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Grażyna Iskra

Grażyna Iskra


1. Przeczytaj podane wyrażenia. Ułóż je w kolejności od najprzyjemniejszego dla ciebie do

najmniej atrakcyjnego.
all inclusive holidays / camping / sightseeing / hiking / relaxing by the pool / staying at home /
swimming in the lake / going abroad

1. ________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________


2. Wykreśl słowo, które NIE pasuje do zdania.

1. The train ride / journey / excursion from Cracow to Prague lasted about 7 hours and was very
2. I love water activities when I’m on holiday. I often go snorkelling / snowboarding / sailing or just play
beach volleyball.
3. T
 his year we have to find some cheap accommodation. Why don’t we stay at a nice luxury hotel /
campsite / youth hostel in the mountains?
4. I’m a very lively person and I like being active in my free time so adventure / beach / backpacking
holidays are definitely not for me.
5. W
 e were stuck at the airport for hours because our plane was delayed / on time / cancelled and we
had to rearrange our plans.
6. My little sister Ava gets seasick so we can’t travel by ferry / cruise liner / underground with her.
7. To travel safely, always fasten / wear / get a seatbelt as soon as you get into the car.
8. Good morning, I’d like to book a ticket / a room / a train. Could you help me, please?
9. I had a few unpleasant moments during my holiday. To begin with, I got emergency / sunburnt / lost on
the first day.
10. L
 adies and gentlemen, all passengers / tourists / guests travelling to Oslo are asked to proceed to
gate number 10.
Holidays Grażyna Iskra 1 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

3. Wstaw każdy czasownik we właściwej formie. Użyj czasu past simple lub past continuous.
1. When I _______________(be) younger, we often visited our grandparents in Cornwall.
2. My dad _______________(call) the travel agency and _________________(ask) about package holidays in Portugal.
3. This time yesterday we _______________(fly) to Gran Canaria with Tom and Nancy.
4. Manolo _______________(not/be) happy when he _______________(see) the price of the hotel.
5. While Kim _______________(pack) her suitcase, she _______________(find) some magnets from her previous holidays.
6. Both hotels we stayed in _______________(be) quite old but comfortable.
7. My mum _______________(not/like) the guesthouse but my dad loved it.
8. Adam _______________(sleep) while his wife Tonia _______________(drive).
9. Jamal _______________(not/talk) on the phone when the accident _______________(happen).
10. The trip was boring and I _______________(not/have) fun at all.

Holidays Grażyna Iskra 2 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


4. Wstaw słowo, które poprawnie uzupełnia oba zdania.

bill by discounts front get have are leave pay platform return seat straight turn board

On the street
X: Excuse me, how can I 1____________________________ to the British Museum from here?
Y: Oh, it’s not far. Go 3
____________________________ ahead and 3
____________________________ left at the next traffic lights. The
museum will be in 4
____________________________ of you.

In the restaurant
X: The meal was delicious. Thank you. Can we get the 5____________________________, please?
Y: Sure. How would you like to 6____________________________?
X: 7____________________________ credit card.

At the museum
X: How much 8____________________________ the tickets for this exhibition?
Y: 3.50$ but we offer 9____________________________ for students.
X: So can I 10____________________________ two student tickets please?

At the station
X: Which 11____________________________ does the train 12____________________________ from?
Y: I think it’s number 6. There’s some information on the 13____________________________ over there.

At the ticket office

X: I’d like a ticket to Birmingham.
Y: Single or 14____________________________?
X: Single, please. Can I have a window 15____________________________, please?

Holidays Grażyna Iskra 3 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


5. Uzupełnij treść pocztówki brakującymi fragmentami.

Hi Max
I’m having a fantastic time in 1_______________________________________ (nazwa miejsca i kraju). It’s a small village
_______________________________________ (w
jakiej części kraju). I’m here with 3_______________________________________ (osoby z którymi
jesteś). We’re staying at a 4_______________________________________ (zakwaterowanie).
_______________________________________ (kiedy)
we went hiking in the mountains. The weather was great – it was
_______________________________________ (jaka
była pogoda). I liked it a lot but my sister didn’t, because she
_______________________________________ (dlaczego
siostrze się nie podobało).
Tomorrow we’re going to 8_______________________________________ (co zamierzacie robić). I feel really 9______________________________
(jak się czujesz) about it because 10_______________________________________ (dlaczego tak się czujesz).
How are you spending your holidays? Let me know.

Holidays Grażyna Iskra 4 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

1. students’ answers 4. 1.get, 2.straight, 3.turn, 4.front, 5.bill,,,
8.are, 9.discounts, 10.have, 11.platform, 12.leave,
2. 1.excursion, 2.snowboarding, hotel, 13.board, 14.return,
4.beach, 5.on time, 6.underground, 7.get, 8.a train,
9.emergency, 10.guests 5. students’ answers 1.Bukowina, Poland, the
south of Poland, parents and my sisters,
3. 1.was, 2.called, asked, 3.were flying, 4.wasn’t, saw, 4.nice guesthouse, 5.Two days ago, 6.warm and
5.was packing, found, 6.were, 7.didn’t like, 8.was sunny, very lazy and doesn’t enjoy walking,
sleeping, was driving, 9.wasn’t talking, happened, 8.go swimming in some hot springs, 9.excited,
10.didn’t have 10.I love such places

Holidays Grażyna Iskra 5 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

At home
Grażyna Iskra


1. Jakie cechy według ciebie powinny mieć osoby pracujące w poniższych zawodach? Wybierz
wyrazy z listy i dodaj inne.
clean the bathroom empty the dishwasher
clean the windows set the table
clear the table load the dishwasher
do the laundry make sandwiches
do the food shopping make the bed
do the washing-up take the dog for a walk

I like it I don’t mind I hate it I never do it


2. Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi słowami. Liczba kresek odpowiada liczbie liter.

