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Farhan Malik

The Science Academy

F.Sc. 2 Year
(BISE Rawalpindi)
Physics Notes
Exercise short Questions
Farhan Malik

Farhan Malik

Sr.# Chapter number & name Page #

1 Chapter 12 Electrostatics 3

2 Chapter 13 Current Electricity 7

3 Chapter 14 Electromagnetism 11

4 Chapter 15 Electromagnetic Induction 17

5 Chapter 16 Alternating Current 25

6 Chapter 17 Physics of Solids 29

7 Chapter 18 Electronics 35

8 Chapter 19 Dawn of Modern Physics 39

9 Chapter 20 Atomic Physics 48

10 Chapter 21 Nuclear Physics 52

Farhan Malik
12.1- The potential is constant throughout a given region of space. Is the electric field
zero or on-zero in this region? Explain.

Answer: Yes electric field is zero.

Form potential gradient equation we know that


 𝐸 = −(𝑉𝐵∆𝑟
) (1)

Form given condition if potential is constant throughout a given region then V B = VA , so

equation (1) will give us


So electric field intensity is zero in a region where potential is constant.

12.2- Suppose that you follow an electric filed line due to a positive charge. Do electric
field and potential increases or decreases?

Answer: Figure below represents the electric filed lines due to a positive charge

Now if we follow an electric filed line due to a positive charge then we will move away from
the charge i.e. “r” will increase. We know that electric field variation with distance is 𝐸𝛼
and for potential field 𝑉𝛼 , so both electric and potential filed field will decrease if we
follow a field line due to positive charge because we are moving away from the charge and
hence distance ‘r’ is increasing.

Farhan Malik
12.3- How can you identify that which plate of the capacitor is positively charged?

Answer: Nature of charge on a body is tested by a device called electroscope. If we bring

positively charged plate near the electroscope its divergence will increase and in case of
negatively charged plate divergence will decrease.

12.4 Describe the force or forces on a positive point charge when placed between
parallel plates

(a) with similar and equal charges (b) with opposite and equal charges


(a) When a positive charge is placed between two equally

charged plates net force on the charge will be zero
because it will be
repelled by both plates and will hold a stationary position
where E1=E2.

(b) If a positive charge is placed between two oppositely

charged plates
then force on the charge will be directed from positive to
negative plate
as shown in the figure. Charge will be repelled by positive
plate and
negative plate will attract it.

12.5- Electric lines of forces never cross. Why?

Answer: Electric filed lines never cross each other because electric filed has one direction. If
they cross each other that means that electric filed is having more than one direction which is
not possible.

Farhan Malik
12.6- If a point charge q of mass m is released in a non-uniform electric field with field
lines pointing in the same direction, will it make a rectilinear motion?

Answer: If a charge is placed in a non-uniform electric field then it will make a rectilinear
motion along the line of force.

Rectilinear motion means straight-line motion. A body is said to experience rectilinear

motion if any two particles of the body travel the same distance along two parallel straight
lines. The point charge placed in the electric field will either be attracted or repelled along a
straight line.

12.7- Is E necessarily zero inside a charged rubber balloon if balloon is spherical?

Assuming the charge is uniformly distributed over the surface.

Answer: Yes E is zero inside a charged rubber balloon.

If the Gaussian surface is imagined inside charged balloon then it does not contain any
charge i.e. q=0 inside it.

According to Gauss’s law

𝜑𝑒 =

As q=0 so
𝜑𝑒 =

𝜑𝑒 = 0 ---------------------(1)

Since 𝜑𝑒 = 𝐸⃗ . 𝐴 -----------------------(2)

Substituting the value of 𝜑𝑒 = 0 from equation (1) in (2)

0 = 𝐸⃗ . 𝐴

As 𝐴 ≠ 0 so 𝐸⃗ = 0

12.8- Is it true that Gauss’s law states that the total number of lines of forces crossing
any closed surface in the outward direction is proportional to the net positive charge
enclosed within surface?

Answer: Yes statement is correct.

According to Gauss’s law

Farhan Malik
“Electric flux through any closed surface is 1/ε0 times the total charged enclosed in it”
𝜑= ×𝑄

12.9- Do electrons tend to go to region of high potential or low potential?

Answer: Electrons are negatively charged so when they enter a potential they tend to go to a
region of high potential (positive side) from low potential (negative side).

Farhan Malik
13.1- Potential difference is applied across the ends of a copper wire. What is the effect
on drift velocity of free electrons by
(i) Increasing potential difference.
(ii) Decreasing the length and temperature of the wire.
Answer: (i) Drift velocity of electron increases with increase in applied potential difference.
With increase in applied electric field electron experience greater electric force according to
equation F=qE. From equation it is clear that with increase in applied electric field electric
force increases that intern increase the drift velocity of electrons.
(ii) Decrease in length and temperature increase the drift velocity of electrons.
With decrease in length and temperature resistance of the conductor decreases. Decrease in
resistance increase the current in the resistance according to Ohm’s law (𝐼 = ). So increase
in current means increase in drift velocity of electrons.
13.2- Do bend in the wire effects its electrical resistance? Explain.
Answer: No bend in wire don’t affect the resistance of wire.
Resistance of the wire is given by equation
Bending the wire do not change any factor (i.e. resistivity, length and area) appearing in
resistance equation. So bend in wire do not affect the resistance of the wire.
13.3- What are the resistance of the resistors given in the figure A and B? What is the
tolerance of each? Explain what is meant by tolerance?

Farhan Malik
Answer: Resistance of A = 1500+5%
Resistance of B=49000+10%
Tolerance: Tolerance means possible variation from the actual value of resistance.
13.4- Why does the resistance of conductor rise with temperature?
Answer: Resistance of the conductor is due to the collision of electrons with atoms. With
increase in temperature vibration amplitude of atom increase and electron collide more
frequently with atoms i.e. now atoms have to face bigger target hence increase in
temperature increases the resistance of the conductor.
13.5- What are the difficulties in testing whether the filament of a light bulb obeys
Ohm’s law?
Answer: Main difficulty in testing whether the filament of the lighted bulb obeys Ohm’s law
is its temperature change with flow of current and electric resistance.
Ohm’s law is valid only when the physical states i.e. density, elasticity and temperature etc.
of the conductors do not change and incase of filament bulb temperature is not constant.
13.6- Is the filament resistance lower or higher in a 500 W, 220V light blub than in a
100 W, 220 V bulb?
Answer: Using power equation
𝑉2 𝑉2
𝑃= => 𝑅=
(a) For P=500 W, V=220 V
𝑅= = 96.8 𝛺
(b) For P= 100 W, V=220 V
𝑅= = 484 𝛺

Resistance of case (a) is lower than (b)

Farhan Malik
13.7- Describe a circuit which gives continuously varying potential.
Answer: A potential divider is a circuit that can give a continuously varying potential.
Circuit diagram of potential divider is given below

Consider a resistance R in the form of a wire on which a terminal C can slide as shown in the
figure above. The resistance between B and C can be varied from 0 to R as C slides between
A and C.
Thus the potential VBC across BC can be calculate using equation
𝑉𝐵𝐶 = 𝐸 ×
13.8- Explain why terminal potential difference of battery decreases when current
drawn from it is increase?
Answer: As we know that terminal potential difference Vt is given by equation
𝑉𝑡 = 𝐸 − 𝐼𝑟
So as we draw more current from the battery term Ir will increase in the above equation
which will decrease the terminal potential difference.

Farhan Malik
13.9- What is Wheatstone bridge? How can it be used to determine an unknown
Answer: Wheatstone bridge is an arrangement of four resistance used to find any unknown
resistance. Circuit diagram of Wheatstone bridge is given in the figure below

Unknown resistance is connected at R4. When Wheatstone Bridge is balanced no current

passes through the galvanometer it satisfies the following equation
𝑅1 𝑅3
𝑅2 𝑅4
From this equation unknown resistance connected at R 4 can be calculated as
𝑅4 = × 𝑅3

Farhan Malik
14.1- A plane conduction loop is located in a uniform magnetic field that is directed
along x-axis. For what orientation of the loop is the flux maximum? For what
orientation is the flux minimum?

