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TUGAS 1 Mata Kuliah : Termodinamika Program Studi : Pendidikan Fisika Semester : 3 Perhatian!!! 1.

Terjemahkan dan jawablah semua soal pertanyaan berikut ini! 2. Jawaban solusi atas semua soal ini dibuat dalam bahasa Indonesia 3. Teknis Pengerjaan tugas ini boleh dilakukan dengan cara berkelompok 4. Pengumpulan hasil tugas pada saat hari perkuliahan Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011 Thermodynamics 11C. What is the difference between the classical and the statistical approaches to thermodynamics? 12C. Why does a bicyclist pick up speed on a downhill road even when he is not pedaling? Does this violate the conservation of energy principle? 13C. An office worker claims that a cup of cold coffee on his table warmed up to 80C by picking up energy from the surrounding air, which is at 25C. Is there any truth to his claim? Does this process violate any thermodynamic laws? Systems, Properties, State, and Processes 115C. A large fraction of the thermal energy generated in the engine of a car is rejected to the air by the radiator through the circulating water. Should the radiator be analyzed as a closed system or as an open system? Explain. 116C. A can of soft drink at room temperature is put into the refrigerator so that it will cool. Would you model the can of soft drink as a closed system or as an open system? Explain. 117C. What is the difference between intensive and extensive properties?

118C. For a system to be in thermodynamic equilibrium, do the temperature and the pressure have to be the same everywhere? 119C. What is a quasi-equilibrium process? What is its importance in engineering? 120C. Define the isothermal, isobaric, and isochoric processes. 121C. What is the state postulate? 122C. Is the state of the air in an isolated room completely specified by the temperature and the pressure? Explain. 123C. What is a steady-flow process? 124C. What is specific gravity? How is it related to density? Temperature and Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics 126C. What is the zeroth law of thermodynamics? 127C. What are the ordinary and absolute temperature scales in the SI and the English system? 128C. Consider an alcohol and a mercury thermometer that read exactly 0C at the ice point and 100C at the steam point. The distance between the two points is divided into 100 equal parts in both thermometers. Do you think these thermometers will give exactly the same reading at a temperature of, say, 60C? Explain. 129. The deep body temperature of a healthy person is 37C. What is it in Kelvins? 130E. Consider a system whose temperature is 18C. Express this temperature in R, K, and F. 131. The temperature of a system rises by 15C during a heating process. Express this rise in temperature in Kelvins. 132E. The temperature of a system drops by 45F during a cooling process. Express this drop in temperature in K, R, and C. 133. Consider two closed systems A and B. System A contains 3000 kJ of thermal energy at 20C, whereas system B contains 200 kJ of thermal energy at 50C. Now the systems are brought into contact with each other. Determine the direction of any heat transfer between the two systems. Pressure, Manometer, and Barometer 134C. What is the difference between gage pressure and absolute pressure? 135C. Explain why some people experience nose bleeding and some others experience shortness of breath at high elevations.

136C. Someone claims that the absolute pressure in a liquid of constant density doubles when the depth is doubled. Do you agree? Explain. 137C. A tiny steel cube is suspended in water by a string. If the lengths of the sides of the cube are very small, how would you compare the magnitudes of the pressures on the top, bottom, and side surfaces of the cube? 138C. Express Pascals law, and give a real-world example of it. 139C. Consider two identical fans, one at sea level and the other on top of a high mountain, running at identical speeds. How would you compare (a) the volume flow rates and (b) the mass flow rates of these two fans? 140. A vacuum gage connected to a chamber reads 35 kPa at a location where the atmospheric pressure is 92 kPa. Determine the absolute pressure in the chamber. 143. Determine the atmospheric pressure at a location where the barometric reading is 750 mm Hg. Take the density of mercury to be 13,600 kg/m3. 144. The gage pressure in a liquid at a depth of 3 m is read to be 28 kPa. Determine the gage pressure in the same liquid at a depth of 9 m. 147E. A 200-pound man has a total foot imprint area of 72 in2. Determine the pressure this man exerts on the ground if (a) he stands on both feet and (b) he stands on one foot. 148. Consider a 70-kg woman who has a total foot imprint area of 400 cm2. She wishes to walk on the snow, but the snow cannot withstand pressures greater than 0.5 kPa. Determine the minimum size of the snowshoes needed (imprint area per shoe) to enable her to walk on the snow without sinking. 149. A vacuum gage connected to a tank reads 15 kPa at a location where the barometric reading is 750 mm Hg. Determine the absolute pressure in the tank. Take Hg = 13,590 kg/m3. Answer: 85,0 kPa. 151. A pressure gage connected to a tank reads 500 kPa at a location where the atmospheric pressure is 94 kPa. Determine the absolute pressure in the tank. 161. A manometer containing oil ( = 850 kg/m3) is attached to a tank filled with air. If the oil-level difference between the two columns is 60 cm and the atmospheric pressure is 98 kPa, determine the absolute pressure of the air in the tank. Answer: 103 kPa

Review Problems 185. A hydraulic lift is to be used to lift a 2500 kg weight by putting a weight of 25 kg on a piston with a diameter of 10 cm. Determine the diameter of the piston on which the weight is to be placed.

