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Secondary Lesson Plan

Name: Hailin Yao

Collaborating Teacher: Daniel Gakuru (Advanced Technologies Academy)

Subject & Grade Level: High School Algebra 2 Honor (mix)

Lesson Topic: Exponential Growth Functions

Date: 02/08/2023

Estimated Time: 42 minutes

1. Standards:

a. F-BF-3. Identify the effect on the graph of replacing f(x) by f(x) + k, k f(x), f(kx), and f(x +

k) for specific values of k (both positive and negative); find the value of k given the

graphs. Experiment with cases and illustrate an explanation of the effects on the graph

using technology. Include recognizing even and odd functions from their graphs and

algebraic expressions for them.

b. F-IF-7.e. Graph exponential and logarithmic functions, showing intercepts and end

behavior, and trigonometric functions, showing period, midline, and amplitude.

c. F-LE-2. Construct linear and exponential functions, including arithmetic and geometric

sequences, given a graph, a description of a relationship, or two input-output pairs

(include reading these from a table).

2. Teaching Model:

a. Direct teaching
b. Cooperative learning

3. Objective(s):

a. Students will be able to identify exponential functions after this lesson.

b. Students will be able to graph exponential functions with 85% accuracy after this lesson.

c. Students will be able to transform an exponential function with 80% accuracy after this


4. Materials/Resources:

a. White board

b. Worksheets

c. Chromebook

d. Notebooks and pens

5. Instructional Procedures:

a. Motivation/Engagement:

● Students already learned geometric sequence and series, which also is an

exponential growth or decay. Students will make connections between these two


b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:

● (13:28-13:33) Warm-up: Students will work on a question that is about

transforming an exponential equation.

● (13:33-13:34) Goals and objectives: I will introduce the goals and objectives and

ask students to copy it down to their notebooks so that they will know what they

are going to learn from today’s lecture.

● (13:34-13:35) I will show students some real-world examples about exponential

growth on a website to help them connect this lesson to real world questions.

● (13:35-13:36) I will introduce an exponential function to students and help them

understand the function. I will also explain the asymptote.

● (13:36-13:40) I will show them how to graph exponential functions. I will also

mention y-intercept, domain, range, equation of asymptote, and growth factor. At

the same time, students will take notes.

● (13:40-13:55) Students will work on a similar question to help them understand

the concepts.

● (13:55-14:05) Students will open their chromebooks and use Desmos to graph

some exponential functions that are transformed from a parent exponential

function. Students will write down the transformations, equations of asymptote,

domain, and range.

c. Closure:

● (14:05-14:10) I will wrap the information together for this lesson. Also, we will

have a whole class discussion so that students will understand the goals and

objectives better.

d. Extension:

● There are some students who finish the practice early, I will ask them to help their

partners who need help. Otherwise, I will ask them to work on the similar

questions on their homework sheet. I will spend more time helping students who

are struggling more.

● If most students require additional practice, I will provide more examples for

them since conceptual understanding is the foundation to build procedural


● If the whole class finishes early, I will ask them to work on their homework.

6. Accommodations/Modifications:

a. There are no IEP or 504 students in this classroom.

b. If there are IEP or 504 students in the classroom, then I will do the following:

● Make sure they are respected by everyone.

● Try to know them better.

● Keep things simple and stick to a daily routine so they will know what to do.

● Adjust lesson plans for them.

● Provide more attention as possible.

7. Assessment/Evaluation of Learning:

a. According to the results from their independent works, more than 80% of students

understand the transformations of an exponential equation.

8. Homework Assignment:

a. Students will work on their assignments online because mathematics is a subject that

requires practice.

9. Reflection:

It did not take me a lot of time to prepare for this lesson plan. When I discussed

this lesson plan with my mentor teacher, he said that it would be better if I add some real-

world examples of exponential growth functions to the lesson. I found a website that

shows some examples of exponential growth functions, and I added it to this lesson.
The lesson went great. Everyone participated in the class, and I covered

everything that I planned for this lesson. Students already learned the transformations of

equations before, so it did not take them a lot of time to understand this lesson.

After the lesson, my mentor teacher and I discussed the lesson that I just taught,

and he said it was good. Also, he gave me some advice for long duration class (this

lesson was only 42 minutes):

a. Create activities,

b. Interact with students more,

c. Create a mini quiz to evaluate students’ understanding.

10. Lemov Strategy:

a. Do Now. Use a short warm-up activity that students can finish without you providing any

direction to start class. My mentor teacher uses this strategy every day. Students work on

the warm-up question when they enter the classroom.

b. Tracking, Not Watching. Walk around the classroom and track students’ work to make

sure they are on the right track instead of staying in one place and watching. This strategy

not only makes sure that students are working on their assignments but also helps me

understand how well the students understand the lesson that I presented.

Warm-up question:

Write an exponential function of the form y=a ⋅b❑ x+ k and describe all the


Real-life exponential growth examples website:



Learning Sheet:
Consider the exponential function y=a ⋅b❑ x where a ≠ 0and b is a positive number
other than 1. If a > 0 and b > 1 then y=a ⋅b❑ x is an exponential growth function and b
is called the growth factor.
Asymptote is a line that a graph approaches more and more closely.
Graph Exponential Functions:

1. y=2❑x




Equation of Asymptote:

Growth Factor:

2. y=−2⋅ 4❑ x




Equation of Asymptote:

Growth Factor:

Transforming an Exponential Function: general form

Consider the parent equation y=a ⋅b❑ x, and transformed equation y '=a ⋅b❑ x−h + k .IN
GENERAL, the following transform the graph y=a ⋅b❑ xto y '=a ⋅b❑ x−h + k by:
h shifts: k shirts: - f (x) reflects:
Now consider the following exponential functions f ( x)=2❑ is the parent graph for each.
Identify all transformations to get from f to f ' . Also write the equation of each asymptote and
find the domain and range.
1. f ' (x)=2❑x+3 2. f ' (x)=2❑x−2−4

Eq. of asymptote: Eq. of asymptote:

Domain: Range: Domain: Range:

3. f ' ( x)=−2❑x +3 4. f ' ( x)=2❑x−2−1

Eq. of asymptote: Eq. of asymptote:

Domain: Range: Domain: Range:

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