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Red suits you better than black.

I was in the classroom / in a cafe.

Points of time ex yesterday

Who were you in Greece with?

Where were you last summer?
When were you in Greece?
Were you sick last week? = Were you ill last week?
Where were you in Spain last time?

When where you born?

I was born on 22nd June.
(the) (of)
Where were you born? I was born in Bytom.
When were your father born?

Chips (A) Fried chips (GB)

Are you ready for order? = Can I take your order?

Would you like any starter?
Can we have a menu please?
Are there main courses of the day?
What would you recommend?
What is pork chop served with?
Steak rare (krwisty) – medium – well done
How long will we have to wait?
What would you like to drink?
Would you like to have a dessert?
How would you like to pay? In cash? By card?
Keep the change please – forma napiwku
overcooked potatoe – rozgotowane
grilled – grillowany fried – usmaźony
We are run out of green bean – skończył się zielony groszek
br eak up – rozejść się
usual story – zwykła historia
Can I ask you something personal? Czy mogę Ci zadać osobiste pytanie?
Enjoy your meal! Smacznego
Did you enjoy your dinner?
It's not my day today!

Shall we go to the mountains for the weekend? That's good (great) idea.
Attend English classes systematically.

What are you doing this weekend?

Are you going to study English next year?
Scrambled eggs – jajecznica
pancakes – nale
Who do you think will win the next elections?
Do you think it will rain tomorrow?
How often do you remember your dreams?

Lend sb borrow fm sb
think of ---> gdy mówimy o obrazie, filmie. Pozostałe przypadki about

When are you leaving?

When is she coming back?
Are they staying at home this weekend?
Where is he going next weekend?
What are you going to watch?
What are they going to do?
Is he going to work as a waiter?
I am going to stay at my friends'.
We aren't going to fly by plane. Or go
She isn't going to buy this newspaper.
Everything will be all right. Ok
Good luck!
You will pass this exam.
Don't worry.
I will lend you some money.
I'm sure you'll be happy.
I'm afraid I won't understand a word.
I'm afraid they won't win.
I'm afraid he wont't give you this book back.
I'am afraid it ''ll rain tomorrow
Shall I answer the phone?
Shall Iturn on the light?
Shall i do the shopping?
Shall I pass on the message?
Shall I help you? Czy mam
I hope so.
I hope not.
I thing so.
I don't think so.
Could I talk to you for a moment?
Could I 've a word with you?
Could you lend me 50 Eur?
Could we have a bill, please? Or check
It depends.
I'll go to the bank early in the morninng.
There is a mistake in this bill/check.
There was a lovely dinner.
Shall we go for a walk.
Where shall we go?
We could have some coffee.
Take a day off.I'm looking forward to seeing you.
It won't hurt.
Tomorrow I will go on a trip to Wisła?

Take one's driving test - zdawać

Revise the material – powtarzać
It maches ---> the blue skirt matches my jacket
fit – pasuje rozmiarem
suit – w znaczeniu dobrze wygląda

Where were you at dentist's last time?

31 Abbey Road
Liverpool LV6 2HL
25th October 2022

Dear Miriam,

Thanks a lot for your letter. I am very glad that at the end you have decided to come and visit
Liverpool. I am sure we will have a nice time here.
Please inform me at what time you are arriving at Pyrzowice airport. I will pick you up from the airport
and we will go to your hotel. I will book a single room for you. How long will you stay with us?
I have a few friends, who would like to meet you. I will organise a party. Is there anything you can't
eat or drink? I will buy a few bottles of red wine and prepare a vegetable salad.
What are your plans? Are you going to visit University next day? You will meet your teacher there. Are
you going to go back to Poand after the end of the course immediately?

Looking forward to heatring from you,

Best regards,


P.S. I will wait for you at the airport. I will have a newspaper at my hand, so you can recognize me.

