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164 f/\,~ - Ma 3 :q,~.

would then conduct the atmospheric elec-

tricity away from the buildings before it did
damage. The Royal Society refused to pub-
lish the letter, citing the lack of evidence
showing that lightning was, In fact, electri-
The discovery of the action cal. This led to Franklin's famous kite-
flying experiment. By flying a kite during a
potential storm, Franklin showed that he could tap
electricity from the clouds that was indi~
tinguishabte from artificial electricity.
Stephen M. Schuetze Franklin's discovery generated enorm-
ous excitement throughout the western
world. The Royal Society not only pub-
Beginning in the early eighteenth century, biologists and physicists alike strove to find lished the work, but even awarded Franklin
a link between electricity and nervous function. Luigi Galvani took the first step by its Copley Medal. Galvani could hardly
demonstrating the presence o f electricity in animal tissues. Over the next half-century, have escaped notice of Franklin's discov-
others went on to s h o w that nerve and muscle tissues generate electrical transients that ery, since an Italian translation was pub-
accompany excitation, but the lack o f sensitive instruments hampered these studies. lished in 1774 (Ref. 5). Given the com-
Julius Bernstein, with the help o f E m i l du Bois-Reymond, f o u n d a way to overcome bination of Galvani's desire to explore
these technical limitations and in about 1865 made the first recordings o f the time every means of stimulating muscle and the
course o f the action potential. fame surrounding Franklin's discovery,
Galvani's next experiment was inevitable.
This paper reviews briefly how the first stimuli and sparks jumping over various In the face of an approaching storm, Gal-
recordings of the action potential were distances were effective; discharges pro- vani hung a prepared frog from his railing
made, focusing on work done in the duced by both electrostatic machines and outside, and connected it to a long wire set
mid-1860s by the pioneering physiologist, Leyden jars were effective; and stimuli deli- up to capture atmospheric electricity8. As
Julius Bernstein 1. Despite severe technical vered using all sorts of electrical conductors one would expect, the experiment was a
limitations, Bernstein determined the time were effective. Having exhausted this line success: atmospheric electricity was as
course of the action potential, measured its of experimentation based on 'artificial' effective as artificial electricity in stimula-
conduction velocity, and demonstrated its (man-made) electricity, Galvani undertook ting the muscle. Upon repeating the experi-
overshoot. In order to put these experi- to study the effects of 'natural' electricity. ment, however, Galvani was astounded to
ments into perspective, I will outline Natural electricity in the atmosphere had find that he did not need atmospheric elec-
what was known about animal electricity been discovered not long before by Benja- tricity. Suspended from an iron railing on
when Bernstein started his work. min FranklinL In 1750, Franklin wrote to brass hooks, the muscle twitched whenever
The birth of electrophysiology took place the Royal Society proposing that buildings the assembly was jostled. Furthermore, the
during the eighteenth century as an offshoot might be protected from electrical storms same procedure worked indoors. Knowing
of studies on electricity3,+,~s. At that time, a by putting sharp rods, connected to the of no other source of electricity that might
spark was the only fully accepted assay for earth, on the buildings' peaks. The rods have stimulated the muscle, Galvani con-
electricity. Not surprisingly, many empiri- eluded that the stimulus must have come
cal observations showed that electrical from the tissue itself. He considered this a
sparks elicit muscular contractions. Indeed, ® c manifestation of animal electricity.
many therapists administered shocks to the + + I b + a + Alessandro Volta, a physicist working in
infLrrn to make lame limbs move again 3.''. Pavia, learned of Galvani's work in 1791
- ® ' - - I ! and was astonished by the findings 3,m'14.
These observations led to speculation
that electricity might he important in the Already a pre-eminent investigator of elec-
operation of the nervous system ~. Most trical phenomena, Volta began his experi-
thinkers of the day, however, still believed ments on animal electricity in 1792. Within
that the nervous system operated via the weeks he confirmed Galvani's main results,
movement of nervous fluids or ethers. In and his initial scepticism became fanati-
addition, some noted that the most striking cism.
similarity between electricity and the nerv-
ous principle was that very little was known
about either. As a result, the connection
between electricity and nervous function
was not explored until the end of the
@ A key finding, also reported by Galvani,
was that a nerve-muscle preparation stimu-
lated itself effectively only when contacted
by two dissimilar metals. Although this
observation did not concern Galvani, it
Fig. 1. Origin of the injury current. (A) When an
century. axon or muscle fiber is cut, the damaged end forms troubled Volta. Like others before him,
Luigi Galvani, a Bolognese physiolo- a leaky, non-specific seal. B e c ~ e of the inside Volta had noted that placing two dissimilar
gist, took up the problem around 1780 0gef. negative membrane potential, there is a net move- metals on his tongue generated the same
8). He developed the 'prepared frog', ment of positive charge through the damaged region sourish taste as that elicited by a weak elec-
which consisted of the skinned lower limbs, into the cell (a). This partially depolarizes the cell, trical stimulus delivered to the same spot.
the attached nerves, and occasionally also a generating an outward current at distal points (b). After exploring this further, Volta declared
The re~trn path is along the outside of the fiber (c).
portion of the spinal column. Doing count- OB)When a peripheral nerve or whole muscle is cut, that Galvani's 'animal electricity' was in
less experiments, Galvani tested every con- the injury currents of the individualfibers sum. The fact electricity generated by the wetting of
ceivable way of stimulating the preparation net muscle or nerve current is large enough to be dissimilar metals and not a force generated
electrically. He found that both direct detected with a galvanometer. by the tissue itselP 4.
& 1983, Elsevier Science Publishers B . V , Amsterdam 0378 - 5912/83/$01.00
TINS - May 1983 165

