Annex 9 - FEI post-EHV-1 Return To Competition By-Laws - 9 April 2021

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FEI Post-EHV-1 Return to Competition By-Laws

(Effective for all FEI Events held in mainland Europe (as per the list of countries set out at
Appendix 2) as of 12 April 2021.)

The FEI Post-EHV-1 Return to Competition By-Laws (“EHV-1 By-Laws”) are intended to protect
FEI Horses and global equestrian sports from the consequences of infectious diseases being
transmitted before, during and after FEI Events.

The EHV-1 By-Laws are issued according to the FEI Board Decision of 30 March 2021 and apply
to all FEI Events in mainland Europe held under FEI jurisdiction as of 12 April 2021. Except where
indicated otherwise, these EHV-1 By-Laws shall remain in effect until 30 May 2021. This deadline
may be extended by the FEI based on an assessment of the EHV-1 situation. The Critical
Measures/Requirements for a Safe Return to Competition in mainland Europe post-EHV-1 (12
April onwards) published on 30 March 2021 and included as Appendix I shall form an integral
part of the EHV-1 By-Laws. The FEI Board has mandated FEI Headquarters to make updates to
these EHV-1 By-Laws as and when necessary as the situation in relation to EHV-1 evolves and
measures are identified.

Note: Capitalised terms either refer to the existing definitions in the FEI General Regulations
(“GRs”), FEI Veterinary Regulations (“VRs”) or to the definition provided in these By-Laws.


Article 1 - Objectives of the By-Laws .......................................................................... 2

Article 2 - Persons bound by the Policy ...................................................................... 2
Article 3 - FEI Jurisdiction (this article shall remain in effect beyond 30 May 2021) .. 3
Article 4 - Sanctions ................................................................................................... 6
Article 5 - EHV-1 By-Laws and Domestic Legislation .................................................. 7
Appendix I - Critical Measures/Requirements for a Safe Return to
Competition in Mainland Europe Post-EHV-1 (12 April onwards)................................ 8
Appendix 2 – List of Countries .................................................................................. 22

© FEI – 9 April 2021

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Article 1 - Objectives of the By-Laws

1.1. The EHV-1 By-Laws are intended to:

a) Protect FEI Horses and global equestrian sports from the consequences of
infectious diseases being transmitted before, during and after FEI Events.

b) Provide reassurance of the high health of equestrian sport Horses to global,

continental and national veterinary authorities and organisations in order to
maintain and further improve the conditions for international movement of
such horses.

1.2. The short term objective is to minimise the risks for a restart of FEI Competitions
and FEI Events in mainland Europe after the EHV-1 outbreaks.

1.3. The long term objective is to increase biosecurity knowledge, skills and awareness
among all FEI stakeholders.

Article 2 - Persons bound by the Policy

2.1 All National Federations (“NFs”), Organising Committees (“OCs”), Officials, Horse
Owners, Persons Responsible, Athletes, team officials, Veterinarians and other
individuals and bodies involved in FEI Events shall comply with, and are bound by
the EHV-1 By-Laws and any EHV related requirements and/or restrictions imposed
by the FEI. In addition, by virtue of accepting an accreditation to an FEI Event,
such person agrees to be bound by the EHV-1 By-Laws.

2.2 In addition, NFs, OCs and FEI Officials have the following responsibilities:

2.2.1 NFs:

a) Communicate these EHV-1 By-Laws to the OCs under their jurisdiction.

b) Ensure that all OCs under their jurisdiction develop a biosecurity plan and
mitigation plan for outbreaks of infectious disease in accordance with these
EHV-1 By-Laws and FEI Rules and Regulations for any FEI Event/Competition
they intend to hold.

c) Assist the OCs in this task if required.

d) Facilitate the OCs’ interaction with the relevant domestic government and
health/veterinary authorities where appropriate.

