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- Discharge under varying head
• Flow through orifice/pipe
• Flow over weir
- Unsteady flow of incompressible fluids in pipes
- Velocity of pressure wave in pipes
- Water hammer:
• Instantaneous closure of valves
• Rapid closure of valves
• Slow closure of valves
- Surge tanks


This is the first type of unsteady flow where the water level in a reservoir or tank is steadily rising
or falling so that the flow rate (discharge) varies continuously. This is the case where a change
takes place slowly.
So when flow occurs under varying head, flow rate (discharge) will continuously vary.
Let us consider the case of flow shown in Figure 1. Here:
VL = volume of liquid into the tank at a particular time
Qi = inflow rate
Qo = outflow rate
dVL = change in volume during a small time interval (dt)
The change in volume taking place over a small time interval of dt can be expressed as:
d VL = Qi dt – Qo dt Eq. (1)
As = area of the surface of the volume
dz = change in level of the surface
So, dVL can also be written equal to Asdz i.e.,
d VL = As dz Eq. (2)
Equating Eqs. (1) and (2) we get
As d z = Qi dt – Qo dt
As dz = Qi dt – Qo dt Eq. (3)

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Figure 1: Showing discharge under varying head
Over Here:
Either Qi or Qo or both may be variable.
Qo (outflow) is generally a function of z. For example:
1. Flow through an orifice or a pipe under differential head z is given by:
Q o = Cd A √2 g Z
Cd = coefficient of discharge
A = x-section area of orifice
Z = differential head

2. Flow Over a Weir or a Spillway

Length L is given by:
Qo = C L h3/2
C = Weir coefficient
L = weir length
h = head over the weir

In orifice or weir flow, z or h is the variable height of the liquid surface above same appropriate
The inflow Qi generally varies with time. We will not consider the problems where Qi varies with
time, rather we will consider only the problems where Qi = 0 or Qi = constant
Now rewrite and integrate Eq. (3) to get an expression to determine time (t) the required to lower
the water level from Z1 to Z2.
As d Z = Qi d t – Qo d t = (Qi – Qo) dt

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𝑧2 𝐴𝑠 𝑑 𝑍 𝑧2 𝐴𝑠 𝑑 𝑍
𝑑 𝑡 = ∫𝑧1 ⟹ 𝑡 = ∫𝑧1 Eq. (4)
𝑄𝑖 − 𝑄𝑜 𝑄𝑖 − 𝑄𝑜

To use Eq. (4)

- Consider Qi either zero or constant
- As & Qo must be expressed in terms of Z
(i.e. as a function of Z)
Example Problem
Consider an open wedge shaped tank shown in Fig. 2. The length of the tank perpendicular
to the Figure 2 is 4.5 m. The tank is drained with a 7.5 cm diameter pipe of length 3 m whose
discharge end is at elevation zero. The coefficient of loss at pipe entrance is 0.50, the total of the
bend loss coefficients is 0.20 and f for the pipe is 0.018. Determine the time required to lower the
water surface in the tank from elevation 2.4 to 1.5 m.

Figure 2. Flow from a wedge shaped open tank

Length of the tank Lt = 4.5 m
Pipe length = L = 3m
Pipe diameter = D = 7.5 cm = 0.075 m
Entrance lose coefficient = Ke = 0.50
Bend loss coefficient = Ks = 0.20
Pipe friction factor, f = f = 0.018
First, water level = z1 = 2.4 m
z2 = 1.5 m

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Find: Time required to lower water level in the tank from 2.4 (z1) to 1.5 m (z2) = ?
As d Z
t= ∫
Q i - Qo
- Assume Qi = 0
- Express Qo as a function of Z
- Express As a function of Z

So to express Qo as a function of Z, apply energy equation (Bernoulli’s theorem equation) from

water surface in the tank to get discharge at end of pipe (existing pipe) as follows:

ps Vs2 pi Vi2
+ zs + - [extra head loss + bend head loss + frictional head loss] = + zi +
ɣ 2g ɣ 2g

