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From ghosting to phubbing

1. Look at the picture.

Let’s discuss! Answer the questions:

1. What relationship do the people have? How close are they?

2. What are they doing? Are they having fun?
3. Do you have any friends who behave that way?

2. Watch the video to check what’s happening

Have you had enough of being



Are you guilty of phubbing your


Copyrights by Tutor's Secret Club

From ghosting to phubbing

3. Let’s find out more information! You’re going to read an article.

Read the introduction. What is the article going to be about?

Dating can be a wonderful journey of self-discovery, growth, and

companionship. However, with the advent of technology and the increased
use of social media, the dating landscape has changed dramatically, and
along with it, new dating trends have emerged that can be harmful and
toxic to individuals and relationships.

It is important to be aware of these toxic trends and to prioritize healthy

communication, respect, and mutual understanding in all relationships.
These behaviours can cause emotional harm, reduce self-esteem, and
contribute to unhealthy relationship dynamics. By understanding these
toxic trends, individuals can make informed decisions and develop healthy,
fulfilling relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.

Do you know any other texting dating trends?

4. Read about toxic dating trends and match some of them with
the following situations

For example:
What trend is it? - Phubbing

Let’s discuss!

How do you react when someone you're spending time with is

phubbing, constantly engrossed in their phone instead of being
present in the moment?

Copyrights by Tutor's Secret Club

From ghosting to phubbing

4. Read about toxic dating trends and match some of them with
the following situations

What trends are these?

3 August 2022

Hey, what's up?

1 February 2023

hey, nothing much, u?

1 February 2023

can I borrow your car

for the weekend?

Have you heard from Sarah

lately? I haven't gotten a
response from her all week.

Really? That's odd. You

used to chat almost
every day.

I know, right? It's like she

Hey, I need your suddenly disappeared.
advice about Jill.

Go ahead. What Did something happen

happened? between you two?

She expects me to answer her Everything was fantastic, and

then she said that we needed to
messages immediately. However, when
end our relationship. There has been
I message her, she usually leaves my
no contact since then. I don't know
messages unanswered for hours. what to do....

Also, if I ask her out, she often finds

an excuse. But if she suddenly wants to
hang out, I'm supposed to drop
everything and be there.

Copyrights by Tutor's Secret Club

From ghosting to phubbing

4. Read about toxic dating trends and match some of them with
the following situations

What trends are these?

Hey! How's your

day going?

Hey there! My day's been pretty

good so far. I had a productive morning Hey! What's going on
at work and got to catch up with an old with Alice?
friend at lunch. How about yours?

Hey! What do you mean?

Just the usual stuff. Got
I think she's ok. I've just met
any plans for the weekend?
her in the hall.

Not sure. Everything was fine. But now I

Maybe rest. can't get in touch with her. She
just blocked me everywhere.

Have you watched that

new show everyone's talking
about? Oh, looks like she fled (ran away).
Last month, she pulled it with me, too.
Don't worry, after a week she called. I
guess she is bored or wants attention.

Anyway, let's catch

up soon!

Let’s discuss!

How do you feel about zombieing, where someone who had

previously gone silent suddenly reappears and starts interacting
with you again?

Can you recall a situation where someone was firedooring you by

avoiding serious conversations, changing topics whenever you tried
to discuss important matters or only replying when it suits them, but
expecting you to reply straight away?

Have you ever been a victim of ghosting, where someone you were
interested in suddenly stopped responding to your messages and
disappeared from your life?

Have you ever noticed a slow fading situation in your interactions,

where someone's interest in your conversations gradually
diminishes, and their responses become less engaging over time?

What's your opinion on cloaking, when someone sets up a date but

then stands you up, effectively disappearing and leaving you in an
awkward situation?

Copyrights by Tutor's Secret Club

From ghosting to phubbing


4. Read about toxic dating trends and match some of them with
the following situations

What trends are these?

I'm just getting so frustrated with Mark.

We've been talking for months, but he
never actually plans any real dates.

5 March
Seriously? That's weird.
How are you? I thought you two were hitting
it off.

12 March

Andy, are you ok?

Yeah, we do get along well in our texts
and occasional calls, but he never
23 March takes it beyond that.
pick up the
phone, please
I hate to say it, but it sounds like he
23 March enjoys the attention but doesn't have any
intention of taking things to the next level.
I'm worried

Andy liked your post Oh, come on. That's ridiculous.

I thought he was genuinely

Unfortunately, some people just like

the attention and the idea of having
options without committing.

Let’s discuss!

What do you think about the phenomenon of orbiting, where

someone keeps viewing your social media posts after ghosting you
in real life?

Have you ever found yourself in the position of being benched,

where someone keeps you on the back burner, texting occasionally
but never actually making plans
to meet up?

Copyrights by Tutor's Secret Club

From ghosting to phubbing

5. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box in the correct form

Slow fading

1. At the romantic dinner, John's constant ________, as he checked

his phone, left his date feeling ignored and unimportant.

