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Epilepsy & Behavior 7 (2005) 133–142


Neurocutaneous syndromes: Behavioral features

Charles M. Zaroff *, Keren Isaacs
Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, New York University, 403 East 34th Street, New York, NY 10016, USA

Received 1 May 2005; accepted 5 May 2005

Available online 29 June 2005


Neurocutaneous syndromes are disorders charactertized by a neurological abnormality and cutaneous manifestations. Three of
the more common neurocutaneous syndromes are Sturge–Weber syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, and neurofibromatosis. This review
focuses on the cognitive and behavioral features of these syndromes.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Neurocutaneous; Tuberous sclerosis; Sturge–Weber; Neurofibromatosis; Epilepsy; Cognitive; Autism

1. Introduction patient with bilateral facial nevus and unilateral buph-

thalmos [1]. In 1879 Weber presented another case of
Neurocutaneous syndromes, or phakomatoses, were a 6-year-old girl with bilateral facial nevus. Prevalence
first discussed as a clinical entity by the ophthalmologist is currently estimated at one per 50,000 live births [2],
Van der Hoeve in 1932. Van der Hoeve included neuro- although identification of milder forms of the disease
fibromatosis, tuberous sclerosis, Sturge–Weber syn- will likely increase prevalence estimates. Males and fe-
drome, and von Hippel–Landau syndrome. Currently, males are equally affected. Familial cases are rare, and
20 to 30 disorders are grouped under the neurocutane- the lack of clinical similarity in monozygotic twins has
ous rubric. The disorders typically consist of abnormal- pointed to somatic mutation as a possible means of dis-
ities of the brain and skin, and may also involve the ease transmission.
peripheral nervous system and other organs. This review The vast majority of those with Sturge–Weber syn-
focuses on the behavioral features of three of the more drome present with a cutaneous vascular abnormality
common syndromes: Sturge–Weber syndrome, in which at birth, typically affecting the upper part of the face
a cutaneous vascular anomaly is associated with central (although most children with a facial cutaneous vascular
nervous system dysfunction, and tuberous sclerosis and malformation do not have the disorder). The cutaneous
neurofibromatosis, which share hamartomatous forma- vascular malformation typically affects the face in a
tions as a disease mechanism. manner consistent with the ophthalmic division of the
trigeminal nerve. The proximity of the portions of the
ectoderm destined to form the facial skin and the pari-
2. Sturge–Weber syndrome eto-occipital area of the brain has been postulated as
cause for the combination of the facial nevus and lepto-
Schirmer probably provided the first report of meningeal angiomatosis [3,4].
Sturge–Weber syndrome in 1860 when he described a The main cerebral finding in Sturge–Weber syndrome
is leptomeningeal angiomatosis, which can be diffuse
Corresponding author. Fax: +1 212 263 8342. and bilateral but most often affects occipital and poster-
E-mail address: (C.M. Zaroff). ior parietal lobes unilaterally [5]. Bilateral intracranial

1525-5050/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
134 C.M. Zaroff, K. Isaacs / Epilepsy & Behavior 7 (2005) 133–142