Vi = V = velocity of flow in pipe

𝑉2 𝑉2 3 𝑉2
0 + 𝑍 + 0 − [0.5 + 0.2 + 0.018 ( ) ]
2𝑔 2𝑔 0.075 2𝑔
= 0 + 0 + 2𝑔
𝑉2 𝑉2 𝑉2
Z - 1.42 2𝑔 = 2𝑔  Z = (1.42 + 1) 2𝑔
𝑉2 2g
= Z/2.42 or V = √2.42 √z = 2.847 Z1/2 or V = 2.847 Z1/2

π 𝐷2 π 0.0752
Qo = A V = V= (2.847 Z1/2 )
4 4

Qo = 1.258 x 10-2 Z1/2

Now express As as a function of Z as follows:

As = Lt x b = 4.5 b ∵ Lt = 4.5 m
Looking at Fig. 2, for similar triangle:
b/Z = 1.8/3  b = 0.6 Z
b = 0.6 Z
As = 4.5 x 0.6 Z = 2.7 Z
As = 2.7 Z

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z2 A s d Z
Now apply Eq; t = ∫z1 Qi - Qo

2.7 Z
t= ∫ dz
0 - 1.258 × 10-2 × Z 1/2
2 3/2 1.5
t = -214.63 ∫ 𝑍 dz = - 214.63 [ Z ]
3 2.4
t = -214.63 [ {(1.5)3/2 - (2.4)3/2 }]
= -214.63 ( - 1.25396) = 269.1 sec ≅ 269 sec
t = 269 sec


Energy Equation for Unsteady Flow in Pipes

Consider a cylindrical fluid element in a pipe as shown in Figure 1 given below. For unsteady flow
condition, apply  F = ma to the cylindrical fluid element and get:
F1 – F2 – dWCos - 0 As = ma

Figure 1: Forces acting on a cylindrical fluid element in the pipe

dz dV dV
p d A − (p + dp)d A − ρ g d A d S ( ) − τo (2 π ro )ds = ρ ds dA (V + )
ds ds dt
Here, d W Cos θ = ρ g d A d S (ds) see Fig. 1
As = 2  ro ds

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dV dV
(V + ) ← acceleration at a particular point on the streamline at a particular
ds dt
Instant of time under unsteady flow condition
Now put dA =  ro2 in Eq. (1) and divide Eq. (1) by -   ro2 and get
p π ro2 p π ro2 d p π ro2 ρ g π ro2 ds dz
− − − ( )
−ρ π ro2 −ρ π ro2 −ρ π ro2 − ρ π ro2 ds
− 𝜏𝑜 (2 𝜋 𝑟𝑜 ) 𝑑𝑠 𝜌 𝑑𝑠 𝜋 𝑟𝑜2 dv dV
= (V + )
−𝜌 𝜋 𝑟𝑜2 −𝜌 𝜋 𝑟𝑜2 ds dt
dp 2 τo ds dV dV
+ +gdz+ = −ds (V + )
ρ ρ ro ds dt
dp dV − 2 τo ds
+ V d V + g d z + ds =
ρ dt ρ ro
Now divide above equation by ‘g’ and put VdV = ½ d (V ) in the above equation and get:

dp 1 𝑑𝑉 2 ds dv − 2 τo ds
+2 +dz+ = Eq. (2)
γ 𝑔 g dt γ ro
Integrate Eq. (2) from Section 1 to Section 2 considering the distance between sections (1) and (2)
equal to L and get:
p2 p1 V22 V12 L dV − 2 τo ds
− + − + Z2 − Z1 + =
γ γ 2g 2g g dt γ ro
p1 V12 p2 V22 L dV − 2 τo L
− − − 𝑍1 + + + Z2 + =
γ 2g γ 2g g dt γro
p1 V12 p2 V22 L dV − 2 τo L
−( + + 𝑍1 ) + ( + + Z2 ) + =
γ 2g γ 2g g dt γro
p1 V12 2 τo L p2 V22 L dV
−( + + 𝑍1 ) + = −( + + Z2 ) −
γ 2g γro γ 2g g dt
2 2
p1 V1 2 τo L p2 V2 L dV
− [( + + 𝑍1 ) − ] = − [( + + Z2 ) + ]
γ 2g γro γ 2g g dt
p1 V12 2 τo L p2 V22 L dV
( + + 𝑍1 ) − = ( + + Z2 ) +
γ 2g γro γ 2g g dt
2 τo L
= hL &
L dV
= acceleration head developed due to unsteady flow condition
g dt
Now above equation becomes:
p1 V12 p2 V22 L dV
( + + 𝑍1 ) − hL = ( + + Z2 ) +
γ 2g γ 2g g dt
Energy equation for unsteady flow of incompressible fluids in pipes.

