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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety


For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours from:28 October 2020,09:00 GMT

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Answer sheetIG1_IGC1-0002-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct20© NEBOSH 2020 page 1 of 10

Task 1: Discussing moral reasons for managing health and safety

Question 1
Organisation health and safety moral

Moral reasons: Moral reason is all about the moral duty that every person owes for is not morally acceptable that when people go to work they will be exposed
to danger resulting in pains, suffering, injuries and ill health.

Organisation Health and safety morals reasons are:

1. the organisation provides a world class health and safety culture to its workers which
indicates a good moral of the organisation

2. When accidents rate, in the organisation, is low, it means they fulfilill its moral duty of
minimizing the chances of accidents at work site.

3. Oorganisation fully insures all its workers and pay their premium morally so if there is
any accident on site then insurance payment is being provide to the family of injured
or dead worker. This indicates good moral of the organisation.

4. Workers good behavior and positive attitude observed in the organisation shows
moral strengths of the organization because it shows that they, workers, are aware
of their duties and responsibilities. The overall moral conduct of any organization is
determined by the behavior of its workers on site.

5. Organization is on strong moral ground if sickness rate of workers is low

6. Organization will be fulfilling its responsibilities if it carries out risk assessment for
highly risky works like toxic products

7. All the workers, residential areas, other businesses, and schools are coverd in the
risk assessment which means that organisation is having good morals

8. investigation for the accident and near misses as well absorb in the organisation
which leads to good morals by the organisation

9. It indicates good morals of the organization when parsenal protective equipment are
provided to the workers and contractors for the modification work in the storage

10. Worders and customers have been authorized by organization to raise issues and
organisation then responds professionally to their issues and problems. It also
shows good morals of the organisation

11. The organisation also conducts safety audits internally and externally which is an
indicateor of good morals on the part of the organisation

12. Effective internal and external communication system observed internally in the
organisation leads to a good moral in the organisation

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Task 2: Roles and responsibilities

Question 2
Role and responsibilities

Clear Role and responsibilities are defining in the organisation are:

1. As the process operator have an idea what the problem is in the storage tank when
the production rate is reduced but he knowing the limits of the authority and he fell
that the issue should be escalated to someone senior this indicate clear roles and
responsibility of the employees in the organisation

2. Consulting is observing in the organisation structure when a problem occurs in the

production rate and all corporate management and local site has arranged a
meeting indicate clear roles and responsibilities in the organisation

3. A final solution is proposed for the modification of the storage tank by senior engineer
and corporate management insure the control for the solution showing Clear Role
and responsibilities in the organisation

4. The senior engineer invites the process operator, health and safety adviser, worker’s
representative and the plant manager to conduct a risk assessment for the
modification of the tank indicate the equal priorities to all the staff with same
approach and clear role and responsibility

5. Objectives are clear and set priority is developed by senior management of the
organisation indicate good role and responsibility structure

6. Delay in the production rate was reported by the process operator to the someone
else senior a reported system indicates good responsibilities

7. Competent staff in the organisation id hired senior engineer have 25 years’

experience in the process of plant modification indicate clear and competent
organisation structure

8. Safety adviser is present in the organisation for the consultation and solution of
health and safety issue indicate good role and responsibility
9. A clear coordination between the organisation and contractors was absorb indicate
good responsibilities

10. Employs motivate workers and professionally response to the workers and
customer’s issues clear role and responsibilities in the organisation
11. A line of internal and external communication is indicating clear role and
responsibilities in the organisation

12. Training, Supervision and monitoring is observing in the organisation also lead clear
role and responsibilities in the organisation

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Task 3: Influencing health and safety culture

Question 3
Indicator of health and safety culture in the organisation
The indicator of health and safety culture in the organisation are:

1. Low rate of the accident rate in the organisation means that the organization has a
positive safety culture

2. Low Sickness rate surfaces the fact that the organisation is meticulously taking
care of its workers. This confirms the fact that the organisation is fulfilling all its
duties as far its positive safety culture is concerned.

3. Observing investigation of accidents, incidents and near misses also show good
safety culture for the prevention of fatalities in future.

4. Low aabsentee rate is in an organisation means the workers are happyy and
enjoy walk to their duties. This kind of positive behavior of workers takes to a
positive safety culture

5. No blame culture in the organisation means that the employ is motivated by the
employer or organization. Their problems are listened and have been properly
solve by the organization. It indicates professionalism and positive culture.