Answer: When area is placed perpendicular to the magnetic field lines then angle between
magnetic field and area vector is θ=0o then flux through the area is maximum i.e.

⃗ . 𝐴 = 𝐵𝐴 cos 𝜃

As θ=0o so ⃗ . 𝐴 = 𝐵𝐴𝑐𝑜𝑠0𝑜

⃗ . 𝐴 = 𝐵𝐴

When the area is placed parallel to the magnetic field lines then flux through it is minimum.
The angle between B and A which is θ=90o

⃗ . 𝐴 = 𝐵𝐴 cos 𝜃

As θ=90o so ⃗ . 𝐴 = 𝐵𝐴𝑐𝑜𝑠90𝑜

⃗ .𝐴 = 0

14.2- A current in a conductor produces a magnetic field, which can be calculated using
Ampere’s law. Since current is defined as the rate of flow of charge, what can you
conclude about stationary charges? What about moving charges?

Answer: A stationary charge can’t produce magnetic field rather it can produce electric field
only. Magnetic field is produced by the charges in motion i.e. magnetic field is produced by
current which is actually the flow of charges.

14.3- Describe the change in magnetic field inside a solenoid carrying a steady current
I, if (a) the length of the solenoid is doubled but the number of turns remain the same
and (b) the number of turns is doubled but length remains the same.

Answer: Magnetic field due to current carrying solenoid is given by the equation

𝐵 = 𝜇𝑜 𝑛𝐼
𝐵 = 𝜇𝑜 𝐼

Farhan Malik
(a) When length of the solenoid is doubled keeping number of turns constant then
𝐵 ′ = 𝜇𝑜 𝐼
1 𝑁
𝐵′ = (𝜇𝑜 𝐼)
2 𝑙
𝐵′ = 𝐵
Above equation clearly shows that when length of the solenoid is doubled keeping number of
turn constant magnetic field is reduced to half of its original value.

(b) When number of turns of the solenoid is doubled keeping length constant then
𝐵 ′ = 𝜇𝑜 𝐼
𝐵 ′ = 2(𝜇𝑜 𝐼)
𝐵 ′ = 2𝐵

According to above equation when number of turns of the solenoid is doubled keeping length
constant magnetic field becomes doubled.

14.4- At a given instant a proton moves in the positive x direction in a region where
there is magnetic field in the negative z-direction. What is the direction of the magnetic
force? Will the proton continues to move in the positive x direction? Explain.


Farhan Malik
As the magnetic field is directed into the plane of paper that is negative z direction then the
proton moving along the positive x direction will experience a force along positive y
direction according the right hand rule.

No the proton will not continue its motion along x axis but will move in circular path as the
magnetic force always guides the particle in circular path.

14.5- Two charged particles are projected into a region where there is magnetic field
perpendicular to their velocities. If the charges are deflected in opposite directions,
what can you say about them?

Answer: When charged particles are projected into space where there is magnetic field
present then they start moving into a circular path due to magnetic force acting on them
which is given by the equation

𝐹 = 𝑞 (𝑣 × 𝐵

If the particles are deflected in opposite direction then they must be oppositely charged.

14.6- Suppose that a charge q is moving in a uniform magnetic field with velocity v.
Why is there no work done by the magnetic force that acts on the charge q?

Answer: Work done on the particle in magnetic field is zero.

Magnetic force compels the charged particle to move in a circle so the centripetal force that
compels the charge into circular motion is always perpendicular to the direction of motion of
charged particle. Therefore the angle between force and displacement is 90 o

So 𝑊 = 𝐹. 𝑑

𝑊 = 𝐹𝑑𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃

𝑊 = 𝐹𝑑𝑐𝑜𝑠 90


14.7- If a charged particle moves in a straight line through some region of space, can
you say that the magnetic field in the region is zero?

Answer: If the charged particle is moving a certain region without experiencing a force then
there are two possibilities

i) Magnetic field is zero in that region


Farhan Malik
As B=0 so

F= 0

ii) Charge is moving in the direction of the applied magnetic field making angle θ=0 o


F= 0

In both cases the charged particle will not experience any force

14.8- Why does the picture on a TV screen becomes distorted when a magnet is
brought near the screen?

Answer: The picture on a TV screen is formed with the help of beam of electrons. When a
magnet is brought near the screen the beam of electron will be deflected due to the magnetic
field provided by the bar magnet. Thus the target of the electron is disturbed hence the
picture on the screen is distorted.

14.9 – Is it possible to orient a current loop in a uniform magnetic field such that the
loop will not tend to rotate? Explain.

Answer: Yes it is possible. If the loop is placed at right angle to the magnetic field then it is
not going to rotate. Torque on a current carrying coil in magnetic field is given by

𝜏 = 𝑁𝐼𝐴𝐵 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼

If 𝛼 = 90𝑜

𝜏 = 𝑁𝐼𝐴𝐵𝑐𝑜𝑠90𝑜


14.10- How can a current loop be used to determine in the presence of magnetic field in
a given region of space?

Answer: When a current carrying loop is placed in the magnetic field it experiences a torque
and start rotating. So if a current carrying loop is placed in a region where there is some
magnetic field present then it will start rotating indicating the presence of magnetic field in
that region. If magnetic field is absent in the region then loop will not rotate.

Farhan Malik
14.11- How can you use a magnetic field to separate isotopes of chemical element?

Answer: Mass spectrograph is an instrument used to separate the isotopes. Isotopes after
ionization are entered into a region where there is magnetic field is present. The charged ions
will start moving in a circle due to magnetic field present in that region. Isotope with greater
mass will move in bigger radius according to equation
𝑟= (from e/m equation)

If v, B and e are constant then

𝑟𝛼 𝑚
So greater the mass grater the radii.

14.12- What should be the orientation of a current carrying coil in a magnetic field so
that torque acting upon the coil is (a) maximum (b) minimum?

Answer: Torque on a current carrying coil is given by equation

𝜏 = 𝑁𝐼𝐴𝐵 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼

(a) When 𝛼 = 0𝑜 then

𝜏 = 𝑁𝐼𝐴𝐵 𝑐𝑜𝑠0𝑜

𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑁𝐼𝐴𝐵

(b) When 𝛼 = 90𝑜

𝜏 = 𝑁𝐼𝐴𝐵 𝑐𝑜𝑠90𝑜
𝜏𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0

14. 13- A loop of wire is suspended between the poles of a magnet with its plane parallel
to the pole faces. What happens if a direct current is put through the coil? What
happens if an alternating current is used instead?

Answer: If a current carrying coil is placed in externally applied magnetic field then it will
start rotating in clockwise or anti-clockwise direction depending upon the direction of
current in the coil.

If an alternating current is passed through the coil then coil will rotate with the frequency of
the alternating current.
Farhan Malik
14.14- Why the resistance of an ammeter should be very low?

Answer: Resistance of the ammeter should be very low because it is connected in series with
the circuit. Ammeter must be having low resistance so that it may not alter the total value of
current passing through the circuit. Thus an accurate value of current through the circuit is

14.15- Why the voltmeter should have a very high resistance?

Answer: Voltmeter is always connected in parallel with the point across which the potential
difference is to be measured. The resistance of the voltmeter should be very high so that it
can draw only a small amount of current form the circuit otherwise it will load the circuit and
will change the potential difference which is required to be measured.

Farhan Malik
15.1- Does induced emf in the circuit depends on the resistance of the circuit? Does the
induced current depend on the resistance of the circuit?

Answer: No the induced emf in a circuit does not depend upon the resistance of the circuit.

Induced emf in any circuit is given by the equation

𝜀 = −𝑁
From the equation above it is clear that induced emf in a circuit is independent of the
resistance of the circuit.

Yes induced current in the circuit depends upon the resistance of the circuit.