2.2.2 OCs:

a) It is recommended that OCs consult the domestic health/veterinary

authorities in the biosecurity plan and mitigation plan for outbreaks of
infectious disease elaboration process where appropriate/needed.

b) Submit the biosecurity plan and mitigation plan for outbreaks of infectious
disease (including name and contact details of the person(s) in charge) to
the Veterinary Delegate (“VD”) no later than one week before the event. For
Events with more than 400 Horses stabled overnight, the biosecurity
measures must be signed off one week in advance of Horse arrivals.

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c) Communicate the biosecurity plan and mitigation plan for outbreaks of
infectious disease decided to the FEI Officials appointed for the Event
(Foreign Judge/President Ground Jury/Technical Delegate/Chief
Steward/Veterinary Delegate)

d) Apply and enforce the mitigation measures identified for the Event.

e) In addition, apply and enforce any measure and requirement specified in the
EHV-1 By-Laws.

2.2.3. FEI Officials:

a) Know these EHV-1 By-Laws.

b) Understand and comply with mitigation measures for outbreaks of infectious

disease applying at the Events they are appointed to.

c) Within their respective functions, assist OCs with the measures implemented
under these EHV-1 By-Laws.

d) Provide any relevant feedback to the FEI in their respective reports or as

directed by the FEI.
e) Report any suspected case of EHV-1 to the FEI Veterinary Department

2.2.4. FEI:
a) Ensure that OCs have completed their biosecurity plan and mitigation plan
for outbreaks of infectious disease in accordance with these EHV-1 By-Laws
and FEI Rules and Regulations.
b) Take the necessary measures in case of a Horse or Horses test(s) positive
for EHV-1 and/or in case of further EHV-1 outbreak(s).
c) May, at its sole discretion, sanction and/or open a disciplinary case against
a person or persons not complying with the EHV-1 By-Laws.

Article 3 - FEI Jurisdiction (this article shall remain in effect beyond 30 May 2021)

3.1 FEI Secretary General cancellation

3.1.1 Notwithstanding art. 109.12 of the FEI General Regulations, the FEI Secretary
General shall have the authority to cancel an Event, including an Event that is in
progress, with immediate effect, if:

- an EHV-1 outbreak has occurred at the Event; or

- there is one or more suspected cases of EHV-1 on site; or
- based on veterinary/epidemiological advice, cancelling the Event is
necessary to prevent an EHV-1 outbreak occurring.
3.1.2 The Decision of the FEI Secretary General shall be final and not subject to appeal.

3.1.3 Upon the cancellation of the Event, the FEI Officials on site and the OC must:

- ensure that all Competition related activity (training sessions, warm ups,
schooling, etc.) is also stopped immediately; and

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- immediately start to apply the measures set out in the Biosecurity
Contingency Plan and/or instructions from the FEI or relevant
health/veterinary authorities.

3.2 Removal of an Event from the FEI Calendar

In accordance with art. 112.3 of the FEI General Regulations, the FEI Secretary
General shall have the authority to remove any Competition and/or Event from
the FEI Calendar if justified circumstances relating to a Competition or the Event
are established. The non-compliance of an OC’s biosecurity plan and/or mitigation
plan for outbreaks of infectious disease with these EHV-1 By-Laws and/or any
other non-compliance with these EHV-1 By-Laws shall be considered as justified
circumstances for the purpose of art. 112.3 of the FEI General Regulations.

Before removing the Event from the FEI Calendar, the FEI may, in its sole
discretion, provide an OC with an opportunity to make the necessary and required
changes to the biosecurity plan and/or mitigation plan in order to be compliant
with these EHV-1 By-Laws, such changes to be approved by the FEI and made
within the deadline set by the FEI.

