English 4th - Ind Oral Part-04

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General Discussion

Class: Fourth grade (4th) Time: Two hours Date: Thursday, July 20th, 2022. Thursday, the 20th of July, 2022.

Purpose: To reflect on the general discussion part of their Individual Oral Assessment (IOA).
Learning evidence: An audio relating an extract to the prescribed themes for the GENERAL DISCUSSION
part in IOA.

Activity 1:Let’s watch the following pictures and then answer the questions below.

Figure 2: Identities.
Figure 1: Social organization. Figure 3: Sharing the planet.

Figure 4: Experiences Figure 5: Human Ingenuity.

What do you see in these pictures? How can you relate these pictures to the IB prescribed

In the first picture I can see the the socialization with others people of different culture


Activity 2: Read the following extracts of the book “The Fault in Our Star”.



“Can’t I just get like a lung transplant or something?” I asked.

Dr. Maria’s lips shrank into her mouth. “You would not be considered a strong candidate for a transplant,
unfortunately,” she said. I understood: No use wasting good lungs on a hopeless case. I nodded, trying not
to look like that comment hurt me. My dad started crying a little. I didn’t look over at him, but no one said
anything for a long time, so his hiccuping cry was the only sound in the room.

I hated hurting him. Most of the time, I could forget about it, but the inexorable truth is this: They might
be glad to have me around, but I was the alpha and the omega of my parents’ suffering.
Just before the Miracle, when I was in the ICU and it looked like I was going to die and Mom was telling
me it was okay to let go, and I was trying to let go but my lungs kept searching for air, Mom sobbed
something into Dad’s chest that I wish I hadn’t heard, and that I hope she never finds out that I did hear.
She said, “I won’t be a mom anymore.” It gutted me pretty badly.
I couldn’t stop thinking about that during the whole Cancer Team Meeting. I couldn’t get it out of my head,
how she sounded when she said that, like she would never be okay again, which probably she wouldn’t.

Anyway, eventually we decided to keep things the same only with more frequent fluid drainings. At the
end, I asked if I could travel to Amsterdam, and Dr. Simons actually and literally laughed, but then Dr.
Maria said, “Why not?” And Simons said, dubiously, “Why not?” And Dr. Maria said, “Yeah, I don’t see why

Green, J. (2012). The Fault in Our Stars. New York, Dutton books.



“I want you guys to have a life,” I said. “I worry that you won’t have a life, that you’ll sit around here all day
with no me to look after and stare at the walls and want to off yourselves.”
After a minute, Mom said, “I’m taking some classes. Online, through IU. To get my master’s in social work.
In fact, I wasn’t looking at antioxidant recipes; I was writing a paper.”
“I don’t want you to think I’m imagining a world without you. But if I get my MSW, I can counsel families
in crisis or lead groups dealing with illness in their families or—”
“Wait, you’re going to become a Patrick?”
“Well, not exactly. There are all kinds of social work jobs.”
Dad said, “We’ve both been worried that you’ll feel abandoned. It’s important for you to know that we will
always be here for you, Hazel. Your mom isn’t going anywhere.”
“No, this is great. This is fantastic!” I was really smiling. “Mom is going to become a Patrick. She’ll be a
great Patrick! She’ll be so much better at it than Patrick is.”
“Thank you, Hazel. That means everything to me.”
I nodded. I was crying. I couldn’t get over how happy I was, crying genuine tears of actual happiness for
the first time in maybe forever, imagining my mom as a Patrick. It made me think of Anna’s mom. She
would’ve been a good social worker, too.
After a while we turned on the TV and watched ANTM. But I paused it after five seconds because I had all
these questions for Mom. “So how close are you to finishing?”
“If I go up to Bloomington for a week this summer, I should be able to finish by December.”

Green, J. (2012). The Fault in Our Stars. New York, Dutton books.

Activity 3: Now let’s review how to prepare our GENERAL DISCUSSION. Let’s analyze this

Preparation Presentation Follow up
20 min 3 - 4 min Discussion
4 - 5 min

Use one or more of the course themes as a starting point.

General Discussion Give detailed arguments in relation to the prescribed theme(s)
5 - 6 min
Interpret and evaluate your ideas.
Make connections and comparisons with your own cultural experiences
Try to have an authenticversation
con to the best of your ability.

