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28/7/23, 00:48 202301-10000119-1019-1EG024-2-1-1: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

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WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de YESSICA ELIZABETH GARCIA SANCHEZ - miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023, 15:41

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de JOSE LEONARDO URIARTE PAREDES - miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023, 18:01


1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?
There are many factors that can cause academic stress, including:
- Demands.
- Pressure.
- Self-blaming and Blaming others.
- Dysfunctions.
- Personal problems.
- Cognitive-systemic imbalance.
2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?
- Influence on the health status, emotional well-being, interpersonal relationships, performance, and adaptation of students.
- Cognitive-systemic imbalance influences the experience, management, and expression of emotions to adapt to a context or
according to individual goals.
- Poor eating habits and, in turn, drug use.
- Experience physical exhaustion leading to irritability.
- Sleep disorder.
- Negative thoughts.
- Self-criticism.
3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?
Academic stress can negatively impact my college education in various ways. It impairs concentration and learning, leading to
missed deadlines, poor exam results, and lower grades. Additionally, it hampers motivation and can lead to procrastination,
exacerbating long-term stress. It also affects my physical and mental well-being, manifesting as headaches, stomachaches,
anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. These health problems make it difficult to concentrate and participate in
the college experience.
4. ¿De qué manera este artículo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?
The article "Academic stress and adaptation to university life: mediation of cognitive-emotional regulation and social support
with this information" provides contributes to making students aware of potential triggers and developing strategies to
counteract stress and build a strong social support network, as well as seeking help to alleviate this problem.
5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?
To the best of my comprehension, it seems that academic stress is a difficult challenge that can adversely impact students'
academic achievement, mental health, and general welfare. I believe that it is vital for students to recognize the roots of
academic pressure and devise healthy coping mechanisms. Additionally, I am of the strong belief that universities should
shoulder the responsibility of providing students with resources to help them manage stress. According to the information given,
Feldman, Goncalves y Chacón (2009) Further research will allow for examining the transfer and effectiveness of these
preparation and training programs within the school context, as well as observing the subsequent impact they have on learning
and, consequently, on academic performance. 1/67
28/7/23, 00:48 202301-10000119-1019-1EG024-2-1-1: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.
According to the information given, Valiente, Martinez y Suarez (2020) It is important to prioritize effective time management
during the early years of university, regardless of gender differences. Intervention programs should be designed and
implemented to train students in time management and organization of academic and extracurricular activities.
6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?
All in all, scholarly pressure is a difficult issue that can adversely affect understudies' scholastic presentation, psychological
well-being, and in general prosperity. Understudies really should know about the reasons for scholarly pressure and foster
sound survival strategies. Colleges must furnish assets to assist understudies with adapting to pressure. Assuming you are
battling with scholastic pressure, realize that you are in good company. There are numerous assets accessible to assist you
with adapting to pressure and prevail in school.

Fedman, L., et al. (2009).
Relaciones entre estrés académico, apoyo social, salud mental y rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios
Valiente, C., et al. (2020).
Rendimiento Académico según distintos niveles de funcionalidad ejecutiva y de estrés infantil percibido. Psicología Educativa,
26 (1), 77-86.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de YULEISY FIORELLA BARBOZA ASTONITAS - miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2023, 21:53

Hello colleague José Leonardo Uriarte cordial greetings, I would like to tell you that I have been reading your answers in
the discussion and argumentation forum, and through that, I could tell you that I totally agree with all your answers, but with
regard to question number 5, I would like to add something else. Stress also refers to a complicated confrontation
(cognitive, behavioral and emotional) that originates because of an unexpected context that needs a lot of effort on the part
of the person, stress is linked to physical, emotional nervousness, caused by personal circumstances (Lazarus & Folkman,
1986). In most cases stress occurs in university students, since the task accumulate and they do not know which of all to
start and that causes them to get stressed and tend to get bad grades, not sleep well, have a bad diet and that´s where the
students is most affected and, in some cases, tou even think about leaving the race because they feel that they can not
carry all the responsibilities that a university student has to fulfill.


Restrepo, J. E., Cardona, E. Y. B., Montoya, G. P. C., Bardales, M. D. L. M. C., & Alemán, Y. P. V. (2023). Academic stress
and adaptation to university life: mediation of cognitive-emotional regulation and social support. Anales de
Psicología/Annals of Psychology, 39(1), 62-71.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de GIANELLA MARIEL PIZARRO LLANOS - viernes, 2 de junio de 2023, 01:52

What's up comrade JOSE LEONARDO URIARTE |PAREDES, first of all I congratulate you for your participation in the first

Your arguments have presented a series of well-founded and coherent responses to the issue of academic stress. You
have highlighted a number of factors that can lead to stress in students, such as demands, pressure, personal problems
and cognitive-systemic imbalance. Furthermore, she pointed out how university stress can influence students' performance,
affecting their health, emotional well-being, interpersonal relationships and life habits.

On the inferential level, your arguments have reflected on how "academic stress can negatively impact on their university
education", affecting concentration, learning, motivation and physical and mental well-being. You have also mentioned the
scientific article and how it contributes to positively manage academic stress by encouraging students to become aware of
triggers and seek social support. Palmero Cantero, (2020)

On the critical level, your arguments have expressed a very valid critical stance, highlighting the importance of students
recognising the roots of academic pressure and developing healthy coping mechanisms. You have also emphasised the
responsibility of universities to provide resources and programmes to support students in managing stress. 2/67
28/7/23, 00:48 202301-10000119-1019-1EG024-2-1-1: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.
In the final reflection, your arguments conclude that academic pressure is a challenge that can negatively affect students,
but highlight that there are resources available to help students adapt to and overcome academic stress.

Palmero Cantero, F. Gómez Íñiguez, C. & Guerrero Rodríguez, C. (2020). Manual de prácticas de motivación y emoción.
Universitat Jaume I. Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de YADIRA YESENIA AGUIRRE GONZALES - sábado, 3 de junio de 2023, 18:22

A cordial greeting Comrade JOSÉ LEONARDO URIARTE PAREDES, congratulate you for your participation while
communicating that I agree with your answers raised, I want to complement more on this case, according to Silva (2020)
tells us that academic stress is a frequent expression today, very deep problem to study since it makes it difficult for us to
emotionally, physically and psychologically. It causes a great imbalance because of differences with pressure and power
capacity, that are faced during a process so that these symptoms lose control to face them and in another reason could
manifest physical symptoms and academic expressions.

Silva-Ramos, M. F., López-Cocotle, J. J., & Meza-Zamora, M. E. C. (2020). Estrés académico en estudiantes
universitarios. Investigación y Ciencia, 28(79), 75-83.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de JEREMY DE LOS ANGELES JESUS CASTAÑEDA VASQUEZ - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 22:17

A cordial greeting comrade Jose Leonardo Uriarte Paredes, my position towards your forum is of acceptance since you
have good information with coherent and detailed bases.
A contribution I want to make is about question 1 is that according to Martinez Diaz and Diaz Gomez, school stress is the
discomfort that the student presents due to physical, emotional, whether interrelational, intra-relational or environmental
factors that can exert significant pressure on individual competence to cope with the school context in academic
performance. In turn, they use the metacognitive ability to solve problems, presentation of exams during the academic
cycle, relationship with peers and educators, search for recognition and identity, and presentation of work throughout the
Belkis A, et al. (2015). Academic stress.

Translated with (free version)

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de ANGEL DANIEL CAMPOS DIAZ - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 23:47

Greetings, fellow Leonardo, congratulate you on your participation in the forum and tell you that what you mention is very
true, since our mental health in the face of the stress that we present can affect our academic performance too much, as it
tells us (2000): Stress is present in all media and environments, including education, where this is focused discussion;
therefore psychologists. teachers and parents say they need to know
its effect on student achievement. stress they experience in academia.

Maldonado, H. y. (2000). el estres academico. Recuperado el 4 de junio de 2023, de


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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de ERNESTO JAVIER BAZAN MURO - miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023, 18:57 3/67
28/7/23, 00:48 202301-10000119-1019-1EG024-2-1-1: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.
Cordial greetings professor and colleagues, I will now respond to the questions posed.
1. Among the factors that lead to academic stress are: homework overload, evaluations, class participation, written
assignments and exhibitions have been reported as the most frequent stressors among university students.
2. It is understood that when faced with greater academic demands that cause stress, they tend to experience exhaustion, lack
of interest, drowsiness, sleep disorders, physical and mental effects, and they tend to lose interest in academic activities, taking
the option of dropping out of school.

3. Academic stress has a negative impact on my college education. Personally, when I get stressed about my college work, I
start to get acne pimples on my face and that is something I dislike, besides, it affects my general wellbeing, quality of life,
sleep hours, even causing anxiety.
4. This article contributes in a positive way, through the reading I can rescue that to improve the stress that produces the
university studies, it is necessary to use the "cognitive-emotional" strategies of which I did not know, this type of strategies are
positive, so it would be good to put them in practice, to diminish the academic stress, the social support the use of positive
strategies help to manage the stress achieving that this one is not harmful in our health.

5. I am in favor of what the author mentions, academic stress is a problem that concerns all universities in the world, citing
Cassaretto, Vilela & Gamarra (2021) "Stress can come from different situations and contexts, especially the collegiate context
as it challenges students with specific scenarios and stimuli that can be stressful for them". This negatively affects college
students, while it is true in college education more challenge is expected, however, too much stress can be detrimental to their
well-being of themselves. Students are faced with an increasing number of requirements, challenges that require the use of
multiple physical and psychological resources of various kinds. (Feldman, 2009), currently a large percentage of students suffer
from academic stress and many do not know how to treat it or act against it, the effects of this disease can cause anxiety,
depression and even death if not identified in time.
6. In my opinion, this article is interesting, it talks about the academic stress that occurs in university students due to overload
of tasks, evaluations, exposures, social pressure among others, having as an effect, stress, anxiety, loss of sleep, lack of
interest in the studies to the point of thinking of abandoning them, however, there are strategies to combat this problem, There
are strategies to combat this problem, mental and emotional health is as significant as physical health, as a student I
recommend that you plan schedules to meet the activities that demand your university cycle, develop notes with important data
on each topic that you see weekly, this will help to not stress when studying for an exam or exhibition.


Cassaretto, M. Vilela, P. & Gamarra, L. (2021). Estrés académico en universitarios peruanos: importancia de las conductas de
salud, características sociodemográficas y académicas. Recuperado el 17 de mayo del 2023, de:

Feldman, L. (2009). Relaciones entre estrés académico, apoyo social, salud mental y rendimiento académico en estudiantes
universitarios venezolanos. D - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Recuperado el 18 de mayo del 2023,

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de JEERSON ALI GONZALES MENDOZA - sábado, 3 de junio de 2023, 19:12

Best regards comrade Ernesto Bazán Muro, congratulate you for participating in the debate and argumentation forum, tell
you that I agree with your response in the critical position, we know that the article read is based on academic stress, I can
add that there are studies that have shown that academic stress can have negative effects on both physical and mental
health, and that a good adaptation to university life is crucial for academic success and personal growth. Delgado (2021),
mentions that, "Stress is one of the most widespread mental health problems in today's society, considered a multivariable
phenomenon, (...) Stress is an important generator of various pathologies and is present in all areas including education".
Therefore, I conclude that, it is important for students to be aware of these factors and should take steps to overcome
academic problems and seek social support to adapt to university life.


Delgado, K. (2021). Estrés y adaptación a la vida universitaria en estudiantes de enfermería de la universidad

nacional de cajamarca filial - jaén, 2021. Obtenido de:
%20BACH.%20KEILA%20TERESA%20DELGADO%20S%c3%81NCHEZ.pdf?Sequence=1&isallowed=y 4/67
28/7/23, 00:48 202301-10000119-1019-1EG024-2-1-1: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de DARLING YEISON RAFAEL MONDRAGON - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 02:24

A cordial greeting fellow ERNESTO JAVIER BAZAN MURO, first of all I congratulate you for your participation in the first

It seems to me that your answers reflect a deep and empathetic understanding of the issue of academic stress in university
students. It is encouraging to see that you back up your arguments with citations to recent research, which demonstrates
your commitment to accuracy and evidence.

Furthermore, it was appreciated that he perceives the adverse consequences of the burden on students' well-being and
prosperity. By mentioning the possible detrimental outcomes, such as anxiety, depression and even death, you highlight the
importance of addressing this issue appropriately.

Your answers also provide functional and reasonable responses to help combat school pressure. Your proposal to design
schedules and "take notes with meaningful realities shows an understanding of the importance of association and an
adequate willingness to decrease pressure while reading for exams or presentations". Orlandini, A. (2019).

Overall, your answers are valuable and constructive, as it not only identifies a relevant problem, but also offers concrete
suggestions to address it. This shows a positive attitude and a genuine desire to help others overcome academic stress
and succeed in their university studies.

Orlandini, A. (2019). Stress: what it is and how to avoid it.... FCE - Fondo de Cultura Económica.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de CESAR AUGUSTO SOLIS BERNABE - miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023, 19:43


1. . ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?

There are many factors that can cause academic stress, including:

- Heavy workload. Students often feel overwhelmed by the amount of work they have to do, especially in demanding
academic programs.

- Difficult courses. Some courses are simply more difficult than others, and this can lead to stress for students struggling to
keep up.

- Fear of failure. Many students worry about failing their courses, and this fear can lead to stress and anxiety.

- Competition. Some students feel pressure to compete with their peers for grades, scholarships, and other opportunities.
This can cause stress and anxiety.

- Personal problems. Students may also experience stress due to personal problems such as financial difficulties, family
problems, or health problems.

- - Cognitive-emotional regulation. This refers to the ability to manage thoughts and emotions in a healthy way. Students
who have difficulty managing their stress may be more likely to experience academic stress.

- - Social support. Having a strong social support network can help students cope with stress. Students who lack social
support may be more likely to experience academic stress.

2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

School pressure can impact understudy execution in various ways. The absolute most familiar ways include:

● Diminished concentration and fixation. At the point when understudies are worried, they might experience issues focusing
on their examinations. This can prompt missed cutoff times, unfortunate test execution, and lower grades. 5/67
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● Increased procrastination. Students who are stressed may procrastinate on their work. This can lead to a buildup of stress
and make it even harder to concentrate on their studies.

● Diminished inspiration. Stress can prompt diminished inspiration. This can make it hard for understudies to stay aware of
their examinations and accomplish their objectives.

● Impaired decision-making. Stress can affect decision-making. This can lead students to make poor decisions, such as
skipping class or cheating on tests.


3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?

Academic stress can have a negative impact on my college education in several ways. First, it can make it difficult to
concentrate on my studies and learn new material. When I am stressed, my mind tends to wander and I have trouble
concentrating. This can lead to missed deadlines, poor test performance, and lower grades.

Second, academic stress can make it difficult to stay motivated. When I feel overwhelmed and stressed, it can be hard to find
the motivation to keep going. This can lead to procrastination, which can only make stress worse in the long run.

Third, scholarly pressure can influence my physical and psychological wellness. At the point when I'm anxious, I'm bound to
encounter migraines, stomachaches, and other actual side effects. I'm likewise bound to encounter uneasiness, misery, and
other psychological wellness issues. These medical issues can make it hard to focus on my investigations and partake as far
as I can tell.

Overall, I believe that academic stress can have a significant negative impact on my college education. If I want to succeed in
college, it is important for me to find healthy ways to cope with stress and manage my workload.

4. . ¿De qué manera este artículo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?

The logical article "Scholarly pressure and variation to college life: intercession of mental close to home guideline and social
help" by Juan-Pablo Martínez-Martínez, et al.contributes to the positive management of academic stress in several ways. First,
it identifies the factors that can lead to academic stress and the negative outcomes that can result from stress. This information
can help students become aware of potential stressors in their lives and develop coping mechanisms.

Second, the study found that cognitive-emotional regulation and social support mediated the relationship between academic
stress and adjustment to college life. This means that students who were able to manage their stress and who had a strong
social support network were better able to adapt to the challenges of college life. This information can help students develop
strategies to manage stress and build a strong social support network.

Third, the investigation discovered that scholarly pressure was related with various adverse results, like gloom, uneasiness, low
confidence, unfortunate scholastic execution, and exiting school. This data can assist understudies with monitoring the potential
results of pressure and look for help on the off chance that they are battling.


5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?

I accept understudies should know about the reasons for scholarly pressure and foster sound survival techniques. I additionally
accept colleges really must furnish assets to assist understudies with adapting to pressure. According to the information
provided (Feldman, et al., 2008): “Beyond gender differences, it is important to highlight that given the inherent importance of
proper time management during the early years of university life, it is recommended to design and implement intervention
programs aimed at training in effective time management and scheduling of academic and extracurricular activities”.

According to the information provided (Suarez, et al., 2020): “Further studies will allow for research on the transfer and
effectiveness of these preparation and training programs within the school setting and observe the subsequent impact on
learning and, consequently, academic performance”.

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?

All in all, scholarly pressure is a difficult issue that can adversely affect understudies' scholastic presentation, psychological
well-being, and in general prosperity. Understudies really should know about the reasons for scholarly pressure and foster
sound survival strategies. Colleges must furnish assets to assist understudies with adapting to pressure.

Assuming you are battling with scholastic pressure, realize that you are in good company. There are numerous assets
accessible to assist you with adapting to pressure and prevail in school.

Fedman, L., et al. (2009).

Relaciones entre estrés académico, apoyo social, salud mental y rendimiento académico en estudiantes universitarios
venezolanos. 6/67
28/7/23, 00:48 202301-10000119-1019-1EG024-2-1-1: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.
Valiente, C., Martínez, M., Riveiro, J. (2020).
Rendimiento Académico según distintos niveles de funcionalidad ejecutiva y de estrés infantil percibido. Psicología Educativa,
26 (1), 77-86.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de GEYLI MILAGROS PAUCAR ZEVALLOS - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 21:49

A cordial greeting, comrade Cesar, I want to thank you for your great discussion forum. I found the subject of stress very
interesting, says Maldonado, Hidalgo and Otero (2000). Stress is present in all media and environments, including
education, where this is focused discussion; therefore psychologists. teachers and parents say they need to know
its effect on student achievement. stress they experience in academia.

Maldonado, H. y. (2000). el estres academico. Recuperado el 4 de junio de 2023, de

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de MIRIAM ZARAI CORDOVA CUBAS - miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023, 19:45


1. What factors cause academic stress?

The main causes of stress are workload, demands and performance, grading systems and course structure.

2. How does university stress influence student performance?

Among university students, high levels of academic stress are associated with higher levels of depression and anxiety
(Damásio et al., 2017), self-harm (Kiekens et al., 2016), and lower self-esteem (Parillo & Gómez, 2019). ). ). ) and academic
self-efficacy (Ye et al., 2018), etc.


3. How do you think academic stress impacts your university education?

This affects our academic performance and causes an imbalance in the system, and hopefully this in turn will stimulate
research on this topic to better understand it.

4. How does this scientific article contribute to positively managing academic stress?

It teaches us a lot about academic stress in college, helps us understand more about the subject, and we need to consider
what can happen due to stress and take precautions.


5. What is your critical position of the case read?

The relationship between physical pain, physical responses, behavioral responses, and sleep organization and dimension of
stress can be understood because college students face increased academic demands that cause stress and may experience
burnout, lack of interest, and self-criticism. (Caballero et al., 2007 years)

6. What is the final reflection of the proposed case?

Finally, university academic stress can be defined as a series of physiological reactions that occur when a person is in a state
of nervous tension, the result of various situations in the academic or personal sphere: overload, anxiety, traumatic life
situations, etc.

Bedoya, E., & Vásquez, D. (2019). Estrés y funcionamiento cognitivo en universitarios. [Stress and cognitive functioning in
university students.

Revista Chilena de Neuropsicología, 14(1), 23-29. 7/67
28/7/23, 00:48 202301-10000119-1019-1EG024-2-1-1: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

Cassaretto, M., Vilela, P., & Gamarra, L. (2021). Estrés académico en universitarios peruanos: importancia de las conductas de
salud, características sociodemográficas y académicas. Liberabit Revista Peruana de Psicología, 27(2), e482.

Rodríguez, M. S., Tinajero, C., Guisande, M. A., & Páramo, M. F. (2012). The Student Adaptation to Collegue Questionnaire
(SACQ) for use with spanish students. Psychological Reports, 111(2), 624-640.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de WILSON ALBERCA FEBRE - viernes, 2 de junio de 2023, 21:42

Greetings colleague Miriam, I would like to give my opinion regarding the answers you gave in the forum of debate and
argumentation, and I want to say that I am totally agree with the answers you provide, but I want to limit with what the
authors say Armetna L., Quiros C., Abundis F., Zeda A., (2020) "The consequences that come to make presence of high
levels of stress range from depressive states, anxiety, irritability, decreased self-esteem, insomnia, up to asthma,
hypertension, ulcers, etc., (Caldera, Pulido and Martinez, 2007) affecting the harmful way both health, such as the
academic performance of students. " BY LEÓN Felipe ZEA VERDIN Aldo, A. Z. L. Q. C. C. Y. A. (2020). Influence of stress
on the academic performance of university students. Magazinespaces. http://chrome-
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de YULEISY FIORELLA BARBOZA ASTONITAS - miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023, 21:14


1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?

We can say that an overload of things to do is the main reason, so a universita. We can identify some of them, which would be
individual works, group work, dawn, fatigue, midterm or final exams, presentations, exhibitions among many other things.
According to Águila al et (2015), mentions that a university student tends to have street due to work overloads and lack of time
to perform them, this leads to the student being under pressure and generating street that manages to make consequent in the
result of their grades, that is getting low grades for not fully performing a job or not persenting it on time.

On the other hand, the lack of time for recreational activities generates in the student: stress, anxiety as the student is exposed
in a world of pressure and daily, weekly or monthly jobs which makes recreational activities important for the student to clear all
that accumulated pressure.

2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

If a college person suffers from stress, the student is more likely to drop in their grades, to have trouble sleeping and show up
to their place of studies tired and uninterested, they begin to feel depressed, they are more prone to suffer from diseases and
have low defenses, as well as not paying attention and feeling lost during classes, and at the same time he manages to feel
that he is not suitable for that university career and many of them reach the concussion of retiring.

According to Espinosa Castro, al et (2020) he mentions that stress not only occurs in school or university environments but also
occurs in work environments, this generates a problem that causes students and workers to lower their performance affecting
their professional as well as pre-professional and this leads to bhot their notes and their work.


3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria? 8/67
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One of the strongest impacts are low grades as well as wanting to surrender to so much work and abandon everything leaving
aside all its proposed goals in the short and long term. This affects not only the student´s mind, but his attitude since he tends
to take different behaviors such as depression, anger, disappointment stress, anxiety and desire to present absolutely nothing.

That is why Cassaretto et al (2023), indicates that a university life is plagued by academic stress, even more so if the student
has low self-esteem and is not used to receiving as much load as are the works, exam and supports. It should be noted that
there are ways to avoid this, such as meditation, entertainment, outdoor activities and social conversations between friends.

4. ¿De qué manera este artículo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?

Because it demonstrates the causes and consquences that produce stress in university life, it is for them that you must have a
management and do not take it lightly, since stress causes a student not to reach 100% of their capacity and does not perform
as it should really be as it should or should be during its academic period, in addition there are many factors that manage to
calm this stress such as the company of friends, recreational activities, meditation and entertainment that can be very positive
to reduce or completely cancel this problem that is called academic stress.


5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?

Every person is exposed to stress, but with due care we can reduce that by creating as a first element an accessible schedule
to be able to achieve our work and presentations on time or in advance, avoid the accumulation of work, meditation, look for
ways to entertain yourself either through a movie or a series to clear the mind, sleep what is necessary to have an optimal
performance, be punctual both in the presentation of works and in attendances and follow all the schedule without disorders
such as parties, outings with friends, continuously, avoid spending a lot of time on the cell phone. All these steps will achieve
that we have less stress and continue with our activities normally.

Martín el at (2015), they mention that a correct organization will achieve great results both academically and in the workplace,
allowing our objetives and goals are met without pressure or stress. That said, we can say that is in us to control, reduce or
cancel stress.

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?

We can conclude that stress can bring great consequences, not only academic stress, but stress completely as it can cause
sudden modo swings, fatigue, depression and in the worst case get to think about death.