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Example Problem
Consider the unsteady flow problem shown in the following figure:

Example Problem Figure

In the given problem flow rate is 0.1 m3/s where the centrifugal pump operated at the speed of
1650 rpm. Determine the flow rate as a function of time when pump speed is increased to 2000
rpm. Assume that head developed by the pump is proportional the square of the pump speed i.e.

increased pump head (ℎ𝑝𝑖𝑛 ) increased pump speed (𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑛 ) 2

=[ ]
original pump head (ℎ𝑝𝑜𝑟 ) original pump speed (ps𝑜𝑟 )

Apply unsteady flow energy equation as follows:
(From water surface in tank to jet at discharge):
p𝑠 Vs2 p𝑗 Vj2 L1 dV1 L2 dV2
+ + 𝑍𝑠 − ℎ𝐿 + ℎ𝑝 = + + 𝑍𝑗 + +
γ 2g γ 2g g dt g dt
V12 L1 V12 L2 V22 V22 L1 dV1 L2 dV2
(𝑍𝑠 − 𝑍𝑖 ) − [0.5 + 𝑓1 + 𝑓2 ] + ℎ𝑝 = + +
2g D1 2g D2 2g 2g g dt g dt
V12 L1 V12 L2 V22 V22 L1 dV1 L2 dV2
15 − 0.5 − 𝑓1 − 𝑓2 + ℎ𝑝 = + +
2g D1 2g D2 2g 2g g dt g dt
L1 dV1 L dV
= 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑖𝑝𝑒 1 and g2 dt2 = 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑖𝑝𝑒 2
g dt
Now from continuity;
A2 V2 0.15 2
V1 = = ( ) V2 = 0.36 V2
A1 0.25

V1 = 0.36 V2
Differentiating both sides,

dV1 dV2
= 0.36
dt dt

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Put V1 = 0.36 V2 & dV1/dt = 0.36 dV2/dt in Eq. (1) and get

(0.36 𝑉2 )2 60 (0.36 𝑉2 )2 225 V22

15 − 0.5 − 0.030 ( ) + ℎ𝑝 − 0.020 ( )
2𝑔 0.25 2𝑔 0.15 2g
V22 60 𝑑𝑉2 225 𝑑𝑉2
= + (0.36) +
2g g dt g dt
0.0648 V22 V22 V22 V22 21.60 d V2 225 dV2
15 − − 0.09331 + hp − 30 − = +
2g 2g 2g 2g g dt g dt
V22 246.6 d V2
15 − (0.0648 + 0.9331 + 30 + 1) + hp =
2g g dt
V22 246.6 d V2
15 − 32 + hp = Eq. (2)
2g g dt
Now consider original steady flow conditions i.e., dV/dt = 0 and from continuity get
Q 0.1 0.1 0.1
V2 = = π D2 = π (0.15)2 = = 5.66 m/s
A2 2 0.01767
4 4
Put V2 = 5.66 m/s & dV2/dt = 0 in Eq. 2 and get
15 − 32 + hp = 0 ⟹ 15 − 52.25 + hp = 0
2 x 9.81
hp = 52.25 – 15 = 37.25 m
hp = 37.25 m
increased pump head (ℎ𝑝𝑖𝑛 ) increased pump speed (𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑛 ) 2
= [ original pump speed (ps ]
original pump head (ℎ𝑝𝑜𝑟 ) 𝑜𝑟 )
𝑝𝑠 2
Increased pump head (hin) = (ps 𝑖𝑛 ) ℎ𝑝𝑜𝑟
2000 2
hpin = ( ) 37.25 = 54.73 m
hpin = 54.73 m
For continuity we get
V2 =
= = 56.59 𝑄
A2 0.01767
V2 = 56.59 Q &
dV2 dQ
= 56.59
dt dt
dV2 dQ
Put V2 = 56.59 Q , = 56.59 and hp = hpin = 54.73 m with Eq. (2) and get
dt dt
(56.69Q)2 246.6 dQ
15 − 32 + 54.73 = (56.59 )
2 x 9.81 g dt
32 (56.59 Q)2 246.6 dQ
15 + 54.73 − = (56.59 )
2g g dt