Comb – grzebień
pronounce – wymawiać
What's the purpose of your visit?
break out the fire – wybuchł pożar
What's happen to them?
Anything to drink?
From rags to riches – od nędzarza do bogacza
go bankrupt - zbankrutować
cloth (ubrania) ---> wear, buy, try on, put on, take off
shop = store (am)
chain of Zara stores
give interview – udzielać wywaiadu
incredible – szalenie, niewiarygodnie
keep going – ciągle coś robić
modest person – skromna osoba
waistcoat - kamizelka
to dream of – marzyć o + gerund
casual clotthes – zwycczajne ubranie
price tag – metka
bargain – okazja
funeral – pogrzeb
wedding – ślub
formal meeting – oficjalne spotkanie
waste of time – strata czasu
it's tiring for me – męczące dla mnie
door step - próg
at the door - przy drzwiach
be addicted to doing on-line shopping/taking drugs – być uzależnionym od
to tell you truth – prawdę mówiąc
shopaholism – uzależnienie od zakupów
pedestrian – przechodzien
quite happy – całkiem zadowolona
get dirty – brudzić się
a scarf – apaszka
at Barcelona Airport

Present Perfect Tense

- do wyrażenia czynności przeszłej, której skutki odczuwane są w teraźniejszości
I have broken my leg. I can't leave home
She's lost her identification card. She can't go abroad.

- dla wyrażenia czynnności, które odbyły się w przeszłości, ale moment, w którym miały miejsce jest
niekreślony lub może być nieznany.
I've been abroads many time. She has been in Spain twice.
Have youu seen this film? When did you seee this film?

- dla wyrazenia czynności a szczeg. stanów, które rozpoczęły się w przeszłości, ale jeszcze się nię
skończyły w chwili gdy o nich mówimy.
I have known her for ten years.
# for ages, a long time, a few months (długość okresu),
# since childhood or 2000 or last Friday (moment gdy stan się zaczął)

- Points of time: already, so far, for,, since, always, just, ever, never, today, this week/month/year,
always, lately = recently
Przeczenia: still He still hasn't come.

Have you had your dinner yet? (już)

I haven't had my dinner yet (jeszcze)
Past simple
Have you been to London?
When did you go there?
What did you visit there?
How long were you there?

Susan has worked in a bank for two years. (od 2 lat I nadal pracuje)
Susan worked in a bank for two years.
9 2 lata pracowała I nie pracuje

132/133 str 4A(

I have spent all my money. I 'am broken now.

I have just heard a noise coming from the garage.
I've heard strange noises for many years.
My friend moved to Warsaw in October. He has leaved there since than.
He's been to Moscov many times. He has been in Moscow for a long time. (długo tam miezka).
How long have you known Betty? For ages.
M. Jackson had so many hits that I can't remember them all.
MI.JP II (the second) was the Pope for 27 years.

The present pope has visited a few countries around the world.

W opowiadaniu Simple Past.

My neighbour was a math teacher for twenty years. He is retired . (gdy dototyczy przeszłości).
My neighbour has been a math teacher for 20 years. (Jest nauczycielem I nadal wykonuje ten zawOd)
He teaches maths at school.

Sophisticated clotthes – wymyślne ubrania

bare feet – gołe stopy
fancy dress party – bal przebierańców
to be dressed up as a princess, dwarf, bee, cawboy, gipsy
to ruin cloth in the washing machine
My sweater schrank when I washed it in high temperature.
Have you ever been on TV?
To talk in front of many people – mówić przed wielu ludźmi
recite the poems – recytować wiersze
memorise – zapamiętywać words, poems
fail – an exam
take - podchodzić
pass – zdać

feel stage fear – czuć tremę

quarrel with smb
have an argument with – kłócić się
Who did you quarrel with?

151 str odb – nieregularne present perfect

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth – darowanemu koniowi nie zagląda się między zęby
make smb to do sth – kazać komuś coś zrobić
She made me to write an English composition for Thursday

true blue – wierny, oddany

guys – faceci
no matter where – bez względu gdzie
I'am gonna be true I ma going t
wander – zastanawiać się
doubt – wątpić
burst- przedzierać się

drive sb mad – doprowadzać do szaleństwa

He is constantly leaving dirty cups in the sink and it drives me mud.
is constantly leaving ---> pr cont, bo emocje – irytacja
thinks are scattered in the room – rzeczy rozrzucone po pokoju
pick – podnosić
angelic smile – anielski uśmieszek
crumbs of bread – okruszki
put the thinks away – odłożyć rzeczy na miejsce

333 b w domu
I haven't found job yet.
Czy on już przyjechał
on już tutaj jest. On przyjechał.
Właśnie zaczął padać śnieg. Co za pech.
Jim własnie do Ciebie dzwonił. Czy możesz do niego oddzwonić.
Jeszcze nie przestał padać śnieg. Nadal pada.
Jeszcze nie znalazłam miejsca do parkowania. Nadal szukam

generation gap – różnicce między pokoleniowe.

