OCD - Biological Explanation

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OCD- biological explanation

Genetic explanation Neural explanations Neural explanations Other explanations Application Issue and debate

OCD is inherited Strength- supporting research from family Criticism - family studies also demonstrate Other explanation - neural Abnormal levels of neurotransmitters Strength- evidence Criticism- relationship is correlational Brain structures Strength - research support Criticism - not completely reliable two-process model proposed by behaviourists Drug therapies Deterministic
studies that genetics cannot fully explain the cause of — suggesting that learning could play a crucial
OCD role in the disorder

Polygenic- up to 230 genes Nature position- ignore imitation- Serotonin - regulate mood and associated with Antidepressants - work purely on serotonin Although antidepressants are effective at Basal ganglia - coordination of movement Orbitofrontal cortex- convert sensory info into When Basal ganglia is disconnected from the There were studies in which No differences in Brain imaging research- establish the link Eg biological explanation
37% of patients with OCD had parents with deterministic anxiety - low level systems by increasing the level of serotonin in reducing symptoms of OCD by increasing levels thoughts and actions frontal cortex during surgery, symptoms are brain anatomy were found between OCD between brain and OCD- informed neurosurgery
the disorder and 21% siblings — in comparison No twin study has found a concordance rate of the synapse are effective in reducing OCD of serotonin, does not mean the symptoms reduced. patients and controls Initial learning of the feared stimulus could as a treatment
to 1% in whole population 100% in identical twins which means that symptoms were caused by a lack of serotonin occur through classical conditioning’s
biological factors are not the only factor associative process where, for example, dirt is
contributing to OCD paired with anxiety. This behaviour will
COMT gene- high levels of dopamine Ppl who suffered head injuries in this region- Individual responsibility and free will are not
maintained through operant conditioning and
Dopamine- compulsive behaviour- high level OCD symptoms when recovery PET scans - higher activity in orb c accounted for
negative reinforcement whereby the stimulus is
Brain imaging research - elevated activity in the Correlational - only association avoided so the anxiety is reduced Successful treatment - practical benefit
Twins studies— 68% of identical twins and 31% Eg SSRI’s block the reuptake of serotonin after Eg an aspirin is effective in treating a orbital region has been found consistently in
of non identical twins experience OCD it has fired, increase the availability of headache, but the cause of headache was not OCD patients.
Difficult to establish the contribution of serotonin to excite neighbouring brain cells. lack of aspirin.
SERT gene- low levels of serotonin
environmental factors eg family members learn Hypersensitivity - linked to repetitive actions Increase the conversion of sensory information Not realistic - treatment eg CBT which require
compulsive behaviours from each other to actions leads to compulsions active involvement is also effective
Don’t know cause and effect
This could result in an obsession forming which
A very strong genetic component linked to the development of a compulsion, eg
washing hands to reduce anxiety.
Neurological processes responsible for OCD This is known as at the treatment aetiology
Do not necessarily indicate a genetic cause of May not be the direct cause Biological determinism - person has no
OCD influence
Family and twin studies support genetic
influence Behavioural treatment supports this- 60-90%
Therefore improved

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