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Analytical solution of Maxwell's equations for arbitrarily moving

point charges and its application for ultra-fast, high-quality

simulation of electromagnetic fields
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06-09-2023 / 29-09-2023


Kühn, Steffen (2023). Analytical solution of Maxwell's equations for arbitrarily moving point charges and its
application for ultra-fast, high-quality simulation of electromagnetic fields. TechRxiv. Preprint.



Analytical solution of Maxwell’s equations for arbitrarily moving

point charges and its application for ultra-fast, high-quality
simulation of electromagnetic fields
Steffen Kühn
September 23, 2023

Maxwell’s equations from the 19th century and the almost resolution, but that it is sufficient to determine the field only
equally old Lorentz force equation provide the theoretical basis at discrete grid points. The differential equations then become
of all of electrical engineering and consequently the foundation a system of linear equations, which can be solved by methods
for the majority of all modern technologies. For point charges,
this system of partial differential equations reduces to the Weber– of linear algebra. The drawback of this approach is that the
Maxwell wave equation. In this article, it is shown that this wave approximation is of high quality only if the distances between
equation can be solved analytically for arbitrarily moving point grid points are sufficiently small. Consequently, the number
charges, including accelerated charges, and that it is possible of equations to be solved is usually extremely large, and the
to present an analytical solution in the style of Coulomb’s law. solution requires an enormous amount of time.
This finding demonstrates that classical electrodynamics, with
all of its numerous wave phenomena, can also be represented The second class of EM solvers includes the method of
without differential equations. This is surprising and unexpected. moments (MoM) or boundary element method. The basic
Moreover, this work enables the development of a novel class
of electromagnetic field solvers that are highly superior in idea of these solvers is to consider only the surface of a
terms of speed and quality to existing solvers based on finite- region or structure in a discretized way, but not its volume.
difference time-domain methods, the method of moments, or The quantities to be solved are only on the surface. With
finite element methods. In the future, this solution will make the help of jump relations, the partial differential equations
it possible to simulate any electromagnetic task in interactive are transformed into integral equations, which represent the
form at previously unattainable quality, even on low-performance
computers. properties of the entire area. These integral equations are then
discretized and solved numerically, which is computationally
intensive and causes numerical errors.
Index Terms—Maxwell equations, Electromagnetic forces,
Electromagnetic propagation, Weber electrodynamics, Compu- The present article introduces a novel class of EM solvers
tational electromagnetics that is substantially faster and produces almost no numerical
errors. The basic principle is to model alternating and direct
I. Introduction currents with moving point charges and to calculate the cor-
responding fields by means of the general analytical solution
Modern civilization is based to a large extent on electrically
of Maxwell’s equations. This eliminates the major drawback
operated devices and control systems. Electricity is used for
of the conventional methods, which require one to discretize
energy and information transmission, as well as for informa-
the space and to compute the fields with numerical methods.
tion processing. It is remarkable that all technically relevant
effects of classical electrical engineering can be described by Unexpectedly, Maxwell’s equations can be generally solved
a few fundamental equations, namely, Maxwell’s equations for point charges. However, a substantial amount of theoretical
and the Lorentz force equation. However, the vast majority groundwork was necessary, which the author documents in
of electrical engineers never use this system of partial dif- three articles [5]–[7] and which is based on important works
ferential equations in a direct manner, because working with of other authors [8], especially from the field of Weber electro-
these equations is abstract and requires intensive theoretical dynamics [9]–[16]. A short and recommendable introduction
knowledge. Furthermore, the equations can almost never be into Weber electrodynamics can be found in [17]. A summary
solved directly in practical applications; rather, they must be of the current state of knowledge in Weber electrodynamics
processed numerically via specialized computer programs, so- and a discussion of the context is provided in [18].
called electromagnetic field solvers (EM solvers).
Weber electrodynamics and Maxwell electrodynamics differ
Corresponding to the practical importance of EM solvers, considerably at first glance. The older Weber electrodynamics
countless textbooks (e.g. [1]–[4]) and scientific articles have with its force formula resembles the Coulomb law and appears
been written. Basically, the EM solvers that exist thus far can archaic in its simplicity. However, it has some important
be roughly divided into two classes. The first class comprises advantages. For example, the force formula can explain all
the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) methods or the finite magnetic effects caused by direct currents without the need
element method (FEM). Here, it is assumed that one does to define a magnetic field or a Lorentz force. Moreover, the
not need to compute the field with infinitely high spatial Weber force is, in contrast to the Lorentz force, symmetric