According to Mejía el at (2019), the latín American oil country of Venezuela, its citizens are exposed to receive a large amount
of daily work in which they manage to stress quickly beacuse they do not have enough time for themselves or their family, plus
the economic shortages they suffer, this leads to it being one of the countries with the highest stress index with 63% of its


Águila, B., Calcines, M., Monteagudo, R., & Nieves, Z. (2015). Estrés académico. Edumecentro, 7(2), 163-178.

Espinosa Castro, J. F., Hernández Lalinde, J., Rodríguez, J. E., Maricarmen, C., & Bermúdez Pirela, V. (2020). Influencia del
estrés sobre el rendimiento académico. Archivos venezolanos de farmacología y terapéutica, 39(1), 63-69.

Cassaretto-, Mónica, Vilela-, Patty, & Gamarra-, Lorena. (2021). Estrés académico en universitarios peruanos: importancia de
las conductas de salud, características sociodemográficas y académicas. Liberabit, 27(2), e482. Epub 06 de septiembre de

Martín, Y. D., Fernández, E. O., Cifuentes, A. D., & Estrada, Y. C. (2015). Intervención psicoeducativa para disminuir el estrés
académico en estudiantes de primer año de Medicina. Revista Electrónica Dr. Zoilo E. Marinello Vidaurreta, 40(5).

Mejia, Christian R, Chacon, Jhosselyn I, Enamorado-Leiva, Olga M, Garnica, Lilia Rosana, Chacón-Pedraza, Sergio Andrés, &
García-Espinosa, Yislem Analyn. (2019). Factores asociados al estrés laboral en trabajadores de seis países de
Latinoamérica. Revista de la Asociación Española de Especialistas en Medicina del Trabajo, 28(3), 204-211. Epub 13 de enero
de 2020. Recuperado en 20 de mayo de 2023, de

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de JENNYFER NICOLE VILLALOBOS SANCHEZ - miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2023, 00:56

Best regards, Fiorella Barboza Astonitas. I agree with your critical comment. As we know, the use of cell phones can be
addictive for many people, bringing with it negative psychological and physical consequences. However, the use of these
devices was of great help in times of health crisis, which was the "Covid-19", many of the university students were forced to
spend much of the day glued to a screen to teach classes, increasing their stress and anxiety levels, not to mention the
problems many have suffered due to this pandemic.

Likewise, as Duarte (2021) acknowledges, it is necessary for university authorities to identify stress levels and create
strategies to mitigate the negative consequences, so that students generate an improvement in study and quality of life.

Duarte, R. (2021). Emergencia Sanitaria Covid-19, salud psicológica estrés: factores a considerar en el distanciamiento
social en los universitarios. Newton Edición y Tecnología Educativa.


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de LEANDRO ADRIAN DELGADO CUBAS - jueves, 1 de junio de 2023, 12:25

Best regards comrade Yuleisy Fiorella Barboza Astonitas, I was reading each point of view of the answers you placed in
the forum of debate and argumentation, and based on that I agree with your analysis and research, with respect to the
second question I would like to add that academic stress can affect various student factors, among them we have poor
work and school performance. According to Martínez (2019) he tells us that "It is important that students learn to manage
stress effectively in order to achieve good academic performance and maintain good mental health. This may include
adopting relaxation techniques, seeking social support, and careful planning of assignments and study schedules."

Rivero et al. (2020). Academic performance according to different levels of executive functionality and perceived child
stress. Educational Psychology, 26 (1), 77-86. Official College of Psychologists of Madrid. Retrieved from
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de LISBETH KATHERINE VILCHERREZ QUICIO - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 00:50

Hello partner Fiorella Barboza Astonitas, I agree with your contribution where you indicate that the lack of time for
recreational activities causes stress or anxiety in students, since doing them increases self-confidence, improves our mood,
helps to relax and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. In this way, the Mayo Clinic website (2022) informs us that:
“Exercise, in practically any form, can help relieve stress. Staying active can increase levels of feel-good endorphins and
distract you from your day-to-day worries.”


Mayo Clinic. (2022). Exercise and stress: Get moving to control stress.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de WILLIAM JHAIR GONZALES QUIROZ - miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023, 22:56

1. What causes academic stress?
-Some of the factors of academic stress in college life according to the book tell us that include a lack of effective coping skills, 10/67
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academic competence, workload and social pressures.
2. How does college stress influence student performance?
-In reading, we are told that stress negatively influences since the student has a low academic performance, in the
prolongation, postponement or even dropping out of school. Likewise, they also tell us that it is necessary to understand
through which this relationship occurs.
3. How do you think academic stress impacts your university education?
- For my part, I consider that stress negatively impacts my training, since it causes me difficulties to concentrate, lack of
motivation, anxiety and depression. I also believe that stress can affect me in terms of physical and emotional health.
4. How does this scientific article contribute to positively managing academic stress?
-The scientific article contributes to positively managing academic stress by providing knowledge about the relationship
between stress and university adaptation, as well as specific cognitive-emotional regulation and social support strategies that
students can employ. By understanding these factors and using appropriate strategies, students can promote better adaptation
to university life and reduce the negative impact of academic stress on their well-being and academic performance.
5. What is your critical position of the case read?
- This article is important because it offers useful information and strategies for students looking to manage academic stress
effectively and promote a healthy and successful college life. Likewise, Berrio, N; Mazo R (2011) points out that "There are
more strategies to cope with stress, more stable and consistent than others, according to the stressful situation, in order to
obtain positive results" (pg.77).
-On the other hand, it is estimated that students of the first cycles are the main affected by stress, because they experience
new things, therefore, Cassaretto, M et al, (2021) tell us that "Some studies argue that students at private universities
experience a higher level of stress, whether in students of the first cycles, as well as of the last ones, this is also reflected in
what is the health behavior" (pg.4).
6. What is the final reflection of the proposed case?

-This book may be useful for students looking to better understand their own stress and manage difficult situations, and for
academic and medical staff who wish to provide support and resources to students. Overall, this book can be beneficial to
anyone interested in promoting mental health and well-being in the university community.


-Berrio, N; Mazo R (2011) “Estrés Académico”. Recovered from:

-Cassaretto, M et al, (2021) “Estrés académico en universitarios peruanos: importancia de las conductas de salud,
características sociodemográficas y académicas”. Recovered froom:

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de ENRRY MANUEL CHIMOY MORALES - sábado, 3 de junio de 2023, 21:14

Receive a cordial greeting dear colleague William Jhair Gonzales Quiroz hoping you are well, likewise I pass to
congratulate you for having responded to your forum of debate and argumentation as it demonstrates your desire to meet
your goals and objectives, Regarding the answer to question 1 I agree with what you mention that the factors that cause
academic stress are the lack of effective coping skills, academic competence, workload and social pressures, I also want to
comment on the following:

At the university level, most students suffer from a high level of academic stress, as they are in charge of fulfilling their
school responsibilities. Sometimes they are overwhelmed by the amount of work and tasks that must be done by the
evaluation of their parents, teachers and themselves regarding their performance which generates a lot of anguish.

I therefore support my view with the following quote:

Stress refers to a complex response (emotional, behavioral and cognitive) that arises when an unforeseen circumstance
needs enormous dedication or exceeds the coping ability of a person, who evaluates it as harmful (harm or obstacle) or
motivating (challenge). Le Scanff, C. & Bertsch, J. (2021). In addition, the presence of stress is usually interpreted in
relation to a wide variety of experiences, such as nervousness, tension, exhaustion, overload, restlessness and other
similar perceptions, such as excessive academic, work or other pressure.

References 11/67
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Le Scanff, C. & Bertsch, J. (2021). Estrés y rendimiento.. Editorial INDE.

! Take care of yourself and many successes !

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de JIMENA ELIZABETH CRUZ CAMPOS - jueves, 25 de mayo de 2023, 09:37


- Literal

1.- What causes academic stress?

The beginning of a new stage in life always generates different changes and in this case university life, the student community
has to start adapting to personal academic and emotional challenges, not only to achieve success, but to maintain a good state
of physical and mental health. Therefore, stress and the university stage will be related, stress is determined as an emotional
or physical rigidity in front of difficult situations to cope, some studies determine that stress is caused by lack of sleep, energy
and interest, poor organization of time, low academic self-esteem, drowsiness and some cases are related to the overload of
work, exams, presentations, among others.

2.- How does college stress influence student performance?

Stress begins to generate physical and mental consequences, such as muscle discomfort, fatigue, irritability, lack of
concentration, anxiety, memory problems, self-criticism, therefore, begins to influence negatively on university students, as
they lose interest to continue with the development of their activities, causing failure in the performance of their studies, by
stagnation for the fulfillment of the tasks indicated.

- Inferential

3.- How do you think academic stress impacts your university education?

Stress mainly impacts the emotions and thoughts, the lack of productivity and academic performance not only happens for
being a bad student disinterested or irresponsible, this often happens because of the complex tasks, exams, practices and
events that are present throughout learning, that when an overload occurs is where stress is triggered, there is an imbalance
for all students, starting to arise directly a decline in academic performance, deficiency in interest and concentration to
continue, they lose interest to attend classes and finally end up dropping out of the race.

4.- How does this scientific article contribute to positively managing academic stress?

The scientific article informs us that all university students go through academic stress that will progress over time, however, it
helps to explain that if we have control, management and regulation of emotions and time it is possible to cope and adapt to
changes, as well as with the social support of parents, friends or teachers and in the same way the study centers should
provide orientation programs to help the mental health of university students, to ensure that there is a coping to reduce the
effects generated by critical stress.

- Critical

5.- What is your critical position of the case read?

Stress should be treated as an important topic to talk about, since it increasingly affects society, it is linked to the onset and
development of various diseases, impairing the quality of life of people, which in some cases its increase can even lead to
death, likewise in university students to engage in different challenges, new routines and relationships with teachers and
classmates involves demand where in some cases they are not prepared for this new stage, which begins to cause academic
stress (Cassaretto et al., 2021), which is why university students should have the minimum knowledge about the methods of
organization and study habits so that there is planning and there is less burden on their activities.

Based on this, not having an adequate control of activities leads to having a high academic load, as pointed out by Silvia-
Ramos et al. (2020) can bring consequences for the university student, both physical and mental, as some may have
depression, insomnia, anxiety, fatigue and even eating disorders that lead to bulimia, anorexia and obesity, these complications
in health, low performance and productivity of students in general, it is also essential to achieve a balance between academic
and daily life, universities should implement conferences to encourage young people to recognize university stress and learn
how to reduce them.

6.- What is the final reflection of the proposed case? 12/67
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It is very important to study and strive for a career, to become the professional you want and meet the goals you set for
yourself, however, it is not good to leave aside your physical and mental health, as it can harm your health in the short or long
term, in some cases it has been influential for the excessive consumption of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, coffee, among others
(Chust-Hernández et al., 2023). Therefore, it is necessary to be concerned both in their academic life and in their mental
tranquility, such as resting at least 6 or 8 hours, exercise, have a planning of the activities to be performed, get a suitable
environment and positive mind, this will lead to have motivation and energy to continue to comply with the program.


Cassaretto, M., Vilela, P., & Gamarra, L. (2021). Estrés académico en universitarios peruanos: importancia de las conductas
de salud, características sociodemográficas y académicas. Liberabit, 27(2) e482.

Chust-Hernández, P., López-González, E., & Senent-Sánchez, M. (2023). Eficacia de intervenciones no farmacológicas para
reducir el estrés académico en estudiantes de educación superior: una revisión sistemática. Ansiedad y Estrés, 29(1), 45-62.

Silva-Ramos, M., López-Cocotle, J., & Meza-Zamora, M. (2020). Estrés académico en estudiantes universitarios. Investigación
y Ciencia, 28(79), 75-83.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de FREDDY SUSANIBAR ALVARADO - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 21:36

I agree with your contribution that students should learn to plan and organize their university activities; however, it is
important to understand that stress is caused by different circumstances as mentioned by Reddy et al., (2018) it is caused
by continuous evaluations, changes in schedules by teachers and the university itself. Ávila et al., (2018) mentions that
Latin America higher levels of stress are linked from the overload of university activities, evaluations, and the personality of
the teacher. This means that to manage academic stress requires the mutual work of the educational community; teachers;
students and university entities.
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de FREDDY SUSANIBAR ALVARADO - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 22:24
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de DARLING YEISON RAFAEL MONDRAGON - jueves, 25 de mayo de 2023, 10:22

1. ¿Qué factores causan estrés académico?
Academic stress can be caused by various factors, such as a heavy workload, time management issues, high expectations,
competition, financial concerns, and adaptation to a new environment.
2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?
University stress can have a negative impact on student performance by causing anxiety, lack of concentration, sleep
disorders, and poor time management. These factors can lead to low grades, missed deadlines, and decreased overall
academic success.
3. ¿Cómo crees que influye el estrés académico en tu formación universitaria?
Academic stress can impact university education by affecting the mental and physical well-being of students, causing
exhaustion, lack of commitment, and reduced ability to learn and retain information. It can also hinder the development of 13/67
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essential skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication.
4. ¿Cómo contribuye este artículo científico a la gestión positiva del estrés académico?
This scientific article contributes to positive management of academic stress by examining the role of cognitive-emotional
regulation and social support in adapting to university life. By understanding these factors, educators and students can develop
strategies to mitigate stress and improve overall well-being and academic performance.
5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica ante el caso que lees?
The case presented in the article highlights the critical importance of addressing academic stress and its profound impact on
the well-being and performance of students. Recognizing and addressing this problem is essential in promoting a healthy
educational environment and conducive to the holistic development of youth. "By adopting these strategies, students can
cultivate a more positive and adaptive mindset towards academic challenges" (Redolar Ripoll, D.,2019).
It is essential that universities take responsibility for implementing support systems and providing adequate resources to help
students effectively manage stress. This involves creating programs and services that address different dimensions of well-
being, such as "emotional support, academic counseling, and promotion of healthy habits" (Rúa García, M., 2018).

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?

The final reflection of the proposed case reveals the significant importance of academic stress as a real and pressing concern
for university students. It is important to understand the factors that contribute to this stress and to seek effective strategies to
address it.
The analysis of the role of cognitive-emotional regulation and social support provided in this article sheds light on how students
can better adapt and manage the demands and challenges of university life. The ability to regulate emotions and thoughts, as
well as seek support from others, is revealed as crucial elements in successful management of academic stress.
Cognitive-emotional regulation involves developing skills to identify and modify negative or harmful thought patterns that may
increase stress. This includes practices such as mindfulness, cognitive restructuring, and setting realistic goals.
In addition, social support plays a crucial role in managing academic stress. Having a support network comprised of friends,
family, and classmates can provide a safe space to share concerns, receive encouragement, and gain different perspectives.
Universities have a fundamental role in creating a supportive environment that promotes social interaction and facilitates the
formation of these support networks.
Redolar Ripoll, D. (2019). El estrés. Editorial UOC.
Rúa García, M. (2018). Reflexiones teóricas.. Síntesis Arquitectura.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de DAYTON FRANKLIN CERCADO MUNDACA - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 19:18

A cordial greeting fellow Darling Yeison Rafel Mondragon, I wish to congratulate you for having participated in the forum of
debate and argumentation. Also, mention that I consider it very important to get to know what is the importance of
academic stress, as this could affect us in many ways and cause a number of factors that affect us mentally and
emotionally. That is why, Jahel (2019) tells us that this academic stress is generated by different aspects such as exams,
expositions, and work. Where this causes the student to not get to organize properly and establish order within their
studies, which would cause anxiety or stress, and insomnia within their studies.


Jahel, L. V. V. (2019, July 29). The influence of academic stress on the behavior of college students.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de JEFFERSON ALIPIO HUAMAN CESPEDES - jueves, 25 de mayo de 2023, 11:04


1. What factors cause academic stress?

There are currently several factors that cause academic stress, among them we have:

- Personal problems

- The pressure 14/67
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- Environmental demands

- Physical tensión

- Interpersonal relationships

- The Adaptation

- Academic performance

- Task overload, written work and exhibitions

2. How college stress influences student performance?

- College stress has an influence on emotional well - being, health status, interpersonal relationships, adaptation and
performance of college students.

- Body aches, sleep disturbances and lack of energy to perform academic activities.

- Decreased food consumption.

- Influences psychological reactions such as depression, worry, anxiety and distress.

- The wear and tear and psysical exhaustion that leads to irritability and there is not concentration to perform the various


3. How you think academic stress impacts your college education?

Academic stress has a negative impact on my university education in several ways. As for example when stressing my mind
becomes cloudy and I would have problems to be able to concentrate and so it will be difficult for me to be able to focus totally
on my studies and learn new important topics.

In addition, academic stress makes us lose energy and gives us laziness to carry out such activities this makes it difficult for us
to stay motivated to fulfill our university tasks and move forward with our goals.

In the same way, this can influence my physical health especially in my mental health. According to Gomez (2018) stress is
usually interpreted in relation to a wide range of experiences, including nervousness, tension, fatigue, as well as excessive
academic pressure. At the same time, it is attributed to situations of fear, anguish and the eagerness to fulfill goals.

4. How this scientific paper helps positively manage academic stress?

The scientific article entitled contributes in a very important way for all university students, since possibly some are suffering
with this problem and will help them a lot. In this article he shows us what are the causes and consequences of academic
stress and build a strong social support network, therefore, this will help avoid and reduce this problem.


5. What is your critical position of the case read?

My critical position on what I read is in favor, because this article correctly informs us about the definition of stress, the causes
and consequences that these causes. In the same way the strategies to counteract and b able to avoid this problem.

According to Restrepo & Castañeda (2020). University students often seek support in society and use strategies to face and
solve the problem, so that problematic situations do not negatively affect their academic performance. According to the authors,
university students seek support in society and use strategies to prevent it from affecting their academic performance.

Also according to Macias (2006). It tells us that several studies have shown that high levels of stress are associated with
maladaptation, which can lead to health problems. According to this it gives us to understand that the human being if he does
not adapt to the time or to the circumstance that he is going to suffer with this problem.

6. What is the final reflection of the proposed case? 15/67
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The final reflection on academic stress is a problem that has been occurring in society, especially in university students. In that
article he has taught us about some strategies to counteract and reduce academic stress, this will be very helpful for all of us
university students who are going through this problem so that they can overcome it. Also, I recommend young people to go out
to play sports, listen to music and go for a walk so that they can relax mentally and physically, since this way they can avoid this
problem of stress.


Alban Gomez, J. (2018). Self – esteem and academic stress in students of a university in south Lima.

Macías, A. (2006). A conceptual model for the study of academic stress. Iztacala electronic journal of psychology, 9 (3), 110 –
129. file:///C:/Users/UNET/Downloads/w175n572,+19028-29484-1-CE.pdf

Restrepo, J., Sánchez, O., & Castañeda Q. (2020). Academic stress of college

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de MARYORI ROXANA CEVALLOS PARIACURI - viernes, 26 de mayo de 2023, 00:58


1. What factors cause academic stress?

The factors that cause academic stress are: Excessive workloads, class interventions, academic expectations, competence,
coordination, and time, exams and assessments, personal challenges. These are the most common stressors among college

2. How does college stress influence student performance?

College performance can be affected by various stressful situations, which can affect levels, as well as: Poor academic
performance, lack of concentration, body discomfort, sadness, sleep disorder, lack of energy and drowsiness, somatic
complaints such as headache, palpitations or tachycardia, back and stomach pain, shortness of breath, worry, distress, anxiety
and depression, prolongation of tasks and even abandonment of the study.

To this is also added that it damages personal and family relationships, also has harmful effects on the body, mind and


3. How do you think academic stress impacts your university education?

Stress is a very frequent issue in university education, because it brings with it serious consequences and even more has a
very significant impact of negative representations such as persistent headache, sometimes I find it hard to concentrate, I can
not sleep, thus specifically influencing my physical and psychological health well-being.

4. ¿How does this scientific article contribute to positively managing academic stress?

This article mentions strategies among which we have "cognitive-emotional" which I did not know, as it makes a positive
contribution to reduce stress in university students. These types of strategies will help us be very beneficial, which is why we
must put them into practice to reduce academic stress.


5. What is your critical position on the case you have read? To support your answer in favor or against, it must be
based on two reliable sources, extracted from the USS database (cite in APA / VANCOUVER style as appropriate). 16/67
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Academic stress is a problem where it is acquiring an influence on the individual through various demands, responsibilities,
challenges, demands that we face at the University which are distressing where we go through processes that sometimes
produce situations or not so pleasant experiences in which manifest themselves in an imbalance in their academic training as
well as in the personal. According to Feldman (2009):"This stage can be influenced by unavoidable stressful scenarios that, if
not properly managed, can affect the student at a personal and academic level"(p.4). However, it is not enough to consider
only the presence of stress, it is also convenient to take into account its intensity, because due to inordinate levels of stress it is
usually detrimental to health. Armenta et al (2020) state that: "Students are at risk because the consequences of high levels of
stress can lead to depressive states, low self-esteem and insomnia, with a harmful impact on the health and academic
performance of students"(p.403).

6. What is the final reflection of the proposed case?

The article gives an account in relation to the academic stress suffered by university students due to causes such as overload
of tasks, expositions, exams, social influence, etc.; and all this derives to effects in this case stress, tension, lack of sleep, loss
of interest in studying to the point of thinking about dropping out of school, despite this if there are strategies that can address
this problem both in mental, emotional and physical health as it is of utmost importance for the development of the person.


Armenta Zazueta, l., Quiroz campas, c. Y., Abundis de león, f., & Zea verdin, A. (2020). Influencia del estrés en el rendimiento
académico de estudiantes universitarios. Revista Espacios, 41(48), 403–415.

Feldman, L. (2009). Relaciones entre estrés académico, apoyo social, salud mental y rendimiento académico en estudiantes
universitarios venezolanos. D - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de PAMELA BARBOZA GIL - viernes, 26 de mayo de 2023, 01:47


Receive a cordial greeting dear Teacher and colleagues, I am the student Lesly Pamela Barboza Gil, this time I will give
answers to the questions raised.
1- What factors causes academic stress?
Physical, emotional, interpersonal or intra-relational or environmental factors affecting academic performance, metacognitive
problem-solving skills, loss of a loved one, test presentations, relationships with peers and teachers, etc. The ability to exert
significant pressure on the academic environment, to seek recognition and identity, to connect theoretical components with the
concrete reality under consideration. (Martínez and Díaz, 2007, p. 14).
2- How does university stress influence student performance?
It influences in a negative way that comes to cause students lack of concentration, mental fatigue, loss of appetite, attention
problems and decreased physical or mental performance. (Costa, 2005)
3- How do you think academic stress impacts your university education?
It impacts in a negative way because it affects students with headaches, concentration problems, a sense of frustration and
anxiety (psychologically), food consumption or reduction (Silva-Ramos, 2020)

4- How does this scientific article contribute to positively managing academic stress?
According to the article read tells us that all negative aspects are replaced by positive, see in a positive way all the actions that
occur during academic stress (Garnefski & Kraaii 2007)
5- What is your critical position of the case read?
My position regarding the case read, stress causes a negative effect on university students since they come to have changes in
both personal and social attitudes that harm the student, physical and psychological problems due to the impact that stress
causes in them (Silva-Ramos, 2020b). It should also be said that cases of stress are frequently seen in students and lead them
to make bad decisions regarding their studies due to the stress caused. (Nathaly, n.d.-c)
Nathaly, B. G. (n.d.-b). Academic stress.
Silva-Ramos, M. F.(2020b). Academic stress in college students.,tem%
6- Final reflection of the proposed case?
As a conclusion and final reflection it remains to say that stress does negatively influence university life, but applying positive
strategies can be controlled and overcome little by little and that the student adapts to this new stage

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de JOSE LEONARDO URIARTE PAREDES - viernes, 2 de junio de 2023, 09:59

Hello colleague Pamela Barboza Gil.

