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Módulo transversal

English for Guides in the

Natural Environment and
Leisure Time

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Leisure Time
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Módulo transversal
English for Guides in the Natural Environment and Leisure Time

3.1. Situation and reading

1) Answer the questions:

a. Gloves, helmet, goggles and cycling tights.

b. Height, levelling and forward movement.

c. The type of terrain to be able to choose the correct gear ratio.

d. Physical activity, health, mode of transportation, competition, recreation.

e. Inflator, patch kit and basic tool kit.

f. Avoiding friction, avoiding unnecessary effort, and effective braking.

g. The back and knees.

2) Classify each word into the correct group.

Bicycle's drivetrain Repair material Safety elements

chain, derailleur, wheels, inflator, basic tool kit, patch kit,
bell, lighting
cassette, chainring pump

3) According to the text, which of the items in activity 2 are basic items?
Pump, basic tool kit, lighting.

4) Creative activity. In pairs, turn the text of the reading into a clear list of instructions or tips.
Present your creation through a podcast to broadcast or a poster to hang on a wall.
Creative activity to develop the students’ communication skills and encourage original and creative

3.2. Vocabulary

1) Use the clues and find eleven parts of the bicycle in the alphabet soup.

Módulo transversal
English for Guides in the Natural Environment and Leisure Time

Frame. Fork. Stem. Handlebar. Pedal. Crank arm. Shock. Seat post. Saddle. Wheel. Headset.

2) Link each word from activity 1 with its definition.

a. Crank arm. b. Shock. c. Pedal. d. Seat post. e. Handlebar. f. Saddle. g. Stem. h. Wheel. i. Fork. j.
Headset. k. Frame.

3) Use the clues provided to find the missing words related to bicycle tools.
a. Chain breaker. b. Floor pump. c. Chain whip. d. Cable cutter. e. Spoke wrench. f. Repair stand. g.
Hex wrench. h. Screwdriver. i. Spanner. j. Flat spanner. k. Multi tool. l. Bike pump.

4) Match each word of activity 3 with the correct picture.

Cable cutter Repair stand Chain breaker

Spanner Screwdriver Floor pump

Módulo transversal
English for Guides in the Natural Environment and Leisure Time

Hew wrench Flat spanner Chain whip

Multi tool Spoke wrench Bike pump

5) Relate each tool to its function.

a, 8. b, 3. c, 9. d, 6. e, 1. f, 2. g, 7. h, 5. i, 4.

6) Fill in the gaps with the words in the box.

How to repair a puncture?
This procedure is only used for wheels without internal sealant. Use tyre levers to separate the tyre
from the rim, remove the inner tube, locate the pucnture and lightly sand the area using a piece of
sandpaper, then apply rubber solution, allow it to dry and place the patch on top. Finally mount the
wheel by matching the valve to the rim.

7) Identify some of the words from activity 6 in the picture.

1, tyre levers. 2, tyre. 3, rim. 4, valve. 5, inner tube. 6, sandpaper. 7, patch. 8, rubber solution.

8) Match each part of a bicycle chain link with the correct number in the picture.
1, roller. 2, pin. 3, inner plate. 4, outer plate.

9) Classify each word from the box into its category: drivetrain system or wheel and brakes. Take
into account that the drivetrain system includes all the elements to transmit the power from the
rider to the wheels.

Drivetrain system Wheel and brakes

cassette, jockey wheels, rear derailleur, brake rotor, spoke, thru axle,
chain, front derailleur brake calliper, brake pads

10) From each pair of the words provided, choose the correct one in each sentence.
a. When riding a bicycle, you rest your hands on the handlebar grips.

b. To avoid the accident I pressed the brake lever before the obstacle.

c. I have to adjust the height of the seat tube to avoid injuries.

d. I can use power links to connect two parts of the chain.

e. I can change my speed by correctly operating the shift lever.

f. The bike pump is the tool used to fill the inner tube with air.
Módulo transversal
English for Guides in the Natural Environment and Leisure Time

11) Order the blocks of each line and write the correct sentence..
a. The chain stay protects the frame from the shocks of the chain during movement.

b. The chain ring transmits the force from the crank arm to the chain.

c. A bicycle without rear suspension is called a hard tail.

d. Wheels without an inner tube use rim tape to prevent leakage of sealing fluid.