and satisfies Newton’s third law. However, classical Weber where, for the past time t′ , the equation
electrodynamics cannot describe electromagnetic waves but ∥r + rr (t′ )∥
only oscillations. In contrast, Maxwell electrodynamics is t′ = t − (4)
an excellent tool for modeling electromagnetic waves and
has proven to be very successful in electrical engineering. must be true. γ(·) is the Lorentz factor.
The differences between these are not unresolvable, and it is In principle, the force F can be stated immediately, because
possible to combine both theories, as the author shows in the one only needs to insert the difference of the trajectories
previously referred articles [5]–[7]. In the present article, this
will become even more obvious. rr (t′ ) := rd (t′ ) − r s (t′ ) (5)

We begin the article with a derivation of the general solution and the difference velocity
of Maxwell’s equations for point charges. First, we demon- ṙr (t′ ) := ṙd (t′ ) − ṙ s (t′ ) (6)
strate the solution method before presenting the final result.
Afterward, we discuss the practical applications. at time t′ and t′ itself. Afterwards, one only has to calculate the
derivatives of the right side in Equation (1) to obtain the force.
However, the time t′ is an unknown function with respect to
II. Solution approach r and t. For very simple cases, this function can be expressed
Maxwell’s equations comprise four partial differential equa- in algebraic form by solving Equation (4) for t′ . In general,
tions. These equation are completed by the Lorentz force however, this is not possible.
F = qd (E + u × B), which expresses the effect of the fields However, it is fairly simple to solve Equation (4) numerically
E(r, t) and B(r, t) on a point-like test charge qd as a measurable at the location r = 0 by applying a fixed-point iteration
force F. The electromagnetic force F(r, u, t) itself is a field as and finding a tc′ that satisfies the equation. Moreover, by
well and is a function not only of location r and time t, but using Banach’s fixed-point theorem, it is possible to show
also of velocity u. In Maxwell’s electrodynamics, the meaning that the fixed-point iteration converges and that the solution
of this velocity u is unclear. In the scientific literature, one is unambiguous, if the condition ∥ṙ s (t′ )∥ < c is satisfied1 for
usually does not find an explanation regarding the frame of all t′ ≤ t. Consequently, the relative velocity must not become
reference to which this velocity u refers. Usually, this point is higher than the speed of light, which is always the case in
ignored without further clarification, and one uses the velocity electrical engineering.
of the test charge in the laboratory frame [19].
By using the found tc′ , one can now express rr (t′ ) at the
However, Maxwell’s equations can also be applied to point location t′ ≈ tc′ in the form of a Taylor series:
charges. In this case, they simplify to the Weber-Maxwell
wave equation [5], [6] and it is possible to interpret the r + rr (t′ ) ≈ R(t′ ) (7)
velocity u as the relative velocity u = ṙr (t) := ṙd (t) − ṙ s (t) with
between the two point charges qd and q s with trajectories
rd (t) and r s (t). Thus, the velocity u has here a clear and R(t′ ) := r + rr (tc′ ) + ṙr (tc′ )(t′ − tc′ ) + O(t′ − tc′ )2 . (8)
well-defined meaning, namely, as the time derivative of the This expression can be substituted into Equation (4), neglect-
difference of the trajectories rd (t) and r s (t). Note that is in ing the higher-order terms, and solved for t′ . We obtain2
general impossible to interpret the velocity u in this way, as p
currents are often assumed to be the source of the electric and c2 t + R(0) · Ṙ(0) − c2 R(t)2 − ∥R(0) × Ṙ(0)∥2
t =

