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The Effect of Exchange Rate Fluctuation on the Performance of Manufacturing

Firms: An Empirical Evidence from Ghana

Article · January 2019

DOI: 10.22440/elit.1.2.4


5 808

3 authors:

Emmanuel Buabeng Enock Kojo Ayesu

Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology


Opoku Adabor
RMIT University


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Economics Literature (2019), 1(2): 133-147
doi: 10.22440/elit.1.2.4 Research Paper

The Effect of Exchange Rate Fluctuation on

the Performance of Manufacturing Firms:
An Empirical Evidence from Ghana
1 2 3
Emmanuel Buabeng Enock Kojo Ayesu Opoku Adabor

Received: 07.11.2019; Revised: 23.12.2019; Accepted: 29.12.2019

This study examines the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on the performance of
manufacturing firms in Ghana for the period 1990 to 2018. The study uses the bounds
test approach to cointegration within the framework of autoregressive distributed lags
model as the estimation strategy. The results reveal that exchange rate and monetary
policy rate has a negative and significant relationship with manufacturing firm perfor-
mance. It was also found that inflation, trade openness, and investment have signif-
icant positive relation with manufacturing firm performance in Ghana. Based on the
negative and significant relationship with exchange rate and manufacturing firm per-
formance, it is recommended that government and private partnership should ensure
effective management of the exchange rate fluctuation and also encourage manufac-
turing firms to patronize locally made capital goods for their production in the face of
a depreciating exchange rate. Further, the study recommends that monetary author-
ities should reduce interest rate to increase investment by firms. This will enhance
manufacturing firms’ performance.
JEL codes: D51, D20, C22
Keywords: Exchange rate, manufacturing firms’ performance, ARDL, Ghana

1 Introduction most developed and developing countries.

Exchange rate is a significant macroeco-
The effect of exchange rate fluctuation
nomic variable because its depreciation or
on economic growth is well recognized. How-
appreciation has negative repercussions on
ever, maintaining exchange rate stability
all the sectors of the economy especially
overtime has been the goal (challenge) of
the manufacturing sector (Odili, 2014;
Aizenman & Marion, 1999). Through inter-
1 Department of Economics, Kwame Nkrumah Uni-
national trade among countries, economies
versity of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.
have experienced periods of exchange rate
2 Corresponding Author Department of Eco- fluctuations, slower growth among others
nomics, Kwame Nkrumah University of Sci- (Todaro & Smith, 2008; Bahmani-Oskooee
ence and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. (e-mail: & Miteza, 2003) and this has exposed
3 Department of Economics, Kwame Nkrumah Uni- many developing countries to periods of
versity of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. imbalances. Notwithstanding, exchange rate

The Effect of Exchange Rate on Performance Buabeng et al.

fluctuations does not only affect economic productivity.

growth but also the performance of firms. In spite of the above empirically, (see
For instance, exchange rate depreciation for instance Ofori et al., 2018; Alagid-
increases the cost of imported capital goods ede & Ibrahim, 2017; Salifu et al., 2007;
for manufacturing firms and this results to a Nyarko et al., 2011; Mensah et al., 2013;
fall in domestic investment among others. Insah & Chiaraah, 2013; Bhattarai &
Therefore, the manufacturing sector(firms) Armah, 2005; Frimpong & Adam, 2010;
play a vital role in modern economy world- Kyereboah-Coleman & Agyire-Tettey, 2008;
wide and has the potential benefits that are Opoku-Afari et al., 2004; Gyimah-Brempon
key for economic transformation (Ayobami, & Gyapong, 1993), very little is known
2019) and Ghana is no exception. Specif- on the effect of exchange rate fluctuations
ically, in Ghana the manufacturing sector on manufacturing firms’ performance in
continues to play a vital role in the economy Ghana. Notwithstanding, there is evidence
and contributed averagely 7 percent to Gross of the effect of exchange rate fluctuations
Domestic product between the year 2006 to on economic growth, capital inflows, trade
2016 (Ghana Statistical Service, 2017). They balance, employment and growth in the em-
also contribute to employment creation, pirical literature (see for instance Elbadawi
corporate social responsibilities, foreign et al., 2008; Umaru et al., 2018; Alagidede &
exchange earnings, promote the growth of Ibrahim, 2017; Kenneth et al., 2016; Mensah
investment, increasing productivity among et al., 2013; Nyarko et al., 2011; Salifu
others. And this lead to the improvement in et al., 2007; Bhattarai & Armah, 2005;
the socio-economic welfare of the individual Opoku-Afari et al., 2004; Gyimah-Brempon
in the country. Notwithstanding the con- & Gyapong, 1993). However, to the best
tribution of the manufacturing sector(firm) of our knowledge, we are aware of only
to the growth of the country and the two empirical studies that investigated the
improvement in the socio-economic welfare effect of exchange rate fluctuations (see;
of the populace, one key problem faced Boateng, 2019; Abdul-Mumuni, 2019) on
by the manufacturing sector in Ghana is manufacturing firms’ performance in Ghana.
exchange rate fluctuation. This is so because Specifically, Boateng (2019) focused on
the manufacturing sector depends highly manufacturing sector in terms of financial
on imported capital goods or raw materials performance and used return on assets
to undertake their production activities and equity as a measure for manufacturing
hence any fluctuations in the exchange rate sectors performance whereas Abdul-Mumuni
has negative repercussion on the growth (2019) used manufacturing sectors per-
(performance) of the sector among others. centage of Gross Domestic product (GDP)
However, in an economy that is driven as a measure of manufacturing sectors
by importation of capital goods and raw performance.
materials to feed it manufacturing sectors, In this regard, the present study differs
the sector has been plagued by numer- from studies by (see Boateng, 2019; Abdul-
ous setbacks as a result of exchange rate Mumuni, 2019) significantly on the effect
fluctuations making them less competitive of exchange rate fluctuations on the perfor-
locally and globally. Thus exchange rate mance of manufacturing sectors in Ghana
fluctuations has led to the collapse of most for at least a number of reasons and make at
manufacturing firms and also created an least two significant contributions. Firstly,
atmosphere of macroeconomic uncertainty we add to the scanty literature on the nexus
which leads to a reduction in firms’ profit, between exchange rate fluctuation and man-
reduces employment levels as well as in- ufacturing sectors performance in Ghana.
vestment levels and also decreases in firm Secondly, the present study uses a relatively

