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NAMA: :Salman
NIM : :221424057
NAMA : Salman Hanif Raditya
NIM : 221424057
Nama : Salman Hanif Raditya
NIM : 221424057
Kelas : 1B-TKPB

Unit 6 Main Ideas

Exercise 1
1. The “idea box” is a useful concept in management.
2. The study showed that American managers are generally not happy with their working
3. There are many advantages to working at home, including more flexible hours and
better productivity.

Exercise 2

1. Topic : New services for older customers

Topic Sentence : That means that many businesses in those countries must adjust to
older customers.
Main Idea : c
2. Topic : Causes of depression in elderly people
Topic Sentence : In industrialized countries today, many elderly people suffer from
Main Idea : a

Exercise 3
1. b
2. a
3. c

Exercise 4

1. A new kind of jogging shoe has lights on them for night safety.
2. Quieting machines reduce noise at work and at home.
3. A new laser potato peeler reduces waste in factories.

Exercise 5
1. Topic : The giant panda
Main Idea : The giant panda is slowly drying out in China.
2. Topic : A newborn panda
Main Idea : A newborn panda is small and helpless for over a year.
3. Topic : A mother panda
Main Idea : A mother panda is very loving to its young.

Exercise 6

1. Topic : Large building with unhealthy air

Main Idea : Large building with unhealthy air can cause illness for people who work in
2. Topic : Infections from pet reptiles
Main Idea : Infections from pet reptiles can spread to their owners.
3. Topic : Browned or blackened meat
Main Idea : Browned or blackened meat can result in cancer if you eat it often.

Exercise 7

1. Topic : Hand-drawn maps of the worlds

Main Idea : Hand-drawn maps of the world often do not show accurate sizes of the
2. Topic : The size of Europe and Africa on most hand-drawn maps
Main Idea : On hand-drawn maps of the world, Europe and Africa are often drawn the
wrong size.

3. Topic : Errors on maps of Africa

Main Idea : Errors o maps of Africa often were due to ignorance about the African

Exercise 8

1. Topic : The oil spilled by the Exxon Valdez tank ship

Main Idea : The oil spilled bye the Exxon Valdez tank ship resulted in an expensive
and difficult clean-up job.
2. Topic : Some consequences of the oil spill
Main Idea : Some consequences of the oil spill are not immediately apparent.
3. Topic : The effects of the oil spill
Main Idea : The effects of the oil spill include long term problems for many animals.

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