From Ohm’s law we know that current in any circuit is given by

From above equation “R” is present indicating that induced current depends upon the
resistance of the circuit.

15.2- A square loop of wire is moving through a uniform magnetic field. The normal to
the loop is oriented parallel to the magnetic field. Is a emf induced in the loop? Give a
reason for your answer.

Answer: emf induced due to the motion of a conductor across a magnetic field is given by

𝜀 = 𝑣𝐵𝐿𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃

As it is given that normal to plane is parallel to the magnetic field i.e. plane is moving
perpendicular to the magnetic field, in this case

𝜃 = 0𝑜


𝜀 = 𝑣𝐵𝐿𝑠𝑖𝑛0


From above result it is clear that no emf will be induced in this case.

Farhan Malik
15.3- A light metallic ring is released from above into a vertical bar magnet as shown in
the figure below. Viewed from above does the current flow clockwise or anticlockwise
in the ring?

Answer: Clockwise current will flow in ring.

If a light metallic ring is released from above on such a metallic ring whose north pole is
facing the ring then according to Lenz’s law and induced current will flow in such a manner
that it will oppose the change producing it. So the magnetic field produced due to flow of
induced current will be such that North Pole will be created at the end to oppose the North
Pole which is possible only due to the flow of clockwise current.

15.4- What is the direction of the current through resistor R in the figure? When switch
S is

(a) Closed

(b) opened

Answer: (a) the current will flow from left to right in the resistance

(b) The current will flow right to left.

Farhan Malik
15.5- Does the induced emf always act to decrease the magnetic flux through a circuit?

Answer: No, induced emf not always acts to decrease the current.

According to Lenz’s law induced current always flow in a direction in order to oppose the
cause producing it. Hence if magnetic field is increasing then induced current will try to
decrease it and if magnetic field is decreasing then it will try to increase it.

15.6- When the switch in the circuit is closed a current is established in the coil and the
metal ring jumps upwards. Why? Describe what would happen to the ring if the
battery polarity were reversed?

Answer: In both cases the ring will jump upwards.

According to Lenz’s law direction of induced is always such to oppose the change producing
it. So when the switch is closed, magnetic filed produced as a result of flow of current will
induce a current in the rings whose magnetic field will oppose the change producing it.

When battery terminals are reversed same effect will be observed.

15.7- The figure shows a coil of wire in the xy plane with magnetic field directed along
y-axis. Around which of the three coordinate axes should the coil be rotated in order to
generate emf and a current in the coil?

Answer: The coil must rotate around x-axis in order to generate an emf.

If the coil is rotated around y-axis or z-axis emf induced will be zero because in both cases
change in magnetic field is zero.

Farhan Malik
15.8- How would you position a flat loop of wire in a changing magnetic field so there is
no emf induced in the loop?

Answer: Induced emf will be zero if loop is placed parallel to the changing magnetic field.

If the loop is placed parallel to the magnetic field then at any time for any value of magnetic
field flux will be zero. Hence there will be not induced emf i.e.

𝜑 = 𝐵𝐴𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃

θ = 90o (As loop is placed parallel to magnetic field then angle between area vector and
magnetic field is 90o)
𝜑 = 𝐵𝐴𝑐𝑜𝑠90


𝜀 = −𝑁
𝜀 = −𝑁

15.9- In a certain region the earth’s magnetic field point vertically down. When a plane
flies due north, which wing tip is positively charged?

Answer: West wing of the plane will be charged positively

If we apply right hand rule to the above mentioned picture i.e. point your fingers in the
direction of magnetic field while the thumb pointing in the direction of velocity then our
palm will point in the direction of force acting on the charges. So in above mentioned
diagram force on charges will be towards west.
Farhan Malik
15.10- Show that 𝜺 and have the same units.

Answer: As we know
Consider L.H.S.
𝜀= =
𝑞 𝐶

𝜀 = 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡 -------------------(1)

Consider R.H.S

∆𝜑 𝐵∆𝐴 𝑇𝑚2
= =
∆𝑡 ∆𝑡 𝑠
∆𝜑 𝑁𝐴−1𝑚−1𝑚2
∆𝑡 𝑠
∆𝜑 𝑁𝐴−1 𝑚
∆𝑡 𝑠
∆𝜑 𝑁𝑚
∆𝑡 𝐴𝑠
∆𝜑 𝐽
= = 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡 ------------------(2)
∆𝑡 𝐶
From equation (1) and (2) it is clear that 𝜀 and have same units.

15.11- When an electric motor such as an electric drill is being used, does it also act as a
generator? If so what is the consequence of this?

Answer: Yes running electric motor also acts like generator.

When electric motor is running armature is constantly rotating in magnetic field and flux is
changing through it due to which an emf in induced across armature. This induced emf in
motors is called back emf. Due to this back emf induced current flows through the armature
which opposes the motion of armature. So when an electric motor is running yes it acts as

Farhan Malik
15.12- Can a D.C motor be turned into D.C generator? What changes are required to
be done?

Answer: Yes it is possible to convert DC motor into DC generator. For this purpose
following changes are required.

a. Electromagnet should be replaced by a permanent magnet.

b. An energy source to rotate the armature in magnetic field.

15.13- Is it possible to change both the area of the loop and the magnetic field passing
through the loop and still not have an induced emf in the loop?

Answer: Yes it is possible to changes both area and magnetic field such that there is no
induced emf.

If area is changed with the magnetic field in such a manner that number of lines passing
through the area at any time is same i.e. flux is same at any time in that case ∆Φ = 0. Then
according to Faraday’s law
𝜀 = −𝑁
𝜀 = −𝑁

So induced emf is zero when change in flux is zero.

15.14- Can an electric motor be used to derive an electric generator with the output
from the generator being used to operate the motor?

Answer: No, it is against the law of conservation of energy.

No machine is 100% efficient. Whenever a form of energy is converted into the other form a
part of energy is lost due to some factors. So when motor runs the generator, the electrical
output is always less than input. Hence a combination of motor and generator can’t exist in
such way that their inputs are used to derive each other.

Farhan Malik
15.15- A suspended magnet is oscillating freely in a horizontal plane. The oscillations
are strongly damped when a metal plate is placed under the magnet. Explain why this

Answer: Oscillations of bar magnet are opposed by the induced emf in the metal plate.

When magnet oscillates, flux through the metallic plate changes due to which an emf is
induced across the metallic plate. This induced emf is responsible for the flow of induced
current in the metallic plate. According to Lenz’s law direction of induced current is such
that it opposes the change causing it. So the oscillations of magnet are opposed by the
induced current in the metal plate and hence it stops.

15. 16- Four unmarked wires emerge from a transformer. What steps would you take
to determine the turn ratio?

Answer: Turns ratio of the unmarked wires of the transformer can be determined in two

a. We will apply a known value of alternating emf at the primary and will measure the
value of output.
b. Turn ratio can be evaluated using the equation
𝑁𝑠 𝑉𝑠
𝑁𝑝 𝑉𝑝

15.17- (a) Can a step-up transformer increase the power level?

(b) In a transformer there is no transfer of charge from the primary to the secondary.
How is then power transferred?

Answer: (a) No a step up transformer can’t increase the power.

In any ideal transformer

Input power = Output power

Transformer only increases or decreases the voltage values, power remains the same.

(b) Working principle of transformer is mutual induction.

So the energy is transferred from primary to secondary by the magnetic field hence both the
coils are magnetically linked.

Farhan Malik
15. 18- When the primary of a transformer is connected to a.c. mains the current in it

(a) is very small if secondary circuit is open but

(b) increases when the secondary circuit is closed. Explain these facts.

Answer: (a) If secondary coil is open then output power is zero. As output power is always
smaller than the input therefore a very small value of current is being drawn by the primary
from AC main.

(b) When secondary circuit is closed the output power will be increased. As we know that

Input power = Output power

Therefore the transformer will draw large current from the AC main to increase the power in
the primary.

