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FictionMania Story: Brooke just like Taylor "The Bimbo Twins"

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Brooke just like Taylor "The Bimbo Twins"

by: Brittini Summerlin 

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Rating: XXX Add Review   Read Reviews, Last Review 10/30/23 (3) Added: 10/21/2023
Complete: no
Synopsis: A young man obsessed with Bigger women is forced to become one, not just any girl but his
girlfriend's twin.
Bizarre Body Modifications 
Chemical or Drug Induced Change 
Deals, Bets
or Dares 
Identity Death 
Identity Theft 
She Males 
Breast Enlargement 
Breast Implants 
Gay / Lesbian 
Use of Sex Toys

Brooke Just like Taylor

There are all kind of girls, tall girls, blonde girls, brunette girls,
redhead girls, but the ones that get my engine running are the curvy
ones that some might even call the big, beautiful women. Maybe it's the
way their bodies wobble about when they move, with their giant asses,
big breasts, huge soft arms and their cellulite covered legs quivering
as they move.
To say I had an infatuation with big, beautiful women would be an
understatement. Then I really like big girls in porn movies such as
Julie Cash, Lexxxi Luxe and Angel Deluca. Sometimes a fascination or
obsession can cause people to do crazy things. Night after night I'd
find myself watching and jacking off to these porn stars in action
wishing I could be in the movies with them.
I saved a large collection of these porn videos, and I found myself
collecting pictures of these beautiful women. I would save them in the
cloud and organizing the pictures in folders named after them. On my
23rd birthday I worked as a manager in a grocery store and sometimes the
days can go by so slow that the only excitement that happened would be
when a curvy girl would come into the store.
Trying not to be a creep I would try to be nonchalant about lusting
after them. I would always go out of my way to help, so I could be close
as possible to these beautiful creatures. Over time, I learnt all their
names and made sure that when someone I knew came in, I'd go out of my
way to speak. I had my favorites, but some were just downright rude.
I would always pay close attention to what items these big girls bought,
and I could clearly see a pattern of sweets, cakes, pies, potato chips
and always they would include a diet drink, which I guessed was for
Anyway, I developed a friendship with this one particular girl called
Taylor. She was one of the girls I took a particularly keen interest in.
She was just under five foot tall and was extremely curvy. She had a big
rear end, huge breasts, and a thinner, soft belly. Her body had a
definite hourglass shape and she had sandy blonde hair that went right
down her back and ended just above her giant ass.
It seemed that she always seemed to wear the tightest most fashionable
clothes to accent and show off her curves. She also always smelt
amazing, and her face was always expertly made up.
Each week I tried to catch Taylor as she did her weekly shopping. I
would write down the times she came in and would then rewind the store's
CCTV system and then save the videos to into my private collection. Over
time we got to know each other well and I found out that she worked at a[10/31/23, 1:25:00 PM]

FictionMania Story: Brooke just like Taylor "The Bimbo Twins"