1. In my house there is a big, comfortable _ _ n _ _ g room where my family usually eats together.
2. M
 y grandpa used to sit in his favourite _ r _ _ h _ _ in front of the fireplace reading the newspaper or
telling us stories from the past.
3. Which _ l _ _ r do you live on? The second or the third?
4. There are some interesting novels on the _ _ _ k _ _ _ _ f on the left – take one if you want.
5. We keep the mugs and plates in the _ _ p _ _ _ r _ above the sink.
6. Nancy has got so many clothes that she will probably have to buy a bigger w _ _ d _ _ _ _.
7. Would you like to live in the city _ _ n _ r _ or would you prefer the suburbs or even the countryside?
8. In my future house I’d like to have modern _ _ r _ _ t _ _ _ – not like in my family home where we only
have old beds, chairs and tables.
9. If you want to make your sofa look better, put some colourful _ _ _ h _ _ n _ on it.
10. M
 arciano and Anna have got really nice _ _ _ g _ _ _ _ r _ living next door – they often spend time

At home Grażyna Iskra 1 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


3. W każdym zdaniu wybierz dwa poprawne wyrazy.

1. I can / will / must help you clean up after the party if you want.
2. Kareem doesn’t have to / didn’t have to / mustn’t move out – it’s his choice.
3. Hanna, you mustn’t / needn’t / can’t push the other kids in the playground! It’s really bad behaviour.
4. Peter you may / should / must do the washing more often – once a week is not enough.
5. In this hotel there are some rules which guests have to / should / can follow.
6. Jamal had to / didn’t have to / have to share a room with another student.
7. We need to / ought / should repair the roof before winter comes.
8. Can / Should / May I get an extra blanket because I’m cold?
9. Do we have / Should we / Do we need to paint the walls this year or shall we wait till next year?
10. Shall / Can / Would I do something for you?

At home Grażyna Iskra 2 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


4. Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując podane wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie i nie zmieniając ich
kolejności. Możesz użyć maksymalnie pięciu słów w każdym zdaniu.
1. _____________________________________________(there/not/be) any playgrounds around our school when we were children.
2. My grandparents’ house _____________________________________________(be/locate/lake).
3. Denise _____________________________________________(not/can/cook) so she decided to take a cooking course.
4. I think _____________________________________________(paint/wall/white) in the whole flat.
5. In our old flat we _____________________________________________(not/have/access) the internet.
6. Kevin would like _____________________________________________(live/he/own) when he starts studying.
7. W
 e _____________________________________________(not/need/do up) the kitchen in our new house because it was perfect
for us.
8. Omar _____________________________________________(have/move) of his room when he finished university.
9. Who _____________________________________________(this villa/belong)?
10. _____________________________________________(there / bath) in the bathroom in our holiday apartment?

At home Grażyna Iskra 3 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


5. Opisz swój dom/mieszkanie według podanych wskazówek.

1. What type of accommodation is it? (block of flats/house)

2. Where is it? (which floor, the centre, the suburbs?)
3. How many rooms are there? What are these rooms? (bedrooms, kitchen, hall, study?)
4. What does your room look like? (size, furniture, equipment?)
5. What equipment do / don’t you have in the kitchen? (dishwasher, dining table, coffee machine?)
6. Describe your bathroom. (size, shower, bath, washing machine?)

I live ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

It is ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


There are �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


My room is ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


In the kitchen we’ve got / haven’t got ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


The bathroom is / isn’t comfortable because ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������


At home Grażyna Iskra 4 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

1. students’ own answers 4. 1.There weren’t, 2.was located by the lake,
3.couldn’t cook, 4.will paint the walls white,
2. 1
 .dining, 2.armchair, 3.floor, 4.bookshelf, 5.didn’t have the access, live on his own,
5.cupboard, 6.wardrobe, 7.centre,, 7.didn’t need to do up, 8.had to move out,
9.cushions, 10.neighbours 9.does this villa belong to, 10.Is there a bath

3. 1
 .can,will, 2.doesn’t have to, didn’t have to, 5. students’ own answers
3.mustn’t, can’t, 4.should, must, 5.have to, should,
6.had to, didn’t have to, 7.need to, should, 8.Can,
May, 9.Do we have, Do we need, 10.Shall, Can

At home Grażyna Iskra 5 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Grażyna Iskra


1. Pracujcie w parach. Odpowiadajcie na pytania.

1. What do you usually eat for breakfast?

2. What didn’t you like eating when you were a child?


3. What are your favourite snacks?


4. Which food do you find disgusting?


5. What do you usually eat at school?


Food Grażyna Iskra 1 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


2. Wybierz właściwe słowo z ramki i uzupełnij nim zdanie. Pięć słów podano dodatkowo.

baked course dairy delicious disgusting frying ingredient knife

loaf meal recipe salty sparkling spoon roast

1. Breakfast is the most important ______________________________ so I always have something nutritious and healthy
in the morning.

2. Dad bought a ______________________________ of bread, five rolls and a few buns.

3. Abigail ______________________________ a cheesecake and an apple pie for the party.

4. I’m afraid the meat is too ______________________________. I can’t eat it, sorry.

5. Tommy is only four but he can already eat with a ______________________________ and fork.

6. Mum can you give me a ______________________________ for an easy Italian dish?

7. I don’t drink ______________________________ mineral water, only still.

8. Pour some olive oil in the ______________________________ pan and add some chopped onions.

9. Uncle Lucas is allergic to ______________________________ so he can’t eat cheese, cream, milk or butter.

10. My grandma makes ______________________________ chocolate biscuits – I can’t stop eating them.

Food Grażyna Iskra 2 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


3. Zakreśl dwa pasujące słowa.

1. Is there much / any / some / a coffee in the jug?
2. Mandy hasn’t bought many / much / any / some new books because they were expensive.
3. I’ve got a lot of / many / little / a few time for you today.
4. Go to the shop, Tom. Mum needs a few / some / a little / any eggs, flour and butter.
5. Could you give me an / some / a little / many advice what to do in this situation?
6. I’ve got no / some / many / any money on me today.
7. We’ve got too much / too many / enough / a little apples for the apple pie.
8. Joyce is very popular. She’s got a lot of / lots of / much / lots friends at school.
9. Are there any / much / many / a little good dishes for vegetarians in this cookery book?
10. I’d eat no / a / little / some yoghurt, strawberry flavour if you have it.

Food Grażyna Iskra 3 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


4. Wybierz właściwą reakcję językową.

1. X
 : Can you pass me the napkins, please?
Y: _____
a. Here you are.
b. Yes, it’s over there.
c. Sure, that’s very kind of you.

2. X
 : How do you like this dessert, madam?
a. This pasta is really tasty.
b. A bit too sweet, but ok.
c. Great, I feel like eating some ice cream.