The debate between Galvani and Volta L

Though not a critical test, an identity of
soon became acrimonious, with the conduction velocities was an obvious
physiologists of the day quickly taking prediction of his theory.
sides3. By 1794, Galvani countered Volta's The conduction velocity of the excitatory
objections with an experiment, published signal was already known. This measure-
anonymously, showing that a muscle can ment had been made by Hermann yon
be stimulated by bringing its nerve into con- Helmholtz 3, another student of Johannes
tact with a skinned part of the muscle 3' ~1. In Mueller. Von Helmholtz constructed a tim-
this case, the damaged muscle generated a ing device that was turned on by the same
sizeable injury current that acted as the switch that stimulated the nerve of a
stimulus (Fig. 1 ). Although Galvani did not nerve-muscle preparation. One tendon of
understand injury currents, he correctly the muscle was attached to a second switch
stated that this was a demonstration of ani- Fig. 2. Schematic dtagram of the differential that stopped the clock. Thus, when the nerve
mal electricity free of metallic electricity rheotome. See text for details. was stimulated, the clock timed the interval
artefacts. between stimulus and twitch. By doing sev-
Volta was not moved: he argued that con- rent decreased during strychnine-induced eral trials with the stimulating electrodes
tact of dissimilar conductors (in this case, tetany. This happens because the muscle placed at different points along the nerve,
muscle and nerve) inevitably generated an current is fuelled by the resting membrane yon Helmholtz determined the conduction
electrical current. Though Galvani with- potential, and the volley of action potentials velocity of the excitatory signal.
drew from the battle, 3 years later Alexan- that accompanies tetany depolarizes the Du Bois-Reymond then set out to meas-
der von Humboldt repeated both Galvani's cells. ure the conduction velocity of the negative
and Voha's experiments, and confirmed Matteucci's results drew the attention of variation. He built a machine that was sup-
Galvani's discovery of animal elec- Johannes Mueller, a Berliner and the most posed to determine the time course of the
tricity3'11"1~. Nevertheless, Volta still prominent physiologist of the day 3. In negative variation with sufficient resolution
refused to believe that biological tissues are 1841, Mueller asked his Swiss student, to detect any reversal of the injury current 1.
electrically active. Emil du Bois-Reymond, to repeat Such a machine could also yield the con-
There was one exception: vmually Matteucci's experiments. A brilliant duction velocity. Unfortunately his
everyone, including Volta, agreed that cer- experimentalist, du Bois.-Reymond soon machine failed, so he passed the problem to
tain organs in the eel and T o r p e d o were repeated Matteucci's findings and, with the his student, Julius Bernstein.
electrical3.tL Volta, however, reversed the aid of his superior instruments, went on to Bernstein built an improved version of
argument and claimed that the electric extend the results to nerves". When he the machine, called a differential
organ of T o r p e d o was the exception that demonstrated that nerve current, like mus- rheotomeLL Like its predecessor, it was
proved the rule. Volta believed that the cle current, decreases during stimulation, designed to measure the time course of the
electric organ was electrical only because it du Bois-Reymond declared: 'If I do not negative variation. The principal design
contained alternate layers of dissimilar greatly deceive myself, I have succeeded in obstacle was due to the only measuring in-