Sadly – niestety
previousgeneration – poprzednie pokolenia
be obsessed with – ieć obsesje na punkcie
heis obsessed with driving in fast cars
suffer from – ucierpiec przez/od
hurry sickness

Comparative and superlative adjectives

short shorter – shortest
big bigger the biggest
busy busier y '''> i+r
relaxed more relaxed the most relaed
vowel -samogłoska

good – better – the best

bad – worse – the worst
far – further
– the furthest
women eats less thanmen.
He is the most ambitious person in the group.
Of all students.
Mary is as intelligent as my siter.
I drive faster than my brother.

My sister is thinner than me. Szczuplejsza

I'm busier tis week than I was lastweek.
Cambridge is further from London than Oxforfd.
I did the second exam worse than the first.
Chelsea played better than Arsenal.
The man in my office work harder than the woman.
My new job is more boring than my old one.

1. as tall as Cindy
2. as heavy as yours
3. as big as Mexico City
4. as popular as football.
5. Adults don't learn languages as fast as children.
6. Work as hard as you.
7. Play as well as france.

The hottest
the worst
the friendliest
the most important
the best
the most polluted
the furthest/fathest

It's the best film i've ever seen.

He is unfriendlist person I've ever met.
It's the hardest exam he's ever done.
They're the most expensive shoes I've ever read.
It's the longest book I've ever read.
She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
It;'s the woerst meal I've ever eaten.

Dla odległości – further , father

Użycie przenośne
jesli mówimy o odległosci w znacz. Dosłownym używamy obydwu form further/farther
furthest/farthest. Gdy mówim w przenośnym znaczeniu tylko further/ the furthest. Np
Gdańsk is further/ father from Katowice than Cracow.
Do you have further (dalsze) questions?
Newsreaders – prezenterzy wiadomości
answerphones – automatyczne sekretarki

Silent night, holy night,
All is calm, all is bright,
Round you Virgin Mother and
Holy infant so tender and
Sleep in heavily peace
“ ------”

Silent night, holy night

Sheperds quake at thy sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
heavenly host sing Alleluia (zastępy niebiańskie)
Christ the Sanor is born
“ ------”

Silent night, holy night

Son of God loves pure light
Radiant beams from thy holy face
With dawn of redeeming grace (łaska odkupienia)
Jesus Lord at Thy birth
crackers – wybuchające cukierki ( z kaeluszami, mottem lub cukierkami)
mince pies – miętowe babeczki
overwork – przepracowywać
share a holy wafer – dzielić
dumplings with sauerkraft and wild mushrooms
carp in jelly
fried carp
dried fruit compote
poppy-seed cake
ginger cakes – pierniczki
soeked rollls with poppy, honey, nuts, raisins, almond - makówki
kutia – white boiled wheat with poppy, honey, and delicacies (bakalie)
borschc with ravioli
spongecake – biszkopt
dried fruit cake -keks
midnight mass – pasterka

food processor
obese – otyły
use the latest gadgets in moderation – używać z umiarem
heavy traffic, rush time
get stuck in a traffic jam – utkwić w korku
happier than her huusband
more slowly

Dzis nie ma tyle samochodów ile było wczoraj.

Nie sprzątam w domu tak często jak powinnam.
Odpowiedz mi możliwe jak najszybciej. To pilne
Gdy był młodszy nie narzekał tyle co teraz. complain
Jego szef zarabia więcej niż, ale nie aż tyle co prezydent.
O ile pamiętam było 20 osób.
On jest uparty jak osioł.
Nie mam tylu wolnych dni ile bym chcił.

There are not as many cars today as there were yesterday.

I don't clean the house as often as I should.
Reply me ASAP. It's urgent.
When he was younger, he didn't complain as much as he is complaining now
His boss earns more than …... , but not as much as, the president does.
If I remember well/correctly, there were 20 people.
He is as stubborn as a mule.
I don't have as many days off as I would like.

queue – kolejka
out of question, out of order
at the evening
text message = SMS
to watch film in the cinema
at home, in an office
get back

polluted city
rude inhabitants – niuprzejmi
be dressed as
do three test
to pretend - udawać
fall over – przewrócić
give back the change
chic – elegancki
key ring
red bus

