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Los conectores son palabras o grupos de palabras cuya función principal establecer algún tipo de relación
entre las oraciones que forman parte de un texto. Dependiendo del tipo de conector que empleemos, le
daremos un sentido determinado a nuestro texto. Fijaos en los ejemplos. Tenéis que tener en cuenta que
algunos conectores siempre suelen usarse al principio, otros al final, y otros en mitad de una frase. Además,
algunos van seguidos de “,” mientras que otros no. Por otro lado, algunos conectores son demasiado
formales y hay que omitirlos cuando nos piden un texto informal.
Son herramienta esencial para poder expresarte con propiedad y fluidez en tu segundo idioma y son
imprescindibles en los exámenes EvAU.

Dan información extra sobre lo mencionado anteriormente.

And: y Moreover: además

Also: también Furthermore: además
Too: también Additionally: además
As well as: así como Besides: además

I used to go to an art course and a photography one.

I used to go to an art course and also to a photography one.
I used to go to an art course and to a photography one, too.
I used to go to an art course as well as a photography course.
I used to go to an art course. Moreover, I used to go to a photography course.
I used to go to an art course. Furthermore, I used to go to a photography course.
I used to go to an art course. Additionally, I used to go to a photography course.
I used to go to an art course. Besides, I used to go to a photography course.

Se usan para presentar una idea contraria a lo mencionado anteriormente.

But: pero Although/even though/though: aunque

However: sin embargo Despite/despite of/in spite of: a pesar de
Nevertheless: sin embargo Yet: aún así
On the other hand: por otra parte While: por otra parte

I loved every course I was doing, but they were a little bit expensive.
I loved every course I was doing. However, they were a little bit expensive.
I loved every course I was doing. Nevertheless, they were a little bit expensive.
I loved every course I was doing. On the other hand, they were a little bit expensive.
I loved every course I was doing although they were a little bit expensive.
I loved every course I was doing despite their expensive cost.
My courses were a little bit expensive, yet I loved them.
I loved every course I was doing, while some people hated them.
Se usan para introducir un objetivo o el objetivo de realizar una acción:
In order to: para So as not to: para no
In order not to: para no For: para
So as to: para So that: para

I went to Barcelona in order to visit one of my best friends.

My husband put an alarm on the house in order not to get robbed.
I studied hard so as to pass the exam.
The President passed a new law so as not to lose voters.
I went buying some bikinis for my summer holidays.
Notre Dame was closed to people so that they could fix the damage caused by the fire.

Este tipo de conectores expresa un motivo o una razón a lo anteriormente dicho.

For this reason: por este motivo Hence: por lo tanto

Because: porque Thus: así pues
As a result: como resultado So: así pues
Therefore: por lo tanto Consequently: consecuentemente

I had very little free time. For this reason I decided to quit.
I decided to quit because I had very little free time.
I had very little free time. As a result, I decided to quit.
I had very little free time. Therefore, I decided to quit.
I had very little free time. Hence I decided to quit.
I had very little free time. I decided to quit, thus.
I had very little free time. So I decided to quit.
I had very little free time. Consequently, I decided to quit.

Este tipo de conectores sirve para marcar un orden temporal en el discurso.

First: en primer lugar Then: luego

Secondly: en segundo lugar Next: después
On the first hand: en primer lugar Later: más tarde
On the second hand: en segundo lugar Finally: finalmente

First, there are people who believe in God. Secondly, there are atheist people.
On the first hand, there are people who believe in God. On the second hand, there are atheist people.
First, there are people who believe in God. Then, there are atheist people.
First, there are people who believe in God. Next, there are atheist people.
First, there are people who believe in God. Later, there are atheist people. Finally, there are people who
haven’t decided yet.
Sirven para establecer una comparación entre distintas informaciones.

In the same way: del mismo modo Equally: igualmente

In the same manner: del mismo modo Similarly: de manera simila

Christians believe in God. In the same way, Jewish and Hinduists believe in God too.
Christians believe in God. In the same manner, Jewish and Hinduists believe in God too.
Christians believe in God. Equally, Jewish and Hinduists believe in God too.
Christians believe in God. Similarly, Jewish and Hinduists believe in God too.

Ofrecen ejemplos que ilustran los datos que estamos dando.

For example: por ejemplo In other words: en otras palabras

For instance: por ejemplo Such as: como por ejemplo
That’s to say: es decir In particular: especialmente

My sister is very good at playing sports. For example, she is an ace at handball.
My sister is very good at playing sports. For instance, she is an ace at handball.
My sister is very good at playing sports. That’s to say, she is an ace at many different sports.
My sister is very good at playing sports. In other words, she is an ace at many different sports.
My sister is very good at playing sports such as handball.
My sister is very good at playing sports, in particular handball.

Sirven para ofrecer una conclusión al final.

In conclusion: en conclusión In short: en resumen

To conclude: para concluir Finally: finalmente
To sum up: resumiendo Lastly: por último
In brief: en resumen At last: por último

In conclusion, she will beat you whatever you play.

To conclude, she will beat you whatever you play.
To sum up, she will beat you whatever you play.
In brief, she will beat you whatever you play.
In short, she will beat you whatever you play.
Finally, you should know that she will beat you whatever you play.
Lastly, you should know that she will beat you whatever you play.
At last, you should know that she will beat you whatever you play.

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