3.3 Increased FEI Jurisdiction

Where an Event has been cancelled or removed from the FEI Calendar pursuant
to articles 3.1 and 3.2 above or where the FEI declares an EHV-1 outbreak while
an FEI Event is still ongoing or has ended, the FEI shall have the following
increased jurisdiction:

3.3.1 Horses

For all Horses still on site at the Venue or have been onsite within 14 days of the
first case being identified (or within 21 days if there are justified circumstances as
identified and decided by FEI):

(i) Requirements for Horses that are still onsite, the following shall apply:

o Mandatory compliance with all biosecurity measures imposed by the

domestic veterinary authorities, the FEI and/or the FEI Officials on site.
o Any Horse that has:
 tested positive for EHV-1;
 shows (or has shown) symptoms of EHV-1 on site (even if it has
returned a negative test);
 been deemed by the FEI or the domestic veterinary authorities as
being “in contact” with a Horse that has tested positive for EHV-1
or a Horse that is showing (or has shown) symptoms of EHV-1
while on site will be blocked in the FEI database.

In addition to keeping the Horse(s) isolated and taking twice-daily

rectal temperatures, a negative PCR test result taken after day 21
must be provided to the FEI Veterinary Department before

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Horse(s) will be unblocked and eligible to compete again in FEI
Events. If the test generates a positive result, the Horse must
remain in isolation for an additional 7 days and be re-tested. This
procedure is in accordance with the FEI Veterinary Regulations,
Article 1029.7.

o No Horse is permitted to leave the venue (including any

satellite stables) unless and until it has been deemed fit to
travel by the relevant domestic veterinary authorities and has
received the relevant health certificates.

o When the Horse is cleared to leave the venue, the Horses’ GPS coordinates
identifying their location must be submitted to the FEI via the FEI HorseApp as
follows: all location where the Horse stops, meaning the departure point, any
stop-over points and arrival location. In addition when the Horse is moved from
the destination stable to another location, this should also be reported via the

(ii) Requirements for Horses that had already left the venue prior to the an
EHV-1 case identified:

o Horses’ GPS coordinates identifying their location must be submitted

to the FEI via the FEI HorseApp as follows: all location where the
Horse stops, meaning the departure point, any stop-over points and
arrival location. In addition when the Horse is moved from the
destination stable to another location, this should also be reported via
the HorseApp.
o The FEI Veterinary Department must be informed immediately if any
 Tests positive for EHV-1; or
 Shows (or has shown) symptoms of EHV-1 (even if it has
returned a negative test).
o Any Horse that has:
 tested positive for EHV-1;
 shows (or has shown symptoms) of EHV-1 on site (even if it has
returned a negative test);
 been deemed by the FEI or the relevant veterinary authorities as
being “in contact” with a Horse that has tested positive for EHV-
1 or a Horse that is showing (or has shown) symptoms of EHV-1
while on site will be blocked in the FEI database.

In addition to keeping the Horse(s) isolated and taking twice-daily

rectal temperatures, a negative PCR test result taken after day
21 must be provided to the FEI Veterinary Department before
Horse(s) will be unblocked and eligible to compete again in FEI
Events. If the test generates a positive result, the Horse must

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remain in isolation for an additional 7 days and be re-tested. This
procedure is in accordance with the FEI Veterinary Regulations,
Article 1029.7.

The FEI may, in its sole discretion, consider and accept more technically
advanced/certified testing and requirements

Failure by a PR, Horse Owner and/or Support Personnel to comply with any of the
above requirements may result in the imposition of disciplinary sanctions including
the immediate suspension of the Horse and PR from all Competitions for a fixed
period of time.

3.3.2 FEI Officials

Notwithstanding the cancellation of an Event and its related period of jurisdiction,

the FEI Officials on site (and any other FEI Officials that the FEI may appoint to
assist with containing the outbreak) shall continue to have the authority to act as
FEI Officials and represent the FEI onsite until such time as the FEI deems that
their presence is no longer required.

3.3.3 OCs

OCs must act in accordance with the instructions of the FEI Officials and/or FEI
Headquarters and/or the relevant domestic animal health authorities in relation to
the implementation of biosecurity measures.

