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Once upon a time, there was a God and Goddess who lived in heaven.

Dewa: Dewi, yesterday I was given a task by Sang Hyang Tunggal. I have to reconcile the people and
eradicate evil on earth.

Dewi: good, how is the development?

Dewa: I don't know, I'm very lazy.

Dewi: Why is that?

Dewa : It's not my level to deal with such a cost.

Dewi: You're right , it's so difficult to advised human beings. It's hard to tell them.

Dewa: .you know what?. instead of doing that, it's better to go to sleep

Dewi: you're right! Let's just sleep


Gods and Goddesses are ultimately more interested in their own desires. They fell asleep at the
order of Sang Hyang Tunggal.

Sang Hyang Tunggal: Where are Dewa and Dewi?, I have been waiting but they did not come. Fine,
im just gonna find them myself

When Sang Hyang Tunggal searched for Dewa and Dewi, Sang Hyang Tunggal found that Dewa and
Dewi are sleeping

Sang Hyang Tunggal: my goodness!. I ordered but you two sleep instead, wake up! , or I will flush
you with water

Dewa and Dewi: we are very sorry my lord

Dewa: I didn't do it on purpose, beacuse I was really tired

Dewi: yes my lord, i was tired too . So I went to sleep.

Sang Hyang Tunggal: are tired? or you are lazy?. It has started now, you two need to go to the earth,
and don't come back, until the time of your punishment is over. Don't you understand?

Dewa and Dewi: yes my lord, but.....

Sang Hyang Tunggal: shut up and stop talking , hurry up and leave now!

Dewa and Dewi: yes my lord

After that, the Dewa and Dewi were cursed by Sang Hyang Tunggal, the Dewa was cursed to be a Dog
named Tumang, if the Dewi was cursed to be a Boar named Wayung Hyang.


Raja Sungging: uh, I really need to pee. Ah, there's no one here, I'm just gonna pee here.

After urinating, King Sungging left.

Boar: ngok,ngok, I really need to drink (looking around) there's water here, i'm gonna drink it (drinks
King Sungging's urine)

Wayung Hyang drank the urine of Raja Sungging, which caused her to become pregnant. After that
she gave birth to a daughter. After she gave birth. Wayung Hyang Saw a King passing by, Wayung
Hyang put her daughter under the trees for King Sungging to see.

Oowaa owaaa oweee oweeee (baby noises)

Raja Sungging: (hearing the sound of a baby) what is that sound? A ghost? Oh, I'm afraid. (looking
at the source of the sound) there is a baby, (in the carrier) this baby is very beautiful, i'm gonna name
her Dayang Sumbi.
King Sungging accepted Dayang Sumbi to his kingdom. Dayang Sumbi became a beautiful woman.
Many Kings and Princes wanted to marry her. Finally, Dayang Sumbi decided to isolate herself in the
hills with a dog, Name Tumang. In the midst of isolation. Every day we are weaving, looking at the
thread to insert the thread into the weaving thread.

Dayang Sumbi: oh God, the thread fell, i' so clumsy, well it's up to whoever is willing to pick up and
deliver the thread to me, if it is a woman i want her to be my sibling ,if it is a man i want to make him
my husband

Then, there was a male dog named Tumang, took the thread and delivered it to Dayang Sumbi. She
was surprised that the one who delivered the benang to her was a male dog,Saying that for
Sundanese speaking is the same as an oath that cannot be revoked. so Dayang Sumbi was forced to
marry a dog named Tumang. And with that a boy was born named Sangkuriang.


Dayang Sumbi: Oh, I really want a deer's heart, Sangkuriang can you go get me a deer's heart?

Sangkuriang: okay ma, i'm going to the forest with Tumang.

Dayang Sumbi: Oh, okay, be careful.

Sangkuriang: ok ma.

When Sangkuriang and Tumang arrived in the forest, Sangkuriang saw wild boars and Tumang even
bit Sangkuriang's clothes.

