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Script in Pur.


Essay about Life

I think that there is hardly a more obvious assumption than the idea that every sane person’s goal
in life, in short, is to achieve happiness. What is happiness, however, is an altogether different
and much more complicated question. There are a number of notions that are somehow related to
the concept of happiness in the consciousness of the majority of people, like love, wealth,
achievement of self-expression, freedom and independence. All these and a great number of
other ideas occupy very different positions in the personal lists of the most important things of
every separate human being.

In fact, misbalanced approach to one’s system of values is the thing that may ruin your life,
make it unhappy. If you consider love to be the most important thing, and don’t take anything
else into consideration, you may very soon find that a person, who thinks of nothing else but
love, is not all that lovable; a person, who neglects everything else in pursuit of wealth, may find
himself stranded and disillusioned, when – if – he finally achieves it; self-expression is nothing,
when there is not a single person in the world, who wants to see what you have to express, and so

So, what’s the way to happiness in our life? It’s hard to say and it is doubtful anybody will ever
give a direct answer to it. After all, it was the question that tormented the philosophers ever since
the philosophy itself appeared. I think that the best way to achieve happiness is simply to lead a
decent life, in order to make its every moment a justification and reward for what you do. And a
good life is the life you can at any moment look back to without wanting to change any single
moment of it.

Essay about Happiness

Everyone is looking for happiness in life. Of course, it is not always full of happy moments and
you have to be ready for it. There are a lot of ways you can live a very happy life. Problems will
come and you will have to face them with courage. Along with that you will have to find ways to
solve them.

There are some certain principles, which will help you enjoy each and every day of your life.
The first and foremost way is to live in the present. You should be aware that what happened in
the past cannot be changed. Thus, there are no reasons to worry about it. No one can be certain
about the things that are going to happen in the future. But it is not the case with that of the
present. It is the reality, in which you have to live and win.
Another thing to take care of is your attitude towards rivals. You shouldn’t see your rivals or
competitors as your enemies. You should only try to defeat them, not to destroy them. Such a
compassionate attitude towards everyone can bring happiness to your life.

You shouldn’t be adamant to anything. If you have this trait in your character, you will have to
work on it and change it. That could be a very slight change, but it will bring about a big change
in your life. You should try to see the things around you from the position of other people. Then
you will be able to understand the difficulties of others.

If you are ready to follow these three principles in life, you are sure to live happy and peaceful
life. You should learn to think positively and understand that happiness is the vital aspect in
life and one of its main goals.
Believe In Yourself – Inspirational Speech by Ashley Zahabian (Ft. Fearless Soul)
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It doesn’t matter what anyone says you can or can’t do. It doesn’t matter what opinions others
have for your life, and what they consider possible. If you BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, then

Why is it we don’t believe it ourselves?

That as soon as things get tough in our lives we start doubting ourselves
We start thinking that we may not make it
Stressing, worrying, imagining things that may go wrong in the future

We need to understand, the human mind is the most powerful tool we own, but it can also
be the most DESTRUCTIVE…
And we need to learn how to take control of the direction of our mind and our emotions

Your mind is going to provide you your greatest challenges in life, because it is so powerful
So, if you can conquer your mind, you can pretty much conquer anything else around you,

When writing the story of your life – make sure YOU hold the pen.
Make sure not only that you hold the pen, but you write the script from your heart. Be
brave when writing your script, it’s your story and there are NO LIMITS to what you can
have, what you can do or what you can be.

How bad do you want it?

You have to prove it to yourself that you want it bad enough, it’s gotta hurt you not to get it.
And that’s when you’re going to learn to conquer your mind. Your mind will no longer be able
to say no, because your inner heart and mind are aligned, and now NOTHING can stop you!
It’s easy to be all positive and consistent when everything is going your way
But that’s not life, that’s not realistic!
Are you going to be one of the very few to stand up when things are tough, when everything is
going against you.
Will you be able to believe in what’s right, and what brings results to your life.
YOUR story is valuable!
YOUR story of success!

You can’t build a STORY if you stop now. If you give up.
The world is full of people who gave up.
The world needs you to STAND UP – to fight through your challenging moments,
To SHINE through the dark times
To love through the hate, and to be the difference in an indifferent world.

Most people are bloated with ordinary thoughts and mindsets

They’re so full of average that they have no more appetite
But you have to have an appetite for EXTRAORDINARY
Beyond what people are doing – think beyond them

THERE WILL ALWAYS BE DOUBTERS, and people below you, and people trying to put you
down so they can feel higher, but you gotta STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF.
BELIEVE in your mind. Have some tunnel vision.
Then one day you will have your moment.
Because ANYTHING is possible if you just BELIEVE!
If you can suffer through setbacks, through pain, RISE up with resilience once again, and again,
and again!
to shine”
You just have to believe

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