193E. The average body temperature of a person rises by about 2C during strenuous exercise. What is the rise in the body temperature in (a) K, (b) F, and (c) R during strenuous exercise? 194E. Hyperthermia of 5C (i.e., 5C rise above the normal body temperature) is considered fatal. Express this fatal level of hyperthermia in (a) K, (b) F, and (c) R. Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam Problems 1120. Consider a fish swimming 5 m below the free surface of water. The increase in the pressure exerted on the fish when it dives to a depth of 45 m below the free surface is (a) 392 Pa (b) 9800 Pa (c) 50,000 Pa (d ) 392,000 Pa (e) 441,000 Pa 1121. The atmospheric pressures at the top and the bottom of an are read by a barometer to be 96.0 and 98.0 kPa. If the density of air is 1.0 kg/m3, the height of the building is (a) 17 m (b) 20 m (c) 170 m (d) 204 m (e) 252 m 1122. An apple loses 4.5 kJ of heat as it cools per C drop in its temperature. The amount of heat loss from the apple per F drop in its temperature is (a) 1.25 kJ (b) 2.50 kJ (c) 5.0 kJ (d) 8.1 kJ (e) 4.1 kJ 1123. Consider a 2-m deep swimming pool. The pressure difference between the top and bottom of the pool is .. (a) 12.0 kPa (b) 19.6 kPa (c) 38.1 kPa(d) 50.8 kPa (e) 200 kPa

1125. During a heating process, the temperature of an object rises by 20C. This temperature rise is equivalent to a temperature rise of (a) 20F (b) 52F (c) 36 K (d) 36 R (e) 293 K Forms of Energy 21C. Portable electric heaters are commonly used to heat small rooms. Explain the energy transformation involved dur-ing this heating process. 22C. Consider the process of heating water on top of an elec-tric range. What are the forms of energy involved during this process? What are the energy transformations that take place? 23C. What is the difference between the macroscopic and microscopic forms of energy? 24C. What is total energy? Identify the different forms of energy that constitute the total energy. 25C. List the forms of energy that contribute to the internal energy of a system. 26C. How are heat, internal energy, and thermal energy related to each other? 27C. What is mechanical energy? How does it differ from thermal energy? What are the forms of mechanical energy of a fluid stream? Forms of Energy 21C. Portable electric heaters are commonly used to heat small rooms. Explain the energy transformation involved during this heating process. 22C. Consider the process of heating water on top of an electric range. What are the forms of energy involved during this process? What are the energy transformations that take place? 23C. What is the difference between the macroscopic and microscopic forms of energy? 24C. What is total energy? Identify the different forms of energy that constitute the total energy. 25C. List the forms of energy that contribute to the internal energy of a system. 26C. How are heat, internal energy, and thermal energy related to each other?

27C. What is mechanical energy? How does it differ from thermal energy? What are the forms of mechanical energy of a fluid stream? Energy Transfer by Heat and Work 215C. In what forms can energy cross the boundaries of a closed system? 216C. When is the energy crossing the boundaries of a closed system heat and when is it work? 217C. What is an adiabatic process? What is an adiabatic system? 218C. A gas in a pistoncylinder device is compressed, and as a result its temperature rises. Is this a heat or work interaction? 219C. A room is heated by an iron that is left plugged in. Is this a heat or work interaction? Take the entire room, including the iron, as the system. 220C. A room is heated as a result of solar radiation coming in through the windows. Is this a heat or work interaction for the room? 221C. An insulated room is heated by burning candles. Is this a heat or work interaction? Take the entire room, including the candles, as the system. 222C. What are point and path functions? Give some examples. 226. Determine the energy required to accelerate an 800 kg car from rest to 100 km/h on a level road. Answer: 309 kJ 234C. For a cycle, is the net work necessarily zero? For what kind of systems will this be the case? Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam Problems 2127. A 2-kW electric resistance heater in a room is turned on and kept on for 30 min. The amount of energy transferred to the room by the heater is (a) 1 kJ (b) 60 kJ (c) 1800 kJ (d) 3600 kJ (e) 7200 kJ 2128. On a hot summer day, the air in a well-sealed room is circulated by a 0,50 hp fan driven by a 65 percent efficient motor. (Note that the motor delivers 0,50 hp of net shaft power to the fan.) The rate of energy supply from the fan motor assembly to the room is .. (a) 0.769 kJ/s (b) 0.325 kJ/s (c) 0.574 kJ/s (d) 0.373 kJ/s (e) 0.242 kJ/s 2129. A fan is to accelerate quiescent air to a velocity to 12 m/s at a rate of 3 m3/min. If the density of air is 1,15 kg/m3, the minimum power that must be supplied to the fan is

