The Legend of Tangkuban Perahu

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Long time ago, in West Java, there was a king’s daughter named Dayang Sumbi. She
was very beautiful and smart. Many kings wanted to marry with her. But, Dayang Sumbi
didn’t wanted that. So, she went to a deep forest.
One night, Dayang Sumbi was weaving.
“Oh, I fall my needle, but i’m too scare to take it. Can anybody take the needle for me? If
you are a woman, i’ll take you as my sister. But if you are a man, i’ll marry you.”
Suddenly, Tumang, a black dog showed up with the needle. Dayang Sumbi had to fulfill
her promise and marry him. A year later, they got a child named Sangkuriang. He grew to be
a strong and handsome man. But, Sangkuriang didn’t knew if Tumang was his father. He
only knew that Tumang was a loyal dog, not his father.
Tumang always followed Sangkuriang wherever he went and taught him all the magic he
“Come on tumang chase me.. ha ha ha.”
“Yes, Sangkuriang I will chase you.. ha ha ha.”
One day, Sangkuriang went hunting.
“Mom, i’m going to the forest now. I’m gonna hunting some animals for our dinner.”
“Okay, be carefull. Oh… and bring Tumang with you.”
Dayang Sumbi replied. Sangkuriang wanted to gave a deer’s heart to his mother. But, he
didn’t saw any deers that day. Desperatly, he took an arow and shot Tumang. Then, he took
Tumang’s heart for his mother.
“I’m home.”
“Where is Tumang? I see you hunting with him.” Asked Dayang Sumbi.
Then, Sangkuriang replied “I don’t know. Maybe he still outside. Here the meat for our
“Okay, wait here. I’ll cook this meat” replied Dayang Sumbi.
After Dayang Sumbi cooked the meat, they ate it. But, Dayang Sumbi still didn’t knew if
the meat that she ate was Tumang. Dayang Sumbi realized that there was no Tumang. Then,
she asked to Sangkuriang “Why don’t Tumang come back here?”
“I… I don’t know.” replied Sangkuriang.
Then, Dayang Sumbi said “Don’t lie to me. I know that you know about that.”
“I’m sorry, mom. I kill him.” Answered Sangkuriang.
“You kill him? Do you know what you have done?! Get out from here and never come
here again!”
Dayang Sumbi was surprised and she told Sangkuriang to leave their house.
Dayang Sumbi hit Sangkuriang’s head and leaving a scar on his head. Sangkuriang left
his mom to wander around the world.
A few years later, Sangkuriang met a beautiful women and instantly fell in love with her.
“Hah, who is that girl? She is so beautiful.”
Sangkuriang did not know that the woman was Dayang Sumbi, his mother. She also did
not recognize him. They fall in love each other. And Sangkuriang didn’t take long to propose
to Dayang Sumbi. Dayang Sumbi accepted the proposal. She’s still did not know it was
Sangkuriang who had grown up.
“Hmmm, alright. I’m willing to be your wife, you’re a handsome young man”
However, before their wedding day. Dayang Sumbi saw a scar on his head and knew his
name was Sangkuriang, she said that she was Sangkuriang’s mother, she was Dayang Sumbi.
Sangkuriang can’t believe that. So, Dayang Sumbi made a request.
“If you want to marry me, you have to make dam to hold Citarum River and make a
grand ship for me. But you must finish tommorow before the dawn. Remember, just one
“That’s easy. But if i can make that grand ship, you must marry me.”
Then, Sangkuriang tried to finish the request by the helped of jinn. Sangkuriang harness
all his magic powers. He invited spirits and jinns to help him. This power had been taught to
him by Tumang, his father. They then work overnight, blocking rivers and plugging springs
with mud and soil.
“Finally, I can finish this dam.”
Dayang Sumbi saw that Sangkuriang used Jinn’s power to finish it. She was panic,
because they almost finished the grand ship. Then, she had an idea. She made light in the east
and the sound of “Lesung”. The genie thought that it was already dawn. It was time for them
to left. They left Sangkuriang alone. Without their help, Sangkuriang couldn’t fisnished the
dam and grand ship. Sangkuriang was very angry. He kicked the grand ship. Finally the
flipped ship turned into a big mountain in West Java. It called “Tangkuban Perahu”,
“Tangkuban” means flipped and “Perahu” means ship.

The moral value is, think before act. No matter what happened always have to be a
honest person. Because every time you lie, you will continue to lie, to cover up your lie.

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