Economics Literature 2019(2): 133-147 doi: 10.22440/elit.1.2.4

current and larger sample period from 1990 bulletin of the central bank of Nigeria and
to 2018 as compared to that of Abdul- applies the auto-regressive distributed lag
Mumuni (2019) and Boateng (2019) that model as the estimation strategy. The study
used 1986 to 2013 and 2009 to 2017. Thirdly reveals that the growth of manufacturing
we focus on different controls compared firms’ in Nigeria is positively related with
to the studies by (Abdul-Mumuni, 2019; exchange rate fluctuations but is insignifi-
Boateng, 2019) which includes: exchange cant.
rate, monetary policy rate, trade openness, Elbadawi et al. (2008) investigate the
and investment. We pay attention to the effect of foreign aid, real exchange rate on
manufacturing firms with the reasons that, economic growth for the period 1970 to
(i) averagely they contribute 7 percent to 2014 for developed and developing countries.
Gross Domestic product in Ghana (Ghana Data from the world development indicators,
Statistical Service, 2017), (ii) exchange rate
and International Financial Statistics was
fluctuations affect manufacturing sectors used. The study employs the pooled mean
mostly in all economies as they contribute grouped as the estimation technique. The
largely to employment creation, foreign results from the study reveal that foreign aid
exchange creation, promoting of investment affect economic growth positively and signif-
and over all to the socio-economic welfare oficantly. In addition, the study finds that real
the populace, (iii) exchange rate fluctuations
exchange rate overvaluation reduces growth.
affect adversely the ability of manufacturingSimilarly, Williams (2018) examine the
sectors to import capital goods and raw impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the
materials leading to a reduction in perfor- performance of some selected listed firms
mance, (iv) exchange rate fluctuation affectsin Nigeria for the period 2012 to 2016. The
the income and profitability of firms therebystudy employs the ordinary least square
reducing their contribution in terms of GDP, regression as the estimation technique.
(v) and exchange rate fluctuations in generalThe study reveals that exchange rate has
contribute to some extent the higher level a positive and significant effect on firms’
of unemployment as manufacturing sectors performance. In addition, the results from
turn to lay workers off from their duties. the study also show that there is a positive
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
and significant association between inflation
What follows is the related literature on theand firms performance.
effect of exchange rate on manufacturing Umaru et al. (2018) investigate the effect
firms’ performance. In addition, the estima- of exchange rate volatility on economic
tion technique and data used is discussed growth among selected English speaking
and finally the results discussions, conclusion
(that included Ghana, Gambia, Nigeria, and
and policy recommendation. Sierra Leone) countries in ECOWAS region
for the period 1980 to 2017. The study uses
data from the world development indicators
2 Literature Review and applies the panel data estimation
technique (that included fixed and random
Empirically, a number of studies have
effect and pooled OLS) to the data set. The
examined exchange rate effect on manufac-
results from the study shows a negative and
turing firm’s performance in developed and
significant relationship between exchange
developing countries. Ayobami (2019) exam-
rate volatility and economic growth for
ined the effect of exchange rate fluctuation
Ghana and Nigeria whereas for The Gambia
on the performance of manufacturing firms
and Sierra Leone the relationship was
in Nigeria for the period 1981 to 2016. The
negative but insignificant.
study uses data from the world development
Similarly, in Nigeria Kenneth et al. (2016)
indicators of the world bank and statistical

The Effect of Exchange Rate on Performance Buabeng et al.