Sangkuriang: why are you doing Tumang?, Because of you i lost my prey.

Angered, Sangkuriang shot Tumang and gave his heart to Dayang Sumbi.

And after that Sangkuriang returned to his house

Sangkuriang: Mom, I'm back. This is the heart that you wants.
Dayang Sumbi: oh thank you Sangkuriang.

Sangkuriang: You're welcome ma

Dayang Sumbi immediately fried the heart and then ate it.

Sangkuriang: how is it? Do you like it??

Dayang Sumbi: Sangkuriang this is very tasty. By the way, where is Tumang?

Sangkuriang:( him being afraid of being scolded by his mother) actually the heart that you ate, was
Tumang's heart.

Dayang Sumbi: what??? You have gone too far Sangkuriang!

Sangkuriang: (Dayang sumbi making a annoyed face) why do you care about him more than me?

Dayang Sumbi: You don't know?! Tumang is your father Sangkuriang! He is the incarnation of the
prince who was brought down to earth. It means that you have killed your own father!! (baby

Sangkuriang: it's not possible! My father is not a dog! I.... I don't believe it (Sangkuriang ran away
from home leaving his mother alone).


Sangkuriang stopped in a forest. Soon Sangkuriang was found by a Petapa sakti.

Petapa sakti: hey, why are you here alone? where is your friend

Sangkuriang: who are you? I have a problem with my mother.

Petapa sakti : you don't need to know who I am, it's clear that you have to come with me to my
Sangkuriang: Ok nyai.

They go to petapa sakti's house

Petapa sakti : Well, this is my house, you don't have to be shy, because I live here alone.

Sangkuriang: Ok nyai

Petapa sakti: you can stay with me here until you can calm down.

Sangkuriang: ok , thank you nyai.

The next day.

Sangkuriang: nyai.. nyai..

Petapa sakti: what is Sangkuriang? I'm here.

Sangkuriang: (he immediately went to petapa sakti) why are you here?

Petapa sakti: come here, i will introduce you to my loyal followers. (while opening a bottle ).

Out of the bottle, appeared two supernatural beings

Makhluk gaib 1: well nyai, who's calling me?

Makhluk gaib 2: well, what's up? It's a surprise you called us. Is there a task that need to be done?

Petapa sakti: there is nothing, I just want to introduce you all to Sangkuriang, the new resident of
this house.
Sangkuriang: I am Sangkuriang. Nice to meet you all.

Creature 1: oh my this boy is handsome

Creature 2: Yes, he is very handsome

Petapa sakti: that's enough compliment for him. Go back to where you came from.

Creature 1: can't you see, I'm very happy. (Immediately leave the place)

Creatures 2: remember handsome, if you need anything just call me (leave the place).

After that sangkuriang was taught by Petapa sakti until he became a great person.

Sangkuriang: nyai.... I'm sorry if i have been such a burden to you. Now I'm going to leave nyai and
start my new life.

Petapa sakti: Sangkuriang, don't be like that. Nyai is happy because Sangkuriang can be Nyai's
adopted child all this time . Be careful to use the knowledge i have given you.

Sangkuriang: yes nyai. I Will go now


On his journey sangkuriang met Dayang Sumbi who is still a beautiful virgin because she uses the
knowledge of immortality. There Sangkuriang did not recognize Dayang Sumbi as his mother.

Sangkuriang: hey, what's your name? What are you doing here all by yourself?

Dayang Sumbi : oh, my name is Dayang Sumbi. I'm looking for some firewood.

Sangkuriang: Huh? Dayang Sumbi?? (surprised to hear that her name is the same as his mother's).
Dayang Sumbi: well, why? Is there something wrong with my name??

Sangkuriang: oh nothing, may i come to your house dayang Sumbi?

Dayang Sumbi: yes you may come.

Sangkuriang: thank you beautiful.

Then Dayang Sumdi and Sangkuriang went together to Dayang Sumbi's house.

Dayang sumbi: this is my house. Sorry if my house is ugly.