12) Write down all the words in the picture.

1, seat post. 2, front derailleur. 3, saddle. 4, shock. 5, frame. 6, steam. 7, handlebar. 8, wheel. 9, disc
brake rotor. 10, cassette. 11, rear derailleur. 12, tyre. 13, rim. 14, jockey wheels. 15, chain. 16, chain
ring. 17, crank arm. 18, pedal. 19, spoke. 20, handlebar grip. 21, brake lever. 22, valve.

13) Speaking activity. Compare the words you write from activity 12 with those of your partner and
comment on the differences. Score one point for each correct answer to know who won.
Oral activity to develop the student’s communication skills and fluency.

3.3. Grammar

1) Albert took part in a competition in the Pyrenees last weekend. Write some sentences using
there was, there were, there wasn’t or there weren’t to explain Albert’s experience in that
Writing activity. The options are diverse and there are many valid answers. They could be corrected
from the linguistic point of view e.g. if they are well articulated, cohesive, coherent etc.

2) Choose the correct option.

a. In the past, there weren’t any electric bikes.

b. There was a bicycle parking space near my school.

c. Were there bicycles in the 18th century? No, there weren’t.

d. There was a bike accident during the race.

e. There weren’t refreshment points during the race.

3) Complete these sentences about the history of bicycles with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.
a. The first person who rode a bike was Baron Karl von Drais.

b. Baron Karl von Drais wasn’t French, he was German.

c. Post coaches were slower than the first bike.

d. People thought that the bike was like a horse.

e. It was Pierre Michaux who presented the next bike 40 years later.

f. Pierre Michaux and Baron Karl von Drais were the inventors of bike.

g. Bicycles in that time weren’t as comfortable as now.

4) Read the conversation between Arthur and his sister Samantha about his day yesterday. Fill it
in with forms of there was/there were or with the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses.

Módulo transversal
English for Guides in the Natural Environment and Leisure Time

—Hi, Arthur, how was (to be) your day yesterday? Were there any problems?

—Hi, Samantha, mmm... Well... It was (to be) a very stressful day. When I woke (to wake) up, Alex,
the mechanic, was (to be) not in the room. I called (to call) him and he told (to tell) me he was (to
be) in the garage. When I got (to get) to the garage, there was a note on my bike that said (to say):
the bike is (to be) ready. However, I suddenly realised (to realise) that one pedal wasn’t there and
that the wheels were (to be) deflated. I went (to go) to the apartment again but Alex wasn’t there, so
I decided (to decide) to call my manager, Tom, as the competition started (to start) within a couple of
hours. Tom told (to tell) me there was no news about Alex and that he was (to be) probably in a
shop buying some spare parts. I waited (to wait) for Alex for 45 minutes until he appeared (to
appear). He was (to be) completely calm and he admitted (to admit) that there weren’t any
problems with my bike. We went (to go) to the garage again and the bike was (to be) there,
completely ready for the competition. The pedals and the wheels were (to be) fine and the bike was
(to be) shining.

5) Change the verbs into the past simple form.

Arrive: arrived; plan: planned; invite: invited; finish: finished; help: helped; phone: phoned; carry:
carried; marry: married; study: studied: cry: cried; agree: agreed; chat: chatted; wash: washed; enjoy:
enjoyed; borrow: borrowed; admit: admitted.

6) Classify the past simple forms of the verbs in activity 5 according the sound of their endings.

It sounds /?d/ It sounds /d/ It sounds /t/

like wanted like lived like picked
invited, carried, married, studied, arrived, planned, phoned, cried,
finished, helped, washed
agreed, chatted, admitted enjoyed, borrowed

7) Complete the sentences with the correct verb from the box. Use the verbs in the past simple
a. They travelled to New York 4 years ago. There was the GFNY World Championship NYC.

b. He lived in Bristol when he was a child, but now he lives in London as the National cycling team is

c. I prepared some healthy food before training.

d. Peter worked as a spin instructor in 2017.

e. She moved to Los Angeles last year because she found a new job as a cycling coach.

f. The healing of her lesion relapsed when she started cycling again.

8) Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the past simple form.
a. John, the new professional cycling photographer, came (come) to Spain in 1998.

b. She stood (stand) next to the door until the coach told her to enter the office.

c. The cyclist fell (fall) off while he was trying to get to the finish line.

d. I thought (think) the risk would be higher.

e. He did (do) some stretching.

9) Read the text about the first cyclist race. Find all the past simple forms and say what verb they
belong to.
Módulo transversal
English for Guides in the Natural Environment and Leisure Time

The first documented cyclist race was a 1,200-metre race held on the 31 May 1868 at the Park of
Saint-Cloud in Paris. An expatriate Englishman called James Moore won the race. He rode a
wooden bicycle with solid rubber tyres. The first cycle race that covered a distance between two
cities was from Paris to Rouen. James Moore won again. He went from one city to the other in 10
hours and 40 minutes.

Source: Wikipedia

Was, to be; won, to win; rode, to ride; covered, to cover; was, to be; won, to win; went, to go.

10) Writing activity. Search for information about the first mountain bike and write a short text
about it.
Writing activity. The options are diverse and there are many valid answers. They could be corrected
from the linguistic point of view, e.g. if they are well articulated, cohesive, coherent etc.

11) Write two sentences for each photograph: one using a past simple form and the other using a
past continuous form.
Writing activity. The options are diverse and there are many valid answers. They could be corrected
from the linguistic point of view, e.g. if they are well articulated, cohesive, coherent etc.

12) Finish the sentences.

Writing activity. The options are diverse and there are many valid answers. They could be corrected
from the linguistic point of view, e.g. if they are well articulated, cohesive, coherent etc.

13) Speaking activity. Think of when you learnt to ride a bike. Use this table and complete it. Then
share your story with your partner.
Oral activity to develop the student’s communication skills and fluency.

14) Complete the sentences with a past time expression.

a. I was born in Stockholm in 1980.

b. My parents moved to Finland when I was seven.
c. I found a new cycling team last year.
d. I left college three years ago.
e. On/last Saturday we had an important race.
f. I bought a new bike a few weeks ago.
g. They arrived at two o’clock in the afternoon.
h. I had an accident last month.

15) Choose the correct preposition.

a. in August. b. at 5:30. c. in spring. d. on Easter Monday. e. on 19th September 1980. f. at Christmas.

g. on Wednesday. h. at the weekend.

16) When are the following celebrations held?

a. On 1st January/on January 1.

b. On 26th December/on December 26.

Módulo transversal
English for Guides in the Natural Environment and Leisure Time

c. On 1st April/on April 1.

d. On 25th December/on December 25.
e. On 14th February/on February 14.
f. On 30th October/on October 30.

3.5. Make it real!

1) Submit your file:

Open answer. Creative activity to develop the student’s communication skills and fluency.

3.6. Listening 1

1) What does the audio talk about?


The Netherlands is a country of cyclists. The bike is used by many people to move around.
Amsterdam has more than 500 km of bicycle lanes and 50% of the total commuting is done on
bicycles. Even before they can walk, Dutch children are immersed into a world of cycling. As babies
and toddlers, they travel in special seats on “bakfiets”, or cargo bikes. These seats are often equipped
with canopies to protect the children from the elements and some parents have been known to spend
a small fortune doing up their machines.

But unfortunately, since so many people use bikes, cycling accidents do happen in Amsterdam. There
are about 5,000 reported accidents every year where a bicyclist was involved.

Speed management is a critical and effective tool to reduce the severity of bicycle versus motor
vehicle crashes. The speed limit on a safe mixed bicycle-motor way shouldn’t be higher than 30km/h.
Speed-control devices such as humps, bollards and signage improves the speed limit compliance of
motor vehicles and thus also the safety of the cyclists.

Activity 1

The audio talks about the use of bicycles in the Netherlands, specifically in Amsterdam.

2) Answer the questions.

a. 500 km.

b. 50%.

c. 5,000.

d. 30 km/h.

3) What devices are used to reduce speed?

Speed-control devices such as humps, bollards and signage.

