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People ware

4.1 Definition of the People ware

People ware is the people who designed and build the
computer and those who manage and use the computer
system. It is the computer professional in the field of
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and
the computer users.

4.2 Computer Professional – They are people that

specialized in using computer to do one thing or the
other. They are trained to design computer parts and
write computer programs. They include:
 Computer Instructor/Educator/Teacher – This
is someone that teaches computer in any of
computer schools. He/ She knows the theory and
practical aspect of computer
 Computer Manager – This is someone that
specialized in control and management of
computer businesses. Computer manager makes
decision on how a particular job is done.
 Networking Engineer - This is a person who
specializes in linking or connecting computers
together that can share data.
 Computer Vendor - This is someone that sells
computer. Computer vendor buys computer from
the manufacturers to dealers and sell to the public.
 Computer System Analysts – these are people
who design the requirement used by the
programmers to write the computer programs.
They study the activities of any existing
organization, discover the problems existing
existing in the organization, plan solutions and
recommend software, application and system
methodologies to solve such problems. They also
coordinate the development of the software to
meet requirements.
 Computer System Designers
These are the people who design the models
for computer hardware. They define the
architecture, components, modules, interface

and data for a computer system to satisfy
specific requirement.
 Computer Technicians – These are the people
that troubleshoot, repair and maintain computer
hardware and software. They solve problems
associated with a computer. They also build or
configure new hardware, install and update
software packages and create and maintain
computer network.
 Computer System Administrators - These are
the people who monitors and ensure that the
computer operates properly and that users of the
computer have access to the computer. They
maintain operate a computer system or Network.
 Computer Software Engineers – These are the
people that apply the principles of software
engineering to design, develop, test and evaluate
computer software both system and application
 Computer Programmers – These are the people
that specialize in writing computer programs and

in using computer programming language. They
specialize in the writing, testing, correcting and
maintenance to computer programs.
 Database Administrators– These are the people
that manage the records of any organization stored
on the computers. They are responsible for the
design, implementation, maintenance, and repair of
an organization’s database.
 Computer Users – These are individual who used
computer in their daily activities to do their work.
They include students who used computer to type
their projects or assignments, teachers who used
computer to type examination questions, doctors
who used computer to type doctor’s report, etc.
Computer users are: students, teachers, doctors,
bankers, engineers, etc.
4.3 Computer Professional Bodies


5.1 Definition OF A Computer Virus

A computer virus is a sort of PC program that, when

executed, duplicates itself by changing other PC
programs and inserting its own code. It is a program
written deliberately to damage data in a computer. A
virus can badly or infect your computer without your
knowledge and alter the working of the computer. Once a
virus is in your computer, your files and operating system
may be damaged.

A PC virus is a kind of malware that connects to another

program (like a document), which can replicate and
spread after an individual first runs it on their framework.
For example, you could get an email with a virus attack,
open the document unknowingly, and afterward, your PC
will be infected with the virus. Some viruses are harmless
and simply freeze a computer temporarily or display
sounds or messages. Other viruses destroy or corrupt data
stored on the hard disk of the infected computer.

If your computer acts differently than usual, it may be
infected with a virus. Viruses attach themselves to
documents or files and move with them to the computer.
It is a malicious code intended to spread from one gadget
to another.

Examples of Computer Viruses

 Worm
 Trojan horse
 Rootkit
 Sleeper virus
 Alabama virus
 Logic bomb
 Christmas virus

5.2 Signs of Computer Virus

 Slowing down of the system.

 Displaying of unwanted messages.
 Frequent file corruption
 Presence of tiny dots.

 Incomplete booting or repeating booting.
 Loss of documents or files.

Causes of Computer Virus

Infected floppy disk or CD

Email viruses are spread by file attached to e-mail


Internet download

Illegal distribution of software

5.3 Modes of Transmission

Normally, computer viruses spread through malicious

online downloads, infected email, or by connecting
contaminated hardware like an external hard disk, or
flash drive.

It can spread through document sharing.

5.4 Preventive Measures

You should install an antivirus program to safeguard

your computer from virus attack and update it regularly.
An antivirus program protects a computer against viruses
by identifying and removing any computer virus found in
its memory, on its storage media or on incoming files.
These are many antivirus programs available in the

Examples of Antivirus programs available in the


Norton Anti-virus

McAfee Anti-virus

Dr Solomon’s Anti-virus

Kaspersky Anti-virus

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