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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMRB.2020.3030317, IEEE
Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics

Hybrid Force Tracking Impedance Control-based

Autonomous Robotic System for Tooth Brushing
Assistance of Disabled People
Oladayo S. Ajani, and Samy F. M. Assal,

Abstract—Due to the increase of the world ageing population [1]. The main limitation of these existing assistive robotic
and several forms of disabilities, assistive robots have received a systems is that they are developed based on the assumption
lot of attention lately. Although, different assistive robotic systems that patients can participate in the control of such systems.
have been developed to perform essential tasks around the head,
these existing robotic systems are either manually controlled, Therefore these systems are either controlled manually by the
shared controlled or interactive ones. Although, fully autonomous patients through input interfaces such as joysticks, graphical
robotic systems can have the potential of eliminating several user interface (GUI) and head or hand gestures [2], [3],
limitations of the existing systems, such systems are limited in interactive such that patients have to interactive with them to
design due to critical issues of increased complexities and the perform ADLs [2] or controlled using shared control approach
associated risks. In this paper, a hybrid impedance controller-
based autonomous assistive robotic system for tooth brushing as- which aims at delegating part of the control operation to
sistance is developed. A fixed base manipulator with an attached the systems [4], [5]. These assumptions are not practical,
automatic tooth brush and Kinect RGB-D sensor are proposed because based on the severity of the patients disability, some
as a platform to achieve the brushing task. An online face patients cannot participate in the control of these systems and
detection, mouth detection, head pose estimation and trajectory thus these existing systems are limited for some levels of
planning for the brushing task are achieved. Additionally, online
re-planning the trajectories in case of patients’ head pose changes disability. Although the use of fully autonomous systems was
is taken into account. The controller performance is evaluated recommended [2], autonomous systems are limited in design
regarding tracking the generated brushing trajectories and the due to the increased complexities and safety issues that are
desired force trajectory by co-simulating the manipulator’s dy- associated with such systems. For instance, tooth brushing task
namics in ADAMS and SIMULINK. The results demonstrate requires an intricate coordination of contact force and motion
the capability of the proposed robotic system to achieve tooth
brushing autonomously. generation to be performed. This requires sophisticated control
algorithms as well as vision-based sensory system to facilitate
Index Terms—Tooth Brushing Assistance, Hybrid impedance such physical human-robot interaction (HRI), which should be
control, Mouth Detection, Autonomous Robotic Assistance.
A comprehensive review of the current assistive robotic
I. INTRODUCTION systems for assistive tasks around the head shows that these
The increase in world ageing population contributes to systems can be categorized and evaluated based on their
several human disabilities amidst other factors such as neuro- usability and safety, interaction and control, economic and
logical disorders and some other diseases. Due to disabilities task prioritization [6]. Robotic assistances for tasks around the
that result into upper arm manipulation challenges, disabled head such as feeding, drinking, beard shaving, teeth brushing,
people often need assistance of caregivers to perform the hair combing, face washing and scratching have received
activities of daily living (ADLs). Due to the lack of caregivers, considerable attention in recent times [7], [2], [4], [8]. For
the need for practical approaches to provide assistance for instance, the first multi-function robot for tasks around the
disabled people has received a lot of attention. Interestingly, head assistance known as Handy 1 was developed to enable
assistive robotics which aims to provide human assistance patients with cerebral palsy to gain some level of independence
has been a major remedy to such problem. It has been during meal time [9]. However this system was controlled
demonstrated that, by the use of the existing assistive robotic manually and required the user to interact with the system
systems for ADLs, patients are able to perform several ADLs to perform such tasks. Due to its nature of control, users were
without the help of caregivers and this has been associated frustrated by the time delay due to sensory feedback. Also,
with improvement in the quality of life and independence a shaving task was performed by a mobile manipulator [2]
which provided the assistance by holding the tool near the
1 Ajani S. Oladayo is with the Department of Mechatronics and
patient head while the patient moves his head against the tool.
Robotics Engineering, School of Innovative Design Engineering, Egypt - This process was shown to be long with unintuitive interface.
Japan University of Science and Technology (EJUST), Alexandria, Egypt. Based on this, autonomous system for tasks around the head
2 Samy F. M. Assal is with the Department of Mechatronics and Robotics was recommended. Among the tasks around the head, teeth
Engineering, School of Innovative Design Engineering, Egypt - Japan Univer- brushing is of interest in this work.
sity of Science and Technology (EJUST), Alexandria, Egypt., on leave from
the Department of Production Engineering and Mechanical Design, Faculty of Since task priority for ADLs is classified based on the
Engineering, Tanta University, Egypt frequency of performing a task, tooth brushing is considered as

2576-3202 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 05,2020 at 12:02:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMRB.2020.3030317, IEEE
Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics

high priority task. Although that, assistive robotic systems for On the context of tooth brushing task, the goal is to develop
this task have received little attention due to the complexities vision system to enable mouth detection and consequently
associated with the coordination of contact force and motion compute the pose of the mouth in 3D domain. This vision
as well as safety issue within the mouth for effective tooth system serves similar purposes as those for other tasks such
brushing. Additionally, performing the tooth brushing properly as feeding and drinking [4], [8]. Mouth detection techniques
by the conventional way add more complexity due to the which have been applied basically involve one of the following
high dexterity needed. However, the advent of electric tooth three categories; those that involve the use of trained cascades
brushes which have been reported to be more efficient than to detect the mouth directly from input images, those which
the conventional ones in terms of the removal of plague [10] involve face detection and consequently mouth detection using
has open up some possibilities to be used for disabled people. features such as the golden ratios and finally those which
Since these electric brushes are hand held tools, their use for involve the use of models for face detection which have been
disabled people is limited based on the level of disability. trained to detect landmarks such as eye, mouth, etc. The first
Basically all currently available assistive robotic systems for approach was applied with several recorded limitations [15]
tooth bushing involve the participation of the user to perform such as panning error along the Z direction, error in the
this task. Based on the assumption that users have the ability height of the patients mouth and the mouth detection. The
to sit such that a forward- posture is possible, an interactive second approach which involves face and mouth detections
teeth cleaning robot driven by cam mechanism was designed was recorded to outperform the first approach [4]. Recently,
[11]. In this system, the user was required to place his mouth the third approach which involves landmarks has been widely
on the jaw support and adjust the tooth cleaning module to fit applied in several application scenarios and several open
the mouth to enable cleaning of the plaques on the teeth. Em- source tools such as Dlib and openCV have supported such
bedded force sensors were used to stop brushing automatically features. This approach was applied in drinking assistance
whenever the user lift his jaw from the jaw supporter. Thus, [16]. Unfortunately, those three approaches are often applied
the system cannot be used by patients with different levels in 2D. However, for 3D applications as the one in hand,
of disabilities autonomously. An Assistive Robot Manipulator more computational effort and time would be required to map
(ARM) which relies on effective interfaces for control was also the colour and depth information of the face. Also some of
employed to provide tooth brushing assistance [12]. Because these methods work well only at certain configurations for the
this system is manually controlled by the users, difficulty in cascades that have been trained. Recently the Microsoft Kinect
orienting the tooth brush to the right direction of the mouth software development kit (SDK) has enabled a face tracking
using the control interface was one of the drawbacks in this engine known as the HD FACE. This face tracking engine
system. The Desktop Vocational Assistant Robot (DeVAR) enables face detection and returns the face as 3D point-cloud
[13] was used for tooth brushing task. The approach of using model. These point cloud models are also labeled and can be
this DeVAR system was not proved to be autonomous since used for landmarks detection and segmentation of several parts
appropriate commands from its user were required to position of the face in 3D domain with no need of mapping coloured
the electric tooth brush in the mouth to perform the tooth information to the depth information.
brushing. An average time of 5:25 minutes over 24 disabled Considering the need for the development of fully au-
volunteers was recorded to complete tooth brushing task. tonomous robotic systems for assistive tasks around the head
Based on Proprio and Tele-operation concept [14], in which that can achieve contact force regulation and motion gener-
the master and the remote areas are the same, a system that ation for the intended task, compliance control becomes a
is known as ASIBOT (Assistive robot), a snake-like robotic necessity here. This will ensure that these systems can be
arm, was proposed for tasks such as tooth brushing, drinking, used for any level of disabilities and also without the need
applying make-up, shaving and feeding. Based on the different for the patient to participate in the control of such systems.
levels of user disabilities, different Human-Machine interfaces Thus, the problems associated with control, ease of use, safety
(HMI) were needed for such system such as voice command, and efficiency can be tackled. Generally compliance can be
simple switches or joysticks. This shows an increasing demand introduced to a system through active or passive compliance
for developing fully autonomous robotic systems for assistive [17]. Passive compliance is basically introduced into a system
tasks around the head. as compliant mechanical elements [18]; while active ones can
Recently a commercially available automatic tooth brush be introduced through active interaction control schemes [19].
has been used by many abled users. Because this brush Passive compliance was used for feeding assistance system in
does not apply mechanical motion, it is considered very safe. [20] in which, the spoon is connected to the robotic arm using
Additionally, because of its mouth piece, several sub-tasks a spring or a magnet which falls off when large forces are
such as putting tooth paste on the brush and picking up the exceeded. Although such system can provide some levels of
tooth paste are totally taken care of [12] except the problems safety and compliance, it is still limited in terms of flexibility.
of manipulating and holding the brush during brushing. There- On the other hand, the most efficient active compliance is
fore, with the availability of such automatic tooth brush, much the impedance control which mimics the human behavior by
effort are needed to achieve autonomous detection of the users imposing mass-spring-damper-like disturbance response and
mouth as well as autonomous brush manipulation in order to can be designed to comply with varying stiffness and envi-
realize an autonomous robotic system for tooth brushing that ronmental location. To realize this adaptive nature, different
can handle different levels of disabilities. frameworks have been proposed within the impedance control

2576-3202 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 05,2020 at 12:02:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMRB.2020.3030317, IEEE
Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics

scheme which can also be combined into a single structure

through the hybrid impedance scheme.
From the aforementioned literature, it can be concluded that,
real-time autonomous teeth brushing robotic system that is
safe and efficient has not yet been developed. Additionally,
the existing robotic systems for teeth brushing assistance either
manually controlled, interactive or shared controlled are based
on the assumption that patients have the abilities to participate
in the control of such systems via GUI with video stream from Fig. 1: The proposed robotic system setup for tooth brushing.
a camera. Moreover, their teeth brushing task is characterized
as poor, unsafe and tedious due to the generated improper con- purpose collaborative UR10 6-DOF manipulator whose end-
tact force trajectories. So, unlike the existing robotic systems, a effector is attached with an automatic electric tooth brush such
hybrid impedance controller-based autonomous robotic system as the commercial one shown in Fig. 1. and a vision-based
that is capable of autonomous and reliable teeth brushing perception system which is a RGB-D kinect camera.
assistance for patients who have no abilities to participate in The RGB-D kinect camera enables mouth detection of the
the system controller is proposed in this paper. In this proposed user with respect to the Kinect frame, while transformations
system, the related problems of unintended patient head pose are applied to the resulting 3D pose of the mouth to be related
changes during teeth brushing which result in unintended force to the manipulator base frame. Consequently, the required
exertion on all the other force uncontrolled directions are brushing tool orientations are computed using the normal
tackled for the first time. Rather than the manual selection vectors to the patient face. These position and orientations
of the task region by the user as in existing systems, the relative to the manipulator base frame are the desired poses
developed system involves autonomous mouth detection as for the automatic tooth brush. This tooth brush is designed
well as online trajectories planning. On the context of this to brush the whole teeth at once in 10 seconds [21]. The
teeth brushing assistance, vision sub-system is used for the movements of the brush bristles back and forth are enabled by
face detection, mouth detection and head pose estimation. subtle vibrations which make the brush able to remove plaque
Rather than edge- or colour-based segmentations which are and keep the gums undamaged. Since the bristles movements
mostly used and appropriate in unconstrained background for are required to enable proper brushing of the tooth, the aim of
2D segmentation, 3D semantic segmentation based on known the proposed system is to manipulate this brush perpendicular
labels of each point on the face is developed to be used for this to the user mouth with orientation suits the mouth orientation
mouth detection. Additionally, online trajectories re-planning and with proper compliant interaction. To achieve this, the
with a hybrid force tracking impedance control for the brush- following conditions should be satisfied
ing task are developed to ensure safety during unintended face
1) The base of the manipulator and the camera are fixed at
pose changes and to ensure achieving the desired force for
the sagittal plane of the system’s user
brushing within the mouth of the user. In the proposed system,
2) The camera is tilted to ensure that the view of the camera
a Kinect RGB-D sensor and a general purpose light weight
covers the entire manipulator workspace. It also ensures
UR-10 6-DOF manipulator with an automatic tooth brush are
that occlusion during brushing is brought to the barest
proposed as a platform for achieving the teeth brushing task.
minimal. Specifically, it enables online face and mouth
Furthermore, the performance of the proposed hybrid force
detections of the user even if the brush is in the mouth
tracking impedance controller is evaluated in terms of tracking
of the user since the lower lip as well as the right and
the generated tooth brushing trajectories and the desired force
left parts of the upper lip are still visible.
trajectory by co-simulating the full dynamics of the proposed
robotic system in ADAMS and MATLAB. By the use of the RGB-D kinect camera, the resulting pose
Following this introduction, a brief overview of the pro- of the mouth relative to the manipulator coordinate frame are
posed robotic system is presented in Section II. Section III set as inputs to the trajectory planner which plans the required
explains in details the face detection, mouth detection and trajectories to complete the brushing task. Also the trajectory
end-effector orientation. In Section IV, trajectory planning planning includes the required penetration path of the tooth
and online re-planning are detailed. Section V elaborates on brush into the mouth of the users. This penetration distance
the dynamic model of the robotic system in ADAMS and can be as recommended in literature [22]. The output of the
the active force tracking impedance control. The hybrid force trajectory planner is considered as inputs to the robot controller
tracking impedance control is also developed in Section VI. which is a hybrid force tracking-based impedance controller.
Consequently, results of tracking trajectories with contact force The robot controller is based on the dynamics of the UR10
regulation are presented in Section VII. Finally conclusions 6-DOF manipulator co-simulated in ADAMS and MATLAB.
and future work are presented in Section VIII. Online re-planning the trajectory has also been enabled to re-
plan the trajectory required for the withdrawal of the tooth
brush from the mouth after the brushing task. The reason is
that, during the time of brushing there might be unintended
As illustrated in Fig. 1, the setup of the proposed au- changes in the pose of the brushing tool due to movements of
tonomous tooth brushing robotic system includes a general the users head.

2576-3202 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 05,2020 at 12:02:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMRB.2020.3030317, IEEE
Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics


Computation of the desired end-effector positions and ori-
entations required to complete the brushing task based on the
mouth detection is the focus of this section. This desired end-
effector pose is specifically the positions of the mid point
(a) (b)
of the mouth and the orientations of the normal vector and
the mouth based on the normal to the face surface at the Fig. 3: Illustration of the mouth detection; (a) illustration of
facial points of the mouth respectively. Therefore, this stage the upper and lower mid point positions of the mouth in red,
involves face detection, mouth detection and computations of (b) mouth detection with automatic toothbrush in the mouth.
the desired end-effector positions and orientations.
However, since it is required to position the tooth brush at
A. Face Detection and Tracking the middle of the mouth and also make room for different
variations of the mouth in terms of opening and closing the
The high-definition (HD) real-time face detection and track- mouth, the upper and lower mid points of the mouth are
ing engine provided in the Microsoft kinect Software Devel- considered as depicted in red in Fig. 3(a). Consequently,
opment Kit (SDK) referred to as HD face is used here for the position of the center point of these two points can be
face detection and tracking. Utilizing the infrared and color computed which is considered as the desired 3D point position
streams, the Kinect sensor can accurately track faces with of the mouth. Here, it is worthy to mention that Fig. 3(b)
varying poses [23] and create a 3D point-cloud that represents illustrates that the mouth can still be detected even if an
it as shown in Fig. 2. object is in the user mouth. This center point of the mouth
The 3D point-cloud face model of the detected face is is the starting point by the trajectory planner. Furthermore, to
returned by the camera in a matrix form as P ∈ ℜ3X1347 , pave way for the trajectory planning, it is important to know
where the matrix row represents the XYZ coordinates of that, there is a need to compute the distance between the
the facial point and the matrix column is the index label of 3D position of this center point and the final point position
each point. Consequently, the labels of these facial points can of the brush’s penetration into the mouth of the user. The
be accessed and used to enable the mouth detection. Kin2, desired average penetration distance from this detected 3D
a Kinect 2 toolbox for MATLAB which contains wrapper point position of the mouth is know as the total arch length of
function which is used for communication with the camera to the mouth with an average of 0.0426m [22]. This arch length,
enable face detection. Consequently, from the 3D point-cloud shown in Fig. 4, will be used here as the desired penetration
face model which is extracted in a matrix form, the mouth can distance of the tooth brush into the mouth.
be detected using the known labels [24].
The accuracy of the face and mouth detections is based on
the face tracking algorithm of the Microsoft Kinect and the C. End-Effector Orientation
accuracy of this algorithm is guaranteed when the face is far To obtain the required end-effector orientations for the
from the camera between 0.4 to 2m and the head rotation brushing task, the normal vectors to the facial points should
is within 0 to 50◦ [25]. For this application, all the above first be obtained. Here K nearest neighbor (KNN) is applied
mentioned factors are fully met and thus the face and the as described in a previous work by the authors [26].
mouth detections are considered as highly accurate. Having obtained the normal n i to facial point q i of the
mouth region, with respect to the camera frame C, the brush
B. Mouth Detection frame B that is attached to the end-effector frame E is needed
To detect the mouth, face detection is first carried out as to be aligned to the normal and oriented to suit the mouth
described in III-A. The resulting point cloud representation of orientation. The required end-effector orientation to achieve
the face can now be used for the detection of several landmarks this can be calculated with respect to the manipulator base
within the face based on the known labels of these facial frame M by solving for the homogeneous transformation C TE ,
landmarks. For the case of mouth detection, the labels of the from which the Roll-Pitch-Yaw angles can be obtained. From
points representing the mouth are used to determine the 3D Fig. 5, the homogeneous transformation from the end-effector
positions of the mouth region as illustrated in Fig. 3, the labels E with respect to frame C C TE , can be obtained as follows
of the points within the entire region are depicted in black.