132/133, 47 154 4G grammar 4a – d

Describe a holiday resort you liked or disliked
2.2 z powrotem
I like Zakopane very much. I like Zakopane 1 day a year – this is New Year's Eve. I
usually stay with my friends in Cyrhla and there is usually a lot of snow. I get to the
center of Zakopane by small bus, so I don't have any problem with the car park. I know
that there will be crowds of people there and the shopkeeper sells me old sheep's
cheese, the so-called oscypek cheese in his small shop. Never mind. I'm going to see
how the city gets ready for the New Year's event. I'm listening to the songs for the
evening concert at the big stage for a while.
I drink hot wine and walk on Krupówki street.There is more and more people. I only feel
sorry for the poor horses pulling carriages with tourists. As usual, there is, of course, a
street concert of dance and Latin American music. This is “typical” music of Polish
It's getting dark. The atmosphere becomes magic. There is a lot of snow here as well. I
can see New Year's decorations everywhere and a lot of people in pubs. I love this
spirit. It's high time to come back to Cyrhla and welcome the New Year there. See you
soon, Zakopane. See you next year.


1. Have you ever bought clothes from that shop?

2. I've not read the newspaper today.
3. We have never been to the new shopping centre.
4. Has your brother lived abroad all his life?
5. They have gone to leave in South America.
6. She has never flown before.
7. He's not met his wife's family.
8. Have you eaten in this restaurant before?


1. Have you made your bed yet?

2. She's already gone to work.
3. We've just had a cup of coffee.
4. I haven't found a job yet.
5. He's just sent me an e-mail.
6. They've already sold their house.

1. I have just had a breakfast.

2. Have you finished your homework yet?
3. The film has already started.
4. I haven't met his girlfriend yet.
5. They have just got married.
6. You are too late. He has already gone.
7. Have you spoken to him yet?
8. I haven't red his new book yet?

1. My sister is more thin than me.
2. I'm more busy this week than last week.
3. Cambridge is further from London than Oxford.
4. I did the second exam worse than the first.
5. Chelsea played as well as Arsenal.
6. The men in my office work harder than women.
7. My new job is more boring than my old one.

1. Kelly isn't as tall as Cindy.
2. My case isn't as heavy as yours.
3. London isn't as big as Mexico City.
4. Tennis is not as popular as football.
5. Adults don't lear languages as fast as children.
6. I don't as hard as you.
7. England didn't play as well as France.

1. Yesterday was the hottest day of the year.
2. This is the worst time to drive through the city center.
3. She's the most friendly person in the class.
4. This is the most important part of the exam.
5. The best month to visit is September.
6. It's the most polluted city at the world.
7. The furthest I've ever flown is to Australia.

1. It's the best film I've ever seen.
2. He's the most unfriendly person I've ever met.
3. It's the hardest exam I've ever done.
4. They're the most expensive shoes she has ever bought.
5. It's the longest book I 've ever red.
6. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
7. It's the worst meal I've ever eaten.
spikes – kolce
basement – piwnica
right in front of you – tuż przed toba
straight ahead – prosto przed siebie
Could (can) you tell me the way to the National Museum?, the railway station,,the
nearest bust, nearest bus stop, taxi rank, the airport

how to get to....

go straight and turn left or right, turn into Sutter Street,
How far is it on foot?
It's a five minute walk
You have to pass (go past) the university and turn right
The shop is on the corner of the street
take the first turning on the left
couple – kilka
Where did you say? Gdzie to jest?
Reasonable prices
pass hotel – miń hotel

white lace – biała koronka

tiny buttons – malutkie guziki
rude -niegrzeczny
polite – grzeczny

I like hooded style very much. Yesterday I wore plain T-shirt, jeans (trousers), socks,
jacket with hood, cap, gloves and winter shoes

Weekly chores
To empty the rubbish To do the washing up
To water the plants To do loundry
To feed the cat To walk the dog
To dust the furniture To air the flat
To vacuum the rug

Amazing cookies – fantastyczne ciasteczka or flight

That's really kind of you. It's my pleasure
I always get lost zawsze się gubię
sense of direction – zmysł orientacji
have a date – mieć randkę, być umówinym
a real sense of history – rzeczywisty wymiar historii
wyluzowany – laid-back