6. Eemployer is serious about the complaints of workers and customers when such
complaints are raised. Giving heed to such complaints makes us believe that a
positive culture is present.

7. Bbenchmarking by the organisation itself or any other organisation with respect to

health and safety

8. As it is legal to make compliant that's why they set clear objectives with the safety

9. Organization observes hhigh insurance premium. Theis full insurance and

premium by the organization indicates positive safety culture

10. Organisation has strong health and safety management structure with the clear
defines responsibility, and continuously brings improvement in its rules which is a
sign of positive culture

11. A clear line of internal and external communication is observed in the organisation
exhibit a positive culture.

12. Organisation conducts internal and external audit which says that there is a good
safety culture in the organisation

13. No negative peer influence observe in the organisation makes it clear that a good
positive safety culture is present there.

14. Good contractors are selected by the organisation for the modifications of the tank
is also an indicator of a refined safety culture

15. Eemergency precautions like entry and exit observed in the plant comes under the
category of a good positive culture.

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16. All the workers and engineers are very competent and responsible in their services
cement a positive culture

17. Regular health and safety performance review indicates good safety culture

18. The top management of the organisation takes interest in the safety issues and are
professionaly involved in giving response to the resolution of issues which
indicates positive culture

19. The organisation conducts internal and external audits to find out the hazards and
stop accidents and incidents. It is also an iindicate or of positive culture.
20. Organisation set clear objectives and provide resources for achieving theese
objectives. Such matters show a positive culture

21. Work permit is carried out for the modification of the tank in order to set
precautions for risk in non-routine way which indicates positive culture

22. Organisation provides Personal protective equipment for the workers and
contractors in the modification of tank. This is a part of positive safety culture in the

Task 4: Why lessons should be learnt from incidents

Question 4
Why lessons should be learnt from accidents

The specific reasons are:

1. In order to keep good reputation and world class health and safety culture, the
organisation must learn lesson from the incidents.

2. If an oorganisation has low accident rate and positive safety culture, and if it also
wants to maintain the same culture then it must learn lessons from the incidents.

3. To protect staff and workers from accidents and incidents in the worksite

4. To find out the root cause of an incident is to prevent reoccurrence of the incident.
Incident prevention is strongly based on learning from previous incidents

5. Learn from incident means to improve health and safety environment procedure in
the organisation
6. To reach the operating system safe and to prevent the large amount of catastrophe
the workers

7. To find out the non-compliance in the management system of the organisation and
their responsibilities
8. To keep safe and protect the near residual buildings, businesses, and schools from

9. To shape new safe and healthy safety targets for yourself by adding this incident

10. To identify the short come in workers traing. The experience of last incident is
transfer into the prevention measures. So the organisation can stop incidents in the
future and the need for repressive actions when need be.

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11. Awareness among the workers will increase if the organisation has learnt from the
incidents happened in the past

12. Workers will be positively motivated and organisation will legally meet the laws.

13. In order to maintain Benchmark of the organisation and the trust of the customers in
the organisation, lesson must be learnt from the incidents

Task 5: Risk assessment

Question 5 a
Who might be effected

Those who are affected are:

1. All the present workers, engineers and supervisors in the working area or near the
working area will be effected from the storage tank modification

2. The peoples in the other near businesses will be effected from tank modification

3. The peoples in the near residential houses will be effected

4. The schools in the area will be also effected from the storage tank modification

5. Contractors staff and workers who are involved in the modification will be effected

Question 5 b
The precaution and the remaining risk
Risk assessment: is a term which is used to identify the overall method Identification
of the hazards and risk which have the potential to cause harm. And finding best
ways to control the risk when the hazard cannot be eliminated

As mentioned in the scenario The organisation takes the fallowing precaution to

reduce the level of the risk in the modification of the tank:

1. Safe system of work observed in the risk assessment which is a reasonable

precaution for marinating the risk low

2. A work permit is issued to the contractors where the precaution is communicated to

all the workers who may be effected

3. The supplementary emergency arrangement is taken for the contractors in storage

tank modification provided site entry and exit controls is a reasonable precaution

4. Training provided to the contractor workers for the modification is a reasonable

5. Personal protective equipment is provided to the contractors is a reasonable
precaution of the risk assessment

6. The senior engineers very experienced in the modification of the storage tank is a
reasonable precaution

7. A meeting is done on the risk assessment of storage tank modification is a

reasonable precaution of the risk assessment

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Task 6: Permit-to-work system

Question 6
Why should a PTW be use to manage storage tank modification

Permit to work: This Technical Measure Document refers to permit to work systems
required to control work such as maintenance activities on chemical plant and so
prevent a major accident.