2. After months of no contact, Mark suddenly reappeared in Lily's life,

liking all her social media posts – a classic case of ________.

3. Rachel realized she was being ________ when Mark always took
his time to respond but expected her to be available whenever he
wanted to hang out.

4. After a series of great dates, Jane experienced the disappointment

of ________ when Alex suddenly stopped responding to her

5. Over time, Jenny noticed Tom's interest in their conversations

________, with his replies becoming shorter and less enthusiastic.

6. When Anna arrived at the cafe for her blind date, she realized she
had been ________ – her date was nowhere to be found, he
blocked her number, and his profile had disappeared from the dating

Copyrights by Tutor's Secret Club

From ghosting to phubbing


5. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box in the correct form

Slow fading

1. At the romantic dinner, John's constant ________, as he checked

his phone, left his date feeling ignored and unimportant.

2. After months of no contact, Mark suddenly reappeared in Lily's life,

liking all her social media posts – a classic case of ________.

3. Rachel realized she was being ________ when Mark always took
his time to respond but expected her to be available whenever he
wanted to hang out.

4. Sarah felt like she had been ________ as Mike kept texting her
occasionally, but never making plans to meet up.

5. After a series of great dates, Jane experienced the disappointment

of ________ when Alex suddenly stopped responding to her

6. Despite their breakup, Tim continued to follow Emma's social media

accounts, occasionally commenting, indicating he was still
________ around her life.

7. Over time, Jenny noticed Tom's interest in their conversations

________, with his replies becoming shorter and less enthusiastic.

8. When Anna arrived at the cafe for her blind date, she realized she
had been ________ – her date was nowhere to be found, he
blocked her number, and his profile had disappeared from the dating

Copyrights by Tutor's Secret Club

From ghosting to phubbing

6. Imagine you're talking with friends about their recent dating

experiences. Explain what is happening and advise how to deal with
the situation.

1. Your friend has been texting someone consistently, but every time they
suggest meeting up, the other person seems hesitant and comes up with

2. Another friend of theirs suddenly stopped responding to messages after

a promising start, leaving your friend confused and wondering what went

3. They've noticed that one of their potential dates on a dating app often
views their social media stories and posts but hasn't made any attempts
to contact them directly.

4. While on a date, your friend's companion spent more time checking their
phone and ignoring the conversation, making them feel disregarded.

5. Your friend had a date planned, but the other person never showed up,
and their profile disappeared from the dating app.

6. They've been texting someone for a while, and the conversations have
been gradually becoming less frequent and engaging over time.

7. Write a short story using some of these terms

Copyrights by Tutor's Secret Club

From ghosting to phubbing

8. Let’s discuss!

1. How has technology influenced the way we

communicate in relationships? Are there any pros
and cons to these changes?

2. Are there any communication trends you find

problematic or challenging in the modern dating
scene? How do you handle them?

3. How can we strike a balance between staying

connected through technology and maintaining
genuine, meaningful communication?

Extra ideas:
1. In the following slides, you'll discover an expanded set of tasks,
featuring not just six but eight terms, which now include
‘benching’ and ‘orbiting’.
2. Students can watch the video and record a voice message
telling what they think about such situations, and how they would
3. Encourage students to think and write about their technology
rules. They can create a personal technology contract outlining
their own rules and responsibilities for using technology,
including screen time limits, privacy practices, and respectful
online behavior.
4. If relevant, discuss appropriate behavior and participation in
online classes, including being punctual, respecting teachers
and peers, and avoiding distractions during virtual lessons.

Copyrights by Tutor's Secret Club

From ghosting to phubbing

Activity for the next lesson

Vocabulary Revision. Picture dictation

1. Look at the picture and try to remember
the phrase from the previous lesson that
this picture can represent.
2. Write the phrase in the chat.


Answer is ‘Ghosting’

1. Look at the picture and try to remember
the phrase from the previous lesson that
this picture can represent.
2. Write the phrase in the chat.

Copyrights by Tutor's Secret Club

From ghosting to phubbing

1. Look at the picture and try to remember
the phrase from the previous lesson that
this picture can represent.
2. Write the phrase in the chat.

1. Look at the picture and try to remember
the phrase from the previous lesson that
this picture can represent.
2. Write the phrase in the chat.

1. Look at the picture and try to remember
the phrase from the previous lesson that
this picture can represent.
2. Write the phrase in the chat.

Copyrights by Tutor's Secret Club

From ghosting to phubbing

1. Look at the picture and try to remember
the phrase from the previous lesson that
this picture can represent.
2. Write the phrase in the chat.


1. Look at the picture and try to remember
the phrase from the previous lesson that
this picture can represent.
2. Write the phrase in the chat.

1. Look at the picture and try to remember
the phrase from the previous lesson that
this picture can represent.
2. Write the phrase in the chat.

Copyrights by Tutor's Secret Club

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