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The Effects of Romantic Relationships on the Academic Performance of University of the

Philippines – Cebu College Students(A.Y. 2011-2012)

Alma Mae J. Bernales

Fretzy Colonia
Unpublished Research Paper

• In fact, Furman (2002) reported that romantic relationships become more and more
significant to adolescents in their social world as they also develop from puberty
towards late adolescence in which it shows how prevalent is romantic relationship
among adolescents.
Furman, W. (2002). The emerging field of adolescent romantic relationships. Current
Directions in Psychological Science 11(5), 177-180. Retrieved from

• According to Arnet (as cited in Fincham& Cui, 2011) "late adolescents" is the stage
where teenagers experienced how to be totally and socially independent. This is the
time for curiosity & explorations in choosing and having a partner, and explores this
kind of curiosity that somehow leads to romantic relationship. However, this kind of
relationship may not lead to a pleasant and intense love affair. This is just a result of
their inquisitive mind and a sort of finding on how to fit into the world. “What is life all
about?” Questions such as these assume special significance during teenage years, as
adolescents seek to find their place in broader and social world. This quest takes
adolescents along several routes
Fincham& Cui. (2011). The Development of Romantic Relationships in Adolescence.
• Luqman (2009) said that an adolescent relationship plays an important role to
adolescents as it develops the ability for committed relationships.
Luqman, M. (2009). Effects of romantic relationship on self-esteem, identity and
academic performance.National Undergraduate Research Clearinghouse, 12. Available
online at

• Pelt (2004) stated that those relationships help develop personality. She also added
that it is a way of knowing one’s unique qualities of opposite sex and at the same time
choosing the right life partner.
Pelt, N. (2004). The compleat courtship. Philippines: Philippine Publishing House.

• An article of Barber & Eccles (as cited in Luqman, 2009) talked about theimportance
of romantic relationships to adolescent development and its “long lasting” effects on
self-confidence. It affirmed that romantic relationship teaches moral values on romance,
“intimate relationships and sexuality”.
Luqman, M. (2009). Effects of romantic relationship on self-esteem, identity and
academic performance.National Undergraduate Research Clearinghouse, 12. Available
online at
Effect of Romantic Relationship on Undergraduate Students’ Academic Performance: A
Case Study of Islamic University in Uganda

Usama Kasagga1 and Sawuya Nakijoba

Islamic University Multidisciplinary Journal

• One potential factor that has been largely overlooked thus far in the academic
achievement literature is the potential role of romantic relationships, with Giordano,
Phelps, Manning, and Longmore (2008) claiming that “ despite the ubiquity and general
importance of dating, the role of romantic partners on academic achievement has not
been systematically investigated”
Giordano, P. C., Phelps, K. D., Manning, W. D., & Longmore, M. A. (2008). Adolescent
academic achievement and romantic relationships. Social Science Research

• According to Matsumoto (2011), “ When you have a romantic relationship with

someone, you share attitudes, visions, dreams, strengths and vulnerabilities with that
person, and there is also some kind of mutual support.”
Matsumoto (2011). Perceived benefits and costs of romantic relationships for women
and men: Implications for exchange theory. Cambridge University Press

• Based on a study at the University of the Philippines by Bernales and Colonia (2011),
when teenagers are involved in romantic relationships, they tend to pay less attention
to their academic work. The study reveals that students who engage in relationships
are unable to manage their time well and mostly spend only 1 to 4 hours per week for
their studies.
Bernales, A. M. J., & Colonia, F. (2011). The Effects of Romantic Relationships on the
Academic Performance of University of the Philippines – Cebu College Students
(University of the Philippines
• A study from the University of Denver found that teenagers who are engaged in
romantic relationships are likely to experience emotional problems such as anxiety and
depression (Scott, 2015). They tend to feel worried if they look good enough, if their
partner loves them or even how to impress them.
Scott, E. (2015). Being in a relationship in your teens might make you depressed.
Retrieved from

• A study conducted by Kopfler (2003) also pointed out that “ students who were
involved in romantic relationships would not perform well in undergraduate course
works.” He argued that students involved in relationship are forced to manage their
time by facing higher stress levels than who are not in a romantic relationship (Kopfler,
Kopfler, M. E. (2003). Effects of Romantic Relationships on Academic Performance
The Effects of Romantic Relationship in the Academic Performance of Students

Yumi C. Nishiyama
Divine Macey L. Monte
JannaKate R. Dy Pimentel
Parveen K. Gill
Francene Helaena P. Cochiaosue
Unpublished Research Paper

• Schmidt and Lockwood (2015) examined the effects of academic performance of

students who are in a romantic relationships does not affect one’s assessment and class
attendance. Logistics regressions model shows that a student involves in a romantic
relationship are more likely not to attend class .They are fixated and prioritizing their
relationship such as dating and spending for the significant other .They want to spend
time with each other yet their academic performance also needs to be prioritized too.
Schmidt and Lockwood(2015). The impact of romantic relationships on the academic
performance of high school girls: A qualitative study [Abstract]. Available from ProQuest
Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 1051280811)

• Sampson, Robinson and Watson (2001) examined the relationship between dating
status and academic achievement, academic motivation, depression, and self-esteem of
students which shows how romantic relationships have an overall impact among
students especially on how they perceive their academics towards attaining a better life.
Quatman, T., Sampson, K., Robinson, C. & Watson, C.M. (2001). Academic
motivational, and emotional correlates of adolescent dating. Genetic, Social, and
General Psychology Monographs, 127(2), 211-234.
• According to Zulueta & Maglaya (2004), “motivation constitutes the degree of an
individual’s behavior as manifested by his interests, attitudes, and aspirations to satisfy
his desired goal. It is an urge to satisfy goal object” (p. 212). Provided a positive
romantic relationship, adolescents would strive hard on performing well in studies to
bring a brighter future in heir relationship.

Zulueta, F. & Maglaya, E. (2004). Foundations of Education. Philippines: National Book


• According to Lucas & Curpuz (2007), “quality personal relationships that provide
stability, trust, and caring such as romantic relationships can increase learners’ sense of
belonging, self-respect and self-acceptance, and provide a positive climate for learning”
(p. 16) and thus increase academic performance.
Lucas, M. R., & Corpuz, B. (2007). Facilitating learning: A metacognitive process.
Philippines: Lorimar Publishing, Inc

• . As stated by Crissey (2006) in her study about impact of romantic relationship on

high school girls, there is really a challenge in "balancing romantic relationship and
academic performance" in a teenager's life. It gives pressure on how to maintain the
romantic side and the academic works as well. She also pointed out that there is more
than the pressure someone will going to feel if there is a competition inside the
classroom for the academic awards at the end of the school year.

Crissey, S. R. (2006). Gender differences in the academic consequences of adolescent

heterosexual romantic relationships (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest
Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 1179965251)

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