examine the Impact of Exchange Rate uses annual industry level data and employ
Regimes on Economic Growth for the period the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)
1970 to 2014. The study employed the as the estimation strategy. investment. The
Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) as study reveals a negative and significant
the estimation strategy using data from the relationship between exchange rate and
Central bank of Nigeria and the World Bank manufacturing sector investment.
world development indicators. In addition, Similarly, using the Generalized method of
the study uses three period of exchange moments as the estimation technique and
rate regimes which includes 1970 to 2014, data from the world development indicators
1970 to 1985 and 1985-2014. The study for 118 countries, Rodrik (2008) examine the
reveals that all the exchange rate regimes effect of exchange rate on economic growth
affected economic performance in Nigeria. among two income group the poor and
Specifically, fixed exchange rates affect the non-poor countries for the period 1950 to
performance of the Nigerian economy. 2004. The study reveals that exchange rate
Using the Vector Error Correction Model has a positive and significant association
(VECM) as the estimation strategy, Akinlo with economic growth. In Canada, Baggs et
and Lawal (2015) examine the impact of al. (2009) investigate the effect of exchange
exchange rate instabilities on industrial rate on firm performance for the period 1986
production in Nigeria. The period for the to 1997. The study employs the ordinary
study was 1986 to 2010. The results from least square regression as the estimation
their study show the existence of a long run strategy. The results from their study
relationship among industrial production’s reveals that exchange rate has a negative
index, exchange rate, inflation and money and significant effect on firm’s performance.
supply. Specifically, the study reveals that Specifically, the probability that Canadian
currency depreciation had no appreciable firms survive from one period to the next
short-run effects on industrial production period was found to be negatively related to
but had long-run positive effects on indus- exchange rate appreciation.
trial production. Further, the study finds Caglayan and Muñoz Torres (2011) inves-
that variation in industrial production in tigate the effect of exchange rate on fixed
Nigeria to a large extent is explained by the capital investment in Mexico spanning the
supply of money. period 1994 to 2002. The study employs the
Using the ordinary least square regression two-stage least square (2SLS) regression as
as the estimation technique, Adeniran et the estimation technique. The study reveals
al. (2014) examine the impact of exchange that currency depreciation has an inverse
rate on economic growth in Nigeria for the relationship with fixed capital investment
period 1986 to 2013. The study uses data through the channel of exports or imports.
secondary data from Central Bank of Nigeria Thus exchange rate is higher for industries
Statistical Bulletin of various issues. The that have low mark-up ratios and those in
study reveals a positive relationship between the non-durable goods sectors.
exchange rate and economic growth however Specifically, on Ghana, studies on the effect
the results was insignificant. In addition, of exchange rate on manufacturing firms’
the study finds a negative and significant performance appears to be very scanty as
relationship between inflation, interest rate most of the studies has focused on the effect
and economic growth. of exchange rate (see for example Salifu et
In a related study, Lotfalipour et al. (2013) al., 2007; Nyarko et al., 2011; Mensah et
investigate the effect of exchange rate on of al., 2013; Gyimah-Brempon & Gyapong,
manufacturing sectors investment in Iran 1993; Opoku-Afari et al., 2004; Alagidede &
spanning the period 1995 to 2009. The study Ibrahim, 2017; Bhattarai & Armah, 2005;

Economics Literature 2019(2): 133-147 doi: 10.22440/elit.1.2.4

Kyereboah-Coleman & Agyire-Tettey, 2008; Elbadawi et al., 2008). Specifically, the effect
Frimpong & Adam, 2010; Insah & Chiaraah, of exchange rate on manufacturing firms
2013) on economic growth, foreign direct appears to be very scanty from the empirical
investment, employment growth, capital review so far and the results has been
inflows, trade balance, and exchange rate inconclusive as regards the nexus between
pass through effect. Notwithstanding from them. Therefore, the current study would
the empirical review and to the best of our add to the scanty literature on the effect of
knowledge we are aware of only two studies exchange rate fluctuations on manufacturing
that examine the effect of exchange rate on firms’ performance in Ghana.
manufacturing firms in Ghana with different
focus (see for instance Abdul-Mumuni, 2019;
Boateng, 2019). 3 Methodology
Abdul-Mumuni (2019) examine the impact
This section presents the methodological
of exchange rate on the performance of
framework adopted for the study and con-
manufacturing sector in Ghana for the
sists of three parts. Firstly, it presents the
period 1986 to 2013. The study uses annual
data type and sources followed by the model
time series data on manufacturing output as
specification and finally the estimation strat-
percentage of domestic product, exchange
egy employed.
rates, imports, interest rates and foreign
direct investment and applies the autore- 3.1 Data type and source
gressive distributed lag (ARDL) as the
In achieving the objective of our study
estimation technique. The study uses data
we relied on annual time series data from
from world bank world development indica-
the annual reports of Bank of Ghana (2017),
tors. The study reveals that the performance
Ghana Statistical Service (2017), and World
of manufacturing firms is positively related
development indicators of the (WorldBank,
with exchange rate significantly.
2019) spanning the period 1990 to 2018. The
In a related study Boateng (2019) investigate
dependent variable is manufactured share of
the effect of exchange rate on the financial
Gross Domestic Product and used as a proxy
performance of manufacturing firms in
for manufacturing firm’s performance. In ad-
Ghana using Return on asset and equity as
dition, the independent variables include: ex-
the dependent variable for the period 2009
change rate, inflation, monetary policy rate,
to 2017. The study uses imports, foreign
investment, and trade openness. The period
direct investment and nominal interest rate
for the study was chosen due to data avail-
as control variables and applies the panel
ability. Table 1 presents a brief summary of
regression as the estimation. The results
the definitions of the variable, measurement
from the study show that the growth of
and data sources.
manufacturing firms’ financial performance
As regards a prior expectation of the
is negatively associated with exchange rate.
variables, for exchange rate variable we
As can be seen from the empirical reviewed
expect a positive relationship between
so far, most of the studies focused on
exchange rate and manufacturing firm’s
the effect of exchange rate fluctuations
performance. Thus, a stronger exchange rate
on economic growth both outside and
leads to the appreciation of the currency and
on Ghana (see for instance Salifu et al.,
this encourages importation of goods and
2007; Nyarko et al., 2011; Mensah et al.,
services. This is because as our currency ap-
2013; Gyimah-Brempon & Gyapong, 1993;
preciates, manufacturing firms view imports
Opoku-Afari et al., 2004; Alagidede &
of capital goods to be cheaper and hence
Ibrahim, 2017; Bhattarai & Armah, 2005;
take advantage in the acquisition of more
Umaru et al., 2018; Kenneth et al., 2016;
capital goods which will affect their per-

