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Chapter 01: Introduction

Matrix Algebra

NGA Karunathialake
Lecturers: N.G.A. Karunathilake,
Dr. G.S. Wijesiri
Telephone: +94 11 290 3380

Office Hours: Available in the Department Notice Board
Tutor: RAVM Jayarathne
Days/Time/Room: Tuesday - 12:00-14:00 pm
Course Aims/Intended Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of this course unit, the student will be able to:

1. demonstrate the knowledge in the fundamentals of matrix algebra

2. apply elementary row operations to a matrix to transform it into its row-
echelon form and find the inverse of a square matrix
3. develop system of linear equations and represent in matrix form and apply
Gaussian and Gauss-Jordan method to solve simultaneous equations
4. classify a system of linear equations into consistent (unique solution and
infinitely many solutions) and inconsistent systems.
5. identify the determinant of a square matrix, evaluate determinant using co-
factors and apply elementary row and column operations to evaluate

6. describe and apply Cramer’s rule to solve system of linear equations

7. develop system of linear equations related to real world problems

8. explain and compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a matrix

Course Description:
Matrices: Algebra of matrices, Special types of matrices, Transpose of a
matrix, Symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices, Inverse of a matrix;
Elementary row and column operations, Elementary matrices and their
properties, Inverse matrices using Elementary row and column operations,
Properties of Inverse matrices
System of Linear Equations; Matrix representation of System of Linear
equations, Row echelon form of a matrix, Gaussian and Gauss-Jordan
Elimination, Solutions of System of Equations, Applications of System of
Linear Equations.
Determinant of a matrix: Expansion by co-factors, Determinants of
Triangular matrices, Evaluation of determinants by elementary row operations,
Cramer’s rule, and other applications of determinants.
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix and
their properties.
Recommended Texts:

1. Larson, R. & Falvo, D.C. (8th Ed., 2016). Elementary Linear Algebra,
Brooks Cole.

2. Andrilli, S. & Hecker, D. (5th Ed., 2016). Elementary Linear Algebra,

Elsevier Science.

3. DeFranza, J. & Gagliardi, D. (2015). Introduction to Linear Algebra with

Applications, Waveland Press.

4. Lay, D.C., Lay, S.R. & McDonald, J.J. (5th Ed., 2015). Linear Algebra and
Its Applications, Pearson

5. Anton, H. & Rorers, C. (2014). Elementary Linear Algebra Applications,

Learning objectives Learning outcomes
Matrices Work with matrices and  Perform matrix operations.
determine if a given square matrix  Perform row operations and find echelon forms.
is invertible.  Use row operations to determine if a square
matrix is invertible.
 Find the inverse of a square matrix.
 Use properties of Invertible Matrices.
System of Determine if a given system of  Write a system of linear equations in matrix form.
Linear linear equations is consistent and  Determine if a system of linear equations has a
Equations linear to solve systems of linear solution.
equations and application  Solve the matrix equation Ax = b using row and
problems requiring them. matrix operations
 Use systems of linear equations and matrix
equations to determine linear dependency or
 Solve application problems that can be modeled
by systems of linear equations
Learning objectives Learning outcomes
Determinants Learn to compute determinants  Compute the determinant of a square matrix by
and know their properties. using the definition and by using the properties of
Eigenvalues Learn to find and use  Find the characteristic equation, eigenvalues and
and eigenvalues and eigenvectors of corresponding eigenvectors of a given matrix.
Eigenvectors a matrix.  Determine if a given matrix is diagonalizable.
During the semester there will be 10 homework tutorials, 2 Tests and one Final

Answers to assessment questions must contain all the steps performed in order to get
full marks and they must be presented in a mathematically logical manner.

The final grade will be computed in the following manner:

Homework Tutorials (HT) = 10%
Test 1 (T1) = 7.5%
Test 2 (T2) = 7.5%

Examination (FE) =75%

Final Examination = 0.75* Examination + 0.25 * Continuous Assesments

Learning Styles in Universities
• Look over your notes from the previous class and quickly glances back
at passages

• Ready to the class a few minutes early

• Absorbingrefers to the actual taking in of new ideas, information, or
• This is what happens at the moment a student listens to a class lecture or
reads a textbook. In high school, this is sometimes the only learning step
taken by some students. They listened to what the instructor said and
“regurgitated” it back on the test.
• But this won’t work in university because learning now
requires understanding the topic, not just repeating facts or information. In
coming chapters you’ll get tips for improving in this step.
“Capturing” refers to taking notes. No matter how good your memory,
you need to take good notes in university simply because there is so
much to learn. Just hearing something once is seldom enough. You have
to go back over the material again, sometimes several times again,
thinking about it and seeing how it all fits together.
The more effective your note-taking skills, the better your learning
abilities. Take notes also when reading your textbooks. You’ll learn
methods for taking good notes in later chapters.
The step of reviewing your class notes, your textbook reading and notes,
and any other course materials.
Reviewing is also a way to prepare for new information and ideas.
That’s why this is a learning cycle: the end of the process loops back to
the beginning as you prepare for additional learning.
Reviewing is also the step in which you discover whether you really
understand the material. If you do not understand something fully, you
may need to reread a section of the book, talk it over with a friend in the
class, or go see your instructor.
Understand the Study Cycle
• Previewing
• Attending class
• Reviewing,
• Studying, and checking your understanding.
Inappropriate electronic devices are not permitted.
No side conversations
At least no snoring please
In any dispute over matter concerning conduct, conflicts, assessment results
or other concerns of students, resolution must be sought through the
relevant authorities (Dean, Head of the Department, Academic advisors and
Student councilors), so that a fair hearing may be heard and acted upon.

Any form of discrimination will be not tolerated.

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