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7th Offshore South East Asia

Conference, Singapore
2-5 February 1988
SPE 17685
OSEA 88174
Enhancing the Evaluation of PVT Data
by J.K. Drohm and W.H. Goldthorpe, Woodside Offshore Petroleum Pty. Ltd.,
and R. Trengove, Murdoch U. (Australia)

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 7th Offshore South East Asia Conference held in Singapore,
2-5 February 1988. This paper was selected for presentation by a programme committee following review of information in an
abstract. Contents of the paper have not been reviewed by OSEA and are subject to correction by the author(s).

ABSTRACT subsequently used to predict the fluid phase

behaviour in numerical reservoir simulations,
A procedure for evaluating the quality and which can provide insight into the effects of
consistency of PVT data is presented. This different production strategies. In contrast to
procedure uses the material balance and the this, EOS characterisations in the field of
associated error analysis for investigating process engineering are often primarily (if not
experimental accuracy, and to identify the solely) based on an extended compositional
sources of erratic data. The use of this method analysis (sometimes up to C4o) of the fluid.
to 'correct' erratic data is illustrated for a Considering the number of degrees of freedom in
near-critical or volatile oil and a gas- process design, it is not surprising that few
condensate. experiments are conducted. Nevertheless, because
equations of state are relied on so heavily, it
should be recognised that a compositional
INTRODUCTION analysis alone i~ insufficient to furnish a
reliable characterisation. The experiments of.
The need for sampling of petroleum reservoir the reservoir engineer are therefore a good
fluids and the subsequent experimental source ot additional data.
determination of their properties has grown in
the last decade with the increased cost and In this paper we review the conventional PVT
complexity of recovering hydrocarbons. Reservoir experiments used by reservoir engineers: the
recovery mechanisms relying on compositional constant composition expansion, the differential
effects (such as COz flooding or gas cycling), liberation and the constant volume depletion.
and the construction of more elaborate surface The data obtained from these experiments can be
processing plants (e.g. LNG and LPG) have used in many different calculations, and
created a situation where engineers must now use should form the basis of EOS characterisations.
mathematical models to understand and predict Our main aim is to demonstrate an improved
phase behaviour in a whole range of 'methodology' for evaluating the quality of the
circumstances. It has therefore become data, whether it is needed within or outside the
imperative that the experimental data used for reservoir engineering environment. The method
generating a mathematical description of a makes use of material balance calculations and
particular fluid be of the highest quality. an error analysis coupled with a new variation
Despite development in the theory and use of of the black oil PVT representation, recently
equations of state (EOS) over the last twenty presented by Drohm and Goldthorpe 1 •
years, the commercial experiments performed on
fluids to understand their behaviour have hardly The application of the material balance
changed. The gulf that now exists between the calculations to experimental PVT for the
accuracy of some experiments and the accuracy calculation of fluid properties was first
actually required can result in erroneous outlined by Reudelhuber and Hinds 2 in 1957.
predictions from equations of state, however However their treatment never achieved wide
good they may be. acceptance. In 1983 Whitson and Torp 3 presented
the work of Reudelhuber and Hinds in a clear and
Traditionally the more sophisticated experiments usable manner, using current SPE nomenclature.
carried out on naturally occurring hydrocarbon In addition they coupled this treatment to a
mixtures have been closely allied to the method for calculating black oil PVT parameters
anticipated behaviour of the originating first suggested by Dodson, Goodwill and Mayer 4 ·
reservoir as the pressure declines. Reservoir in 1953. However, Whitson and Torp advocated the
engineers have used this data 'for global use of equations of state rather than the
material balance calculations and also for complicated sampling procedure favoured by
characterising the fluid with an equation of Dodson et. al. Drohm and Goldthorpe reformulated
state(EOS). This EOS characterisation is the black oil PVT representation so that, whilst
improving the accuracy of numerical reservoir
References and illustrations at end of paper


simulations, the PVT parameters can be obtained Th·e only difference between each experiment is
directly from the experimentally determined the amount of vapour removed from the cell after
properties. As a consequence these parameters each step, before the next pressure depletion
not only reproduce the data exactly but also step is performed. In the CCE no vapour is
reflect all the errors and inaccuracies that removed at all (constant composition), in the
occur in that data. In- particular erratic and CVD the vapour volume in excess of the original
sometimes even nonphysical values of the total cell volume is removed, and for the DLB
parameters result. all vapour is removed.