clothing boutique that wasn't far from the store. She became an object
of lust for me, and one day I made the brave question of asking if she
was in a relationship.
She replied simply, "I just finished a relationship with a girl I'd been
seeing for quite some time."
"Girl?" I said quietly and annoyed to myself thinking that she was a
lesbian. 'Damn it!'
She said, "So I'm currently single."
"That's unfortunate," I said showing sympathy and then I thought it was
time to strike while the iron was hot, "I was hoping to ask you out to
lunch someday, however I guess I'm probably not your type."
She laughed loudly and replied, "I'd love to go to lunch because I'm
bisexual and I'm not solely into women."
Since I also dated both girls and guys, you could have knocked me down
with a feather when she told me that.
Well after that we traded phone numbers and social media contacts and we
promised to talk again soon. I immediately went into my office and
quickly found her on social media and just like that I had hundreds of
pictures of my deepest object of desire. She was even more beautiful in
those pictures and there were beach pictures, girls' nights out,
football games, concerts and I soon discovered that she did modelling
for the boutique in the plus size department. I didn't want to be seen
as being overly eager, so I didn't call or message her that night.
The next morning, I just couldn't stand it any longer and at around
9:30am I sent her a simple text message saying that I hoped that she
would have a great day!
I was knocked out when she replied moments later with, 'You too!' and
with two kiss emojis.
I wondered if she was flirting with me. So, for that morning at the
store, I just couldn't get her out of my mind. Despite knowing that
she'd shopped at the store the day before, I also hoped that she would
drop in again. At around 2:30pm that afternoon, it was a welcome big
surprise when she came into the store. I tried to act like I hadn't seen
her, but I slowly made my way towards the aisle where she was headed so
I could see her again.
"I forgot to get something yesterday, so I had to drop in again today,"
she explained as she smiled sweetly when I said hello and asked her why
she was back again so soon.
I thought that maybe she just used that to make an excuse. However, she
got her milk, and I escorted her to the front and gave her a long
goodbye hug. Her body was so soft, and her perfume lingered on me for
the rest of the day.
That evening as I sat gathering more pictures for my collection, my
phone suddenly lit up with a message from her.
'HEY!!' she texted simply.
I waited a few minutes before I wrote back. We then texted back and
forth for the rest of the night! I really hoped that this was going to
get quite serious quickly. As it turned out things did really heat up
after that night and we began dating seriously a few days later. I
quickly learnt her likes and dislikes; that she was just 22 years old,
loved Italian food and most importantly she was an absolute dream to be
with. When we were not working, we were together, seeing her naked curvy
chubby body brought out emotions in me that I'd never felt before and I
soon realized we were falling in love.
Our sex life was amazing, and I loved running my hands over her entire
body. I loved the soft rolls of her arms and legs, her chubby belly,
large fat ass and her huge breasts. One night after a wonderful love
making session, I brought up the whole bi-sexual thing.
At first, she was reluctant to talk but with my persistence, she began
to share her thoughts. "I like both sexes. There's the sweetness and
softness of the female body, the friendship of another woman and all the
girly things two girls can do together, however I miss having sex with a
male partner."
"Am I enough to keep you satisfied?" I asked her.[10/31/23, 1:25:00 PM]

FictionMania Story: Brooke just like Taylor "The Bimbo Twins"

She replied, "yes and the reason I fell for you was that you don't come
off as a manly man and at first I thought you were gay with your many
feminine mannerisms."
I laughed nervously and explained, "I've got a love for girls with a
little something extra and I was attracted to you the first time I saw
She replied, "I could tell you liked me because you'd always trip over
yourself to run into me when I'd come by the store."
Months went by and we eventually moved in together. Things were amazing
as summer melted into fall and I found myself putting on weight eating
the same things that she did. My clothes were becoming tight, and I told
Taylor I was going to have to buy some new clothes if I kept growing
like I did.
She joked, "maybe you can borrow my jeans and T-shirts if you need to."
However, she eagerly went off and brought me a pair of her stretch jeans
and a T-shirt to try on and surprisingly they both fit well. "It seems
we can now share clothes."
Halloween was approaching and some girls from the boutique decided to
host a Halloween party. We frequently talked about the costumes we would
wear, and we just couldn't decide. One evening as we were sitting on the
couch watching television Taylor suddenly announced, "that's it! Since
we're about the same size and you wear some of my clothes already how
about if we go as sexy twins to the party?"
"That's crazy," I replied.
"It wouldn't take much for me to make you look more like me," she
At first, I was like no way was I doing that. Then as Taylor tried to
persuade me, I finally realised I wouldn't find a better way to express
my obsession than to become a curvy big, beautiful girl myself.
"Oh, what the hell," I replied finally relenting. "It might be fun!"
Taylor went into overdrive and immediately began to order things off the
internet, a wig to match her hair, breast inserts and padded underwear
to make my bottom look as round as hers! When the costumes arrived that
she ordered I fpund out that we were going to be two sexy nurses.
In the week before Halloween, Taylor wanted to do a test run of my
appearance. I put on the padded underwear that had just arrived that
day and I saw that it had the outline of a camel toe on the front and
one of her bras that she then stuffed with the breast forms. Then as I
wore a pair of her stretch jeans and a flowing low-cut top, I thought
that I had a good approximation of her figure.
"Now let's do your face," she declared sitting me down in front of a
mirror that she covered with a towel. She eagerly started working on my
face. She began by zealously plucking my eyebrows, applying lots of
makeup before she finally placed the wig on my head and then brushed and
styled it.
"Can I see?" I asked.
"Not yet," she replied. "Wait until I'm finished my make-up first so sit
looking the other way for a little while."
She quickly finished her make-up and put on an outfit like mine.
Finally, when she was finished, she then led me over to the wardrobe
mounted full-length mirror with my eyes closed.
She told me to open my eyes and there were two women who looked like
Taylor. One was slightly taller than the other but was identical in
every other way. I was astonished.
She then handed me a purse and announced that we were going out to
I cried. "Wait, I didn't sign up for that."
Instead, she just grabbed my hand and out the door we went.
"You have nothing to worry about," she declared as we walked into our
usual restaurant.
Dinner proved to be very interesting, as I'd expected that people would
pick up that I wasn't a real woman, but everyone just treated us like[10/31/23, 1:25:00 PM]

FictionMania Story: Brooke just like Taylor "The Bimbo Twins"

two sisters out for dinner and drinks.

