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UNIT 4 TEST: Extension


1 Write the names of the places. / 5 marks

0 restaurant 1 2

3 4 5

2 Complete the sentences. Use words for places. / 5 marks

0 I’m on holiday with my family. We’re staying in a hotel . I’ve got my own room!
1 Susie is at the . She’s reading a book and doing some homework.
2 Max and Lola are at the . They’re watching a play.
3 It’s my dad’s birthday. We’re having dinner at his favourite Italian .
4 Tom is in Paris. Today he’s visiting a famous – the Eiffel Tower!
5 I’m at the new . You can buy lots of different things
here, and it’s got a cinema, too!

3 Write the weather words. / 5 marks

0 It’s raining . 3 It’s .

1 It’s . 4 It’s .

2 It’s . 5 It’s .

4 Read the weather report. Complete the sentences with weather words. / 5 marks

Hello, I’m Sally Roberts. Here’s the weather for Europe today.
In Athens, it’s lovely and 0h o t , with a temperature of 35°C.
In Berlin, it’s 1c , with a temperature of 5°C.
In Helsinki, it’s very i . The temperature is down to -10°C.
It’s 3s in Lisbon. A lot of people are going to the beach.
In Madrid, it’s nice and 4w . The temperature there is 20°C.
And here in London, it’s very f . I’m standing in the street but I
can’t see any buildings!

Vocabulary total / 20 marks

Keep it Real! A1+ © Richmond/Santillana Global S.L., 2021 1

UNIT 4 TEST: Extension


5 Complete the sentences. Use present continuous affirmative verbs. / 5 marks

At the moment …
0 Ben is talking to his grandparents on the phone.
1 Anna and Julia a film at the cinema.
2 Liam the piano at a school concert.
3 ‘We our homework,’ say Adam and Joe.
4 Sophie fun with her friends at the park.
5 ‘I to bed,’ says Charlie. ‘I’m really tired!’

6 Use the prompts and the verbs in the box. Write present continuous
sentences in the negative. / 5 marks

not cook   not listen not play   not use   not walk   not write

0 They / to music.
They aren’t listening to music.
1 He / an email.

2 We / table tennis.

3 I / dinner.

4 She / to school.

5 You / the computer.

7 Complete the questions and answers. Use the present continuous form of
the verbs in the box. / 5 marks

get have   play   read   snow   tidy

0 A: Are you getting dressed?

B: Yes, I am .
1 A: she her room at the moment?
B: No, she .
2 A: they breakfast?
B: Yes, they .
3 A: you that book?
B: No, I .
4 A: it outside?
B: Yes, it .
5 A: you and your sister a game?
B: No, we .
Keep it Real! A1+ © Richmond/Santillana Global S.L., 2021 2
UNIT 4 TEST: Extension
8 Use the prompts. Write present simple or present continuous sentences
and questions. / 5 marks

0 She / a photo at the moment.

She’s taking a photo at the moment.
1 Do you often / to the cinema at the weekend?

2 My dad always / a shower in the evening.

3 I / to music on my headphones right now.

4 My sister sometimes / video games after school.

5 What book / you / at the moment?

9 Complete the text. Use the present simple or present continuous form of
the verbs in brackets. / 10 marks

The Evans family are on holiday. They usually 0 go (go) to France, but
this year they (spend) the summer in Italy.
It 2 (not often rain) in Italy in the summer, but
today it (rain)! At the moment, Mr and Mrs Evans
(explore) a museum. They’re very interested in history, so
they often (visit) museums.
Their two children, Amy and Zac (not visit) the museum.
They don’t like museums! What (they/ do) at the moment? Right
now, Amy (read) a book and Zac 9 (talk)
on his mobile phone to a friend in England. It (not rain) in
England today – it’s lovely and sunny!

Grammar total / 30 marks

TOTAL / 50 marks

Keep it Real! A1+ © Richmond/Santillana Global S.L., 2021 3

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