3. X
 : Are you ready to order?
a. Yes, I’ve already ordered.
b. Not yet. Can we have a minute more, please?
c. Yes, what would you like to drink?
4. X
 : Could you recommend something?
Y: ______
a. The soup of the day is delicious today.
b. Yes, what can I get you?
c. Why haven’t you tried this dish?
5. X
 : Do you know if the service is included in the bill?
a. No, it doesn’t. Leave a tip.
b. The service is really great.
c. Yes, it is. We don’t need to tip the waiter.
6. X
 : Would you like a second helping?
a. Yes, help me please.
b. Yes, I can help.
c. With pleasure.
7. X
 : Have you booked a table yet?
a. Yes, I’ve already got some books.
b. No, I’ve just cleared the table.
c. Yes, for 7 p.m.
8. X
 : Shall I help you set the table?
Y: _____
a. No, thanks. It’s already cleared.
b. Yes, of course. That’s very kind of you.
c. Sure. Where are the plates?

Food Grażyna Iskra 4 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

9. X
 : Is there any orange juice left in the fridge?
a. Sorry, we’ve run out.
b. I didn’t leave it.
c. Yes, leave some, please.
10. X
 : Would you like something to eat?
a. Yes, please. Have you got any fizzy drinks?
b. No, thanks. I’m full.
c. Yes, it’s really delicious.

Food Grażyna Iskra 5 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


5. Uzupełnij podane zdania według własnego pomysłu.

1. We didn’t ____________________________________________________________________________ because it was the worst restaurant we’d

ever been to.

2. We ____________________________________________________________________________ so we booked a table for four.

3. ____________________________________________________________________________ so we complained to the manager of the restaurant.

4. ____________________________________________________________________________ and I can’t eat it any more.

5. ____________________________________________________________________________ because I couldn’t cook anything myself.

Food Grażyna Iskra 6 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

1. students’ own answers 5. suggested answers: 1.want to go to this restaurant
again / recommend this restaurant to anybody,
2. 1.meal, 2.loaf, 3.baked, 4.salty, 5.knife, 6.recipe, 2.wanted to invite our Belgian friends for a nice
7.sparkling, 8.frying, 9.dairy, 10.delicious meal / didn’t feel like cooking for our guests from
Gdańsk, 3.The food we ordered was disgusting and
3. 1.much, any, 2.many, any, 3.a lot of, little, 4.a few, smelt terrible / The service in the restaurant was
some, 5.some, a little,, some, 7.too many, not awful, the waiters were unfriendly and we had to
enough, 8.a lot of, lots of, 9.any, many, 10.a, some wait for too long, 4.I’ve been allergic to chocolate
for a few years / Recently, I’ve been eating too
4. 1.a, 2.b, 3.b, 4.a, 5.c, 6.c, 7.c, 8.b, 9.a, 10.b much chicken, 5.I decided to get some cooking
lessons / I asked my grandma for some recipes and
practical help

Food Grażyna Iskra 7 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Healthy lifestyle 
Grażyna Iskra


1. Podziel wyrażenia na odpowiednie kategorie.

• avoid stress • have a nap during the day
• drink 2 litres of water a day • have a late night
• eat a lot of fruit • have a well-balanced diet
• eat enough vegetables • sleep less than 8 hours a night
• exercise or work out regularly • spend a lot of time on the smartphone

I do Sometimes I do I don’t

Healthy lifestyle Grażyna Iskra 1 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


2. Odpowiedz na pytania. Zaznacz a, b lub c.

1. What do people usually do when they have a cough?
a. put a plaster on it
b. drink some syrup
c. call an ambulance
2. Which of the following problems is really serious?
a. sneezing very often
b. chest pains
c. a runny nose
3. Which problem can be treated with a painkiller?
a. a headache
b. a twisted ankle
c. a heart attack
4. What may happen if you feel dizzy?
a. you may die
b. you may have an allergy
c. you may faint
5. Which problem may be connected with food poisoning?
a. throwing up
b. having an injury
c. hurting yourself
6. Which of these symptoms isn’t usually connected with flu?
a. stomachache
b. fever
c. muscle pain
7. What can you do to improve your diet?
a. put on weight
b. give up junk food
c. avoid eating vegetables
8. Which food would make the healthiest diet?
a. grilled vegetables
b. fried meat
c. pasta with creamy sauce
9. Which is not a kind of treatment?
a. acupuncture
b. antibiotics
c. insomnia
10. Which of these shouldn’t you do if you want to lead a healthy lifestyle?
a. eat vegetable snacks
b. use supplements
c. smoke cigarettes
Healthy lifestyle Grażyna Iskra 2 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

3. Wstaw czasownik w odpowiedniej formie. Użyj czasu present simple lub future simple.
1. After you ________________________________________(return) from your spa holiday, we ________________________________________(meet)
and hang out together.
2. Katie ________________________________________(not/get) any healthier if she ________________________________________(not/go) on
a well-balanced diet.
3. I always ________________________________________(feel) carsick when I ________________________________________(travel) on motorways.
4. I’m afraid that unless Tina _________________________________(take) some antibiotics, she ________________________________(not/get)
better soon.
5. As soon as Sofia ________________________________________(arrive), the meeting ________________________________________(start).
6. When the weather ________________________________________(change), my grandma ________________________________________(have)
pains in her shoulder.
7. Before you ________________________________________(come) home, ________________________________________(go) to the shop to get
some snacks.
8. If we ________________________________________(not/need) your help, we ________________________________________(not/call) you.
9. When people ____________________________________(stay) in the sun too long, they usually ______________________________________(get)
10. ________________________________________(take) an umbrella in case it ________________________________________(rain) in the afternoon.

Healthy lifestyle Grażyna Iskra 3 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


4. Uzupełnij każdą lukę w tekście jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst.

Last year we were in the middle of packing for our holiday to Croatia 1______________________ my mum

suddenly felt a terrible 2______________________ in her back while she was trying to get a suitcase from the top
______________________ of the wardrobe. She heard a ‘click’ somewhere in her spine and the next moment she

couldn’t move. We were shocked and upset 4______________________ the next day we were going to set off on

a 16- 5______________________ drive to our holiday destination and my mum was going to share the driving with

my dad. We didn’t 6______________________ what to do. After a couple of hours and a few strong painkillers,

she started to 7______________________ better but still we couldn’t set off. In the 8______________________, we went on

holiday two days 9______________________ than planned when mum felt ok. But it was scary for a while when we

weren’t sure when she would get better. All in all, the holiday was awesome – we spent the time of our
______________________ on a sunny Croatian beach.