When Halloween finally came, everyone thought we were a hit, and they
couldn't believe that we looked so much alike. We had a great time at
the party, and I drank way too much!
We arrived home well after midnight after a great time at the party. We
were so drunk that we both fell asleep in our outfits. Early the next
morning, she woke me up by kissing me on the mouth passionately and then
we made out as two girls.
She said, "it's sad that this is over because I liked having a twin
Having just enjoyed the session we'd had I blabbed, "It doesn't have to
be over; we can play dress up anytime."
She responded by putting on more lipstick onto my lips and then her own
before giving me the sweetest kiss ever. "I'll hold you to that!" she
declared breaking off the kiss.
Back then I didn't realize what that meant but over the next few weeks I
was Taylor's twin almost every weekend and most nights after work. She
ordered me to stop cutting my hair as she wanted it to grow out to her
length. She had me use a tanning bed regularly to develop the same
tanned skin she had. At pedicure and manicure appointments we had I
ended up having the same color as her. I was becoming my own obsession,
and she was loving it.
While I was at work one day, the worst thing in the world happened as
Taylor found my porn and picture collection. Stupidly I'd left my laptop
open, and she'd found it all. She angrily sent me a text that said
'when you get home we need to talk.'
I replied with, 'about what?'
There wasn't another text from her that day. I was nervous then scared
and my shift just couldn't end fast enough.
When I walked into the apartment, I saw her sitting at the table with my
laptop and I could hear my most watched porn movie playing on the
With tears in her eyes she screamed, "Am I not enough for you that you
have to watch this rubbish?"
I tried to tell her that stuff had dated back to the time before we'd
met but she interrupted me.
"It seems you have an obsession with all these pictures and videos
you've saved," she continued and every time I tried to explain she'd cut
me off. "You know you're a freak and I'm leaving."
I finally pleaded, "don't go Taylor. That stuff was from my past before
you. You're my obsession now. We even dress and look alike."
Instead, she slammed the door shut as I cried unhappily.
With Taylor gone I became depressed, and I got a haircut. I took the
polish off my hands and toes. I seemed to go back to my old self again
and continued collecting my pictures and videos as before. I just worked
through my days and spent my nights alone for almost a month. Then out
of the blue one day at work I finally received a text from Taylor.
'Can we meet after work?' she asked.
I replied immediately, "sure!"
We agreed to meet up at a nearby bar and I was excited at the thought of
seeing her again.
When I saw her, she was as beautiful as ever. However, I could tell this
wasn't going to be a kiss and make up visit. Her face showed that she
meant business and she carried a small black notebook with her.
She said, "I want to apologize for some of the things I said last time.
I was very angry at the time because I thought you found those girls
prettier than me."
I tried to speak but she cut me off like she always did.
"I miss us! I miss my twin sister and I want us to get back together,
but I feel like I can't trust you," she said giving me hope. "To avoid[10/31/23, 1:25:00 PM]

FictionMania Story: Brooke just like Taylor "The Bimbo Twins"

problems in future I've drafted a relationship contract that's the only

way you and I can ever hope to get back together. If you fulfill this
contract after two years, you and I will get married. If you don't
fulfill the contract, then we'll part for good."
I was stuck and scared. I still loved her, and I wanted her but what I
wanted to know was what was in this contract.
I said, "Clearly, I must see the contract first before I decide."
She said, "Nope! It's either a yes or a no right now as I just don't
trust you."
Stupidly I looked into her heavily made-up eyes and said, "I can't live
without you Taylor, so where do I sign?"
She quickly produced a sheet of paper and laid it down in front of me
and I signed it without reading it.
Taylor smiled and reached over to kiss me. "Now you can read what you
signed up to."
1. Remove all porn content off your laptop,
2. Delete all the pictures of any other girl you have saved on memory
3. Allow Taylor complete access to any and all of your social media
4. Delete or unfriend any person from your social media I dislike.
I thought to myself that the first four were doable but then I continued
5. You are to immediately begin a transition to become Taylor's
identical twin sister. All surgeries and medical expenses will be paid
by Taylor's inheritance from her late father. it also spelled out that I
was to keep my penis.
6. Immediate castration to avoid any temptation to cheat and to help
with the feminizing process.
7. Immediately quit your job and work in shipping at the boutique.
8. Save and freeze your sperm so eventually you and Taylor could have
biological children on marriage.
9. By signing the document your name will change to Brooke. That name
was Taylor's middle name.
10. Also, any plastic surgery improvements Taylor got in the future you
will get them too.

