many
times due to this reasons analysts are denied permission to work on

 Symbols Used In DFD:

1) Process: The Process is part of a system that transforms

inputs to outputs. The symbol of process is circle. Ex. Login,
Registration, etc.

2) External Entities: External entity communicates with the

system and stands outside of the system. The symbol of
external entities is rectangle. Ex. Customers, Organization,

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3) Data Flow: Data Flow shows the transfer of information

from one part of the system to another. The symbol of the
flow is the arrow. The arrow shows the flow direction. The
flow should have a name that determines what information
is being moved.

4) Data Store: Data store is used to store data for later use.
The symbol of the store is two horizontal lines. Ex. Data
files, Product_mst, etc.

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 Context level DFD – 0 Level :

 The Context Level DFD is describe the whole system. The

(0) Level DFD describe the all user module who operate the


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1st Level User Side DFD :

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1st Level DFD (Land Lord Side) :

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Data Dictionary

 Table Name: Admin_Mst

 Purpose: To store Admin detail.

Field Name Type Constraints Description

A_ID int(10) Primary Key Admin's unique ID

A_Nm varchar(30) Not Null Admin Name
A_Pwd varchar(10) Not Null Password
A_Type varchar(10) Not Null Admin Type(Dealer,Partner)

 Table Name: Customer_Mst

 Purpose: To store Customer detail.

Data Type Constraints Description

C_Id int(10) PrimaryKey Customer unique id

C_Nm varchar(30) Not Null Customer Name
C_Gen char(1) Customer Gender
C_Dob date Customer Date of Birth
C_Add varchar(50) Not Null Customer Address
C_City varchar(20) Not Null City
C_Pin int(6) Not Null City Pincode
C_Mno int(10) Not Null Customer MobileNo
C_Email varchar(20) Not Null Customer Email Id
C_Pwd varchar(10) Not Null Password
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 Table Name: Product_Mst

 Purpose: To store Product detail.

Data Type Constraints Description

P_Id int(10) PrimaryKey Product Unique Id

P_Nm varchar(20) Not Null Product Name
P_Dtl varchar(50) Not Null Product Detail
P_Qty int(5) Not Null Product Quantity
P_Rs float(5) Not Null Product Price
P_Dt date Not Null Product Packaging Date
E_Dt date Not Null Product Expiry Date

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Testing Procedures & Implementation

Testing is a crucial aspect of ensuring the quality and reliability of

applications developed using ASP.NET. It involves a set of techniques
aimed at determining the correctness of the application based on
predefined scripts and scenarios. However, it's important to note that
testing cannot uncover all defects within an application. The primary goal
of testing is to identify and detect failures in the application so that these
issues can be addressed and rectified. While testing doesn't guarantee
that a product functions flawlessly under all conditions, it does help
identify and address issues that may arise in specific scenarios.

In the context of ASP.NET, testing provides a means to compare the

behavior and state of the software against established criteria and
mechanisms. This comparison allows us to recognize and diagnose
problems within the software. These mechanisms may include references
to past versions of the same ASP.NET application, similar applications,
and interfaces designed for specific purposes. Additionally, testing can
also be guided by relevant standards and other criteria, but it's not
limited to these sources.

ASP.NET testing encompasses both code examination and the execution

of code in various environments and conditions. It involves a
comprehensive evaluation of all aspects of the code. In the contemporary
software development landscape, it's common for the testing team to
operate independently from the development team. This separation
ensures that the information derived from testing can be effectively used
to improve and refine the software development process in the context

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 Stages of Testing Process:

 Unit Testing: Unit testing involves the testing of each unit or an

individual component of the software application. It is the first level of
functional testing. The aim behind unit testing is to validate unit
components with its performance. Unit is a single testable part of a
software system and tested during the development phase of the
application software.

 Integration Testing: Integration testing is the second level of the

software testing process comes after unit testing. In this testing, units or
individual components of the software are tested in a group. The focus of
the integration testing level is to expose defects at the time of integration
between integrated components or units. Once all the components or
modules are working independently, then we need to check the data flow
between the dependent modules is known as Integration Testing.

 System Testing: System testing includes testing of a fully integrated

software system. System testing is a series of different type of tests with
the purpose to exercise and examine the full working of an integrated
software computer system against requirements. To check the end-to-end
flow of an application or the software as a user is known as System Testing.
In this, we go through all the necessary modules of an application and
check if the end features or the end business works fine and test the
product as a whole system.

 Acceptance Testing: Acceptance testing is formal testing based on user

requirements and function processing. It determines whether the software
is confirming specified requirements and user requirements or not. It is
conducted as a kind of Black Box testing where the number of required
users involved testing the acceptance level of system. It is fourth and last
level of software testing. User acceptance testing is a type of testing, which
is done by the customer before accepting the final product. Generally, this
is done by customer for their satisfaction and check whether the
application is working according to given business scenarios, real-time

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Limitations of System

 This system can’t send notifications to any user.

 This system can’t provide any facilities of Online payment.
 This system haven’t 24*7 Customer support.
 This system can’t provide any facilities to print information.
 This system haven’t facilities to see previous transaction

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Future Enhancement

 Add new products with great discount

 Online Payment
 Order Tracking
 24*7 Customer Support

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 Online Pet Care Store will be the best store for the pet
lovers as it will offering unique and premium quality pet
food and supplies along with superb quality of dog
grooming services
at reasonable prices.
 There is need for a store that offers a healthy and well-
balanced diet.
 The pet owners are now treating their pets as family
members and taking extensive care so that their pet
remains fit and proper.
 In order to meet the growing demand of pet owners for
preservative free products, this pet store will offer a wide
range of products to the customers who have a strong bond
with their pets and will pay high prices for ensuring safety of
their pet’s health.
 The competitive edge that the store will have is the
creation of organic foods for pets that will enhance their
health and provide them unique and innovative products so
that they can have an enjoyable and healthy life.
 This Pet-Store will start with the aim of offering high quality
products and services for the pets.
 The mission of this site is “To provide a complete package of
products and services for every pet owner by offering the
pet owners the best option of getting access to products
that are organic treats along with dog grooming services.”

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 Book References:

 Beginning ASP.NET Core 5: A Practical Guide to MVC Web

Applications with .NET 5 by James Chambers.

 Web References:


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