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To understand English is one thing;

to understand an Englishman who talks is another.

Aleister Crowley


1. How long have you been learning English?

2. Are you more comfortable with speaking, listening,
reading, or writing in English?
3. Are there any English grammar topics that you find
particularly difficult?
4. Have you ever travelled to an English-speaking country?
If yes, where?
5. Have you ever had a conversation in English with a
native speaker?
6. Have you watched English-language movies or TV
shows with subtitles?
7. What do you find most enjoyable about learning
8. How do you plan to use your English language skills in
the future?
That's Conversation!

Do you like the free Conversation Cards? Do you use them in class?
Now you can access even more engaging and thought-provoking content ready to use in your conversation classes.

Check out That's Conversation!

That's Conversation MniEbooks will provide you with intuitive exercises that both inspire discussion and teach new language. You
can use them in their original digital format for your online class, or you can print them for use in a more traditional classroom setting.

For the the first lessons with new students get:

That's Conversation! - Sincerity
What's inside?
Sixteen different tasks to help you understand your new students' preferences and sensitivities and to get them talking
about sincerity, honesty and lies.
Topics for small talk.
Vocabulary related to first-time meetings, as well as lies, fraud and exaggeration.
Language needed to ask and respond to personal questions.
Groundwork for reported speech.
Suggestions for further or prior reading (articles) and listening (videos) with direct links
Topics for students' own research, projects or homework.

Zarówno karty konwersacyjne, jak i MiniEbooki "That's Conversation!" podlegają ochronie na mocy prawa autorskiego. Możesz je drukować i udostępniać uczniom wyłącznie
na potrzeby prowadzonych samodzielnie zajęć. Nie możesz ich jednak kopiować w celu udostępnienia osobom trzecim, tak w celach komercyjnych, jak i bezpłatnie.
Copyright © 2023 IceBreaker Anna Barbarska

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