materials. realizing.., the hundred years' dream of strument available, the galvanometer: it was
To illustrate his point, he constructed an physicists and physiologists, to wit, the too slow to follow the time course of an
apparatus consisting of multiple discs of identity of the nervous principle with elec- event as rapid as an action potential. It was
zinc, copper, and moist pasteboard that tricity'3. also relatively insensitive.
were piled one on top of the other in an Today we know that during the peak of The solution lay in a clever approach:
alternating series. This 'artificial electric the action potential, the nerve current does Bernstein circumvented the slow response
organ', as Volta referred to it, was capable not fall to zero; rather, it overshoots zero time of the galvanometer with a mechanical
of generating sizeable electric currents. and transiently reverses polarity. Because timing and sampling circuit. Specifically,
Volta presented his apparatus as a realistic his galvanometer was too slow to follow the the machine connected the galvanometer to
model of the natural electric organ, and very brief reversal, Du Bois-Reymond the recording electrodes for only a fraction,
dismissed from further consideration the could detect only a transient decrease in the of a millisecond, and then only after a cer-
question of animal electricity in other injury current. He named this decrease the tain delay following the stimulus. The
tissues and organs H. 'negative variation', du Bois-Reymond was delay was variable and could be set with
Voha's discovery revolutionized physics well aware of the limitations of his instru- sub-millisecond precision. Since the samp-
by providing a useful, steady source ofelec.- ments, however, and he suggested that the ling interval was short compared to the
tricity, but it also effectively stopped negative variation might actually be action potential, he could examine any por-
further studies of animal electricity. It was stronger than the resting nerve currentlC tion of the negative variation (i.e. the action
not until about 40 years later that Carlo Mat- This was an important point, since not potential) simply by readjusting the delay
teucci, a physicist at Pisa~ convincingly everyone agreed with du Bois-Reymond's time. This is explained in more detail
demonstrated the existence of animal elec- claim that the negative variation was the below.
tricityaA3. Using a 'galvanometer' devised signal that travelled along nerves and stimu- Another difficulty was that the gal-
about 20 years earlier by C. L. Nobili, Mat- lated muscles. Du Bois-Reymond believed vanometer was too insensitive to respond to
teucci showed that there is an electrical cur- he could strengthen his case by showing a single, very brief sample of injury current.
rent between the cut and intact surfaces of a that the negative variation was in fact a Bernstein solved this problem by stimula-
damaged muscle (Fig. 1). Today this cur- reversal of nerve current, since this would ting the nerve rapidly. The galvanometer
rent is called an injury current; at that time, indicate that the negative variation was an was connected to the nerve for the same
however, the role of injury was not under- active process. As further evidence, he interval after each stimulus (with a constant
stood and it was called simply 'muscle wanted to show that the conduction velocity delay) so that the meter received a volley of
current'. of the negative variation equalled the con- identical samples. In this way, the samples
Matteucci also noted that the muscle cur- duction velocity of the excitatory signal. were additive. The galvanometer reading
166 1 i i \ ~ ..- Ma~, t98..¢