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69.73 = 5223.54 Q2 + 1422.54 dt
69.73 = 5222.54 Q2 + 1422.54 dt
69.73 – 5223.54 Q = 1422.54 dt

dt (69.73 – 5223.54 Q2) = 1422.54 dQ

dt = 1422.54 69.73 – 5223.54 Q2
Now integrate above equation and get
𝑡 𝑄
∫ 𝑑𝑡 = 1422.54 ∫ 2
0 0.1 [69.73 − 5223.54 𝑄 ]
1422.54 Q dQ
t = ∫
5223.54 0.1 0.01335 − Q2
t = 0.27233 ∫ 2 2
0.1 (0.1155) − Q
General formula,
dx 1 a+x
∵ ∫ = ln
a2 − x 2 2a a − x

0.27233 0.1155 + Q Q
t= (|ln | )
2 × 0.1155 0.1155 − Q 0.1
0.1155 + Q 0.1155 + 0.1
= 1.17883 (|ln − ln |)
0.1155 − Q 0.1155 − 0.1
0.1155 + Q
t = 1.17883 ln − 3.103
0.1155 − Q
0.1155 + Q
t + 3.103 = 1.17833 ln
0.1155 − Q
t 3.103 0.1155 + Q
+ = ln
1.17883 1.17883 0.1155 − Q
0.1155 + Q
0.848 t + 2.63 = ln
0.1155 − Q
Take antilog on both sides of above equation and get
0.1155 + Q
e0.848 t+2.63 =
0.1155 − Q
e0.848 t+2.63 (0.1155 − Q) = 0.1155 + Q
0.1155 e0.848 t+2.63 − Q e0.848 t+2.63 = 0.1155 + Q
0.1155 e0.848 t+2.63 − 0.1155 = Q e0.848 t+2.63 + Q
0.1155 (e0.848 t+2.63 − 1) = Q (e0.848 t+2.63 + 1)

e0.848 t+2.63 −1
𝑄 = 0.1155 [e0.848 t+2.63 +1] required flow rate as a function time (t)

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What you will learn?

Understand the phenomenon of water hammer and parameters

Water hammer can have important consequences on water system and need to be
understood in order to avoid serious damage to the pipe network.

Water Hammer Phenomenon

The phenomenon of sudden rise of pressure due to closing of valve and subsequent
propagation of pressure wave or surge along the pipe causing noise (knocking sound) is
known as water hammer or hammer blow. The rise of pressure may be very large which
may even cause the pipe to burst. Water hammer phenomenon must be considered
in the design of pipe system to avoid any damages to pipe system. OR

Water hammer is a pressure surge or wave caused when water in motion is forced to stop
by closing a valve installed at the end of a pipeline system. The pressure wave
propagates in the pipe. It is also called hydraulic shock. This pressure wave can cause
major problems including noise, vibration and pipe collapse. It is possible to reduce the
effects of the water hammer pulses with accumulators, expansion tanks, surge tanks, and
other measures.

The magnitude of pressure rise (water hammer pressure rise) depends on the speed of
valve closure, velocity of flow, length of the pipe and elastic properties of the pipe material
and flowing fluid.

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Pictorial view of Water Hammer Phenomenon

Effects of Water Hammer:

• Damage to pipes, fittings and valves or any connected equipment causing leaks and
shortening the life of the system
• Bursting of pipes occurs when the pressure is very high
• Water hammer can have damaging effects on pump system


As water hammer can cause severe problems in the pipe system if not properly
designed, at the time of designing of the system potential water hammer problems
should be considered for complete analysis. Also, proper methods or devices need to
be used to make sure that system will function properly and the effect of water hammer
will be reduced.