Healthy lifestyle Grażyna Iskra 4 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


5. Pracujcie w parach. Odpowiedzcie na pytania pełnymi zdaniami.

1. When was the last time you were really sick? What was the problem?

2. What do you do to keep fit?


3. What is your diet like? What do you eat? What don’t you eat?

4. Do you think regular check-ups are important? Why? Why not?


5. Would you rather have great muscles or a great brain? Why?


Healthy lifestyle Grażyna Iskra 5 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

1. students’ own answers 4. 1.when, 2.pain, 3.shelf, 4.because/as, 5.hour,
6.know, 7.feel/get, 8.end, 9.later, 10.lives
2. 1.b, 2.b, 3.a, 4.c, 5.a, 6.a, 7.b, 8.a, 9.c, 10.c
5. students’ own answers
3. 1
 .return, will meet, 2.won’t be, doesn’t go, 3.feel,
travel, 4.takes, won’t get, 5.arrives, will start,
6.changes, has, 7.come, go, 8.don’t need, won’t call,
9.stay, get, 10.Take, rains

Healthy lifestyle Grażyna Iskra 6 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Grażyna Iskra


1. Jakie cechy według ciebie powinny mieć osoby pracujące w poniższych zawodach? Wybierz
wyrazy z listy i dodaj inne.
ambitious / brave / caring / confident / creative / friendly / hard-working / helpful / honest / open / patient /
polite / reliable / responsible / talkative

shop assistant journalist lawyer architect soldier teacher


2. Uzupełnij zdania wybranymi słowami.

1. full-time / permanent / dream / summer
a. There are a lot of university students who get a ______________________________________ job – they only work during
holidays as shop assistants or waiters.
b. My sister Susan has just found a ______________________________________ job as a personal assistant – she says it’s
nothing special but she’s going to work for a big company.
c. A ______________________________________ job is one where you work 40 hours a week.
2. salary / bonus / pension / tip
a. My grandma retired last year. Surprisingly, she gets quite a big ______________________________________ and
sometimes gives me some pocket money.
b. When Uncle Aaron got a ______________________________________ at the end of last year, he took his family on
a fantastic trip to Egypt.
c. In her new job, Ameena will have regular working hours, her own office and a really
good ______________________________________.
3. manager / colleague / customer / team
a. Monica is a perfect ______________________________________ responsible for the whole department – everyone
listens to her, respects her decisions and follows her advice.
b. David is not my boyfriend. He’s just a ______________________________________ from the office. We work together,
that’s all.
c. I think we all make a perfect ______________________________________ – we understand each other and our projects
always turn out well.
4. position / qualifications / experience / reference
a. Last year Lulu worked for the Johnsons and they gave her a very good ______________________________________ – she
will easily find a new job.
b. I’ve worked at a local chemist’s for a few months so I already have some ______________________________________
with customers and selling cosmetics.
c. Aren graduated from the faculty of law so he’s got the right ______________________________________ and can start
working in our legal office.

Jobs Grażyna Iskra 1 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


3. Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź.

1. K
 en and Brian ____________________________________ to Australia for a week and they’ll be back on Friday.
a. went b. has gone c. have gone
2. I ____________________________________ History when I was in primary school.
a. didn’t like b. haven’t liked c. hasn’t liked
3. W
 hat’s that noise? ____________________________________ that?
a. Have you heard b. Did you hear c. You have heard
4. Stuart ____________________________________ to work because he was sick.
a. hasn’t come b. came c. didn’t come
5. W
 e ____________________________________ the project yet.
a. have finished b. haven’t finished c. didn’t finish
6. ____________________________________ to
a. Did you ever go b. Were you ever c. Have you ever been
7. W
 hen I was a child, I very often ____________________________________ fish and chips.
a. ate b. have eaten c. has eaten
8. Greg ____________________________________ in Wrocław for about two years and he likes it a lot.
a. worked b. haven’t worked c. has worked
9. I’m not taking any photos because I ____________________________________ my camera at home.
a. hasn’t left b. have left c. didn’t leave
10. Last year Aisha ____________________________________ jobs twice. How was that possible?
a. have changed b. changed c. has changed

Jobs Grażyna Iskra 2 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


4. Sparafrazuj podane zdania. Możesz użyć maksymalnie sześciu słów w każdym zdaniu,
wliczając w to wyraz podany na końcu.
1. I worked with Layla last year. since
I ____________________________________________________________ last year.
2. B
 etty knows Chris. She met him a couple of years ago. for
Betty ____________________________________________________________ a couple of years.
3. W
 e’re still in the middle of the project. yet
We haven’t ____________________________________________________________.
4. O
 mar has had his car for 2 years. ago
Omar ____________________________________________________________.
5. I haven’t seen Mary since we finished school. last
I ____________________________________________________________ at school.
6. K
 risten arrived at the office an hour ago. been
Kristen ____________________________________________________________ an hour.
7. J ennifer and Pedro got married in 2021. married
Jennifer and Pedro ____________________________________________________________ 2021.
8. When did you buy this smartphone? long
____________________________________________________________ this smartphone?

9. S
 ue Lin is still typing the report for her boss. hasn’t
Sue Lin ____________________________________________________________ the report for her boss yet.
10. I last applied for a job 5 years ago. not
I ____________________________________________________________ for 5 years.

Jobs Grażyna Iskra 3 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


5. Dokończ podane zdania na temat różnych zawodów.

1. I could never work as a ___________________________________________________ because ___________________________________________________.

2. I’d like to work as a ___________________________________________________ because ___________________________________________________.

3. Working as a police officer is ___________________________________________________ and ___________________________________________________.

4. It’s easy to be a ___________________________________________________ because ___________________________________________________.

5. It’s very hard to be a ___________________________________________________ because ___________________________________________________.

Jobs Grażyna Iskra 4 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

1. students’ own answers 4. 1.haven’t worked with Layla since, 2.has known
Chris for, 3.finished the project yet, 4.bought his
2. 1a.summer, 1b.permanent, 1c.full-time, 2a.pension, car two years ago, 5.last saw Mary, 6.has been at
2b.bonus, 2c.salary, 3a.manager, 3b.colleague, the office for, 7.have been married since, 8.How, 4a.references, 4b.experience, long have you had, 9.hasn’t finished typing,
4c.qualifications 10.haven’t applied for a job

3. 1.c, 2.a, 3.a, 4.c, 5.b, 6.c, 7.a, 9.b, 10.b 5. students’ own answers

Jobs Grażyna Iskra 5 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Likes and dislikes 
Grażyna Iskra


1. Ustaw hobby w kolejności od najciekawszego dla Ciebie do najnudniejszego.

• playing chess • reading
• playing computer games • making music
• going cycling • watching movies
• jogging • going swimming
• taking photos • recording videos

1. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

2. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

3. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

4. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

5. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

6. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

7. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

8. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

9. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

10. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Likes and dislikes Grażyna Iskra 1 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


2. Uzupełnij każde zdanie jednym brakującym słowem. Pierwsze litery zostały podane.
1. I’m really interested in f_________________________________ – I buy magazines to see what clothes are trendy these
2. Helena paints and draws beautifully. She’s really t_________________________________ and creates beautiful pictures.
3. Have you ever played any i_________________________________? The guitar or the piano?
4. T
 eenagers spend a lot of time on social m_________________________________ sites, which their parents often criticise
them for.
5. I like h_________________________________ out with friends in the shopping centre.
6. What is your sister i_________________________________? I’ve heard she loves horse riding.
7. Last weekend Julia and Brian went to see Taylor Swift play l_________________________________.
8. I love reading news about c_________________________________ and sports stars on websites such as popsugar or
9. Stranger Things is one of my favourite s_________________________________.
10. Where do you like spending your h_________________________________? In the mountains or at the seaside?