was proportional to the number of samples stimulus and the sampling interval was set paration was at rest.
per second multiplied by the amplitude of by adjusting the angle between the two Both the galvanometer and the stimulator
the individual samples. By keeping a con- switches. Although not illustrated in the were conventional for the time. The gal-
stant sampling rate, Bernstein could com- diagram, the duration of the sampling vanometer consisted of a bar magnet suw
pare readings with different delay times. interval was also adjustable. These features pended from the ceiling by a thread and sur-
That is, he could compare the relative can be seen in Bernstein's drawings of his rounded by a coil of wire mounted on the
strengths of different portions of the action rheotome (Figs 3, 4). floor. The stimulator was simply an induc-
potential and thus reconstruct its time One problem with the design of Fig. 2 tion coil connected to a battery.
course. The resolution was limited by the is that the galvanometer, because of its low The machine was used as tollows. First,
length of the sampling interval, typically input resistance, draws so much current two pairs of electrodes werc connected to
0.5 ms. from the nerve that closing the recording the nerve, one for stimulation and one for
A simplified schematic diagram of circuit also stimulates the nerve. Bernstein recording. These were connected to the
Bernstein's differential rheotome is shown overcame this problem with a simple nul- rheotome, which was set spinning at a
in Fig. 2. Stimulating and recording elec- ling mechanism: he wired the galvanometer fixed, carefully measured rate. In addition,
trodes were placed at opposite ends of a in series with a variable voltage source of the compensating current was set to cancel
nerve. The stimulator was connected to a opposing polarity. The variable voltage exactly the resting nerve current. Then the
switch that was tripped once per revolution source was simply a battery (Voltaic pile) rheotome was adjusted for a zero delay time
of a spinning wheel. The galvanometer and connected to a copper wire 1.5 meters long. between stimulation and recording, and the
recording electrodes were connected to By moving a slide along the wire, he could stimulator was activated. The delay time
another switch that was also closed briefly tap off any fractional part of the battery's was gradually increased until the galvan-
during each revolution of the same wheel. voltage. In practice, the slide was set so that ometer responded.
When the machine was in operation, the the battery exactly countered the injury cur- Bernstein's first finding was that "a
stimulus rate was set by adjusting the speed rent. As a result the galvanometer drew no measurable time elapses between stimula-
of the wheel. The delay time between the current from the nerve whenever the pre- tion at one point of the nerve and the begin-

i' ~ 9 5-2


F ~ . 3. Cross-section o f the differential rheotome. The s/m~ ( X - X ) is rotated via a pu/./ey,causing pins p, pt and p~to turn with it. The other elements in the drawing
are stationary, Pin p and wire d are connected to the s~wnutator: an annular pool o f mercury (n-n) acts as a commutator. The recording circuit is connected to two
rectangular pools o f mercury (q ~ q 2). The pools are shorted by pins p ~and p~ as they pass through the menisci o f the pools,
TINS-May 1983 167



j ....

\~' / \
/ :


~x\ /"
\ i/

\ ---


Fig. 4. 7 op view o f the rheotome. 7he rotating part consists o f the wheel holding the three pins; most other parts are adjustable but do not normally rotate. 7'he
duration o f the sampling interval is set by adjusting the degree o f overlap o f pools q 1and q ~. The delay time between stimulus and recording is set coarsely b v moving
the arms I, and 12relative to arm d. Finer adjustment is made by turning the thumbscrew b.

ning of the negative variation at a more dis- as possible, he wanted to make the samp- the nerve in both directions away from the
tant point'. In other words, when the delay ling interval very short. If the intervals were stimulus.
between stimulation and sampling was too short, however, there was not enough This brings us back to the original objec-
zero, the galvanometer did not respond. charge movement to power the galvano- tives of these experiments: to measure the
This was because the meter sampled before meter. A sample time of 0.3 ms proved to be conduction velocity and to see if the nerve
the arrival of the negative variation and it the practical limit, and this was true only current changes direction during excitation.
saw only the resting current, for which it with the expedient of recording from two To measure the conduction velocity of the
was fully compensated. When an appropri- nerves placed side by side in order to negative variation, Bernstein delivered
ate delay was set, however, the action increase the signal. The results are shown in stimuli to either of two points at different
potential reached the recording electrodes Fig. 5. The upper trace is a plot of mag- distances from the recording electrodes. In
at the same time that the galvanometer nitude versus time. This is, to my know- each case, he measured the minimum delay
sampled the nerve current. In this case, the ledge, the first plot of an action potential time for a just-detectable deflection of the
nerve current was weaker than the compen- ever published, yet it is a remarkably faith- galvanometer. Knowing these numbers and
sating current; hence, the galvanometer ful representation. The lower traces are the difference in distance, it was a simple
moved. plots of the magnitude of the negative varia- matter to calculate the conduction velocity:
By changing the delay, Bernstein was tion versus distance along the nerve at a '28.718 meters/second', a value in good
able to sample different parts of the nega- single point in time. This drawing was con- agreement with von Helmholtz's value for
tive variation and to recreate its entire time structed by Bernstein to point out that the the velocity of the excitatory influence.
course. In order to get as accurate a record action potential is a wave that travels along To determine if the nerve current
168 iNS - M @ I !~,'~