The Effect of Exchange Rate on Performance Buabeng et al.

Table 1: Summary of variables, definitions and sources

Variables Definitions Sources
It is expressed as a percentage of the country’s gross domestic
Manufacturing share of Ghana Statisti-
product and represents the share of manufacturing in GDP
Gross Domestic Product cal Service, 2017
(MGDP) and used in this context as a proxy for manufacturing firms’
Exchange rate (EXCR) Is defined as the value of one countries currency in terms of WorldBank,
the other countries currency and is measured as the exchange 2019
rate of the Ghana Cedis for a unit of US dollars
Inflation (INFL) Is the increase in the general price of goods and services and WorldBank,
is measured using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) 2019
Monetary policy rate Represents the level of interest rates used by commercial banks Bank of Ghana,
(MPR) in the economy and is determined by the central bank of 2017
Trade openness (TOP) Is defined as the outward or inward orientation of a given WorldBank,
country’s economy and is measured as trade as a percentage 2019
of Gross domestic product (GDP)
Investment (INV) Is defined as the investment by firms other than their business WorldBank,
activities with the goal of making profit and is measured as 2019
investment as a percentage of GDP
Source: Authors.

formance positively. Also, the appreciation 3.2 Model specification

discourages exportation, and this is likely
We follow previous studies by
to affect the performance of manufacturing
Mmaduabuchi and Ifeanyi (2014) and
firms that exports most of their products as
Abdul-Mumuni (2019) and specify the effect
the home currency becomes much expensive
of exchange rate on manufacturing firm’s
as compared to their counterparts that sell
performance and other control variables as
their product in the home country. For
inflation, we expect a positive or negative
relationship with firm performance. This is M GDPt = f (EXCR, IN F L, M P R,
so because as inflation increases the prices (1)
T OP, IN V ) + et
of manufacturing firms input increases and
this is likely to affects their profit as price In equation (1) M GDP is the depen-
of output increase leading to a decline in dent variable which is the measure
demand for their product and vice versa. of manufacturing firms performance
Further, we expect a positive or negative whereas the explanatory variables
relationship between monetary policy rate EXCR, IN F L, M P R, T OP, IN V rep-
and manufacturing firm performance. This resents exchange rate, inflation, monetary
is because an increase in monetary policy policy rat, trade openness , and investment
rate leads to an increase in interest rates respectively. The estimable form of equation
charged by commercial banks there by (1) is thus specified as:
increasing the cost of borrowing by firms
and this is likely to affect manufacturing lnM GDPt = β0 + β1 lnEXCRt +
sector performance and vice versa. Finally,
β2lnIN F Lt + β3 M P Rt + β4 lnT OPt + (2)
regarding trade openness and investment
we expect a positive relationship with β5 IN Vt + µt
manufacturing firm’s performance.
From equation (2) βi are the parameters to
be estimated in the model, and µt represents
the error term. Also, since we have taken the
natural log of all the variables, coefficients

Economics Literature 2019(2): 133-147 doi: 10.22440/elit.1.2.4

are interpreted as elasticities. In addition After establishing the stationarity proper-