In general, I agree with the response given to the questions posed. Adding to the argument, academic stress can affect
academic performance, physical and mental health, motivation, interpersonal relationships, and overall well-being of
students. "From the fields of Pedagogy and Educational Psychology, the multitude of variables that have been addressed in
the study of school learning, and therefore in explaining academic performance, have been a constant source of concern
for all those involved in education" (Suárez, Martínez, & Valiente, 2020). Thus, each individual may experience and
manage stress differently, and some may require additional support to cope with its effects. Ultimately, mastery of cognitive
control and behavioral regulation enriches us in multiple aspects of our lives, enhancing our academic performance and our
ability to successfully confront daily challenges. These abilities serve as a valuable asset, allowing us to attain a greater
level of self-control, self-management, and overall welfare.

Suárez Riveiro, J. M. Martínez Vicente, M. y Valiente Barroso, C. (2020). Rendimiento Académico según distintos niveles
de funcionalidad ejecutiva y de estrés infantil percibido. Psicología Educativa, 26 (1), 77-86. Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos
de Madrid. Recuperado de

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de WILLIAM JHAIR GONZALES QUIROZ - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 21:06

Hello colleague Pamela Barboza Gil!

Hope you are in good health, I want to tell you that I agree with your answers in this forum and also tell you that academic
stress is a serious inconvenience that impacts numerous students around the world. Although it is common to experience
some pressure during studies, stress can have detrimental consequences for mental health and student physics. According
to Barrio N & Mazo R (2011), a person experiencing stress suffers from an internal imbalance, manifested in disorders of
the central nervous system, that worsens both mental health (anxiety, lack of concentration, depression, among others) and
physical activity (insomnia, fatigue, among others). Critically addressing the problem of stress is fundamental, starting with
the education system and society in general, to promote the well-being of students rather than subjecting them to
excessive pressure.


Barrio N & Mazo R (2011) “Estrés Académico”. Recovered froom:


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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de JENNYFER NICOLE VILLALOBOS SANCHEZ - viernes, 26 de mayo de 2023, 02:40


1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?

The different factors that cause academic stress are the following:

- Rumination

- Pressure

- Catastrophizing

- Personal problems

- Self- blaming and blaming others

2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

Stress influences university students in the following way:

- Negative thoughts and emotions.

- Insomnia or lack of sleep.

- Physical exhaustion.

- Health problems.

- psychological problems.

- Lack of socialization with other peers.

- Afraid to express their feelings.

- Consumption of drugs.


3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria? 19/67
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Academic stress negatively impacts my university education. Stress affects my mental health and physical condition, since I
cannot control my emotions and clouding my thoughts to make a good decision within an academic, personal and
extracurricular activity. In such a way that, my learning development is deteriorated when taking an exam, resulting in a low

4. ¿De qué manera este artículo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?

It has helped me to know the factors and effects that academic stress can cause in order to be able to cope with these events
within my university life and daily life. Looking for solutions or help to combat these problems and achieve an improvement in
our development within the university.


5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?

My critical position when reading the article "Academic stress and adjustment to university life: mediation of cognitive-emotional
regulation and social support with this information", is that higher education centers should be concerned and take drastic
measures regarding the problems presented due to stress in their students, and seek solutions for not only mental but also
physical well-being. As we know, stress is something that cannot be avoided, but it is important to take thoughtful attitudes in
order to minimize the effects caused. Affirming what you mention Carrión (2020) In Latin American countries it is possible to
observe a higher rate of serious problems due to stress due to academic responsibilities in passing exams or when doing group

It is the duty of teachers to be able to maintain communication and relationship with students, they must provide interest
through real cases. Likewise, motivate them when completing an activity through recognition prizes in the development of their
learning, achieving security in them and avoiding the effects of stress (Anaya y Huertas, 2020).

6. Reflexión final del caso propuesto

Academic stress is difficult to bear for both parties, both as a teacher and as a student. We must recognize the causes and
effects, seek solutions or resources to minimize the results of the accumulation of stress, in order to stabilize the well-being of
the students' emotions.

We need to practice the different ways to release stress; such as: exercising, stopping procrastinating, getting enough sleep,
avoiding some frustrating situation and trying to change our perspectives on academic and university situations.


Anaya, A. y Huertas, C. (2010). ¿Motivar para aprobar o para aprender? Estrategias de motivación del aprendizaje para


PRIVADA DE CHICLAYO. Repositorio Universidad Señor de Sipán.


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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de JEFFERSON ALIPIO HUAMAN CESPEDES - viernes, 2 de junio de 2023, 14:30

Hello colleague Jennyfer Nicole Villalobos Sanchez I extend my warmest greetings to you, and at the same time, I
congratulate you for being a participant in this forum of debate and argumentation that encourages reading among
university students. I also want to tell you that I completely agree with all your arguments, as stress has a negative effect
on university students. According to Martin (2007), academic stress affects various variables such as physical health,
emotional state, and interpersonal relationships, and it can be experienced differently by different individuals. That is why
we, as university students, should engage in activities that help us relax and clear our minds, such as going out to distract
ourselves, doing sports, going to the gym, and engaging in different activities that entertain us. 20/67
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Martín Monzón, I. (2007). Academic stress in college students. Psychology notes, 25 (1), 87-99.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de ERNESTO JAVIER BAZAN MURO - sábado, 3 de junio de 2023, 17:29

Best regards Jennyfer Nicole Villalobos Sánchez I congratulate you for participating in the forum for debate and
argumentation, likewise, you should know that I agree with your critical opinion, I would like to add that it is very important
that there are talks in higher education centers about the causes and consequences that cause academic stress, as Luque,
Bolívar, Achahui & Gallegos (2022) mentions, "Academic stress among higher education students associated with the
COVID-19 pandemic increased due to the shift from face-to-face to virtual education, causing decreased motivation and
increased anxiety in university students" In much of the world, stress has increased due to many causes, As mentioned by
the authors, one of the causes was the confinement caused by the pandemic and its consequence was the increase of
stress in students, remember that stress, anxiety can cause different diseases.

Luque Vilca, O. M., Bolivar Espinoza, N., Achahui Ugarte, V. E., & Gallegos Ramos, J. R. (2022). Estrés académico en
estudiantes universitarios frente a la educación virtual asociada al covid-19. Puriq, 4, e200.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de JUAN ALEXIS RUIZ ALARCON - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 23:48

Hello dear JENNYFER NICOLE VILLALOBOS SANCHEZ I present my cordial greetings before commenting on your
contribution made in this Debate forum.
In such a way that I can agree with your argument in its entirety, it seems to me that it has been clear, precise and above all
very outstanding on the issue of adaptation because according to Córdoba and Santa María (2018), he said that university
students not only have to deal with adapting to the new stage of studies, but also to their daily problems that influence their
academic performance.

Córdova, D. A., & Santa Maria, F. B. (2018). Factors associated with stress in dental students from a Peruvian university.
Herediana Stomatological Magazine, 28(4), 252-258.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de MARIA GLADIBEL GAVIDIA SILVA - viernes, 26 de mayo de 2023, 08:40

1. Stress is caused by changes in emotions and behaviors that bring about changes in your like, such as existence,
performance, financial problems. (Berrío García & Zea, n.d.)

2. There are many students where stress influences, their performance, such as digestion or sleep disturbance, causing our
defenses to lower. (Jhon-Franklin Espinosa-Castro et al., 2020)

3. Yes, since stress provokes negative attitudes, frustrations and low performance in the student.

4. In order not to let stress make us make bad decisions, we should engage in physical activity every day, whether it is walking
or doing activities chat we enjoy.

5. In my position as a student, I do feel a bit stressed as it is a requirement to be a good professional in the future. 21/67
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6.• That stress gives us some disadvantages in university performance because of it we get frustrated and start with bad
attitudes where it leads us to make inadequate decisions.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de MIRIAM ZARAI CORDOVA CUBAS - sábado, 3 de junio de 2023, 23:15

Cordial greetings, comrade Maria, congratulate you for having participated in the debate forum.
I would like to give my opinion regarding the answers you gave in the debate and argumentation forum, and I want to say
that I fully agree with the answers you provide, but I limit myself to what the authors Armetna L., Quiros C., say. Abundis F.,
Zeda A., (2020) "The consequences of high levels of stress range from depressive states, anxiety, irritability, decreased
self-esteem, insomnia, to asthma, hypertension, ulcers, etc., (Caldera, Pulido and Martínez, 2007) harmfully affecting both
the health and the academic performance of students.” BY LEÓN Felipe ZEA VERDIN Aldo, A. Z. L. Q. C. C. Y. A. (2020).
Influence of stress on the academic performance of university students. magazine spaces. http://extension-
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de JEREMY DE LOS ANGELES JESUS CASTAÑEDA VASQUEZ - viernes, 26 de mayo de 2023, 16:30


1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?

The factors that cause stress: it is the excess of academic tasks, lack of time to carry out academic work, tests and evaluations
by teachers, carrying out compulsory occupations.

2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

Influences with school fatigue; Bad mood; Sleep disorders; difficulty in digestion; inclination to diseases or allergies due to low


3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?

Academic stress has a direct impact with a higher level of depression and anxiety, such as low self-esteem and self-efficacy,
among others.

4. ¿De qué manera este articulo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?
Because it helps to control habits, such as rest, physical activity and a balanced diet, since it has an inverse effect on the
intensity of stress and symptoms, although it has a lower effect.


5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?

It is true that stress is a mental health problem that affects 50% of the population, it is considered a serious factor in illness and
academic performance.

1.Alfonso Águila, B., Calcines Castillo, M., Monteagudo de la Guardia, R. (2015). academic stress. Edumecentro, 7 (2), 163-
2.Toribio-Ferrere, C. and Franco-Bárcenas, S. (2016). Academic stress: enemy of student silence. Health and Administration, 3
(7), 11-18.

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?

Correctly suggest him about the career he will learn at the university and provide support to students so that they do not stress
and continue in their study.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de JIMENA ELIZABETH CRUZ CAMPOS - miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2023, 19:23 22/67
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Best regards Jeremy Castañeda Vasquez, I congratulate you for having participated in the argumentation forum, as well as
I agree with your answers, academic stress is affecting the mental health of a large part of university students, since as
Cassaretto et al. (2021) states "In university students, experiencing high levels of academic stress is directly associated
with higher levels of depression and anxiety, self-harm, as well as lower self-esteem", it is very important to have a balance
between personal and academic life and a good organization of pending tasks or work.

Cassaretto-, M., Vilela-, P., & Gamarra-, L. (2021). Estrés académico en universitarios peruanos: importancia de las
conductas de salud, características sociodemográficas y académicas. Liberabit, 27(2), e482. Epub 06 de septiembre de

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de VANNIA CUSTODIO BARRIOS - viernes, 26 de mayo de 2023, 21:13

A cordial greeting, then I will answer the following questions:

1.- According to the reading that is presented, there are different factors that intervene in student life causing stress, which are:
not being prepared for university life, feeling unexpected situations threatening, wanting to achieve academic success; All this is
related to a physical, mental and emotional tension or pressure due to the different environments in which the apprentice finds
himself in his day to day.
2.- As a consequence of the various events that occur when studying, these can have an impact on the academic attitude, such
as: When presenting with body pain and lack of sleep or lack of energy, as well as presenting through anxiety, anguish,
depression; a decrease in food consumption, social isolation and little intention to carry out academic activities.
3.- With the various situations that arise as a student, some of them are almost impossible to solve, worrying and affecting the
academic attitude that a person must have, that is why negative attitudes are taken that harm much more the situation that
must be faced, before this it is necessary to take other measures or strategies to be able to face and be prepared for situations
that may arise, helping and facilitating the study process. The impact that stress can have is negative on the person, it reaches
the point of getting sick and lowering their performance, seeing the situation dangerous.
4.- It helps the student to become aware of the attitude he takes to the situations he presents in different areas of his life, to
become more optimistic in the student activities that leave him, in addition to making clear the consequences that it brings to
present stress, implying that if we continue to see the problems as impossible situations to solve, we harm ourselves and we
will not be able to continue; In addition to proposing a good study method or strategy to meet our goals, it will help academic
5.- With regard to the topic that has been presented, I can say that academic stress is a topic that is currently addressed a lot
by different researchers, in addition to being very important in the current context in which we find ourselves, because the
mental health of a person cannot be put at risk, nor be ignored.
As several authors specify in an article, academic stress has a relationship with emotional exhaustion, before this, universities
must design a strategy that is preventive and can facilitate the learner to reduce the degree of pressure of the problems they
can address, and thus also improve their psychological well-being. (Estrada et. al, 2022)
Quoting the authors of a report, it can be said that stress is a process that has as its beginning a set of situations that the
individual has, in order to cope with this problem, it is necessary to go through cognitive psychotherapy, in order to improve
physically and mentally, this therapy will help the person control the negative thoughts they have and can dominate them.
(Espinosa et. al, 2020)
Given the above, I can say that it is important to control our thoughts and be able to know how to handle different situations, so
as not to get sick and not feel tired or emotionally exhausted, because all this affects how we act and think.
6.- Stress is a disease that puts the person in serious conditions if it continues to advance and increase constantly by not being
able to handle situations they face, most students at the university present academic stress to be able to fulfill all their activities
or by not knowing what method of study to apply, In addition, there are other problems such as social, personal, economic and
environmental that also affect it, adding to its set of conflicts. That is why it is necessary to be optimistic, be willing to change,
have good study strategies, have a good routine or quality of life, which helps improve the well-being of the person and that he
does not get sick.

-Espinosa-, J. F., Hernández, J., Rodríguez, J. E., Chacín, M., & Bermúdez, V. (2020). Influencia del estrés sobre el
rendimiento académico. Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacologia y Terapeutica, 39(1), 73–79.

-Estrada, E. G., Velásquez, L., Valencia, J. C., Farfán, M., Lavilla, W. G., & Paricahua, J. N. (2022). Academic stress and
emotional exhaustion in university students in the context of virtual education. Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacologia y
Terapeutica, 41(6), 455–461. 23/67
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de GRACE DAYANA GUERRERO VALLEJOS - viernes, 26 de mayo de 2023, 21:37

1. Some factors are:

-adaptation of schedules
- study methods
-time management
-extracurricular activities
2. It shows as a consequence the abandonment of studies or neglect, low grades and loss of confidence.

3. In mental health, the stress you have when something doesn't work out for you or was not what you expected greatly
damages our confidence. And it also affects our academic performance with the fear of not having what we expected in our

4. It contributes too much since it provides us with information about recommendations to implement both in our university life
and in our mental health.
5. My critical position regarding what is read is, academic stress is a problem that students constantly suffer from not knowing
how to adapt to their studies and this mainly affects both their academic level and their individual well-being. As Suárez tells us.
J, Martinez. M & Brave. C, stress is a risk factor for the well-being and personal and academic development of students.
We know that academic stress is mainly due to the demands that are asked of us at home or at the institution, but this is due to
some challenges that we face such as exams, midterms, papers, etc. According to Feldman, L. (2009), students increasingly
face demands, challenges, and challenges that demand a large amount of physical and psychological resources of different

6. Help in the prevention and promote health education programs for students and their well-being, guide them about
strengthening and taking advantage of positive strategies of cognitive-emotional regulation, social support and healthy lifestyle
habits when faced with stressful problems in the academic and interpersonal, to guarantee their adaptation in university life,
where in turn it would influence a better state of health and academic.

-Feldman, L. (2009). ″Relaciones entre estrés académico, apoyo social, salud mental y rendimiento académico en estudiantes
universitarios venezolanos. ″ - Wiktionary. Retrieved May 26, 2023, from
-Suárez Riveiro, J. M., Martínez Vicente, M., & Valiente Barroso, C. (2020). Rendimiento Académico según distintos niveles de
funcionalidad ejecutiva y de estrés infantil percibido. Psicología Educativa. Retrieved May 26, 2023, from
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de ABNER JONATAN LLATAS VALDIVIA - viernes, 2 de junio de 2023, 23:47

A cordial greeting, colleague Grace Guerrero, with respect to your answers about reading I fully agree but I would like to
add something else. Academic stress is a reaction where students face various academic demands. That is why (Mendoza,
2017) tells us that young people are the population most vulnerable to stress, in this sense, it has been observed that
stress presents coping responses, such as states of anxiety, caffeine or drug consumption, alterations in sleep and food
intake. This trend occurs mainly in university students who suffer from the phenomenon known as academic stress. Being a
new stage such as entering the university, it can imply a series of challenges with new appearances that can be
problematic and difficult for students to cope with.

Mendoza, K. (2017). Estres academico en estudiantes universitarios. Argentina: Toei.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de YANIRA ALEXANDRA PURIHUAMAN BRENIS - viernes, 26 de mayo de 2023, 23:20


1. What causes academic stress?

Overthinking about problems and feelings in the face of a likely difficult situation.

Anticipate the facts.

Blaming others or oneself for the circumstances.

Little support or social pressure also influences.

2. How does college stress influence student performance?

The student is affected psychologically, physically and in his behavior, consequently, these factors threaten the stability of their
academic abilities and personal well-being.

Physically: bodily pain, sleep disorders, etc.

Psychological: worry, anxiety, anguish, depression, among others.

Behavioral: eating disorders, isolation and disinterest in academic activities.


3. How do you think academic stress impacts your university education?

Stress is an obstacle for anyone who wants to progress, the road will be full of challenges that must be faced one by one; for
example, thinking too much about the development of some activity generates a setback instead of an advance. That is why
stress has a negative impact on academics and personalities.

4. How does this scientific article contribute to positively managing academic stress?

This article contains several points of the topic to be treated, in turn informs about the factors, the context and how to handle
each obstacle caused by stress. In the same way it has given me a broader picture of this problem and has made me think
about taking action on this issue.


5. What is your critical position of the case read?

I agree with the reading provided, since stress appears when the person is given some activity that he cannot cope with.
Consequently, it affects academic potential and development. “The field of stress is mainly oriented towards the physical and
psychological changes that appear in the subject in an effort to adapt to the environment and the task” (Scanff. & Bertsch,
2021, pag. 155).

Scanff, C. & Bertsch, J. (2021). Estrés y rendimiento. Editorial INDE.

6. What is the final reflection of the proposed case?

The balance between our health and academic life generates an increase in capacities, intellectual development and training
as a future professional. In turn, stress is a problem that affects several aspects of personal life and social relationships.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de CESAR ANTONY PEREZ ODAR - sábado, 27 de mayo de 2023, 11:10

Hello, a cordial greeting, colleagues and teacher, these are my answers according to the questions provided by the debate and
argument forum.

What factors cause academic stress?
Academic stress is caused by unexpected situations which require great effort, in such a way that it exceeds the ability to face
things or problems of the individual, who is affected by their environment and the ability to adapt to change, generally begins to
see things with discouragement and tends to include most academic things as stressful. These are factors that greatly influence 25/67
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the ability of how a person develops their abilities, in addition, the individual's cognitive process will always be prone to receive
alterations due to the great variation in emotional stability. "Stress is an adaptive phenomenon of people, in most cases it
usually has physical symptoms" (Chacón Zenteno, Rodríguez Feliciano, & Tamayo Jiménez, 2018, pág. 5). It is presented on
physical, psychological and behavioral reactions, with variations in terms of manifestation, quantity and intensity in each
individual and circumstance (Emiro Restrepo, Bedoya, Cuartas, Cassaretto, & Vilela, 2018).

How does university stress influence student performance?

Stress in a university student influences in a bad way, because it affects their way of development, in the social and academic
field, since stress occurs along with anxiety, frustration, apathy, anger, isolation, conflicts, with various behaviors that generates
low self-esteem (Campos Osa, 2021). Factors that can influence their physical and mental health, being so harmful because
they can lead to cases of self-harm, also affect the way they relate to their environment and their student performance.

How do you think academic stress affects your university education?
It affects negatively, because it prevents our cognitive abilities from developing in the best way through the speed at which we
learn, we lose the ability to pay attention, we feel discouraged from doing academic activities, since we consider them boring
due to stress. In addition, it significantly influences our mental health, because it leads us to a series of psychological disorders,
where traumas such as anxiety, depression, and antisocial personalities occur, the latter being lethal in the way we develop as
a person because we lose the ability to communicate freely and that generates a series of insecurities that aggravate our
stress. "A person who experiences a positive emotion or state of mind, perceives the most desirable circumstances favoring the
ability to expand their resources and friendships" (Ramírez & Fuentes, 2013, pág. 3).

How does this scientific article contribute to positively managing academic stress?
In a very positive way, because it helps me reflect and think about how I can avoid academic stress, so as not to suffer its
harmful consequences. This opinion article presents guidelines established by Almeida (2002) and Soares (2006) which they
propose three domains of university adaptation. The first refers to the autonomy of students to compete and understand that
psychological and physical health is very important in their university development; The second refers to the ability of how the
student develops within the academic environment, how he improves his ability to learn, applying strategies and actions that
allow him to make his activities more practical. As a third party, the Context, in how the student socializes, how he adapts to the
institution, in the way he gets involved in extracurricular activities, the ability to relate to his peers and family. These guidelines
help me to better evaluate myself and understand the fields in which academic stress develops, in order to have an excellent
academic, social life, relating it to the care of my mental and physical health.

What is your critical position of the case read?
That I agree with the initiatives that were taken to note academic stress in university students (in this case Colombians), since
in this way they were able to relate it to the most common factors and notice which was the most outstanding, and what
consequences the series had. of items and dimensions in the tests were very clear and precise to know exactly the answers. In
order to take immediate action with this problem, since the implementation of a structural equation model allows a complex
analysis to confirm the direct contribution of a set of independent variables that cause stress to verify the interactions in all
general areas of the college (Emiro Restrepo, Bedoya, Cuartas, Cassaretto, & Vilela, 2018).

What is the final reflection of the proposed case?

My final reflection is that we must stop familiarizing stress as something so common and unimportant in our lives, because it is
something very harmful, that without noticing it influences our behaviors, in such a way that it does not allow us to perform in
the way we know how, we only assimilate stress and rarely try to combat it, we must take the measures shown in the case, the
guidelines, actions and strategies to identify stress starting on us and then massively in universities where teachers and
students suffer from it.

Thanks for reading and attention.

Campos Osa, M. J. (31 de Mayo de 2021). EL ESTRÉS ACADÉMICO: QUÉ ES. Psicología, educación y valores. Obtenido de
Chacón Zenteno, C. A., Rodríguez Feliciano, M. Á., & Tamayo Jiménez, R. (2018). “ESTRÉS Y RENDIMIENTO ACADÉMICO
CHÁVEZ 2017-2018.”. Obtenido de
Emiro Restrepo, J., Bedoya, E., Cuartas, G., Cassaretto, M., & Vilela, P. (2018). Academic stress and adaptation to university
life: Mediation of cognitive-emotional regulation and social support. Obtenido de
Ramírez, P., & Fuentes, C. (2013). Felicidad y Rendimiento Académico: Efecto Moderador de la Felicidad sobre Indicadores de
Selección y Rendimiento Académico de Alumnos de Ingeniería Comercial (Vol. 6). La Serena. Obtenido de 26/67
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de LEANDRO ADRIAN DELGADO CUBAS - sábado, 27 de mayo de 2023, 14:59


1. What causes academic stress?
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, academic stress had increased for university students as it shifted from face-to-face to virtual
teaching, reducing student motivation and increasing anxiety. In this case, there are likely to be psychological consequences,
people around the world are negative due to mental stress, academic stress can be caused by a variety of factors, including
work overload, pressure to get good grades, lack of time, learning difficulties, personal problems, lack of support, Unrealistic
expectations and lack of sleep or poor diet. It is important for students to learn how to manage stress effectively to achieve
good academic performance and maintain good mental and physical health.

2. How does college stress influence student performance?

Academic stress can affect various student factors, among them we have poor work and school performance. It is important for
students to learn how to manage stress effectively in order to achieve good academic performance and maintain good mental
health. This may include adopting relaxation techniques, seeking social support, and carefully planning assignments and study

3. How do you think academic stress impacts your university education?
In a negative way, although it is about seeing the positive side to know how to cope with university education and not fall into a
possible academic failure, but still negative reactions have developed such as worry, anxiety, isolation, eating disorder, lack of
energy, headache, among others and all this is produced by all the academic tension, the works, exhibitions and partials, which
leads to affect my mental, physical and social health, also all these factors are produced by the difficulty of adaptation in
university life; But above all this a possible solution are the coping strategies and social support that every student must put into

4. How does this scientific article contribute to positively managing academic stress?
Through strategies of cognitive emotional regulation, coping and social support in stressful situations, such as reevaluation and
positive refocusing that are related to positive psychological states, so both strategies are characteristics of an optimistic
cognitive style of people, mentioning that optimism improves academic performance, They also help us to know how to manage
self-efficacy to achieve a good adaptive coping in university life and how social support would help us in this adaptation process
with its various orientations and programs.