She sat with a smile on her face, and I sat in shock at what I'd just
I said, "is this what you want?"
She replied, "absolutely. Here you can take these now!" She then reached
into her purse and pulled out two pill bottles, one said Estrodial and
the other said spironolactone. "These are yours and by taking them it
will let me know that you intend to uphold your end of the agreement."
I swallowed a pill from each bottle and thought welcome to girlhood. The
name on the bottles said 'Brooke Taylor'.
She continued, "We'll have the same names just in a different order."
I nodded.
She then pulled out a credit card with my new name on it and said,
"you'll have an allowance now provided you buy everything the same as
Things went quickly after that. She moved her things back into the
apartment that same day. She drove me the next day to the store and
stood there just to make sure I quit. My boss was not very happy about
me leaving. Just a week later I found myself at a doctor's surgery with
my legs up in stirrups and with only local anesthesia I felt a slight
pull as both my testicles were removed and dropped into a silver tray.[10/31/23, 1:25:00 PM]

FictionMania Story: Brooke just like Taylor "The Bimbo Twins"

My scrotum was stitched up empty and I realised I'd never be able

produce testosterone again. After a few days the pain eased off and
Taylor seemed very happy that her great plan was working.
When I recovered a few days later, I began working in the shipping
department of Taylor's boutique. I was surrounded by pretty girls like
Taylor, knowing that I was eventually going to join their ranks. After
my orchiectomy, the changes in my body suddenlu happened much faster. I
could tell I was becoming physically much weaker as the boxes of clothes
I carried seemed heavier. My arms and legs lost muscle mass while my ass
and breasts began to grow.
One day after work, Taylor took me to the local tattoo parlor where I
had my ears pierced twice in each earlobe and my belly button was
pierced too just like hers. They gave me the same floral tattoo designs
to match the ones that I'd so admired on her.
When my hair had grown down to my shoulders, Taylor eagerly set up an
appointment for me at her local salon to get hair extensions added. My
long hair now falling down my back, was dyed the same color as hers. My
changes started to grow on me and so I decided to give way and embrace
For some reason it seemed that with every change in my body, our sex
life just got better and better. As my dick diminished in size, from the
daily ingestion of female hormones, we graduated onto toys and using our
mouths to pleasure each other.
Lying in bed one Saturday morning, she suddenly brought up the subject
of my old sex video collection and asked, "why did you like watching
those videos?"
I shrugged, "I loved looking at curvy female bodies and the way they
were treated by the men in the movies."
She then replied, "I'd find it hot if we made a few sex videos
I asked, "were they for the public or for us?"
She said, "Oh let's just start with us and see where it goes."
That weekend she began our porn careers as she bought a camera, lighting
equipment and video editing software. My body was beginning to resemble
hers though my smaller B cup breasts were no match for her 38DD breasts
while my growing ass was still much smaller. The only major difference
was that my little dick was still bigger than her clitoris. I found that
by taking some Viagra, it was the only way I could get an erection, but
it was still a lot softer and smaller than before.
Our first video was quite awkward with her on the bottom as I tried to
penetrate her. We made a few more videos before she brought up the idea
of watching some professional videos and learning from them. We sat and
watched shemale to female porn to get some ideas and then our videos
became amazing.
After a few months we decided to start our own Onlyfans account. We
advertised on all the Reddit pages we could find and instantly had 50
followers. People would often ask questions about my appearance to
which Taylor always replied, "we're making the videos so help fund my
lover become my twin." After that the number of our followers grew
rapidly to pass 1000 and we were both hooked on our new adventure.
With a successful porn webpage and money pouring in, Taylor then decided
that we needed cosmetic surgery. She wanted surgery that feminized me
for me but also surgery for her too. I remembered the signed contract
stating what she had done I had to have too.
Taylor informed our followers that we'd both be away for a few weeks as
we were both due to go under the surgeon's knife for body enhancement
Taylor had remembered my previous infatuation with the porn star, Julie
Cash and she surprised me when she said both of us having a body like
Julie was our goal.
"I will go under the knife first so you can nurse me then when I'm
better it will be your turn," she said. "I've decided that I'm having a
Brazilian butt lift, silicone butt implants and bigger E cup breasts.
I'll get liposuction to reduce my waist and lastly lip fillers."
Thankfully all her surgeries and procedures went well though she had to
sleep on her stomach to protect her expensive additions to her butt.[10/31/23, 1:25:00 PM]