The PTW is used to help:

1. The permit should be issued because of the modification of the tank, so the work in
process is not shutdown

2. Non routine modification is risky, that is the reason work permit should be adopted to
the activity

3. The permit should be issued because of the untrained residential peoples, site
businesses and school students near the modification area.

4. The permit should be issued to provide specified personal protective equipment for
the contract workers in the modification of the tank

5. Responsible person will issue work permit and eensure all the precautions mentioned
are taken

6. The permit is issued because the work will must be performed by the competent

7. Permit is issued because the activity is highly toxic full of exposure to hazards, no
one is allowed to work without work permit and unauthorised persons cannot go in
the working area.

8. Permit is issued because the mention Precautions listed on the work permit should
be communicated with the contractors and others workers who are effected from
the modification

9. The name of the workers should be mentioned in the work permit and signature of
the workers that they understand the permit

10. The work permit is issued because it will have mentioned all the precautions that
are important to be implement in the task

11. The permit will help in the plant modification safety in the non-routine modification of
the tank
12. The permit is issue because of the confined space nature of the working area.

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Task 7: Managing contractors
Question 7
Managing contractors

In the given scenario the organisation effectively manages the contractors during
the modification.

The factors that should be managed are:

1. The contractors are actively monitor by the organisation before the accident and
incident through inspections and investigations
2. The organisation will manage the site entry access and exit for the contractors in the
modification of the storage tank

3. A supervisor should be nominated for the independent site contact

4. The organisation will check that the modification work in carried out by the method of
statement submitted by the contractors or not

5. The organisation insured that the contractors doing the modification work as per safe
system of organisation

6. Permit will be shared of the risky area of the modification of the tank

7. Information like risk assessment will be shared with the contractor

8. Coordination must be developed between the organisation and contractor

9. The progress which is planned by the contractors is measure and working

10. If the contractors have any problem in the modification of the storage tank
organisation will resolve the query and the standard of supervision will be measured

Task 8: Safety performance (management) review

Question 8
Health and safety performance review

The information in the review are:

1. Review of the finding from the safety inspections and tours data corrective and what
preventive should be made

2. The accident and incident data of the organisation should be review; this will indicate
whether the rate is increasing or decreasing in the organisation

3. The review of absence data in the organisation which indicates the worker’s
willingness whether to come or not for work because of some reasons

4. Review of Internal and external audits in the organisation should be reviewed in

order to fix mistakes if there is any mistake.

5. Review of the health and safety policy of the organisation if there are any
technological, organisational, legal, enforcement action changes or the change has
occurred in workplace. The policy should be reviewed

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6. Review of the staff overturn, it will indicate if the workers will feel safe good training,
priority to their safety, feel safe, good working condition the organization will be their
employer for longer

7. Review of the insurance reports of the organisation which indicates the safety
performance in the organisation

8. Review of the internal and external communications in the all over organisation for
the workers and customers

9. Review of record data from the monitoring and reports, it should be review when the
health and safety performance are measured of the organisation
10. Review of the role of the senior management and impact of their rule in the safety

11. Review of the objectives set by the organisation and Achievement of the objectives

12. Legal compliance should be review in any area of noncompliance and which is not
met with the legal compliance
13. Review the results occurred from the participation and consultation of the senior
management with health and safety performance

14. Review of continued improvement record of the organisation

15. Review of the maintenance records which is recorded by the organisation

16. Review of material safety data sheet MSDS and finding new techniques

17. Review of all the near misses recorded report, for implement good techniques for
prevention for reoccurrence
18. Review of the committee meeting minutes, the review of the issues that arise in the
meeting and that what measure taken for these issues
19. Review of the reported hazards and close
20. Review of the safety survey to improve the safety performance of the organisation

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 297 words (excluding text boxes and footers),
which you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word
count function.

Documents and , Task 1:

sources of safety/
information you Task 2: Saudi Aramco safety handbook page 5
used in your Task 5: HSG245
examination Task 6:

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Open Book
Examinations: Technical Learner Guide. All Open Book Examination guidance documents

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