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Name: Muhammad Rayan

Subject: English Comp.
Roll No: NUML-F23-48559


Tenses with their Rules:
There are three types of Tenses.
 Past Tense
 Present Tense
 Perfect Tense.
They are further divided into four sub-categories.
They are mentioned along with their Rules below.

Tense Past Present Future

Indefinite 2nd Form of verb. 1st Form of verb. Will/Shall + 1st

Form of verb.

Continuous Was/Were + 1st Is/am/are + 1st Will/shall be + 1st

Form of verb + form of verb + ing. form of verb + ing.

Perfect Had + 3rd Form of Has/have + 3rd Will/shall have +

verb. form of verb. 3rd form of verb.

Perfect Had been + 1st Has/ have been + Will/shall have

Continuous form of verb + ing 1st form of verb + been + 1st form of
ing. verb + ing.
Exercise for Past Tense
Q. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in any aspect of the past
Eric and Ilsa are brother and sister. They grew up together in the city
that used to be known as West Berlin, in the former West Germany. Eric
moved to the United States decades ago, before the eastern and
western parts of both Berlin and Germany were reunited in 1990.
Ilsa and her family visited Eric and his family last year. llsa's
Family flew from Berlin to Detroit for the visit. Although the children
Had never met before, except through e-mail, the families
Had a great time together.
Every day for a week, the adults and the children played, talking,
and eating together. One day, they cooked some German recipes that
had been in the family for generations. For years, Ilsa
had saved them and treasuring them in a box their mother gave
her just before she died. One of their mother's favorites
had been a dessert called Apple Kuchen.
One night after everyone else already had gone to bed,
Eric and Ilsa were quietly sitting and talking.
"What have you missed most about Berlin?" Ilsa wanted to know.
Eric paused, then answered, "Mostly, I miss living in a city with such
wonderful landmarks. The kids and I had been looking at some
books about Berlin and Germany for a while before you and your family arrived
We were discussing the Brandenburg Gate when
Franz interrupted to ask why its image was used as a design
on some of the coins back when Germany had converted its money to euros."
"What did you tell him?" Ilsa asked.
"I said that I have not been sure," answered Eric, “but
that I thought it was because the gate had become a
symbol for Germany, like the Statue of Liberty had emerged as a symbol for the


Q.1 Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in
simple future tense.
1. The house is dirty. I will clean it on Monday.
2. Will you cook on Tuesday, please?
3. It looks like the washer is broken. I will ask a repairman to come
4. Okay then, our group will meet on Thursday.
5. Helga will you hike with us on Friday?
6. If necessary, we will carry the supplies in our car on Saturday.
7. John and Wes, will you read to the children on Sunday?
Q.2 Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in simple
future tense.
1. I guess I will ride the bus to save gas.
2. The cookies are all gone. Will you buy some, please?
3. Listen, team: we will win the trophy this year!
4. Everyone is hungry. I will get some doughnuts for breakfast.
5. Peter, will you fix the porch tomorrow?
6. Becky, will you go to Alaska with us this summer?
7. If we take a trip, we will put Barkley in a kennel.
All Tenses Review Exercise:
Q.1 Fill in the correct form of verbs.
I love travelling in the country, but I don’t like losing my way. I went on a trip the
other day, but my trip took me longer than I had expected. 'I'm going to Woodford
Green’, I said to the conductor as I got on the bus, 'but I don’t know where it is. 'I
will tell you where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in front of the bus to
get a good view of the countryside. After some time, the bus stopped. I realized
with a shock that I will be the only passenger left on the bus. You must get off
here', the conductor said, “This is as far as we go”. We are going back now, said
the conductor.

Q.2 Fill in the correct form of verbs.

My friend, Herbert, has always been fat, but things have got so bad recently that he
decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a week ago. First of all, he wrote out a
long list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the food
he loved: butter, potatoes, rice, beer milk, chocolate, sweets and so on. Yesterday, I
paid him a visit. I rang the bell and was not surprised to see Herbert as fat as ever.
He led me to his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk. He was very
embarrassed. When I asked him what he was doing he smiled guiltily and then put
the parcel on the desk. He showed me the contents of the parcel. It contained five
large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets!

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