, (9)
magnetic fields. However, currents do not have a single relative c2 − Ṙ(0)2
velocity with respect to the test charge qd , because they are
which is now an explicit function of r and t.
usually composed of many different point charges moving at
different velocities with respect to qd . Thus, using tc′ , it is possible to express t′ , rr (t′ ), and ṙr (t′ )
as functions of t and r, where t and r can be slightly varied.
The electromagnetic force F can be expressed in Weber– Thus, in the scalar potential (Equation (3)), we can perform
Maxwell electrodynamics by means of two potentials, Φ and the following substitutions:
∂ rr (t′ ) → rr (tc′ ) + ṙr (tc′ )(t′ − tc′ )
F = −qd lim A + ∇Φ , (1)
r→0 ∂t
where Φ is denoted as the scalar potential and ṙr (t′ ) → ṙr (tc′ ) + r̈r (tc′ )(t′ − tc′ ). (11)

ṙr (t′ ) In this way, we arrive at a differentiable Φ in which all

A=− Φ (2) dependences of r and t are explicit.
is the vector potential. For the scalar potential, there exists a However, this step solves the problem, because this explicit
simple and universally valid formula [5]: scalar potential can be inserted into the vector potential

q s γ(ṙr (t′ )) c 1 In this case, |t′ (t1′ ) − t′ (t2′ )| < |t1′ − t2′ | holds for any t1′ , t2′ ∈ (−∞, t].
Φ= , (3) 2 The
4 π ε0 c2 (t − t′ ) + ṙr (t′ ) · (r + rr (t′ )) magnitude of a vector is denoted by a non-bold notation, i.e., x := ∥x∥.

(Equation (2)) and into Equation (1). Then, a direct symbolic is introduced. The value of tc′ is the only value that usually has
evaluation of the derivatives of the term on the right-hand to be determined numerically. For this purpose, the equation
side of Equation (1) can be performed, for example, by using ∥rr (tc′ )∥
the software Mathematica. It is recommended that Equation tc′ = t − (19)
(9) not be used at this stage; rather, this step should only be
performed after simplification and summarization of all terms. must be solved, which can be performed rapidly and efficiently
Furthermore, it is noted that after the derivatives have been with a fixed-point iteration. Once this value is calculated, it
obtained, all occurrences of the term t′ − tc′ can be replaced by can be substituted into the equations presented above. As can
zero. be seen, only elementary operations, such as addition, sub-
traction, multiplication, division, and exponential operations,
The above-described method takes advantage of the fact that are required when evaluating these equations. Therefore, the
the quadratic term (t′ − tc′ )2 and all higher-order terms in the resulting algorithm is extraordinarily efficient. Furthermore,
approximation (Equation (7)) are omitted when the derivatives the result is of superior quality because the space does not
are calculated. This can be seen by deriving a Taylor series of have to be discretized, as in finite-difference time-domain
the following form: (FDTD) methods or the finite element method (FEM), nor

X do integral equations have to be solved, as in the method of
f (t) = c0 +
ck t′ − tc′ (12) moments (MoM). This advantage becomes immediately clear
k=1 when fields are plotted for specific problems.
with the constant parameters ck with respect to t. Here, it
follows that IV. Validation by means of special cases

d X d In this section, the algorithm documented in Section III is
f (t) = k ck t′ − tc′ k−1 t′ .

(13) verified for plausibility. For this purpose, we study some
dt k=1
simple scenarios for which the exact solutions are known.
After the derivative has been obtained, one can exploit the fact
that t′ ≈ tc′ . Therefore, the major part of the sum is omitted We start with the simplest special case and assume that two
and we have point charges q s and qd have little influence on each other and
d d that no other forces act on them. Under these circumstances,
f (t) = c1 t′ . (14)
dt dt the point charges are moving more or less uniformly and the
Thus, the described method does not provide an approxima- trajectories are approximately linear. One can then express the
tion, but an exact solution. trajectories by the equations rd (t) = rd +ud t and r s (t) = r s +u s t.
As can be easily seen, the constants rd and r s describe the
III. Final solution and algorithm locations of the point charges at time t = 0. The parameters
ud and u s are constant, time-invariant velocities.
This section presents an analytical solution of the Weber–
Maxwell wave equation for two arbitrarily moving point The difference trajectory under these conditions is
charges. It is noted that in the deduction, the approximation
rr (t) = (rd − r s ) + (ud − u s ) t. (20)
γ(ṙr (t′ )) ≈ γ(ṙr (tc′ )) was used. Consequently, the derivatives
following from this term have been neglected. For electrical This trajectory can be substituted into Equations (15) and (16),
engineering, this is a valid approximation. A derivation with- and we obtain rc = rr (tc′ ), uc = ud − u s , ac = 0, and rt = rr (t).
out this approximation is also possible, but leads to longer Then, the auxiliary quantity (Equation (18)) can be calculated.
formulas. Moreover, the validity of classical electrodynamics Finally, Equation (19) is solved, and all is substituted into
at velocities close to the speed of light is questionable. Equation (17). The final result is
qd q s rr (t) 1 − ṙr (t)2 /c2
With the help of the definitions
F= 3 , (21)
rc := rr (tc′ ), uc := ṙr (tc′ ), ac := r̈r (tc′ )