5. What is your critical position of the case read?
In my opinion, universities should put more emphasis on offering support and advice to students who are experiencing
academic stress for various reasons, as we are aware that this has a negative impact on their academic performance, as well
as on their physical and mental health, which leads to many students dropping out of their studies because they do not know
how to manage their emotions, It is also detailed that stress is a social problem that affects health as mentioned above, since it
causes a systemic imbalance and predominates more in women, generating symptoms such as headaches, concentration
problems, anxiety, depression. That is why it is important to execute programs of adequate cognitive emotional regulation,
giving priority to avoid academic failure. (González, 2019).
Thus, Peru is no stranger to this problem, according to reports, each year more than 300,000 people are enrolled in different
universities, of which 40,000 young people a year abandon their studies, due to various factors such as the difficulty of
adaptation, economic, academic, such as failing in various courses and lack of professional guidance. (Flores, 2017).

6. Final reflection of the proposed case?

Academic stress is a normal reaction that every student goes through for various reasons, in the face of many situations of
demands and demands, and more when faced in university life, which some people find it difficult to adapt to that lifestyle, for
work, partial, exhibitions, among others, but it is only a matter of knowing how to cope with that stage, That is why today there
are orientation programs, cognitive and emotional regulatory strategies, to know how to manage the university adaptation
process in an appropriate way to prevent students from affecting their physical, psychological and social health. This reaction
also prompts them to act effectively and achieve what they set out to do.

Casareto, M.D.O. junto a Vilela, P. además de Gamarra, L. (2021). Prácticas de salud, rasgos sociodemográficos y rasgos
académicos en su relación con el estrés académico en estudiantes universitarios peruanos. Liberabit, 27(2), 1–18.
Ramiro-Gil, E. Reyes-Castillo, G. Rojas-Sol's, J. L., así como R. Fragoso-Luzuriaga (2022). Uso de Internet por parte de 27/67
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estudiantes universitarios, procrastinación y estrés académico durante la pandemia de COVID-19. 1–26 en Revista de
Ciencias de la Salud 20(3).
Estrada Aráoz. G. Velásquez Giersch, L. Valencia Martnez, J. C. M., Farfán Latorre, Lavilla Condori, and W. G. J. Paricahua
Peralta, entre otros. N. (2022). En el contexto de la educación en línea, el estrés académico y el agotamiento emocional entre
estudiantes universitarios. Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacología y Terapéutica, 41(6), 455–461.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de JEERSON ALI GONZALES MENDOZA - sábado, 27 de mayo de 2023, 15:19

1. ¿What factors cause academic stress?

Academic stress can be triggered by a variety of factors, such as pressure to get good grades, excessive workload, lack
of time to fulfill academic duties and responsibilities, uncertainty about the future, competition with other students, lack of social
and emotional support, difficulty adapting to a new university environment, among others. In addition, academic stress can also
be influenced by personal factors, such as personality, self-esteem, coping ability, and mental health. It is worth noting that
academic strain negatively harms students' health and comfort, as well as their academic success and ability to adapt to
university life.

2. ¿How does college stress influence student performance?

College stress refers to the tension, demands and dysfunctions that influence the benefit of students, as well as their
health, emotional well-being and interpersonal relationships, including the ability to concentrate on study and work, their
motivation to complete tasks or attend classes, also the decrease in attention span, memory, learning capacity and finally their
emotional and psychic well-being. Therefore, it has a detrimental impact on student performance, but there are strategies to
reduce its impact and improve the adaptation of students in university life.


3. ¿How do you think academic stress impacts your university education?

Academic stress can have a significant impact on a student's college education. The pressure of deadlines, exams and
academic responsibilities, combined with other factors such as social and economic demands, can damage students' physical
and mental well-being and increase the level of anxiety and stress that alters their academic performance. In addition, it can
lead to emotional and physical exhaustion, which negatively affects the quality of work and motivation in the study.
Consequently, it is important that students learn techniques to cope with stress and manage it effectively, in order to achieve a
more balanced and sustainable university education.

4. ¿How does this scientific article contribute to positively managing academic stress?

It contributes to manage academic stress by proposing the importance of two measuring factors: cognitive-emotional
regulation and social support received by university students. The importance of these factors in adapting to university life and
building effective techniques to manage stress in order to achieve a healthier and more balanced university education is


5. ¿What is your critical position of the case read? To support your answer for or against, it must be based on two
reliable sources, extracted from the USS database (cite in APA / VANCOUVER style as appropriate).

As we know college stress is a common problem that can have a detrimental impact on students' academic
performance with support and preventative measures, students can better manage stress and maintain healthy academic
performance. In addition, some students may feel that adjusting to college life is too difficult or overwhelming. They feel they do
not have enough emotional support or resources to adequately handle academic demands and social pressures. This could
result in students dropping out or failing to reach their academic and career potential. According to Berrio Y Mezzo (2012) "The
phenomenon of stress is defined as fear, anxiety, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and various situations, such as school, work, or
other stressors." (p. 3)

On the other hand, it is important to address academic overwhelm and adjustment to college life in a balanced way by
providing support and resources to ensure academic success, emotional and mental well-being of students. Espinel, Robles,
Alvarez mention "The reduction of stress will improve the development of knowing how to live together, and favors the
fulfillment of objective 3 of the National Plan for Good Living, which seeks to "Improve the quality of life of the population"
(National Secretariat of Planning and Development-SENPLADES, 2013)." (p. 3)

6. ¿What is the final reflection of the proposed case? 28/67
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I can conclude that it provides valuable information on how college stress can influence students' adjustment to college
life and how cognitive-emotional regulation strategies and social support can help students reduce their involvement in stress
and improve their adjustment. At the same time, as students, we should also be aware of the importance of finding an
appropriate balance between stress and well-being, and of adopting strategies to improve our adaptation and academic
performance, such as seeking emotional support, developing cognitive-emotional regulation skills, setting realistic goals, and
managing our time effectively, as well as reflecting on the negative effects of academic stress and the importance of addressing
and preventing it. Therefore, it is recommended that students learn emotional regulation techniques and seek the necessary
social support to cope with academic demands and reduce stress in their college life.


Espinel, J., Robles, J., & Álvarez, G. (2015). Factores de riesgo y prevención del estrés académico en estudiantes
universitarios de la UNEMI, Milagro. Yachana Revista Científica, 4(2).

Berrio García, N., & Mazo Zea, R. (2012). Estrés Académico. Revista De Psicología Universidad De Antioquia, 3(2),

Emiro, J., Bedoya, E., Cuartas, G., Cassaretto, M., Vilela, P. Estrés académico y adaptación a la vida universitaria:
mediación de la regulación cognitivo-emocional y el apoyo social.

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de CESAR ANTONY PEREZ ODAR - sábado, 3 de junio de 2023, 13:30

A cordial greeting, comrade JEERSON ALI GONZALES

I agree with your argument, it is true that stress affects the cognitive abilities of students, dragging them to low grades, little
motivation to carry out their work or academic activities, these are facts that are very detrimental to the professional
development of the university student, since they have to have positive emotions and motivators that encourage you to
continue fighting for your professional career. Reinforcing my argument, Llanga Vargas and others (2019) point out that
motivation is essential for the student throughout their academic journey, being the engine that helps them make decisions
to achieve their objective.
Llanga Vargas, E. F., Murillo, P. J., Panchi Moreno, K. P., Paucar Paucar, M. M., & Quitanilla Orna, D. T. (2019).
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de DANIS ARNELIA DOMINGUEZ PAZ - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 12:50

cordial greetings comrade JEERSON ALI GONZALES MENDOZA ,I would like to add that stress in university students is
very common nowadays, because it generates that students do not concentrate and cannot have a good academic
performance according to Cassaretto, Vilela, Gamarra (2021) "The university stage involves exposure and involvement in
diverse and challenging situations for students, such as the establishment of new relationships with teachers and peers".
Adapting to this new stage of life for some students can be confusing and generate this series of problems in them.


Cassaretto-, Mónica, Vilela-, Patty, & Gamarra-, Lorena (2021). Academic stress in Peruvian university students:
importance of health behaviors, sociodemographic and academic characteristics. Liberabit, 27(2), e482. Epub September
06, 2021.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de GEYLI MILAGROS PAUCAR ZEVALLOS - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 20:15

Recibe un cordial saludo compañero Jerson Ali felicitarte por cumplir con el foro de debate y argumentación, quisiera
complementar con la pregunta uno What factors cause academic stress “Stress is an adaptive phenomenon in humans
that promotes 29/67
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To a large extent for its survival, for proper functioning
Activity and effective performance in many areas of life. How each student changes at the start of college
This will be regulated by their adaptation to the stressor. that's why they are
Students who adapt well to changes in the university environment.
They will learn from the situation and become rich by taking the above steps.
Change is challenging (because it requires going through a certain level of stress
to initiate an operation), but conversely those who cannot
The proper "handling" of these situations generates personal frustration.
and/or attrition and, therefore, put academic pressure on them.

Peiró. (2005,). ESTRÉS Y RENDIMIENTO ACADÉMICO EN LOS ESTUDIANTES". Recuperado el 4 de junio de 2023, de
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de ABNER JONATAN LLATAS VALDIVIA - sábado, 27 de mayo de 2023, 16:35

1. What causes academic stress?

Stress is a complex cognitive, emotional and behavioral reaction, which is generated when an unexpected situation occurs that
requires great effort or exceeds the coping capacity of a person, who takes it as threatening, which is related to tension.
physical, mental or emotional.

On the other hand, the factors that can cause academic stress can be the academic style of the student due to having an
overload of tasks, exams, papers and exhibitions, on the other hand, entering a new world such as the university can often
cause stress since the student questions whether or not the degree will be difficult since they are entering a new stage, there
are also external factors such as an inadequate study environment for the student, lack of commitment to the course, undefined
vocational objectives, food can also be a stress factor and finally family problems.

2. How does university stress influence student performance?

Some studies have shown that high stress influences and is associated with poor adaptation, causing the student to present
health problems, poor academic performance, postponement or even abandonment of the study, in some cases stress can
generate anxiety, depression making that can generate low grades, not going to classes, lack of interest in their studies or even

3. How do you think academic stress impacts your university education?

It impacts in such a way that it generates an academic overload, which influences my academic well-being, which can be
manifested in changes in both physical and psychological behavior, causing an imbalance in the objective that I have set, since
stress can manage to generate discouragement or lack of interest in my university education, which can end in dropping out of
studies, but all this can be avoided by having an activity plan, having a good work system, eating well, among others, like this
avoiding stress to be able to meet my goal which is to be a good professional.

4. How does this scientific article contribute to positively managing academic stress?
The article contributes in a way that makes us aware of the factors of academic stress and how it affects students, generating
problems in their university life, on the other hand, it tells us how to manage and regulate stress in order to avoid having
negative consequences in students. studies which can cause difficulties throughout the academic process.

5. What is your critical position of the case read?

My position on what I have read is that academic stress is something very common which is manifested as a problem that
affects university students, we can talk about academic stress as a factor that influences academic performance. That is why
(Cardona, 2017) comments that "university life comes with personal, social and academic challenges to which students must
adapt, not only to be academically successful. This period can be affected by stressful situations that can affect the personal
and academic level”.

On the other hand (Nieves, 2015) tells us that stress is one of the most common health problems today, faced with academic
stress, students increasingly face demands and challenges that require large physical resources and psychological to deal with
this problem.

(Silva, 2019) expresses that "Academic stress causes a systemic imbalance that manifests itself in a succession of symptoms,
with the student being the one who must carry out different strategies to deal with this problem, to restore the balance”.

6. What is the final reflection of the proposed case?

Academic stress can occur in academic activities and it is noticeable since it puts us in trouble, causing a physical or
psychological imbalance to occur, causing us to become discouraged along the way, but to avoid all this we must have 30/67
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strategies in place so as not to lose thus our objectives and to be able to motivate ourselves to reach the goal that we have

Cardona, T. (2017). Academic stress and adaptation to university life. Scopus.

Nieves, L (2015). Scielo. Retrieved from Scielo:


Silva, J. (2019). Academic stress in university students. Investigation and Science, 28 (79), 75-83.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de LISBETH KATHERINE VILCHERREZ QUICIO - sábado, 27 de mayo de 2023, 19:14


1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?

- Pressure.
- Reaction of physiological, emotional, cognitive and behavioral activation before stimuli and academic events.
- Requirements
- Dysfunctions
- Personal problems
- Imbalance of the cognitive-systematic model

2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

- Leads to health problems, poor performance or even dropping out of the study.
- Increase or decrease food
- Interpersonal relationships, performance and adaptation of students.
- Difficulty in organizing sleep and isolation.
- Lack of interest in carrying out academic activities
- Cognitive-systemic imbalance influences the experience, management, and expression of emotions to adapt to a context or
according to individual goals.


3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?

This influences concentration and learning, resulting in missed deadlines, poor test scores and grades. On the other hand, it
can hinder motivation and lead to procrastination, which can make stress worse in the long run. It also affects physical and
mental health in the form of headaches, stomach aches, anxiety, depression, and other mental problems.

4. ¿De qué manera este artículo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?

Generate awareness to students understand potential triggers and develop strategies to manage stress, build strong social
support networks, and seek help to reduce stress.


5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?

I agree that students need to be aware of the causes of academic pressure and develop strong survival techniques. Therefore,
universities should provide resources to help students cope.

"It is important to highlight that future research should include the evaluation of aspects related to the organizations or services
of the university that could become a source of real, accessible support and influence on academic performance" (Feldman. L,
2009) . 31/67
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"The foreseeable consequences of stress are regulated by coping ability and the use of strategies that act as constantly
changing cognitive and behavioral reinforcements" (Riveiro, et al., 2020).

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?

Academic pressure is a complex issue that can negatively affect student performance, mental health and general well-being,
for this solid survival strategies must be provided, based on this, universities must provide resources that help adapt to the
students to school pressure.


Feldman, L. (2009). Relationships between academic stress, social support, mental health and academic performance in
Venezuelan university students. Bogotá (Colombia), D - Pontifical Javeriana University. Retrieved from

Riveiro et al. (2020). Academic performance according to different levels of executive functionality and perceived child stress.
Educational Psychology, 26 (1), 77-86. Official College of Psychologists of Madrid. Retrieved from

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de GEYLI MILAGROS PAUCAR ZEVALLOS - sábado, 27 de mayo de 2023, 21:29

1. ¿ What factors cause academic stress?

The factors that generate academic stress are all those that occur in students due to academic requirements and pressures
associated with the context, according to this, this type of stress is caused by:

• Work overload: This is one of the factors most related to the appearance of stress in the academic context.

• - Cognitive evaluation: Most of the stressors of academic stress are considered minor, since their origin is mainly in the
cognitive perception that the student has of them.

• - Transition to university: The transition from high school to university education is an element that can generate
academic stress.

• - Academic performance: Stress can influence various aspects of life, especially academic performance. Variables such
as level of interest in studying and financial resources can determine student performance, regardless of the program of study
or length of the academic schedule.

- Pressures and demands of the academic environment: The demands and demands present in the academic environment
can cause stress in students.

- Adapting to new circumstances: Adapting to new situations, such as moving to a new city or country, can generate stress in

2¿ How does college stress influence student performance?

College stress can influence student performance in a variety of ways, according to the updated scientific literature.
Some of the most relevant findings are:

Academic stress can have a negative impact on students' learning and well-being,affecting their academic
performance and enhancing behaviors such as drug use and sleep disorders, among other adverse effects.

Students entering their first year of college may experience stress when faced with academic tasks that seem to
require skills beyond what they believe they possess to tackle.

If these situations become chronic, they could lead to academic failure on the part of the student. Work overload is
one of the main factors related to the occurrence of stress in the academic environment.

Academic stress, which arises from the educational environment, has repercussions on students' learning and well-
being, having an impact on their academic performance. Several variables, such as interest in studying and financial
resources, can influence academic performance, regardless of the program of study or academic schedule. The
transition to college is a stressful experience that involves facing situations that seek to change the way of
approaching learning, studying and the personal sphere. 32/67
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These changes can increase the risk of students experiencing elevated levels of stress. Students can use coping
strategies in the face of situations characteristic of academic stress, the most common being the implementation of a
study plan and assertiveness.


3. How do you think academic stress impacts your college education?

As a college student, I believe that academic stress can have a significant impact on my college education. Some
ways in which academic stress can affect my education are:

- Stress can affect my academic performance, especially if it becomes chronic and affects my ability to concentrate,
retain information, and complete tasks

- Stress can affect my mental and physical health, which can affect my ability to attend classes, participate in
extracurricular activities and maintain healthy social relationships

- Stress can affect my motivation and commitment to my education, which can lead to a decrease in my interest in my
field of study and my ability to achieve my academic goals.

- Stress can affect my overall quality of life, which can lead to a decrease in my emotional and physical well-being.

4.- ¿ How does this scientific article contribute to the positive management of academic stress?

The scientific article in question may provide a positive perspective on coping with academic stress by providing information on
how cognitive-emotional regulation and social support may influence the connection between academic stress and adjustment
to college life. According to the article, it is suggested that cognitive-emotional regulation, which involves the ability to control
and modify thoughts and emotions associated with academic stress, may be helpful in mitigating the negative effects of stress
on adjustment to college life. Furthermore, the article also indicates that social support, which encompasses the emotional
support and help provided by friends, family and other members of the university community, can help reduce the negative
effects of academic stress on adjustment to university life. In addition, by understanding how cognitive-emotional regulation and
social support may influence the relationship between academic stress and adjustment to college life, students can develop
effective strategies to manage academic stress and improve their adjustment in the college setting.
5. What is your critical position on the case you have read? To support your answer in favor or against, it must be based on two
reliable sources, extracted from the USS database (cite in APA / VANCOUVER style as appropriate).

My critical stance on the case read using two reliable sources is as follows:
- College academic stress is a serious problem that negatively affects students' academic performance and mental health.
According to a study published in Redalyc, entering college can increase the risk of students presenting high levels of stress
due to the changes it implies in the way they approach learning, studying and the personal sphere. In addition, academic stress
can encourage drug use, sleep disturbance and other health problems. Therefore, it is important that universities take
measures to reduce academic stress and support students in their adjustment to university life (Espinosa & al., 2020).
- University academic stress is a problem that must be addressed by the students themselves, as it is an inevitable part of
university life. According to a published article regarding academic stress affects all college students, especially those with
outstanding academic performance. However, the article suggests that students must learn to manage stress and develop
coping skills in order to adapt to college life. In addition, the article highlights that academic stress can be a source of
motivation for some students and can help them achieve their academic goals. Therefore, instead of looking for external
solutions, students should learn to manage stress and use it as a tool for their academic success (Silva & al., 2019).
6. What is the final reflection of the proposed case?
After reading the proposed case on academic stress in college students, one can reflect that academic stress is a common
problem that can negatively affect students' academic performance and physical and mental health. Factors that contribute to
academic stress include academic overload, lack of time, performance pressure, and transition to the university environment.
However, there are effective strategies to manage these problems, such as cognitive-emotional regulation and social support
(Armenta & Quiroz, 2020; Beltrán & al., 2018; Torres & Torres, 2022).
It is important for college students to recognize and manage academic stress to improve their adjustment and well-being in
college life. In addition, educational institutions can play an important role in preventing and managing academic stress by
providing adequate resources and support to students (Silva & al., 2019; Armenta & Quiroz, 2020; Beltrán & al., 2018; Torres &
Torres, 2022).

Armenta Zazueta, L. y Quiroz Campas, C. Y. (2020). Influencia del estrés en el rendimiento académico de
estudiantes universitarios. Revista Espacios, 41(48), 30-40. Este artículo describe la influencia del estrés en el rendimiento
académico de estudiantes universitarios y los factores que más influyen y generan estrés.

Beltrán, K., Estrada, M., Martínez, A. y Navarro, T. (2018). Cómo afecta y se relaciona el estrés con el rendimiento académico
en estudiantes de educación superior. Revista de Investigación Académica, 59, 78-102. Este artículo analiza cómo el estrés
afecta y se relaciona con el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de educación superior. 33/67
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Espinosa, J.F, & al. (2020). Influencia del estrés sobre el rendimiento académico. Redalyc. Revista de Investigación
Académica, Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica, 39 (1), 63-69. Recuperado

Silva M.F, & al. (2019). Estrés académico en estudiantes universitarios. Investigación y Ciencia, Universidad Autónoma de
Aguascalientes, 28 (79), 75-83. Recuperado de

Torres, J. y Torres, M. (2022). Influencia del estrés sobre el rendimiento académico. Revista Educación, 46(2), 1-30. Este
artículo analiza la influencia del estrés en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios en Puno, Perú.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de ANGHALY JASMÍN ASENJO ALEJANDRIA - sábado, 27 de mayo de 2023, 22:13

I send my warmest greetings to all of you, and with regard to the questions, my answers are as follows:
1. Among the factors that provoke academic stress are: wanting to achieve academic success, being unprepared for university
life, feeling threatened in unexpected situations; all of this is intertwined with tension or also with mental, physical or emotional
pressure from different scenarios.
2. University stress influences performance in such a way that students generate various reactions such as: body aches and
sleep difficulties, sleep disorders, lack of energy and also drowsiness, headaches, back or stomach aches and as the most
recurrent ones we have increased or decreased food consumption, isolation and disinterest in academic activities.
3. Due to the various situations caused by stress in each student, it is almost impossible to provide any solution, affecting the
academic attitude of each person, so it is important to make strategic decisions in order to face and be prepared for the
situations that may arise in the day to day. Its impact can be very negative for the person, until it can cause illness or low
4. It helps in the way that the student becomes aware of how he/she reacts to the various situations in their day to day life, this
article also makes clear the consequences of stress, giving us to understand how the situations that we find difficult to solve,
affect our lives, making it clear that a good study method or strategy to meet our goals, will help academic success.
5. With respect to the article read, I can say that academic stress is a very important issue, because most students in that
course go through many situations and problems, either for academic grades or for any situation that comes our way.
Citing Silva (2020) who explains that stressed people show internal imbalances that affect mental and physical functioning, and
individualised responses have a direct impact on their behaviour, we can understand that stress can seriously affect each
Furthermore, Rull (2011) argues that higher education represents the manifestation of high academic burdens, also because it
coincides with life stages in which students must face many changes in their lives. Specifically, entering university coincides
with separation from the family, entering the workforce and adapting to unusual circumstances.
After what has been argued, we can say that it is of utmost importance to take care of our thoughts, as they are the source of
everything we want to do, as well as to take care of the physical aspect, because stress and academic pressure can cause
great bodily problems, which affects our health.
6. Stress is a disease that affects our health to a great extent, therefore, it is of great importance to give it the necessary
attention and at the same time to handle with caution the problems that we face daily, most students do not find the way to
cope with it and fall become dominated by this factor. Therefore, we should be optimistic and open to change in order to lead a
full and peaceful life.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de VANNIA CUSTODIO BARRIOS - viernes, 2 de junio de 2023, 19:10

A cordial greeting comrade Anghaly, regarding your answers I can say that I totally agree with what you affirm and argue.