Farhan Malik
16.1- A sinusoidal current has rms value of 10A. What is the maximum or peak value?

Answer: Given data:

Irms =10A

To find

Io = ?


𝐼𝑟𝑚𝑠 = 0.7 𝐼𝑜
𝐼𝑜 =
𝐼𝑜 =
𝐼𝑜 = 14.14 𝐴

16.2- Name the device that will (a) permit flow of direct current but oppose the flow of
alternating current (b) permit flow of alternating current but not direct current.

Answer: (a) An inductor is a device that allows the flow of DC and opposes the flow if AC.

(b) A capacitor is a device that allows the flow of AC and opposes the flow if DC.

16.3- How many times per second will an incandescent lamp reach maximum brilliance
when connected to a 50 Hz source?

Answer: In any AC cycle there are two peaks in one cycle. A positive peak and a negative
peak i.e. any AC in one cycle reaches two times its peak value.

So if an inductor lamp is connected across such an AC supply whose frequency is 50 Hz then

it will reach a maximum brilliance of 100 times i.e.

2 x 50 = 100 times

Farhan Malik
16.4- A circuit contains an iron-cored inductor a switch and a D.C. source arranged in
series. The switch is closed and after an interval reopened. Explain why a spark jumps
across the switch contacts?

Answer: When the switch is closed in the circuit of iron cored inductive circuit current
increases from zero to its maximum value. This changing current produces change of
magnetic flux due to which an emf is induced.

When the switched is reopened current decrease from maximum to zero due to which an emf
is again induced in the circuit due to change in flux. This induced emf opposes its cause and
hence a spark always jumps whenever switched is closed or opened.

16.5- How does doubling the frequency affect the reactance of (a) an inductor

(b) a capacitor?

Answer: (a) Reactance of the inductor is given by equation

𝑋𝐿 = 2𝜋𝑓𝐿

If we double the frequency then

𝑋𝐿′ = 2𝜋(2𝑓)𝐿

𝑋𝐿′ = 2(2𝜋𝑓𝐿)

𝑋𝐿′ = 2𝑋𝐿

So doubling the frequency will double the inductive reactance.

(b) Reactance of the capacitor is given by equation

𝑋𝑐 =

If we double the frequency then

𝑋𝑐′ =
1 1
𝑋𝑐′ = ( )
2 2𝜋𝑓𝐶
𝑋𝑐′ = 𝑋𝑐
So by doubling the frequency capacitive reactance will become half.
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16.6- In a R-L circuit will the current lag or lead the voltage? Illustrate your answer by
a vector diagram?

Answer: In RL series circuit the current lags behind the voltage by a phase difference of θ.
As shown in the figure below.

The angle θ with which voltage leads the current is given by equation
𝜃 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1( )
16.7- A choke coil placed in series with an electric lamp in an A.C. circuit causes the
lamp to become dim. Why is it so? A variable capacitor added in series in this circuit
may be adjusted until the lamp glows with normal brilliance. Explain how this is

Answer: (a) When an inductor is placed with electric lamp in series its brightness decreases
due to the increase in the impedance of the circuit. In case of lamp only resistance of the
circuit is R but when an inductor is placed with it in series impedance of the circuit becomes.

𝑍 = √𝑅 2 + 𝑋𝐿2

Due to increase in resistance current decreases hence lamp become dim.

(b) When a variable capacitor is placed in series with the lamp and inductor brightness of the
lamp increases due to the fact that inductive reactance X L is opposed by capacitive reactance
Xc. Impedance of the circuit in this case is given by

𝑍 = √𝑅 2 + (𝑋𝐿 − 𝑋𝐶 )2

Due to decrease in impedance brightness of the bulb increases.

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16.8- Explain the conditions under which electromagnetic waves are produced from a

Answer: Electromagnetic waves are produced by accelerating charges.

If an alternating voltage is applied across the ends of the antenna then charges in it will be
accelerated to change in the polarity at the ends of the antenna. These accelerated charges
will produce a changing electric field and this changing electric field will be responsible for
the generation of a changing magnetic field which in turn will generate changing magnetic
field according to Maxwell. Hence an electromagnetic wave is generated.

16.9- How the reception of a particular radio station is selected on your radio set?

Answer: A particular radio station can be selected on radio set by tuning it.

Every radio set contains a LC resonance circuit inside it. If we are interested to listen to a
particular radio station then we adjust the value of capacitor so that natural frequency of LC
resonance circuit is the same as that of the transmitting antenna of the radio station.
Consequently the circuit will built up a large response to the action of only that radio wave to
which it is tuned.

16.10- What is meant by A.M. and F.M.?

Answer: A.M. (Amplitude modulation)

A type of modulation in which amplitude of the carrier wave is increased or decreased as the
amplitude of the superposing modulating signal increases or decreases.

Frequency range of A.M. is 540 kHz to 1600 kHz

F.M. (Frequency modulation)

A type of modulation in which frequency of the carrier wave is increased or decreased as the
frequency of the superposing modulating signal increases or decreases.

Frequency range of F.M. is 88MHz to 108 MHz

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17.1- Distinguish between crystalline, amorphous and polymeric solids?

Answer: Crystalline Solids: In crystalline solids there is a regular arrangement of

molecules. The neighbors of every molecule are arranged in a regular pattern that is constant
through out the crystal.

Amorphous Solids: The word amorphous means without form or structure. Thus in
amorphous solids there is no regular arrangement of molecules like that in crystalline solids.

Polymeric Solid: Polymers may be said to be more or less solid materials with a structure
that is intermediate between order and disorder. They can be classified as partially or poorly
crystalline solids.

17.2- Define stress and strain. What are their SI units? Differentiate between tensile,
compressive and shear modes of stress and strain.

Answer: Stress: It is defined as the force applied on unit area to produce any change in
shape, volume or length of a body.

Strain: Strain is the measure of deformation of a solid when a stress is applied to it.

Units: unit of stress are Nm-2 or Pa where as strain is dimensionless.

Tensile Stress: Stress which is responsible for change in length is called tensile stress.

Compressive Stress: Stress which is responsible for change in volume is called compressive

Shear Stress: Stress which is responsible for change in shape is called shear stress.

Tensile Strain: Tensile strain is the fractional change in length of a body as a result of
applied stress.

Compressive Strain: When applied stress changes the volume, the change in the volume per
unit volume is known as compressive strain.

Shear Strain: When opposite sides of a body are subjected to shear stress, the shear strain is

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17.3- Define modulus of elasticity. Show that the units of modulus of elasticity and
stress are same. Also discuss their three kinds.

Answer: Modulus of elasticity: Modulus of elasticity is the ratio of applied stress to the
𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑢𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 =
As we know that unit of stress is Nm-2 and strain is a dimensionless physical quantity.
Modulus of elasticity is the ratio of stress to strain so the units of stress and modulus of
elasticity are same because strain is unit less.

Modulus of elasticity are of three types.

Young’s modulus: Young’s modulus is the ratio of tensile stress to tensile strain.

𝑇𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐹⁄

𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔 𝑠 𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑢𝑠 = 𝑌 = = 𝐴
𝑇𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 ∆𝐿⁄𝐿

Bulk Modulus: Bulk modulus is the ratio of volume stress to volume strain

𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐹⁄
𝐵𝑢𝑙𝑘 𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑢𝑠 = 𝐾 = = 𝐴
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 ∆𝑉⁄
Shear Modulus: Shear modulus is the ratio of shear stress to shear strain

𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐹⁄
𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑢𝑠 = 𝐺 = = 𝐴
𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 ∆𝑎⁄𝑎

17.4- Draw stress-strain curve for ductile materials and them define the terms: Elastic
limit, Yield point and Ultimate tensile stress.

Answer: Stress-strain curve

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Elastic limit: It is defined as the greatest stress that a material can endure without any
permanent change in shape or dimensions.

Yield point: The point on stress stain curve beyond which stress is increased results in
permanent deformation of the specimen.