Likes and dislikes Grażyna Iskra 2 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


3. Wybierz właściwe czasowniki z ramki i uzupełnij nimi zdania, używając odpowiedniej formy
czasu present simple lub present continuous.

cook eat finish get not know leave redecorate not spend not use wait

1. Leticia ________________________________________ something delicious in the kitchen. It smells great.

2. I ________________________________________ all my pocket money on snacks or drinks, I save a lot.
3. We ________________________________________ our flat these days – it will look awesome!
4. My twin sister and I never ________________________________________ strawberries because we’re allergic to them.
5. Pedro ________________________________________ how to use a coffee maker. How come?
6. Katherine ________________________________________ for Oslo tomorrow afternoon.
7. My dad ________________________________________ angry when he has to stay at work longer than planned.
8. Wait for me! I ________________________________________ the last page of the book and we can go.
9. Adam ________________________________________ his earpods now so you can borrow them.
10. Patricia always ________________________________________ for Casper who is always late.

Likes and dislikes Grażyna Iskra 3 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


4. Uzupełnij zdania. Wykorzystaj w odpowiedniej formie wyrazy podane w nawiasach. Nie

należy zmieniać kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba natomiast – jeśli jest to konieczne –
dodać inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.

1. I _________________________________________________________(be/keen) sports and an active lifestyle.

2. Dan and Steve _________________________________________________________(have/lot/common) and often spend time together.

3. Alex, what _________________________________________________________(you/do) in my room? Get out right now!

4. We _________________________________________________________(not/mind/do) maths but really hate learning dates by heart.

5. My sister _________________________________________________________(prefer/read/watch) films. Books are her best friends, as

she always says.

6. Greta _________________________________________________________(be/crazy) Barbie dolls when she was a child.

7. Zoe _________________________________________________________(not/usually/spend) time with her family but prefers hanging

out with her friends.

8. I _________________________________________________________(like/try) parachuting one day – extreme sports are so thrilling.

9. Miguel _________________________________________________________(be/good/biology) and one day he’ll study it at university.

10. Samir, you _________________________________________________________(not/listen/I). Why?

Likes and dislikes Grażyna Iskra 4 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


5. Wykorzystując wyrażenia z lekcji, napisz 5 zdań o swoich zainteresowaniach – prawdziwych

i fałszywych. Przeczytaj zdania i poproś innych uczniów, by odgadli co jest prawdą, a co nie.

1. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������.

2. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������.

3. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������.

4. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������.

5. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������.

Likes and dislikes Grażyna Iskra 5 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

1. students’ own answers 4. keen on, 2.have a lot in common, 3.are you
doing, 4.don’t mind doing, 5.prefers reading to
2. 1
 .fashion, 2.talented, 3.instruments,, watching, 6.was crazy about / used to be crazy
5.hanging, 6.into,, 8.celebrities, 9.series, about, 7.doesn’t usually spend, 8.would like to try,
10.holidays good at biology, 10.aren’t listening to me

3. 1
 .is cooking, 2.don’t spend, 3.are redecorating, 5. students’ own answers, 5.doesn’t know, leaving, 7.gets,
finishing, 9.isn’t using, 10.waits

Likes and dislikes Grażyna Iskra 6 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

New school
Grażyna Iskra


1. Podziel podane wyrażenia na dwie kategorie: te, które są dla ciebie ważne w nowej szkole,
i te, które są mniej ważne lub nieistotne.
• access to wi-fi • good food in the canteen
• after school classes • interactive whiteboards
• a lot of books in the library • sports facilities
• fun art classes • experienced teachers
• comfortable chairs and desks • trips
• a friendly atmosphere • well-equipped classrooms

very important not very important


2. Czy podane zdania są prawdziwe czy fałszywe? Zdecyduj i wpisz T jeśli zdanie jest prawdziwe
lub F jeśli zdanie jest fałszywe.
1. In a gymnasium students do gymnastics, play games and team sports or work out.

2. France, Germany and Spain are examples of the foreign languages most often taught in Polish schools.

3. During Physical Education classes you learn about electricity, the universe and astronomy.

4. If you want to do very well in tests, you should do some revision.

5. You will be very happy if you fail all your tests and exams.

6. Bullying is very bad and is usually punished by teachers and head teachers.

7. If someone misses school a lot, he or she may have problems understanding the material in difficult

8. Students have language lessons in staff rooms.


9. Pupils keep notebooks and coursebooks in their pencil cases.


10. Experiments are usually done in chemistry or physics labs.

New school Grażyna Iskra 1 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

3. Wybierz poprawną formę czasownika.

1. What are you doing / will you do after school today? Why don’t we go somewhere together if you
aren’t busy?
2. Oh my God, I’m so hungry. I’m making / I’ll make some sandwiches.
3. W
 hen the school year is over, we’re going to travel / we travel to Norway because it’s always been our
dream destination.
4. Look at Steve! He’s going to fall / He’ll fall off his chair.
5. In my opinion, the team doesn’t win / won’t win this game.
6. What will you do / are you doing if you don’t do well in all your tests?
7. A
 ccording to the timetable, lessons are starting / start at 9.30 on Mondays and Tuesdays but at 8.30
on the other days.
8. It’s hot in here. Do you open / Will you open the window, please?
9. I haven’t done any studying. I’m failing / I’m going to fail my English exam tomorrow and my parents
won’t be happy.
10. We probably won’t go / We probably don’t go on a class trip this year.

New school Grażyna Iskra 2 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


4. Wstaw słowo, które poprawnie uzupełnia oba zdania.

1. ______________________________

a. I hope I will ________ all my tests this year. I’ve studied so hard.
b. Can you ________ me the pencil on your desk?
2. ______________________________

a. My mum gives me a ________ lunch every day – a sandwich, some fruit and something to drink.
b. Yesterday evening I ________ my schoolbag but this morning some notebooks were missing. How come?