Water Hammer Analysis

Velocity of Pressure or Sonic Wave (Celerity) in Pipes (C):

The sonic velocity or celerity is also the speed at which the pressure wave generated by
water hammer travels in the pipe.

The velocity of pressure wave in pipes considering the stiffness

(rigidity/inflexibility/hardness) of the flowing fluid and the pipe wall (pipe material) is
determined by the following formula:


C = Velocity of pressure wave (m/s)

K = Bulk modulus (volume modulus of elasticity) of flowing fluid (N/m 2 : Pa)
E = Young’s Modulus (modulus of elasticity of pipe material) (N/m 2 : Pa)
e = Pipe wall thickness (m)
ρ = density of water (kg/m3)

E values:

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Steel: 207 X 106 kN/m2
Cast iron: 103 X 106 kN/m2
Concrete: 20.7 X 106 kN/m2
Typical value of Bulk modulus of water (K= Ev) is 2.07 X 106 kN/m2
Velocity of pressure wave in very stiff (rigid) pipes could be calculated by:

Cr = √K/ρ

Using typical value of K (=2.07 X 106 kN/m2) and ρ (= 1000 kg/m3) of water and above
formula we get:

Cr ~ 1440 m/s

For normal pipe dimensions the velocity of a pressure wave (C) in a water pipe generally
ranges from 600 to 1200 m/s but it will always be less than 1440 m/s, the velocity of a
pressure wave in water.

Determination of water hammer pressure

Round-trip time of pressure wave (reflection time)-Tr is the time taken by the wave
to travel from the valve to inlet (reservoir) and back again from inlet to the valve. T r is
given by:

Tr = 2L/C

Time of valve closure- tc is the time taken to close the valve.

Water hammer is determined considering the following three types of valve closure:

1. Instantaneous closure of valve (tc= 0)

2. Rapid closure of valve (tc< Tr)
3. Slow closure of valve (tc > Tr)

Instantaneous closure of valve (t c= 0)

The pressure surge in the water hammer (water hammer pressure) is directly proportional
to the water velocity, the velocity of the pressure wave and the density of the water. In
case of instantaneous closure of valve, water hammer pressure can be determined by
the following expression:

ph-in = ρCV


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ph-in = pressure surge/water hammer pressure (Pa) for instantaneous closure of valve
ρ = density of water (kg/m3)
C = velocity of pressure wave (m/s)
The velocity of pressure wave depends on the Young's modulus of the pipe, the bulk
modulus of water, the wall thickness and diameter of the pipe as mentioned above also.

Rapid closure of valve (tc< Tr)

In case of rapid closure of valve, water hammer pressure can also be determined by the
following expression:

ph-r = ρCV


ph-r = pressure surge/water hammer pressure (Pa) for rapid closure of valve
ρ = density of water (kg/m3)
C = velocity of pressure wave (m/s)

Slow closure of valve (tc > Tr)

In case of slow closure of valve, water hammer pressure can be determined by the
following expression:

ph-s = 2Lph-r/C tc = (2 LV ρ)/tc


ph-s = pressure surge/water hammer pressure (Pa) for slow closure of valve
ph-r = pressure surge/water hammer pressure (Pa) for rapid closure of valve
ρ = density of water (kg/m3)
C = velocity of pressure wave (m/s)
L = pipe length (m)
V = velocity of flow (m/s)

Example Problem

A reservoir is connected to a pipe line at the upstream end. At the end of the pipe there
is a valve. Under standard operating conditions, the water flows from the reservoir to the
pipe and is discharged through the control valve into a collection reservoir. The pipeline
is built with 45 cm diameter cast iron pipe having 15 cm wall thickness. The length of the
pipe is 3,120 m. The steady flow rate is Q = 0.1723 m3/s. What will be the pressure surge
in the line? (a) If the valve is closed in 2.5s, and (b) if the valve is closed in 5s? (c) if the

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the initial pressure in the pipe is 200 kN/m 2 what will be the maxium pressure in the pipe
due to water hammer effect if the valve is closed in 5 s? Assume the initial pressure of
200 kN/m2 and use K (Ev) = 2.0 x 109 N/m2 and for cast iron pipe, E = 103 x 106 kN/m2.
Following Figure shows a schematic of the problem.