3.4 Miscellaneous

For the purpose of these Return to Competition Bylaws “on site” shall mean venue
where the Event is taking place and includes any satellite venues/stables/warm-
up arenas where Horses have been training or stabled in connection with the

Article 4 - Sanctions

4.1 Anyone refusing to comply or not complying fully with the biosecurity plan and
mitigation plan for outbreaks of infectious disease put into place by OCs under
these EHV-1 By-Laws may be asked to leave the venue.

4.2 Events for which the FEI (either directly or through the Veterinary Delegate where
applicable) has not received the documented biosecurity plan and mitigation plan
for outbreaks of infectious disease (and/or the biosecurity plan and mitigation plan
do not comply with these EHV-1 By-Laws) may be removed from the FEI Calendar
in accordance with Article 112.3 of the FEI General Regulations.

4.3 The FEI may, at its sole discretion, sanction and/or open a disciplinary case against
any OC, Athlete, FEI Official, Horse Owner, Support Personnel and/or any person
or body for any alleged breach of these EHV-1 By-Laws in accordance with Chapter
VIII (Legal System) of the FEI General Regulations.

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Article 5 - EHV-1 By-Laws and Domestic Legislation

5.1 All measures under the EHV-1 By-Laws must take into account and comply with
the applicable legislation and policies from the domestic government and
health/veterinary authorities.

5.2 These EHV-1 By-Laws are not intended to supersede the applicable legislation and
policies from the domestic government and health/veterinary authorities. They are
meant to supplement them with sport specific considerations in order to ensure
that appropriate levels of precautions are taken prior, during and after all FEI
Events that are subject to the EHV-1 By-Laws.

5.3 Should there be any disputes about the interpretation of any provision of these
EHV-1 By-Laws and/or the measures set out in Appendix 1, the interpretation
given by FEI Headquarters shall prevail.

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Appendix I - Critical Measures/Requirements for a Safe Return to Competition in Mainland Europe Post-EHV-1 (12 April onwards)


Overall objectives

- To protect FEI horses and global equestrian sports from the consequences of infectious diseases being transmitted before, during and after
FEI Events.

- To provide reassurance of the high health of equestrian sport horses to global, continental and national veterinary authorities and
organisations in order to maintain and further improve the conditions for international movement of such horses.

Short term objective - Minimise the risks for a restart of FEI competitions in mainland Europe after the EHV-1 outbreaks.

Long term objective - Increase biosecurity knowledge, skills and awareness among all FEI stakeholders.

Temporary Provisions – The measures include a series of temporary provisions, which will remain in place until 30 May 2021, providing a
science-based safety margin to allow for monitoring of any further related outbreaks. This date can be extended if required and advance notice
will be provided to the community.

Number of Horses – The number of horses referred to in the below measures will be based on the maximum numbers as per the 2021 schedule
for these specific events. If that is not available, the 2019 entry figures will be used. The Organiser will also be required to advise the FEI if there
will be other competitions or non-competing horses onsite, as the overall number will include non-FEI horses.

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Responsible Party
Measure(s) Rule(s) Control(s)
Athlete OC Other


EVENT BIOSECURITY PLAN VRs By Veterinary Delegate (VD) X

one week in advance of event.
In accordance with the FEI Veterinary Regulations (VRs) all
Spot checks by FEI Veterinary
events are already mandated to have a biosecurity plan and a
mitigation plan for outbreaks of infectious disease. OCs must
submit these document to the VD no later than one week
before the event.

SIGN-OFF ON BIOSECURITY MEASURES Temporary This sign-off is done by a listed X NHV/NF

provision independent veterinarian. The
For events with more than 400 horses stabled overnight the
National Head Veterinarian
biosecurity measures must be signed off one week in advance
(NHV) approves the list of
of horse arrivals. A biosecurity checklist will be provided based
these veterinarians.
on FEI Regulations and temporary provisions.
The National Federation (NF)
appoints the veterinarian for
each event. The listed
veterinarian reports to FEI
Veterinary Department.