Ultimate Tensile stress (UTS): It is defined as the maximum stress that a material can
withstand. It is regarded as the normal strength of the material.

17.5- What is meant by strain energy? How can it be determined from the force
extension graph?

Answer: Strain energy is defined as the energy stored in deformed materials as a result of
applied stress.

Strain energy can be calculated by measuring the area under the force extension-graph of a
deformed material. The area under this graph represents the work done on the material due to
applied stress. This work done on the material is stored as strain energy in the material.

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17.6- Describe the formation of energy bands in solids. Explain the difference amongst
electrical behavior of conductors, insulators and semiconductors in term of energy
band theory.

Answer: According to energy band theory when large number of atoms are brought closer
together to form a solid, each energy level of the isolated atom split into N sub-levels, called
states under the action of forces exerted by the atoms in the solids. These permissible energy
states are discrete but so closely spaced that they appear to form a continuous energy band.
There is a range of energy states which cannot be occupied by electrons. These are called
forbidden energy states and its range is termed as forbidden energy gap.

Electrical behavior of insulators, conductors and semiconductor can be explained on the

basis of energy band theory.

Insulators: Insulators don’t conduct electricity due to

i. An empty conduction band

ii. A full valance band
iii. Large forbidden energy gap

Conductors: Conductors conduct electricity due to

i. Large number of free electrons

ii. Conduction band overlaps valance band and hence there is no forbidden energy gap
among them

Semi Conductors: Semi-conductors posses following properties on the base of energy band

i. Partially filled conduction band

ii. Partially filled valance band
iii. Narrow forbidden energy gap

17.7- Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductor. How would you
obtain n-type and p-type material from pure silicon? Illustrate by schematic diagram.

Answer: Intrinsic semi-conductor: A semi-conductor in its extremely pure form is known

as intrinsic semi-conductor.

Extrinsic semi-conductor: The doped semi-conductor are called extrinsic semi-conductor.

n-type semi-conductor: n-type semi-conductor results when an intrinsic semi-conductor is

doped with a pentavalent impurities like arsenic, antimony or phosphorus.

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p-type semi-conductor: p-type semi-conductor results when an intrinsic semi-conductor is

doped with a trivalent impurities like aluminum, boron, gallium or indium.

17.8- Discuss the mechanism of electrical conduction by holes and electrons in a pure
semi-conductor element.

Answer: In intrinsic semiconductors holes and electron are responsible for electrical
conduction. When a potential difference is applied across the ends of a semiconductor an
electric field is produced inside it. Due to this electric field electric force is experienced by
electrons and holes. The electrons are directed towards one side and holes in the opposite
direction. This is how current flows through a semiconductor both by the holes and electrons.

17.9- Write a note on superconductors.

Answer: There are certain materials whose resistivity becomes zero below a certain
temperature called critical temperature. Below this temperature such materials are called
superconductors. They offer no resistance to electric current and are therefore perfect
conductors. Once the resistance of the material drops to zero, no energy is dissipated and the
current once established continues to exist indefinitely without the source of an emf.

17.10- What is meant by para, dia and ferromagnetic substance? Give examples for

Answer: Paramagnetic substance: In paramagnetic substances orbit and spin axis of

electrons are so oriented that their fields support each other and atom behave like a tiny
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magnet. Examples of paramagnetic substances are aluminum, platinum, manganese,
chromium and sodium etc.

Diamagnetic substances: In diamagnetic substances there is no resultant magnetic field as

the magnet produced by both orbital and spin motion of the electrons might add up to zero.
Examples of diamagnetic substances are copper, bismuth and antimony.

Ferromagnetic substances: In ferromagnetic substances atoms co-operate with each other

in such a way so as to exhibit a strong magnetic effect. Examples of ferromagnetic
substances are iron, cobalt, chromium dioxide and alnico.

17.11- What is meant by hysteresis loss? How is it used in the construction of


Answer: The area of the hysteresis loop is the measure of energy required to magnetize and
demagnetize a magnetic material. Thus work is to be done against the internal friction of the
domains. Energy dissipated during this process is called hysteresis loss. The magnitude of
hysteresis loss depends upon the area of the hysteresis loop.

Materials with small area of hysteresis loop will dissipate less energy. Hence in order to
reduce core losses in a transformer we should use the material for the core with narrow
hysteresis loop.

18.1- How does the motion of electron in an n-type substance differ from the motion of
holes in a p-type substance?

Answer: Both move opposite to each other.

Electrons are the majority charge carriers in n –type material and hole are majority charge
carriers in case of p-types. Holes carry positive charges and electrons are negatively charged
so when a potential is applied across any n-type or p-type material electrons move towards
the positive terminal and holes towards the negative terminal of the battery i.e. both are
directed opposite to each other

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18.2- What is the net charge on n-type or a p-type substance?

Answer: Net charge of n-type and p-type is zero.

Both types of substances remain electrically neutral in the absence of external electric field.
Every atom in n-type and p-type is neutral. Thus both of them are electrically neutral as

18.3- The anode of a diode is 0.2V positive with respect to its cathode. Is it forward

Answer: Yes given diode is forward biased.

Anode of the diode is at higher potential as compared to cathode so it is forward biased. The
holes in diode are pushed away as it is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and
electrons will be pushed by the negative terminal of the battery so current will start flowing
through the diode which indicates that it is forward biased.

18.4- Why charge carriers are not present in the depletion region?

Answer: A pn junction is formed when a p-type semiconductor is combined with an n-type

semiconductor. Holes from p-region move towards n-region and electrons from n-region
move towards p-region to from a charge free zone called depletion region. In depletion
region charges are absent due to equal amount of holes (positive charge) and electrons.
Hence depletion region acts as a charge free zone in a diode.

18.5- What is the effect of forward or reverse biasing of a diode on the width of
depletion region?

Answer: In case of forward biasing width of the depletion region is reduced and a large
current passes through the diode. In case of reverse biasing width of depletion region
increases and practically no current passes through the diode.

18.6- Why ordinary silicon diode do not emit light?

Answer: In case of silicon diode when an electron hole pair combine photon having energy
0.7eV is released.

𝐸 = 0.7𝑒𝑉 = 0.7 × 1.6 × 10−19

𝐸 = 1.12 × 10−19 𝐽
= 1.12 × 10−19 𝐽

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1.12 × 10−19
6.625 × 10−34 × 3 × 108
1.12 × 10−19
𝜆 = 1770 × 10−9 𝑚

𝜆 = 1770 𝑛𝑚

This wavelength is much greater as compared to visible region wavelength (i.e. 400nm-
750nm). So photon emitted in case of silicon diode is invisible to us.

18.7- Why a photodiode is operated in reverse biased state?

Answer: A photodiode is used to detect the presence of light. In the absence of light reversed
current is almost negligible and starts increasing when light is present. When light enters the
Junction it creates electron-hole pair which causes the flow of small current in the reverse
direction. As the intensity of light increases, so the number of electrons and holes also
increases. As a result reverse current increases as shown in the figure below.

18.8- Why is the base current in a transistor very small?

Answer: In transistor base is very thin and its order is 10-6 m. In any transistor base is doped
very lightly as compared to emitter and collector. Thus it has only a small number of
electrons and holes to recombine with charges already present in the base. In other words
majority of the charges coming from emitter don’t combine with same holes and escape out
of the base. Almost all the electrons are attracted towards the collector and hence base
current is negligible and we can write IE ≈ IC.

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18.9- What is the biasing requirement of the junction of a transistor for its normal
operation? Explain how these requirements are met in a common emitter amplifier?

Answer: For normal operation of a transistor emitter-base junction is forward biased and
base-collector junction is reversed biased.

In common emitter amplifier input is applied at emitter base and output is obtained at
collector base. Hence in common emitter amplifier emitter-base junction is forward biased
whereas collector-base reversed biased.

