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Do you think the current family legal system encourages fathers to become more distant and

disconnected with their children and become classified as “dead beat dads” or do you feel the
system is adequate and works? Be sure to justify your answer(s) with specific examples where

I do think that the existing family law system promotes men to grow increasingly distant and
separated from their kids. Divorce is fairly prevalent in the United States. The U.S. judicial
system leans more toward giving mothers than dads custody of children in divorce cases
involving couples with children. I think there is more potential for fathers to lose contact with
their children since divorce rates are at a high and regulations are biased in favor of women.
Many fathers want to be equally involved in their children's life, but according to our textbook,
the U.S. court system frequently sides with mothers in custody battles (Leone, 305-306). Men
won't be able to visit their kids as frequently as they'd want if they can't acquire custody of them,
helping to perpetuate the myth that divorced men are "deadbeat dads”. With the courts being
the place for truth and justice, having a trial go against your own parenting and relationship with
your family can be extremely damaging to any parent.

Leone, J. E. (2012).Middle Adulthood. In Concepts in male health: Perspectives across the

lifespan essay, Jossey-Bass.

Do you think older men abuse erectile dysfunction drugs? That is, do you think so many men
need these types of drugs? Lastly, briefly explain how these types of drugs work in the system.

The CDC reports that there is growing evidence that men are using erectile dysfunction drugs
(EDMs) for sexual enhancement without a valid medical reason. "One issue with ED
medications is that many guys started to fear that they weren't functioning well enough and that
they required medication to be healthy. Medication for ED is not intended to aid those who
desire to prolong or have more frequent intercourse; rather, it is intended to treat people with
real ED. By boosting the effects of nitric oxide, a naturally occurring molecule your body
generates that relaxes muscles in the penis, ED medications like Viagra reverse ED. Muscles
that are relaxed enable for an erection to occur in response to sexual stimulation. Concern has
been expressed about this phenomena, especially in light of its link to an increase in sexually
risky conduct. It is interesting to look at this study while comparing why older men may abuse
EDMs. When it comes to older men and the usage of erectile dysfunction medications, I believe
they may be both damaging and helpful to an older man's physical and mental health. A man's
sexual performance and activity are crucial to his confidence. An older male's sexual
performance might decline with age and become humiliating, which can lead to despair and a
lack of confidence. An older man can have a false sense of empowerment, reduce feelings of
insecurity, and lower his risk of depression by using erectile dysfunction medications like viagra
to boost his self-confidence by making his partner happy.
Harte, C. B., & Meston, C. M. (2011). Recreational use of erectile dysfunction medications in
undergraduate men in the United States: characteristics and associated risk factors. Archives of
sexual behavior, 40(3), 597–606.

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