involvement, which is uncommon, is associated with intelligence, and 85% with seizure onset at 4 years of
poorer clinical outcome [6,7]. Calcifications in meninge- age and older had normal intelligence. However,
al arteries and in cortical and subcortical veins underly- whereas 25% of those with seizure onset before age 1
ing the leptomeningeal angiomatosis are often had normal intelligence, none of those with onset be-
associated with cortical atrophy and severe hypometab- tween 1 year and 3 years 11 months had normal intelli-
olism [8]. In infants, accelerated myelination in tissue gence (although the latter group tended to do better
underlying the leptomeningioma has been reported [8]. academically than the group with onset before age 1).
The etiology of the leptomeningeal angiomatosis is Thus, it is possible that the combination of vascular
unknown. It has been theorized that superficial cortical and electrophysiological abnormalities may provide a
veins fail to develop appropriately or thrombosis of such more detrimental impact on development at a later
veins early in development causes a redirection of blood age, in comparison with children with a more selective
to the developing leptomeninges and into the deep ve- electrophysiological deficit earlier in life.
nous system [9]. Progressive venous stasis and vessel Hemispherectomy is a common surgical approach in
dilation due to insufficient drainage then lead to chronic individuals with Sturge–Weber syndrome and medically
hypoxia. refractory epilepsy, particularly in children. Reviews of
Partial seizures, which may occur in up to 90% of the literature have noted an overall 80% rate of seizure
those with the disorder in early childhood, typically oc- freedom following hemispherectomy [15]. The effect on
cur contralateral to the neurocutanous sequelae, cognitive and behavioral functioning has rarely been
although infantile spasms are also observed. A general studied in a systematic fashion. Kossoff and colleagues
pattern of worsening seizures with age is common, at used mailings to examine the effects of hemispherectomy
times necessitating surgical intervention. Headache and in a sample of 32 individuals with seizure onset before 1
transient ischemic phenomena such as hemiparesis are year, the majority of whom had frequent seizures and
also commonly reported. When present, hemiparesis hemiparesis [15]. Surgery was performed at a mean age
and hemianopia occur contralateral to the brain abnor- of 2 years 7 months. Postoperatively, 2 patients were felt
mality. Hemiparesis may or may not be directly associ- to be normal cognitively, whereas 10 were noted to have
ated with seizures, as strokelike episodes can precede only circumscribed learning difficulties. Fourteen were
seizure onset and hemiparesis can occur in the absence rated as ‘‘moderately disabled’’ and 6 were rated as ‘‘se-
of epileptiform activity on electroencephalography [10]. verely disabled.’’ The percentage of children with no or
Few large studies of cognition and/or behavior in mild learning disability did not differ between those
Sturge–Weber syndrome exist. Mental retardation rates operated before or after 1 year of age. However, inter-
of 50 to 60% have been reported [7,11]. In a sample of pretation of the statistical significance of such results
40, 60% were mentally retarded and nearly one-third of may have been limited by sample size. The mean age
the sample fell in the severely mentally retarded range at surgery was just after 2 years of age for the group with
[7]. Even in those without frank cognitive impairment, at most mild disability, compared with just after 3 years
intellectual skills are often lower than expected. Chapies- of age for those with moderate to severe disability. Erba
ki and colleagues noted a mean intelligence quotient (IQ) and Cavazzuti noted a connection between later age at
of approximately 75 and a range from 42 to 127 in 32 surgery and mental retardation [16].
individuals for whom IQ scores were available [12]. In One area of concern in Sturge–Weber syndrome is
a study of 15 children, all of whom had seizure onset in developmental deterioration. Ito et al. reported a pro-
the first year of life, none of the 6 individuals with normal gressive neurological syndrome that in at least one case
intelligence had an IQ score greater than 100 [13]. was not resolved with epilepsy surgery [17]. In some
No prospective studies of development in Sturge– individuals, an abrupt deterioration is temporally corre-
Weber syndrome have been conducted. Studies of lated with worsening of seizures and EEG abnormalities
development and cognition often investigate the role [18,19]. However, it is believed that venous occlusions
of epilepsy factors. The presence of a seizure disorder and hypoxia may be responsible for neurological deteri-
is associated with poorer clinical outcome [12]. Howev- oration outside of overt seizure activity. Vascular and
er, the correlation between age at seizure onset and electrophysiological factors may combine to cause great-
intellectual functioning is less clear in this population er damage then when either factor is operating indepen-
than in others. Kramer and colleagues did not find a dently. Theoretically, a lack of increase in blood flow
correlation between cognitive level at follow-up and during seizures would compromise an already ischemic
the age at seizure onset, presence of ongoing seizures, cortex. Additionally, the underlying brain abnormality
or degree of hemiparesis, although a connection between also plays a role in development. Mental retardation
seizure intensity and cognitive outcome was noted [13]. has been correlated with the extent of unilateral calcifi-
A study of families identified through the Sturge–Weber cation and atrophy, and bilateral leptomeningeal angio-
Foundation used questionnaires and available medical matosis is associated with more seizures and focal
records [14]. All subjects without seizures had normal deficits [6,7].
C.M. Zaroff, K. Isaacs / Epilepsy & Behavior 7 (2005) 133–142 135