Unit No. 4
1. Have you ever been to a fashion show?
2. Has he ever met a famous person?
3. Have they ever argued with their parents?
4. I've never drunk green tea.
5. We have never eaten Chinese dishes.
6. She's never seen this film.
7. He has never bought a present for her girlfriend.
8. They've never been to Spain.
9. Have you finished yet?
10.We haven't finished yet.
11.I've already done my homework.
12.He's already come back.
13.I've just cleaned the floor.
14.They've just left.
15.We are living faster now, than 20 year ago.
16.N.Y. is bigger than Warsaw.
17.I am older than my friend.
18.My brother isn't as tall as me.
19.I'm more laid- back than my friend.
20.Italian food is better than English food.
21.This exercise is worse than that one.
22.Julia Roberts is more beautiful than Cameron Diaz.
23.Cambridge is further from London than Oxford.
24.He drives more slowly than me.
25.Kate plays guitar well/badly.
26.Diana sings better/worse than Jenny.
27.It's the noisiest city in the world.
28.Yesterday it was the hottest day in the year.
29.It's the most important part of the exam.
30.It.s is the most polluted place in the woirld.
31.July is the best month of the year.
32.January is the worst month of the year.
33.What is the most expensive/the ugliest/the most dangerous place you've ever been
34.Who is the most generous person you've ever known.
35.It's the third street on the left./right
36.Go straight ahead.
37.It will be on the left/on the right
38.Turn left/right
39.Can you recommend a good museum.?
40.How far is it?
41.Can you show it to me on the map?
42.It will take you 10 minutes.
43.What time does the museum open?
44.Don't we know you?
45.What are you doing here?
46.That's nice of you.

Survive – przeżyć
party animal -
useful skill – przydatna umiejętność
to give a party – wydawać
to have party – urządzać
people socialize with – udzieać się towarzysko
wedding reception

withdraw money – wziąć pieniądze z bankomatu

ballroom dance – taniec towarzyski
at the seaside
problem with my back
have a look at it? - rzucić okiem
Really long summer holidays
a cheap holiday
My color blonde
aanalysing me
I was sorry – było mi przykro

What makes you feel good?

Going on holiday in summer
laying on the beach and sanbathing
hiking in the mountains or going for long walks in the mounting
looking at sunset
sun rise at the seaside
reading books in my free time
listening to the musik
riding a bike, skiing, swimming, sailing, canoeing, dancing
being with friends
meeting new people
take off # land
walking on the beach

I like going shopping - przyjemność

I like to go shopping – z rozsądku

Do czasownika dodajemy ing np read – reading
• gdy krótki – podwajamy np sit – sitting
• e z końcówki wypadają np live – living
• ie przechodzi w y np lie + ing ---> lying
die + ing --->dying

verb + ing
Watching TV is a waste of time
I like dancing. My sister hates doing the housework
He's good at cooking. She is thinking of going to Australia.
Habit – nawyk

• remember to take umbrella – pamiętaj wziąć parasol

• you remembering - przypominanie sobie

Przykłady rzeczowników odczasownikowych

1. Do you mind opening the window? lub uprzejmniej would you mind.... - czy nie
masz nic przeciwko otwarciu okna?
2. Did you enjoy going to school when you were a child? Podobało Ci się chodzenie
3. I 'd like to go dancing. Chciałabym pójść potańczyć
4. Do you like dancing?
5. I do. But I don't feel like dancing tonight. Nie mam ochoty
6. make dinner not do
7. I'd (would) prefer to stay at home and watch a film. Wolę......
8. Thank you for the changing the date of the meeting.
9. You're welcome. We all agreed to change the date. Proszę bardzo. .....
10.I've already learnt to pronounce it. wymawiać
11.Now I have to practise pronouncing it correctly. - przećwiczyć poprawne
12.I managed to persuade him. Udało mi się go przekonać
13.I miss going to the gym. Tęsknię za chodzeniem na siłownię.
14.I miss going to the mountains.
15.He promised to be there on time.
16.He promised to to buy her a golden ring on th birthday
17.Some people avoid telling the truth, other avoid lying.
18.How long are you planning to stay here?
19.Wouldn't you mind calling later? Czy nie przeszkadzałoby …..
20.Have you decided to come back/return?
21.I really don't like talking about it. - nie ma mam ochoty
22.I wouldn't mind leaving in Italy.
23.You seem to be tired.
24.You seem to be thirsty.
25.I hope to get some news from you.