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Responsible Party
Measure(s) Rule(s) Control(s)
Athlete OC Other

STABLING Temporary X
• All stabling must have good ventilation.
• The aisles must have one-way systems so horses do not
meet nose-to-nose.
• Grooming/saddling in the aisle area prohibited.
• Horses from the same transport to be stabled together.
• Recommendation that vaccinated horses should be
stabled separately from unvaccinated horses. (If a
transport includes vaccinated and unvaccinated horses,
they must be stabled in the unvaccinated area.)
Options for indoor/under the same roof stabling:

1. Not more than 100 horses stabled overnight in a shared

airspace. Recommendation: at least 2.4m high box walls
between horses of different athletes, or alternatively one
empty box/tack box between horses of different athletes.

2. Not more than 200 horses stabled overnight sharing the

same airspace. Boxes must be grouped in units of up to 16
boxes. Minimum six-metre distance in all directions between
each unit of 16 boxes.

Maps of where each athlete’s horses are to be stabled must be VRs The maps must be made X
produced before the arrival of the first horses. Updated map to available to the VD before the
be provided once the horses have arrived if any changes were start of the event as printouts
made to the original stable plan. and digital photos/PDF.
Updated versions to be
provided if changes to original

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Responsible Party
Measure(s) Rule(s) Control(s)
Athlete OC Other

Implementation of FEI best practice on cleaning and VRs Activity record to be kept and X
disinfection of stables in accordance with Article 1017 of the controlled by the VD.
FEI VRs. Designated responsible person within the OC.

All boxes must be sealed after cleaning and disinfection. Temporary X


Mandatory handwashing/hand disinfection at entry/exit points VRs X

of stables.

Disinfection spray at key points throughout venue (entry Temporary X

points, stables) provision


of VRs
The isolation/quarantine area must not be in the same stabling
area or same airspace as non-isolated horses. It must be
separated by at least 50 metres from any flow of horses,
whether indoors or outdoors.

Temporary X
The Veterinary Services Manager (VSM) to appoint a
Veterinarian in charge of the isolation stables and advise the

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Responsible Party
Measure(s) Rule(s) Control(s)
Athlete OC Other

Disposable boot covers and disposable or washable coveralls, Temporary X X X

warm water, liquid soap, paper towels, hand sanitiser, etc provision
placed at the entry/exit. Protective gear must be used within
each isolation unit and changed between groups of horses
within the unit and removed prior to leaving isolation stables.
(“Groups” are horses from the same transport.)

Anyone working in the isolation stables (veterinarians, grooms X X X
of VRs
etc) must not enter any other stabling area without full
cleaning and disinfection process.

No unauthorised personnel and no animals (other than the Clarification X

isolated horses) in or near the isolation stables. of VRs

Onsite isolation: minimum two individual boxes per 100 horses. VRs X

Provision for isolation overflow site to ensure that if horses Temporary X

transported together need to be isolated at the same time after provision
the examination on arrival, there is sufficient capacity. Pre-
approved external location may be used within 10 km:

- Two separate units of four boxes as a minimum for any event

with overnight stabling.

- For events with more than 400 horses there must be a

minimum of four separate units of four boxes.

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Responsible Party
Measure(s) Rule(s) Control(s)
Athlete OC Other


EADCMP testing to take place in each horse’s box.

The Testing Veterinarian must wear protective clothing (overall

etc) and change this between horses.

Veterinary treatment may take place in the horse’s own box Temporary VD, FEI
but only under supervision of the VD or an FEI official assigned provision Officials
by the VD.

Should treatment boxes/an onsite clinic be used there must be VRs To be controlled by VD X VD
a cleaning and disinfection protocol between horses and
records kept of the process.


Ensure there are no common water troughs or that the hose

etc. not touch buckets. (Grooms may bring their own hoses if
travelling with multiple horses, but these must not be shared
with others.)

Handwashing facilities (with soap/gel, paper towels and VRs X

disposal unit) clearly signposted.