IMPORTANT: To express better your ideas, you can use these words to help you deliver clear and organized

Create teach share. (n.d.). I mustache your opinion (An opinion writing unit). Accessed on August 25th, 2021.
Activity 4: Let’s analyze the following GENERAL DISCUSSION. Listen and read.

Sample of Part 3: General discussion.



Now in terms of, uhmm human ingenuity and all these innovations that humans are capable of. Do you
think that we should apply some ethical considerations throughout innovation? 9:26

Well, definitely we should keep in mind when something innovative is created regard if it’s ethical
because if we don’t it can actually like ___ more offender cause like traumas or bad results to the
human nature. ___ the human species and all of it… ehmm So definitely we should keep in mind that
kind of behaviour in everything we do even if it’s like everywhere it’s also in biology, wars, the military
and in everything that we do as a human it involves ethics. 10:15

You mentioned different kinds of scientific fields. How do you think that the developments in these fields
influence our lives? 10:28

Well, maybe because like in the century we are right now like with ____, since we are not in war it might
not affect us that much but even though we are not in war but like increase Syrians, they do … refugees
come to our countries so we, we do feel for them and we can see what they’ve been trough and we
have to like as humans we have to help them so we get affected by like I mean even our government we
have to care for those people so they can have someone ___- and normal life like they have before and
also like in biology we have to like everything affects us like if something new has to be created it could
be life changing like the cure for cancer something like that or for AIDS something like that. 11: 26

You mentioned several issues. Do you think that these are the most important issues that we face
nowadays? What is your opinion on environmental issues let’s say? 11:38

Well, since as a result of technology not to be like in the previous year say may not thought like the
ethical considerations trough we can and also like general we have to ____ previous generations are
also are ___ without technology and the gases then the gas emissions and waste and everything are like
are mortal and our the earth the planet earth has been damaged trough that and hasn’t been like years
before like technology had involved that much. So, we have to be able __ ethically to make our world
better because we affect it and it would affect us later on. So, we have to care for it, and we have to
think, nowadays we have to think more trough what it might happened when we do something, so that.

And what do you think we as individuals can do? 12:48

Well, regarding the environment we can watch out for the waste where we throw, I think in a way, we
could recycle, recycle if we like clothing, paper, plastic everything could be recycled. Also, if it’s not
necessary we shouldn’t like buy something or if we couldn’t use something we use it. Also maybe try to
use our cars less or even now with like the newer cars that are being created that are more eco-friendly
and are use energy and that would be even better and there are in general multiple ways we can in our
daily life help a little bit to make our environment better _____. 13:46 Thank you. 13:48
Activity 5: After listening this part (General Discussion), let’s answer some questions. Choose TRUE or FALSE
and justify your answers.

1. The examiner mentions a prescribed theme in one of the questions.

Justification: human ingenuity x

2. Most of the questions are based on the candidate’s previous analysis.

Justification: You mentioned different kinds of scientific fields… You
mentioned several issues….

3. The candidate doesn’t use personal opinion to answer the questions. Justification: I think
in a way, we could recycle, recycle if we like clothing, paper, plastic everything could
be recycled.

4. The candidate uses different examples to present her ideas. Justification: in biology we
have to like everything affects us like if something new has to be created it could
be life changing like the cure for cancer something like that or for AIDS something like

5. In this part of the evaluation, there are correct and incorrect answers.

Justification: __________________________________________________

6. Answers given by the candidate tend to be very short and not explained. Justification:


7. The language used by the candidate it’s perfect because that is the objective of the IOA.

Justification: __________________________________________________


Activity 6: You will continue using the extract you chose for PART 1 AND PART 2. To get ready for the general


Now that you have already chosen 1 extract, you have 20 minutes to organize your ideas and write 3 - 4
bullet points relating the main ideas from your extract to one or more prescribed themes. Remember that
you can use your personal experience to explain and argument your thoughts.

Once you have finished, please record and audio relating your extract to the prescribed themes and giving your
arguments for each idea. (2min)
Activity 7: Read the sentences, complete them and reflect about your learning.

In this session I learned: I still need to practice: I don’t understand very well:

Bibliography and References:

Reading, listening and video sources: Retrieved on September 28 th, 2021 from:

• Alamy. (2021). Student thinking [Figure 6]. Accessed on August 25th, 2021. https://www.alamy.es/estudiante-inteligente-mujernegra-

• Create teach share. (n.d.). I mustache your opinion (An opinion writing unit). Accessed on August 25th, 2021.