Functional neuroimaging has provided information Seizures typically develop in childhood, many in the first
about the relative contributions of structural and func- year of life, manifesting as infantile spasms in one-third
tional abnormalities in Sturge–Weber syndrome. Lee of individuals.
and colleagues studied a group of individuals with Developmental disability was once considered a core
Sturge–Weber syndrome with mostly left-sided cerebral triad symptom. However, lack of adequate assessment
involvement using 2-[18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) techniques and sampling bias likely confounded the
PET scan imaging [20]. Subjects with a higher IQ had external validity of earlier studies. Interestingly, one ear-
a larger area of severe cortical hypometabolism and a lier study actually found a much lower rate of develop-
greater degree of asymmetry than those with bilateral mental disability than had been previously reported
EEG involvement. These results suggest that severely when subjects were those from a nonneurological sam-
hypometabolic cortex results in less functional impair- ple [26]. To date, the most comprehensive measure of
ment in the remainder of the brain, and that functional abilities undertaken used psychometric assessment in a
reorganization occurs more readily when cortex is sample of 108 individuals and their nonaffected siblings
severely rather than mildly damaged. However, those [27]. Approximately 55% of individuals scored within
with higher intellectual scores also had seizures for a the normal range and 44% had an IQ below 70. About
shorter period. 31% of the sample obtained a developmental quotient
Psychiatric symptoms have been reported in Sturge– below 21, suggesting a bimodal distribution of abilities.
Weber syndrome, beginning with Falconer and Even in those with normal intellectual skills, scores were
RushworthÕs mention of irritability [21]. On standard- skewed toward the lower end of the average range and
ized parent and teacher reports, significantly more social were significantly lower than those of unaffected
problems have been noted in children and adolescents siblings.
with Sturge–Weber syndrome than in their unaffected Cognitive and behavior deficits are common in tuber-
siblings, findings predicted by the presence of a seizure ous sclerosis regardless of developmental level. Problems
disorder and hemiparesis [12]. Teachers, but not parents, in attention and executive functioning predominate. In a
reported significantly higher rates of noncompliance study of 20 children with normal or near-normal intelli-
associated with inattentive, hyperactive, and opposition- gence and 20 unaffected siblings using standardized
al behaviors, also predicted by the presence of a seizure tests, 50% met ICD-10 criteria for a hyperkinetic syn-
disorder. In one study, 85% of subjects with mental drome [28]. Even those not meeting diagnostic criteria
retardation exhibited emotional or behavioral problems, performed poorly on attention measures, particularly
with the most commonly reported symptoms being in the area of sustained attention.
physical aggression directed at others and self-abuse, In studies examining individuals with tuberous scle-
and depression less common [6]. In contrast, half of rosis and normal intelligence, dyspraxia, speech delay,
the 12 subjects with normal intelligence reported depres- visuospatial disturbance, memory impairment, and dys-
sion. Depression and paranoia have been reported in a calculia have been reported [29]. In comparing individu-
series of three subjects [22]. als with tuberous sclerosis with a normal control group,
group means on cognitive testing were similar across
tasks, although five of seven individuals with tuberous
3. Tuberous sclerosis sclerosis scored in the range denoted to reflect impair-
ment, whereas none of the control group did [30]. Indi-
First named by Bourneville for the resemblance of the viduals with tuberous sclerosis performed in the
cortical brain lesions to potato tubers [23], tuberous scle- impaired range most often on tests assessing executive
rosis is an autosomal, dominantly inherited multisystem functioning skills.
disorder in which two-thirds of cases are due to sponta- Humphrey and colleagues conducted a longitudinal
neous mutation. Genetic mutations in TSC1 (on chro- study of development in tuberous sclerosis [31]. They as-
mosome 9q34) and TSC2 (on chromosome 16p13.3) sessed children between the ages of 11 and 37 months at
lead to abnormalities in cell proliferation, differentia- 6-month intervals. All but one subject had a diagnosis
tion, and migration. of epilepsy and/or an abnormal EEG. Age at onset of epi-
The prevalence of tuberous sclerosis is estimated at lepsy ranged from 1 to 21 months, with a mean onset age
one in 6000 to 9000 [24,25], although as less severely of 4 months. Seven of the children had infantile spasms at
affected individuals with the disease are discovered, this onset. While raw scores increased over time, representing
number may increase. Structural abnormalities may in- absolute development, the group declined relative to age-
clude cortical tubers, cortical dysplasia, subcortical het- appropriate normative data. The average composite score
erotopias, white matter abnormalities, subependymal for the group as a whole fell in the mentally retarded range
nodules, and subependymal giant cell astrocytomas. of functioning at all intervals. There was a decline, albeit
Epilepsy is the most common presenting symptom in modest, in developmental quotient over time. At 12
tuberous sclerosis, with estimates as high as 80 to 90%. months, an 5-month lag in development was noted com-
136 C.M. Zaroff, K. Isaacs / Epilepsy & Behavior 7 (2005) 133–142

