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A nation's development is significantly influenced by industrialization.

Without it, a nation could continue to be undeveloped. Agriculture too
had a significant role in a nation before the industrial revolution.
Although now, both industrialization and agriculture are crucial to
maintaining the nation's healthy economy. Economies based on
agriculture and handicrafts also mechanised manufacturing on a large-
scale basis. Existing industries have became more productive and efficient
as a result of new equipment, energy sources, and work organisation
With the opening of the first cotton mill in Bombay in 1854, India began
its industrialization process and became a growing nation.
Industrialisation process majorly impacted India as well as other
Before the industrial revolution, majority of the people used to live in the
countryside. Whereas, after the industrial revolution, the population of
the cities began growing enormously as people moved there in pursuit of
work. This part is known as urbanisation.
It also led to the growth of the movement called capitalism. This gave
power to business owners and gave them authority to make major
decisions related to the growth of their business and in turn the economy,
which did not involve the government. After capitalism, exploitation of
workers and unfair practices became quite common. Although later on,
Overall amount of wealth increased and distributed more widely.
Industrialisation also increased the spread of consumerism. Buying and
selling became more common, which also increased international trade.
India transported silk, tea, coffee, and spices to Britain through the East
India Company.
Burning of fossil fuels took place which spiked the pollution.
Towards the end of industrial revolution, women demanded the right to
vote and equality, which started the feminist movement which continues
to exist today as well.

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