It will be shown that, although it is not always The CCE is applied to all reservoir fluids to
possible to trace back and repair determine the saturation pressure and fluid
irregularities, quite often the sources of compressibility above that pressure. If the
observed unexpected or nonphysical behaviour can experiment is conducted in a blind cell so that
be identified. This .will depend to a certain the volumes of liquid and vapour in equilibrium
extent on the particular fluid under at each pressure cannot be measured the result
consideration. Nevertheless, it will become is called a PV relation. Note that the above
obvious that additional measurements, not experiments could be carried out at different
included in the standard experimental procedures temperatures other than the reservoir
can improve the quality of the data, or at least temperature in order to gain extra information
provide an independent crosscheck. The standard on the two phase states of a fluid.
practice of smoothing experimental data by most
PVT laboratories in order to obtain The common practice of not measuring, or at
'consistency' is to be avoided since it masks least not reporting, the amount and composition
the real quality of the data, and sometimes can of the produced vapour in the DLB experiments
actually create erratic phase properties upon prevents the application of a component material
the application of the material balance. balance. This severely curtails its use beyond
the derivation of conventional black oil PVT
We first briefly describe the standard PVT parameters as outlined by Moses~. Reports on DLB
experiments. Subsequently the material balance experiments should contain all information found
is treated. The black oil mass PVT represen- in CVD reports.
tation is summarised. Using the error analysis,
extensively treated in the appendix, two
examples are worked through. The paper concludes THE COMPONENT MATERIAL BALANCE
with recommendations.
Consider the contents of a PVT cell at pressure
step k in a standard experiment which started
STANDARD PHASE BEHAVIOUR EXPERIMENTS FOR with a.unit mass of fluid. The mass of component
HYDROCARBON RESERVOIR FLUIDS j in the liquid in the cell equals the mass
fraction of that component in the initial fluid
Laboratory experiments on hydrocarbon fluids can minus the produced fraction of the initial
in principle be tailored to investigate many . amount minus the fraction remaining in the
different aspects of phase behaviour, including vapour phase in the cell:
PVT relations and compositional analyses in both
the single and two phase states. -Over the years
some particularly useful experiments have been
standardised and offered to the petroleum
industry by commercial PVT laboratories. The Here quantities with a hat denote component mass
most common of these for phase behaviour studies fractions _( :!: iJ = 1 ) . For readers' convenience
constant composition expansion (CCE) the more famlliar component ~Q!~ balance is
- constant volume depletion (CVD) desribed in appendix A. With a view to future
- differential liberation (DLB) usage we continue with the mass formulation.
If we subdivide the types of hydrocarbon The total mass in the cell at step k after
reservoir fluids into non-critical (black, production is given by:
heavy) oils, near-critical (volatile, light)
oils, gas-condensates and dry gas, then the 1 - "~
I "· 1
n1 •••••••••••••••••••••••• (2)
above experiments are applied as follows :
- non-critical oil CCE, DLB The total liquid mass can be obtained from
- near-critical oil CCE, DLB, CVD equation (1).
- gas-condensate CCE, CVD
s p~
- dry gas CCE
Mt J ~1 X.n = 1 - I="
~ n1 -
(1 - s~ > (3)
The common feature of these experiments is the
use of a high pressure PVT cell. This cell is and the liquid density becomes
fillerl with reservoir fluid (obtained eith~~
from bottom-hole sampling or recombining
separator oil and gas) at a pressure equal to
the reservoir pressure (CCE) br the saturation
pressure (DLB,CVD). A series of discrete
pressure reduction steps allowing vapour liquid
equilibrium to be attained is then performed.