Because if we talk about academic stress, we mention certain physical and mental discomforts caused by the academic
pressure of grades, work and environment; Many aspects influence our feelings and thoughts, causing feelings of pressure
or seeing that there is no solution for a certain situation, that is why an emotional exhaustion is created that affects to some
degree the attitude that the student takes. As mentioned by several authors, academic stress can be experienced by
individuals who feel disturbed by the responsibilities of the university, affecting their mental health, putting their well-being
and performance at risk, being considered as a main problem of the university population. (Estrada et. al, 2022) In this
case it is necessary to take positive measures to help face this situation, and to improve the attitude, as well as the
performance of university students, because their health is also important to achieve their objectives. 34/67
28/7/23, 00:48 202301-10000119-1019-1EG024-2-1-1: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.
-Estrada, E., Velásquez, L., Valencia, J., Farfán, M., Lavilla, W. G., & Paricahua, J. (2022). Academic stress and
emotional exhaustion in university students in the context of virtual education. Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacologia y
Terapeutica, 41(6), 455–461.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de ANGHALY JASMÍN ASENJO ALEJANDRIA - viernes, 2 de junio de 2023, 22:43

Rull, M. A. P., Sánchez, M. L. S., Cano, E. V., Méndez, M. T. C., Montiel, P. H., & García, F. V. (2011). Estrés académico en
estudiantes universitarios. Psicología y salud, 21(1), 31-37.
Silva-Ramos, M. F., López-Cocotle, J. J., & Meza-Zamora, M. E. C. (2020). Estrés académico en estudiantes
universitarios. Investigación y Ciencia, 28(79), 75-83.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de ENRRY MANUEL CHIMOY MORALES - sábado, 27 de mayo de 2023, 23:19


1. ¿ What causes academic stress?
Academic stress is the common response experienced by students to the multiple obligations and requirements that arise in
university life, such as practical work, exhibitions, partials, presentations. This response stimulates and drives the student to be
able to react effectively, achieve their goals and achieve their objectives. However, in certain situations, having an excess of
simultaneous requirements can intensify the reaction and reduce educational performance.
The causes of stress in educational environments may differ from individual to individual, however, there are some common
causes that are frequently cited in the sources:
Some research has shown that stress in students is related to lack of energy, drowsiness and sleep disorders Several, A.
(2013), and likewise other factors that influence stress are back pain, stomach aches, feeling of shortness of breath,
tachycardia and palpitations. With respect to mental responses, the most frequent in the literature are anguish, anxiety, worry
and depression, among others, Finally, the most common behavioral responses are isolation, lack of interest in academic work
and decrease or increase in food intake.
It is known that tension is common in almost all activities and situations that human beings face, therefore, in the university
environment, most students usually experience a high level of pressure, as they must fulfill their academic responsibilities,
sometimes facing an overload of work and academic tasks. In addition, the evaluation by their teachers, their parents and
especially themselves regarding their performance which causes them a lot of anxiety. This essential activation can have
negative effects on both the performance and the physical and psychological health of students.

2. ¿How does college stress influence student performance?

The results that can arise due to elevated stress levels are diverse, including depressive states, nervousness, moodiness,
decreased self-confidence, sleep problems, as well as diseases such as asthma, ulcers and hypertension etc. All of this
negatively affects both the health and academic performance of students.
Students who experience high levels of anxiety tend to manifest notorious complications in regulating their attention responses,
since their restlessness distracts them from the tasks they carry out and hinders their ability to solve problems, which is
necessary for evaluations. This change manifests itself both in the process of studying and preparing for the exam and during
its conduct.

Suárez Riveiro, J. M. Martínez Vicente, M. & Valiente Barroso, C. (2020). They point out that the way of life of university
students is tense due to academic demands, which causes stress in their education and, in most cases, they adopt unhealthy
behaviors such as excessive consumption of tobacco, caffeine, sedatives, stimulants, among others. Transforming them into
individuals prone to experience alterations in their cognitive, physiological-emotional and behavioral state, which increases the
possibility of developing the syndrome of work burnout (Preciado and Vázquez, 2010).


3. ¿How do you think academic stress impacts your university education?

I consider that academic stress has had a negative impact on my personal life, which has affected my health among the
consequences that this situation left me are individual physical symptoms, such as increased heart rate, muscle tension of legs
and arms, perspiration, sleep disorders, fatigue, digestive problems.
Likewise with regard to my psychological reactions I currently face nervousness, anxiety, depression, grief, sadness, etc. And 35/67
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with respect to the most frequent behaviors that I present are decrease in food consumption and some disinterest in doing
some academic activities.
In psychosocial terms, stress in the academic environment is related to factors such as demands, pressure, and abnormalities
that can affect the physical condition, emotional balance, social interaction, performance and adaptability of students (Alfonso
et al., 2006).
4. ¿How does this scientific article contribute to positively managing academic stress?
I believe that this scientific article contributes positively to university students to manage and control their academic stress,
Similarly, when distinguishing those that stood out most in the context of the research, it is appropriate to suggest some tactics
that contribute to reduce these factors, improving the quality of life of university students and, therefore, benefiting their mental
and physical well-being.
These suggestions can help reduce stress by decreasing its intensity. It is relevant to note that according to Halgravez (2016),
stress is mainly influenced by the social and family support that students receive, so it is essential to have a good family
relationship and participate in social events that allow them to develop social skills and empathy towards others.
According to Feldman, L. (2009), stress is not considered a disease in itself, although its lack of treatment contributes to the
development of various conditions that are directly related to psychological and physical disorders. Therefore, it is essential to
treat it properly to minimize it and improve academic performance, which in turn will contribute to improving the quality of life of
both each individual and society as a whole.
In conclusion, it is estimated that reinforcing social support, managing emotions and stress control optimizes individual and
social resources that give students the necessary tools to adjust to university life, favoring their goal of achieving a
comprehensive education.

5. ¿ What is your critical position of the case read?
My critical stance on academic stress is that, in recent times, with the recent academic, social, labor and professional demands,
university students have been faced with a series of challenges that require more time, work and commitment in these
competitive times (Armenta, 2019). Students who begin their university career must understand that it entails a great
responsibility, since in addition to their academic performance, they must establish objectives and goals to responsibly fulfill
each of their subjects.
Because of this, according to Martínez and Díaz (2007), stress is usually understood as a series of diverse experiences, among
which anxiety, overload, fatigue, oppression, restlessness and other similar sensations, such as academic, professional or any
other type of demand, stand out.
That is why it is important that all students inform ourselves about this situation that is affecting our physical and psychological
health which will help us to know how to identify the main causes that cause stress in order to propose strategies to prevent it.

6. ¿What is the final reflection of the proposed case?

The topic of academic stress has been the subject of extensive research in recent years. Several factors can influence this
phenomenon, such as health, personal characteristics and the university environment. The objective of academic stress is to
facilitate adaptation to university life, although the relationship between the two is not entirely clear. In fact, some studies
suggest that academic stress may be linked to lower health and adaptation to college life, while others suggest that social
support and cognitive-emotional regulation strategies may act as measures to reduce stress and improve adaptation. This
research examines the relationship between academic stress, health and adaptation to university life through a structural
Some suggestions for improving these aspects are as follows:
-Work within the established schedule to avoid nighttime sleep deprivation due to academic activities.
- Develop a daily plan of the tasks to be performed, in order to guarantee an efficient organization of time.
- Meditate on the importance of completing education, remember the sacrifices that are made to progress and achieve the
fundamental goal that is to complete the studies.
- Find a small space that provides greater comfort to achieve optimal concentration, as an ideal place to perform all academic
tasks and responsibilities.

Feldman, L. (2009). Relaciones entre estrés académico, apoyo social, salud mental y rendimiento académico en estudiantes
universitarios venezolanos.. D - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Suárez Riveiro, J. M. Martínez Vicente, M. & Valiente Barroso, C. (2020). Rendimiento Académico según distintos niveles de
funcionalidad ejecutiva y de estrés infantil percibido. Psicología Educativa, 26 (1), 77-86.. Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de

Varios, A. (2013). Cuaderno del alumno: control de estrés.. Editorial CEP, S.L.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de WILSON SMITH VILLALOBOS GUTIERREZ - sábado, 27 de mayo de 2023, 23:24


1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?

The different causes of academic stress are as follows:
• Catastrophism
• Personal problems
• Self-blame and blaming others
• Pressure
• Rumination

2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

Stress predominates in college students as follows:
- Psychological problems.
- Lack of socialization with other peers.
- Drug use.
- Insomnia or lack of sleep.
- Physical exhaustion.
- Negative thoughts and emotions.
- Fear of expressing feelings.
- Health problems.


3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?

Academic stress negatively disrupts my college education, while also affecting my mental health and physical condition; Since,
I can not control my emotions and cloud my thoughts to make a good decision within an academic, personal and extracurricular
activity. In such a way, my learning development is spoiled when taking an exam, which results in a low grade.

4. ¿De qué manera este artículo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?
It has helped me to be aware of the factors and effects that academic stress can cause to be able to face these events within
my university and daily life. Find solutions or help deal with these problems and thus achieve an improvement in our
development within the university.


5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?

My critical stance when analyzing the article “Academic stress and adjustment to university life: mediation of cognitive-
emotional regulation and social support” lies in the urgent need for higher education institutions to take real concern and drastic
measures to addres the issues stemming from stress in their students, seeking comprehensive solutions that promote both
mental and physical when-being. While it is true that stress is an inevitable reality, it is crucial to adopt a reflexive attitude aimed
at minimizing its adverse effects.
According to the claims presented by Cassarerro, Vilela y Gamarra (2021), a higher incidence of serious problems stemming
from stress caused by academic responsabilities such as exams and group work, is observed in Latin American countries. In
this situation, it falls on the teacher’s responsability to stablish and maintain close communication and a relationship of trust
whit their students. They must demonstrate a genuine interest through concrete examples that reinforce the relevance of
academic content. Similarly, it is essential to motivate students through recognition and awards for completing activities, thus
promoting their educational development and generating a sense of security that counters the negative effects of stress.
(Espinosa, Hernández, Rodriguez, Maricarmen y Bermúdez, 2020).

6. Reflexión final del caso propuesto

Experiencing academic stress imposses a significant burde non individuals, whetter they are teachers or students. It is crucial
to recognize the underlyng causes and consequences, and actively seek remedies and resources that can alleviate the
adverse effects of accumulated stress. This is essential to Foster emotional stability and optimize the frequent well-being of
To mitigate this stress, it is imperative to engage in various stress-relieving practices. These include exercising regularly,
overcoming procrastination, ensuring adequate restful sleep, avoiding stressful situations, and cultivating a positive Outlook
towards academic and universitary challenges. By implementing these strategies, we can effectively cope with the demands og
academy and maintain a healthy balance in our emotional state.

Cassaretto, M., Vilela, P., y Gamarra, L. (2021). Estrés académico en universitarios peruanos: importancia de las conductas de 37/67
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salud, características sociodemográficas y académicas.

Espinosa, J., Hernández, J., Rodríguez, E., Maricarmen, C., y Bermúdez, V. (2020). Influencia del estrés sobre el rendimiento
académico. Archivos venezolanos de farmacología y terapéutica.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de WILMER HERNAN MILLONES PORRAS - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 15:56

Dear colleague, I agree with your position regarding the case read, you should take measures against university academic
stress, because at this time they would be students with this problem, and if we do not take measures to solve this problem
we can see more frequent consequences in the mental and physical health of students. It is important to teach from an
early age the reflection of their actions, so that they learn to manage their academic concerns. That is to say that they can
manage their new environment, and that they are effective and efficient in this new stage. "It is necessary to provide
students with the knowledge of preventive measures of academic stress (study habits, self-reflection and coping) that help
them to channel their stress in a positive way" (Jimenez, 2022).
In order to positively channel stress, I will point out preventive measures:
*Allocate time for the development of academic activities.
*Do not accumulate academic tasks
*Review previous classes in short periods of the day.
*To have an established time to rest
*Develop a sport that can relax you.

Jiménez Barraza, V. G. (2022). Academic stress and hybrid education in university students in times of the new educational
normality. Contemporary Dilemmas: Education, Politics and Values, 9(2), 1-
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de CARMEN FIORELA REYES MORON - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 01:19

1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?
The main factors that cause academic stress are:
 schedule load
 Assessment systems
 Workload
 Lifestyle
 Personal problems
 Cognitive imbalance – systematic

2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

 It influences bad eating habits and excessive use of alcoholic beverages causing many problems
 Lack of concentration, this makes it difficult to carry out daily activities at the university, it can be in exams, exhibitions and it
delays us in achieving our objectives.
 Bad influences, can lead us to make bad decisions causing deep stress to students
 Negative thoughts
 Lack of selfesteem

3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?

The academic stress in my university education can affect me in different ways, one of them would be my academic
performance and cause an imbalance in the development of my activities, this can lead me to low levels of depression and
anxiety, lack of concentration in which I It's going to affect my course grades a lot.
In addition, this can manifest itself in headaches, back pain, stomach pain, palpitations, a feeling of shortness of breath, these
health problems can greatly affect my university performance and my daily life. 38/67
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4. ¿De qué manera este artículo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?

The article on "Academic stress and adaptation to university life: mediation of cognitive-emotional regulation and social
support" informs all students that we must prepare ourselves to face this situation, and in this way be aware of the problems
that We can cause ourselves, because university life makes us constantly struggle with internal and academic demands which,
due to their changing nature, can generate stress and academic performance in which we must take measures to solve and
cause harm.


5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?

The health of university students is a topic of interest that we must assume responsibly and seek solutions, cognitive-emotional
regulation strategies and various forms of social support, so it would be good for universities to pay more attention to this case
and be able to provide a solution for avoid having fewer cases of people with this deficiency (Almeida et al., 2002).
In addition to gender differences, it is important to highlight the importance of proper time management in the first years of
university life to develop measures aimed at forming effective management and planning of time and academic and leisure
activities, according to (Stadtfeld et al. 2019), tells us that socially isolated students have significantly very low test scores and
are likely to feel troubled and think about dropping out of college. According to (Feldman 2008) it tells us that academic
problems can probably be shared more with friends or classmates than with one's own family, since the academic environment
imposes demands that are common to classmates and they can help each other to solve their problems from the start. this

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?

According to the reading, academic stress is an issue that we must take more importance because this can negatively affect
our academic growth but also our well-being, our future, for this reason it is necessary to understand the underlying
mechanisms of this relationship and at the same time seek to reduce stress so that in this way we can have a life of what and
continue to grow to be better in the future.

Restrepo, E. Bedoya, C. Cuartas, M. Cassaretto, B. & Vilela, A. (2023). Estrés académico y adaptación a la vida universitaria:
mediación de la regulación cognitivo-emocional y el apoyo social. Obtenido de:

Feldman, L., Goncalves, L, & Chacón, P. (2008). Relaciones entre estrés académico, apoyo social, salud mental y rendimiento
académico en estudiantes universitarios venezolanos. Obtenido de:
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de LEYDI MUÑOZ ROJAS - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 22:17

Hello colleague Carme Fiorela Reyes Morron, Congratulations for having responded to the discussion forum and
argumentation I agree with your answers then I will give my opinion.
According to. Belkis, et al. (2015). "Stress is one of the most pervasive health problems in society today"Considering these
results, it can be noted that the stress in the studies of university students is determined for a number of stressful things,
including the demands that come from academic activities and the lack of time to finish,It is also called being overwhelmed
by studying, exams or grades. teachers and many hours are spent in the classroom, limiting time of learning and the time
needed to complete the work.
Belkis, et al. (2015). Estrés académico: Recuperado de
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de MELISSA DE FATIMA SANTOS TINEO - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 03:09

1. What factors cause academic stress?

A bad adaptation to university life.
2. How does university stress influence student performance?
It has a negative influence because it can cause tension, headaches, sleep disorders, etc.
3. How do you think academic stress impacts your university education? If stress is allowed to cause any of the symptoms as
sleep problems, this would cause lack of concentration affecting academic performance. 39/67
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4. How does this scientific article contribute to positively managing academic stress?
It suggests that universities should be concerned about the academic stress suffered by their students and propose strategies
and solutions to reduce it.
5. What is your critical position of the case read? University students not only have to deal with adapting to the new stage of
studies, but also to their daily problems that influence their academic performance (Córdova and Santa María, 2018). It is
necessary for the university to conduct surveys in order to know the level of stress presented by its students, since this can also
affect them if the student does not adapt to the regime of the career causing him to abandon his studies.
6. What is the final reflection of the proposed case? It is natural that at some point in our university career we suffer from stress
due to the responsibility of complying with the academic products, but it is necessary for the student to realize at what moment
the stress is affecting your health and stop, and seek professional help.

Córdova, D. A., & Santa Maria, F. B. (2018). Factors associated with stress in dental students from a Peruvian university.
Herediana Stomatological Magazine, 28(4), 252-258.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de ENRRY MANUEL CHIMOY MORALES - sábado, 3 de junio de 2023, 21:16

Receive a cordial greeting dear colleague Melissa De Fatima Santos Tineo hoping you are well, likewise I pass to
congratulate you for having responded to your forum of debate and argumentation as it demonstrates your desire to meet
your goals and objectives,With regard to the answer to question 3 I agree with what you mention that one of the problems
that affects our academic training is the symptoms of difficulty sleeping which generates lack of concentration, I also want
to comment on the following:

Academic pressure can generate unfavorable consequences in the university educational process.According to research,
the most frequent physical and mental results derived from stress are the inability to rest and remain calm, the feeling of
sadness and worry, difficulties in focusing and lack of motivation to fulfill university tasks.

I therefore support my view with the following quote:

As pointed out by Vásquez Arteaga, É. A. (2021), academic stress carries various consequences, as do other types of
stress, such as individual physical symptoms including muscle tension in the legs and arms, increased heart pressure,
sleep disturbances, teeth grinding, digestion problems, and headache.As for the most prominent behavioral responses are
the decrease in performance, inclination to argue, isolation, lack of motivation, smoking, consumption of alcoholic
beverages or other substances.

Vásquez Arteaga, É. A. (2021). Estrés Cotidiano Infantil y Mindfulness en la escuela. 1. Editorial Unimar - Universidad

! Take care of yourself and many successes !

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de DAVID ABEL VASQUEZ MAURO - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 12:57


1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?

These are some of the factors that usually cause stress in the academic environment: Excessive academic papers, exams and
internships, the fear of making a mistake in an academic presentation or intervention and personal problems that students may
go through, these are some factors that cause stress in the academic environment.

2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

There are several reasons that affect the performance of university students, which are: Lack of concentration, body pain, but
mostly back pain, feeling sad due to lack of motivation caused by stress, feeling anxious, depressed and anxious, the stress
can be so much that they can abandon their studies. 40/67
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3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?

From my perspective with what I have already experienced, I consider that stress has had a negative impact on my academic
training, since it has caused me many difficulties to concentrate or carry out any task, some factors may be: Lack of motivation,
anxiety and depression. I also think that stress can cause damage to our emotional and physical health.

4. ¿De qué manera este artículo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?

In this scientific article I recommend us to manage in a positive way the stress in the academic environment, since it provides
very useful information about adaptation in the university environment and what stress can entail. By understanding these
factors and using the strategies appropriately, students can improve their adaptation to college life and decrease the negative
impact of academic stress and academic performance.


3. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?

After reading the article I can say that stress in the university environment is a problem that significantly affects the
performance and health of students. We must take very seriously the levels of stress that university life generates because at
the end of the day and according to what the scientific article says it will be projected in our university grades since not sleeping
properly affects this. (Monterrosa & al., 2014).

¿Reflexión final del caso propuesto?

The reflection that leaves the proposed case on stress in the life of university students is that stress is a very common case that
comes to affect that a very negative way to students either in their university performance, in their personal life or even in their
health, I add that some factors of academic stress can be the workload, lifestyle, adapting to university studies and the demand
that may come to have the courses.


Monterrosa, A. Ulloque, L. Carrizo, S. (2014). Calidad del dormir, insomnio y rendimiento académico en estudiantes de

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de DANIS ARNELIA DOMINGUEZ PAZ - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 13:32


1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?

Academic stress causes a series of factors in students due to pressure, competition, lifestyle, and adapting to academic work
due to the constant tension of presenting papers and exams in such a way that when faced with more academic demands, it
can lead to stress, experiencing decay, disinterest, and self-criticism.

2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

University stress influences students' health, emotional well-being, interpersonal relationships, performance and adaptation in
different ways, generating physical decay, sleep disturbances, irritability, and negative thoughts.

Material didáctico de apoyo al estudiante Inferencial

3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?

It impacts on the adaptation to university life where institutional aspects create a sense of acceptance that increases the sense
of belonging, health and well-being in university students. Taking into account that social support is a coping resource, which is
associated with a decrease in the stress of the studies that these impede the preparation process, and that is why it constitutes
a protective factor that enables adaptation, improves performance and satisfaction, thus increasing the effectiveness of the joint
training plan. 41/67
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4. ¿De qué manera este artículo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?

It enables university students to face the challenges of the contemporary world in different contexts, including the academic
field. With the purpose of strengthening social support, emotional regulation and stress management, it enhances personal
and interpersonal resources that will allow students to have the tools to adapt to university life, helping them to fulfill their
objective of integral formation.


5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído? Para sustentar tu respuesta a favor o en contra debe basarse
obligatoriamente en dos fuentes confiables, extraídas de la base de datos de la USS (citar en estilo APA /
VANCOUVER según corresponda).

I fully agree with the regulation and social support of academic stress that occurs in university life, which today is of utmost
importance for professional growth, so that the student feels motivated to reach their goals and personal challenges with the
support of various strategies for a good adaptation and thus get to overcome any barrier that comes in the way. Since in the
academic field it is evident that "students are increasingly facing demands, challenges and challenges that demand a large
amount of physical and psychological resources of different kinds" (Cabello, Abello , & , 2007).

And therefore it is very necessary that "The individual carries out a process of evaluation of the environment and the resources
available to him, so that stress would occur when the result of the assessment detects a discrepancy between the resources
and the demands of the environment, the former being insufficient to cope with the situation" (Redolar , 2011).

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?

As a reflection on the reading provided, it is that all these factors that help to produce stress in university students either by the
overload of work also by the demands of teachers, or due to the competitiveness among themselves, as it will generate in
emotional overload and also in the field of health is why it is advisable to use new strategies that facilitate the student can learn
more easily so that when it is the realization of work is less complicated to perform it.


Cabello Domínguez, C., Abello Llanos, R., & Palacio Sañudo, J. (2007). Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana. En
Relación del burnout y el rendimiento académico con la satisfacción frente a los estudios en. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad
del Rosario. Obtenido de

Redolar Ripoll, D. (2011). El cerebro estresado. Barcelona, Spain: UOC. Obtenido de

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de GRACE DAYANA GUERRERO VALLEJOS - jueves, 1 de junio de 2023, 15:51

Nice to meet you, colleague Danis Domínguez Paz.

I totally agree with your answers, on the other hand, I want to add a comment:
Academic stress is something that clearly affects our performance and this presents various factors such as personal and
academic development and our mental and physical well-being and this is mainly due to the demands that are asked of us
at home or the institution, challenges that they put us as partial exams, jobs, etc. According to Feldman, L. (2009), students
increasingly face demands that demand a large amount of physical and psychological resources of different kinds. And
thanks to the demands of everyday life there is much more academic stress among young students.

Feldman, L. (2009). ″Relaciones entre estrés académico, apoyo social, salud mental y rendimiento académico en
estudiantes universitarios venezolanos. ″ - Wiktionary. 42/67
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de FRANKLIN JHAIR DELGADO PAUCAR - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 15:47

Best regards comrade Danis Arnelia Domínguez Paz, First, tell you that I agree with your answers given, since "Stress is
a(Oliveras , 2016)state of physical and emotional tensionoriginated as a reaction to a stimulus or pressure, whether
positive or negative"


Oliveras, M. (2016). What is stress? Retrieved from

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de GIANELLA MARIEL PIZARRO LLANOS - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 14:14

1. ¿Qué factores causan estrés académico?
Academic stress is a common phenomenon among students of all ages and can have a variety of causes. Some of the factors
that may lead to this type of stress include an overwhelming amount of tasks, a lack of planning and time management skills,
high personal and external expectations, competition pressure, and adaptation to significant changes in the study environment.
Additionally, economic and financial concerns can also exacerbate academic stress.

2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

Poor management of academic stress has negative consequences on student well-being, causing anxiety, lack of
concentration, sleep disorders, and poor time management. This is reflected in a decrease in academic performance quality,
with low compliance with deadlines and poor grades. If not adequately addressed, these issues can persist, leading to long-
term academic failure. It is crucial to identify and effectively manage stress to avoid negative effects on mental health and
academic performance.

3. ¿Cómo crees que influye el estrés académico en tu formación universitaria?
Academic stress has a significant and detrimental impact on the overall well-being of students, affecting both their mental and
physical health. This constant strain is manifested in symptoms such as extreme fatigue, a decrease in motivation, and difficulty
absorbing and retaining information effectively. In addition to these negative effects, academic pressure also becomes an
obstacle to the development of essential skills in the educational field, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and fluid and
efficient communication. Therefore, it is crucial to address this issue properly to safeguard health and promote holistic and
enriching learning.