Fig. 2: Illustration of the face detection for different head poses

showing a point-cloud model distribution of 1347 points which
represents the face. Fig. 4: Dental arch measurements. [22]
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 05,2020 at 12:02:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMRB.2020.3030317, IEEE
Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics

and continuous trajectories required to achieve the tooth brush-

TE =C TB B TE (1) ing task can be planned. The trajectory planning involves two
major stages, the first stage involves approaching the center
where B TE is the homogeneous transformation from the end-
point position of the user mouth and then penetrating along the
effector with respect to frame B which is considered constant
normal to the mouth to complete the brushing task. The second
and assumed to be known since the brushing tool is fixed to
stage involves online re-planning the trajectory required to
the end-effector frame E and C TB is the transformation from
withdraw the tooth brush from the user mouth. This second
the brush with respect to frame C which is obtained form
stage is necessary because during the period of brushing, the
mouth detection. Specifically, Z-axis of the rotational matrix
C R is aligned with the normal at the center point of the mouth pose of the user mouth might be unintentionally changed. The
waypoints from the initial end-effector position to the user
while X-axis is along points ”a” and ”b” of the mouth shown
mouth as well as the end-point along the penetration distance
in Fig. 6. Y-axis can be obtained by the cross product of Z and
are fed in as inputs to the trajectory planner. Cubic spline
X axes. The origin of the coordinate frame C TB is the position
which can satisfy the constraints of smooth and continuous
of the mouth center point. Once obtained the transformation
C T from (1), the rotational matrix C R can be obtained as in trajectories x(t) with zero initial and final velocities are used
with the waypoints to realize on-line planning trajectories for
(2), from which the Roll-pitch-Yaw angles of the end-effector
the brushing task. Trajectory T1 illustrated in Fig. 6 is a
with respect to the camera frame can be obtained as in (3).
representative cubic splines-based trajectory passing through
For cases where θ = ∓90, (4) can be used instead of (3).
the way-points for the cleaning stage.
After the cleaning stage, the trajectory is re-planned for the
 
r11 r12 r13
RPY (φ , θ , ψ) = r21 r22 r23  (2) withdrawal of the brush from the user mouth, since uninten-
r31 r32 r33
tional change in the head pose of the user might have occurred.
q r21 r11 r32 r33
The trajectory re-planning is triggered based on brushing
2 + r 2 ), φ = atan2(
θ = atan2(−r31 , r11 21 , ), ψ = atan2( , ) (3) time. As illustrated in Algorithm 4.1, after completing the
cθ cθ cθ cθ
cleaning trajectory, the withdrawal trajectory is re-planned
θ = ∓90, φ = 0, ψ = ∓ atan2(r12 , r22 ) (4) after 10 seconds based on the cleaning time specified and
recommended by the brush producer. Based on the new status
of mouth detection, mouth center point position estimation and
The desired transformation matrix of the end-effector E normal vector calculation, the new withdrawal trajectory can
with respect to the manipulator based frame M (M TE ) can be be online re-planned. Trajectory T2 depicted in Fig. 6 is a
obtained as in (5). Thus, the desired pose of the end-effector representative online re-planned trajectory for the withdrawal
at each point p i on the brushing area can be obtain. This paves of the tooth brush. To evaluate the time required to re-plan
way for planning trajectories for the brushing tool to track. the brush withdrawal trajectory after completing the cleaning
TE =M TC C TE (5) stage, twenty independent runs of re-planning different brush
withdrawal trajectories are performed at varying head poses
where MTis the transformation matrix of the camera C with
C and an average time of 3.9242 sec is computed. It is remark-
respect to the manipulator based frame M. able to note that, this trajectory re-planning time involves the
mouth detection, computation of normal vectors, computation
IV. T RAJECTORY P LANING of the desired end-effector orientations and finally generation
Having obtained the pose of the mouth, the required brush- of cubic splines to be tracked using the way-points within
ing tool orientation at the center point position of the mouth the mouth and the final desired location of the brush. This
and the required penetration distance in the direction of the
normal to the mouth known as the total arch length, smooth

Fig. 5: Illustration of the transformations required to align the Fig. 6: Representative trajectories for the brushing task stages;
brush B to the face normal and orient it to suit the mouth namely, cleaning stage (blue trajectory) and withdrawal stage
orientation. (red trajectory).