of course, is widely accepted loda3~. Furth-

ermore, he proposed that action potentials
result from a transient loss of selective per-
meability, so that the membrane potential
falls to zero. The possibility of a sodium
r T za 0 influx was discounted, despite Ovenon's
finding TM that excitabilil.~ in muscle
depends on the presence of extracellular
sodium. Bemstein's hypothesis, which
........... i ........ curiously ignored or discounted one of his
own major results - the overshoot of the
action potential - misled an entire genera-
tion of neurophysiologists. It was not until
about 1940 (Refs 4, 10) that this error was
~q corrected and the overshoot of the action
potential became firmly established.
I thank the staffof the Biology Library at Col-
7U I rt/ umbia University for help in locating manu-
scripts; Drs Harry Grundfest, John Hildebrand
and Roberta Pollock for helpful discussions; and
Dr William Pickard for pointing out the exis-
tence of Bemstein's early papers. Stephen M.
Schuetze is an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
t Bernstein; J. (1868) Pfluegers Arch. 1,179-207
q'l ~ ,,
.Ae/ N 2 Bemstem,J. (1902) Pfiuegers Arch. 92, 521-562
It II [I II "7, t 3 Brazier, M. A. B. (1959) in Handbook of
aN. dN~ dN. Physiology, Section 1: Neurophysiology, Vol. 1
(Field, J., ed.), pp. 1-58, AmericanPhysiological
Fig. 5. 1he first published drawings ofan action potential See text for details. Society, WashingtonDC
4 Ctmis, H. J. and Cole, K. S. (1942)J. Cell. Comp.
changed its direction at the peak of the artefact created by a leakage current from Physiol. 19, 135-144
negative variation, Bernstein had to take the stimulator. In a few cases, the current 5 DeFelice, L. J. (1981)Introduction to Mem-
brane Noise, pp. 1-25, Plenum Press, New York
into account the effect of stimulus strength. approached zero but did not change direc-
6 du Bois.-Reymond,E. (1849) Untersuchen ueber
Since he was recording from a bundle of tion at the peak of the signal. The most thierische Elektricitaet, G. Rennet, Berlin
axons, and not a single fiber, the size of the likely explanation is that, in these cases, not 7 Durant, W. and Durant, A. (1%5) 7"heStory of
response was roughly proportional to the all of the fibers had been stimulated and so Civilization, Vol. IX, pp. 520-522, Simon and
number of fihers excited, which in turn var- there was a significant background of rest- Schusler, New York
ied with the stimulus strength. Bemstein ing current that obscured the reversal. 8 Galvani, L. (1791) Galvani's Commentary on
noted that varying the stimulus strength In sum, Bernstein determined the con- the Effects of Electricity on Muscular Motion
(Foley, M. G., trans.), Burn@ Library (1953),
altered only the size of the negative varia- duction velocity of the action potential and
Norwalk, CI
tion, and not its duration, showed that it has an overshoot. In so 9 Grundfest, H. (1%5)Arch. ltal. BioL 103;
For the critical experiment, the rheotome doing, he met the goals laid out for him by 483--490
was adjusted so that it sampled the peak of du Bois-Reymond. In a parallel study, 10 Hodgkin, A. L. and Huxley. A. F. (1939)Nature
the negative fluctuation. The stimulus was Bernstein used the differential rheotome to (London) 144, 710
made as large as possible, and the compen- study the action cmrents of muscle, with II Mauro, A. (1969) J. Hist. Med. Allied Sci. 24,
similar results. 140-150
sating current was removed. In this way,
12 Overton, E. (1902) Pfiuegers Arch. 92, 346-386
Bernstein only had to note in which direc- About 35 years later, in 1902, Bernstein 13 Pupilli, G. C. and Fadiga, E. (1%3)J. World
tion the galvanometer moved - with or proposed what, at the time, was a com- Hist. 7,547-589
against the resting current. In almost every prehensive theory of resting and action 14 Volta, A. (1800)Philos. 1)'arts. R. Soc. London
case, the answer was the same: with strong potentials~. Drawing on the latest studies of 90, 403-431
stimuli, the strength of the negative varia- Nemst and others, Bea'nstein lX~tulated that
tion exceeds that of the resting current. This nerve cells are selectively pemneahle to Stephen M. Schuetze is at the Deparlmem of Biolog-
result did not depend on stimulus polarity, potassium ions and that the resting potential ical Sciences, Columbia University, Fairchild
showing that the reversal was not an is generated by a potnsaium gradient. This, Center 913B, New York, NY 10027, U.S.A.

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