β1 , β2 , β3 , β4 and β5 represent respective ties of the variables in equation (3), we first
coefficient and elasticities of the independent estimate the Error Correction model in an
variables as defined already. OLS form. The Autoregressive Distributed
Lag Model (ARDL) is specified in equation
(4) which provides both the short-and long
3.3 Estimation strategy
run estimates in one single equation and the
The present study employs the autore- unit root test, and the cointegration test is
gressive distributed lag (ARDL) model then carried out. Also the ARDL bounds test
and bounds test for cointegration following specifies the functional relationship between
Pesaran et al. (2001) and the error correction manufacturing firm’s performance, exchange
model (ECM) for the analysis. We employed rate, inflation, trade openness, investment,
the ARDL because of the relatively small and monetary policy rate.
number of observations 1990 to 2018. The
ARDL is suitable for our study because it is X
4lnM GDPt = α0 + β1 4lnM GDPt−1
able to make use of series that are strictly t=1
integrated of order zero, one or mix on the p
X p
condition that the series are not integrated + π1 4lnEXRt−i + η1 4lnIN Ft−i
of order two or more (Baidoo & Yusif, 2019). t=i t=1
p p
Further, according to Narayan (2005) the X X
ARDL cointegration approach is superior in + γ1 4lnM P Rt−i + λ1 4lnT OPt−i
t=1 t=1
small samples compared to other single and p
multivariate cointegration techniques.
+ ϕ1 4lnIN Vt−i + δ1 lnM GDPt−1
It worth highlighting that in using time series t=1
data, mostly the variables are likely to be +δ2 lnEXRt−1 + δ3 lnIN Ft−1 +
non-stationary. Hence Newbold and Granger
δ4 lnM P Rt−1 + δ5 lnT OPt−1
(1974) emphasized that using non-stationary
variables in time series analysis may lead +δ6 lnIN Ft−1 + εt
to biased and inconsistent estimates. Also (4)
it is likely to generate spurious regression From equation (4), the 4 is the first differ-
not suitable for making analysis. In ad- ence operator. The parameters β, π, η, λ and
dressing this econometric concern, the study ϕ in represent the dynamic coefficient in the
employed the Augmented Dickey-Fuller short-run while the long-run multipliers are
(ADF) test by Dickey and Fuller (1979, denoted by δ1 to δ6 . In addition, the number
1981)and Phillips and Perron test by Phillips of lags is denoted by p whereas εt is the
and Perron (1988) are used for the unit stochastic error term which is identically
root check. The ADF test is thus specified as: and independent distributed.
Nonetheless, in order to have a valid long-
Xp run estimates, we follow Pesaran et al.
4Yt = γ0 + δYt−1 + γi 4yt−1 + εt (3) (2001) and employ the F statistic test for
i=1 joint significance of the lagged level variables
The null hypothesis of the ADF and P-P test incorporated in equation (4) which follows
state that the series has a unit root. That is a non-standard distribution. Equation (5)
H0 : δ = 0 (indicate that there is the pres- and (6) represent the null and alternative
ence of unit root) as against the alternative hypothesis respectively. Equation (5) shows
hypothesis of H1 : δ < 0 (indicating that the that there is no cointegration, thus, no long
series has no unit root). However, if the null run relationship exists between the variables
hypothesis is rejected, it implies that the se- whereas equation (6) shows that there is no
ries are stationary. cointegration. Thus, no long run relationship

The Effect of Exchange Rate on Performance Buabeng et al.

exists between the variables. However, if the estimates as well as the fitness of the model,
calculated F-statistic is more than the upper stability and the reliability and stability
critical value, the null hypothesis of no tests.
long-run relationship is rejected otherwise it
is accepted. However, if the F-statistic lies
4.1 Descriptive statistics
between the lower and the upper bound,
the result is not concluded. The upper and The study investigates the descriptive
lower bound critical values assume that all statistics of the variable included in the
the variables are I(0) and I(1) respectively. model. The results are presented in Table
2. Exchange rate averaged 1.25 and ranges
H0 = δ1 = δ2 = δ3 = δ4 = δ5 = δ6 = 0 (5)

H0 6= δ1 6= δ2 6= δ3 6= δ4 6= δ5 6= δ6 6= 0 (6)
Another important thing that we cannot
Table 2: Descriptive statistics
overlook is the error correction model. The
Variable Obs. Mean S.D. Min. Max.
error correction model helps in reconciling lnEXR 29 1.2555 1.3579 0.0326 5.5853
the economic variables under consideration lnMGDP 29 2.0186 0.2699 1.4701 2.3223
when there is a deviation in the behavior lnINF 29 2.8407 0.5154 1.9637 4.0853
lnTrade 29 4.2949 0.2593 3.7492 4.7540
of the short-run and long-run variables. It
MPR 29 3.1235 0.3917 2.5260 3.8066
simply measures the degree of deviation of lnINV 29 3.0087 0.2713 2.4650 3.3757
the independent variables from equilibrium. Source: Authors’ elaboration based on WorldBank (2019) data.
Note: Obs., S.D., Min. and Max. represents observations, stan-
The ECM model is thus specified; dard deviation, minimum and maximum, respectively.