= (1 - s~ » ... . (4 > •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ( 8)
The vapour densities can he obtained from the
reported vapour compressibility factors by i •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (9)
applying the real gas law y~

The "formation volume factors"· are now inverted

·v partial densities:
Mt Pk
= •••••••••••••••••••••••••• (5)
z: RT VL
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (10)
where K:
indicates the molecular weight of the
vapour at pressure Pk. For an initial mass of
fluid M0 , equation (3) can therefore he expanded
to ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (11)

- 1=1
zr R T where yL and v' denote the volumes of the
phases "in the PVT cell. The equations relating
these quantities to the conditions in the cell
(V~- V~) •••••••••• (6)

vL Bo
rs ~ •••••••••••••• (12)

v: represents the produced volume from the PVT 1. Rs rs

cell, V~ represents· the total cell volume and v~
represents the total liquid volume in the cell,
at step k. This equation provides insight into v' Bsr
~ Ra M'~
••••••••••••• (13)
the errors associated with the material balance 1 - Rs rs
calculations. ·These ~re discussed in Appendix B.
1 + R8
•••••••••••••••••••••• (14)
In reservoi~ engineering black oil PVT is an
often used representation of phase
behaviour. Recently Drohm and Goldthorpe1 1 + r8
proposed an adapted version in which the primary p = •••••••••••••••••••••• (15)
quantities are masses of two pseudo-components Bsr
instead of surface volumes of oil and gas. This
adap.tation allows for the direct use of where M' and M' indicate the total mass of the
experimental PVT data in the calculation of light a~d heav~ pseudo-component in the cell.
black oil parameters, while at the same time By way of .~xample the total liquid mass is given
providing insight into the eventual short- by
comings of that data. Interpolation and, if
necessary, smoothing of data is facilitated by ML = PL yL
this formulation.
1 + R8 ) ••••••••• (16)
Pseudo-components are obtained by grouping the 1 - R8 r 8
real components in a fluid. A pseUdo-component
mass fraction is simply given by the sum of mass Note that the split in ~ and ~ is arbitrary hut
fractions of the contributing real components the parameters R8 , r 8 , B0 and Bsr must he
positive irrespective of the actual grouping.
ZCI = JfCI iJ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (7)
We denote by the mass fraction of
pseudo-componen~ u, and the summation is over In the conventional PVT experiments described in
the real components j in pseudo-component u. An this paper, the liquid phase properties
arbitrary hut convenient way of splitting a (composition, mass and density) are all
fluid into two pseudo-components is by grouping calculated from the material balance using
all light physical components into a light equations (1), (3) and (4). Renee, the errors in
pseudo-component indicated by ~, with the the experimentally determined quantities
remaining components making u~ the heavy pseudo- appearing on the right side of these equations
component ~. We then define are compounded to produce errors in the derived
liquid quantities. Identification of the reasons
for erratic or nonphysical data from an -
experiment is simplified by a consideration of

the various contributing error sources. We have liquid films, very small liquid volumes). In
therefore provided an error analysis and that case there would be no g.ain from further
description in Appendix B. experimental work, and the "repaired data

