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2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)

Implement Android Application For Book Donation

Arushi Singh Dr.Shilpi Sharma
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity School of Engineering and Technology
Amity University, Noida, UP Amity University, Noida, UP
arushi.singh1003@gmail.com ssharma22@amity.edu

Abstract— Books are the fountain of knowledge and access to of finding a person willing to donate and a person who needs
them is something that is often taken for granted. The truth the books you have.
however is that many people have books lying around the house
that they don’t need any more that could be useful to someone The proposed project attempts to eliminate this gap between
who is in dire need of it. Android is one of the most widely used the donors and the people in need of the books. Appropriately
mobile application operating systems in the world due to the named ‘Bridge’, the application allows you to look for those
support it offers to both user and developer: its ease of use and who are interested in donating their books i.e. the donors and
development. This paper proposes a simple mobile based also allows you to register as one. All the donors in the list in
application to connect people who are interested in donating their the application can also be contacted by just clicking on their
books to those who might be in need. This application has been names in the list.
named ‘Bridge’ keeping in mind that it will connect the needy
and the donors and enable them to get the books that they The paper itself is further divided into various sections. Section
require from people that are done using them. II discusses the Literature Review, Section III discusses the
Methodology, Section IV discusses the Result and Discussion
Keywords—book donation, donor, Android, mobile application, and the last section discusses the Conclusion.
social service

Android is a highly powerful Linux Based Operating
System developed in 2005 and released later in 2008 by
Google. It is designed and used mainly in devices like tablets Nikita M. Lunawat et al. [5] proposed Blood & Organs for
and smartphones. Patients (B.O.P), an integrated information system aimed at
managing both blood and organ donation along with their
A mobile application is a software or small program that supply chain. It can be used by the patients and/or the relatives
resides or is designed to run on tablets, smartphones and other to state their organ or blood requirements so that the living
mobile devices [1]. donors can be aware about them.
Smartphones have become an important device that people P. Priya et al. [6] created a website with an android application
carry wherever they go. The ease of usage, widespread access so that the blood donors, tracked by GIS, are available easily
and swiftness smartphones provide has made them more of a within the required time.
necessity rather than a commodity for most people. By 2018,
the number of smartphones produced reached 2.53 billion and Sanjay Agrawal et al. [7] proposed food donation application
is still growing.[2] where a donor, needy person or orphanage will enter details
which will be stored on the cloud. The Application provides a
The emerging trend is the utilization of mobile applications in list of donors in your area using GPS. Only a registered
all fields possible that can range from entertainment or individual with willingness to donate/receive food will be able
education to healthcare or even games.[3] The donor to access this service.
population, like the rest of society, is one that is technology-
dependent and prefers the instant communication and instant T.Hilda Jenipha et al.[8] proposed a cloud application to link
responses that smartphones provide them.[4] all donors and create a database to hold data on stocks of blood
and donors in each area. People will be able to see which
There are many people who have books lying around their patients are requiring blood through the website and can
house that they do not require or use anymore. These books can register as donors to receive an SMS to donate blood as and
be utilized by a person who actually needs the book and either when required.
does not have it or cannot afford to buy it. Thus, these books
can be donated to the needy or the underprivileged or even M. Sirait [9] described an application to help the waste bank
someone who wants to expand their knowledge in their field of connect to its customers. It provides multiple features like
interest. Making book donation commonplace and accessible to providing real time transaction information, helping the waste
the common man might make a big difference and enable bank create reports and databases digitally which were
someone to complete their education. The problem however is, previously on paper and respond to pick-up order.

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2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)

In Henok Kifle et al. [10] a web-based blood donation system

is proposed that is tailored to the National Blood Bank and
serves as a medium to exchange information easily for the
health centers, National Blood Bank, donors and the Ministry
of Health.

Prof. Vinod Alone et al. [11] described “Doctor at your call”

which provides many services like information of the
vaccinations available at the vaccination center, the various
camps available like diabetes camp, blood donation camp etc.