Mandatory handwashing/hand disinfection at entry/exit points VRs X

of stables

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Responsible Party
Measure(s) Rule(s) Control(s)
Athlete OC Other

Readily available disinfection points for spraying equipment, Temporary X

footwear etc. provision


Mandatory negative PCR test for EHV-1 for events/shows with Temporary X
more than 400 horses of any category and overnight stabling. provision

Mandatory negative PCR test for EHV-1 for all horses prior to Temporary X
being transported by plane to all FEI Events. provision

The sample must be taken no earlier than 120* hours before Temporary X
arrival at the event. *This has been changed from the originally provision
published 96 to 120 hours due to concerns about turnaround
time for getting test results back from laboratories.

Negative results to be uploaded to FEI HorseApp by the Temporary X

Athlete. provision

The horse must be sampled by a licensed veterinarian and the Temporary Presented at the Examination X
ID of the horse controlled at sampling, and added to the provision on Arrival on request.
referral of the sample. The FEI ID number of the horse and the
time and date of sampling must be indicated in the lab report.

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Responsible Party
Measure(s) Rule(s) Control(s)
Athlete OC Other

Results accepted only from an external laboratory listed by the Temporary FEI to provide a list of X FEI HQ
FEI. In-house veterinary clinic PCR results will not be accepted. provision laboratories

Athlete/groom to provide a signed FEI self-certification of Temporary X Athlete/

health status for all of their horses on the event venue, provision Groom
including mandatory temperature monitoring charts for the 10
days leading up to the event.

No entry to venue for horses that are not in compliance, nor Temporary X
their in-contacts, including horses travelling on the same provision
truck/transport. Recommendation: External stabling facility
(not isolation stables), within 50 kilometres, to be identified by
OC in advance.

Sanctions for non-compliance: Elimination from the event and Temporary Ground Jury Ground
non-compliant horses required to leave the venue. provision Jury, FEI
Disqualification of results. Possibility for further disciplinary HQ

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Responsible Party
Measure(s) Rule(s) Control(s)
Athlete OC Other


Option 1 Temporary X
Examination on Arrival takes place outside the secured
stable area and is planned to ensure that horses do not come
into close contact with others. Can be obtained by timing of
arrivals or ensure that a large area is used. External locations
may be used. (This does not apply for events where horses are
not stabled overnight.)

Responsible Party
Measure(s) Rule(s) Control(s)
Athlete OC Other

Option 2 Temporary FEI Vets FEI Vets
If no external area is available, horses can be unloaded from
transport and examination on arrival (including temperature
taking) conducted in the horse’s allocated stable in accordance
with separate horse arrival procedure flowchart.

Normal procedure: check for any other signs of infectious VRs VD or delegated by VD to VSM X VD, VSM
disease and equine influenza vaccinations, as already indicated organisation
by VRs.

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Responsible Party
Measure(s) Rule(s) Control(s)
Athlete OC Other

Horses with an elevated temperature (over 38.5C) to undergo VRs Scanning of microchip to X FEI Vets
a specific protocol in compliance with FEI VRs and flow chart. confirm ID. Horse’s
temperature entered in FEI
HorseApp by FEI Veterinarian
conducting exam.

Athlete/groom to provide a signed FEI self-certification of Temporary Presented on request to the X FEI Vets
health status for all of their horses on the event venue, provision FEI Veterinarian conducting
including mandatory temperature monitoring charts for the 10 exam.
days leading up to the event.

No entry to venue for horses that are not in compliance, nor Temporary X
their in-contacts, including the horses travelling on the same provision
truck/trucks (if group management). Recommendation:
External stabling facility (not isolation stables), within 50
kilometres, to be identified by OC in advance.

Sanctions for non-compliance on self-certification: Fine of CHF Ground

400 per horse. Jury, FEI

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Responsible Party
Measure(s) Rule(s) Control(s)
Athlete OC Other


TEMPERATURE TAKING VRs Spot checks to be carried out X FEI

at the request of the VD to Officials
Temperatures of horses to be taken twice daily
control compliance.
(morning/evening) by athlete/groom and recorded on a
clipboard displayed outside the stable of each horse using the
FEI temperature recording chart.