should be used in preference to the original

The analysis of a large number of fluids data.
has shown that erratic data derived from the It is important to realise that in no case can
. component balance arise primarily from the modifications made in step 5 be proven to be
measurements of the extensive parameters n1 and either unique or correct, mainly because the
s~, that is the produced quantity of vapour
and the liquid saturation at each pressure step. measured data do not allow for an independent
Of course the errors resulting from an consistency check. Nevertheless they indicate
experiment may be manifested in obvious ways, where close investigation of reported data is
e.g. negative component mole fractions, and required. ·
negative liquid masses. Consequently we
recommend that a material balance calculation be EXAMPLES
performed concurrently with a CVD or DLB
experiment to determine if measurements at a We provide two examples that serve to illustrate
pressure step will at least give physically real the evaluation procedure. In addition we will
data. It may also be possible to check see that
productions and liquid saturations if the data - for obviously erroneous data, common sense
is amiss. is often enough to make repairs, and
- if the irregularities are only mild, then
In the event that the material balance gives repairing the data becomes tricky and is often
non-negative compositions, our experience has
been that the liquid density is the most incomplete.
sensitive parameter in the system. It picks up The first example is the CVD experiment on an
and amplifies virtually every irregularity in oil described in the original paper on
the other parameters (Appendix B, equation B.3). constant volume depletions Reudelhuber and
Another useful parameter is the pseudo-component Hindsz. It shows that an irregularity can not
mass R8 which can reflect compositional always be attributed to an error in any
irregularities in the liquid arising from one single parameter, but at least it points to
incorrect productions or liquid saturations. a weak spot in the data.
Based on these observations, the following
procedure can be adopted for evaluating the The second example is a CVD experiment on a
conventional CVD and DLB experiments after they near-critical gas-condensate from a paper by
have been completed · MosesB on the use of PVT in reservoir
1) Perform a component material balance and engineering applications. The liquid saturations
check for nonphysical compositions. had to be obtained from elsewhere6 , despite the
2) Calculate the liquid densities and pseudo- author's viewpoint that they form an essential
component R8 values, and plot as functions part of the experimental data set. We also give
of pressure. the CCE data of the same fluid, also not
If CCE data is also available over the provided by Moses.
pressure range to the first CVD or DLB step,
then additional liquid densities can be Volatile oil example
determined by interpolating vapour densities
and using measured saturations. Additional R8 Table 1 gives the quantitative experimental data
values can be calculated by interpolating r 8 available from the Reudelhuber and Rinds paper.
and inverting equation (16). Figure 1 shows the extensive parameters, liquid
3) Identify pressures at which irregularities saturation, fractional mass production, and
occur in pL and/or R8 • independently determined vapour density, which
4) Determine whether the most likely cause of all look very reasonable. Figure 2 shows the
the irregularity is an error in the produced liquid density as obtained from the balance
vapour mass and/or an error in the liquid calculation. (solid line). The initial density is
saturation. This will generally depend on the determined independently (ie not from material
fluid type (see Appendix B). · balance). Clearly there is a 'kink' in the
5) Make modifications to the produced vapour density curve, for which two reasons can be
mass and/or the liquid saturation that remove suggested
the irregularities in pL and/or R8 • Repeat - wrong liquid saturations. This is unlikely
the material balance calculations. This step in view of their big~ values, although with a
will always require some trial and error. volatile oil it is not imp~ssible that
6) The magnitude of the modifications in step 5 insufficient equilibration times cause the
will give an indication of whether an experi- measured liquid saturations to be in error.
ment should be repeated. For example an - irregularities in the production. This would
erroneous produced vapour mass may point to a leave the initial density unchanged and only
need for better chromatography and molecular change the densities at lower pressure.
weight determination. If an incorrect liquid
saturation is found, this 1may imply a need Since the kink in the density curve already
for longer equilibration times. occurs at P1 , n1 may be the cause of the
Alternatively, it may not be possible to problem. Reudelhuber and Rinds in their paper
improve the liquid volume measurement due to also graphically display the results of the PV
equipment limitations (e.g. dead volumes,


relation. This indicates that the volume Therefore one may conclude, through common
increas~ at P1 could be as much as 15' w.r.t. sense, that liquid volumes close to the dewpoint
the voluae at saturation pressure. Using the can be orders of magnitude out. Figure 5 shows
measured vapour density, this corresponds two very acceptable curves for B0 and R8 (dashed).
to a mass fraction recovery of The final picture now looks fairly consistent.