(a) 248 W

(b) 72 W

(c) 497 W

(d) 216 W

(e) 162 W

2130. A 900-kg car cruising at a constant speed of 60 km/s is to accelerate to 100 km/h in 6 s. The additional power needed to achieve this acceleration is . (a) 41 kW (b) 222 kW (c) 1.7 kW (d) 26 kW (e) 37 kW 2131. The elevator of a large building is to raise a net mass of 400 kg at a constant speed of 12 m/s using an electric motor. Minimum power rating of the motor should be .. (a) 0 kW (b) 4.8 kW (c) 47 kW (d) 12 kW (e) 36 kW 2132. Electric power is to be generated in a hydroelectric power plant that receives water at a rate of 70 m3/s from an elevation of 65 m using a turbinegenerator with an efficiency of 85 percent. When frictional losses in piping are disregarded, the electric power output of this plant is . (a) 3.9 MW (b) 38 MW (c) 45 MW (d) 53 MW (e) 65 MW

Moving Boundary Work Note:

41C. On a P-V diagram, what does the area under the process curve represent? 42C. Is the boundary work associated with constant-volume systems always zero? 43C. An ideal gas at a given state expands to a fixed finalvolume first at constant pressure and then at constant temperature. For which case is the work done greater? 44C. Show that 1 kPa.m3 = 1 kJ. 45. A pistoncylinder device initially contains 0.07 m3 of nitrogen gas at 130 kPa and 120C. The nitrogen is now expanded polytropically to a state of 100 kPa and 100C. Determine the boundary work done during this process. 46. A pistoncylinder device with a set of stops initially contains 0.3 kg of steam at 1.0 MPa and 400C. The location of the stops corresponds to 60 percent of the initial volume. Now the steam is cooled. Determine the compression work if the final state is (a) 1.0 MPa and 250C and (b) 500

kPa.(c) Also determine the temperature at the final state in part (b). 412. A mass of 2.4 kg of air at 150 kPa and 12C is contained in a gastight, frictionless pistoncylinder device. The air is now compressed to a final pressure of 600 kPa. During the process, heat is transferred from the air such that the temperature inside the cylinder remains constant. Calculate the work input during this process. The gas constant of air is R = 0.287 kJ/kg.K (Table A-1). Answer: 272 kJ 413. Nitrogen at an initial state of 300 K, 150 kPa, and 0.2 m3 is compressed slowly in an isothermal process to a final pressure of 800 kPa. Determine the work done during this process. 414. A gas is compressed from an initial volume of 0,42 m3 to a final volume of 0,12 m3. During the quasiequilibrium process, the pressure changes with volume according to the relation P = aV + b, where a = 1200 kPa/m3 and b = 600 kPa. Calculate the work done during this process (a) by plotting the process on a P-V diagram and finding the area under the process curve and (b) by performing the necessary integrations.

416. During some actual expansion and compression processes in pistoncylinder devices, the gases have been observed to satisfy the relationship PVn = C, where n and C are constants. Calculate the work done when a gas expands from 150 kPa and 0,03 m3 to a final volume of 0,2 m3 for the case of n = 1,3. 418. A frictionless pistoncylinder device contains 2 kg of nitrogen at 100 kPa and 300 K. Nitrogen is now compressed slowly according to the relation PV1,4 = constant until it reaches a final temperature of 360 K. Calculate the work input during this process. The gas constant for nitrogen is R = 0.2968 kJ/kg.K (Table A-2a). Answer: 89 kJ 421. Carbon dioxide contained in a pistoncylinder device is compressed from 0,3 to 0,1 m3. During the process, the pressure and volume are related by P = aV2, where a = 8 kPa.m6. Calculate the work done on the carbon dioxide during this process. Answer: 53,3 kJ

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