• Green, J. (2012). The Fault in Our Stars. New York, Dutton books.
• International Baccalaureate Organization. (2020). Language B Guide First Assessment 2020. Geneva: Author
• Saa'd Aldin, K., Abu Awad, J., Tempakka, T. & Morley, K. (2014). IB Skills and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

• Saa’d AlDin, K. & Morley, K. (2018). English B Course companion, (2nd ed.). United Kingdom: Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Autorship: Vega, K., Tineo, H. and Regalado, H. (English Teachers) (September 2022) Methodological Resource to Learning 24 - Unit VI-Third TermFourth
grade: “Individual Oral Assessment”- General Discussion. COAR-PIURA: Catacaos and COAR-ICA: Ica, PERU.

Theme Guiding Principle Optional Recommended Possible questions


Identities Explore the nature of the  Lifestyles - What constitutes an identity?

self and what it is to be  Health and well-being - How do we express our
human.  Beliefs and values identity?
 Subcultures - What ideas and images do we
 Language and identity associate with a healthy lifestyle? - How
do language and culture contribute to
form our identity?
Experiences Explore and tell the  Leisure activities - How does travel broaden our horizons?
stories of the events,  Holidays and travel - How does our past shape our present
experiences and journeys  Life stories and our future?
that shape our lives.  Rites of passage - How and why do different cultures
 Customs and traditions mark important moments in life?
 Migration - How would living in another culture
affect our worldview?

Human Ingenuity Explore the ways in  Entertainment - How do developments in science and
which human creativity  Artistic expressions technology influence our lives?
and innovation affect our  Communication and media - How do the arts help us understand
world.  Technology the world?
 Scientific innovation - What can we learn about a culture
through its artistic expression?
- How do the media change the way we
relate to each other?
Social Explore the ways in  Social relationships - What is the individual’s role in the
Organization which groups of people  Community community?
organize themselves, or  Social engagement - What role do rules and regulations
are organized, through  Education play in the formation of a society?
common systems or  The working world - What role does language play in a
interests.  Law and order society?
- What opportunities and challenges
does the 21st-century workplace
Sharing the Explore the challenges  The environment - What environmental and social issues
Planet and opportunities faced  Human rights present challenges to the world, and
by individuals and  Peace and conflict how can these challenges be
communities in the  Equality
modern world.  Globalization - What ethical issues arise from living in
the modern world, and how do we
 Ethics
resolve them?
 Urban & rural environment
- What challenges and benefits does
globalization bring?
- What challenges and benefits result
from changes in urban and rural


Internal Assessment Criteria – HL

Criterion C: Interactive Skills - Communication

To what extent does the candidate understand and interact?

• How well can the candidate express ideas?
• How well can the candidate maintain a conversation?

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

1–2 Comprehension and interaction are limited.

The candidate provides limited responses in the target language.
Participation is limited. Most questions must be repeated and/or rephrased.

3–4 Comprehension and interaction are mostly sustained.

The candidate provides responses in the target language and mostly demonstrates
Participation is mostly sustained.

5–6 Comprehension and interaction are consistently sustained.

The candidate provides responses in the target language and demonstrates
Participation is sustained with some independent contributions.

This oral I’m going to be talking about the story of Ray Bradbury which is called the flying machine. The story
itself is set in ancient China more specifically in the palace of the emperor. In The extract which we are I’m
given the emperor is bringing the inventor to his garden and showing him his garden and telling him how
beautiful it is and how much he admires it because of him like creating it and making it that beautiful and
pretty as himself says and also then later the inventor tells as well that his invention himself was that also
beautiful and great as the emperor’s garden. Then he says, the emperor actually agreed that his invention
was beautiful, but even though he would have to kill him because of his fear that someone may manipulate
the invention of the inventor he didn’t actually tell that the inventor had bad intentions but maybe someone
else did that may have seen him create that kind this invention so changing for the time. 1:41

So basically, in the story more specifically in the extract we can see that there is some idea of like the
emperor having a fear of technology and we can see also that he’s very stuck in tradition and he does
actually wants to continue to what is used to and that for the time, for ancient China I think was very normal
and It seem to be like nothing out of the ordinary for that time. 2:25

In my opinion actually it’s… I kind of agree and disagree because as we all know certain like invention or
technological item or even like weapons can be use for the good and the bad depending on who uses it so
like maybe for example in wars weapons could be used to kill the bad but it can also be used for a bad
reason to kill someone who’s innocent or other reasons that are not like correct and can be punished for

So basically, what I believe that this extract like tries to put through and show us is that even if you create
like the best invention there could be someone could try to stop you because he thinks it could be use for a
bad way and also that something or some invention can have two sides good or the bad depending on who
uses it and for what purpose so basically that is the topics and themes of the extract is…… an innovation.