(15) 4 π ε0 rr (t)2 − c12 ∥rr (t) × ṙr (t)∥2 2
and as can be verified using Mathematica.
rt := rc + uc t − tc′ ,

Clearly, Equation (21) depends only on rr (t) because the
the analytical solution is velocity ṙr (t) = ud − u s is time-independent. Thus, the force
F is always parallel to rr (t), i.e., it starts from the location
of the charge q s at time t rather than the location at time tc′ .
(c2 −v2c ) (c2 −v2c −rc ·ac )

qd q s ac c − rt ·uc
+ rt (c2 (t−t
c c) h
rh ′ )+r ·u r
. (17) This result gives the impression that the force would propagate
infinitely fast in the absence of accelerations. However, this is
t − tc′ + rc · uc 1 − cvc2
 2 2
4 π ε0 c2 c2
not the case, as one must also solve Equation (19) for uniform
To shorten the notation, the auxiliary function Incidentally, this interesting property is the origin of Weber
electrodynamics. Weber electrodynamics preceded Maxwell’s
∥rc × uc ∥2
rh := rt2 − (18) electrodynamics and is based on a hypothesis of Carl Friedrich

Gauss from 1835 [20], which states that the electromagnetic with Mathematica. First, one substitutes the trajectories into
force between two point charges depends not only on the the definitions of Section III and solves Equation (19), which
distance vector r = rd − r s , but also on the relative velocity is very simple, as the equation tc′ = t−r/c results from ∥r s (t)∥ ≈
u = ud − u s . The corresponding force formula, which was de- 0. Then, we insert the result into Equation (17) and apply
termined by Wilhelm Eduard Weber in numerous experiments Mathematica to calculate the final result. The solution is very
around 1845 [21], is long; however, one can simplify the solution by exploiting the
fact that ∥r s (t)∥ is very small. This allows a first-order Taylor
v2 3  r u 2 r
q s qd
F= 1+ 2 − · . (22) series expansion, and after rearranging the terms, we obtain
4 π ε0 c 2 r c r3  
2 r · ṙ s t − cr 