pared with normative means, which increased to 13 Higher rates of mental retardation in a sporadic group
months at 36 months of age. No particular area of exam- versus a group in which the disorder was familial have
ination from among language (receptive/expressive), mo- also been observed [28]. Dabora and colleagues exam-
tor (gross/fine), or visual reception function gained faster ined 224 cases in which 28 were characterized by the
than others. The only child in the average range of intelli- TSC1 mutation and 158 were characterized by the
gence for more than 6 months did not have seizures and TSC2 mutation. TSC1 cases had a lower frequency of
had a normal EEG. Notably, the developmental quo- seizures [50]. Low IQ (<70 vs P70), a history of autism,
tients of those with infantile spasms were similar to those and infantile spasms were significantly more frequent in
with partial seizures. Also of note, two children had a de- those with TSC2 mutation than with TSC1 mutation in
cline of more than 20 points in developmental quotient one report [32]. Both a TSC2 mutation and a history of
following a worsening/onset of seizures. The one child infantile spasms increased the likelihood of a low IQ.
with an increase of 20 points or more exhibited this after Less severe clinical involvement has been noted in those
a period of seizure control. with unidentified mutations [33].
Epilepsy is a risk factor for cognitive impairment in Although rarely noted, medication effects may con-
tuberous sclerosis [32,33]. However, those without cog- tribute to the cognitive profile in tuberous sclerosis. In
nitive impairment may vary widely in the severity and those with medically refractory epilepsy, polytherapy is
frequency of seizures. Early onset of seizures, in partic- common. Antiepileptic medications can impact process-
ular infantile spasms, is associated with poor develop- ing speed, sustained attention, and specific executive
mental outcome [34–36]. Recently, a significant functioning skills. Additionally, high rates of psychiatric
relationship between infantile spasms and low IQ was and behavioral disturbances, described below, may fur-
observed, even after controlling for tuber count [37]. ther exacerbate preexisting cognitive weakness.
Reduction of infantile spasms with vigabatrin has been Behavior abnormalities are common in tuberous scle-
shown to improve development [38], whereas a lack of rosis, with perhaps the most widely investigated being
seizure control is associated with a lack of developmen- autism spectrum disorders. Rutter has postulated that
tal progression [39]. tuberous sclerosis provides the clearest link of any med-
Surgery for medically refractory epilepsy in tuberous ical disorder to autism [51]. Rates of prevalence of aut-
sclerosis is increasingly recognized as a viable treatment ism in tuberous sclerosis vary, due in part to discrepant
option. A review of 12 studies from 1991 to 2004 [40] diagnostic criteria, assessment techniques, and samples
noted that, more than 50% of the subjects in each series surveyed. While numbers ranging from 50% [52,53] to
experienced greater than 50% reduction in seizure fre- 60% [54] likely represent upper estimates when all disor-
quency, and even higher rates of seizure freedom were ders along the spectrum are considered, there is a clear
noted in specific series [41–44]. In individuals without need for further research. There is little evidence differ-
developmental delay, positive postoperative outcomes entiating autism in tuberous sclerosis from autism with-
occur on a long-term basis [45]. While most studies re- out tuberous sclerosis. What is known is that tuberous
port some improvement in outcome in at least a sub- sclerosis with autism is not associated with the male pre-
group of patients, the majority of studies lack ponderance commonly observed in idiopathic cases.
standardized assessment pre- and postoperatively. Additionally, it appears that individuals with tuberous
Cognitive status in tuberous sclerosis has also been cor- sclerosis with greater developmental delay are more
related with tuber number, size, and location, designated likely to have autism.
tuber burden. Meta-analysis of five studies [46] correlated Both neurological and genetic substrates have been
cognitive status with median tuber number, although the postulated as responsible for autism in tuberous sclero-
actual number varied across studies. Others have reported sis. While autism has been noted in individuals with
similar results [29,47]. Jambaque and colleagues noted a tuberous sclerosis without mental retardation [52,54],
relationship between tuber number and number of lobes in general, the greater the degree of neurological impair-
involved and IQ [29]. However, there are also reports of ment, the higher the rate of autism. In one report, all
individuals with normal IQ and multiple tubers, so the individuals with autism were mentally retarded [55]. In
relationship is far from perfect. Additionally, tubers or another study, all profoundly mentally retarded individ-
surrounding structural/functional abnormalities may be uals with tuberous sclerosis were autistic [29]. Lower IQ
responsible for epilepsy, complicating the relationship, scores, either infantile spasms or secondarily generalized
although an independent relationship between tuber seizures, and both frontal and posterior tubers have
count and cognitive outcome has been reported, even been reported in an autistic group with tuberous sclero-
after controlling for epilepsy variables [37]. sis compared with a group without autism [36]. The risk
Genetic contributions to developmental outcome in for autism in tuberous sclerosis is higher in those with
tuberous sclerosis are now recognized. There is an over- epilepsy than in those without, particularly when sei-
representation of TSC2 in sporadic cases and lower zures arise early in life and infantile spasms are observed
rates of mental retardation in TSC1 cases [48,49]. [53,56,57].
C.M. Zaroff, K. Isaacs / Epilepsy & Behavior 7 (2005) 133–142 137