[ ~··· ] Po
:IS 0.095 the standard practice of smoothing
experimental data by most PVT laboratories
in order to obtain 'consistency' is to be
reports on differential liberation
whilst the one obtained from the CVD is as low experiments should contain all information
as 0.060. Repeating the material balance on the found in constant volume depletion
CVD using the 'corrected' production curve experiments
(Figure 2 dashed) gives new liquid densities material balance calculations should be
(Figure 2 dashed). The kink is still there performed concurrently with a constant
although not as marked as before. Admittedly the volume depletion or differential liberation
recovery curve now also shows a kink, so the experiment in order to check data and take
conclusion must be that its correction is at corrective action if possible
most a partial solution. The liquid saturation 'smoothness' and common sense are often
may also be in error by up to 5' due to enough to at least trace if not improve
inadequate equilibration times because of the experimental data problems
near-critical nature of the fluid. The main liquid density is a very useful parameter for
message however, is that an irregularity in the the screening of PVT data quality since it is
liquid density was able to cast doubt on the affected most by inaccuracies in the
recovery data that otherwise looked completely productions and liquid saturations, which
regular. Nevertheless the experiment is are most prone to inaccuracies anyway.
generally of reasonable quality and one could apply or develop non-destructive techniques
accept the kink in the liquid density. to measure the insitu liquid (and vapour)
density in the cell itself. With this
Gas-condensate example capability CCE experiments could already
provide most.information needed for
Tabl~ 2.shows all experimental ·data available the conventional black oil PVT description
from the CVD and CCE experiments on this near- (see reference 7 Appendix C for example)
critical gas-condensate. Figure 3 shows the
usual liquid saturation curve, recovery curve
and the vapour density curve. Also indicated are Nomenclature
the CCE liquid saturations (crosses). They
indicate a strong 'tail-like' shape of the reservoir liquid formation volume
saturation curve close to the dewpoint. Figure 4 factor
shows the liquid density as obtained from the reservoir vapour formation volume
material balance on the experimental data. Again factor
a kink is very apparent and accompanies liquid total mass of fluid in the cell at
density trends in contrast with the near~ pressure step k
critical nature of the gas condensate. Using mass of liquid in the cell at
interpolated vapour densities from the CCE data, p_ressure step k
the resulting liquid densities become molecular weight of the vapour at
nonphysical, ranging up to 3600 kg/m 3 • The R8 - pressure step k
curve ( C4 _, C5 + pseudo-component split) in total mass of the pseudo-component a
Figure 5 also appears to indicate an erroneous in the cell
composition at pressure P1 • _ ~Jk number of moles of component j in the
liquid in the cell at pressure step k
The obvious candidate for the cause of the number of moles of liquid in the cell
problems is the liquid saturations. If we impose at _pressure step k
a new density on the liquid at P1 (34575 kPa) by number of moles of component j in the
linear extrapolation· from the lower pressures vapour in the cell at pressure step k
(see Figure 4 dashed line) equation (4) can be number of moles of vapour in the cell
inverted to yield a new S~ which moves from 8' llvk
at pressure step k
to about 15' of the initial cell volume, almost pressure at pressure step k
double. If we now linearly interpolate these universal gas constant
liquid saturations (Figure 4 dashed) and apply gas-oil ratio of reservoir liquid
them to the CCE data, the resulting liquid oil-gas ratio of reservoir vapour
densities only range from 580 to 610 kg/m 3 ,
instead of up to 3600 kg/m 3 • liquid saturation in the cell at
pressure step k
Putting them on the extrapolated liquid density temperature
curve would make the liquid saturation curve volume of the cell at pressure step k
slightly steeper close to the dewpoint.
volume of the liquid phase in the PVT


