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Framework for Road and Pedestrian safety seminar

Main goal : "To raise awareness and educate participants about the importance of road safety
and pedestrian safety, enabling them with practical knowledge, skills, and strategies to prevent
accidents, reduce injuries, and promote safer road and pedestrian behavior within their

Projected Framework

I. Introduction
A. Overview of the seminar's purpose and objectives
B. Importance of road and pedestrian safety
C. Statistics highlighting the need for awareness and education

II. Understanding Road and Pedestrian Safety

A. Overview of traffic rules and regulations
B. Different types of road users
C. Common causes of accidents and hazards

III. Road Safety for Drivers

A. Importance of defensive driving techniques
B. Speed management and obeying traffic signs
C. Avoiding distracted driving and impaired driving
D. Emphasizing the use of seatbelts and child restraints

IV. Pedestrian Safety

A. Rights and responsibilities of pedestrians
B. Safe crossing techniques and appropriate use of pedestrian crossings
C. Educating about distracted walking

V. Bicycle Safety
A. Importance of wearing helmets and appropriate safety gear
B. Proper bicycle maintenance
C. Sharing the road with other vehicles and pedestrians

VI. Road Safety for Motorcyclists

A. Helmet use and other protective gear
B. Defensive riding techniques

VII. School Zone Safety

A. Importance of reduced speed limits in school zones
B. Awareness of children's vulnerability in school areas
VIII. Conclusion
A. Recap of key takeaways from the seminar
B. Reinforcing the importance of road and pedestrian safety
C. Encouraging participants to apply the knowledge gained

Program flow:

1. Invocation
2. National Anthem
3. Rationale
4. Introduction of Speaker
5. Seminar Proper
6. Open Forum
7. Awarding of Certs and Token
8. Words of Gratitude
9. Photo-Op
10. Alma Mater Hymn

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