FictionMania Story: Brooke just like Taylor "The Bimbo Twins"

After several weeks she healed up completely and looked amazing.

"Now it's your turn," she said reminding me of our contract and so we
went for a consultation to the same plastic surgeon. After the
consultation, it was clear that my surgeries would be much more
extensive and take longer to complete.
During my first surgery I went from 5 foot 6 inches to just 4 foot 11
inches to be the same height as Taylor. Painful operations were done on
both my leg bones and over six inches were removed to make me the exact
height as my girlfriend. During that surgery, I would also undergo
facial feminization to closely match Taylor's face after her face had
been scanned.
The plan was that I would heal completely the height shortening
surgeries then have more. The pain in my legs was almost unbearable
after the surgery. I was kept immobile for over 3 months until my leg
bones had slowly fused back together. My face was completely bandaged
for weeks, and I was feeling miserable.
Taylor stayed beside my bed as I healed up initially. She then went
back to making solo videos to keep our subscribers happy and involved as
I healed. When the bandages came off my face it was still swollen and
bruised but my lips were healed and felt huge. When the time came for me
to have the casts removed from my legs, I was shocked to discover how
much smaller I was, when my therapist helped me stand up for the first
time. She was a lot taller than me, and I had to look up at her just as
Taylor had had to do with me.
I could also tell that my body had altered from being in bed for so long
and I'd lost the last of my muscles. When Taylor arrived, I was up
sitting in a chair beside my bed. She happily arranged to have my longer
hair washed and she did my make up to match hers.
She helped me put on a pair of stretch leggings and a top that matched
hers. Lastly, she helped me into a matching pair of sneakers, and I
slowly walked with her over to the mirror. She stood beside me and my
hand went up to my mouth in amazement. Staring back, I was her spitting
image in height and my face. The only obvious difference was our breast
and ass sizes. She passionately kissed me on the lips, and it was
surreal to be see her kissing my plump lips without bending down as we
were the same height now.
Our Onlyfans page took off again after my enhancements became known. We
told everyone I was taking time to heal a bit more before my last
procedures to closely match Taylor's body could be done.
Thankfully our relationship flourished after I got home, and we'd often
sit for hours talking as if we were becoming twins in every way. I
started drinking the same coffee she drank, we ordered the same food, my
mannerisms and speech were slowly matching hers.
In my mind I'd almost become my obsession. At the boutique I moved from
the back room in shipping, and I was now on the sales floor. In time I
also modeled some of the clothing for their website. One evening at
dinner with Taylor's friends they all commented on how far I had gone
and that they were proud that I'd honored my commitment to Taylor.
I thanked them and towards the end of the night I excused myself to go
to the restroom with Taylor. We shared a stall together much like other
girls do as we both took turns sitting and releaving ourselves. We
giggled and kissed each other and as we stood to do our make-up, she
handed me a small box from her bag.
Taylor said as I opened the box to reveal a beautiful engagement ring,
"I can tell from what you've done that you love me, so I want us to get
married just as soon as you get over your last surgeries."
I was shocked as she slipped the ring onto my finger, and I put her
matching ring on her hand. We both had identical engagement rings. We
both cried, hugged, and kissed. We then asked the other to get married.
With the rings on we walked back to the table holding hands and everyone
started applauding as we showed them our rings and we kissed our future
My surgeries to enhance my body to Taylor's bimbo proportions were
scheduled for the following month and we did a huge build up on our page
which succeeded in getting our growing audience excited. I was going to
have a Brazilian butt lift and gel implants added so it could take on
the enormous size that Taylor enjoyed. Then I was getting silicone
breast implants that would take my bra cup size up from a small B to an
E to match Taylor. Lastly, they were going to liposuction my waist and
to finish it off I'd get more lip fillers.[10/31/23, 1:25:00 PM]

FictionMania Story: Brooke just like Taylor "The Bimbo Twins"