4Yt = α0 + βi 4Yt−i +
X between 0.03 and 5.58. Exchange rate also
γi 4Xt−i + δECMt−i + εt
had a standard deviation of 1.36. The
manufacturing firms’ performance (Proxied
Where Y represents the dependent variable
by manufacturing share of GDP) variable
with its lags and X represents a list of
also averaged 2.02 with a maximum value
independent variables with their lags, 4
of 2.32 and a minimum value of 1.47. The
denotes the first difference operator, whiles β
standard deviation of manufacturing firms’
and γ are the short run dynamic coefficients
performance was also 0.27. The Inflation
of the model. Further, ECMt−i is the error
variable also averaged 2.84 and falls between
correction term which must have a negative
4.08 and 1.96 over the sample period. Its
sign and must be statistically significant
deviation from the mean was also 0.51.
with δ being its parameter indicating the
Furthermore, trade openness also averaged
speed of adjustment to long run equilibrium
4.30 and fell within the ranges of 4.75 and
after a shock.
3.75. Its deviation from the mean value was
also recorded as 0.26.
Also, monetary policy rate averaged 3.12
4 Empirical Results and Discussion
with a maximum and a minimum value of
In this section we present the empirical 3.806 and 2.53 respectively. It recorded a
results and discussions of the study. we first standard deviation of 0.40. Finally, invest-
present the summary descriptive statistics ment averaged 3.01 with a maximum and
of the variables. Secondly, we discuss the minimum value of 3.37 and 2.50 whereas the
unit roots and the cointegration test results. standard deviation is 0.30 accordingly.
Finally, we discuss the long- and short run

Economics Literature 2019(2): 133-147 doi: 10.22440/elit.1.2.4

4.2 Unit root and cointegration test re- wage rate are co-integrated and hence long
sults run coefficient can be estimated.

4.2.1 Unit root test result

4.3 Estimated long- and short run re-
The unit root test result from the ADF sults using ARDL
and P-P test are reported in Table 3. The
results for both ADF and PP shows that ex- Table 5 presents the estimated long run
change rate, monetary policy rate, and man- regression results. The variable of interest
ufacturing sector value added variables in is the exchange rate and the coefficient
equation (3) are non-stationary at the levels reveals a positive and significant relation-
but stationary at the first difference whereas ship with manufacturing firm performance
oil price and inflation are all stationary at (lnM GDP ) as expected.
the levels. Specifically, the test for both ADF Thus, the results indicate that the perfor-
and PP shows that exchange rate, manufac- mance of manufacturing firms is negatively
turing sector share of GDP (which is used related with exchange rate. Specifically, this
in this context as manufacturing sector per- suggest that one percent increase in Ghana’s
formance), monetary policy rate, and trade exchange rate decreases manufacturing firm
openness in equation (3) are integrated of performance by 0.31 percent in Ghana all
order one I(1) and the remaining variables: else being equal and is significant at one
Inflation and investment are integrated of or- percent level of significant. This implies that
der zero I(0). depreciation of exchange rate results in a
However, the result obtained from the ADF decrease in imported capital goods by manu-
and PP test satisfy the use of the ARDL facturing firms in Ghana. This is so because
bounds test to ascertain the existence of a most of the manufacturing firms in Ghana
long-run relationship among the variables. rely on the import of capital goods and raw
materials for their production and this will
increase the cost of production and making
4.2.2 Cointegration test results
locally produced goods less competitive
This section presents the results from than their imported counterparts. Also, as
the cointegration test results using the the exchange rate depreciate the capacity of
ARDL bounds test to ascertain the long firms to import these capital goods for their
run relationship for the dependent and production declines hence affecting their
independent variable are reported in Table performance. On the other hand, a depreci-
4. ation of Ghana cedi increases the profit of
From Table 4, K denotes the number of export manufacturing firms in Ghana. This
regressors or explanatory variables in the is because as our currency depreciate the
equation, *** represent rejection of the price of exports becomes cheaper for foreign
null hypothesis at 1% significance level. countries and hence turn to purchase more
The results from Table 4 indicate that the of our exports product thereby leading to
F-statistic value of 12.97 is greater than an increase in manufacturing performance
the upper bound critical value of 4.68 at 1 of export firms in Ghana as a result of
percent significance level hence we reject the an increase in profit from the sale made.
null hypothesis of no long run relationship Similarly, the over dependence of most of the
among the dependent- and the independent manufacturing firms in Ghana on imported
variable in equation (3). It is therefore capital goods implies that a depreciating of
concluded the variables: manufacturing the exchange rate would crowd out marginal
gross domestic product, exchange rate, investment due to high cost of investment.
inflation, oil price, monetary policy rate and Our study is consistent with the results of

The Effect of Exchange Rate on Performance Buabeng et al.