3. ______________________________

a. Let’s meet during lunch ________ in the school hall.

b. Ms Wilkes, I swear that I didn’t ________ the window in the corridor.

4. ______________________________

a. T
 o our teacher’s surprise, all the students were ________ on the first lesson on Monday morning, no one
was even late.
b. We bought a nice ________ for Ms Hessington at the end of the school year.

5. ______________________________

a. I’d like to take ________ in the school dictation because I’m really good at spelling and I could win it
b. The first ________ of the lesson was so boring that Dustin fell asleep.

6. ______________________________

a. Geography is definitely my favourite ________.

b. The ________ of today’s lesson is ‘The education system in Finland’.

7. ______________________________

a. The most popular team ________ in Poland are volleyball and football.
b. Y
 ou can buy some awesome, really fashionable PE kits in the ________ shop in Manufactura Shopping

8. ______________________________

a. There are some dirty ________ on your notebook.

b. A
 re these coffee stains? I usually get really good ________ at science, but when it comes to humanities,
they aren’t so good.

9. ______________________________

a. You can find some useful information on the ________ in the hall.
b. Passengers flying to Rome have to ________ the plane now. It’s the last call.

10. ______________________________

a. Our teachers are really great: always ________, honest, friendly and helpful.

b. My classmate Jane is such a pretty girl – she’s tall, slim, with ________ hair and blue eyes and always
wears trendy clothes.

New school Grażyna Iskra 3 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


5. Odpowiedz na poniższe pytania.

1. Which teacher did you like in primary school and why?

When I _______________________________________, I liked Mr / Ms _______________________________________.
He / She was _______________________________________.
During the lessons he / she _______________________________________.

2. Which subject didn’t you like in primary school and why?

I didn’t like _______________________________________ because _______________________________________.
During these lessons I felt _______________________________________.
My grades at _______________________________________ were _______________________________________ and my progress was ___________________

3. What was your favourite place in your primary school?

My favourite place _______________________________________.
I spent time there with _______________________________________.
I liked this place because _______________________________________.

4. What did you and didn’t you like doing in your English class?
I liked _______________________________________ in my English class.
I enjoyed it because _______________________________________.
I didn’t like _______________________________________ because _______________________________________.

New school Grażyna Iskra 4 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

1. students’ answers
4. 1.pass, 2.packed, 3.break, 4.present, 5.part,
2. 1.T, 2.F, 3.F, 4.T, 5.F, 6.T, 7.T, 8.F, 9.F, 10.T 6.subject, 7.sports, 8.marks, 9.board, 10.fair

3. 1.are you doing, 2.I’ll make, 3.we’re going to travel, 5. students’ answers
4.He’s going to fall, 5.won’t win, 6.will you do,
7.start, 8.Will you open, 9.I’m going to fail,
10.We won’t probably go

New school Grażyna Iskra 5 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Grażyna Iskra


1. Odpowiedz na pytania.
1. Who in your family never eats breakfast? ______________________________________________
2. Who do you like going shopping with? ______________________________________________
3. Who in your family was born last? ______________________________________________
4. Who do you meet up with when you want to relax? ______________________________________________
5. Who helps you with school problems? ______________________________________________
6. Who often argues with you? ______________________________________________
7. Who do you really get on with? ______________________________________________
8. Who gives you the best birthday gifts? ______________________________________________

Relations Grażyna Iskra 1 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


2. Zdecyduj, czy wyróżnione fragmenty mają takie samo, czy inne znaczenie. Wstaw znak [v],
gdy są takie same, lub [x], gdy są inne.
1. ____________

a. Peter and Anna often have arguments.

b. My sisters usually fight over silly things.
2. ____________

a. Tim and Aisha are going to get married next month.

b. They are going to get engaged when they finish university.
3. ____________

a. Our dad’s sister works as a model for Gucci fashion house.

b. Aunt Sara visits us regularly every Friday.
4. ____________

a. Mike and Jenny have been going out for a month.

b. We started dating in May 2022.
5. ____________

a. Nadir broke up with Melinda last weekend.

b. He hangs out with us all the time.
6. ____________

a. This week I really don’t have much spare time.

a. I’ve been very busy since I started doing an English course.
7. ____________

a. I’m going to take up dancing so I’m looking for a nice dance school.
b. When Sophie is sad, she starts dancing, which cheers her up.
8. ____________

a. Did you know that Keiko is an only child?

b. Victor is a bit lonely sometimes because he’s got no siblings.
9. ____________

a. Mrs. Martinez is an elderly lady who lives next door.

b. I think our art teacher is in her thirties – she looks really young.
10. ____________

a. Will you put on your jacket and get ready to go? We’re in a hurry.
b. Get dressed quickly and come downstairs.

Relations Grażyna Iskra 2 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


3. Wybierz przymiotnik z ramki i wstaw do zdania we właściwej formie.

big comfortable creative difficult early expensive far heavy long smart

1. My bedroom is much ________________________________________ than yours so I can have much more furniture in mine.
2. This watch is ________________________________________ than that one – I can’t afford either.
3. Quo Vadis was ________________________________________ book I’ve ever read – over 600 pages!
4. Julia is as ________________________________________ as her sister Jane – they both have really good marks at school.
5. S
 ome people say that reading books makes us ________________________________________ than listening to audiobooks
but I don’t see the difference.
6. 10 o’clock is too late. Let’s meet a bit ________________________________________. How about 9.30?
7. Your suitcase is ________________________________________ than mine. What have you got inside?
8. Today’s test is as ________________________________________ as yesterday’s. I’m afraid I won’t get good marks.
9. This is the ________________________________________ bed I’ve ever slept in. It’s huge with nice pillows and soft mattress.
10. Who lives ________________________________________ from school – Jenny or Victoria?

Relations Grażyna Iskra 3 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


4. Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań. Możesz użyć maksymalnie pięciu słów w każdym zdaniu.
1. Do you like _____________________________________________(chodzić na imprezy) with your mates?
2. My relationship with Mathilde is _____________________________________________(gorsza niż była) last summer.
3. My sister Wendy often lies in bed _____________________________________________(nic nie robiąc).
4. In my free time I _____________________________________________(rzadko kiedy oglądam seriale) because I prefer movies.
5. Travelling to Warsaw by car will take _____________________________________________(dłużej niż) travelling by train.
6. _____________________________________________(W wieku 16 lat) Ann Lee decided to give up professional swimming and
started doing karate.
7. For me _____________________________________________(prawdziwa przyjaźń) is one of the most important parts of my life.
8. _____________________________________________(córka mojego brata) is my niece.
9. Shopping online is _____________________________________________(łatwiejsze i tańsze) than traditional shopping.
10. _____________________________________________(Zapłaciłam więcej niż ty) for the trip to Paris because I’m going to stay
there a bit longer.