Sangkuriang: It' alright beautiful. Hmm, where are your parents? Can i meet them?

Dayang Sumbi: I don't have parents. I live alone.

Sangkuriang: oh, sorry. I didn't know.

Dayang Sumbi: it's okay

Every day Sangkuriang and Dyang Sumbi build a relationship. They are more and more in love. One
day, Sangkuriang was sitting on Dayang Sumbi's lap

while wiping Sangkuriang's hair, seeing the marks in Sangkuriang's eyes, Dayang Sumbi was surprised

Dayang Sumbi: hmm, Sangkuriang, what is that mark on your eyes?

Sangkuriang: oh, this is my small baby's mark, my mother hit me with a dipper until there were scars

Dayang Sumbi: Sangkuriang! You are my son Sangkuriang, you are my son who was lost, im sorry
but We can not continue this relationship!
Sangkuriang: no! Impossible! Don't lie to me! My Mother will not live this long if she still alive she
must be old.

Dayang Sumbi: Sangkuriang is right! I am your mother. I'm still young because I use the spell of

Sangkuriang: impossible! You must marry me!

Dayang Sumbi: if you still don't believe me. There is one condition that you must fulfill. If you can't
meet those conditions, you can't marry me and you must recognize me as your mother.

Sangkuriang: what are the conditions? I can surely accept it.

Dayang Sumbi: you have to build a big boat before the chicken crows. If you can't accept it all you
have to accept the situation.

Sangkuriang: ok. I definitely agree to that requirement.

Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi separated. Sangkuriang was confused to find a way to make such a
big boat in a short time. Before long, Sangkuriang found a way to ask for help from creatures that
have Petapa sakti.

Sangkuriang returned to the home of the Petapa sakti to find those creatures


Sangkuriang: hey creatures come out! I need your help.

Creature 1: hello there handsome? What can i do for you?

Creature 2: well, what can I do for you handsome?

Sangkuriang: you all have to make a big boat for my future wife before the chicken crows.
Creature 1: what? It's not possible we cannot do something like that

Creature 2: Yes, handsome. That is impossible to do.

Sangkuriang: I don't want to know, you all have to build the boat before the chicken crows. If not, I
will destroy both of you !

Creature 1&2: ok sir. We will grant your request.

when the creatures were making the boat, Dayang Sumbi was afraid that Sangkuriang might grant his
request. Dayang Sumbi is looking for a way to thwart them. Dayang Sumbi finally found a way make
the chicken crows by hitting a hammer together

(While while making a sound with a hammer)

Dayang Sumbi: tok! Tok! Tok! Tok!

(And with that the chickens start crowing)

Sangkuriang was surprised. The creatures are not willing to continue their work.

Sangkuriang : why are you here? Hurry up and finish your work!

creature 1 : sorry sir. I can't continue because the sound of the chicken has been heard by me.

creature 2 : yes, sir, it is a sign that sunrise is coming.

sangkuriang : stop this nonsense!

(the creatures leave Sangkuriang )

Sangkuriang got angry and finally kicked the boat until it flip over.

Dayang Sumbi: sangkuriang, how is the It now? The sound of the chicken has been heard, it is a sign
that the time has run out.

Sangkuriang: no Dayang Sumbi. You must be my wife!

Dayang Sumbi: but you must fulfill your promise. You are my son. You can't marry me.

Sangkuriang: I want to marry you Dyang Sumbi! I love you.

Dayang Sumbi ran away Sangkuriang. But Sangkuriang still follows Dayang Sumbi Until the end,
Dayang Sumbi couldn't do anything and begged the Lord.

Dayang Sumbi : God, please help me, I can't do anything anymore. I surrender to you God

Meanwhile, Dayang Sumbi is still being chased by Sangkuriang. But Suddenly Dayang Sumbi turned
into a flower.

Sangkuriang: Dayang Sumbi!!!!

Finally, Sngkuriang entered the supernatural world and never came back.

The incident was finally named Tangkuban Barahu by the locals.


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