4) Speaking activity. In pairs, compare the use of bicycles in Amsterdam and in your town. What
are the city council strategies to encourage the use of bicycles? Which ones are more

Módulo transversal
English for Guides in the Natural Environment and Leisure Time

Oral activity to develop the student’s communication skills and fluency.

3.7. Listening 2

1) Complete the features that a mountain bike has to enhance durability and performance in
rough terrain.

Mountain biking is a sport of riding bicycles off-road, over rough terrain. Mountain bikes share
similarities with other bikes but incorporate features designed to enhance durability and performance
in rough terrain, such as air or coil-sprung shocks used as suspension, larger and wider wheels and
tires, stronger frame materials and mechanically or hydraulically actuated disc brakes.

This sport requires endurance, core strength and balance, bike handling skills, and self-reliance.
Advanced riders pursue both steep technical descents and high incline climbs.

Because riders are often far from civilization, there is a strong element of self-reliance in the sport.
Riders learn to repair broken bikes and flat tires to avoid being stranded. Many riders carry a
backpack, including water, food, tools for trailside repairs and a first aid kit in case of injury. Group
rides are common, especially on longer treks. Mountain bike orientation adds the skill of map
navigation to mountain biking.

Activity 1

a. coil-sprung shocks.

b. larger and wider wheels and tyres.

c. stronger frame materials.

d. mechanically or hydraulically actuated disc brakes.

2) Answer the questions.

a. Endurance, core strength and balance, bike handling skills and self-reliance.

b. They have to know how to mend the bike, to have foresight, to have a good sense of orientation...

3) Writing activity. Imagine that you have an adventure tourism company. Write an advertisement
announcing mountain bike routes.
Writing activity. The options are diverse and there are many valid answers. They could be corrected
from the linguistic point of view, e.g. if they are well articulated, cohesive, coherent, etc.

3.8. Extra Reading

1) Answer the questions:

a. Urban mobility, parcel delivery, road cycling and mountain biking.

b. The Yamaha company in 1993.

c. People who, because of their age or health conditions, could not do it before.

d. Active tourism companies.

Módulo transversal
English for Guides in the Natural Environment and Leisure Time

e. Level of assistance required, and care and maintenance.

2) True or false? Justify the false ones.

a. True.

b. False. The inventor was Ogden Bolton in 1895.

c. True.

d. False. It was 35%.

e. False. It was the poor quality of the batteries, for which the use of lithium batteries was the

f. False. They will reach 300 million in the coming years.

3) Writing activity. One of the reasons for the increase in e-bike sales in 2020 was the social
distancing coming from global pandemic. Write a short text explaining how the Covid-19
pandemic affected your leisure, sports, consumption and habits.
Writing activity. The options are diverse and there are many valid answers. They could be corrected
from the linguistic point of view, e.g. if they are well articulated, cohesive, coherent, etc.

Extra listening. Bike mechanic job post

1) Audio

Activity 1. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

a. The salary can ________ from $13 an hour to $17.5 if you are an especially ________
bike technician.

b. As a bicycle mechanic, you must ________, maintain, and service bikes that come
into the shop to be ________.

c. You will also have to ________ with ________, sometimes on the phone, other times
via email, ________ face-to face.

d. We ________ that you have ________ experience in customer service.

e. You will have your own ________ with your own tools.


We are looking for a bike mechanic to work in our shop full time. The salary can range from $13 an
hour to $17.5 if you are an especially skilled bike technician. Sometimes you will receive a
commission, if you fix more than 50 bikes in a week.

As a bicycle mechanic, you must repair, maintain and service bikes that come into the shop to be
fixed. You will also have to deal with customers, sometimes on the phone, other times via email, as
well as face-to face. We value that you have previous experience in customer service.

You will have your own dedicated workspace with your own tools.

Send us your email with a cover letter to this address:

Módulo transversal
English for Guides in the Natural Environment and Leisure Time

Activity 1

a. The salary can range from $13 an hour to $17.5 if you are an especially skilled bike technician.

b. As a bicycle mechanic, you must repair, maintain, and service bikes that come into the shop to be

c. You will also have to deal with customers, sometimes on the phone, other times via email, as
well as face-to face.

d. We value that you have previous experience in customer service.

e. You will have your own dedicated workspace with your own tools.