Relations Grażyna Iskra 4 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


5. Porównaj sposób spędzania urodzin obecnie i gdy byłeś przedszkolakiem. Wykorzystaj

podane sugestie. Możesz zmienić niektóre sugestie i wykorzystać swoje własne.

1. Inviting people: who

2. Place: where and why
3. Food
4. Activities or games
5. What presents

1 When I was in kindergarten I usually invited ___________________________________________________________ but now I invite

___________________________________________________________. 2 My party usually took place ___________________________________________________________

but now I organise ___________________________________________________________ because ___________________________________________________________.

3 When I was a kid we ate ___________________________________________________________ but now we’d rather have _______________________

____________________________________. 4 Back then we used to ___________________________________________________________ but when I’m older

I prefer ___________________________________________________________. 5 When I was a kid I usually got ____________________________________________

_______________ but now I ___________________________________________________________.

Relations Grażyna Iskra 5 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

1. students’ own answers 5. When I was five I usually invited a few children from
kindergarten and my cousins but now I invite my
2. 1.V, 2.X, 3.V, 4.V, 5.X, 6.V, 7.X, 8.V, 9.X, 10.V classmates or teenagers from my neighbourhood. My
party usually took place at home or in special clubs
3. 1
 .bigger, 2.more expensive, 3.the longest,, for kids but now I organise it in a club because me
5.more creative, 6.earlier, 7.heavier, 8.difficult, and my friends like dancing. When I was a kid we ate
9.most comfortable, 10.further a lot of cookies and sweets but now we’d rather have
crisps, other snacks or burgers. Back then we used
4. 1
 .going to parties, 2.worse than it was, 3.doing to paint our faces or play funny games but when I’m
nothing, 4.hardly ever watch series, 5.longer older I prefer talking to friends, listening to music or
than, 6.At the age of 16, 7.a true friendship, 8.My even dancing. When I was a kid I usually got a lot of
brother’s daughter, 9.easier and cheaper, 10.I paid toys or games but now I get some clothes, accessories
more than you or books.

Relations Grażyna Iskra 6 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Science and Technology 
Grażyna Iskra


1. Bez których wynalazków mógłbyś/mogłabyś się obejść, a bez których nie? Wstaw znak [v],
gdy wynalazek jest niezbędny dla ciebie, lub [x], gdy jest niepotrzebny.
• A smartphone charger _________ • A remote control _________
• A coffee maker _________ • Running water _________
• Electricity _________ • A smartphone _________
• A hairdryer _________ • A vacuum cleaner _________
• A microwave oven _________ • A washing machine _________

Science and Technology Grażyna Iskra 1 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


2. Uzupełnij zdania słowem, które pasuje do obu wyróżnionych wyrazów. Zaznacz a, b albo c.

1. Could you ____________________________ on / off the computer, please?

a. start
b. switch
c. close
2. We’re ____________________________ some information / Kim’s old smartphone. Can you help us?
a. searching
b. finding
c. looking for
3. Will you try to ____________________________ the password / the competitions? Go ahead!
a. make
b. escape
c. enter
4. Jeff would like to send / write ____________________________ to Paula but he doesn’t know her number.
a. a text message
b. a photo
c. a website
5. I’m afraid you have to charge / change ____________________________ or your phone will stop working.
a. software
b. the battery
c. database
6. Do you happen to know who ____________________________ this idea / this device?
a. came up with
b. invented
c. discovered
7. It’s the first time I ____________________________ the rules / my headphones.
a. have broken
b. have used
c. have made
8. Ben says he ____________________________ the files / the documents totally by accident.
a. connected
b. deleted
c. wrote
9. Mrs Underwood, out IT teacher, is really proud of her ____________________________ skills / lab.
a. data
b. computer
c. creativity
10. I ____________________________ some money / the data because I knew I would need it later.
a. pressed
b. attached
c. saved

Science and Technology Grażyna Iskra 2 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


3. Wybierz właściwy czasownik i wstaw go w odpowiedniej formie.

1. My dad wants ____________________________ new garage by himself. I wonder if he will.
build / break / do
2. I’m thinking about ____________________________ my old computer. I need a more modern model.
repair / sell / buy
3. A food processor is used ____________________________ food into pieces.
prepare / keep / cut
4. Do you enjoy ____________________________ videos for your vlog?
make / publish / search
5. After ____________________________ the message, Rob realised that he hadn’t signed it.
get / send / read
6. Today Uncle Craig is planning ____________________________ at home and fix his old motorbike.
live / wash / stay
7. T
 he manager didn’t inform Brendon about ____________________________ plans for the new scientific project he
wanted to take part in.
change / move / start
8. Mary agreed ____________________________ my dad with a website for his new company.
create / help / write
9. Our IT teacher can’t stand anyone ____________________________ his computer without asking.
use / turn / surf
10. My brother promised ____________________________ my laptop at the weekend.
enter / type / fix

Science and Technology Grażyna Iskra 3 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


4. Wybierz właściwe wyrazy z ramki i przekształć je tak, by pasowały do zdań.

discover explore load mathematics play science set solve wash wire

1. MP3 _________________________________________________________ are not as popular as they used to be.

2. You can _________________________________________________________ some music legally from some websites for free.

3. The _________________________________________________________ of penicillin in 1928 led to the production of first antibiotics.

4. _________________________________________________________ headphones are very expensive, especially the latest models but
they’re really convenient to use.

5. In my opinion space _________________________________________________________ is one of the most exciting branches of


6. Archimedes was a famous Greek _________________________________________________________, physicist and astronomer.

7. You have to try to find a _________________________________________________________ to the problem.

8. When my father bought a _________________________________________________________, we stopped fighting over who would

wash up after meals.

9. In our chemistry class we often do some _________________________________________________________ experiments that help us
learn more.

10. If you want to change the _________________________________________________________ in your smartphone, go to the menu and
select the right option.

