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Black Hole That

Existed More
Than 13 Billion
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by News Reporter • July 17, 2023 ?0

The discovery of a supermassive

Popular Posts
black hole existing a mere 570
million years after the Big Bang has RECORD BROKEN:
Hubble Space
left scientists scratching their heads. Telescope Captures
Stunning Image Of 'A
Star At The Edge Of
July 15, 2023

NASA Reveals For

The First Time The
Most Breathtaking
A Ba!ing Discovery in the Images Ever
Captured Of The Icy
Early Universe Dwarf Planet
Early Universe Dwarf Planet
In a remarkable discovery that July 16, 2023

challenges our understanding of the Scientists think they

universe, NASA's James Webb have finally worked
out when the Sun will
Space Telescope (JWST) has
die and kill us all
detected a supermassive black hole July 13, 2023
that existed a mere 570 million years
This is the most
after the Big Bang. This black hole,
accurate image of an
located at the center of an early atom
galaxy named CEERS 1019, was January 16, 2023

actively growing and consuming gas

The Dark Forest
about 13 billion years ago. This Theory Explains Why
discovery is particularly puzzling to We Haven't Found
Aliens Yet – And It Is
scientists as it is believed that Pretty Terrifying
supermassive black holes take time July 14, 2023

to form, and this one existed only

100 to 300 years after the first stars
began to form in the nascent Main Tags
10-dimensional universe

The Host Galaxy: CEERS About Universe Alan Bean

1019 Albert Einstein

CEERS 1019, the host galaxy of this Alcubierre Drive Initiative

black hole, was a unique entity in Alien Life
itself. It had a strange, primordial
Alien Megastructure
shape with three bright clumps
surrounding the black hole and was Alien stars Alien Worlds
actively creating new stars. JWST's Aliens Andromeda
infrared-detecting capabilities were
Antarctica Antares
instrumental in detecting the greatly
redshifted light of CEERS 1019 and Anti-Matter
estimating the age of the black hole, APOD- Astronomy Picture of the
making it the earliest-growing
Apollo 11 asteroid
supermassive black hole discovered Asteroid 2018 LA Asteroids

Astronaut Scott Kelly

Astronauts Astronom

astronomers Astronomy

Astronomy Picture of The Day

Astrophysicist astrophysics

Atoms Bacteria
The galaxy field where CEERS 1019 was discovered.
(Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Steve Finkelstein, Micaela
Bagley, Rebecca Larson) Beginners Big Bang
The Enigma of Early
Big Bang Theory Biology
Universe Black Holes
Black Holes
The black hole weighed in at about Breakthrough Listen initiative
9 million solar masses, about twice
Brian Cox CERN
the size of the supermassive black
hole at the center of the Milky Way, Chinese EM drive CMB
but still considered small. comet Conscious Universe
Astronomers have discovered other
Cosmic Periodic Table
black holes from the early universe
that weighed more than a billion Cosmic Void cosmology
times the mass of the sun. However, cosmos Dark Energy
scientists still know little about how
Dark matter Deep Space
a dark soup of hydrogen and helium
formed the first stars about 200 Destroy Earth Discoveries
million years after the Big Bang, or Donut-Shaped Planet Earth
how black holes in the early universe
Earth 2.0 Earth-like Planets
grew so large, so quickly.

The JWST's Cosmic Earth's rotational speed

Evolution Early Release
Eclipse Einstein
Science (CEERS) Survey Einstein ring Einstein Theory

Elliptical Galaxies EM Drive

The JWST's Cosmic Evolution Early
Enceladus Event Horizon
Release Science (CEERS) Survey is
seeking answers to these questions Exoplanets
and uncovering new ones along the
Expanding Universe
way. The project also recently
Flat Earth Flat Earther
reported the discovery of two
younger black holes that existed 1 Flat-Earth Society
billion and 1.1 billion years after the
Fourth Dimension Full Moon
Big Bang. Additionally, the team has
Fusion Reaction
studied a host of 11 old galaxies that
existed when the universe was fusion reactors galaxies
between 470 million and 675 million
Gallery Giant Hologram
years old.
glowing trees Great Red Spot

Implications for Higgs Boson Hubble

Understanding Star Hubble Space Telescope

Formation and Galaxy
Human Origins Human Sperm
humans Info
These discoveries might change our
understanding of star formation and
galaxy evolution throughout cosmic Intelligent Alien Life ISS

history. As Seiji Fujimoto, a Jacob Barnett james webb

postdoctoral researcher and Hubble
Japanese Spacecraft Akatsuki
fellow at the University of Texas-
Austin, stated, "Webb was the first to juno spacecraft Jupiter

detect some of these galaxies. This JWST Kuiper Belt

set, along with other distant galaxies
LAGEOS Life Beyond Earth
we may identify in the future, might
change our understanding of star life on Mars Look Up

formation and galaxy evolution Lunar Eclipse Magnetic Field

mars Martian Surface

mars Martian Surface
throughout cosmic history."
Mathematics Matter

Meteor Shower meteorite

Milky way Mini-Ice Age

In conclusion, the discovery of this
early universe black hole by NASA's Missions Moon
JWST is a testament to the
Moon Landings Moons
telescope's capabilities and the
multiverse Mysteries
potential it holds for future
discoveries that could reshape our Mysterious Satellite
understanding of the universe.
Mysterious X-Ray NASA

Reference(s): NASA Mystery

NASA's Curiosity Rover

Research paper
NASA's Missions nature

New Horizons

New Reasearch News

Night Sky North Pole

Nuclear Reactor outer space

oxygen Parallel Universe

Physicist Physics Planets

Potentially Hazardous Asteroids

Powerful Telescopes

proxima B proxima centauri

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