qd q s r 
The Weber force (Equation (22)) is an approximation of F= 1 +  +
4 π ε0 r3  cr 
Equation (21) for relative velocities much smaller than the   
speed of light. This relation can be verified by setting the time qd q s r × r × ṙ s t − cr (23)
t in Equation (21) equal to zero. This is not a restriction of 4 π c ε0 r4
generality, as we are free to choose the value of t. In the second
qd q s r × r × r̈ s t − cr
step, we perform the substitution u → vh u and develop the .
resulting equation in terms of the auxiliary scalar variable vh 4 π c2 ε0 r3
into a second-order Taylor series. Subsequently, we set vh = 1,
As can be seen, this result agrees with our expectations and
i.e., we reverse the substitution u → vh u. If we then compare
the equations in standard textbooks [26], [27]. For very short
the result with the Weber force (Equation (22)), we find that
distances and small velocities, the Coulomb force dominates
the two equations are identical.
in the first term. In contrast, for very long distances, only the
Thus, Weber electrodynamics is a special case of the general term in the third line remains, because this term only decreases
solution presented in Section III. This finding is important with 1/r. It can be seen immediately that the third line is the
because Weber electrodynamics is an excellent theory for far field of a Hertzian dipole. The second line and a part of the
explaining the magnetic effects of direct currents and has first line describe the so-called near field. If one subtracts the
been shown to work well in numerous experiments [22]–[24]. Coulomb field and plots the force in the form of a field, one
Furthermore, this relation is ultimately the reason that it is recognizes that the result corresponds to the radiation field of
possible to completely omit the B field and the Lorentz force a resting Hertzian dipole from the perspective of a likewise
and to instead work only with the electromagnetic force F. resting test charge.
However, the limitations of classical Weber electrodynamics Note that the constraint ∥r s (t)∥ ≈ 0 was introduced only
also become obvious, because Equation (21) and the classical because of convenience in order to avoid a fixed-point iteration
Weber force are not able to describe electromagnetic waves. of Equation (19). In practice, no approximations are required,
Moreover, equation (21) is an approximation that gives good and the point charges can move on arbitrary trajectories as long
results only when accelerations are negligible. There are some as these are physically reasonable and the differential velocity
experiments to verify Weber’s electrodynamics where this does not exceed the speed of light c. Figures 1 to 4 show
condition is not fulfilled and contradictions occur [25]. Further several examples that were obtained by the method described
studies should analyze whether these results can be interpreted in this article, i.e., without solving differential equations.
using the more general Equation (17). However, Equation (21)
can be interpreted as a modern formulation of the Weber force, V. New classs of EM solver
which is also valid at higher velocities. It clearly shows that the
electromagnetic force F for v → c does not become infinite, The previous section has demonstrated through multiple exam-
but zero. This is not the case with the classical Weber force ples that the solution presented in Section III is plausible for
(Equation (22)). charges with uniform motion as well as for simple antennas.
The same solutions would be obtained if the differential
The solution (17) is very general and also includes all elec- equations were solved directly and in the conventional way.
tromagnetic wave phenomena that arise whenever electric However, the effort for the conventional approach is signif-
point charges are accelerated. To demonstrate this feature, icantly greater, because the solution of differential equation
we consider a point charge q s that is always very close systems requires substantial experience and, moreover, usually
to the coordinate origin, but is otherwise allowed to move leads to usable results only for very simple problems. Real-
almost arbitrarily, for example, in the form of a jitter motion. world problems can almost never be solved in this way, which
Thus, mathematically formulated, for the trajectory r s (t), the has led to the development of so-called EM solvers, i.e.,
condition ∥r s (t)∥ ≈ 0 should be satisfied for all times t. With specialized computer programs that solve Maxwell’s equations
the solution from Section III, it is now straightforward to numerically.
calculate the corresponding electromagnetic force F on a test
We now introduce a novel solver that does not belong to
charge at rest qd with trajectory rd (t) = r.
any of the known classes, but represents a new independent
Here, the solution approach is only sketched because of length category and has the greatest similarity with physics engines
constraints, especially because the result can be easily verified used for the production of computer animations in films or

Fig. 3. A positive point charge is moving at a speed of 0.9 c. One can clearly
see that the Coulomb field is flattened in the direction of motion, which is
the cause of all magnetic effects.
Fig. 1. A positive and a negative point charge coming from the left are
moving at a speed of 0.3 c to the right and oscillate with an amplitude of
1 cm in opposite directions along the z-direction. The frequency is 1 GHz.
The edge length of the drawing area corresponds to 1 m. The figure shows
the resulting electromagnetic field and the trajectories of the point charges up
to the current time.

Fig. 4. A resting positive point charge is accelerated to almost the speed of


video games3 . The purpose of such physics engines is to

render the force-based motion of objects as realistic as pos-
sible. Computer-simulated objects usually consist of so-called
vertices, which are located on the surface of the object and
are connected to each other by edges. This creates polygonal
surfaces that envelop the entire object, which is called a mesh.
Fig. 2. The same situation as in Figure 1, but without the negative point
Originally, these surfaces served only as obstacles for simu-
lated light rays during the ray-tracing process. With growing