volume of vapour produced from the
cell at pressure step i 1. Drohm, J.K. and Goldthorpe, W.H., 'Black Oil
vrk total cell volume at pressure step k PVT Revisited - The Use of Pseudo-Component Mass
vv volume of the vapour phase in the PVT for an Exact Material Balance' submitted SPE
cell Reservoir Engineering, SPENo. 17081.
XJk mass (or mole fraction} of component j
in the liquid at pressure step k 2. Reudelhuber, F.O. and Hinds, R.F., 'A
- mass of the pseudo-component a in the Compositional Material Balance Method for
xa Prediction of Recovery from Volatile Oil
YJk mass (or mole fraction) of component j Depletion Drive Reservoirs' Petroleum
in the vapour at pressure step k Transactions, AIME, 1957, 210 19-26.
iJ1 - mass fraction'of component j in the
produced vapour at pressure step i 3. Whitson, C.H. and Torp, S.B., 'Evaluating
mass of the pseudo-component a in the Constant-Volume Depletion Data' Journal of
vapour Petroleum Technology, March 1983, 35 610-620.
zvk Z-factor of the vapour in the PVT
cell at pressure step k 4. Dodson, C.R., Goodwill, D. and Mayer, E.H.,
'Application of Laboratory PVT Data to Reservoir
za - mass fraction of pseudo-component a
in the cell Engineering Problems' Petroleum Transactions,
ZJk mass (or mole fraction) of component AIME, 1953, 198 287-298.
in the cell at pressure step k
zJk - mass fraction of component j in the 5. Moses, P.L., 'Engineering applications of
cell at pressure step k Phase behaviour of Crude Oil and Condensate
4np1 number of moles of vapour produced at Systems' Journal of Petroleum Technology, July
pressure step i 1986, 38 715-723.
111 - mole percent of initial fluid in the
cell, of produced vapour at pressure 6. 'A Course in the Phase Behaviour of
step i. Hydrocarbon Reservoir Fluids' Reservoir Fluid
Analysis Department, Core Laboratories, Inc.
density of the liquid p·hase in the PVT
cell at pressure step k 7. Coats, K.H., 'Simulation of Gas Condensate
density of vapour in the cell at Reservoir Performance' Journal of Petroleum
pressure step k Technology, October 1985, 17 1870-1886.
Po density of fluid initially present in
the cell
Subscripts and superscripts APPENDIX A
i,k ~elate to the pressure step The component mass balance for a standard PVT
j relates to the component experiment starting with unit mass of reservoir
o relates to the initial cell fluid fluid at the saturation pressure was presented
L relates to the liquid phase in the text. Normal practice, however, is to
V relates to the vapour phase report experimental data in terms of moles and
T indicates the total in the cell mole fractions. We therefore provide component
a,~,X - relate to the pseudo-components with mole balance equations using current SPE
A and ~ 4esignating the light and nomenclature. Assume the PVT cell is filled with
heavy pseudo-components respectively one mole of fluid at the saturation pressure
(pressure stage k = 0). Let zJk be the total
mole fraction of component j in the cell at
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS pressure step k, xJk the mole fraction in the
liquid phase, and yJk the mole fraction in the
The authors wish to thank the Joint Venture vapour phase. The.number of moles of component j
Participants and the Management of Woodside in the liquid at step k is given by (cf equation
Offshore Petroleum Pty. Ltd. for permission to (1)) :
present this paper. The participants in the
Domestic Gas Phase of the North West Shelf Joint ZJo -~~~tl~t YJI - nvkYik •••• (A.1)
Venture are Woodside Petroleum Ltd. (through
subsidiaries), B.P. Developments Australia where nL k , llv k are the number of moles of liquid
Limited, California Asiatic Oil Company, Shell and vapour respectively, and tlnP 1 is the number
Development (Australia) Pty. Ltd. and B.H.P. of moles of vapour removed from the cell at
Petroleum Pty. Ltd. pressure step i.
Denote nLJk xJk nLk anrl uVJk yJk n\. 1,.
Note that the views contained within this paper Equation (A.l) can be expanded using the real
are those of the authors and are not necessarily gas law to give
those of all Participants of the Joint Venture.
k pk V~ ll I I
nLlk= ZJo- ~ tln".tYJt- Y11 - - - (1- SLd
R.D. Trengove gratefully acknowledges the 1 1 Z~;RT
support of a National Research Fellowship, under
which this work was carried out. where Pk is the pressure at step k, Zk is the
v~po~r compres~ibility factor,c:?~ S1 k 1s the
llqu1d satur~.H?n, s.. k= V~_k/ V0 • For a gas-
condensate v~· can be found at the saturation


pressure from the real gas law and hence M: represents the cumulative produced mass up
to and including step k, ie
k pk zo k
~Jk= ZJo-1~14~1 yJ1- YJk (1- SLk) (A.3) MPk Mo 1 ~1 n1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• (B. 4)
zk Po