Thanks, you mentioned fear of technology that this emperor has exhibited and you also mention tradition.
Let’s focus a bit more on the fear of technology. Do you think that it is ethically correct to put limits on the
advancements of technology? 4:28

I think that it can be correct to an extent because we can never know who can create something and even if
he creates it someone with… technology like grows.. rapidly someone could even like hack or steal his
invention and actually manipulate it in a way that it is been used for a bad way and can harm our society. So,
basically, we have to limit it in a way so that we can prevent the worst. For example, like in biology we have
cloning so and in cloning basically you actually create from you create as_____ for something else which like
___ an animal we can produce her skin actually benefit from them because is something it already has is
good we can like make it duplicate it but like if someone make a second copy of me or someone who has
done bad for our country or nation it could be it could end up to be very tragic and have bad results 5:53

You also mentioned tradition. Do you think that tradition can go hand in hand with innovation or are they
neutrally exclusive __? 6:08

I believe that tradition in its terms is to stick in one is older ___ it has been happening already for so many
years and taking the god of innovation is complete out of it is like standing and moving on from what we
already know and __ to something new so I believe personally that they’re mutually exclusive since they
cannot cooperate in a way if we like take innovation fully then we can’t stick on tradition fully by itself. 6:46
In the extract, we see that the emperor states that his heart has been moved with the inventor and however
we see a contradiction coming after this statement when the emperor decides to kill him. Do you think that
the same would have happened were more inventors to appear? 7:16

I think that even like if one inventor he can actually feel for him because he understands him and can see
that maybe has no harm but if there were more inventors he couldn’t like control if it grew that rapidly
there were so many he couldn’t like have personal time for each one of them invent for each inventor he
couldn’t have like control and seen what his intentions were so he would have maybe decided quicker to kill
them those persons and actually send people like out or something like that to say like to say go and kill like
every inventor that’s created something like that so yes I think it could change. 8:10

So, you think that even uhmmm, in one year time or uhmmm no matter what the time period. If an inventor
appeared again the emperor would act the same way? 8:25

I think it depends on what the invention was if it was like a ____ invention maybe he would stuck in tradition
again since that is what he did before but if something were to happen if we thought about a ____ or
someone change his mind in some way I don’t know how but maybe he would have thought through more
and as time like evolved in technology like evolved naturally that he maybe would have ____. 9:04

Now in terms of, uhmm human ingenuity and all these innovations that humans are capable of. Do you think
that we should apply some ethical considerations throughout innovation? 9:26

Well, definitely we should keep in mind when something innovative is created regard if it’s ethical because if
we don’t it can actually like ___ more offender cause like traumas or bad results to the human nature. ___
the human species and all of it… ehmm So definitely we should keep in mind that kind of behaviour in
everything we do even if it’s like everywhere it’s also in biology, wars, the military and in everything that we
do as a human it involves ethics. 10:15

You mentioned different kinds of scientific fields. How do you think that the developments in these fields
influence our lives? 10:28

Well, maybe because like in the century we are right now like with ____, since we are not in war it might not
affect us that much but even thought we are not in war but like increase Syrians, they do … refugees come
to our countries so we, we do feel for them and we can see what they’ve been trough and we have to like as
humans we have to help them so we get affected by like I mean even our government we have to care for
those people so they can have someone ___- and normal life like they have before and also like in biology
we have to like everything affects us like if something new has to be created it could be life changing like the
cure for cancer something like that or for AIDS something like that. 11: 26

You mentioned several issues. Do you think that these are the most important issues that we face nowadays?
What is your opinion on environmental issues let’s say? 11:38

Well, since as a result of technology not to be like in the previous year say may not thought like the ethical
considerations trough we can and also like general we have to ____ previous generations are also are ___
without technology and the gases then the gas emissions and waste and everything are like are mortal and
our the earth the planet earth has been damaged trough that and hasn’t been like years before like
technology had involved that much. So, we have to be able __ ethically to make our world better because
we affect it and it would affect us later on. So, we have to care for it, and we have to think, nowadays we
have to think more trough what it might happened when we do something, so that. 12:43