18.10- What is the principle of virtual ground? Apply it to find the gain of an inverting


In an inverting amplifier the

input signal voltage Vi to be
amplified is applied at inverting
terminal (-) through resistor R1
and Vo is the output voltage.
The non-inverting terminal (+)
is grounded and its potential is
As open loop gain AOL is very
high (≈105) so

𝑉+ − 𝑉−

For any value of Vo

𝑉+ − 𝑉− ≈ 0

𝑉+ ≈ 𝑉−

Since V+ is zero at ground potential so V- is virtually ground potential i.e. 𝑉− ≈ 0.

This is called principle of virtual ground.

Voltage gain
𝑉𝑖 − 𝑉𝑜
Current through R1 = I1 =

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I1 =
𝑉− − 𝑉𝑜
Current through R 2 = I2 =
I2 = −

According to Kirchhoff’s current rule

𝐼1 = I2

So equating current I1 and I2

𝑉𝑖 𝑉𝑜
𝑅1 𝑅2
𝑉𝑜 𝑅2
𝑉𝑖 𝑅1

18.11- The inputs of a gate are 1 and 0. Identify the gate if its output is (a) 0 (b) 1

Answer: (a) For inputs 1 and 0 if output is 0 then gate may be on of the followings


(b) For inputs 1 and 0 if output is 1 then gate may be one of the followings



19.1- What are the measurements on which two observers in relative motion will
always agree upon?

Answer: Following are the two measurements on which two observers in relative motion
will always agree upon.

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a. Speed of light
b. Magnitude of force
c. Magnitude of acceleration

19.2- Does the dilation means that the time passes more slowly in moving system or that
it only seems to pass more slowly?

Answer: No. It means that clock will appear to move slow to the observer at rest.

Time dilation is calculated using equation

√1 − 𝑣 2
From above equation it is clear that clock moving with respect to one observer appear to
click slow where its actual value is given by to appearing in the equation.

19.3- If you are moving in a spaceship at a very high speed relative t the Earth, would
you notice a difference (a) in your pulse rate (b) in the pulse rate of people on earth?

Answer: (a) The person inside the spaceship is not going to feel any pulse difference with
respect to the clock inside the spaceship.

(b) He will feel that his pulse is slow as compared to the pulse of the people on the earth. As
there is a relative motion between him and people on earth so due to time dilation his pulse
rate will be slow as compared to that on the earth.

19.4- If the speed of light were infinite, what would the equations of special theory of
relativity reduce to?

Answer: If the speed of light is infinite then following changes in special theory equations
are expected.

(a) Time dilation

√1 − 𝑣 2

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√1 − 𝑣

√1 − 0
𝑡 = 𝑡𝑜 ---------------------- (1)

(b) Length contraction

𝑙 = 𝑙𝑜 √1 − 2

𝑙 = 𝑙𝑜 √1 −

𝑙 = 𝑙𝑜 √1 − 0

𝑙 = 𝑙𝑜 ---------------------------(2)

(c) Mass Variation

√1 − 𝑣 2
√1 − 𝑣

√1 − 0
𝑚 = 𝑚𝑜 ---------------------- (3)

From equation (1), (2) and (3) it is clear that if speed of light is infinite then there will be no
change in time, length and mass.

19.5- Since the mass is a form of energy can we conclude that a compressed spring has
more mass than the same spring when it is not compressed?

Answer: Yes there will be an increase in the mass of compressed spring.

But this increase will be of small magnitude which is negligible.

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Consider a spring whose change in energy is of the order of 100J then change in mass will be

∆𝐸 = ∆𝑚𝑐 2
∆𝑚 =
∆𝑚 =
(3 × 108 )2

∆𝑚 = 1.11 × 10−15𝑘𝑔 (This change is negligible)

19.6- As a solid is heated and begins to glow, why does it first appear red?

Answer: When a body is heated it emits radiation. Nature of radiation depends upon the
temperature. At low temperature a body emits radiations of long wavelength since longest
wavelength in visible spectrum is of red color so when a body is heated it first appears red.

19.7- What happens to the total radiation from a body if its absolute temperature is

Answer: According to Stefan-Boltzman’s Law

𝐸 = 𝜎𝑇 4

𝐸 ′ = 𝜎(2𝑇)4

𝐸 ′ = 16𝜎𝑇 4

𝐸 ′ = 16𝐸

Thus total radiation energy will increase by 16 times.

19.8- A beam if red light and a beam of blue light have exactly the same energy. Which
beam contains the greater number of photons?

Answer: Red light contains higher number of photons.

Frequency of red light is (400THz -484THz ) and that of blue is(606THz -686THz ) . As we
know according to equation E= hf that energy of a photon is directly proportional to its
frequency. So in order to equate energy equal to that of blue light red will contain more
photons as compared to blue.

19.9- Which photon red, green or blue carries the most (a) energy and (b) momentum?

Answer: As we know according to equations

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ℎ𝑐 ℎ
𝐸= and 𝑝 =
𝜆 𝜆

From above two equations it is clear that wavelength is inversely proportional to energy and
momentum. So the photon with small wavelength will be having greater energy and greater

Red light= 620nm-750nm

Green light= 495nm-570nm

Blue light= 450nm-495nm

So energy and momentum of blue light is greater than rest of two.

19.10- Which has the lower energy quanta? Radio waves or X-rays.

Answer: Radio waves are having low energy quanta.

As we know according to equation

i.e. energy is inversely proportional to the wavelength

Wavelength of radio waves= 1mm-100km

Wavelength of x-rays = 0.01nm-10nm

so energy of radio waves is lesser than x-rays

19.11- Does the brightness of beam of light primarily depends on the frequency of
photons or on the number of photons?

Answer: Brightness of light depends upon the number of photons and not on the frequency
of photon. Frequency of light is related energy of photon. Greater the frequency greater the
energy and greater the number of photons intense of bright the light is.

19.12- When ultraviolet light fall on certain dyes, visible light is emitted. Why does this
not happen when infrared light fall on these dyes?

Answer: Ultraviolet light has photons of high energy. When they fall on certain dyes, they
can excite their atoms. When excited atoms return to their ground state they emit frequencies
which lie in visible region.

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When infrared light is incident on a certain dye they may excite the atoms of the dye but de-
excitation takes place in such a way that emitted photons don’t lie in visible region and hence
they are not visible to us.

19.13- Will bright light ejects more electrons from a metal surface than dimmer light of
same color?

Answer: Yes bright light will eject more electrons as compared to dim light.

Bright light contain large number of photons as compared to dim light. In photo electric
effect number of electrons emitted can be increased using bright light which of course
contains greater number of photons.

19.14- Will higher frequency light eject greater number of electrons than low frequency

Answer: No the higher frequency light will not eject more electrons from the metal surface
as compared to low frequency light.

Number of photoelectrons depends upon the intensity of the incident light. High frequency
light will emit photoelectron with higher energies.

19.15- When light shines on a surface, is momentum transferred to the metal?

Answer: Yes momentum is transferred when light shines on a metal surface.

According to wave-particle duality momentum associated with the photon is given by the
equation is given by the equation

So yes momentum is transferred to a surface when light shines on it.

19.16- Why can red light be used in photographic dark room when developing films,
but blue or white light cannot?

Answer: Red light has less energy as compared to blue and white light.

Since the frequencies of blue and white light are higher as compared to red light so they
possess higher energies. These high energies can affect the photographic film. That is why
red light is used for the development of films in dark room.

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19.17- Photon A has twice the energy of photon B. What is the ratio of the momentum
of A to that of B?

Answer: Photon A has twice the momentum as compared to B

Let Energy of photon A= EA = hfA

Energy of photon B= EB = ½ hfA

From above two equations we can write as

𝐸𝐵 = 𝐸𝐴 -----------------(1)

As we know that momentum of a photon is given by the equation

From above equation we can write the momentum of A and B as
𝑝𝐴 = --------------------(2)
𝑝𝐵 = --------------------(3)

Dividing equation (2) and (3) we get

= 𝑐

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Substituting the value of EB from above equation (1) in above
𝑝𝐵 1 𝐸
2 𝐴

𝑝𝐴 = 2𝑝𝐵

From above equation it is clear that A photon possess twice momentum as compared to A.