For a differential liberation experiment all the The first two differentials in equation (8.2)
vapour is removed so equation (A.3) reduces to and (8.3) represent the error in the total mass
in the cell at step k.
k We can observe the following from equations
~Jk = ZJo -1:14~1YJ1 •••••••••••••••••••(A.4) (8.2) and (8.3) :
- for experiments where liquid saturations ~re
large (DLB and near-critical oil CVD) errors in
APPENDIX B the liquid mass and density will be influenced
In order to appreciate the error sources in the primarily by errors in the produced vapour
calculation of the liquid mass and density in a masses
CVD or DLB experiment, we reproduce equation (6) - for experiments where the liquid saturations
which includes the main quantities determined are low (lean gas-condensate CVD) the error in
during the experiment. The equation is no longer the liquid density will be influenced primarily
on a unit mass basis as there is sometimes an by the error in the measured liquid saturation.
error introduced in obtaining the initial mass. The error in the total mass in the PVT cell at
Suppose the measured initial volume of the PVT step k is due to a combination of uncertainties
cell filled with a reservoir fluid at the in a number of measured quantities. In the first
saturation pressure is V0 , and that the density instance, the initial mass of fluid in the cell
of the fluid has been determined as p0 • The at saturation pressure is determined from the
initial mass in the cell is simply p0 V0 • The measured composition and component molecular
mass of liquid that would actually be in the weights. Significant errors can arise in
cell at pressure step k is given by obtaining the molecular weight and mole fraction
of the lumped heavy component (e.g. C7 +), and
therefore in calculating the initial fluid mass.
Secondly, the mass of vapour produced at each
K~ = - l:
zr R T
pressure step is subject not only to the
composition related errors but also to the
uncertainty in the number of produced moles.
~v This later quantity is calculated from the
Kk pk measurement of a gas volume at standard
(V~- V~) •••••••• (8.1) conditions and application of the ideal gas law,
z: R T plus the measurement of a liquid mass and
average molecular weight. Combining these into
~ represents the produced volume from the
the produced moles at the pressure step
PVT cell, V~ represents the total cell volume introduces the error in the produced mass.
and V~ represents the liquid volume in the cell,
at step i or k respectively. The liquid density The density of the vapour in the PVT cell is
is given by K~ I V~ • determined using the real gas law. Errors in the
measurement of pressure and temperature can
Equation (B.l) clearly indicates the quantiti~s effectively be ignored. The total error in the
that are obtained during an experiment. Some of vapour density is therefore caused by the
these must be derived after a series of uncertainties in the molecular weight of the
measurements is made, e.g. Mv and zv. Before vapour· (essentially the error in the lumped
discussing the contributions to the errors in ML heavy fraction molecular weight), and the
and pL, however, it is expedient to write the vapour compressibility factor. This is
total error in ~ and pL as a combination of calculated from the number of moles of vapour
the errors in the primary parameters used in our produced at pressure step k, its volume at cell
evaluation procedure, namely masses, densities conditions, and the temperature and pressure.
and saturations •. Thus, all errors in the produced moles are
Consider the total differentials of the liquid carried through to the compressibility factors.
mass K~ and density p~ at pressure step k (we
assume that the initial cell volume has The remaining source of uncertainty in the
negligible error): calculation of liquid mass or density results
from the measurement of the liquid saturation,
at cell conditions. This uncertainty is
d~ = dK 0 - dK= - V0 (1ooS~)dp: - V0 p: dS~ (8.2) dependent on the amount of liquid in the cell
and the time allowed for the two phases to reach
dM0 dK/ thermodynamic equilibrium. The measured liquid
dp~ volume will not include any liquid film on the
s~ V0 s~ V0 cell walls, or liquid trapped by surface tension
in 'dead' volumes. For non-critical and near-
TI critical oils this effect is small. In the case
(1-S~) (p: - (Kk I V0 ))
of gas-condensates (particurlarly lean fluids)
dp:- dS~ (8.3) large errors may result. The problem of
SLk < s~ >z insufficient equilibration times can occur with
all fluids.