Science and Technology Grażyna Iskra 4 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


5. Pracujcie w parach. Odpowiedzcie na pytania pełnymi zdaniami.

1. Do you use microwave oven? Why? Why not?



2. Which device is the most important for you? Why?



3. How would you spend the day if there was no electricity for 24 hours?


4. Which smartphone functions are important for you? Why?



5. Which device do your grandparents not use? Why?



Science and Technology Grażyna Iskra 5 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

1. students’ own answers 4. 1.players,, 3.discovery, 4.wireless,
5.exploration, 6.mathematician, 7.solution,
2. 1.b, 2.c, 3.c, 4.a, 5.b, 6.b, 7.a, 8.b, 9.b, 10.c 8.dishwasher, 9.scientific, 10.settings

3. 1
 .to build, 2.selling, cut, 4.making, 5.sending, 5. students’ own answers stay, 7.changing, help, 9.using, fix

Science and Technology Grażyna Iskra 6 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Grażyna Iskra


1. Dopisz nazwy sportów do podanych kategorii.

1. Sports you like playing / doing: __________________________________ / __________________________________
2. Sports you’ve never played: __________________________________ / __________________________________
3. Sports which are boring: __________________________________ / __________________________________
4. Sports which are extreme: __________________________________ / __________________________________
5. Sports you’d like to try one day: __________________________________ / __________________________________


2. Zaznacz dwie odpowiedzi, które pasują do zdania.

1. I’m going to take up a new sport. I’d like to do judo / hockey / athletics.
2. I really enjoy watching team sports, especially baseball / rugby / the high jump.
3. Our class took part in the championship / tournament / training but we didn’t win anything.
4. The last time I won / scored / lost a game of tennis was two months ago.
5. The winning team received medals / a cup / a club and went on a one-week-trip to Gdańsk.
6. The cyclist / boxer / runner felt very tired after the race.
7. Extreme sports are so exciting, most of all ice skating / bungee jumping / parachuting.
8. T
 he athlete shouted with joy after breaking the record / missing the goal / beating the opponent at
the last moment.
9. You can do some winter sports on a/an course / slope / ice-rink.
10. When I go swimming, I always put on a cap / goggles / a helmet.

Sport Grażyna Iskra 1 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


3. Uzupełnij pytania o podkreśloną część zdania.

1. Gina works in the club as a personal coach.
___________________________________________________________________________ as a personal coach?
2. They’re buying new skates for their children.
___________________________________________________________________________ for their children?
3. The match ended in a draw.

4. I’ve been on a special diet for a week.

___________________________________________________________________________ on a special diet?
5. Kim is going to give up sport because she has to work more.
___________________________________________________________________________ sport?

6. Monica will probably train with Mary Lou at the weekend.

___________________________________________________________________________ at the weekend?

7. Hugo can come to the gym twice a week.

___________________________________________________________________________ to the gym?
8. The athletes were at the stadium when the storm started.
___________________________________________________________________________ when the storm started?

9. I would like to try white water rafting on Noce River in Italy.

___________________________________________________________________________ white water rafting?

10. We were sitting on a bench when we saw the two skiers crash.
___________________________________________________________________________ when we saw the two skiers crash?

Sport Grażyna Iskra 2 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


4. Wybierz poprawne tłumaczenie fragmentów w nawiasach. Zaznacz a, b lub c.

1. We went to the stadium _________(żeby kibicować) our team.
a. to enjoy with
b. to cheer on
c. to achieve
2. _________(Czy Peter King trenuje) with the first team on a regular basis?
a. Is Peter King training
b. Does Peter King train
c. Peter King is training
3. If you play _________(tak źle) next time, you will lose for sure.
a. so bad
b. really badly
c. that badly
4. When _________(gra się skończy), we will go home.
a. the game is over
b. the game will end
c. the game finished
5. Fernando Diaz _________(wygrał wyścig szkolny) three times this year.
a. has won the school race
b. won the championship
c. have won the tournament
6. _________(czy zamierzasz) your parents if you can go to the sports camp?
a. Have you asked
b. Are you going to ask
c. Will you ask
7. _________(Kto z was pojechał) scuba diving to Egypt last year?
a. Who of you went
b. Who did you go
c. Who has been
8. Our team played _________(przeciwko) your team two years ago.
a. with
b. for
c. against
9. What’s your _________(największe osiągnięcie) when it comes to sport?
a. the biggest success
b. greatest achievement
c. the best score
10. Next time _________(zrobię co w mojej mocy) to satisfy my supporters, said the champion.
a. I’ll do the job
b. I’ll do my best
c. I’ll do what I do

Sport Grażyna Iskra 3 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.


5. Opisz sport The Ultimate Freesbie wykorzystując podane informacje.

1. Participants: two teams of seven players

2. Object: score goals
3. Place: playing field with two goals
4. Time: non defined, until 15 goals are scored
5. Rules: passing disc in any direction – allowed, running with a disc – not allowed

The Ultimate = The Ultimate Freesbie

The Ultimate is an American sport ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������









Sport Grażyna Iskra 4 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

1. students’ own answers 4. 1.b, 2.b, 3.c, 4.a, 5.a, 6.b, 7.a, 8.c, 9.b, 10.b

2. 1
 .judo, athletics,, rugby, 3.championship, 5. suggested answer:
tournament, 4.won, lost, 5.medals, a cup, 6.cyclist, The Ultimate is an American sport played by two
runner, 7.bungee jumping, parachuting, 8.breaking teams consisting of seven players each. The object
the record, beating the opponent, 9.slope, rink, of the game is to score goals. The players play
10.a cap, goggles this sport on a playing field. There are two goals
at either end of the field. The time is not defined
3. 1
 .Where does Gina work, 2.What are they buying, – the game lasts until one team scores 15 goals.
3.How did the match end, 4.How long have you During the game you can pass the disc in any
been, 5.Why is Kim going to give up, 6.What will direction but you can’t run with the disc.
Monica probably do, 7.How often can Mark come,
8.Where were the athletes, 9.Where would you like
to try, 10.What were you doing

Sport Grażyna Iskra 5 Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN S.A.

Sięgnij po cyfrowe wsparcie
w nauczaniu języka angielskiego:
• multibook
• e-ćwiczenia, które można wysyłać uczniom
• e-testy z nagraniami i e-kartkówki
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PWN • cyfrowa wersja podręcznika dla uczniów.

Nasi specjaliści dzielą się najnowszą

wiedzą z zakresu metodyki nauczania
języków obcych, dydaktyki i psychologii.
na bezpłatne
i warsztaty Polub
nas na
Znajdziesz tam:
• dodatkowe materiały edukacyjne
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Twojego • zapowiedzi szkoleń oraz relacje z wydarzeń
Konsultanta • informacje o aktualnych promocjach.


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