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1. Magnetic Direction is related to ___________ Meridian

2. Compass direction is related to the line taken up by______?

3. What is a clearing Line?

4. What is Transit Bearing?

5. What is a fix Position?

6. Define RAM Vessel.

7. Define Inshore Traffic Zone

8. What is Tide?

9. Explain Phases of Moon

10. Where will you find “Number of Chart”? What is its significance?

11 a) What is Variation? Explain with suitable diagram

b) What is Deviation? Explain with diagram.

12 a) Explain what is Set and Drift?


b) Explain Course Made Good?

13 a) What are the corrections a Navigator. will be required to apply to ensure Vessel
. maintain the true direction to its destination?

b) Differentiate CTS and CMG?

14 a) What are True, Magnetic and Compass Courses and how are they Measured?

b) Explain True________Magnetic and Compass Direction?

15 a) What is a Marine Sextant? Explain the Principles of HSA?


b) Explain methods of obtaining position circle using a Sextant.

16 a) Write in details different types of Nautical charts?


b) What is Gnomonic Projection? What is the advantage of Gnomonic Chart?

17 a) What is Restricted visibility? Explain a vessels action when not in sight of one and
. another.

b) What are the responsibilities between vessels as per Rule 18 of COLREGS?

18 a) Explain with diagram of Horizontal Danger Angles.


b) Explain with diagram of Vertical Danger Angle

1. What is a Chart?

2. What you understand by the Term Natural Scale of a Navigation Chart?

3. Where will you find one the Chart “Title of the Chart” and “date of
4. Define Track?

5. What is Course to steer?

6. Define Leeway.

7. How many sections are there in NTM?

8. What is Compass Error.?

9. Define Power Driven Vessel?

10. What is the use of Admiralty Chart Catalogue?

11 a) Explain action to avoid collision rule of COLREGS

b) Explain Head on Collision?

12. a) What are Navigational Lights , Its colour and Ranges?

b) Explain Fishing Vessel and NUC Vessel.

13. a) Draw the chart symbols for. the following.

i) Wreck showing Hull above the Level of CD.

(ii) Oil Rig

b) Draw the chart symbols for the following

i) Deep water Anchorage Area

ii) EBB stream 3 knots

14. a) What is a Marine Sextant? Explain the Principles of HSA?

b Explain methods of obtaining position circle using a Sextant.


15 a) Explain the COLREGS related to safe speed.

b) Explain crossing and Head on situation

16 a) How will you convert True Course to Compass Course?

What are the causes of deviation?

b) Explain swinging the Ship f. compass adjustment. Explain boxing the


i) Explain Set and Drift.

17. a) ii) Leeway
iii) SMG and DMG

i) Explain with example how will draw a position line of

b Bearing 040 Degree on chart.
ii) What are the various ways of fixing ship’s position?

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