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ENGLISH 10 – MLA ANNOTATION REVIEWER specific research essay.

Many annotated
bibliographies include:
r Bibliography
 is a listing of citations – usually including → A citation to the article, chapter, or
other work
the author, title, publication information,
etc. – of the sources that you have used → Mention of the methods the
or plan to use for your research topic authors used
 help the readers of your research find out
where you obtained your information → Qualifications of the author or
 used by instructors and others to assess authors
the validity of your research findings as
→ A summary of the argument and/or
well as aid future researchers in
locating sources on similar research topics
 sometimes referred to as Works Cited → Evaluation of the work, for example
pages or References the logic of the arguments or value of
the evidence
r Annotated Bibliography
→ How this work supports your own
 a list of citations to books, articles, and research
 each citation is followed by a brief (usually
about 150-200 words) descriptive and Example: (see ppt to see proper formatting)
evaluative paragraph, the annotation Battle, Ken. “Child Poverty: The Evolution and
 the purpose of the annotation is to inform Impact of Child Benefits.” A Question of
the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and Commitment: Children's Rights in Canada. Ed.
quality of the sources cited Katherine Covell and R.Brian Howe. Waterloo, ON:
 provides a short paragraph of Wilfrid Laurier University Press. 2007. 21-44.
description/criticism/evaluation of each of
Ken Battle draws on a close study of
your sources government documents, as well as his own
 help you remember specific information research as an extensively-published policy
contained in your source analyst, to explain Canadian child benefit
 they may describe the author's point of programs. He outlines some fundamental
view, authority, or clarity and assumptions supporting the belief that all society
appropriateness of expression members should contribute to the upbringing of
children. His comparison of child poverty rates in a
number of countries is a useful wake-up to anyone
r Importance assuming Canadian society is doing a good job of
 as a student, this method will help you protecting children. Battle pays particular attention
develop or hone your research skills, to the National Child Benefit (NCB), arguing that it
providing you with practice not only in did not deserve to be criticized by politicians and
journalists. He outlines the NCB’s development,
locating sources but also in analyzing and
costs, and benefits, and laments that the
evaluating them for relevance and quality Conservative government scaled it back in favour
 readers will gain insight into your research of the inferior Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB).
abilities, as well, allowing them to assess However, he relies too heavily on his own work; he
your work more thoroughly is the sole or primary author of almost half the
sources in his bibliography. He could make this
work stronger by drawing from others' perspectives
r MLA Annotation and analyses. However, Battle does offer a
 An annotated bibliography might be an valuable source for this essay, because the chapter
overview of a topic, or it might be provides a concise overview of government-funded
something you write in preparation for a assistance currently available to parents. This
offers context for analyzing the scope and financial  Location of the source
reality of child poverty in Canada. (such as URL or page
r The Process range).
W Writing the Description  Summary or Analysis.
 The summary of an annotated
bibliography in MLA style may be
written either as short, direct
phrases or as complete sentences.
Annotations should include:
 the main points from the
 the topics covered
 the approach used and any
 or your critical evaluation

 Take care not to include any

unnecessary details, as the goal is
to summarize each source as
succinctly as possible and, in
some cases, evaluate them.

W Template

 For each source, use this template

to guide you as you identify the
necessary details:
 Author (last name, first
 Title of source.
 Title of the container,
 Other contributors (names
and roles),
 Version,
 Number,
 Publisher,
 Publication Date,

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