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Module Code 23_HE_FT_DP_IT_WDP220_Y2
Module NQF Level 7
Credits 10
Semester 2ND
Due Date …

Total marks 100

Pass mark 50%
Weighting 20%
Moderator …

This question paper consists of 3 pages including the cover page.

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following instructions CAREFULLY:

1. Assignments must be presented in the correct format.

2. Your assignment should be typed – Arial font 12; 1.5 spacing; Justified (ctrl + J)) 2. Ensure that your
details and the name of your campus are clearly indicated on the cover page of your assignment.
3. Please note that it is your responsibility to retain copies of your assessments
4. Use the Harvard method of Referencing for citing your sources.
5. Use current research sources, preferably not older than five years.
6. A CheckforPlagiarism report MUST be attached to each assignment submission.
7. It is in your own interest to present your work neatly.

IT Dip Web Develoment 2B Page 1 of 4

© Damelin

Question 1 (14 marks)

List and explain seven Java Script events. Give an example where possible.

Question 2 (30 marks)

Develop a simple pizza order form like the picture below. The web page should be completely functional.
When a user makes desired selections, and clicks on the order button, the program should direct the user
to another web page that will show the details of what has been ordered and the total cost. Include
JavaScript functions to perform the required calculations. Creativity is encouraged as it will attract better

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© Damelin
Question 3 (25 marks)

Create a form that collects the first name, last name, email, user id, password and confirm password from
the user. All the inputs are mandatory and email address entered should be in correct format. Also, the
values entered in the password and confirm password textboxes should be the same. After validating using
JavaScript, display proper error messages in red color just next to the textbox where there is an error.

Question 4 (10 marks)

Display a message "Welcome!!!" on your webpage and when the user hovers over the message, a popup
should be displayed with a message "Welcome to my WebPage!!!".

Question 5 (21 marks)

Write a program that will implement the following web forms:

When the program is run the first time the following displays:

When the “Add a new box button” is clicked the following displays:

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© Damelin
When the button is clicked any number of times, the number of clicks is printed in the text box followed by
the display of an equivalent number of boxes. See picture below:

When the edit (found on the upper left-hand corner of the box) is clicked an alert is displayed as shown
below. Any new text typed into the alert textbox replaces the “New Form” in any of the boxes.

Use necessary Java script functions to develop the program.

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© Damelin

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