4. ¿Cómo contribuye este artículo científico a la gestión positiva del estrés académico?
This scientific study offers a valuable contribution to positive management of academic stress by thoroughly exploring the role
of cognitive-emotional regulation and social support in adapting to the university environment. By thoroughly understanding
these key elements, both educators and students can develop effective strategies and techniques to mitigate stress, which in
turn leads to significant improvement in both overall well-being and academic performance.

5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica ante el caso que lees?
The article highlights the importance of addressing academic stress and its impact on student well-being and performance. It is
suggested to implement support systems with trained mental health counselors, providing a safe space for students to share
their concerns and receive strategies to cope with stress. Furthermore, the need to educate and raise awareness about mental
and emotional well-being in the academic environment is emphasized, through workshops and activities that teach relaxation
techniques, mindfulness, time management, and setting realistic goals. These actions promote a healthy educational
environment and provide practical tools for managing academic stress. Fundamentally, educational strategies must be directed
towards developing skills to cope with academic and professional stress, taking into account the existence of this problem in
universities and the importance of training highly competent professionals capable of managing various situations in the field of
“The relationship between social support and academic stress indicated that associations vary according to gender and the
source of social support". (Feldman, 2009).

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?

The final reflection highlights the importance of academic stress for university students and the need to effectively address it. 43/67
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Analyzing the role of cognitive-emotional regulation and social support shows how students can successfully adapt and
manage academic stress. Cognitive-emotional regulation involves developing skills to modify negative thoughts and set realistic
goals. Social support, through networks of friends and family, is essential for sharing concerns and receiving different
perspectives. Universities need to create a supportive environment that fosters social interaction and student well-being.

Alfonso, B., Calcines, M., Monteagudo, R. Nieves, Z. (2015). Estrés académico.
Feldman, L. (2009). Relaciones entre estrés académico, apoyo social, salud mental y rendimiento académico en estudiantes
universitarios venezolanos. Bogotá (Colombia), D - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Recuperado de
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de MARYORI ROXANA CEVALLOS PARIACURI - jueves, 1 de junio de 2023, 19:17

Best regards Gianella Pizarro Llanos, at the same time congratulate you for participating in this forum for debate and
argumentation that encourages reading in university students. Regarding what you mention about the factors that cause
stress leaves detrimental consequences on the well-being of the student, but it must also be mentioned in areas such as
mental, emotional and physical health, which will bring serious problems, affecting their academic performance. Due to the
fact that the university academic context presents numerous academic demands, competition is greater and students often
feel disoriented about the university transition. This is one of the most frequent problems in today's society, causing the
emergence of various diseases. López and Sánchez (2010) indicate: "Academic pressure is intensified in university
students because of the multiple educational demands they must meet" (p.40).
López Gutiérrez, C. & Sánchez Azuara, M. E. (Coord.). (2010). Estrés y salud: aportaciones desde la psicología social.
Editorial Miguel Ángel Porrúa.
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de KASANDRA LUCERO VERGARA CUBAS - sábado, 3 de junio de 2023, 19:26

Dear Gianella, it would be important for you to share your opinion about the influence of academic stress in your university
life, with the purpose of identifying the level of stress that this new stage has caused in you; I suggest that you manage to
determine the influence of stress, so that you can face in a positive way and improve your learning in order to adapt to your
new routine or lifestyle.
Discover UPC, (2022). He shares some tips that will help us adapt to our new lifestyle, which are: learn to manage time,
participate in the activities of the university community, find spaces to socialize, create good study habits, eliminate
distractions and ask for help when needed.
Discover UPC, (2022). What to do to successfully adapt to university life. Editorial UPC. Retrieved from:

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de DANIELA ESTEFANY ORDOÑEZ SILVA - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 14:38


1. According to the reading presented, several stressors affect student life, among which are: lack of preparation for university
life, experiencing unexpected situations such as threats, the desire to achieve academic success; All this is related to the stress
or physical, psychic and emotional pressure caused by the various environments in which the apprentice is every day.

2. As a result of various events that occurred during the studies, they can affect the academic attitude, for example: manifested
as body pain and insomnia or lack of energy and anxiety, stress, depression; reduced food intake, social isolation and low
intention to participate in academic activities.

3. With the various situations that arise as a student, some of them seem almost unsolvable, causing anxiety and affecting the 44/67
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academic attitude that a person must have, therefore negative attitudes are taken that harm seriously the situation. It must be
addressed before undertaking other actions or strategies to face and prepare possible situations, which helps and facilitates
learning. The effect of stress on a person is negative, causing illness and reduced ability to work, which makes the situation

4. It helps the student to become aware of his attitude to the situations he presents in the various areas of life, to become more
optimistic before the actions of the students who leave it, and to clarify the consequences that it brings. presenting stress;
Which means that if we continue to see problems as situations that cannot be solved, then we are hurting ourselves and we
cannot continue; In addition to suggesting a good method or study strategy to achieve our goals, it also contributes to academic

5. Based on the topic presented, I can say that academic stress is a topic that is currently being much discussed by various
researchers, besides that it is very important in the current context for a person's mental health. It should not be compromised
or ignored.

According to the authors, it can be said that stress is a process that begins with a series of situations that an individual has, to
solve this problem It is necessary to undergo cognitive psychotherapy, which to physical and mental healing this therapy helps
a person to control their negative thoughts and are able to control them. (Espinosa et. al, 2020)

As several authors mention in the article, academic stress is related to emotional exhaustion, so universities must develop a
proactive strategy that helps students reduce the pressure of problems they must solve and improve at the same time. their
psychic well-being. (Estrada et. al, 2022).

Based on the above, I can say that it is important to control our thoughts and know how to deal with different situations so that
we do not get sick or feel tired or emotionally exhausted, since all this affects how we behave and think.

6. Stress is a disease that constantly advances and worsens until it becomes a difficult condition of a person due to their
inability to cope with situations, most students experience academic stress to perform all their activities, apply the learning
method in addition to other problems such as social, personal, economic and environmental problems that also affect him and
add to his conflicts. Therefore, optimism, tendency to change, good learning strategies are needed, a good routine or quality of
life that helps improve the person's well-being and prevent disease.

-Estrada, E. G., Velásquez, L., Valencia, J. C., Farfán, M., Lavilla, W. G., & Paricahua, J. N. (2022). Academic stress and
emotional exhaustion in university students in the context of virtual education. Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacologia y
Terapeutica, 41(6), 455–461.

-Espinosa-, J. F., Hernández, J., Rodríguez, J. E., Chacín, M., & Bermúdez, V. (2020). Influencia del estrés sobre el
rendimiento académico. Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacologia y Terapeutica, 39(1), 73–79.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de ANGHALY JASMÍN ASENJO ALEJANDRIA - sábado, 3 de junio de 2023, 18:09

Estefany colleague, receive a warm greeting, thank you for your participation, regarding my position on what I read I agree
with you on the issue of academic stress, because as you mention academic stress is related to emotional exhaustion and
how right you are about it, since many students feel emotionally bad and begin to generate stress and thus brings poor
grades and worry. As mentioned by the authors Collazo and Hernandez, the school or academic environment is one of the
most studied stress triggers depending on the educational level, so we must take the necessary measures to cope with this
stress and thus not quickly deteriorate our health.
Collazo, C. A. R., & Hernández, R. Y. (2011). El estrés académico: una revisión crítica del concepto desde las ciencias de
la educación. Revista electrónica de psicología Iztacala, 14(2), 1.

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de FRANKLIN JHAIR DELGADO PAUCAR - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 16:24 45/67
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1. What causes academic stress?

The generating factors of academic stress are all those that occur in students because of academic requirements and
pressures associated with the context, according to this, this type of stress is caused by:

· Work overload: It is one of the factors most related to the appearance of stress in the academic context.

• Cognitive assessment: Most of the stressors of academic stress are considered minor, since their origin is mainly in the
cognitive perception that the student has of them.

• Transition to college: The transition from high school to college is an element that can generate academic stress.

• Academic performance: Stress can influence various aspects of life, especially academic performance. Variables such
as the level of interest in the study and financial resources can determine student performance, regardless of the program of
study or the length of the academic schedule.

• Pressures and demands of the academic environment: The demands and demands present in the academic
environment can cause stress in students.

• Adaptation to new circumstances : Adapting to new situations, such as changing cities or countries, can generate
stress in students.

2. How does college stress influence student performance?

Academic stress can have a negative impact on students' learning and well-being, affecting their academic performance and
enhancing behaviors such as drug use and sleep disorders, among other adverse effects.

If these situations become chronic, they could lead to academic failure on the part of the student. Work overload is one of the
main factors related to the appearance of stress in the academic environment.

These changes can increase students' risk of experiencing elevated levels of stress. Students can use coping strategies in the
face of situations characteristic of academic stress, the most common being the implementation of a study plan and


3. How do you think academic stress impacts your university education?

As a college student, I believe that academic stress can have a significant impact on my college education. Some ways that
academic stress can affect my education are:

· Stress can affect my academic performance, especially if it becomes chronic and affects my ability to concentrate, retain
information, and complete tasks.

· Stress can affect my mental and physical health, which can affect my ability to attend classes, participate in extracurricular
activities, and maintain healthy social relationships.

· Stress can affect my motivation and commitment to my education, which can lead to a decline in my interest in my field of
study and in my ability to achieve my academic goals.

· Stress can affect my overall quality of life, which can lead to a decrease in my emotional and physical well-being.

4. How does this scientific article contribute to positively managing academic stress?

The scientific article in question can provide a positive perspective for coping with academic stress by providing information on
how cognitive-emotional regulation and social support can influence the connection between academic stress and adaptation to
university life. According to the article, it is suggested that cognitive-emotional regulation, which involves the ability to control
and modify thoughts and emotions associated with academic stress, may be useful to mitigate the negative effects of stress in
adapting to university life. The article also indicates that social support, which includes support and emotional support provided
by friends, family and other members of the university community, can contribute to reducing the negative effects of academic
stress on adaptation to university life. In addition, by understanding how cognitive-emotional regulation and social support can
influence the relationship between academic stress and adaptation to college life, students can develop effective strategies to
manage academic stress and improve their adaptation in the college setting.


5. What is your critical position of the case read? To support your answer for or against, it must be based on two
reliable sources, extracted from the USS database (cite in APA / VANCOUVER style as appropriate). 46/67
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My critical position on the case read using two reliable sources are as follows:

· College academic stress is a serious problem that negatively affects students' academic performance and mental health.
According to a study published in Redalyc, joining university can increase the risk of students presenting high levels of stress
due to the changes involved in the way they approach learning, study and the personal sphere. In addition, academic stress
can encourage drug use, sleep disturbance and other health problems. Therefore, it is important that universities take
measures to reduce academic stress and support students in their adaptation to university life (Espinosa & al., 2020).

· University academic stress is a problem that needs to be addressed by students themselves, as it is an inevitable part of
university life. According to an article published regarding academic stress affects all college students, especially those with
outstanding academic performance. However, the article suggests that students must learn to manage stress and develop
coping skills in order to adapt to college life. In addition, the article highlights that academic stress can be a source of
motivation for some students and can help them achieve their academic goals. Therefore, instead of looking for external
solutions, students should learn to manage stress and use it as a tool for their academic success (Silva & al., 2019).

6. What is the final reflection of the proposed case?

After reading the proposed case on academic stress in college students, it can be reflected that academic stress is a common
problem that can negatively affect academic performance and the physical and mental health of students. Factors that
contribute to academic stress include academic overload, lack of time, performance pressure, and transition to the university
environment. However, there are effective strategies to manage these problems, such as cognitive-emotional regulation and
social support (Armenta & Quiroz, 2020; Beltran & al., 2018; Torres & Torres, 2022).

It is important for college students to recognize and manage academic stress to improve their adjustment and well-being in
college life. In addition, educational institutions can play an important role in the prevention and management of academic
stress by providing adequate resources and support to students (Silva & al., 2019; Armenta & Quiroz, 2020; Beltran & al.,
2018; Torres & Torres, 2022).


Armenta Zazueta, L. & Quiroz Campas, C. Y. (2020). Influence of stress on the academic performance of university
students. Espacios Magazine, 41(48), 30-40. This article describes the influence of stress on the academic performance of
university students and the factors that most influence and generate stress.

Beltrán, K., Estrada, M., Martínez, A., & Navarro, T. (2018). How stress affects and relates to academic performance in higher
education students. Journal of Academic Research, 59, 78-102. This article discusses how stress affects and relates to
academic performance in higher education students.

Espinosa, J.F, & al. (2020). Influence of stress on academic performance. Redalyc. Journal of Academic Research, Venezuelan
Society of Clinical and Therapeutic Pharmacology, 39 (1), 63-69. Retrieved from

Silva M.F, & al. (2019). Academic stress in college students. Research and Science, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes,
28 (79), 75-83. Retrieved from

Torres, J. & Torres, M. (2022). Influence of stress on academic performance. Education Magazine, 46(2), 1-30. This article
analyzes the influence of stress on the academic performance of university students in Puno, Peru.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de DAVID ABEL VASQUEZ MAURO - jueves, 1 de junio de 2023, 22:42

A cordial greeting fellow Franklin Delgado Paucar and at the same time congratulate you for the participation of the first
moment of the forum of debate and argumentation, I agree with your point of view on the subject of academic stress. I
would like to quote Martin (2007) who tells us: "That after research about academic stress has shown that the most
frequent people to raise this are the university students of the first cycles and during exam time." (p. 89)


Martín, I. (2007). Estrés académico en estudiantes universitarios. 47/67
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de MARIA GLADIBEL GAVIDIA SILVA - sábado, 3 de junio de 2023, 17:43

kind regards FRANKLIN JHAIR DELGADO PAUCAR, I agree with your justification of stress and what are the causes of
academic stress, you are letting us know that stress makes us lose performance in our classes.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de WILSON ALBERCA FEBRE - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 18:28

My most cordial greetings Professor and classmates, I am the student Wilson Alberca Febre and here I leave my answers to
the questions raised in the debate forum.
1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?
Factors that could lead to academic stress are: Overwhelming workload, high academic expectations, competition and constant
comparison, adaptation challenges, concerns related to performance and future, lack of social support.
2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?
If a university student suffers from stress, it can trigger the following consequences: Poor school performance; Irritability; Sleep
disorders; Complications in digestion; Propensity to diseases or allergies due to low defense.

3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?
Among college students, high levels of academic stress are directly linked to higher levels of depression and anxiety, self-harm
and lower self-esteem (Parillo & Gómez, 2019), as well as academic self-efficacy and other health problems related to learning,
and well-being, being a problem. Also, excessive stress can negatively affect academic performance as it is associated with
poor academic performance, decreased academic motivation, dropout, and academic discord among students.

4. ¿De qué manera este artículo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés
This article provides information on the importance of emotional and cognitive regulation, including the skills to identify and
understand emotions in oneself and others, the ability to regulate and control emotions, and the ability to to use cognitive
processes to manage stress. For example, planning and strategic thinking. In addition, the paper examines the importance of
social support in stress management, including the importance of effective communication and understanding in relationships,
the ability to seek and receive help when needed, as well as the importance of social connections and support in the
environment important to the University.
5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?
Stress is one of the most common health problems today. It is a multifaceted phenomenon that arises from the relationship
between people and the events in their environment. In the face of academic pressure, students must increasingly learn the
demands and challenges of enormous resources physical and mental that are required to face it. This situation can make them
feel exhausted, less interested in learning, nervous, and even out of control; For this they need the recognition and help of the
teaching staff.

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?

The final reflection of the study is that the results suggest that cognitive-emotional regulation and social support are important
mediating factors in the relationship between academic stress and adaptation to university life. The authors conclude that it is
therefore important that support programs for university students focus on these mediating factors in order to help students
better adapt to university life and reduce the negative impact of academic stress on their well-being.

Alfonso Águila, B., Calcines Castillo, M., Monteagudo de la Guardia, R., & Nieves Achon, Z. (2015, June). academic stress.

Cassaretto, M., Vilela, P., & Gamarra, L.T. (2021). Academic stress in Peruvian university students: importance of health
behaviors, sociodemographic and academic characteristics. scielo, 27(2), e482.

Espinosa-Castro, J. (2020). Influence of stress on academic performance.,
or%20allergies%20for%20low%20defense. 48/67
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de WILSON SMITH VILLALOBOS GUTIERREZ - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 18:05

A cordial greeting comrade Wilson, congratulate you for having participated in this debate forum and at the same time tell
you that I agree with your answers raised and at the same time add that according to Córdoba and Santa María (2018), he
said that university students not only have to deal with adapting to the new stage of studies, but also to their daily problems
that influence their academic performance.
Córdova, D. A., & Santa Maria, F. B. (2018). Factors associated with stress in dental students from a Peruvian university.
Herediana Stomatological Magazine, 28(4), 252-258.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de MILAGROS GERALDINE CESPEDES GARCIA - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 18:34


1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?

Stress causes factors such as academic overload, lack of time to carry out activities, which can lead to health problems, poor
academic performance. Involving physical, mental or emotional stress created by environmental, situational or personal

2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

Within the university environment, stress negatively affects aspects such as pressures, needs and dysfunctions that can affect
health, emotional well-being, interpersonal relationships and student adaptation, academic performance, long study times,
exams, such as headaches and difficulty with class work suggest that student stress is related to sleep disturbances, lack of
energy and drowsiness. Therefore, Saleh, eat al. (2017) expressed that the majority of university students present high levels
of stress, psychological discomfort, low self-esteem, optimism and self-efficacy.


3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?

In my personal life, I find those situations distressing when I have accumulated jobs and I leave everything at the last minute,
saying that I am going to postpone them for another day and I do not have an organization to be able to do them, it is so that it
causes me anxiety, tiredness, insomnia, lack of professional interest, and even low performance.

4. ¿De qué manera este artículo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?

In the case read, according to what has been seen, they say that people sometimes present some adaptive strategies (those
that are more functional to deal with the stressful situation) and other maladaptive (correspond to avoidance behaviors and may
be less functional), we found emotional regulation as a strategy (defined as the set of controlled, conscious or unconscious
cognitive processes) influencing the management and expression of emotions to adapt to a context, whose purpose is to guide
the flow of emotions, whether positive or negative, likewise, the health of the students will also depend on us as much as in the
universities, it is a topic of interest, promoting healthier universities, suggesting strategies and alternatives so that university
students take responsibility, take an active role in personal care and they can create a healthy environment, a life project within
the framework of their personal, academic and professional training. For this reason, Villareyna (2016) addresses the fact that
study habits must be based on time, space, and prior planning.


5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído? Para sustentar tu respuesta a favor o en contra debe basarse
obligatoriamente en dos fuentes confiables, extraídas de la base de datos de la USS (citar en estilo APA /
VANCOUVER según corresponda).

From my critical position, academic stress is related to factors such as the social, economic and family environment, as well as
knowing the effective and rational characteristics of each student, and all of these are related, so we have to adapt to change.
In this sense, according to Toribio, eat al. (2016) tells us that with time and practice, knowing the causes of academic stress
allows increasing awareness and action with preventive measures, good stability, resulting in a healthy life in students, and,
therefore, in the growth of the mind and emotions.

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto? 49/67
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In the case read I show that we must first know the causes of stress, that is, the academic situation that causes us stress so
that we can face it, see deeply and effectively, we must be precise about things, their causes and what we can do to prevent or
reduce the negative effects of stress, to create different forms of strategies that calmly and effectively respond to this fear, and
this will help our well-being and growth.


Saleh, D., Camart, N., &Romo, L. (2017). Predictors of Stress in College Students. [Predictores de Estrés en Estudiantes
Universitarios]. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 19.

Toribio, C. y Franco, S. (2016). Estrés Académico: El enemigo silencioso del estudiante. Salud y Administración (7):11-18.
Recuperado de:

Villareyna García, Juana Mirna. (2016). Hábitos de estudio y la incidencia en el éxito escolar en la disciplina de Historia de
Nicaragua en el séptimo grado de la Escuela Pública Waswali Abajo municipio Matagalpa en el segundo semestre 2015. Otra
thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua. Recuperado de:

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de YADIRA YESENIA AGUIRRE GONZALES - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 19:09


1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?

What causes academic stress is: lack of adaptation and concentration, difficulty with study material, schedule load, evaluations,
competition for good performance, academic performance and cause damage to health.

2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

Faced with this situation, it is currently said that there are high levels of stress or students are depressed, since it can harm our
daily lives, which generates anguish and decision-making, their academic and work performance.


3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?

Well, it would impact depression and anxiety, emotional and psychological levels, with a lot of work accumulation, exams,

4. ¿De qué manera este articulo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?

That in itself students must adapt not only to be able to achieve academic success but also to guarantee good mental and
physical health during our university career.


5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?

In summary, it is known that in stressful situations students have reached a very high percentage and that conditions low
academic performance. It has become a common case in our current society. However, Silva (2020) tells us that academic
stressors appear to be from the same organizational environment, especially focusing on highly stressful research because
each of us can experience, enhancing the stress generator, possible university academic failure.

According to Gutiérrez (2010), university students have obtained help, clinical attention for mental health so that they can thus
determine a good measure of social and academic performance, academic demand, competitiveness among peers. It presents
a higher frequency of stress and affective disorders.

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?

Although it is true, for the individual to be able to face stress, they have to implement a series of behavioral and cognitive efforts
so that they can look for solutions, be they actions or attitudes, to help us become future professionals. 50/67
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Silva-Ramos, M. F., López-Cocotle, J. J., & Meza-Zamora, M. E. C. (2020). Estrés académico en estudiantes universitarios.
Investigación y Ciencia, 28(79), 75-83.

Gutierrez Rodas, J. A., Montoya Vélez, L. P., Toro Isaza, B. E., Briñón Zapata, M. A., Rosas Restrepo, E., & Salazar Quintero,
L. E. (2010). Depresión en estudiantes universitarios y su asociación con el estrés académico. Ces Medicina, 24(1), 7-17.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de ENRRY MANUEL CHIMOY MORALES - sábado, 3 de junio de 2023, 21:18

Receive my most cordial greetings dear colleague Yadira Yesenia Aguirre Gonzales hoping you are well, likewise I pass to
congratulate you for having responded to your forum of debate and argumentation as it demonstrates your desire to meet
your goals and objectives,Regarding the answer to question 4 I agree with what you mention that this scientific article has a
positive impact on all university students since it will guarantee to manage our physical and emotional health during our
professional career, I also want to comment on the following:

Redolar Ripoll, D. (2015). I believe that this scientific essay positively influences the management and mastery of academic
stress by university students.In addition, when identifying the most outstanding in the context of the research, it would be
appropriate to propose some strategies that help reduce these factors, thus improving the quality of life of university
students and, consequently, favoring their psychological and physical well-being.

Redolar Ripoll, D. (2015). El estrés.. Editorial UOC.

! Take care of yourself and many successes !