Several studies have pointed to temporal lobe pathol- the nonautistic twin suffered from infantile spasms,
ogy as a possible mechanism for autism in tuberous scle- whereas the autistic twin did not. Lewis et al. found
rosis. For instance, in one series temporal lobe tubers more frequent reports of autism in those with TSC2 ver-
were found in eight of nine patients with an autism spec- sus TSC1 mutations [32].
trum disorder, compared with none in nine nonspectrum In addition to autism, other problem behaviors are
subjects [52]. Bolton and colleagues replicated their ear- common in tuberous sclerosis, including but not limited
lier study and further added temporal lobe electroen- to inattention, hyperactivity, anxiety, and depression.
cephalographic abnormality as a risk factor for autism Anxiety disorder was observed in 20 of 36 adults able
[56]. Seri and colleagues also found temporal lobe le- to complete a questionnaire, and depression was ob-
sions in all subjects with autism and none in those with- served in 7 of 56 [32]. In a comparison of individuals
out [58]. Additionally, all autistic subjects had bilateral with fetal alcohol syndrome, Prader–Willi syndrome,
lesions. These findings were of interest as the two groups fragile X syndrome, and tuberous sclerosis using stan-
in the study had nearly an identical total tuber burden. dardized assessment methods [64], the subjects with
Evoked response potential (ERP) differences, the focus tuberous sclerosis had the lowest overall composite
of SeriÕs investigation, were also noted. Autistic subjects score, reflecting less severe psychopathology. However,
with tuberous sclerosis had significantly prolonged-la- the tuberous sclerosis group was reportedly chosen on
tency and lower-amplitude N1 response than the non- the basis of their ability to complete specific psychomet-
autistic group, and longer latency and global field power ric tasks, and none was rated as having an autistic disor-
was observed in those with autism. der, suggesting a purposeful sampling bias. Nonetheless,
Functional neuroimaging using PET reveals de- at least half of the tuberous sclerosis sample was rated as
creased glucose metabolism in the lateral temporal gyri impulsive, overly attention seeking, overactive, and dis-
bilaterally, increased glucose metabolism in the deep cer- tracted. Similar rates were found for the characteristics
ebellar nuclei bilaterally, and increased a-[11C]methyl-L- of fearfulness and preferring the company of adults or
tryptophan (AMT) in the caudate nuclei bilaterally in younger children. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disor-
those with tuberous sclerosis and autism [55]. Lateral der (ADHD) was the most common comorbid diagnosis
temporal hypometabolism and infantile spasms were (44%), followed by oppositional defiant disorder (25%)
correlated with communication disturbances [55]. Glu- and separation anxiety disorder (19%).