For the days and weeks before the operation, Taylor was so excited that
we would finally be identical twins. It wasn't long before they placed
me on the operating table and the anesthetist injected something into my
IV line and asked me to count backwards from 100. I reached 97 before I
was out.
I couldn't believe the pain I was in when I woke up. I was wearing a
tight body suit that covered me from my neck to my ankles. I felt like
I'd been hit by a truck as every part of me hurt so much. Lying on my
back I could feel the weight of my breasts on my chest. I also felt my
large butt and could tell I had a huge-padded ass.
After two days of recovery, Taylor took me home and eagerly nursed me
back to health. I found that I had to wear the compression garment for
six weeks until I could finally see the doctor's handy work. After
taking it off I gratefully took a hot shower, and I could finally feel
and see the size my body had now become. The hot water beat off my
large, enormous breasts as I washed between the clefts of my giant ass.
In my mind I smiled as I'd now become my own biggest fantasy.
Getting dressed in a full body leotard, doing my makeup, and fixing my
long blonde mane of hair, I could see in the mirror I was walking sexual
object! I was now the kind of girl men mentally undress in public, and
cause women to be jealous. I was a blonde, big, boobed bimbo and an
object of sexual desire who was the spitting image of my fiancé, Taylor.
She walked in and stood beside me wearing her own body-hugging leotard.
We held hands and just smiled at our reflection.
Our Onlyfans page grew into the top 2% of accounts as the website showed
all the naughty things, we did to each other! Taylor would peg me, and
I'd fuck her with my tiny 2-inch penis. She would use toys on me to open
my huge ass, then I would eat out her pussy until she screamed.
By this time, we'd both quit our Jobs at the boutique to concentrate on
the website. Besides their conventional clothing range didn't suit us
anymore. Our wardrobe consisted of spandex catsuits, anything stretchy,
latex and lots of sexy lingerie.
That's when an email arrived at our email inbox. An email that would
completely change our lives again. The email was from John, a porn
producer enquiring about whether we would like to work with him. His
email gushed words about how sexy and beautiful we were.
Above all else John absolutely loved that a transgender woman had been
transformed into the identical twin of a genetic woman and he went onto
list all the possibilities we could be involved in.
For the next few days, we emailed back and forth hammering out
contractual details and money. Taylor and I had a lot to think about as
each email we received confirmed that John was deadly serious about what
he wanted.
Life for us became great fun and I can't remember a time that I was
happier in my life. Taylor and I didn't have to worry about money, so
we'd pamper ourselves with the latest beauty treatments, expensive
shopping trips and travel to exotic places.
I just loved the way that we looked and when we went anywhere together,
we drew lots of attention. Men would cat call us and try to ask us out,
while women would stare with a look of disgust. We were walking bimbos
and we both enjoyed the objectification that came with that look. We
often wore things that were border line inappropriate. Tops that barely
covered our boobs and skirts that would ride up on our giant asses. When
we sat down, we really had to be careful not to show off all our
I'd always wanted to go to Las Vegas, and we flew there to have a little
fun and meet with John, the producer from Devil Studios. We were an
immediate hit with all the studio staff, who loved our identical
appearance. We quickly struck a great deal with John, and we agreed to
make two movies for five hundred thousand dollars.
The first movie would be just the two of us playing with each other and
the second would be us with a male partner. While we were in Vegas, we
arranged to do the work for the following day, and we set off to buy
some super sexy outfits for the filming. After shopping for hours, we
decided on Taylor wearing a black latex romper with a high neck coller
and knee thigh high patent 6-inch spike heeled boots. I went the same
way, but my outfit was pink. The latex hugged our curves tightly and
accented our exaggerated bodies perfectly.
Filming for Onlyfans is one thing, filming for a leading porn studio was[10/31/23, 1:25:00 PM]