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de NICOLE EDITH MUÑOZ GASTELO - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 19:52

1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?
Los factores son: La exigencia de alcanzas el éxito académico, el impacto que tienen con la vida universitaria, el miedo antes
las situaciones inesperadas que se presentan, la presión mental de cada día. Todo esto, realmente provoca un gran estrés
académico en los estudiantes.
2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?
Este influye de manera en que puede disminuir el rendimiento académico en los estudiantes, también se presenta en dolores
musculares, dificultades para dormir, la falta de energía, la falta de apetito, dolores de cabeza, espalda o cuello. También se
presenta en el aislamiento y la falta de ganas de realizar algunas actividades académicas, el relacionarse con más personas
se les hace difícil.
3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?
Impacta de manera es que no podemos realizar bien nuestras actividades, muchas veces podemos hacer nuestros trabajos no
lo suficientemente bien, pero esto se debe al agotamiento mental y físico que se tiene. Además, nos conlleva a la depresión y
ansiedad, muchas veces se llega a la pérdida de peso y también puede ser lo contrario.
4. ¿De qué manera este artículo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?
Contribuye de manera en que obtenemos conocimiento de cómo actuar o manejar el estrés académico. Es importante para
nosotros los estudiantes estar informados sobre este tema, ya que es lo que tenemos la gran mayoría de universitarios y el
tener pautas o consejos de cómo poder sobrellevar esta situación, nos aporta mucho para nuestro día a día
5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?
Opino que este artículo científico, es muy importante leerlo, sobre todo, ya que, explica de manera muy precisa lo que es el
estrés académico y de cómo se presenta también, (Zea, 2011) dice que el estrés académico es en sí un proceso sistemático
de un carácter adaptativo y precisamente algo psicológico, el cual se muestra cuando un alumno está sometido en tema
escolares. (Martínez y Díaz, 2007, p. 14) expresa que el malestar que presenta un estudiante por los factores físicos,
emocionales, sea de carácter intrarrelacional o interrelacional, o inclusive ambientales pueden desarrollar una presión 51/67
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significativa en lo que es la competencia individual. Es por eso que debemos de estar bien informados para poder estar
atentos frente este tema.
6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?
La reflexión que tengo, es que el estrés académico es algo que está presente en la mayoría de los estudiantes, debemos de
darle más importancia, ya que las consecuencias pueden ser muy desagradables. Sobre todo, el poder orientar a los
estudiantes acerca de las formas positivas en las que pueden sobrellevar esto.
Zea, N. B. (2011). Pepsic. Obtenido de
Martínez, E.S. & Díaz, D.A. (2007). Una aproximación psicosocial al estrés escolar Educación y Educadores, 2 (10), 11-22.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de NICOLE EDITH MUÑOZ GASTELO - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 21:52

1. What factors cause academic stress?
The factors are: The demand to achieve academic success, the impact they have with university life, the fear before
unexpected situations that arise, the mental pressure of every day. All this really provokes a great academic stress in the
2. How does university stress influence students' performance?
It influences in a way that can decrease the academic performance in students, it also presents in muscular pains,
difficulties to sleep, lack of energy, lack of appetite, headaches, back or neck pains. It is also presented in isolation and lack
of desire to perform some academic activities, interacting with more people becomes difficult.
3. How do you think academic stress impacts your university education?
It impacts in a way that we cannot perform our activities well, many times we can do our work not well enough, but this is
due to the mental and physical exhaustion that we have. In addition, it leads to depression and anxiety, many times it leads
to weight loss and it can also be the opposite.
4. How does this scientific article contribute to manage academic stress in a positive way?
It contributes in a way that we gain knowledge on how to act or manage academic stress. It is important for us students to
be informed about this topic, since it is what the great majority of university students have and having guidelines or advice
on how to cope with this situation, contributes a lot to our day to day life.
5. What is your critical position on the case you have read?
I think that this scientific article is very important to read, especially because it explains very precisely what academic stress
is and how it is also presented, (Zea, 2011) says that academic stress itself is a systematic process of an adaptive nature
and precisely something psychological, which is shown when a student is subjected to school subjects. (Martínez and Díaz,
2007, p. 14) expresses that the discomfort presented by a student due to physical, emotional, intrarelational or
interrelational factors, or even environmental ones, can develop a significant pressure on individual competence. That is
why we must be well informed in order to be attentive to this issue.
6. What is the final reflection of the proposed case?
The reflection I have is that academic stress is something that is present in most students, we should give it more
importance, since the consequences can be very unpleasant. Above all, to be able to guide students about the positive
ways in which they can cope with it.
Zea, N. B. (2011). Pepsic. Obtenido de
Martínez, E.S. & Díaz, D.A. (2007). Una aproximación psicosocial al estrés escolar Educación y Educadores, 2 (10), 11-22.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de ERNESTO JAVIER BAZAN MURO - lunes, 29 de mayo de 2023, 20:21

Friend Nicole Edith Muñoz Gastelo receives my cordial greetings in token of gratitude for the participation in the forum
of debate and argumentation, you should know that I agree with your answers, academic stress is present in the vast
majority of students and should be given the importance it deserves, quoting Silva, Lopez & Columba(2020) "The
stress of college students is something that needs to be discussed in depth, because it has a physical, mental and
emotional impact". This issue should be treated with great care, since the effects of academic stress are negative on
students, it is for this reason that one should be well informed about the subject, so as to be able to help whoever
needs it. 52/67
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Columba, M., López, J. y Silva, M. (2020). Estrés académico en estudiantes universitarios. Recuperado el 29 de
mayo del 2023, de:

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de KASANDRA LUCERO VERGARA CUBAS - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 20:14

1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?
We know that at the beginning of this new stage among young people it is difficult for us to adapt to the new challenges of
academic demands, likewise, there are several factors that produce stress in university life, among them the overload of
homework, evaluations, class participation, written work and exhibitions. The article mentions that it is more frequent in
students who do not socialize and lead an inactive life.

2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

It generates serious deficiencies, since they are not able to develop their activities effectively, their attention in classes
decreases and therefore their grades, deterioration in their health, sleep disorders, irritability, etc.

3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?In my experience, I have gone through
serious episodes of stress that have led me to exhaustion, depression and I felt unable to achieve good grades; but with the
help of my family and close friends, who raised my self-esteem and motivated me to continue the academic cycle successfully.

4. ¿De qué manera este articulo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?
It has allowed me to analyze my situation, understand the process I am going through and be clear that we can get out of a
crisis such as academic stress, identify factors that help me to adapt positively at this stage; it has also allowed me to reflect on
my health, that I must take care of it and watch over it, adapt to my new routine and consider the support of parents, friends,

5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?
I share the author's intention when he defines strategies of positive cognitive-emotional regulation, which involve the
participation of friends, family, academic circle, where they work together with the individual, who must take the initiative to
change his routine for creative changes that contribute to his professional training.

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?

It concludes that students, teachers, the university community and the institution itself should contribute to university adaptation
and promote positive tactics in order to enhance our professional development, manage stress factors and meet our goals.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de CESAR AUGUSTO SOLIS BERNABE - viernes, 2 de junio de 2023, 10:46


Academic stress negatively affects students' performance, health, motivation, relationships, and overall well-being.
Symptoms include fatigue, anxiety, depression, and concentration difficulties. Individuals respond differently to stress, and
some may need extra support. Learning cognitive control and behavior regulation skills helps students handle challenges,
improving academics and stress management. These skills benefit various life areas, fostering relationships and enhancing
physical and mental health. This boosts motivation and commitment. Managing academic stress effectively greatly impacts
students' lives and well-being."It is a multivariable phenomenon that arises from the interaction between an individual and
events in their environment, which are perceived as excessive or threatening to their resources and jeopardize their well-
being". (Alfonso, Calcines, Monteagudo y Nieves, 2015).

Alfonso, B., , Calcines, M., , Monteagudo, R., y Nieves, Z. (2015). Estrés Académico. Recuperado de:

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de MILAGROS GERALDINE CESPEDES GARCIA - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 19:30

Cordial greetings, comrade Kasandra Vergara, I congratulate you for having participated in the debate forum, i hope you
are in good health, I agree with your answers, since they reflect a deep and empathetic understanding of the subject of
academic stress in university students, which I would add a quote to complement your opinions, Orlandini (2019) mentions
that designing schedules and taking notes with significant realities demonstrates an understanding of the importance of the
association and an adequate disposition to reduce pressure, while reading for exams or presentations, to conclude, I share
some tips that will help us adapt to our new lifestyle, which are: learning to manage time, participating in university
community activities, finding spaces to socialize, creating good study habits, eliminating distractions and ask for help when

Orlandini, A. (2019). Stress: what it is and how to avoid it.... FCE - Fondo de Cultura Económica.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de JACKELIN LUCERO FERNANDEZ CERCADO - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 20:36

Reciba un cordial saludo estimada docente y compañeros, soy alumna Lucero Fernandez Cercado, en esta oportunidad daré
mi respuesta a la pregunta planteada:

¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?

El estrés académico puede ser provocado por una variedad de factores, que pueden variar de una persona a otra. Algunos de
los factores comunes que pueden contribuir al estrés académico son los siguientes:
1. Carga de trabajo: La cantidad de tareas, proyectos y exámenes que los estudiantes deben completar en un período
determinado puede generar estrés. La presión de cumplir con plazos y la sensación de tener una carga abrumadora de trabajo
pueden ser estresantes.
2. Expectativas elevadas: Las expectativas de los padres, profesores o incluso de uno mismo pueden aumentar la presión
académica. El deseo de tener éxito y cumplir con altos estándares puede ser estresante, especialmente si se siente que se
está bajo constante escrutinio o si se teme decepcionar a los demás.
3. Competencia: La competencia con otros estudiantes, ya sea por calificaciones, reconocimiento o ingreso a instituciones
educativas selectivas, puede generar estrés adicional. La necesidad de destacarse y superar a los demás puede aumentar la
presión y el estrés académico.
4. Falta de tiempo: La gestión del tiempo es un desafío común para muchos estudiantes. El equilibrio entre las
responsabilidades académicas, sociales y personales puede ser difícil de lograr. La falta de tiempo para descansar
adecuadamente, participar en actividades extracurriculares o cuidar de sí mismo puede generar estrés adicional.
5. Evaluaciones y exámenes: La ansiedad asociada con las evaluaciones y exámenes puede ser significativa. El miedo al
fracaso, la preocupación por el rendimiento y la presión de obtener buenas calificaciones pueden generar estrés antes,
durante y después de los exámenes.
6. Falta de apoyo: La falta de apoyo emocional o académico puede aumentar el estrés académico. Sentirse aislado, no tener
recursos adecuados o enfrentar dificultades sin un sistema de apoyo puede hacer que la experiencia académica sea más
7. Problemas personales: Los problemas personales, como la salud física o mental, los conflictos familiares, las dificultades
financieras o los eventos traumáticos, pueden tener un impacto significativo en el bienestar general y contribuir al estrés
Es importante tener en cuenta que cada individuo puede experimentar factores de estrés académico de manera diferente. Lo
que puede ser estresante para una persona puede no serlo tanto para otra. Es fundamental reconocer y abordar el estrés
académico de manera adecuada, buscar apoyo y adoptar estrategias de manejo del estrés para mantener un equilibrio
saludable entre el trabajo académico y el bienestar personal.

¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

El estrés universitario puede tener un impacto significativo en el rendimiento de los estudiantes. El ambiente académico de la
universidad a menudo implica una mayor carga de trabajo, expectativas más altas y una mayor competencia, lo que puede
generar estrés en los estudiantes. Aquí hay algunas formas en las que el estrés universitario puede influir en el rendimiento de
los estudiantes:
1. Dificultades de concentración: El estrés puede dificultar la capacidad de concentración de un estudiante, lo que puede
afectar su capacidad para estudiar eficientemente y retener información importante.
2. Disminución de la motivación: El estrés crónico puede llevar a una disminución de la motivación y el interés en el
aprendizaje. Los estudiantes pueden sentirse abrumados por las exigencias académicas y perder la motivación para realizar 54/67
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sus tareas y proyectos.
3. Problemas de salud mental: El estrés prolongado puede contribuir al desarrollo de problemas de salud mental, como la
ansiedad y la depresión. Estos problemas pueden interferir con el bienestar general del estudiante y afectar negativamente su
capacidad para funcionar académicamente.
4. Insomnio y fatiga: El estrés puede interferir con el sueño y provocar insomnio. La falta de sueño adecuado puede llevar a la
fatiga y el agotamiento, lo que dificulta la capacidad de un estudiante para concentrarse, procesar información y rendir bien en
exámenes y proyectos.
5. Reducción de habilidades de afrontamiento: El estrés crónico puede agotar las habilidades de afrontamiento de un
estudiante, lo que dificulta su capacidad para hacer frente a los desafíos académicos. Esto puede llevar a una sensación de
estar abrumado y dificultar la búsqueda de soluciones efectivas a los problemas.
Es importante destacar que cada estudiante puede experimentar y manejar el estrés de manera diferente. Algunos pueden ser
más resistentes al estrés, mientras que otros pueden ser más vulnerables. Además, existen estrategias y recursos disponibles
para ayudar a los estudiantes a hacer frente al estrés universitario, como la búsqueda de apoyo social, la adopción de hábitos
de vida saludables, la gestión del tiempo y la búsqueda de ayuda profesional cuando sea necesario.

¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?

El estrés académico puede tener un impacto significativo en la formación universitaria de un estudiante. A continuación, se
presentan algunas formas en las que el estrés académico puede afectar negativamente la experiencia educativa:
1. Rendimiento académico disminuido: El estrés excesivo puede dificultar la concentración, la atención y la retención de
información, lo que puede llevar a un rendimiento académico deficiente. Los estudiantes pueden tener dificultades para
estudiar, completar tareas o realizar exámenes cuando están abrumados por el estrés.
2. Salud física y mental comprometida: El estrés prolongado puede tener un impacto negativo en la salud física y mental de un
estudiante. Puede provocar problemas como falta de sueño, fatiga, dolores de cabeza, problemas digestivos y debilitamiento
del sistema inmunológico. Además, el estrés académico crónico puede contribuir al desarrollo de trastornos de ansiedad y
3. Falta de motivación y desinterés: El estrés constante puede agotar la motivación y el entusiasmo por el aprendizaje. Los
estudiantes pueden perder el interés en sus estudios y experimentar una sensación de apatía general hacia su formación
4. Dificultades en las relaciones interpersonales: El estrés académico puede afectar las relaciones con compañeros de clase,
profesores y seres queridos. Los estudiantes pueden sentirse irritables, distantes o aislados debido a la presión y la carga de
trabajo, lo que puede dificultar la colaboración y el apoyo mutuo.
5. Falta de equilibrio entre vida personal y académica: El estrés académico intenso puede consumir todo el tiempo y la energía
de un estudiante, dejando poco espacio para actividades extracurriculares, hobbies y relaciones personales. Esto puede
resultar en una falta de equilibrio entre la vida personal y académica, lo que a su vez puede generar agotamiento y un mayor
Es importante reconocer y abordar el estrés académico de manera saludable. Los estudiantes deben buscar estrategias de
afrontamiento adecuadas, como la gestión del tiempo, la búsqueda de apoyo social, la práctica de técnicas de relajación y la
adopción de hábitos saludables de sueño y alimentación. Además, las instituciones educativas pueden implementar políticas y
programas de bienestar estudiantil que ayuden a los estudiantes a manejar el estrés y promuevan un entorno de aprendizaje

¿De qué manera este articulo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?
Los artículos científicos suelen proporcionar investigaciones y hallazgos basados en evidencia que pueden ser útiles para
abordar el estrés académico de manera efectiva. Algunas formas en que estos artículos pueden contribuir a manejar el estrés
académico incluyen:
1. Identificación de factores estresantes: Los estudios científicos pueden ayudar a identificar los factores específicos que
contribuyen al estrés académico. Esto permite una comprensión más profunda de las causas subyacentes del estrés y ayuda a
desarrollar estrategias para hacerles frente.
2. Desarrollo de técnicas de afrontamiento: Los artículos científicos pueden presentar diferentes técnicas y enfoques para
hacer frente al estrés académico. Estas técnicas pueden incluir estrategias de manejo del tiempo, técnicas de relajación,
ejercicio físico, técnicas de estudio efectivas y habilidades de resolución de problemas, entre otras.
3. Evaluación de intervenciones: Los estudios científicos pueden evaluar la efectividad de intervenciones diseñadas para
reducir el estrés académico. Estas intervenciones pueden incluir programas de capacitación en habilidades de afrontamiento,
programas de apoyo emocional, terapia cognitivo-conductual y otras formas de intervención psicológica. Los resultados de
estos estudios pueden ayudar a guiar la selección de intervenciones efectivas para los estudiantes.
4. Educación y conciencia: Los artículos científicos pueden aumentar la conciencia sobre el estrés académico y sus efectos en
la salud mental. Al proporcionar información basada en evidencia, los artículos científicos pueden educar a estudiantes,
padres, educadores y profesionales de la salud sobre la importancia de abordar el estrés académico de manera positiva.

¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?

El caso titulado "Estrés académico y adaptación a la vida universitaria: mediación de la regulación cognitivo-emocional y el 55/67
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apoyo social" parece abordar un tema relevante en el contexto educativo. El estrés académico es una preocupación común
entre los estudiantes universitarios, ya que el entorno universitario puede presentar desafíos significativos, como una carga de
trabajo intensa, altas expectativas académicas y la necesidad de adaptarse a nuevas responsabilidades y roles.
La regulación cognitivo-emocional se refiere a la capacidad de una persona para manejar y regular sus pensamientos y
emociones en situaciones estresantes. El apoyo social, por otro lado, se relaciona con el respaldo emocional, instrumental e
informativo que las personas reciben de su entorno social, como amigos, familiares y compañeros de clase.
Desde una perspectiva crítica, es importante considerar algunos puntos. En primer lugar, el caso podría beneficiarse de una
revisión más detallada de las teorías y enfoques utilizados para comprender el estrés académico y la adaptación universitaria.
Además, es relevante considerar la diversidad de los estudiantes universitarios y cómo factores como el contexto
socioeconómico, la cultura y la identidad pueden influir en su experiencia de estrés y adaptación.
También es fundamental abordar las implicaciones prácticas de la investigación. ¿Qué medidas se podrían tomar para reducir
el estrés académico y mejorar la adaptación de los estudiantes? ¿Cómo se pueden implementar estrategias de regulación
cognitivo-emocional y fomentar el apoyo social en el entorno universitario? Estas preguntas podrían ayudar a generar
recomendaciones prácticas para las instituciones educativas y los responsables de la toma de decisiones en el ámbito de la

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de PAMELA BARBOZA GIL - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 16:04

Cordial greetings, colleague JACKELIN LUCERO FERNANDEZ CERCADO, first of all congratulate you for having
participated in the first moments, tell you that I agree with your answers to the questions, but I have an observation that the
answers were in English and referring to your questions, I would also argue that academic stress causes a negative impact
on students, both physical and psychological, which is caused by different factors but can be overcome and improved
(Silva-Ramos, 2020b).
Silva-Ramos, M.F. (2020b). Academic stress in university students.,te
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de JUAN ALEXIS RUIZ ALARCON - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 20:53

1. What factors cause academic stress?

Among all the factors that cause academic stress we have:
a high academic workload, time management issues, financial concerns, social pressures, and personal expectations.Factors
that cause academic stress include high academic workload, time management issues, financial concerns, social pressures,
and personal expectations.

2. How college stress influences student performance?

University stress can have a great influence on the performance of students, as it generates anxiety, depression and sleep
disorders, which can lead to a decrease in concentration, memory and motivation, which will ultimately affect directly to
academic performance.

- Decreased food consumption.

- Influences psychological reactions such as depression, worry, anxiety and distress.
- Time management workshops
- Study skills seminars
- Body aches, sleep disturbances and lack of energy to perform academic activities.

3. How you think academic stress impacts your college education?

Academic stress directly affects college education, to the point of touching students' mental and physical health, leading to
lower academic performance, higher dropout rates, and reduced general well-being.
In addition, academic stress makes us lose energy and gives us laziness to carry out such activities this makes it difficult for us
to stay motivated to fulfill our university tasks and move forward with our goals.

4. How this scientific paper helps positively manage academic stress?

The scientific article titled contributes in a very important way for all university students, since it is possible that the majority of
students are suffering from this problem and it will be very helpful. This article tells us what are the causes and consequences
of academic stress and building a strong social support network, therefore, this will help to avoid and reduce this problem. 56/67
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5. What is your critical position of the case read?
My critical position on what I read previously is in favor, because this article provides us with the information correctly, on the
definition of stress, the causes and consequences that it causes in university students specifically. In the same way the
strategies to combat and also avoid this problem.

While it is true that students should be aware of the reasons behind academic pressure and develop coping skills to deal with it,
it is crucial to address the root of the problem. “Rather than just encouraging coping techniques, changes in the education
system and school culture need to be implemented to reduce excessive workloads” , promote a more balanced education and
encourage a more holistic approach to learning. (Suárez Riveiro,2020)

6. What is the final reflection of the proposed case?

To conclude, the final reflection of the case leads us to understand that academic stress is a challenge that cannot be
addressed in a superficial or one-dimensional way. In other words, taken lightly, it is a very complex problem that requires a
multifaceted approach to guarantee the well-being and success of students.

However, the role of students is also crucial. They must take the initiative to actively seek out and use available resources to
manage their academic stress. “This involves engaging in self-care activities, such as regular exercise, adequate sleep”, and
healthy eating. In addition, it is important that students learn to set boundaries and prioritize their responsibilities, avoiding
overwork and burnout. Desinano, N. (2019).

Also according to Macias (2006). It tells us that several studies have shown that high levels of stress are associated with
maladaptation, which can lead to health problems. According to this it gives us to understand that the human being if he does
not adapt to the time or to the circumstance that he is going to suffer with this problem.

Suárez Riveiro, J. M. Martínez Vicente, M. & Valiente Barroso, C. (2020). Rendimiento Académico según distintos niveles de
funcionalidad ejecutiva y de estrés infantil percibido. Psicología Educativa, 26 (1), 77-86.. Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de

Macías, A. (2006). A conceptual model for the study of academic stress. Iztacala electronic journal of psychology, 9 (3), 110 –
129. file:///C:/Users/UNET/Downloads/w175n572,+19028-29484-1-CE.pdf

Desinano, N. (2019). Los alumnos universitarios y la escritura académica: análisis de un problema.. Homo Sapiens Ediciones.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de ANGEL DANIEL CAMPOS DIAZ - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 21:43

1.- Stress is caused by a complex reaction that is generated when an unexpected situation requires a great effort and the
individual does not have sufficient capacity to cope with it and as a result is taken as a threat. In the case of the student, to be
more specific, it occurs when he/she feels pressure, demands and dysfunctions that can greatly influence the state of mental

2.- It can affect the university student both physically and psychologically.
-sleep disturbance
-body pain
-lack of energy
-headache and stomach pain
-feeling of shortness of breath, etc.

3.-There comes a time when being stressed we can mentally block ourselves when doing some activity, where many times
when not completing that activity students take the option of staying up late, which is also my case, therefore, we do not give
ourselves the time to rest well, where many times when having classes the next day one runs the risk of falling asleep. Another
cause of stress is procrastination because, by leaving our activities for another time, we do not allow us to calculate the time we
are going to spend to perform such activities, as a result we often get a job poorly done.

4.-It helps us a lot, because nowadays it is very common to have stress problems, where the person who suffers from it usually
goes through a very difficult situation. This article at least gives us an explanation of why it happens and gives us somehow,
how to react to these very common cases in young university students today.

5.- It seems to me a very interesting article which is necessary to be read by all students, since it gives us very complete 57/67
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information on the subject of stress and the way in which we can cope with it. Zea (2021) mentions that: "Academic stress is in
itself a systematic process of an adaptive character and precisely something psychological, which is shown when a student is
subjected to school subjects".

6.-We can say that academic stress is something that has happened to us students at least once in our lives, and it is
something that should be taken more into account because many times, not knowing how to solve that frustration for some
reason, we often stagnate and some even leave the race, but the best thing we can do if we see someone in that situation is to
support and advise them, give them the encouragement they need and guide them to see that they can cope with that situation.

-Zea, N. B. (2011). Pepsic. Obtenido de
-(S/f). Recuperado el 22 de mayo de 2023, de

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de DAYTON FRANKLIN CERCADO MUNDACA - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 22:09


1.- Among the factors that can be caused by academic stress are the overload of work, academic competitions, perceiving
unexpected situations of threats to a new activity, lack of time, and personal problems. All these factors are related to mental
health causing different problems.

2.- University stress influences in such a way that students can not generate higher performance in any activity or work to be
done. Since this generates a lack of energy, sleep difficulties due to worry, headache, and memorization problems. All this
causes less interest in academic activities.


3.- I consider it impacts with different causes and situations that can be presented by academic stress since it can be negatively
shaped by the activities and work that we want to do and accumulate in general or by an unexpected exam for which we want
to get a good grade. Therefore, it is very important to know and get to know how we could generate strategies of solutions to be
able to organize correctly and avoid the negative impact of stress.

4.- This scientific article helps to manage the situation of academic stress in a positive way by which the student must keep in
mind that he may have complicated situations over the course of his day. But you can avoid this in order to be able to get
organized or in such a way apply a good method of study, to avoid stress and agglomeration of academic activities. And if you
can achieve a good academic performance and be successful.