cose hypermetabolism in the deep cerebellar nuclei and
increased AMT uptake in the caudate nuclei were relat-
ed to stereotypical behaviors and impaired social 4. Neurofibromatosis
Temporal lobe abnormalities are not noted in all re- Neurofibromatosis is a disease of the skin, nervous
ports concerning autism and tuberous sclerosis. For in- system, bones, endocrine glands, and at times other or-
stance, Walz and colleagues found no relation between gans, consisting of hamartomatous lesions. Hyperpig-
autism and either subcortical or cortical tuber topogra- mented macules, freckling, dermal and plexiform
phy [59]. In another study, no tubers were found in the neurofibromas, optic nerve gliomas, Lisch nodules,
temporal lobes in four individuals with tuberous sclero- and skeletal abnormalities (scoliosis and pseudoarthro-
sis and autism [60]. Others have found a cerebellar, not sis) are the most frequently encountered symptoms
temporal lobe relation to autism in tuberous sclerosis [65]. The term neurofibromatosis (NF) refers to a group
[61]; decreased abilities of daily living did not correlate of several disorders sharing autosomal dominant inher-
with total tuber number or number of lobes involved itance and clinical symptoms. NF-1 and NF-2 are the
but, instead, with the cerebellar tubers. most commonly reported, and with a prevalence of
These findings, as a whole, indicate that specific vari- one in 3000, NF-1 is one of the most common neuroge-
ables that have been the subject of scrutiny require fur- netic disorders. Von Recklinghausen, a pathologist in
ther refinement and, in fact, may be too crude [62]. the 1800s, reported on the skin lesions in neurofibroma-
Genetic factors also need to be considered. In a pair tosis, believing that these arose from the fibrous tissue
of monozygotic twins with tuberous sclerosis [63] only surrounding peripheral nerves [66].
one of the pair had a diagnosis of autism. However, The disease has been localized to a mutation on chro-
the other twin met autism criteria at 18 months (but mosome 17. Inheritance occurs in an autosomal domi-
not thereafter) and was noted to have ‘‘social and com- nant fashion, although half the cases have no family
munication difficulties.’’ A larger number of tubers were history [67]. NF1 has been theorized to serve as a tumor
found in the twin without autism, who exhibited a high- suppressor gene, given the possibility of both benign and
er developmental level, although the authors postulate malignant tumors occurring with the disorder.
that the larger size of the tubers in the autistic twin In NF-1, the most common tumor is the benign
reflected greater brain involvement. Both twins had an peripheral nerve sheath tumor (neufibroma), usually
equal number of temporal lobe tubers. Interestingly, first seen in puberty, which can form on spinal roots
138 C.M. Zaroff, K. Isaacs / Epilepsy & Behavior 7 (2005) 133–142