She is good (bad) at swimming

favourite pastime – ulubiona rozrywka
sign up for yoga classes – zapisać na
schoolmate – szkolny kolega
red music
high notes – wysokie tony (nuty)
fitter – sprawniejszy
sing out of tune – fałszować
singing is 95% listening
exam in progress – egzamin w toku
I can go on my own -

O której godzinie musisz wstać rano? What time do you have to get up in the morning?
Nie musze isć do pracy w poniedziałek. I don't have to go to work on Monday
Musisz jeździć ostrożnie. You have to drive carefully.
Musisz być tam o 11:30 . You have to be there at half past eleven
Czy musisz iść teraz? Do you have to go now?
Moi rodzice nie musza dawać mu żadnych pieniędzy.My parents don't have to give him
any money.
Muszę wyjsc teraz I have to leave now.
Wy musicie wrócić we wtorek. You have to come back on Tuesday
Co on się musi nauczyć dzisiaj? What does he have to learn today?
Czy muszę przyjść dzisiaj wieczorem do ciebie? Do I have to come to you tonight?
Nie wolno dotykać eksponatów w tym muzeum. You mustn’t touch the exhibits in this
Nie wolno puszczać głośnej muzyki po 10tej wieczorem. You mustn’t play loud music
after 10 pm.

I have to wear a uniform at my school. Follow the rule.

We mustn't be late
do we have to do an exam.
He doesn't have to work at weekends.
You must have to do your homework. You must do your homework.
My sister has to travel a lot
Why English is so popular

We still have a time

We have to be at the airport two hours before departure.
Where do I have to sign?
You don’t have to call the plumber I can repair (fit) the leaking tap myself.
We have tu hurry up.
You have to go straight home from the 3rd age university.

behaviour – zachowanie
behave – zachowywac się

1. Czy ma pani bluzkę w jaśniejszym kolorze? ( lighter)

Do you have blouse in the lighter color?
2.Ona nie pasuje do mojej torebki.
She doesn’t match my handbag.
3. Czy ma Pani coś co pasowałoby mi do tych butów?
Do you have anything that would match these shoes?
4. W sklepie odzieżowym możesz znaleźć ubrania i dodatki . (accessories)
In the cloth store you can find clothes and accessories
5.Czy mają jakieś rabaty, conajmniej 30%?
Do they have any discounts, at least 30%?
6. Czy mogę przymierzyć te buty or have a refund?
Can I try on these shoes?
7. Is it possible to / can I exchange the shoes or get a refund?
8. If you want to go jogging,(for a run) you must get changed.
9. This dress is too elegant (smart) to go to the cinema
10. I have bought blue jeans today and a shirt with red buttons and a white T-shirt.
11. What is this T-shirt made of?
12.Where did you buy these trousers? I like them very much.
13. At weekend I usually wear casual cloth, a sweatshirt and T-shirt?

What size are you?

The blouse fits me perfect.
Where do you usually go for a shopping?
Discount cards to regular customers
offer sale and promotions
a wide selection of goods (items) a big choice / range
bargain hunters

convenient hour for working people

poor quality of goods
appear – pojawić się
get lost – zgubić
annoyed – poirytowany
cookery book – książka kucharska
@ = at
dot = .