2576-3202 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 05,2020 at 12:02:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMRB.2020.3030317, IEEE
Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics

Algorithm: 4 . 1 pseudo-code showing the online plan-

ning of brushing trajectories
1 Input : f (x, y)
2 Output: t j,T , X j,T ∈ ℜ6 for j = 1, ....
3 Initialize Kinect sensor;
4 Initialize Mouth Upper and lower Mid-Points (ul);
5 Initialize initial Robot pose R p
6 while Kinect sensor is initialized do
7 g(x, y) ← detectFace(f(x,y));
8 PointCloud p ∈ ℜ3∗1347 ← extract3DFace(g(x,y));
9 M p , M pen , N p ∈ ℜ3∗1 ← DetectMouth(p ∈ ℜ3∗1347 , ul);
10 Mo ∈ ℜ3∗1 ← ComputeOrientation(M p , N p )
11 t j,T 1 , X j,T 1 ∈ ℜ6 ← Tra jPlannerT 1(M p ,Mo , M pen R p ,)
12 return t j,T 1 , X j,T 1 // Return T1 for teeth cleaning
13 Wait for 10 seconds // Time-based trajectory
Fig. 7: Active force-tracking impedance control.
14 g(x, y) ← detectFace(f(x,y)); different control schemes. The input torques in ADAMS are
15 PointCloud p ∈ ℜ3∗1347 ← extract3DFace(g(x,y)); supplied from MATLAB as variables based on the control
16 M p , M pen , N p ∈ ℜ3∗1 ← DetectMouth(p ∈ ℜ3∗1347 , ul); architecture while the outputs of this model are basically the
17 Mo ∈ ℜ3∗1 ← ComputeOrientation(M p , N p )
18 t j,T 1 , X j,T 2 ∈ ℜ6 ← Tra jPlannerT 2(M p ,Mo , M pen R p ,)
joint angles, velocities and accelerations.
19 return t j,T 2 , X j,T 2 // Return T2 for brushing tool
20 end B. Active Force Tracking-based Impedance Control
In the brushing task, the interaction required between the
manipulator and the human is basically a force-position re-
indicates that the proposed approach is suitable for real-time lation. Impedance control provides effectively this level of
tooth brushing application. interaction because it enables motion trajectory tracking and
In terms of contact force regulation, the desired force trajec- realizes a desired dynamic interaction between the end-effector
tory Fd is specified only in the Z direction of the manipulator position and the contact force [27]. The desired dynamic
end-effector coordinates that is aligned with the normal to the behavior between the interaction force of the brushing tool and
face surface. This is appropriate because only the Z direction desired trajectory within the mouth region can be modeled as
constitutes the desired force controlled direction to achieve the follows
tooth brushing based on the proposed approach.
f d − f = Kd (xxd − x ) + Bd (ẋxd − ẋx) + Md (ẍxd − ẍx) (7)
V. ROBOT DYNAMIC M ODEL AND I MPEDANCE C ONTROL where Kd , Bd , Md are the desired stiffness, damping and inertia
A. ADAMS-based Dynamic Modelling of the Robot impedance diagonal matrices respectively; in which, Md is
generally assumed to be equal to zero. fd is the desired
The dynamic equations of an n-DOF robot manipulator can interaction force between the automatic tooth brush and the
be written generally as mouth of the user. The block diagram of the closed loop
M(qq)q̈q + H(qq, q̇q)q̇q + g (qq) = τ m − τ ext (6) impedance control system is shown in Fig. 7.
The impedance control law can be given as follows
where q , q̇q, q̈q ∈ Rn are the joint position, velocity and accel-
U = J T (qq)[K p (xxd − x ) + Kv (ẋxd − ẋx) + f d + K f ( f d − f )] + g (8)
eration vectors respectively; M(qq) ∈ Rn×n is the mass matrix;
H(qq, q̇q)q̇q ∈ Rn denotes the Coriolis and centrifugal matrix; where K f , K p and Kv are force, position and velocity gain
g (qq) ∈ Rn is the gravity vector; τ m ∈ Rn is the motor torque diagonal matrices respectively. Since
vector which is the control input and τ ext = J T (qq) f ext ∈ Rn , in
which f ext ∈ Rm denotes the external force vector measured (xxd − x ) ≈ J(qqd − q ) (9)
in the m-Cartesian space and mapped to the joint space with
the Jacobian transpose J T (qq) ∈ Rn×m . and
To obtain (6) using either the Newton-Euler or the Lagrange J T (qq)K p (xxd − x ) = K p (qqd − q ) (10)
method becomes often difficult for high number of n DOF and Therefore, (8) can be rewritten as
irregular shape manipulators. So, ADAMS software is used
here to dynamic simulate the UR10 6-DOF manipulator. To U = K p (qqd − q) + Kv (q̇qd − q̇q) + J T (qq)[ f d + K f ( f d − f )] + g (11)
achieve this, the manipulator CAD model is obtained from
For the controller to be asymptotically stable, the following
the manufacturer in Solidworks and exported to ADAMS. In
conditions must be satisfied as proposed in [28].
ADAMS, revolute joints are added to each of the joint loca-
K p + (I + K f )Kd > 0, Kv + (I + K f )Bd > 0, Md = 0
tions with necessary inputs and measurements parameters set.
Consequently, the ADAMS model is exported to MATLAB
K p > 0, Kv > 0, K f = −1
for co-simulation between ADAMS and MATLAB, which
is important for achieving virtual environment for validating

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMRB.2020.3030317, IEEE
Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics

1) GA-based Gains Tuning: Classical tuning approaches

such as Nichols and Ziegler were widely studied techniques
in the past, but this class of tuning techniques often becomes
very complex and unable to give proper and stable responses
in cases of non-linear or higher-order plants. Therefore meta- (a) (b) (c)

heuristic approaches such as Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle

Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Simulated Annealing (SA)
algorithms, which are more simple to be implemented, have
been developed to obtain optimal control gains. GA which is
(d) (e) (f)
based on natural selection and genetics is proposed to be used
in this study because GA is faster than SA and does not tend Fig. 8: Closed loop time response of the PD independent joint
to have problem of premature convergence as PSO. The GA control developed in ADAMS.
basically minimizes an objective function. Here the objective
function which minimizes both the tracking error e = x d − x force thresholds which might not be sufficient to ensure safety,
and settling time ts is considered as given below [29] hybrid impedance control is implemented here.
Z ∞ Comprehensive review of active compliance control presents
Fob j = ts + e T (t)ee(t) (12) different varieties of the impedance control schemes [31].
0 Hybrid impedance control basically combines two or more
To ensure a fast convergence of the GA, the gain boundaries of such schemes into a single structure to achieve the desired
of the search space must be set. Hence, the lower and the upper level of HRI [32]. Specifically, it combines impedance control
limits of the controller gains K p and Kv must be specified. and hybrid position and force control into one strategy. This
To estimate this range, the basic PD independent joint control enables compliance and safe interaction between the robot and
algorithm is developed in ADAMS. Joint angles of 20 degrees its environment by adjusting the mechanical impedance of the
was set as inputs to this controller for all the six joints of the system while tracking the planned trajectories.
manipulator to be tracked. Figures 8 shows the responses of For the brushing task, it is required that some directions
this basic PD independent joint controller. The upper limits are force controlled while the other directions are force ac-
obtained for K p and Kv are diag[2500 60000 25000 1000 80 commodating. So, it is important to adapt the existing control
50] and [500 6000 2500 40 10 5] respectively while the lower schemes to suit achieving the brushing task and ensure that all
limits obtained for K p and Kv are diag[1000 40000 15000 500 positions and orientations are controlled under the scheme by
20 10] and [300 4000 1000 10 2 1] respectively. Those gain combining impedance and admittance controls thus ensuring
limits are used for the GA to obtain the optimal controller that force tracking and force accommodating are achieved in
gains of the force tracking-based impedance control. their respective directions. For such task, the force controlled
While performing simulations for such controller, it is direction is the one along which the required brushing force
assumed that the tooth brush is attached to the end-effector via should be applied while the other directions should be force
some sort of spring mechanism which in turn serves as passive accommodating to cope with the unintentional changes in
compliance to cope with the unintended head pose changes the head pose of the user during brushing. To achieve this
that can result in unintended force exertion on all the other task using a single control structure, it is proposed to adapt
force uncontrolled directions. However, this controller can not the hybrid impedance control which combines the structures
be applied practically in such case of unintentional head pose of force tracking-based impedance control subsystem and
changes. This motives developing a hybrid impedance control admittance control subsystem to suit the problem as follows.
to tackle such problem.
A. Admittance Control Subsystem
Although admittance control is often referred to an
Safety is one of the underlying considerations limiting impedance control, it is the dual or reciprocal of the widely
the deployment of autonomous assistive robotic systems. In known impedance control. Specifically, admittance control
robotic tasks with physical HRI, safety must be taken into uses measured interaction force to modify the original desired
account such that the forces exerted during such interactions motion trajectory to achieve some preferred dynamic inter-
should be within allowable limits. Several safety methods action responsive behavior [33]. Due to its force to desired
have been proposed in literature which includes safety through motion relation, admittance control is also often referred to
control, motion planning, prediction and psychological con- as position-based impedance control. Generally, admittance
siderations [30]. Among those, the only method that deals control can be referred to as force accommodating control.
with safety under such situations is the one which introduces The general implementation of the admittance control is
compliance into the system through control. Active compli- shown in Fig. 9(a) [34]. The position control block is a PD
ance schemes are those which implement compliance at the controller, whose gains, K p and Kv are the same as those of
control level and the most advanced one is the impedance the obtained from the GA and applied in Section V-B. The
control which mimics human manipulation capabilities to admittance block relation can be generally given as
ensure safe in HRI [19]. Hence to ensure safety in tooth
brushing task, rather than the ordinary concept of using certain Md (x¨d − x¨o ) + Dd (x˙d − x˙o ) + Kd (xxd − x o ) = F ext (13)

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMRB.2020.3030317, IEEE
Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics

((a)) General concept of admittance control.

Fig. 10: Closed loop hybrid impedance control.