3 See, e.g.,


demands for realism in computer games and animations in create the geometric structure of the mesh and add stiffening
movies, physics engines were later added in addition to ray edges. Then, we assign a positive electric charge to each
tracing. vertex, which represents the charge of an atomic nucleus.
Afterwards, we couple to each vertex another vertex with a
The basic principle of such a physics engine is to assign a mass
distance of zero and a negative charge of the same quantity.
to each vertex of a mesh. Thus, a vertex becomes a point mass
A harmonic or anharmonic force can be used as the coupling
and can react to external forces such as gravity. To prevent a
force. In this way, each vertex of the mesh becomes an atom
mesh from collapsing because of gravity, one must add internal
consisting of a nucleus and an electron shell that can move
forces and constraint forces in addition to external forces.
slightly with respect to the nucleus.
The internal forces are usually modeled as harmonic forces
between the individual vertices of a mesh. These forces ensure In the next step, we can place a Hertzian dipole outside of
that the point masses maintain their approximate nominal the mesh, which emits an electromagnetic wave due to the
spacing. forced oscillation inside of it. Each of the charges in the mesh
perceives this external electromagnetic force, which directly
Such a mesh is more or less elastic and deformable, depending
leads to a force according to Equation (17). As a result, time-
on the strength of the internal forces. However, taken as a
dependent spatial displacements and electromagnetic forces
whole, the mesh is an object that moves like a real object, can
exist between the charges within the mesh. Therefore, the mesh
fall, can bounce, and also has torque and momentum. With the
starts to deform because of the acting electromagnetic wave
help of these few basic principles, which are directly based
and to radiate a secondary electromagnetic wave itself. This
on the three laws of Newtonian mechanics, modern physics
wave then travels into the mesh on the one hand and out again
engines are able to create extremely realistic animations that
on the other.
are hardly or not at all distinguishable from reality for a human
user. In many applications besides microelectronics, it will not
be possible to assign a single vertex to each single atom.
Considered at the lowest level, a physics engine consists of n
However, this is not necessary, as electromagnetic waves in
X the field of electrical engineering rarely have wavelengths of
mi r̈i (t) = Fext,i + Fi j , (24) less than 3 cm. Thus, a grid structure of approximately 3 mm is
j=1 sufficient for simulation, because a further grid size reduction
of the mesh would no longer have any relevant effects.
where Fi j is the force that point mass j exerts on point mass i
with mass mi 4 . Fext,i is the force acting on the point mass It is immediately obvious that an EM solver using the princi-
i from the outside, such as gravity or a constraint force. ples outlined here would be massively superior to any existing
Equation (24) can be solved time-step by time-step using a EM solver in all respects. On the one hand, this conventional
Runge–Kutta method. physics engine can well simulate the motions of objects and
their interactions, such as mechanical collisions, constraining
For the simulation to produce realistic results, it is essential
forces, or deformations. On the other hand, this solver can also
that the internal forces in Equation (24) satisfy Newton’s
simulate mechanical reactions due to the effects of external
third law. Thus, for all i and j, the equation Fi j = −F ji
and internal electromagnetic waves, including cases in which
must be satisfied. As a consequence, the energy, momentum,
objects are moving very fast relative to each other. It is also
and angular momentum of a mesh are guaranteed not to
possible to create complex composite objects consisting of
change during the animation. This feature is important because
materials with very different mechanical and electromagnetic
even slight violations of the conservation laws would appear
unrealistic and disturbing. Weber–Maxwell electrodynamics
fulfills these requirements according to its basic concept [6]. Finally, it should not go unmentioned that such a solver will be
extraordinarily fast. In many cases, it will be able to process
At present, only forces are used in physics engines, which
even complex scenarios on conventional personal computers
have an instantaneous effect. However, this restriction is not
in an interactive way, as the need to solve Maxwell’s equations
necessary because the electromagnetic force (Equation (17))
and the boundary conditions is completely eliminated. As has
also satisfies Newton’s third law and can be calculated very
become clear, classical electrodynamics will become a true
quickly and easily. The fact that the electromagnetic force does
subfield of Newtonian mechanics, which is a necessary feature
not propagate infinitely fast is not an issue here. Of course,
for engineering.
each point charge generates a complex electromagnetic field,
but this field does not have to be known and expensively
calculated, as in existing EM solvers, because it can be easily VI. Why has all this been discovered only now?
obtained from the trajectories when needed. At this point, one might wonder why it took more than a
The basic idea of the new EM solver is to assign not only a century to present classical electrodynamics in a form that fits
mass but also an electric charge to each vertex of a mesh. seamlessly into Newtonian mechanics. In the end, one can
Modeling an electrical insulator is quite simple. First, we only speculate about the reasons. From today’s perspective,
however, it seems as if the first mistake was to ignore
4 The force that a point mass exerts on itself is defined as zero. Weber electrodynamics, which recognized that magnetism is