And what do you think we as individuals can do? 12:48

Well, regarding the environment we can watch out for the waste where we throw, I think in a way,we could
recycle, recycle if we like clothing, paper, plastic everything could be recycled. Also, if it’s not necessary we
shouldn’t like buy something or if we couldn’t use something we use it. Also maybe try to use our cars less
or even now with like the newer cars that are being created that are more eco-friendly and are use energy
and that would be even better and there are in general multiple ways we can in our daily life help a little bit
to make our environment better _____. 13:46

Thank you. 13:48

Internal Assessment Criteria - HL

Productiveandinteractive skills: Individualoralassessment
Criterion A: Language
How successfully does the candidate command spoken language?

• To what extent is the vocabularyappropriate andvaried?

• To what extent are the grammatical structures varied?

• To what extent does the accuracy of the language contribute to effective communication?

• To what extent do pronunciation and intonation affect communication?

Marks Level descriptor

0 Theworkdoes not reacha standard described by the descriptors below.

1–3 Command of the language is limited.

Vocabulary is sometimes appropriate to the task.
Some basic grammatical structures are used, with some attempts to use more complex
Language contains errors in both basic and more complex structures. Errors interfere with

Pronunciation and intonation are generally clear but sometimes interfere with

4–6 Command of the language is partially effective.

Vocabulary is generally appropriate to the task, and varied.
A variety of basic and some more complex grammatical structures is used.
Language is mostly accurate for basic structures, but errors occur in more complex structures.
Errors at times interfere with communication.

Pronunciation and intonation are generally clear.

7–9 Command of the language is effective and mostly accurate.

Vocabulary is appropriate to the task, and varied, including the use of idiomatic expressions.
A variety of basic and more complex grammatical structures is used effectively.
Language is mostly accurate. Occasional errors in basic and in complex grammatical structures
do not interfere with communication.

Pronunciation and intonation are mostly clear and do not interfere with communication.
10–12 Command of the language is mostly accurate and very effective.
Vocabulary is appropriate to the task, and nuanced and varied in a manner that enhances the
message, including the purposeful use of idiomatic expressions.

A variety of basic and more complex grammatical structures is used selectively in order to
enhance communication.

Language is mostly accurate. Minor errors in more complex grammatical structures do not
interfere with communication.

Criterion B1: Message - Literary Extract

How relevant are the ideas to the Literary Extract?

• How well does the candidate engage with the literary extract in the presentation?

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

1–2 The presentation is mostly irrelevant to the literary extract.

The candidate makes superficial use of the extract. Observations and opinions are generalized,
simplistic and mostly unsupported.

3–4 The presentation is mostly relevant to the literary extract.

The candidate makes competent use of the literary extract. Some observations and opinions
are developed and supported with reference to the extract.

5–6 The presentation is consistently relevant to the literary extract and is convincing.
The candidate makes effective use of the extract. Observations and opinions are effectively
developed and supported with reference to the extract.
Criterion B2: Message-Conversation

How relevant are the ideas in the conversation?

• How appropriately and thoroughly does the candidate respond to the questions in the conversation?

• To what depth are the questions answered?

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

The candidate consistently struggles to address the questions.

Some responses are appropriate and are rarely developed.

Responses are limited in scope and depth.


The candidate’s responses are mostly relevant to the questions.

Most responses are appropriate and some are developed.

Responses are mostly broad in scope and depth.


The candidate’s responses are consistently relevant to the questions and show some

Responses are consistently appropriate and developed.

Responses are broad in scope and depth, including personal interpretations and/or attempts
to engage the interlocutor.

Criterion C: Interactive Skills - Communication

To what extent does the candidate understand and interact?

• How well can the candidate express ideas?

• How well can the candidate maintain a conversation?

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

1–2 Comprehension and interaction are limited.

The candidate provides limited responses in the target language. Participation is
limited. Most questions must be repeated and/or rephrased.

3–4 Comprehension and interaction are mostly sustained.

The candidate provides responses in the target language and mostly demonstrates
Participation is mostly sustained.

5–6 Comprehension and interaction are consistently sustained.

The candidate provides responses in the target language and demonstrates
Participation is sustained with some independent contributions.

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