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Basic science jss2

Section 1: Multiple choice Questions.

Instructions: Answer all questions.

1. The first period of rapid growth is from _________ A. Ten to seventeen years B. birth to about two
years C. four to ten years D. seven to nine.

2. Development takes place in the body when________. A. There is increase in size B. the body sizes to
grow C. the body is able to perform particular function D. The moves expectedly.

3. Maturity sets at the age of A. 30yrs B. 21 yrs C. 25yrs D. 12yrs.

4. One of the following is a basic factor affecting growth and development A. Crying B. heredity C.
bathing D. gene.

5. Malfunctioning of thyroid gland results to a condition called A. cretinism B. giantism C. dwarfism D.


6. Growth in plants is restricted to special areas as the ——tissues at the root tip and shoot apices. A.
meristemic B. systemic C. mesoric D. impulsive.

7. ——is used to measure the growth in plant and in animal is weighing scale. A. Auxanometer B.
anaemometer C. basketmometer D. humudity.

8.---in plants is directly influenced by such external factors as sunlight, temperature, humidity, gravity
etc. A. Growth B. Development C. Temperature D. Pressure.

9. Growth in_______is usually not directly influenced by such external factors. A. animals B. plants C.
tree D. being.

10. Growth is ——while development is qualitative. A. quantitative B. qualitative C. all of the above D.
none of the above.

11. The following animals are primates except_________ A. Monkey B. Rabbit C. Human being D. Gorilla

12. Which of the following animals is not a mammal? A. Human being B. Bat C. Whale D. Toad.

13. Which of the following is the most intelligent animals? A. Human being B. Rat C. Bird D. Monkey.

14. Which of the following features makes human beings higher animals than other animals? A. They
can give birth to their young ones alive B. They can bend their backbones C. They have grasping thumbs
D. They possess a large and well develop brain.
15. Which of the following is true about all primates? A. They can stand upright B. They have eyes at the
front of their head C. They cannot grasp objects D. They all have S-curved backbones.

There's a special type of predator-prey relationship called_______. A. parasitism B. parasitism C.

commensalism D. predator

16._________is when two species are competing for the same resources. A. Competition B. parasitism C.
commensalism D. predator.

17. An_______relationship is the relationship between organisms in an ecosystem. A. ecological B.

predatory C. habitat D. mutual

18. All organisms in an ecosystem are —-. A. connected B. equal C. separated D. mutual

19. There are — basic types of relationships that living things have with one another. A. four B. five C.
two D. three.

20. Terrestrial habitat are referred to as________ A. floor habitat B. land habitat C. sea habitat D.
oceanic habitat.

21. Fish possesses gills and fins for —-A. jumping B. movement C. flying D. eating.

23. Duck has —- for swimming. A. webbed feet B. finger C. flying D. nest.

24. A-----is a type of place where plants and animals live. A. Habitat B. home C. trees D. aquatic

25. Which of the following includes the major types of habitat? A. Air and Soil B. Water and Land C.
Water and Air D. Land and Sea

26. Marine habitat are called_______ A. Terrestrial habitat B. Fresh water habitat C. Aquatic habitat D.
Salt water habitat.

27----is the air or tree habitat where animals live. A. Arboreal Habitat B. Terrestrial habitat C. Fresh
water habitat D. Aquatic habitat

28. The features of the body or the behavior that enable the animal to live naturally in a habitat are
called ——A. Adaptive Features B. Enabling Features C. Aquatic Features C. Arboreal Features D.
Behavioral Features

29. Which of the following includes the major types of habitat? A. Air and Soil B. Water and Land C.
Water and Air D. Land and Sea\r\

30. Human beings belong to a special group of mammals called--- (a) Chimpanzee (b) Animals (c)
primates (d) Aves.

31. The following factors affect growth and development except; (a) Food (b) Weather (c) Love and care
(d) Rest and exercise.
32. Infancy and Adolescent stage are a. temporary stages b. permanent stages c. temporary and
permanent stages d. Irreversible stages

33. The kind of relationship where one of the organism suffer and the other gain is Called ______a.
Parasitism b. Mutualism c. Commensalism d. Predation

34. .A stage in life in which individuals grow into adults is termed a .Adult stage b. Developmental stage
c. Ovulation stage d. Puberty Stage.

35. The path through which food energy is transferred from one organism to another is called -a. Food
Transfer b .Food path c. Energy pyramid d. Food Web

35. Body image problems involve the following except a. need to look perfect b. desire to have perfect
body c. it affects both boys and girls d. pleased with self.

36. Which of these is not a part of body changes during puberty? (a) voice change (b) body shape change
(c) development of breast (d) growth in cheek.

37. Body image problem is___________ (a) more in girls than boys (b) more in boys than girls (c) equal
in boys and girls (d) not real.

38. The organism that feeds directly on plants are called _______(a) Primary consumer (b) Secondary
Consumer (c) Tertiary consumer (d) University consumer

39. The primary source of energy for organism is _____(a) Moon (b) Star (c) Carbohydrates (d) Sun

40. Teenager's body images are strongly affected by what they see on the following EXCEPT (a)
Television (b) movies (c) Magazines (d) Religion Center


Attempt any four (4) questions.

1. a.What is an ecological relationship?

b.Mention the four basic types of relationships that living things have.

2.a. List three animals and their adaptive features.

b. State the relevance of these features to these animals

3. a. Define the term habitat.

b. What do you understand by the following? a. Aquatic habitat. b. Terrestrial habitat c. Polar habitat.

4.a. Define the following. i. Body image. ii. puberty.

b. Describe the changes that takes place n boys and girls during puberty.

5.a. State five characteristics of human being

b. State five advantages that human beings have over other animals.

6.a. Mention the stages of human development

b. Different between growth and development

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