Sultan Turhan [12] proposed a system in which when the blood

is requested, the stock of the blood banks in the neighborhood
are checked and it declares quickly whether the blood needed
can be supplied or not. In case it cannot, a request is sent to
living donors of the neighborhood. If there is an affirmative
answer from any of the donors, the health care provider is

In K. Kumar et al. [13] a collaboration with Facebook to design

a mobile application that enables waitlisted candidates who Fig 1: Main screen of the application with all the buttons and
need organs to share requirement for a live donor through options menu opened
social media is described.
A. Donate a Book
People who want to donate their books, click on this button
K M Akkas Ali et al. [14] proposed an application in which
and then fill a form and register with information like name of
any person interested in donating blood can register himself as
book and genre, as well as their name, contact number, email
a donor. The system provides an easy and quick interaction and city. This data is saved on the database and if successfully
among the various groups connected to a blood bank. saved, will add their names and details to the list of donors
Umesh Rathi et al. [15] created a project that will provide a
single platform for all the NGOs. Volunteers of Separate NGOs
can come together to work for every NGO and donors/sponsors
increase substantially.

S.Pandiaraj et al. [16] proposed an Android Blood Bank

Application, which is used to make appointments to donate as
well as request blood from nearby blood banks using GPS.


The proposed methodology is to create an android

application so that the book donors i.e. people who have books
at their home that they have no need or use of anymore, can
easily connect with those who are in need of books and do not
have them and/or cannot afford them. The various
functionalities of the application are as below:
Fig.2: Form to register as a donor in the application


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2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)

B. Find Donors
If someone is looking for books of a particular genre or in
a particular area, they can click on this button to open the list of
donors along with their details and the details of the book and
the genre, where on a single click on person’s name in the list,
a dialog box will open that will allow him/her to contact the

C. Make a Complaint
There is also a Complaint section where the persons
receiving the books can fill a form and give details about the
book and themselves, similar to how they register as a donor
and also write their complaint in case there is something wrong
with the book(s) they have received it has missing pages, a
typo etc. so that further action can be taken and such cases
avoided. These complaints are saved to a database where the
administrator can access this information and take necessary
steps to verify and prevent such a situation.

Fig 4: Splash screen animation at the start of the application

F. Easy to Use User Interface

It was also made with a very easy to use UI keeping in

mind that it will be used by people of various age groups.

The android book donation application, Bridge, has been

developed in Android Operation System using Android Studio.
The source code has been developed in Java programming
language.XML or Extensive Markup Language has been for
designing the User Interface that is, Presentation Logic of our
Activity in the Android Application. SQLite has been utilized
to set up the backend of the application due to its support for
Fig.3: Form to register a complaint about a book in the Android Studio.


An options menu is also provided on the first page which
leads to an about page to provide information about the
application and a feedback page to send feedback about the This application called the “Bridge” app can really be of great
application to the developer/administrator. help to large number of people. It will allow people to take out
those books from home that are not being used by them and
then give those to someone who really needs them. It also
allows the receiver to make complaints if the books they have
E. Splash Screen Animation received are not in good condition.
The splash screen of the app uses an animation to make
application more attractive and eye-catching to the users.


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2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)

Since the application has been created keeping in mind all age
groups, and all classes of people that might be using it, it has a
wider use.[17]
Preliminary testing of the application by a test group of 80
people was conducted. The application was shared with each
subject of the test group and then they were asked to fill out a
survey on it. This process returned positive results with
roughly 94 percent (on average) of the subjects giving
affirmative responses to any and all application related
questions. With this, the desired aims of designing such
application have been achieved.

Fig.6: Questions and the answers by 80 preliminary testing


However, there is still scope for lot of improvements that can

be done in the application like using sorting operation in
database to search for people donating books of a particular
genre, or using Google Maps API to look for donators nearby.
Storing image of every donor and then storing it in database
can be another functionality that can be added to this

The “Bridge” book donation app connects the people who
have books lying around their house that they do not need any
more with the people who are in need of these books
. One can register to donate quite easily. It can be easily used
to contact those who want to donate and the receiver can also
complain if the book they have received are not up to date. It
will allow people to take out those books from home that are
not being used by them and then give those to someone who
really needs them.
According to the research carried out, this is the first book
donation application and can be a revolutionary application
especially in a country like India. It can be easily used to
contact those who want to donate.[19]
Fig.5: Snippet of code from Main Activity


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2020 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM)


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