Pressure fkPa)
33162 27611 21475 16028 9823 4859

Vapour Coaposition
(aole '~
liz 0.24 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.28
COz 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.32
C1 66.83 75.94 79.34 80.87 80.74 77.75
Cz 8.28 8.23 8.29 8.44 8.85 9.90
C:a 5.15 4.59 4.41 4.35 4.65 5.69
i - c.. 1.04 0.90 0.77 0.75 0.77 0.94
.D - c.. 2.27 1.93 1.73 1.57 1.61 2.08
i - Ca 1.00 0.78 0.64 0.55 0.54 0.64
.D -Ca 1.04 0.84 0.67 0.57 0.57 0.70
c. 1.85 1.24 0.90 0.72 0.65 ,0. 73
C7+ 12.03 5.01 2.70 1.61 1.04 0.97

C7+ aolecular
weight 182 144 123 115 112 112

Vapour z factor 1.042 0.924 0.848 0.845 0.879 0.929

Production (aole ') 0.0 9.054 22.100 36.318 55.083 70.880
Liquid saturation
(' of cell voluae) 100.00 50.35 45.80 42.50 37.93 34.50


Pressure lkPa~
41539 41125 40780 40091 38712 36643 34575 27680 20786 14580 8375 4928
Vapour Coapo•ition
iaole 'l
•z 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.11
COz 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
C1 68.93 70.69 73.60 76.60 77.77 77.04 75.13
Cz 8.63 8.67 8.72 8.82 8.96 9.37 9.82
c. 5.34 5.26 5.20 5.16 5.16 5.44 5.90
i- c.. 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.01 1.01 1.10 1.26
.D- c.. 2.33 2.21 2.09 1.99 1.98 2.15 2.45
i - Ca 0.93 0.86 0.78 0.73 0.72 0. 77 0.87
.D - Ca 0.85 0.76 0.70 0.65 0.63 0.68 0.78
c. 1. 73 1.48 1.25 1.08 1.01 1.07 1.25
C7+ 9.99 8.84 6.48 3.82 2.62 2.25 2.42
C7+ aolecular
weight 158 146 134 123 115 110 109
Vapour Z factor 1.140 1.015 0.897 0.853 0.865 0.902 0.938
Production (aole ') 0.0 6.624 17.478 32.927 49.901 68.146 77.902
Liquid saturation
'' of cell voluae) 0.0 trace 0.1 0.2 0.5 2.0 7.8 21.3 25.0 24.4 22.5 21.0
Total Cell Voluae 1.00 1.0034 1.0076 1.0138 1.0267 1.0481 1.0749
+ CCE data point only (see reference 6)
* CCE and CVD data points

-.s 11.-ooucnoN (~ON) M.QS P"<)OUCTION (~ON)
,OQ ,10 .ao .150 .oo ,10 .20 .~ .40 ,150
UQUIO ....TU-TION (l"'''ttiCTTCIN)
.oo .20 ,40 .eo 1,00

\ ,I' /I
\ /
\ // I
\ / / I
\ / / I
~ / / I
I '' / /
' /


/ "" /
I '\.

/ ", '\.

;' '\. / I
I' '\. / I
I / '\. / I
i I '\. / I
fi // ' ,I


1/ / I
,/ '/ b

0, 110, I 00, 1 110. 200. 2150, .10Q,
2110. DO. ..0, 1180, 8110, 7110.

Fig. 1 Volatile ollllqukluturetlon, frectiOMI mMI production end Vllpour denllty. Fig. 7 Volatile oil liquid denllty end m... production; original end modltled.

,.,... II"<)OUcnON (~ON)

.oo ,10 .ao .40 ,110 .150


.oo .oe ,to .us .2o .211



100, aoo. ~o. 400. 1500.

V~U" DEN811Y (1<0/M~) Fig. 3 Gacondenutellqulcl..turatlon (CCEend CVD), maeprocludlon
end Vllpour denllty.

.oo .oo ,10 ,10 .ao .ao •.10
P+-------~------~----~------_. _______.______~


I: 'i~
00 I
~ ....

i) I

eeo. 100. 110. 700.
1..101.110 DENIIT"'' (ICO/Nol) Fig. 4 Gal conden•t• liquid den1lty and liquid •turaUon; original and

.0 ("II, Wol/ICO)
.0010 .ooao
__________ .ooae
.___________ ._________.00.10 ~


j +---....-....-.----..-------.,.--.-l
.oo .10 .ao •.10 .40 .eo .eo
"I (MO/ICO) Fig. 5 G•• conden•t• black otl parametel"' 8 0 and R,; original and


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