19.18- Why don’t we observe Compton Effect with visible light?

Answer: In order to observe Compton Effect wave length of the incident radiation must be
comparable to the wavelength of the electron (of the order of 10 -10 m). Wavelength of the
visible light is of the order of 10 -7 m which is not comparable with the wavelength of
electron. On the other hand wave length of x-rays (10-10 m) is of the order of electron’s
wavelength so we observe Compton’s scattering with x-rays and not with visible light.

19.19- Can pair production take place in vacuum? Explain.

Answer: No, Pair production can’t take place in vacuum.

Pair production takes place in the presence of a heavy nucleus. For the conservation of
momentum and energy presence of a heavy nucleus is essential. As pair production takes
place in the vicinity of a heavy nucleus and in vacuum there is no particle, so we conclude
that pair production can’t take place in vacuum.

19.20- Is it possible to create a single electron from energy? Explain.

Answer: No it is not possible to create a single electron from energy.

As we know that photon (energy) is neutral and electron is negatively charged so this is
violation of law of conservation of charge. Moreover an antiparticle must move in opposite
direction in order to conserve momentum.

19.21- If electron behaved only like particles, what pattern would you expect on the
screen after the electron passes through the double slit?

Answer: No interference pattern will be seen.

When electron behaves like particle only then they will pass through either of the two slits
and strike the screen in front of the slit producing dots on it.

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19.22- If an electron and proton have the same de Broglie wavelength, which particle
has greater speed?

Answer: Speed of electron will be greater as compared to proton.

According to de-Broglie hypothesis wavelength associated with particle is given by equation


From equation above it is clear that velocity and wavelength are inversely proportional. As
mass of electron is less than that of proton so it will possess greater velocity as compared to

19.23- We do not notice the de Broglie wavelength for a pitched cricket ball. Explain

Answer: According to de-Broglie hypothesis wavelength associated with particle is given by


From equation above it is clear that velocity and wavelength are inversely proportional. As
mass of cricket ball is very large as compared to subatomic particles so it is not possible to
observe wavelength associated with it.

19.24- If the following particles have the same energy, which has the shortest
wavelength? Electron, alpha particle, neutron, proton.

Answer: α-particle will have smallest wavelength of all the given particles.

As we know that K.E. of a particle is given by the equation

𝐸= 𝑚𝑣 2
𝑣2 =

𝑣=√ --------------------(1)

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According to de-Broglie hypothesis wave associated with a particle of mass ‘m’ is given by


𝑣= ---------------- (2)

Comparing equation (1) and (2) we get

ℎ 2𝐸
𝑚𝜆 𝑚

After simplification of above result we get

From above equation it is clear that a mass and wavelength are inversely proportional. So
among the given particles wavelength of α-particle will be smallest.

19.25- When does light behave as wave? When does it behave as particle?


Particle nature Wave nature

Photoelectric effect Interference

Compton Scattering Diffraction


19.26- What advantages an electron microscope has over an optical microscope?

Answer: Following are the advantages of electron microscope over optical microscope.

i. The resolution is 0.2nm, which is 1000x more than a light microscope.

Farhan Malik
ii. The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) can produce three-dimensional images.
This means that great detail of many tissue or cellular arrangements can be shown,
unlike on a light microscope.
iii. Because of this resolution, electron microscopes can produce very detailed images of
organelles inside the cells, which could otherwise not be seen.

19.27- If measurement shows a precise position for an electron, can those

measurements show precise momentum also? Explain.

Answer: According to Heisenberg uncertainty principle

“It is not possible to make precise measurements of position and momentum at the same

If one quantity is precise then other becomes uncertain

∆𝑥 ≈

It shows that more certain about you position are more uncertain about momentum you will


20.1- Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom is based upon several assumptions. Do any of
these assumptions contradict classical physics?
Farhan Malik
Answer: Bohr’s first postulate contradicts classical physics.

According to Bohr’s first postulate electron revolves around the nucleus without radiating
energy but according to classical physics accelerated electron must radiate energy. As the
revolving electron is accelerated so it must radiate energy in the form of electromagnetic
radiation and should fall in the nucleus. But this is not the case with atom.

20.2- What is meant by line spectrum? Explain how line spectrum can be used for the
identification of elements?

Answer: Line spectrum is defined as

“Electromagnetic radiation spectrum resulting from the transition of electron from higher
energy state to lower energy state in an atom”

Line spectrum is the characteristic of a particular atom and can be regarded as the fingerprint
of that particular atom. As each atom possesses its own characteristic energy states which are
not possessed by any other atom, so the line spectrum of each atom will be different from the
other and hence can be used for the identification of an atom.

20.3- Can the electron in the ground state of hydrogen absorb a photon of energy 13.6
eV and greater than 13.6eV?

Answer: Yes it can absorb a photon of energy 13.6 eV and greater.

As the ionization energy of electron in hydrogen atom is 13.6eV, so ionization of electron

will take place. A part of energy i.e. 13.6 eV will be used to liberate the electron from its
orbit and remaining will appear as its K.E.

20.4- How can the spectrum in hydrogen contains so many lines when hydrogen
contains one electron?

Answer: Hydrogen contains one electrons but it has number of energy levels.

Emission spectrum results when electron from higher energy state jumps into low energy
state. As hydrogen contains number of energy states so transitions from these states are
possible. That’s why hydrogen contains number of emission spectrum lines with one electron

20.5- Is energy conserved when an atom emits a photon of light?

Answer: Yes energy is conserved when an atoms emits a photon of light.

Farhan Malik
In order to excite an atom a photon having energy equal to the difference of the energy states
must be supplied. On de-excitation same photon is reemitted. Hence energy is conserved as
same amount of energy is released on de-excitation.

20.6- Explain why a glowing gas gives only certain wavelength of light and why that gas
is capable of absorbing the same wavelength? Give a reason why it is transparent to the
other wavelengths?

Answer: Each element has its characteristic energy levels capable of absorbing certain
specific wavelengths. When certain radiations are incident on an element then it will absorb
only those radiations which are comparable to its energy states and will reemit the same
ones. It is transparent to all other radiations.

20.7- What do we mean when we say that the atom is excited?

Answer: An excited atom means that its electrons are not in ground state.

Excitations results when atom is provided with a photon whose energy is equal to the
difference of its two energy states. This photon is absorbed by the atom and as a result its
electron leaves the ground state and occupies a higher energy level. Hence we say that atom
is excited.

20.8- Can X-rays be reflected, refracted, diffracted and polarized just like any other
waves? Explain.

Answer: Yes, X-rays are electromagnetic rays and possess all the properties of light waves
and hence can be reflected, refracted, diffracted and polarized just like other waves.

20.9- What are the advantages of lasers over ordinary light?

Answer: Laser is abbreviation of “Light amplification over stimulated emission of

radiation”. Following are the advantages of laser over ordinary light.

a. It is monochromatic i.e. light having single wavelength

b. It is intense i.e. having number of photons
c. It is unidirectional i.e. having one direction
d. It is coherent i.e. having same phase

20.10- Explain why laser action could not occur without population inversion between
atomic levels?

Answer: To achieve laser action we have to make sure that numbers of atoms in excited
states in a lasing medium are much greater than that in ground state. This condition is known
Farhan Malik
as population inversion. Without population inversion laser action can’t be started. Large
number of coherent photons can’t be obtained without population inversion.


21.1- What are isotopes? What do they have in common and what are the differences?

Farhan Malik
Answer: Isotopes are the nuclei of an element having same atomic number but different
atomic mass.


a. Same atomic or charge number Z

b. Same chemical properties


a. Different mass number

b. Different physical properties

21.2- Why are heavy nuclei unstable?

Answer: Heavy nuclei are unstable because their binding energy per nucleon is less than the
lighter nuclei. In heavy nuclei neutrons are not so rigidly bound with each other. As heavy
nuclei are unstable so less energy is required to break them.