((b)) General concept of impedance control tooth brushing task, the position-based control is applied to
Fig. 9: General concept of admittance and impedance control. all end-effector position and orientation except the Z position
direction which is a force controlled direction.
where Md is the desired inertial matrix which is usually The details of the proposed impedance control are illustrated
assumed to be zero for simplicity, Dd is the desired damping in Fig. 10, where Z mp −1 is the admittance relation in equation
matrix, Kd is the desired stiffness matrix, x o is the original (13), Z m f −1 is the active force tracking relation in equation (7)
planned trajectory, x d is the modified trajectory and F ext is and I is an n × n identity matrix. The modified trajectory x d is
the measured external force. The control law of the admittance composed of the modified position subspace trajectory x d p and
control is given as follows, in which τ is the input torque to the modified force subspace trajectory x d f . The measured force
the manipulator dynamics. F = Ke (xx − x e ), where Ke is the environment stiffness and x e
τ = J T (qq)[K p (xxd − x ) + Kv (ẋxd − ẋx) − F ext ] (14) is the contact environment trajectory or perturbed trajectory.
The position-based impedance control or admittance control
where x is the measured position vector, J T is the Jacobian subsystem ensures that the end-effector trajectory x closely
transpose, K p and Kv are the proportional and derivative gains tracks the modified trajectory x d for not to generate any
of the PD position control respectively. This admittance con- exertion forces in all directions that are position controlled.
trol is used as a subsystem of the propose hybrid impedance For tooth brushing task in hand, this will ensure no harm for
control to achieve the tooth brushing task. Specifically, it the patient in case of head pose changes that results in any
is used for the subspace that is designated for the force perturbed trajectory while grantee achieving perfect brushing.
accommodating directions to cope with the unintentional head
The aforementioned active force tracking-based impedance
B. Force-based Impedance Control control and the hybrid impedance control based on the full
The basic concept of the force-based impedance control is dynamics of the UR10 manipulator presented in Sections
that, the controller uses the measured position to modify the V-B and VI respectively are used in Co-simulations between
force input of the system directly. Figure 9(b) shows the basic ADAMS and MATLAB Simulink R installed on an AMD A6-
implantation of the force-based impedance control. Several 4400M with Radeon (TM ) HD Graphics, 2.70GHz processor.
modifications have been proposed within the framework of For those co-simulations, the head model is not developed in
the force-based impedance control to enable force tracking in ADAMS, but the detected head model with face and mouth
changing and unchanging environments. detections, the planning of the desired trajectory and the
The active force tracking-based impedance control dis- control laws are implemented in MATLAB and the outputs
cussed in Section V-B and illustrated in Fig. 7 is applied here of the control algorithms are sent to the manipulator model
directly as a subsystem of the proposed hybrid impedance con- in ADAMS. Consequently, the motion of the manipulator
trol to achieve a singe structure of this controller. Specifically, along the planned trajectory are set as inputs to MATLAB
the active force tracking-based impedance control is used for from ADAMS to evaluate the results in terms of tracking the
the subspace that is designated for the force control to achieve planned trajectory as illustrated in Fig. 10.
the brushing task. The desired force fd is also chosen as diag[0 0 2 0 0 0]N.
The gains obtained from GA; namely, K p and Kv used in
C. Hybrid Force Tracking-based impedance control those simulations are diag[2000 50000 20000 800 50 25] and
diag[400 5000 1500 25 5 1.8] respectively. First, the results
The hybrid impedance control combines the admittance of position and force tracking capabilities of the active force
control and the impedance control into a single control scheme tracking impedance control are presented. Second, the results
using the switching matrix S ∈ Rn×n that distinguishes be- of the position and force tracking capabilities of the hybrid
tween the force and position controlled sub-spaces, where impedance controller are illustrated.
S = diag[si ], for i = 1, ..., n in which n is the DOF of the
manipulator task space and si is either 1 or 0 based on
the force or position controlled directions. In this hybrid A. Simulation Results of the Active Force Tracking Impedance
impedance control, the impedance relation of force-control Control
can be distinguished from that of the position-control and thus The position and force trajectories for the cleaning stage and
achieves more flexibility in choosing those impedances. In this the withdrawal stage are set as inputs to this controller. The

2576-3202 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 05,2020 at 12:02:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMRB.2020.3030317, IEEE
Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics

desired stiffness and damping matrices, Kd and Bd are chosen shows the position tracking results of a typical re-planned tra-
as diag[0 0 150 0 0 0] and diag[0 0 20 0 0 0]N respectively; jectory illustrated in Fig 6 for the withdrawal of the tooth brush
while k f = −1 as previously stated. in XYZ coordinates while Fig. 14(d)-(f) shows orientation
1) Simulations Results for the Cleaning Stage: The force tracking in terms of Roll, Pitch and Yaw angles, respectively.
and position trajectories generated for the cleaning stage, Those results prove successful tracking with very negligible
illustrated in Fig. 6, are set as inputs to the active force- errors. Thus, the results illustrated in Figs. 12 and 14 prove
based impedance controller. Figure 11 shows the force tracking the capability of the proposed system for achieving the tooth
results of the manipulator since the force tracking error fd − f brushing task autonomously.
in the Z direction is regulated to zero over time and this
ensures that brushing is performed with the desired force fd
B. Simulation Results of the Hybrid Impedance Control
and consequently safety is guaranteed. The large force of ap-
proximately 50N measured at the beginning of the simulation In this simulation, force and position trajectories generated
shown in Fig. 11 is due to measuring the force in terms of for the brushing task, illustrated in Fig. 6, are set as inputs
the position error, since large force measurement results from to the hybrid impedance controller. The only force controlled
large position error. This occurs only at the free space where direction is the Z- direction, while all other directions are force
the end-effector is at the initial position far from the mouth accommodating and therefore are controlled by the position-
point. This can be easily overcome in practise by measuring based impedance scheme subsystem. Additionally, to illustrate
the force directly by a force sensor. The little spike in the the force accommodation capability of the hybrid impedance
actual force noticed at about 3 secs is due to the transition controller, the trajectory is assumed to be slightly perturbed be-
in the trajectory of the brushing tool attached to the UR10 tween simulation time from 3.2 seconds to 3.7 seconds during
manipulator from free space into contact space (contact of the cleaning stage to signify changes in head pose. Consequently,
brushing tool with the mouth of the user) and this perturbation this leads to forces exertion in all other directions which are
is shown to be very small and thus acceptable. controlled by the position-based impedance controller. Note
Figure 12(a) - (c) shows the position tracking results of that, those exerted forces due to the slight perturbation are
a typical cleaning trajectory in XYZ coordinates while Fig. functions of the position errors between the end-effector and
12(d)-(f) shows orientation tracking in terms of Roll, Pitch perturbed trajectories as F = K e (xx − x e ). To accommodate
and Yaw angles, respectively. Those results of the position and those forces, the end-effector trajectory x will closely track
orientation tracking illustrate a rapid system response which the modified trajectory x d for not to generate any exertion
is often required in autonomous systems. forces in all directions that are position controlled. Since
The errors of the force, position and orientation tracking the impedance terms are selected by the user, the desired
from the initial position to the end of the penetration distance stiffness and damping matrices, Kd and Dd for the force-based
inside the mouth by the active force tracking impedance impedance control are diag[0 0 150 0 0 0] and diag[0 0 20
control are shown in Fig. 13. Figure 13(a) shows that the force 0 0 0] respectively, while those of the admittance control are
tracking error of fd − f in the Z direction is regulated to zero chosen as diag[40 40 0 40 40 40] and diag[10 10 0 10 10 10]
over time and this ensures that brushing is performed with respectively.
the desired force fd and safety is guaranteed. Furthermore, it 1) Simulation Results for the Cleaning Stage: The original
should be noted that tracking errors of the position and orien- trajectory x o and modified trajectory by the admittance control
tation shown in Figs. 13(b) and (c) respectively, are necessary x d p during the entire simulation time are shown in Fig. 15.
as the force tracking requirements modifies the trajectory to Due to the slight perturbation of the trajectory x e , the end-
satisfy the force constraints and thus ensuring overall safety effector will closely track x d p to cancel the forces in all
of the system. Keeping in mind that the desired impedance position controlled directions indicating the accommodating
stiffness and damping constants, that can be changed, affect capabilities of the admittance control. For better clarification,
the resulting tracking errors, the obtained negligible tracking Fig. 16 shows a zoomed portion of Fig. 15 in the time span
errors especially in the contact region inside the mouth can from 3.2 seconds to 3.7 seconds. This shows clearly how the
ensure the feasibility of the proposed trajectory control and original trajectory is adapted to accommodate the exerted force
ensure interaction safety. due to the trajectory perturbation.
2) Simulation Results for the Withdrawal Stage: The re- To show force exertion as a results of the slight perturbation,
planned trajectories for the withdrawal of the brushing tool the force is calculated in between the time span from 3.2 to 3.7
after completing the cleaning stage are set as inputs to the sec as F = Ke (xx − x e ) where Ke is the environment stiffness
active force-based impedance controller. Figure 14(a) - (c) matrix, as Ke = diag [40 40 40 45 45 45], x is the end-effector
trajectory and x e is the perturbed trajectory. As illustrated in
Fig. 17, the external forces and moments are generated in all
position controlled directions in the time span from 3.2 to 3.7
sec due to trajectory perturbation.
On the other hand, Fig. 18 shows the force tracking results
of the manipulator since the force tracking error fd − f in the
Z direction is regulated to zero over time by the force-based
Fig. 11: Force tracking of a typical cleaning trajectory by the impedance control subsystem and this ensures that brushing is
active force-tracking impedance control
2576-3202 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 05,2020 at 12:02:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMRB.2020.3030317, IEEE
Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 12: Pose tracking of a typical cleaning trajectory by the active force-tracking impedance control
0.8 0.8
Error in x-direction Error in x-direction

Orientation Error
Position Error(m)

Error in y-direction Roll Tracking
Error Error
in y-direction
0.6 0.6
Error in z-direction Pitch
ErrorTracking Error
in z-direction

Yaw Tracking Error
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 22 33 44
Time(s) Time(s)
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 13: Tracking errors of the active force tracking impedance controller for the cleaning stage (a) Force tracking error, (b)
Position tracking error (c) Orientation tracking error

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 14: Pose tracking of a typical brush withdrawal trajectory by the active force-tracking impedance control

(a) (b)
(a) (b)

(C) (d) (e)

(c) (d) (e)
Fig. 16: Zoomed portion of the original x o and modified
Fig. 15: Original and modified trajectories of a typical cleaning x d p trajectories of a typical cleaning trajectory by the hybrid
trajectory by the hybrid impedance control impedance control

performed with the desired force fd and consequently safety the hybrid impedance controller are shown in Figs 19(a) -
is guaranteed. The little spike in the force noticed at about 3 (c) and 19(d)-(f) for the XYZ coordinates and Roll, Pitch
secs is due to the transition of the trajectory of the brushing and Yaw angles, respectively. Those results of the position
tool from free space into contact space (contact of the brushing and orientation tracking illustrate that the controller is robust
tool with the mouth of the user) and this perturbation is shown enough to track the modified trajectories x d , accommodate
to be very small and thus acceptable. changes in the external force and thus enable the needed
The tracking capabilities of the inner position controller of complaint human-robot interaction during the brushing task.

2576-3202 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 05,2020 at 12:02:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMRB.2020.3030317, IEEE
Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics

Moment (Nm)

Moment (Nm)
achieve tooth brushing autonomously that could be extended


for fulfilling other assistive tasks around the head. In future,
experimental implementation of the proposed robotic system
(a) (b) shall be carried out.
Moment (Nm)

Moment (Nm)
Moment (Nm)
Moment Along Roll Orientation Moment Along Pitch Orientation Moment Along Yaw Orientation

This research is supported by Egypt Ministry of Higher

Education (MoHE) through Egypt-Japan University of Science
(c) (d) (e)
and Technology Scholarship for the first author.
Fig. 17: External forces and moments exerted in the position
controlled directions of the hybrid impedance control during
the cleaning stage R EFERENCES
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on November 05,2020 at 12:02:50 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TMRB.2020.3030317, IEEE
Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 19: Pose tracking of the hybrid impedance controller for the cleaning stage
Error in x-direction Roll Tracking Error

Position Error(m)

Orientation Error
0.6 Error in y-direction Pitch Tracking Error
Error in z-direction Yaw Tracking Error


0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Time(s) Time(s)
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 20: Tracking errors of the hybrid tracking impedance controller for the cleaning stage (a) Force tracking error, (b) Position
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(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

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