2) Activity 2. Are the sentences true or false?

a. The job ad is searching for a bicycle salesperson

b. The job offered is part-time.
c. The salary is higher if you have more experience.
d. Receiving a commission depends on whether you repair more than 15 bikes a week.
e. You will have to deal with customers.
f. Having previous experience in customer service will not be valued.
g. Whoever gets the job will have to bring the tools from home.
h. You need to send a resume with a cover letter.
i. You must hand-deliver the cover letter.
j. The email address where they should send the information appears in the job

a. False. b. False. c. True. d. False. e. True. f. False. g. False. h. False. i. False. j. True.

3) Activity 3. Writing activity. Create your resume. It has to be oriented to respond to ads like the
listening one.
Writing activity. The options are diverse and there are many valid answers. They could be corrected
from the linguistic point of view e.g. if they are well articulated, cohesive, coherent, etc.

Extra reading. E-bike, a future trend

1) Audio

Although electric bicycles are not a new product, in recent years they have experienced
unexpected growth in different sectors: urban mobility, parcel delivery, road cycling and
mountain biking.

Officially, the patent for the electric bicycle dates back to 1895 when its inventor, Ogden
Bolton, added an electric motor that propelled the bicycle without the need to pedal. That
concept was somewhat different from the one we know today.

It was in 1993 that the Yamaha company invented a mechanism that allowed the power of the
electric motor to be applied only when pedalling. From that moment, the demand for bicycles
increased by 35%.

Despite the great progress made, the demand for this type of bicycles decreased due to the
Módulo transversal
English for Guides in the Natural Environment and Leisure Time

poor quality of the batteries. This problem was partly solved in 2005 with the use of lithium
batteries. This change meant an increase in performance and reactivated the demand,
improving the sale of e-bikes progressively until reaching 40,000,000 units sold in 2012.

Due to different reasons, including the global pandemic of 2019 and the need to respect social
distancing, e-bike commuting has become an excellent alternative to moving around cities
collectively. In 2020, sales of electric bicycles increased by 150% in the USA alone.

The rise of e-bikes has not only led to a revolution in the delivery of parcels in large cities but
has also led to the emergence of a new form of physical activity in the mountains, allowing
many people who, due to their age or health conditions, were unable to take part in such

Active tourism companies have detected this demand and have included among their activities
the rental and guiding of e-bike routes, as the performance of this type of bicycles allows them
to reach a range of 80 km depending on the level of assistance required and the care and
maintenance of the battery.

Growth forecasts predict that 300 million e-bike users worldwide will be reached in the coming

Activity 1. Answer the questions.

a. In which sectors has e-bike use been growing?

b. Who invented the mechanism to apply electric battery assistance only when pedalling
and when did it take place?
c. Who are the people who can now go to the mountains thanks to e-bikes?
d. What kind of companies have included e-bikes in their offer?
e. What does the autonomy of a battery depend on?

a. Urban mobility, parcel delivery, road cycling and mountain biking.

b. The Yamaha company in 1993.

c. People who, because of their age or health conditions, could not do it before.

d. Active tourism companies.

e. Level of assistance required, and care and maintenance.

Activity 2. True or false? Justify the false ones.

a. E-bike has been growing in parcel delivery.

b. The inventor of the e-bike was John Smith in 1894.
c. Road cycling and mountain biking use e-bikes.
d. The growth in demand after Yamaha’s invention was 33%.
e. The use of lithium batteries was the cause of the first drop in demand for e-bikes.
f. E-bike users worldwide will reach 300 million this year.

a. True.

Módulo transversal
English for Guides in the Natural Environment and Leisure Time

b. False. The inventor was Ogden Bolton in 1895.

c. True.

d. False. It was 35%.

e. False. It was the poor quality of the batteries, for which the use of lithium batteries was the

f. False. They will reach 300 million in the coming years.

Activity 3. Writing activity. One of the reasons for the increase in e-bike sales in 2020 was the
social distancing coming from global pandemic. Write a short text explaining how the Covid-19
pandemic affected your leisure, sports, consumption and habits.
Writing activity. The options are diverse and there are many valid answers. They could be corrected
from the linguistic point of view e.g. if they are well articulated, cohesive, coherent, etc.


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