73. Czy zapamiętywanie imionn przychodzi Ci z trudem?

Do you you find it’s difficult to remember the names?
Czy uważasz, że ważne jest by nauczyć się gotować?
Do you think it's important to learn to cook?
Czy zapomniałeś kiedyś wyłączyć telefon w kinie?
Have you ever forgotten to turn off your phone in the cinema?
Czy można nauczyć się języka bez wyjeżdżania do kraju, w którym się nim mówi?
Can you learn / is it possible to learn a language without going to the country in which it
is spoken?
Czy kiedykolwiek udawałeś, że jesteś chory?
Have you ever pretended to be sick? (ill)
Czy zawsze pamiętasz o tym, by zadzwonić do przyjaciół w dniu ich urodzin?
Do you always remember to call your friends on their birthday?
Co postanowiłeś zrobić? What did you decide to do?
Nie jest łatwo znależć tanie mieszkanie w Londynie.
It’s not easy to find a cheap flat/aparrtment in London.
74. Nie mam nic przeciwko zmywaniu naczyń. I don't mind washing up. (dishes)
Sprawia mi radość oglądanie horrorów. I love watching horrors.
Spędzam dużo czasu na spaniu. I spend a lot of time sleeping.
Ona marzy o tym by poznać Brada Pitta. She dreams to meet Brad Pitt.
Nie intersuje nas zwiedzanie muzeów. We aren’t interested in visiting museums.
On nienawidzi wstawać wcześnie rano. He hates getting up early morning.
Mój tato przestał palić 3 lata temu. My Dad stopped smoking three years ago.
Dobrze jeździsz na rowerze? Are you good at cycling?
Pływanie to świetny sport. Swimming is a great sport.
75. Nie musisz przynosić słowników na lekcje.
You don't have to bring dictionaries to the lessons.
Nie musisz przychodzić jeśli nie chcesz. You don't have to come if you don't want to.
Nie wolno jeść w czasie lekcji. You mustn't eat during lessons.
Nie wolno rozmawiać w bibliotece. You mustn’t talk in the library.
76. Piłka przeleciała nad murem, wzdłuż ulicy, w dół po schodach, przez ulicę i(wpadła)
do rzeki.
The ball went over the wall, along the street, down the stairs, across the street and felt
into the river.
77. Mogę prosić o zwrot kosztów (gotówki)? Can I have the refund (cash)?
78. Masz paragon? Do you have a receipt?
79. To zajmie tylko kilka dni. It will only take a few days.(only na końcu)
80. Czy chaciałbyś wymienić ( tę koszulę, , te spodnie, te buty) na coś innego?
Would you like to exchange (this shirt, these trousers, these shoes) for something else?
81. Mniejsza o to. Never mind.
82. Co chciałbyś robić? What would you like to do?
83. Z poważaniem ( na zakończenie listu). Yours faithfully,
84. Cóż za wspaniały wieczór / świetny pomysł. What a lovely evening / great idea.

Seashore – brzeg morza

to wear a uniform
practice sport – uprawiać sport

Pierwszy okres warunkowy

Warunek jest możliwy do spełnienia, odnosi się do przyszłości lub teraźniejszości.
Po if → czas teraźniejszy, a w zdaniu nadrzędnym --→ czas przyszły, czasownik
modalny can lub zdanie rozkazujące.
If I finish the essey tonight, I’ll go to the cinema.
If I can go to the cinema with you, call me.
She’ll go out if he doesn’t come.

Gdy if w środku, to zdania nie sa oddzielone przecinkiem.

1. Jeśli cos się zmieni, dam Ci znać. If anything changes I’ll let you know.
2. On tutaj przyjdzie, jeśli będzie miał trochę wolnego czasu. He will come here if
he has a little time.
3. Jeśli mi pożyczysz 200 pds, kupię sobie nowe narty. If you lend me 200 pds, I
will buy a new pair of skies.
4. Co zrobisz, jeśli stracisz pracę? What will you do if you loose your job?
5. Co się stanie jesli to wypiję? Nic się nie stanie. What will happen if I drink it?
Nothing will happen.
6. Jeśli nie będę zmęczony, dołączę do was. If I am not tired I will join you.
7. Przyjde tak szybko jak będę mógł. I’ll come as soon as I can.
8. Jeśli nie wyjdziemy teraz to się spóźnimy. If we are not leaving now, we will be
9. Jeśli ona nie przyjdzie, będziemy musieli odwołać spotkanie. If she doesn’t
come we have to cancel the meeting.
10.Kupię Ci komputer jeśli się będziesz dobrze zachowywał. I will buy you a
computer if you behave well.
11.Jeśli wszystko pójdzie zgodnie z planem, koncert rozpocznie się wieczorem. If
everything goes according to plan, the concert will start in the evening.
12.Jeśli będzie mały ruch, dojedziemy na czas. If it is little traffic, we will arrive / get
there on time.

To cause an accident - spowodować wypadek

narrow-minded person – ograniczona osoba
stuck in a traffic jam
heavy traffic in the street

I’d like to spread out my towel closer to the dunes.

There is a lot of sand in a blanket. Shake it out well.
Don’t spend too much time in the sun because you can get sunstroke.
Don’t forget to take a sun hat and put on sunscreen at least 30 minutes before
Go to the check-in desk.
Would you like a window or an aisle seat?
The maximum weight allowed is 20 kilogram.
You pay extra for each kilogram of your excess luggage.
Here is your seat number and departure gate number.
Have a nice flight!
Your flight is 30 minutes delayed.
You have to go through the security control before you get to the departure lounge.
You can’t carry any liquids over 100 ml with you.
Please have your boarding pass and ID card ready for boarding.
This is the last call. Passenger flying to New York please proceed to gate number 40.
How long will it take to get to London?
The flight will be delayed by 20 minutes.
We’ll be landing soon at Heathrow Airport.

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