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Department of Civil Engineering

CE 322 (Mechanics of Solids-II)
Complex Engineering Problem (Spring 2023)

Name: Roll No.:

Due on: Friday, 14th July 2023

A. Develop a generalized program in any convenient programming language or computational

environment (Python, MATLAB etc.) that can be used to determine the number of independent
mechanisms, evaluate all independent and combined mechanism and determine ultimate load of a
frame. Your program should only be limited to a single bay portal frame with rectangular cross-
section. Following should be provided as input to the program:
i. Cross-sectional properties
ii. Yield strength
iii. Span Length of both beam and column
iv. Support Conditions (Pinned-Pinned, Pinned-Fixed, Fixed-Fixed)
v. No. of point Loads on beam (maximum one point load within the span)
vi. Uniformly distributed load (throughout span length of the beam)
vii. Lateral load (Only at the beam-column joint)
viii. Uniformly distributed load (throughout the height of the column)

B. Based on the ultimate moment obtained from Part “A”, develop a generalized program in any
convenient programming language or computational environment (Python, MATLAB etc.) that
can be used to determine the bending stresses produced for following cross-sections:
C. Test the program developed in A by determining the ultimate load of the given frames. Beams and
Columns have a rectangular cross-section of 6 in. × 12 in. with a yield strength, y = 50 ksi. All
beams and columns have same plastic moment capacity, Mp.


D. Test the program developed in B by determining bending stresses in the given sections using the
generalized expression of stresses provided in the handouts of the unsymmetrical bending.
Following are the details of Angle, Channel and Z-shape sections:
For angle section; bf = 18 in, tf = 2 in bw = 32 in, tw =1.2 in
For channel and Z Shape sections; bf = 24 in, tf = 0.75 in bw = 19.5 in, tw =2 in

E. Final report to be submitted must include:

i. Flow Chart of the program
ii. Program Listing
iii. Solution of the above-mentioned tested problems obtained from your developed program
iv. Manual solution of the above-mentioned problems

F. Final report will be evaluated as per attached rubrics.

Mechanics of Solids – II
Complex Engineering Problem

Name: Roll No.:

Due on: Friday, 14th July 2023


S. Criterion Not Acceptable (1)Basic Good Excellent
No. Acceptable (0) (2) (3) (4)
1. Understanding Student fails to Student Student Student Student
of the understand the inadequately
adequately understands the understands the
Problem problem. understands the
understands the problem problem very
problem.problem. clearly. clearly.
2. Program Program Program is
Program is Program is Program is
Development developed is developed with
developed with developed with developed with
(Solution irrelevant. unclear clear approach clear approach clear approach
Approach) approachand with some and relevant and relevant
minor errors in context. context.
relating the
context of the
3. Validation and Not Validated Validated and Validated and Validated and Validated and
Analysis of the and analyzed analyzed with analyzed with analyzed in analyzed
results inadequately. adequately. depth. professionally.

4. Timely No
--- --- --- Yes
5. Covers no Presented in
Quality of Covers limited Cover required Covers full
detail. professional
Report details. details. details.

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