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Class Assignment

Topic :- Differentiate between the municipality and municipal

corporation with regard to handling and management of MSW.
Teachers name :- Divya pal ma’am
Name :- Jatin soniya
Seat no. :- 214066
PRN no. :- 2020033800061265

What is solid waste management ?

Solid waste management may be defined as the discipline associated with the
control of generation, collection, storage, transfer, and transport, processing and
disposal of solid wastes in a manner that it is in accord with the best principles
of public health, economics, engineering, conservation, aesthetics and other
environmental conditions.
Differences between municipalities and municipal corporation.
Municipalities Municipal corporation
• These are meant for smaller • These are meant for big cities.
• Its head is called as
• Its head is called as mayor.
chairman/president. • They try to use modern
• They still use traditional methods techniques of waste
of waste management
• They Don’t segregate waste • They Do the segregate the waste
before bury in the pit. before bury waste in the pit.

• They use small vehicles for the • They use large vehicles for the
collection waste. E.X. Carts. collection of waste. E.X.
Sometimes they heir rag pickers Trucks and special vehicles

• As Compare to the municipal • They need bigger machines

corporation, They don’t need because of there is generated
large machines because of there larger amount of waste.
is generated small amount of
• Machine power is more in this
• Man power is more in this
• They try to generate energy
from waste which is a good
• They don’t do such activities example of circular economy

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