Table 3: Unit root test results for (ADF) and (P-P)

Variable ADF P-P
Levels 1st Difference Levels 1st Difference
Constant Constant Constant Constant
Constant Constant Constant Constant
with trend with trend with trend with trend
lnEXR -2.136 -1.4534 -3.639*** -4.075*** -2.036 -1.516 -3.662*** -4.026***
lnMGDP 0.978 -0.839 -3.925*** -4.479*** 0.797 -0.888 -3.925*** -4.441***
lnINF -2.960* -3.535* -5.648*** -5.501*** -2.912 -3.319 -5.900*** -5.764***
lntrade -2.449 -2.134 -4.839*** -5.367*** -2.449 -2.125* -5.109*** -6.256***
LnINV -2.825* -2.728 -4.923*** -4.859*** -2.679 -2.572 -4.925*** -4.853***
LnMPR -1.406 -2.789 -3.647*** -3.587*** -1.313 -1.705 -4.472*** -4.398***
Source: Authors’ elaboration based on WorldBank (2019) data.
Note: ***, **, and * represent significance at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively.

Table 4: ARDL Bounds test for long run amount of interest. Hence given that most
relationship of the manufacturing firms in Ghana rely
Lower bound Upper bound on bank loan for their activities in the
F-statistic K
critical value critical value
face of increasing cost of borrowing their
12.97*** 5 3.41 4.68
Source: Authors’ elaboration based on WorldBank (2019) data.
growth(performance) would be affected.
Another important variable that affect
the performance of manufacturing firms
Table 5: Long-run estimations using the ARDL
in Ghana is inflation. The study reveals
Regressor Coefficient T-Statistic that an increase in manufacturing firms’
LNEXR -0.3139*** 0.0250 -12.5404 performance in Ghana is positively related
LNMPR -0.6181*** 0.1147 -5.3870 with inflation. The coefficient of inflation
LNINV 0.4825*** 0.1326 3.6381
LNINF 0.251*** 0.0774 3.2407
is positive and significant at one percent
LNTRADE 0.534*** 0.1098 4.8703 level of significant. This means that a
Constant -0.7415 0.5347 -1.3867 one percent increase in inflation results
Source: Authors’ elaboration based on WorldBank (2019) data.
Note: *** represent significant levels 1%. in improvement in manufacturing firms’
performance by 0.25 percent. This implies
that an increase in inflation serve as a cost
Boateng (2019),Lotfalipour et al. (2013) and to manufacturing firms’ by increasing the
Baggs et al. (2009) while contradicts with input price of their products and all things
the results of Ayobami (2019), Williams being equal the increase in the input prices
(2018), Abdul-Mumuni (2019) and Akinlo result to an increase in the output price of
and Lawal (2015). Regarding monetary manufacturing firms thereby increasing their
policy rate, the study reveals a negative and level of profit. This finding is consistent with
significant relationship with manufacturing study by Williams (2018).
firms’ performance at one percent level of With regard to trade openness, the study
significant. Thus all things being equal a indicates a positive and significant rela-
one percent increase in monetary policy tionship as expected with manufacturing
rate leads to a decrease in manufacturing firms’ performance and is significant at one
firms’ performance by 0.62 percent in percent level of significant. Thus, the growth
Ghana. This means that when monetary of manufacturing firms is positively related
policy rate increases the interest charged by with trade openness. By implication a one
commercial banks on loans also increases. percent increase in trade openness leads to
However, as the cost of borrowing increases an increase in manufacturing firms’ perfor-
firms are unable able to take enough funds mance by 0.53 percent. This implies that
from banks to undertake their production as manufacturing firms in Ghana engage
activities. This is so because they have to in trade openness it provides new market
repay back the loan taken with a higher

Economics Literature 2019(2): 133-147 doi: 10.22440/elit.1.2.4

opportunities for them which enhances Table 6: Short-run estimations using the ARDL
their productivity, and innovation through Standard
Regressor Coefficient t-stat.
competition domestically and externally. Error
4lnEXR 0.0182 0.0903 0.2025
Therefore, trade openness is a requisite
4lnEXR(−1) -0.1482 0.0911 -1.6262
enabler for growth and hence this is vital 4lnM P R -0.2557*** 0.0610 -4.1921
for firm growth (performance). Hence as 4lnIN V 0.0370 0.0534 0.6927
manufacturing firms take advantage of 4lnT RADE -0.0014 0.0812 -0.0177
4LIN F 0.0252 0.0290 0.8689
openness to trade their line of business 4lnIN F (−1) 0.0785** 0.0329 2.3883
expands and thereby leading to an increased ECM (-1) -0.4137*** 0.0786 -5.2593
in their performance R2 0.9901
AdjustedR2 0.9829
Finally, regarding investment variable as ex- Durbin-Waston 1.9983
pected, the study indicates that investment F-stat. 136.8974
has a positive coefficient and it significant Prob (F-stat.) 0.000
Source: Authors’ elaboration based on WorldBank (2019) data.
at one percent level of significance. Thus,
the performance of manufacturing firms in
Ghana is positively related with investment.
This implies that all things being equal a firms performance in Ghana positively but
one percent increase in investment by firm insignificant. This is because increase in
leads to an in increase in manufacturing inflation results to a rise in input cost of pro-
firm performance by 0.25 percent. This is duction to firms and hence firms offset the
so because manufacturing firms that engage rise in the cost of production by increasing
in other forms of investment activities are the prices of their output thereby leading to
likely to have enough capital requirement an improvement in their performance Again
to undertake their activities and hence in the short run, the coefficient of investment
improvement in their performance. was positive and insignificant compared to
The short run estimates are reported in the long run results where the coefficient was
Table 6 and the results are not statistically positive but significant at one percent level
different from that obtained from the long of significance. Finally, in the long run trade
run estimate. For instance, Inflation has openness reveals a positive and significant
a positive impact on manufacturing firms effect on manufacturing firms’ performance
performance in Ghana both in the short and but in the short run estimates the coefficient
long-run. Also exchange rate has a negative of trade openness was negative and insignif-
effect on manufacturing firms’ performance icant. This implies that in the short run the
both in the short and long run. However, in growth of manufacturing firms is negatively
the long run exchange rate was significant related with trade openness. Thus, one
but in the short run exchange rate was percent increase in trade openness decreases
insignificant. manufacturing firm performance in Ghana
Regarding monetary policy rate the study by 0.001 percent but insignificant. The error
reveals a negative and significant effect on correction term is negative and significant
manufacturing firms’ performance both in which confirms the long run relationship
the short and long run estimates. between: exchange rate, manufacturing
Contrary to the long run results, the firm performance, crude oil price, wages,
coefficient of inflation rate is positive and inflation, and monetary policy rate as well
statically significant at one percent level as a restoration to a long run equilibrium
of significance. Thus, in the short run when there is a short run shock in any of the
inflation affected manufacturing firms’ per- independent variables. Specifically, the error
formance in Ghana positively. Thus, in the correction term, ECM (-1) of -0.41 shows
short run inflation affected manufacturing that equilibrium in the long run is restored
at a speed of approximately 41 percent after