21.3- If a nucleus has a half life of 1 year does this means that it will completely decay
after 2 years?

Answer: No, it will not decay completely after two years.

Number of atoms remaining after any half-life for an element can be calculated using
After two half-life
𝑁 = 0.25𝑁𝑜

That means after two half-life only 25% of original atoms will remains and 75% will decay.

21.4- What fraction of radioactive sample decay after two half-lives have elapsed?

Farhan Malik
Answer: Number of atoms remaining after any half-life for an element can be calculated
using equation
After two half-life
𝑁 = 0.25𝑁𝑜

That means after two half-life only 25% of original atoms will remain and 75% will decay.

21.5- The radioactive element 𝟐𝟓𝟔 3

𝟖𝟖𝑹𝒂 has a half of 1.6x10 years. Since the earth is 5
billion year old, how can you explain why we still can find this element in nature?

Answer: No radioactive element can completely decay. Infinite time is required by an

element to decay completely. Although earth is about 5 billion year old but due to infinite
time requirement we still find 256
88𝑅𝑎 in earth’s crust.

21.6- Describe a brief account of interaction of various types of radiations with matter?

Answer: Depending upon energies radiations interact with matter in three different ways.

a. Photoelectric effect (photon energy less than 0.5 MeV)

b. Compton scattering (intermediate energies)
c. Pair production (greater than 1.02 MeV)

21.7- Explain how α-particle and β-particles may ionize an atom without directly
hitting the electrons? What is the difference in the action of the two particles for
producing ionization?

Answer: Both α-particle and β-particles are electrically charged particles and hence can
ionize any atom without directly striking them. They can ionize an atom with electric field
associated with them. As α-particle possess greater charge as compared to β-particle that’s
why it’s ionizing ability is greater than β-particle.

α-particle ionize an atom by attracting electron whereas β-particle ionize by repelling


21.8- A particle produces more ionization is less penetrating. Why?

Farhan Malik
Answer: Energy is required to ionize an atom. A particle which produces more ionization is
less penetrating because it losses most of its energy in ionizing the atoms and hence it fails to
penetrate to greater depth. α-particle is more ionizing but less penetrating at the same time β-
particle is less ionizing but more penetrating.

21.9- What information is revealed by the length and shape of the tracks of an incident
particle in Wilson cloud chamber?

Answer: Nature of radiation in Wilson cloud chamber is detected by the path formed as a
result of ionization.

a. α-particle : α-particle form thick, straight and continuous tracks due to greater
b. β-particle: tracks by β-particle are thinner, shorter and discontinuous.
c. 𝜸-rays: 𝜸-rays leave no definite track along their path due to high penetrating power
and low ionizing ability.

21.10- Why must a Gieger Muller tube for detecting α-particle have a very thin end
window? Why does a Gieger Muller tube for detecting γ-ray not need a window at all?

Answer: A GM tube has very thin window for detecting α-particle because they possess less
penetrating power and small range as compared to β and 𝜸-rays. For detecting 𝜸-rays
window becomes useless because of high penetrating power of 𝜸-rays. Therefore GM tube
needs no window for the detection of 𝜸 -rays.

21.11- Describe the principle of operation of solid state detector of ionizing radiation in
terms of generation and detection of charge carrier?

Answer: In solid state detector reverse biasing is applied through the two conducting layers
of gold. This enlarges the charge free region around the junction called depletion region.
Normally no current flows through the circuit. When an incident particle penetrates through
the depletion region, it produces electron hole pairs. These mobile charge carriers move
towards the respective sides due to applied electric field. This gives rise to a current in the
external circuit due which a pulse of voltage is generated across the resistance R. This pulse
is amplified and registered as a scalar unit.

21.12- What do we mean by the term critical mass?

Farhan Malik
Answer: A mass of uranium in which one neutron out of all the neutrons produced in one
fission reaction produces further fission is called critical mass.

The volume of this mass of uranium is called critical volume.

21.13- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power compared to the use
of fossil fuel generated power?

Answer: Advantages of nuclear power over fossil fuel

Nuclear power Fossil fuel power

a- It produces large amount of energy a- It produces limited amount of energy
b- It does not produces smoke b- It produces air pollution
c- Low cost electricity is produced c- Cost of electricity produced is high
d- Waste products can be reproduced d- Waste can’t be used again

Disadvantages of nuclear power over fossil fuel

Nuclear power Fossil fuel power

a- It is not easily available in market a- It’s fuel is easily available
b- It’s handling is dangerous b- It is not dangerous
c- Waste products are dangerous to handle c- Waste products are not dangerous
21.14- What factors make fusion reaction difficult to achieve?

Answer: Fusion reaction is difficult to achieve due to following reasons

a. Fusion reaction requires large amount of energy to bring two positively charged nuclei
close together to overcome electrostatic repulsion.
b. Fusion takes place at high temperature that is about 10 million degree Celsius.

21.15- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fission power from the point of
safety, pollution and resources.

Answer: Advantages

a. Fusion reaction is free of radioactive products so it is safe mean to energy.

b. Fusion produces more energy as compared to fission.
c. Energy produced as a result of fusion is cheaper than fission.

Farhan Malik
a. Fusion is difficult to start.
b. Fusion reaction has not been brought under control like fission.

21.16- What do you understand by “background radiations”? State two sources of this

Answer: Radiations present in the environment due to unknown sources are known as
background radiation.

Sources of background radiations are

a. Cosmic rays
b. Earth crust

21.17- If someone accidently swallows an α-source and β-source which would be more
dangerous to him? Explain why?

Answer: α- source will be more dangerous to swallow as compared to β-source.

α-particle has greater energy and great ionizing power than β-particle, so α-particle is more
dangerous than β-particle. So α-particle will cause more damage as compared to β –particle.

21.18- Which radiation dose would deposit more energy to the body (a) 10 mGy to the
hand or (b) 1mGy does to the entire body.

Answer: (a) For hand

E1 = D x m1

E1 = 10m Gy x m1 ------------------(1)

(b) For whole body

E2 = D x m2

E2 = 1m Gy x m2 ------------------(2)

From equation (1) and (2) it is clear that energy E2 is greater than E1 because the mass of
body m2 is much greater than mass m1 that is mass of the hand.

21.19- What is radioactive tracer? Describe one application each in medicine,

agriculture and industry.
Farhan Malik
Answer: A radioactive isotope behaves in just the same way as the normal isotope inside a
living organism. But the location and concentration of a radioactive isotope can be
determined easily by measuring the radiation it emits. Thus a radioactive isotope acts as an
indicator or tracer that makes it possible to follow the course of a chemical or biological

Medical Uses

Tracers are widely used in medicine to study the process of digestion and the way chemical
substances move about the body. Some examples are given as follow.

a. Radio-iodine is used to detect normal functioning of thyroid gland.

b. Radio-phosphorus for bones
c. Radio-Cobalt for liver
d. Radio isotope of sodium-24 is used to study blood circulation
e. Colbalt-60 is used for the treatment of cancer

Uses in agriculture

Carbon 14 is used in plants to track the path taken by the plant.

Use in industry

Some uses of radioisotopes in industry are as follow.

a. Sodium-24 = Oil well studies and to locate leaks in pipe lines

b. Uranium-235 = Nuclear power plants and naval propulsion system fuel, production of
fluorescent glassware and colored wall tiles.
c. Iradium-192 = Test integrity of boilers and aircraft parts

21.20- How can radioactivity help in the treatment of cancer?

Answer: Cancerous cells which increase rapidly absorb more radiations and are more easily
destroyed than normal cells by ionizing radiations.

Following are some radioactive elements are their help in treatments.

a. Cobalt 60 provides 𝜸-rays for the destruction of malignant tissue.

b. Iodine-131 helps to destroy malignant tissues in thyroid.
c. Phosphorous-32 and strontium-90 provide β-radiations for the treatment of skin


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