FictionMania Story: Brooke just like Taylor "The Bimbo Twins"

something entirely different. We arrived at around 10 am and went

straight into hair and makeup. The sweet lady that did our hair and
makeup was a pro and she was herself looking like every man's wet dream.
Overdone makeup and teased hair later she was amazed at how much Taylor
and I looked identical.
She said, "there's just no way you're trans."
It wasn't until I stripped off and started getting into my outfit that
she finally found out it was true when my now little friend made his
appearance. After tucking my penis tightly between my legs, I slipped
into my latex romper.
Taylor had to help me get it up over my enormous ass and with helping me
to get my arms into the sleeves. The outcome looks and feels amazing as
I then helped Taylor into her outfit. The built-in corset made bending
difficult at the waist so we helped zip our feet into our sky-high
stiletto boots.
The studio had lights everywhere and John told us that we would film
some scenes then take some still photographs along the way. He gave an
idea of what he wanted the film to look like and after that Taylor and I
were supposed to improvise. The clue was in the title as it was called
"Twins Pillow Fight".
We started the film lying in bed talking about a boy we both liked.
Taylor started to get annoyed that I said that I found him sexy too and
she hit me hard with a pillow telling me to keep my eyes off him. Pretty
soon we were kneeling on the bed aiming blows at each other with the
pillows until the feathers flew everywhere.
We were covered in feathers and when I pouted Taylor hugged me and said
she was sorry. John shouted, "cut!" And then added, "that was perfect
After a few minutes to clear some of the mess he yelled, "Action!"
We went from a hug to a kiss and then we started making out. We were
both good at that, especially with each other as I kissed her neck and
made my way down to her crotch. I unzipped the crotch of her latex suit
and then went to town with my mouth on her clean-shaven mound.
She bucked her back, wrapped her legs around my head and I brought her
to a huge climax before John stopped filming again.
The next scene started with Taylor slowly unzipping the crotch on my
suit revealing my little girly penis. She put it into her mouth and as
I'd taken Viagra an hour before the shoot started, I hoped I might get
hard. Slowly my limp dick grew a couple of inches and Taylor mounted me
and began riding it. Her tits were flopping up and down as she went
crazy on my little pleasure pole.
The action stopped again, and we changed positions.
This time I was behind Taylor trying to mount her doggie style with my
tits and huge ass flopping as I was energetically moving in and out of
her. I could feel myself cumming and being castrated I shot clear spunk
fluid all over her black latex clad back.
The next scene started with this time Taylor wearing a 8 inch black
strap on dildo that matched her outfit. She threw me face down on the
bed and propping my rear up with a pillow, she entered my tight asshole
and fucked me like she was mad at me. I moaned and screamed in pleasure
and pain. We both were sweating, and I already knew in my mind this
shoot was going to be a huge hit.
We wrapped up the first day's shoot and talked about tomorrow's shoot
with John.
"You guys will love working with the man we have lined up tomorrow,"
John said. "He's a stud but he's really nice to work with."
"This will be the first time with a man for me and it will be the first
time that either one of us will see the other get fucked," I replied.
"It might take some time to get used to it."
"I think you'll both be fine," he suggested.
"So long as we're together and we never do a scene without the other in
the room," Taylor said. "We should be fine."
"I have an idea," I replied. "Why don't we get get married tonight!"[10/31/23, 1:25:00 PM]

FictionMania Story: Brooke just like Taylor "The Bimbo Twins"

"Married?" she asked.

"Well, we're engaged, and this is Vegas," I said, and she realised I was
She agreed and so after we got changed, we set off to find a marriage
chapel and someone to marry us. The look on the pastor's face was
priceless when we walked in. We both had on short white skirts that hid
very little of our asses, white tank tops that showed deep breast
cleavage and 5-inch white strappy sandals.
Our look matched head to toe and he told us that he'd never married two
sexier ladies than us. So right there we said our vows and became a
married couple.
The next morning, I woke up still feeling nervous about performing with
a man. Seeing my beautiful wife, getting fucked by a stud. I realised
that it was something I could never be again even if I wanted to.
We arrived just before 10am and immediately started having our hair and
makeup done. For our outfits John wanted us to be cheerleaders that
would double team one of the football players played by Tim our co-star.
He was obviously a huge hunk of a man. The scene backdrop was going to
be a locker room.
Tim sat alone shirtless with just football pants only as Taylor, and I
walked into the locker room.
I said, "whoopsies we're in the wrong locker room."
Taylor giggled and we turned to leave.
Tim said, "Hey girls wait a minute! Aren't you two, cheerleaders from
our rival school?"
"Yes, sorry we're in the wrong place," Taylor said.
Tim replied. "There's no need to be sorry. I've heard about you two. Are
all the rumors true?"
"What rumours?" asked Taylor.
"That you two only have sex together and don't deal with men," he
replied standing up showing off his strong muscles.
We giggled nervously but he then pulled his pants down revealing his
giant penis.
Taylor licked her red lips and the scene ended.
The next scene started with Taylor and I taking turns sucking on Tim's
hard cock.
"You two are twins?" he asked.
"Not quite," I replied as Taylor sucked him. "We look like twins but one
of us is slightly different."
He looked puzzled and so I raised my short skirt to reveal my little
girly cock.
He said, "Wow this just gets better and better!"
We moved to the next scene with Tim sucking on my lifeless cock while
Taylor was riding him in a reverse cowgirl. I could see that she was
enjoying having his big cock inside her.
In my head, I thought that this wouldn't be the last time she lets a guy
use us.
The next scene was him entering me while playing with Taylor's giant
breasts. This was the first time since my transition, that a guy had
penetrated my ass, and I can say it's a lot different than using a
lifeless piece of rubber. The heat, the veins, and the way he grabbed my
fat ass and pounded away at me meant I was completely hooked.
He fucked me for a good five minutes and the noises I was making were
not acting. He was wearing me out with his hard cock.
I could feel his body starting to tense up and he said, "Baby I'm about
to cum!"
I replied, "then cum inside me."[10/31/23, 1:25:00 PM]

