Executive Board Minutes TIMUN ISLT 22.03.2023

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Executive Board Minutes

Date: 22-03-2023
Location: Remote meeting via Google Meet
President: Sahar Wally
Minutes recorded by Secretary General of Human Resources, Nourhene Mellouli.
Number of members present: Six members.
Members present:
The Member Observations
● President
● Vice President
● SG of Training and Academic Affairs
● SG of Treasury and Finance
● SG of Human Resources
● SG of Communication and Marketing

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M.

In order to deliberate on the following agenda:
1. Timing of the training sessions
2. Date of the mini simulation
3. Penalty program.
- The meeting started with the Honorable President welcoming the members of the

board and then briefing the attendees regarding the meeting’s agenda.

- The first topic discussed was the timing of the training sessions.

- The attendees agreed with the timing Honorable Secretary General in Charge of

Training and Academic Affairs suggested; Friday, 24/03/2023, being designated for

Rules of Procedures, Sunday, 26/03/2023, for UN structures, Tuesday, 28/03/2023, for

Journalism and Thursday, 30/03/2023, for how to undergo a simulation.

- The Honorable Secretary General in Charge of Training and Academic Affairs

suggested quizzes at the end of every training session to help members become more


- The Honorable Secretary General in Charge of Treasury and Finance suggested gifts

to give to those who score high.

- The Honorable President, then, addressed the second point in the agenda which is the

date of the mini simulation.

- It was decided that the next training session would be in April and a study guide would

be provided along with instructions on how to fill out a form as preparation for the

official mini simulation.

- It was also discussed that a mock mini-simulation would be conducted right after the

holidays and online certificates would be given out for the 4 days of training sessions.

- Mock certificates for the best delegate and journalist were also proposed.
- Honorable President allowed us to vote via the “raise your hand” feature on Google

Meet, and it was decided that the 23rd and 24th of May would be the dates for the

upcoming training sessions, with the timings set for 8:30 am to 4 pm.

- The Honorable Vice President suggested we celebrate our members birthdays by

uploading a post or a story.

- All attendees were in favour of that suggestion.

- The Honorable Secretary General in Charge of Human Resources suggested a few

penalties and the attendees agreed on implementing verbal warnings, written

warnings, loss of privileges, suspension and expulsion depending on the severity

of the offense.

- Finally, the attendees decided to implement a “member of the month” policy.

- The session was adjourned at fifty-nine past ten.

The meeting lasted two hours and forty-nine minutes and ended at 10:59 PM.

Nourhene Mellouli, Secretary General in charge of Human Resources at TIMUN ISLT,
hereby certifies that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Executive Board Minutes.
By Nourhene Mellouli, Secretary General in charge of Human Resources Date: 23/03/2023


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