The Effect of Exchange Rate on Performance Buabeng et al.

shock. 5 Conclusions and Policy Recommen-

4.4 Model diagnostic and reliability This paper has examined the effect of
test results exchange rate fluctuation on manufacturing
firms’ performance in Ghana using annual
The validity of the estimates from the
time series data spanning the period 1990
ARDL is dependent on the assumption that
to 2018. In achieving the objective of the
the model is free from any statistical prob-
study, bounds testing approach to cointegra-
lem. Therefore, Table 7 reports the di-
tion within the framework of autoregressive
agnostic test results including: normality,
distributed lag model (ARDL) and error cor-
serial correlation, heteroskedasticity, func-
rection model which are appropriate for rel-
tional form, cumulative sum (CUSUM), and
atively small sample size are used. The de-
cumulative sum of squares (CUSUMQ).
pendent variable is manufacturing firm per-
The normality and serial correlation test con-
formance (which was proxied by manufactur-
ing share of GDP) and the independent vari-
ables include: exchange rate, inflation, mon-
etary policy rate, and trade openness.
Table 7: Diagnostic test results The short-run results reveal that exchange
Test rate and trade openness was insignificant
Diagnostic test Prob. Value
Normality 1.2511 0.5350
but had a negative effect on manufacturing
Serial correlation 0.4913 0.6220 firms’ performance. Further, monetary pol-
Heteroskedasticity 0.8801 0.5766 icy rate has negative and significant associa-
Functional form 1.1364 0.2749
tion with manufacturing firms’ performance
CUSUM Stable
CUSUMQ Stable whereas the result for inflation was positive
Source: Authors’ elaboration based on WorldBank (2019) data. and significant. Finally, the short run re-
sults a positive and insignificant relationship
with manufacturing firm’s performance. Re-
garding the long run results, the study re-
ducted using the Jarque-Bera test and the veals a positive and significant relationship
Breusch- Godfrey LM test respectively. Het- for trade openness, inflation, and investment
eroskedasticity and functional test was done with manufacturing firms’ performance. Also
using Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey test and Ram- the study finds a negative relationship for ex-
sey reset test respectively. Finally, the sta- change rate and monetary policy variables
bility of the model over the sample period with manufacturing firms performance.
is ascertained from the plots of CUSUM and This study has some significant policy rec-
CUSUMSQ. ommendations for developing countries es-
From results Table 7, it is evident that the pecially Ghana. Firstly, given that exchange
estimated model is free from the above- rate was negative and significant, the study
mentioned econometric problems since the recommends that Government and private
probability values are greater than 0.05. partnership should ensure effective manage-
Also, the CUSUM and CUSUMQ graph in ment of the exchange rate fluctuations in
Figure 1 reveals that manufacturing firm per- Ghana and also encouraging manufacturing
formance over the sample period is stable. firms to patronize locally made capital goods
This is because the plots of the Cumulative for their production in the face of a depreci-
sum and Cumulative sum of square (CUSUM ating exchange rate. Secondly, following the
and CUSUMQ) lie within the 5 percent crit- positive and significant relationship between
ical bound. inflation and manufacturing firm’s perfor-
mance, it is recommended that in the face

Economics Literature 2019(2): 133-147 doi: 10.22440/elit.1.2.4

Figure 1: Plots of CUSUM and CUSUMQ

Source: Authors’ elaboration based on WorldBank (2019) data.

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