and cranial nerves. These lesions can be asymptomatic brain tumors, three subtypes of learning disability were
for periods. However, in up to 13%, a subgroup called noted [79]. A primarily visual–perceptual subtype was
plexiform neurofibroma can undergo transformation most common, occurring in 56%. A mixed type was not-
to malignancy (malignant peripheral nerve sheath tu- ed in 30%, compared with a primarily verbal type in
mor, MPNST) [68]. MPNSTs occur at a younger age only 4%. In one study that excluded those with develop-
in those with NF-1 compared with the overall popula- mental disabilities and used a large number of neuropsy-
tion, and are associated with poor survival and poor chological tests, a greater incidence of visual–spatial
response to traditional cancer therapies. Additionally, impairment was found in comparison to a control group
15–20% of children with the disorder develop low-grade of unaffected siblings [76].
astrocytomas, usually involving the optic pathway, that Although visual–perceptual deficits are commonly
can result in vision loss or, if invasion of the hypothala- reported in NF-1 [73,74,79,84], their diagnostic signifi-
mus occurs, endocrine dysfunction resulting in preco- cance is unclear. Lower reading and math scores in
cious puberty [69]. Gliomas, when present, are usually NF-1 individuals relative to their unaffected siblings,
stable or progress very slowly. This is perhaps the reason in addition to visual–perceptual deficits, have been
why a 5-year survival rate of 90% and 10-year survival reported [85]. Similarly, higher rates of verbal learning
rate of 82% have been observed [70]. Mortality is asso- disorders (e.g., reading skills) have been observed in
ciated with extraoptic tumor location, symptomatic tu- individuals with NF-1, even when compared with a
mors, and adulthood [70]. Brainstem gliomas are less group of individuals with a learning disability [86]. In
malevolent in NF-1 patients than in those without the study by Mazzocco and colleagues, significant corre-
NF-1 as etiology, although mortality in 5 of 12 adults/ lations between verbal and visual–spatial test scores oc-
children was observed in one study [71]. By use of mag- curred in the NF-1 group but not the unaffected sibling
netic resonance angiography, cerebrovascular abnor- controls, supporting the authorsÕ view that such deficits
malities were detected in 8 of 316 children, with the coexist in the NF population [85]. Brewer et al. used the
internal carotid artery and middle cerebral artery the WRAT-R and observed poor performance on all three
most commonly affected [72]. Macrocephaly, due to in- subtests (word reading, spelling to dictation, and math),
creased brain volume [73], occurs in 30–50% of children although there was a subset who did poorly only on the
and adolescents [74,75]. Treatment of all tumors in NF- spelling subtest [87]. Further analysis toward a neuro-
1 is surgical excision or radiation. psychological profile revealed an intact group, a general-
The clinical course in NF-1 is variable. Café-au-lait ly impaired group, and a relatively small group with
spots, plexiform neurofibromas, and tibial dysplasias circumscribed deficits in visual–spatial/constructional
are usually recognized within the first year of life, while skills (10%). However, the last group shared deficits in
freckling and optic pathway gliomas often occur be- achievement testing and verbal skills relative to the in-
tween 3 and 5 years of age. Dermal neurofibromas are tact group, again arguing for a more generalized pattern
usually first noted in adolescence. to the dysfunction.
Despite initial reports noting high rates of mental ADHD behaviors are greater in individuals with NF-1
retardation in NF-1, mean intellectual functioning is than in the general population [79,88–90], with an esti-
generally reported to be in the average range, with only mated rate of 33% [81]. However, evidence has shown that
a slight downward shift in some studies [76,77]. Rates of inattention and/or hyperactivity is not solely responsible
mental retardation, while still higher than those of the for the cognitive profile observed. For instance, a combi-
overall population, tend to be in the single digits [74], nation of visual–spatial tasks predicted membership in
although bimodal distribution of IQ scores has been the NF-1 versus nonaffected sibling control group, even
suggested [78]. While some studies note verbal intellectu- after covarying DSM-IV ADHD symptom ratings [90].
al strengths relative to nonverbal intellectual strengths Speech articulation and motor coordination difficulties
[76,77], others have reported the opposite [79,80] pat- also have been reported [77,91,92].
tern. In a recent study containing a review of the extant Developmental studies on NF-1 are lacking, and co-
literature, no dominant discrepancy in either direction hort studies produce mixed results. Riccardi found high-
was observed [81]. er IQs in NF-1 adults than in NF-1 individuals below
Learning disabilities occur in 30–60% of those with the age of 17 [93]. However, others have found no signif-
NF-1 [82]. However, across studies, there is considerable icant difference between such groups [94]. Moore and
variability in the diagnostic criteria used to define a Slopis found no decline in performance over time in a
learning disability. Additionally, some reports lack stan- subset of their sample who underwent repeat testing in
dardized assessment, while others omit mention of the a cohort study [95]. However, in the cohort aspect, lower
methodology employed. One common finding has been scores were observed in older individuals (ages 4
a visual perceptual learning disability subtype not due through 16), and negative correlations with age reached
to visual acuity difficulties [83]. For instance, in an significance on verbal IQ, academic achievement, mem-
NF-1 sample in which some individuals presented with ory, and attention tasks.
C.M. Zaroff, K. Isaacs / Epilepsy & Behavior 7 (2005) 133–142 139