FictionMania Story: Brooke just like Taylor "The Bimbo Twins"

I grabbed the back of his legs so he couldn't pull away and then for the
first time ever I had a load of cum dumped inside me. My own little
dick squirted clear fluid as he came.
I thought how far I'd come since I'd first met Taylor. I was now a
shemale porn star getting a cream pie from a hot stud. Coming down from
my haze, John stopped the tape and told Tim to stay inside me.
He then Informed Taylor that when Tim pulls out to eat my cream pie as I
pushed it out. When the filming started again, Tim pulled out of me. I
then squeezed his seed out out of me with a slight farting sound and
Taylor was there to catch it in her mouth.
She showed it to the camera and the stood up and gave me the biggest
kiss as we then swapped the cum. It was a nasty wet kiss, but I knew it
was going to blow up when it was released.
When we got back from Las Vegas we settled back into our old routine,
pampering ourselves and keeping up with the latest fashion trends. We
continued making our own porn movies and we told our followers of our
two upcoming professional videos coming out in the next month.
The one thing we did change is that we both began to actively pursue
men. In the past, we'd generally kept to ourselves, and we never
returned the flirting with guys. That all suddenly changed after Vegas.
Taylor and I though stuck to our plan of never having sex with a guy
unless the other was present.
Over time we then developed our individual preferences in men. She liked
the sporty athletic slim guys, and I preferred rugged bearded guys.
However, we had become sluts and very rarely turned down any sex. Some
guys were clearly turned off that I was a shemale, so we avoided those
guys all together.
One evening we were at a bar and ran into a set of twins. They were both
tall and handsome. We actively flirted with them in response to their
flirting with us.
While in the lady's restroom Taylor said, "I'd like us to get fucked
together by those twins.
We both made it our mission to get the guys into bed and by closing time
we were all in a taxi heading to our apartment.
As we entered the living room, it soon became an all-out fuck festival.
On the couch, on the table, in the bed we had sex and at one time I
found myself face to face with Taylor as both of us were getting it
doggie style with our large titties jiggling and our asses being
She looked at me and said, "I love you!"
We gave each other a long kiss caught up in sexual ecstasy.
John called the next morning and said both videos were already released
on their pay site. He said the still images and video looked amazing and
he gave us a password to view them and to see how many likes they
Waking up again at our usual time of around noon we both slipped into
matching large T-shirts and went to the living room to check out the
videos. As the laptop booted up, I suddenly noticed that our phones were
both going crazy with notifications. I picked up my pink iPhone and I
saw that it had thousands of new messages while our Onlyfans had tens of
thousands of new followers and the phone kept dinging away just like a
slot machine.
It seemed that we were an instant success so we watched both the videos
and couldn't believe the likes and comments. The first solo video with
just us and was called the 'Slut Twins'. It was listed with Shemale,
Transgender, Lesbian, Trans on girl hashtags. The second video had a few
more hundred views and was called 'The Slut Twin Cheerleaders Get Laid'.
It was in the Transgender, Shemale, Lesbian, Cream Pie, Guy on Girl,
Trans on Girl hashtags. I'd thought that the videos would be successful
but nothing like this. After two days we were in the top one percent of
videos watched before it was leaked to Pornhub, and we were number one
of the free sites.[10/31/23, 1:25:00 PM]

FictionMania Story: Brooke just like Taylor "The Bimbo Twins"

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crossdress[10/31/23, 1:25:00 PM]

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