5.- In view of the article read, I consider that academic stress is a very important issue. Since many students nowadays arrive
agglomerate of much stress and are affected by problems or circumstances that can be presented to them. Therefore, this
causes an unfavorable situation causing them to have stress and various mental illnesses for their health. Aguila (2015)
tells us that stress within academic centers can be very agglomerate for those students where it causes many factors as it
depends on the individual are predisposed where you can determine the singularities of each one including for example the
self-esteem, personality, and organic resistance being affected to food. That is why as Ferrer (2016) also mentions to us that
the academic stage are changes that are generated within the students and that is why they must know how to be able to adapt
to change and manage to have a good method by implementing a schedule and organize themselves to avoid this stress that
affects our health and emotional well-being.


Alfonso Aguila, Belkis, Calcines Castillo, Maria, Monteagudo de la Guardia, Roxana, & Nieves Achon, Zaida.(2015). Academic
stress. EDUMECENTRO, 7(2), 163-178. Retrieved May 28, 2023, from

Toribio-Ferrer, C., & Franco-Bárcenas, S. (2016). Academic stress: the student's silent enemy. Health and Management Journal 58/67
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6.- The reflection that the article mentions, is to know how academic stress involves within our lives and health, so that in turn
comes to cause many factors and changes during our routine, as they are affected by the constant change that is generated by
stress. That is why we must implement solutions and adapt to the change we have as students. In order to avoid having poor
health and the constant stress of our daily activities.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de DANIELA ESTEFANY ORDOÑEZ SILVA - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 18:33

Best regards, comrade Dayton, Congratulations on your participation and being part of this discussion forum. Also let you
know that I fully agree with your critical stance; Academic stress is a problem that many people are prone to experience for
different issues, be it problems at home, school, among others. ''One in four individuals suffers from some serious stress
problem and in cities, it is estimated that 50 percent of people have some type of mental health problem'' (Caldera, Pulido
and Martínez, 2007, p. 78).

Caldera, Pulido y Martínez(2007)Academic Stress.rev.psicol. univ. antioquia vol.3 no.2 Medelin dez. 2011. Recuperado
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de NICOLE EDITH MUÑOZ GASTELO - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 22:49

Greetings fellow Dayton, let me congratulate you for your participation in this discussion forum and comment that I agree
with your answers to the questions posed. As you mention, there are many students who come to a health center because
of stress, many cases have been seen that this affects physically and often it is unfortunate what can happen. That is why
we must have knowledge of how we can combat academic stress (Osa, 2021) stresses that academic stress is not only
present in university students, but it is also present in elementary school children. That is why we must pay close attention
to this, since its consequences could be very unfortunate.

Osa, M. J. (2021). Psicologìa . Obtenido de

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de WILMER HERNAN MILLONES PORRAS - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 22:12

1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?
Academic stress can be caused by different factors, such as schedule load, lifestyle, adaptation and demands or difficulty of the
course, low concentration, difficulty with the study methodology, among others.
¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?
Mainly college stress, affects the performance that he may have academically, anxiety before others, at home can have sleep
3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?
I think that stress impacts both the social and academic life of the student, with respect to my university education I think it can
impact with the distraction of classes, with the lack of participation in them, also I think it can generate a discouragement in the
career we chose.
4. ¿De qué manera este artículo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?
This scientific article helps us because it explains the main causes and effect that academic stress can generate and thus we
can understand and reflect on it and in turn it gives us understand that through cognitive-emotional regulation strategies we can
adapt to university life.
5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído? 59/67
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In my opinion I agree with the proposed case, since I consider that university life comes to make a radical change, because we
enter a higher level, I can understand it with an example: in other words, in secondary or primary school we always study in a
“pre-established” schedule, classes were always morning shift or late shift, but when we talk about university, the schedules
can vary from having class all day or having in the morning or night. And if a correct one is not established. Being able to adapt
to different social, psychological situations can generate an internal imbalance, and this can affect your personal performance
and your state of health.(Redolar, 2015).
6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?
Being able to generate an order and discipline in our life will lead us to live our university life with tranquility, in turn we must
assume the challenges that university life entails, but with tranquility and effort, an organized time will help us in this, it will also
help us to have a social and academic life normally.

Redolar Ripoll, D. (2015). El estrés. Editorial UOC.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de RENZO ROSILLO BECERRA - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 22:29

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de FREDDY SUSANIBAR ALVARADO - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 22:37


1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?

Poor adaptation to college life

2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

Health problems, poor academic performance, even abandonment of the study


3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?

It makes me tense, it doesn't allow me to learn, I only memorize for short periods and hurt my grades. Stress makes me not
have good relationships with my classmates.

4. ¿De qué manera este articulo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?
It helps me prevent stress and have tools on how to manage it to take care of my health and my interpersonal relationships.


5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?

I agree with the article, I consider it very appropriate for everyone involved in university life. Young people university students
must light to adapt to changes and meet the demands of the university, according to Garcia and Magaz (1998), people with
positive thoughts adapt more easily.
They are also considered competent and successful, in such a way that they relate well to their environment.

On the other hand, university professors must seek strategies that generate significant learning and do not think that the
greater the number of activities for students, the greater the learning when this is not necessarily the case. The educational
community must take care that young people fall into stress due to multiple academic activities.
Thus, causing an imbalance in the lives of university students, specifically in the emotional, personal, and social in addition to
considering what Monzón (2007) mentions university students who are in higher cycles suffer from mor academic stress than
those who are in the first cycles.

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?

The final position is that both students, teachers and university institutions should consider that academic stress can harm
health and this in turn influence the academic performance of university students. If really seeks that university students
succeed not only in academics but in different areas of their lives. Strategies must be sought that regulate and balance the
social, academic, personal, and emotional aspects of students.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de MELISSA DE FATIMA SANTOS TINEO - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 02:11

Best regards dear colleague Freddy, I agree with your answer, since stress can cause an emotional imbalance, physical
and psychological in university students due to excessive activities (Silva et. al, 2020) causing poor performance in their
Silva, M. F., López, J. J., & Meza, M. E. C. (2020). Academic stress in college students. Research and Science of the
Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, 28(79), 75-83. Retrieved from:
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de MARY CIELO ARAUJO FRIAS - domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023, 23:36


1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?

Los factores de estrés académico incluyen el estrés del horario, el sistema de evaluación, el sistema financiero, la carga de
trabajo, las dificultades con los materiales del curso, el estilo de vida, la competencia, la personalización y la demanda del
Águila. B (2015) expresa que se identifican dos enfoques teóricos para la investigación del estrés: el +enfoque psicosomático
clásico y el llamado enfoque del estrés, que se ha mantenido en desarrollo en las últimas décadas. Los tipos de estrés suelen
clasificarse según su origen, siendo en muchos casos la presión de la docencia o del estudio la causante de esta situación y
es considerada por el autor como una forma especial que se señala específicamente.
2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?
El estrés afecta diversas enfermedades, reduce la productividad y el rendimiento escolar, daña las relaciones personales y
familiares y tiene consecuencias que afectan el cuerpo, la mente y las emociones. Se concluye que el estrés afecta varios
aspectos de la vida, particularmente el rendimiento académico.
Según espinosa Castro (2020) menciona que cualquier evento que provoque una respuesta emocional puede causar estrés,
incluidos los positivos, negativos y los que resultan de molestias menores, y las situaciones que son estresantes para una
persona pueden ser menores para otra.


3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?

Tal situación puede causar fatiga, falta de interés por aprender, irritabilidad e incluso pérdida de control; Por lo tanto, necesitan
el consentimiento y la ayuda del equipo de profesores.
El rendimiento académico de los estudiantes puede conducir al abuso de sustancias, trastornos del sueño, elusión de la
responsabilidad y otros cambios que repercuten negativamente en su desempeño como futuros profesionales y el logro de sus
metas personales.
4. ¿De qué manera este artículo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?
Una actitud positiva puede ser la clave para implementar las técnicas anteriores y manejar el estrés en general. Está claro que
nuestra composición e intenciones mentales nos guían en la dirección que queremos ir. En otras palabras, si tenemos una
actitud positiva para salir de situaciones estresantes, el humor nos da una sensación de control y nos libera de emociones
negativas e incómodas.
Según Escobar Zurita (2018) menciona que el humor es una herramienta que permite una atmósfera de conexión y crea una
atmósfera de confianza en un grupo. La risa también reduce la presión arterial, relaja los músculos, alivia el dolor, reduce las
hormonas del estrés y fortalece el sistema inmunológico.


5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?

El objetivo es realizar una intervención psicológica para reducir el estrés académico a través de estrategias de afrontamiento
de los estudiantes.
Desarrollo de una propuesta de intervención para reducir el estrés académico
utilizando un enfoque de resolución de problemas con los estudiantes


Águila, B., Calcines, M., Monteagudo, R., & Nieves, Z. (2015). Estrés académico. Edumecentro, 7(2), 163-178.
Alban Gomez, J. (2018). Autoestima y estrés académico en estudiantes de una Universidad de Lima Sur. 61/67
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Escobar Zurita, E. R., Soria De Mesa, B. W., López Proaño, G. F., & Peñafiel Salazar, D. D. L. A. (2018). Manejo del estrés
académico; revisión crítica. Atlante Cuadernos de Educación y Desarrollo, (agosto).
Espinosa Castro, J. F., Hernández Lalinde, J., Rodríguez, J. E., Maricarmen, C., & Bermúdez Pirela, V. (2020). Influencia del
estrés sobre el rendimiento académico. Archivos venezolanos de farmacología y terapéutica, 39(1), 63-69.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de LEYDI MUÑOZ ROJAS - lunes, 29 de mayo de 2023, 00:41

1. What factors cause academic stress?
Academic stress can be caused by a variety of factors. Some common causes of academic stress among students are: High
workload and pressure to perform well; exam anxiety and fear of failure; financial concerns related to paying for tuition and
other expenses; difficulty in managing time, leading to procrastination and stress; a lack of support from friends, family, or
professors; increased competition and comparison with peers; poor academic performance in past experiences leading to self-
doubt; health problems or physical illness; poor communication with professors or peers; and finally, high expectations from
family, peers, or society at large. (Silva, 2019).
2. How does university stress influence student performance?
Didactic material to support the student
University stress can have a significant influence on student performance. When students experience high levels of stress, it
can impact their ability to concentrate, learn, and recall information. This can lead to poor academic performance, such as
lower grades and decreased motivation to complete assignments. Furthermore, stress can also have negative effects on
students' physical and mental health, causing sleep problems, fatigue, anxiety, and depression, which can further hinder their
academic progress. (Kloster, 2019)
Research suggests that academic stress can negatively affect a student's overall well-being and lead to lower levels of
satisfaction with their educational experience. Students experiencing academic stress may be more likely to drop out of
programs or delay graduation, which can impact their long-term career prospects. To mitigate the negative effects of academic
stress, universities can provide resources such as counseling, academic support services, and stress reduction programs to
help students manage their stress levels.
3. How do you think academic stress impacts your university education?
Research suggests that academic stress can have both positive and negative impacts on university education. While some
degree of stress can motivate students to work hard and perform well, excessive stress can hinder their academic progress and
negatively impact their well-being. It is essential for universities to address academic stress and provide resources to help
students manage stress levels to promote academic success and overall well-being. (Cassaretto et al, 2021).
4. How does this scientific article contribute to managing stress positively?
Scientific articles on managing stress positively provide evidence-based strategies to help individuals manage and cope with
stress in a healthy and effective way. These articles may highlight the benefits of mindfulness, exercise, social support, and
other factors, and may provide recommendations for ways to incorporate these practices into daily life.
5. What is your critical position of the case read? To support your answer for or against
must necessarily be based on two reliable sources, extracted from the database of
the USS (cite in APA/VANCOUVER style as appropriate).
Academic stress is a common experience among university students, and can result from a wide range of sources such as
inadequate resources and facilities, an overcrowded lecture hall, a semester grading system, and more. Academic stress can
have negative effects on a student's mental well-being, leading to depression, anxiety, and decreased academic performance.
Some groups of students may experience academic stress more acutely than others , and the COVID-19 pandemic has
increased the need for adjustments in terms of university teaching-learning processes . To cope with academic stress, it is
important for students to practice self-care and seek emotional support when needed. (Kloster, 2019)
6. What is the final reflection of the proposed case?
It includes the recognition that academic stress is a common experience that can negatively impact a student's mental health
and academic performance. It is important for universities to recognize the sources and potential impact of academic stress and
to provide resources and support for students to manage stress and maintain their well-being. Students can also take proactive
steps to manage academic stress, such as prioritizing self-care, seeking support from mental health professionals and campus
resources, and practicing stress-reducing activities like mindfulness meditation. By working together, universities and students
can create a supportive and healthy learning environment. (Cassaretto et al, 2021).
Cassaretto, M., Vilela, P., y Gamarra, L. (2021). Estrés académico en universitarios peruanos: importancia de las conductas de
salud, características sociodemográficas y académicas. Revista Liberabit, 27(2), 482.
Silva, M. (2019). Estrés académico en estudiantes universitarios. Investigación y Ciencia, 28(79), 75-83. 62/67
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Kloster, G. (2019). Estrés académico en estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Paraná [tesis de pregrado, Universidad
Católica Argentina “Santa María de los Buenos Aires”]. Repositorio institucional de la Universidad Católica Argentina “Santa
María de los Buenos Aires”.
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de PERCY DANIEL PASARA AQUINO - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 22:25

Cordial greetings, comrade, Leydi Muñoz Rojas.

I agree with you, because the stress that is generated in the university by the works, exams, and demands of the
professors; It means that by putting so much effort into the activities that we have to carry out little by little, the student's
performance and motivation will be deficient and can continue to drop if measures are not taken in this regard, it would be
best to see a mental health professional and clear the mind doing our hobbies. Academic stress is a problem but it can be
given solutions and time, in order to move forward and be successful professionals in the future."So the academic stress,
"would point to those cognitive and affective processes by which the student experiences the impact of academic stressors”
(Muñoz, 2004 p.81). Muñoz (2004). Rendimiento Académico según distintos niveles de funcionalidad ejecutiva y de estrés
infantil percibido. Psicología Educativa, 26 (1), 77-86.. Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid.

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de MAYUMI ILUMINADA DE LOS ANGELES ALDANA CHIROQUE - viernes, 2 de junio de 2023, 10:02


1. The factors that academic stress causes are the following: Abundance of academic work, whether they are research works
such as (essays, monographs, and others), classroom competence, exams, course demands, academic performance,
lifestyle. There are many more factors that cause academic stress among those mentioned are the most important.

2. How does college stress influence student performance

In university life there are more demands, since we find much more competition and students must adapt to this change. Many
fail to adapt to change and practically come to have stress. There influences the academic performance of each university and
is affected by various circumstances, which affects the individual in: academic and personal level, low academic performance,
low self-esteem, headaches such as migraine, worries, anxiety, anxiety, depression, concentration problems, sleep
disturbances and even stress causes the student to abandon his studies and not allow him to continue advancing, stress not
only affects in a way academic, but also emotional and behavioral. In this way it also causes the student to no longer interact in
their daily lives, family or friends.


3.How do you think academic stress impacts your university education?

Stress is a phenomenon that occurs in academic and labor, currently it is a very common topic and it is presented more in
university education thus leaving negative aspects, forceful impacts in the university process, also harming mental, emotional
and physical health.

4. This scientific article has helped me to know when a person is going through this stress disorder and especially how it
manifests itself. The article gives me knowledge of the positive and negative methods, in the positive we have "cognitive and
emotional". In cognitive we have to make an evaluation to know what are the threats we face and in the positive emotional
contribution it helps to control stress, for each university student who suffers. These methods that I did not know help those
people who need it, to improve their lives and especially in their university education.


5. Academic stress is characterized as a physiological, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral arousal resistance to academic
prompts and events. Students increasingly face requirements, challenges and challenges that demand a large sum of physical
and psychological resources of different kinds. Such a scenario can make them realize exhaustion, insufficient interest in
studying, and self-criticism. According to (Feldman, 2009) "The set of appropriate academic activities at the university
establishes an important source of stress and anxiety for students and can intervene on their psychological physical well-being"
(p. 3). The theme of stress is usually demonstrated in reference to a wide range of experiences, among which make up
nervousness, rigidity, exhaustion, overwhelm, restlessness and different equivalent sensations, such as the excessive threat at 63/67
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school. According to (Redolar, 2015) he states that "it also attributes to situations of fear, fear, restlessness, terror, interest in
fulfilling, existential emptiness, rushing to meet goals and projects, inability to cope or interrelational incompetence in
socialization" (p.63).

6. ¿What is the final reflection of the proposed case?

In the article presented, he reveals the importance of academic stress in the academic field, it is caused by excessive
homework, exams, work presentations, all these causes previously exposed have an effect on the student's life such as lack of
self-esteem, disorder of sleep, anxiety, tension, headaches, these are some of the many effects caused by university stress,
stress is a very extensive subject and many students suffer from it. The article states that there are strategies to cope with this
phenomenon and that those students can have a good academic performance, and also have their own mental, emotional and
physical health.


Feldman, L. (2009). Relaciones entre estrés académico, apoyo social, salud mental y rendimiento académico en estudiantes
universitarios venezolanos. D - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Redolar Ripoll, D. (2015). El estrés.. Editorial UOC.

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de YANIRA ALEXANDRA PURIHUAMAN BRENIS - viernes, 2 de junio de 2023, 23:46

Best regards, comrade Danis Arnelia Dominguez Paz.

I agree, since stress is generated when there is an overexertion of some activity that is usually difficult to perform. The
individual fails to adapt to the new challenge, causing problems in their abilities. Therefore, it causes people not to develop their
skills as a future professional. “The stress response, in short, has a high adaptive value, since it generates changes in the
organism with the purpose of facilitating the confrontation of a threat situation” (Redolar, 2011, p. 30).

Redolar Ripoll, D. (2011). El cerebro estresado. Barcelona, Spain: Editorial UOC.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de CARMEN FIORELA REYES MORON - sábado, 3 de junio de 2023, 16:18

Hello, colleague Leydi Muñoz Rojas

According to the answers you have given to the questions, yes, I agree, because you have given a strong clarification about
academic stress, since this is a problem that occurs in the majority of university students, affecting physical and mental health,
motivation, interpersonal relationships and their well-being in general, that is why this case should be given greater importance
and seek a solution (Martin, 2007). He tells us that the term stress has become a habitual word in our current society and that
therefore this subject must be discussed in more depth in order to be able to face the various requirements and demands that
we face at the University, such as tests, exams, papers, presentations, etc. and thus each person may experience and manage
stress differently and some may require additional support to cope with its effects.

Martin, M. (2007). Academic stress in university students. Obtained from:
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de MARLENE CORNEJO RODRIGUEZ - sábado, 3 de junio de 2023, 19:09


1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico? 64/67
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Schedule load


Difficult Jobs

Family problems

Confusion in topics

The lifestyle causes you to get negative results

2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?

The burden of responsibility causes fatigue and tiredness.

Anxiety and insomio are the ones that harm.

The university student has limited learning.

negative attitudes that are reflected in the decrease of their effort.


3 ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?

that university stress impacts by demonstrating the negative attitude and their way of acting or opining in their academic field.

4. ¿De qué manera este articulo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?

Academic stress is a process

adaptive and basically psychological, which presents moments; When the

individual is subjected to a series of demands that are considered stressors;

Also, it is when stressors are going to cause an imbalance

systemic in which it will manifest itself in a series of symptoms


5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?

that we should not let ourselves be dominated by the stress that will cause us psychological problems

6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?

that we must know about carrying out our obligations so as not to fall into stress and can cause us academic damage obtaining
negative results.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de MAYUMI ILUMINADA DE LOS ANGELES ALDANA CHIROQUE - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 15:23

Cordial greetings, comrade, Marlene Cornejo Rodríguez.

I agree with your exposed foundations in the case of academic stress, you mentioned the various factors that cause stress,
the influence it has for low academic performance, I also visualized that you failed to cite as manifested the guide and the
rubric to support your position criticism. I would like to mention you that In addition academic stress also affects our mental, 65/67
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emotional and physical health, since in the university academic environment there are many academic demands because
there is more competition and that is what students are practically not used to at university. This is one of the most frequent
problems in the current population, causing a variety of diseases. According to (López & Sánchez, 2010) he states that "the
stress paradigm has recognized studying the reactivity of the different body systems to physical and psychosocial
persuasions" (p. 47). Also as the relationship between stress and disease. Academic stress has negative aspects and we
have to cope with it with positive strategies, for the well-being of ourselves and for us to have a good university academic


López Gutiérrez, C. & Sánchez Azuara, M. E. (Coord.). (2010). Estrés y salud: aportaciones desde la psicología social..
Editorial Miguel Ángel Porrúa.

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de MARLENE CORNEJO RODRIGUEZ - sábado, 3 de junio de 2023, 19:26

best regards friend , mayummi luminada

I agree with your research that you have carried out on academic stress, since these factors are essential that cause stress in
most students.

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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de PERCY DANIEL PASARA AQUINO - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 12:05

1. ¿Qué factores provoca el estrés académico?
* The long hours of study.
*Having a bad environment when studying and practicing.
*Doing too many activities at once.
* Accumulation of many tasks at the last moment.
2. ¿Cómo influye el estrés universitario en el rendimiento de los estudiantes?
It influences our personal life with a very low motivation to carry out academic activities, a lot of irritability, memory problems,
poor concentration, anxiety and many more influences.

3. ¿Cómo crees que el estrés académico impacta en tu formación universitaria?
It impacts in a negative way since there are situations where there is academic overload, teacher evaluations, constant worry
and concern about oneself and also little sleep time.
4. ¿De qué manera este articulo científico contribuye a manejar de manera positiva el estrés académico?
This article contributes in a positive way by telling us that we should better manage our time, keep a schedule, reduce alcohol
consumption, have a good quality of sleep, exercise physically and mentally, do what we like the most but with our time already

5. ¿Cuál es tu postura crítica del caso leído?
It is clear that the stress that is caused at the higher level is due to the interaction of all educational duties to which the student
must face during his school career, in order to complete the studies that will help them in the future to a better quality of life.
6. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final del caso propuesto?
Reflect on the importance of finishing studies, remember the efforts that are made to advance and reach the main objective
which is to complete the studies
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de MARY CIELO ARAUJO FRIAS - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 20:13

Cordial greetings, comrade MIRIAM ZARAI CORDOVA CUBAS, I congratulate you for having participated in the debate forum,
i hope you are in good health, I agree with your answers, since they reflect a deep and empathetic understanding of the subject
of academic stress in university students.
Which I would add a quote to complement your opinions, Fortes (2013) mentions that designing schedules and taking notes
with significant realities demonstrates an understanding of the importance of the association and an adequate disposition to 66/67
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reduce pressure, while reading for exams or presentations, to conclude, I share some tips that will help us adapt to our new
lifestyle, which are: learning to manage time, participating in university community activities, finding spaces to socialize,
creating good study habits, eliminating distractions and ask for help when needed.
Fortes-Vilaltella, M (2013). Emotional intelligence and personality in the different areas of knowledge of university students.
Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Training, 16(1), 109-120.
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Re: WEEK 7 FORUM - Write here in this first moment.

de INGLI YERALDINI SANDOBAL BERNAL - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 22:01

What factors cause academic stress?

The main causes of academic stress found were: schedule load, evaluation system, financial system, workload, difficulty with
study material, lifestyle, competition, adaptation and course demand; and among the main consequences were found, the lack
of concentration
Ávila, I. Y., Cantillo, A. B., & Estrada, L. R. (2018). Estrés académico en estudiantes de enfermería de Cartagena, Colombia.
Investigación en Enfermería: Imagen y Desarrollo, 20(2), 1-11.
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de INGLI YERALDINI SANDOBAL BERNAL - domingo, 4 de junio de 2023, 22:05

How does university stress influence student performance?

Therefore, the physical, psychological and behavioral effects associated with stress must be taken into consideration due to the
immediate and future consequences that could arise. Drowsiness, concentration problems and changes in eating habits were
the main manifestations reported by the students in this study. This is worrying because drowsiness and concentration
problems negatively affect academic performance and even increase the probability of academic dropout.
National Institute of Mental Health. (2020, marzo). 5 cosas que usted debe saber sobre el estrés. [ Links ]
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