Hyman et al. studied cognitive outcome in two Ras GTPase-activating protein activity [105], adenylyl
groups at baseline (one between ages 8 and 10, one be- cyclase modulation [106], and microtubule binding
tween 14 and 16) and again 8 years later [96]. Those with [107]. Learning deficits in mice carrying a heterozygous
brain tumors were excluded. Tests of IQ (WISC-R), null mutation of the NF1 gene could be ameliorated
memory, attention, and executive functioning were used. by genetic and pharmacological manipulations decreas-
In areas in which significant changes were noted for ing Ras function [108], which also reverse increased
both groups (FSIQ, VIQ, and Part A of the Trail Mak- GABA-mediated inhibition and deficient long-term
ing Test), the older group showed greater increases than potentiation. These findings implicate excessive Ras
the younger group. However, these changes were similar activity as the cause of learning deficits.
to those observed in the control group, which numbered Psychopathology, including social difficulties, has
only 11. The authors reference prior reports [97,98] cap- been the focus of some NF-1 reports. Johnson and col-
turing normal IQ scores in younger age groups, and leagues used teacher and parent versions of the Child
emphasize the lack of data to support the notion that Behavior Checklist in those with NF-1 (n = 43) and
average IQ scores in adulthood are indicative of a reso- their unaffected siblings (n = 22) who were between 5
lution of childhood cognitive dysfunction. and 18 years of age [109]. Significantly more problems
Unidentified bright objects (UBOs) are areas of T2 were observed in the NF-1 group on the majority of
hyperintensity that are observed in 64% of those with scales examined, including those assessing social prob-
NF-1 [99,100]. UBOs are theorized to result from white lems, anxiety, depression, somatization, aggression,
matter abnormalities [101]. These signs are most unusual behaviors, and areas of competence. Church
frequently observed in the optic pathways (66%), brain- et al. found that adolescents with NF-1 and learning
stem (17%), cerebral lobes (7%), basal ganglia (5%), disabilities had greater difficulties with friendships than
cerebellum (4%), and spinal cord (1%) [70]. Some those without learning difficulties, although the study
studies find no relationship between cognitive profile was limited by a small sample size [110]. Differences
and UBOs. However, accumulating evidence relates have been noted in ratings of social skills by teachers
cognitive status to the presence [84], number [102], and parents in comparison to unaffected sibling con-
and location [89] of these findings. Cross-sectional data trols. Specifically, nearly 40% of NF-1 children had
indicate that UBOs disappear over time and are less scores in the borderline/clinical range [111]. However,
common when patients reach their twenties and thirties self-ratings were comparable across illness and control
[99,103]. In one study, a decrease in the number, size, groups. Similar to prior reports [112], the presence of
and intensity of UBOs on follow-up at 8 years was ADHD, and not IQ or academic achievement score,
found in 88% who initially presented with lesions proved to be the major risk factor for elevated symp-
[96]. The prevalence of lesions fell with age, from a tom ratings. It has been reported that social problems
mean of 63% at age 12.2 years to 44% at 19.8 years. may be in part due to isolation and alienation. For
Lesions in the basal ganglia decreased in number, size, instance, adults with NF-1 attribute difficulties in form-
and intensity, in contrast to lesions within the cerebral ing friendships during school years to skin lesions and
cortex and deep white matter, which did not disappear. frequent absences from school due to medical reasons
Despite the decreases noted, the changes were not asso- [113].
ciated with changes in general cognitive functioning or
any specific cognitive abilities. The best predictor of
current cognitive dysfunction at follow-up (15–25 years 5. Conclusion
of age) was whether patients had UBOs when younger.
The presence of UBOs at follow-up did not adequately Sturge–Weber syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, and
distinguish between patients with higher and lower neurofibromatosis are three of the more common neu-
cognitive abilities. rocutaneous disorders. All three disorders are defined
Macrocephaly in NF-1 has not been found to corre- by greater than expected rates of mental retardation,
late with neuropsychological status [94]. A relationship particularly in those with Sturge–Weber syndrome
between brain volume and neuropsychological func- and tuberous sclerosis. In individuals lacking gross
tioning has been noted in NF-1 [104]. Greater corpus intellectual deficit, dysfunction in specific aspects of
callosum volumes have been detected in those with cognition may occur, ranging from subtle weakness in
NF-1 than in controls, although differences in measure- a circumscribed cognitive skill to more severe and
ments correlate to the presence or absence of ADHD diffuse deficits in a range of cognitive abilities. Behav-
only [81]. ioral disorders are also common. Problems in cognition
The NFI gene on chromosome 17q11.2 encodes the and behavior are thought to be due to the underlying
protein neurofibromin, expressed primarily in neurons, neurological etiology of the disorders, and in tuberous
Schwann cells, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, leukocytes, sclerosis, there is evidence that genotype may contrib-
and the adrenal medulla. Neuofibromin has a role in ute to clinical heterogeneity.
140 C.M. Zaroff, K. Isaacs / Epilepsy & Behavior 7 (2005) 133–142

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