an electrical effect caused by relative velocities and that the VII. Summary and conclusion
electromagnetic force satisfies Newton’s third law. Instead, This article has shown that classical electrodynamics in its
scientists of that time started to separate electric and magnetic whole complexity can be expressed without differential equa-
forces and to consider current densities rather than point tions. For this purpose, an explanation was provided for solv-
charges as the causes of fields. However, because only forces ing the Weber–Maxwell wave equation. The resulting force
are measurable, one finally had to combine the electric and formula is similar to the Coulomb law, as only an algebraic
magnetic field again with the help of a formula to obtain function F(rr (t′ ), ṙr (t′ ), r̈r (t′ )) of the time-dependent distance
a force. For this purpose, the Lorentz force equation was of two point charges and their derivatives. The property of
developed. being able to represent waves results from the fact that distance
rr (t′ ), relative velocity ṙr (t′ ), and relative acceleration r̈r (t′ ) are
Unfortunately, the Lorentz force is a heuristic that is suffi- used at a past time t′ , which in turn depends on the location of
ciently correct only for direct currents, that is, for Maxwell’s the test charge at time t and can be easily calculated by a fixed-
equations without the displacement current [9], [10]. For point point iteration. For this reason, it is possible to plot fields and
charges, the Lorentz force can be shown to violate Newton’s generate animations, clearly demonstrating that one does not
third law5 . Another weakness of the Lorentz force is that it need differential equations to describe electromagnetic waves.
cannot explain why an electromagnetic wave travels at the
speed of light c from the perspective of a test charge. In fact, As a unique feature of the formula obtained herein, the artifi-
if one solves Maxwell’s equations in the rest frame of the cial separation into a magnetic and an electric force is omitted.
field-generating current, the wave moves with velocity c only This separation was already unnecessary in classical Weber
in the rest frame of the transmitter, but not in the rest frame of electrodynamics, but is generalized here to electromagnetic
the test charge moving at v. This problem became evident at waves as well. In addition, the formula satisfies Einstein’s
the end of the 19th century and finally led to the development postulates without requiring the Lorentz transformation.
of the Lorentz transformation. Another important property of the formula derived in this
article is that it satisfies Newton’s third law. Consequently,
Another solution could have been to recognize that Maxwell’s
every point charge produces on every other point charge
equations6 should be considered valid only in the rest frame of
everywhere and at every time a force that is exactly opposite
the test charge. Indeed, this approach solves several problems
to the force produced by the second point charge on the first
at the same time. Firstly, the magnetic field in the Lorentz
charge. This property guarantees that the total momentum of
force is omitted and the electric field becomes equal to the
a system of point charges is an invariant conserved quantity.
total electromagnetic force divided by the charge of the test
This fact is also of great importance for the conservation of
charge. Secondly, the problem with the constant propaga-
tion velocity of the electromagnetic wave is solved, which
makes the Lorentz transformation obsolete. Moreover, the Because of its aforementioned properties and rapid com-
disappearance of the magnetic field has the advantage of putability, this solution formula provides an ultimate tool for
greatly simplifying Maxwell’s equations and reducing them simulating electromagnetic waves and their interaction with
to a single wave equation. Unfortunately, this possibility was matter. This article has provided an introductory description of
not recognized, although in 1898, the engineer Alfred-Marie how such simulation tools could be implemented. In particular,
Liénard showed that it is possible to solve Maxwell’s equations a promising approach is to use existing physics engines applied
in the reference frame of the receiver [29]. Additionally, We- in computer games and extend them to handle electromagnetic
ber electrodynamics was almost completely forgotten around waves and their force effects. A number of these new tools will
1900, being abandoned because of its ostensible inability to certainly emerge in the next few years, which will, in turn,
describe electromagnetic waves [17]. raise the technological level of engineering to a new stage.

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