To determine the change in pressure, wave celerity (velocity of pressure wave) and time
of round-trip of wave (wave reflection time; Tr ) must first be determined.

The wave celerity (C) is a function of the, pipe diameter, thickness of pipe wall, density of
flowing water, modulus of elastic of the pipe, bulk modulus of elasticity of fluid. The celerity
is determined below using flowing formula:

C = [1/1000 (1/2X109 + 0.45/ 103 X 106 X 1000 X 0.15)]1/2 = 1374.74 m/s

To determine whether the valve closure is rapid or slow, determine T r by the expression
given below.

Tr = 2𝐿/C = (2x3120)/1374.74 = 4.54s

As tc = 2.5 s < Tr = 4.53 s so valve closure is considered rapid. Therefore, determine the
pressure change created due to water hammer (water hammer pressure) by following

ph-r = ρCV

To find the velocity, flow rate must be divided by the cross sectional area of the pipe.

𝐴=𝜋𝑟2 = 𝜋 (0.225)2 = 0.16 m2

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V = Q/A = 0.1723/0.16 =1.08 m/s

(a) ph-r = ρCV = 1000x1374.74x1.08 = 1484719.2 N/m 2 or 1484.72 kN/m2

(b) As tc (=5s) is greater than Tr (=4.54 s), so the valve closure is considered slow.
Determine the water hammer pressure by the following formula.

ph-s = (2 LV ρ)/tc = 2X3120X1.08X1000/5= 1347840 N/m2 or 1347.84 kN/m2

(c) The maximum pressure that will occur in the pipe is the original pressure within the
pipe plus the change in pressure (ph), as shown by following equation.

pmax = po + ph


pmax = maximum pressure,

po = initial pressure
ph = change in pressure (water hammer pressure)


pmax = po + ph-s = 200 + 1347.84 = 1547.84 kN/m2


Definition of a surge tank:

A surge tank (or surge drum or surge chamber) generally used for hydroelectric
power plants is an additional storage space or reservoir fitted between the main water
storage reservoir and the power house (as close to the power house as possible). Surge
tanks are generally provided under the conditions when there is a considerable distance
between the water source and the power plant, necessitating a long penstock.

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Functions of a surge tank:

The main functions of a surge tank are:

1. To absorb sudden rises of pressure. When the load on turbine decreases (need for
water decreases), the water moves backwards and gets stored in the surge tank.

2. To provide additional water supply under the situation of high demand for water.
When the load on turbine increases, additional supply of water will be provided by
the surge tank.

Operation of a surge tank:

Consider a pipe containing a flowing fluid. When a valve is either fully or partially closed
at some point downstream, the fluid will continue to flow at the original velocity. In order
to counteract the momentum of the fluid, the pressure will rise significantly (pressure
surge) just upstream of the control valve and may result in damage to the pipe system. If
a surge chamber is connected to the pipeline just upstream of the valve, on valve
closure, the fluid, instead of being stopped suddenly by the valve, will flow upwards
into the chamber, hence reducing the surge pressures experienced in the pipeline.

Upon closure of the valve, the fluid continues to flow, passing into the surge tank causing
the water level in the tank to rise. The level in the tank will continue to rise until the
additional head due to the height of fluid in the tank balances the surge pressure in the

Types of surge tanks

There are four main types of surge tanks mentioned below.

1. Simple Surge Tank: Vertical standpipe that supplies water to turbine generator.
The simple surge tank is often adequate for low heads, but under high heads some
modifications to improve the damping action and minimize cost are desirable.

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2. Restricted orifice surge tank: it consists of an orifice between pipeline and surge
tank. If the water overflows it should enter into the surge tank through this orifice.
Because of small diameter frictional losses will developed and excess pressure in
main pipe line is destroyed.

3. Inclined Surge Tank: (not commonly used) It is used when there is a limit in the
height of the tank.

4. Gallery type surge tank: has expansion on top and bottom to reduce extreme

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