FEI Officials to check results twice daily.

Sanctions for non-compliance.

Spot checks can include EADCMP sampling outside the event Temporary FEI HQ,
period. provision Testing

PCR TESTING Temporary Sampling by VSM/treating X X

provision team. Sampling veterinarians
At events where competition takes place over consecutive
are paid by OC. Costs for
weeks with horses stabled in the same airspace, the horses
analysis borne by PR. Costs to
must be PCR tested for EHV-1 every Monday in order to remain
be published in Event
on venue, regardless of whether they compete or not.

For such events there must be either a laboratory on call Temporary X

(during normal office hours) or an FEI listed stable-side testing provision
unit available for PCR analysis of EHV-1.

Responsible Party
Page 18 of 22
Measure(s) Rule(s) Control(s) Athlete OC Other

Should any horses leave the venue and return they must Temporary X
comply with the requirements stated above under “PRE-EVENT provision


Jury, FEI
The current rule (FEI General Regulations, Article 109.13) must
be more strictly enforced and sanctions implemented in
accordance with FEI Regulations.


Restricted stable access. Only essential personnel allowed

access to stables areas e.g. those directly involved with horse
management. Horse owners are considered essential
personnel. Athletes must not permit stable access to anyone
other than these essential personnel.

It is strongly recommended that personnel only access the

stable unit where their horses are situated.

All FEI Officials to be instructed by the VD on biosecurity Temporary FEI

measures with particular focus on veterinary controls, provision Officials
stewarding of nosebands, boot and bandage controls etc.

Responsible Party

Page 19 of 22
Measure(s) Rule(s) Control(s) Athlete OC Other

For Shows/Events with more 200 horses requirement for an Temporary X FEI
Additional VD per each additional 200 horses. At such events, provision Officials
the Primary VD must assign one of the additional VDs to
oversee biosecurity procedures.


Microchip or passport must be scanned using the FEI HorseApp Temporary FEI Steward, athlete/groom or X X FEI
prior to each horse leaving the venue to ensure traceability provision OC when giving back the horse Steward
should an outbreak occur. passport to the athlete.

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Responsible Party
Measure(s) Rule(s) Control(s)
Athlete OC Other

JURISDICTION (as approved by FEI Board)

Possibility for the FEI Secretary General to cancel competitions Temporary FEI
during an FEI Event if there is an EHV-1 outbreak. provision

To expand the FEI’s jurisdiction and to allow the FEI to impose Temporary FEI
EHV related requirements & restrictions against Athletes, provision
Horses, FEI Officials, OCs at any time, even if an FEI Event is

If an outbreak is declared by the FEI, all sick and in-contact Temporary FEI
horses should be under FEI jurisdiction until they are released. provision
The biosecurity measures should include submitting GPS
coordinates of the horse’s location via the FEI HorseApp >

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Appendix 2 – List of Countries

List of countries in mainland Europe to which the Return To Competition measures apply during
the period 12 April to 30 May 2021.

ALB – Albania LIE – Liechtenstein

AND – Andorra LTU - Lithuania

AUT – Austria LUX – Luxembourg

BEL – Belgium MDA – Moldova

BLR – Belarus MKD – Republic of North Macedonia

BRN – Bosnia and Herzegovina MON – Monaco

BUL – Bulgaria NED – Netherlands

CRO – Croatia NOR – Norway

CZE – Czech Republic POL – Poland

DEN – Denmark POR – Portugal

ESP – Spain ROU – Romania

EST – Estonia SLO – Slovenia

FIN – Finland SRB – Serbia

FRA – France SUI – Switzerland

GER – Germany SVK – Slovakia

GRE – Greece SWE – Sweden

HUN – Hungary UKR – Ukraine

ITA – Italy TUR – Turkey

LAT – Latvia

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